• Increase the sound of the engineering menu. How to increase the volume on Android (the sound is too quiet, I miss calls)

    Some smartphone owners complain that they have difficulty hearing the other person; music is played quietly through the speaker. There are several ways to increase the speaker volume on Android. Volume swing is not the only possible method.

    Smartphone owners who have difficulty distinguishing the words of their interlocutor during conversations will be helped by information on how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu. You can adjust the volume of the speaker and headphones.

    Initially, the engineering menu is hidden from users. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary only for experienced smartphone owners, who take full responsibility for possible problems with the electronic device.

    The engineering menu is available only to owners of smartphones with a MediaTek processor. To activate it, there are special codes that may differ depending on the brand of the device.

    You need to enter codes like a regular number or USSD request. There is another way to call up the engineering menu - using special applications.

    1. The most popular is MTK Engineering Mode.
    2. There is another free application - “Launch the MTK engineering menu”.

    The choice of method will have virtually no effect on the algorithm of actions on how to increase the volume of the speakers. After entering the engineering menu, you need to enter the MTK Settings section, then select Hardware Testing Audio. After this, a list will open consisting of 8 categories. Of these, 5 are categories for increasing or decreasing the volume of sounds.

    1. Normal mode. In it, the phone works constantly when no peripheral devices are connected to it.
    2. Headset mode, it is activated when speakers or headphones are connected.
    3. Speakerphone mode, Android starts using it when nothing is connected to the smartphone and the user switches to speakerphone mode when making a call.
    4. Headphone mode with hands-free calling. The mode is activated when a person switches to loudspeaker mode with headphones connected to an electronic device.
    5. Volume during a call. Its activation occurs when a person is talking to someone as usual and no additional devices are connected to the phone.

    In any of the above categories, when selected, several sections will open.

    1. Microphone (Mic)
    2. The first and, in some smartphones, the second hearing speaker. (Sph, Sph2)
    3. Sid – changing the values ​​of this parameter is not recommended, otherwise you can achieve the effect that a person will hear himself and not the interlocutor during a conversation.
    4. Media regulation. (Media)
    5. Adjusting the volume of incoming calls. (Ring)
    6. Some smartphones have a radio volume setting. (FMR)


    For example, if the interlocutor practically cannot hear you, you need to increase the microphone volume.

    To do this, select Mic and maximum Level, which indicates the maximum step of the volume swing, then change the values ​​in the Value section, thereby increasing the microphone volume. After that, click Set. If the Setting success window appears, the values ​​have been changed and you can test them.

    If a person’s smartphone does not have a high volume of incoming calls, the following steps must be taken. You will need to go to the engineering menu of the electronic device, go to the Audio section, then go to LoudSpeaker and select the Ring value. After this, for each step of the volume swing you need to increase the values. It is not recommended to set it to the maximum, for example, with a maximum of 160, it is advisable to set it to no more than 156. Otherwise, the speaker will make wheezing and noise when making a call.

    In conclusion

    After any changes to the Value values, do not forget about the Set button, otherwise the actions will not be recorded and applied. Also, after applying new settings, some smartphones need to be rebooted and only then tested the new values.

    Before making any changes, experienced smartphone users recommend rewriting the default values. This will allow you to return everything to its place in case of unsuccessful adjustment of the smartphone volume.

    If the article was useful to you, do not forget to bookmark (Cntr+D) so as not to lose it and subscribe to our channel!

    Mobile phones at present have many additional functions, such as shooting photos and videos, watching videos, listening to radio and music. To increase the volume of the music you listen to on a mobile phone, you can use one of a few simple ways.


  • First of all, use the equalizer in your mobile phone. All phones that play mp3 files have a player with playback frequency settings. By setting them to maximum, you will achieve a twenty to twenty-five percent increase in volume. Carry out this action, then proceed to the next step.
  • To increase the playback volume, you can change the volume of the source track. To do this, you can use either a program that increases the volume of a number of songs at once, or use a specialized audio editor. The simplest program for increasing the sound of several tracks at once is Mp3Gain. Launch this application, then add the tracks to the editing in the line for playback on the phone. Set the desired volume increase and test the result. After that, apply the setting and save all tracks as copies of the original ones.
  • To edit music using an audio editor, you can use Adobe Audition or Sony Sound Forge. These applications have high functionality and compression quality sufficient for editing without loss of quality. Load the file into the work area and select it. After that, go to the “Effects” menu and select the “Graphic Equalizer” effect. Adjust it so that the frequencies are increased. If you are going to use the melody as a ringtone, you will need to increase the highs and mids. After that, apply the changes and use the Volume Up or Normalize effects to increase the playback volume. Increase the volume step by step, by five percent at each step, and listen to the result. After achieving the desired volume, save the track as a copy of the original and copy it to your mobile.
  • Tip added on May 19, 2011 Tip 2: How to turn up the volume on your phone If you receive a call on your phone, but when you answer, you can’t hear your interlocutor well, it’s worth making a number of volume adjustments on your mobile device. There is also an algorithm of actions in order to increase the volume for the best sound of the music player.


  • Press the "Menu" button on your cell phone.
  • Select the “Settings” tab and press the selection key.
  • Find the next tab “Phone Settings” and press “select” again.
  • Scroll down using the top or bottom arrow on your phone panel and find the Volume & Sound tab.
  • Now move the scale using the arrows to select the volume and click "Save" or apply the settings to your phone.
  • Please note: Never set your phone's ringer and conversation volume to full volume. This is harmful to the human body, and during the conversation, many will be able to hear your dialogue. Useful tip When you receive a call, but when you answer you cannot hear your interlocutor, you can quickly adjust the volume. To do this, press the top side key, which represents the speakers, and you will immediately get the desired result.
    • The forum is discussing the possibility of increasing the volume on the phone.
    How to turn up the volume on your phone - printable version

    Probably many smartphone owners have encountered volume problems. For example, I was not happy with two things. The first is the quiet sound of the speaker when there is an incoming call, and the second is the very loud sound in the headphones when there is an incoming call.

    A little about how Android controls volume

    If no headset is connected to your gadget (headphones, hands-free, etc.), then the volume settings will be the same, but as soon as you connect the headset, the settings will be different. For a general understanding, I will tell you a few examples.

    Example 1. You listen to music on your phone, turn on the loud speaker at full power, and when you connect a headset to it and turn on the loud speaker again, the volume may differ (it can be louder or lower, depending on what model of phone or firmware version).

    Example 2. You are watching a movie with headphones, the volume (meaning the multimedia volume) is set to 40% and then after a while you have an incoming call, then the volume in the headphones will change to the general volume, in which case you can get a powerful sound shock to your ears. Believe me, I jumped off the couch more than once in such cases, the fact is that the programmers did not set up the volume modes well.

    Example 3. You're on a call and need to switch to speakerphone mode, and you notice that the speaker isn't as loud (or vice versa) as when listening to music; or your partner has become difficult to hear you, this is because in different modes the microphone may have different sensitivity. Also, when you connect a headset in the same situation and turn on the speakerphone mode, the settings are different again. This is how Android controls volume.

    Let's learn the theory of the engineering menu

    So let's look at what and how you can do if you tinker a little with the “Engineering Menu”.

    Before making any changes, we recommend that you read the entire article, understand it, and then experiment. Also, take a piece of paper and write down all the default values ​​in case something goes wrong. You can launch the engineering menu using a telephone dialer: enter the following combinations on it (Fig. 1):

    figure 1

    *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#* – smartphones based on MTK processor

    *#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* – Samsung smartphones

    *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – HTC smartphones

    *#*#7378423#*#* – Sony smartphones

    *#*#3646633#*#* – Fly, Alcatel, Philips smartphones

    *#*#2846579#*#* – Huawei smartphones

    Congratulations, you have entered the engineering menu (Fig. 2). Keep in mind that the menu structure on different phones may differ slightly in structure. Find the “Audio” section and go into it. After logging in, we see a bunch of unknown lines (modes) (Fig. 3). Here's what these modes mean in Android:

    Figure 2 Figure 3

    Normal Mode(Settings section in normal or normal mode) – this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

    Headset Mode(headset mode) – this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

    Loud Speaker Mode(speaker mode) – it is activated when nothing is connected to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

    Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(speaker mode with a headset connected) – this mode is activated when you connect headphones or external speakers to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

    Speech Enhancement(phone conversation mode) – this mode is activated in the normal mode of telephone conversations, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

    It’s best not to poke your nose into the last three sections:

    Debug Info– it’s not clear why – info on backing up information or debugging it;

    Speech Logger– I haven’t fully figured it out, most likely it was logging during negotiations or recording chatter. If you check the box next to “Enable speech log”, then after the end of the phone call, the corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure take the following form: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm (Wednesday_July_2014__time07_02_23.vm).

    What these files serve and how they can be useful to us is unclear. The /sdcard/VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not created automatically; if you create it manually, it will remain empty after the conversation.

    Audio logger– good software for recording sound that supports quick search, playback and saving.

    If you approach these modes wisely, you can adjust the volume of Android smartphones or tablets the way you want. When you enter any of the modes, different volume settings (Type) will become available to your view. Here is a list of the basic settings you need to know (Fig. 4):

    figure 4

    Sip– settings for Internet calls;

    Mic– microphone sensitivity settings;

    Sph– settings for the earpiece speaker (the one we put on our ears);

    Sph2– settings for the second speaker (I don’t have one);

    Sid– skip, if you change these parameters during conversations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of your interlocutor;

    Media– adjusting the multimedia volume level;

    Ring– adjusting the volume level of the incoming call;

    FMR– FM radio volume settings.

    Next, under the settings selection item, we have access to a list of volume levels (Level) (Fig. 5). For a better understanding, there are 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each level corresponds to one “click” on the volume rocker of a smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Each level can be assigned its own values, which are located in the Value is 0~255 cell, and should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the lower the sound). To do this, you need to erase the old value in the cell, then enter a new one (desired) and press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) to assign (Fig. 6). When using maximum values, be careful, since the speakers can give out uncharacteristic unpleasant sounds in the form of rattling and other unpleasant effects.

    Figure 5 Figure 6

    Warning! Before making changes, rewrite all factory values ​​(in case something goes wrong).

    You should know this!

    Editing modes in the engineering menu

    Example 1. How to increase the volume of an incoming call?

    To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu, select the “Audio” section, go to the “LoudSpeaker Mode” and in the volume settings select “Ring” - the volume settings for the incoming call. Then sequentially change (increase) the values ​​of all signal levels (level 0 – level 6). Also, for greater effect, you can increase the value of the Max Vol section. 0~160, if it is not the maximum (I set it to 155; with a higher value, the speaker starts to “wheeze”).

    Example 2. How to increase the volume when talking on the phone? (Increasing the volume level of the small speaker, the one we put to the ear).

    Again we go to the engineering menu that we already know, press the “Audio” section, go to the special “Normal Mode” mode, select Sph in it - this parameter is responsible for changing the value of all signal levels in the range from level 0 to level 6. Set the desired one for us level. In the Max Vol. 0~160, can also be changed to a higher volume power value.

    Example 3. Increasing the volume and sensitivity of the smartphone's conversational microphone

    To adjust and set the required volume level and sensitivity of the spoken microphone, you need to go to “Engineering Menu” > “Audio” > “Normal Mode”> select Mic – microphone sensitivity settings, and for all levels (level 0 – level 6) assign one and the same value, for example 240. Now the interlocutor should hear you better.

    Example 4. How can I increase the audio recording volume during video recording?

    Let’s say there is a need to increase the volume level of sound recording when shooting video, then in the engineering menu for our loudspeaker (LoudSpeaker Mode), change the microphone sensitivity settings (mic), increase all values ​​at all levels (level 0 – level 6), for example, set to 240 at every level. I remind you to press the (set) button - reboot your favorite gadget and rejoice.

    By the way, do not forget to press the “Set” button after each edit of a certain parameter. This action should capture and accept your command. Otherwise, the user-specified parameters are not activated. In addition, a certain number of mobile devices require a reboot for the changes to take effect (turn off and on the device).

    Good luck in your experiments, if something is not clear, write in the comments. We are waiting for your answers.

    Code table for entering the engineering menu

    smartphones based on MTK processor *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#8612#*#*
    Samsung *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
    HTC *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
    Huawei *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#14789632#*#*
    Sony *#*#7378423#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#3649547#*#*
    Fly, Alcatel, Philips *#*#3646633#*#* or *#9646633#
    Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#*
    ZTE *#*#4636#*#*
    Philips *#*#3338613#*#* or *#*#13411#*#*
    TEXET *#*#3646633#*#*
    Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
    Blackview *#*#3646633#*#* or *#35789#*
    Cube *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*
    Cubot *#*#3646633#*#*
    Doogee *#*#3646633#*#*, *#9646633# , *#35789#* or *#*#8612#*#*
    Elephone *#*#3646633#*#*,
    HOMTOM *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3643366#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*

    Note: the table is constantly updated

    Not all Android smartphones can boast loud speakers. Moreover, their sound depends not only on the quality and placement on the device body, but also on the fact that manufacturers deliberately lower the maximum volume in favor of safety for hearing and the speakers themselves. If you're not happy with this, there are several ways to bypass the limitation and increase the volume on Android.

    Do you miss important calls when you are in public, noisy places, you can’t hear your interlocutor well in headphones, and videos and music are played very quietly? From this manual you will learn how to adjust the volume in the settings, increase it through a special application, the engineering menu, or by editing the system file, if got root rights .

    Starting with Android 6.0, all firmwares have separate volumes for multimedia, calls and alarms. When you adjust it using the keys while the settings, home screen, menu, etc. are open on the phone, only the ringtone volume changes. Therefore, when you turn on a game, music or video, media files will play quietly unless the volume level is set to high.

    So if the call is heard well, but there is no multimedia, use the buttons to increase the volume when the player, radio, YouTube is running, or the game is running.

    The second way to change the volume level: press the volume key, click the arrow on the right and set the values ​​for each slider.

    You can also adjust the volume in the menu " Sound" in settings.

    This application will not be able to increase the volume level above the recommended value set by the manufacturer, but with its help you can adjust the volume of multimedia, alarm clock, ringtone and notifications.

    Just open Volume Booster and set the sliders for each parameter. To set the maximum volume for all categories, click on the " BOOST».

    In Android 8.0, you also need to allow the program to change system settings.

    Volume Booster GOODEV is one of the few applications that actually increases the volume of the sound. The program is compatible with Android 4.0 and later, but does not work on Android 4.2.1-4.3.

    When you first launch the application, a warning will appear that high volume may damage your hearing and the device's speakers. If you agree that you act at your own risk, click " OK».

    The main screen displays a slider that adjusts the audio gain. By default, its maximum value is 60%. Even though the developer has already limited it, he recommends using the volume booster at no more than 40%.

    If 60% is not enough for you, change the maximum gain level in the application settings. There you can also enable the display of the system volume control.

    It is also worth saying that Volume Booster will not work on every smartphone, even if the appropriate version of Android is installed. The program was tested on Xiaomi Mi A1, Redmi 4X, Samsung Galaxy S4 and LG G4. On the last two, no amplification of sound was noticed.

    How to increase the sound volume through the engineering menu (on smartphones with an MTK processor)

    All phones and tablets running on MTK (Mediatek) chips have an engineering menu through which you can increase the sound volume. To get into it, enter one of the following in the dialer: *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#*.

    To go to the engineering menu on the tablet, install any dialer you like. Or download the MTK Engineering Mode application and from the main menu click " MTK Settings».

    By swiping to the left, go to the “ tab Hardware Testing" and select " Audio».

    To adjust the speaker volume, open " Normal Mode", headphones - " Headset Mode».

    In the field " Type" expand the menu and select the option " Media", responsible for the volume of multimedia.

    If you want to improve the sound of the speaker, click on " Sph" To adjust the incoming call volume, return to the " Audio", go to " Loud Speaker Mode" and in the field " Type» set « Ring».

    In the next paragraph, select " Level" Usually the parameters " Media" And " Ring» 15 levels: from « Level 0" to " Level 14"- each is responsible for one division when adjusting the volume.

    In the field " Value"For each level a standard value is set. Increase it by 10-15 points and click " Set" to the right of " Value" to save the changes. For example, if the manufacturer's value for " Level 5" is 112, change it to 120-125.

    In the field " Max Vol» All levels are set to the same value. It should be increased to 150-155. Each time you make changes, click " Set" Then proceed to setting up the next " Level».

    Finally, restart Android for the new settings to take effect.

    Most firmwares have system files mixer_path.xml, mixer_paths_mtp.xml and others, by editing which you can increase the maximum volume level on your smartphone. These files are located along the path system/etc and to change them you need get root rights and grant root access to the file manager.

    Depending on the manufacturer, device and version of Android, you need to edit different files and different lines in them, so look for information on a specific model on specialized forums. For example, on Xiaomi Redmi 4 you need to make the following changes in the files mixer_path.xml And mixer_paths_mtp.xml(open the images in full size if you can't see them).

    These were all the working ways to increase sound volume on Android.