• Show up to subscribe to comments on the post. Subscribe to WordPress comments

    Good (I hope) afternoon! Today I’ll tell you how easy it is to subscribe to comments on any message on LiRu (which, of course, you have the right to read). I understand that you probably already know about this, but last week I was asked this question by two lyrushniks, who, even with a great stretch, cannot be called “beginners.”

    To begin with, I want to highlight the question of where these questions came from. Previously (before the removal of “extra”, or rather, duplicate links from the LiRu interface), there was a “Subscribe to comments” link under each message. But now she's gone. More precisely, it is there, but it’s hard to see. It is located under the “Like” link. This link looks like this for the friends feed:

    Especially for those who are not personally satisfied with my design, these and all subsequent screenshots are given for standard design.

    What, you still haven’t found where to subscribe to comments on a post? Okay, especially for those who haven’t found it, I’ll highlight these links:

    Now you can tell us how to subscribe to comments on a message.

    Method No. 1
    Click on the link " Subscribe to comms" (red frame in the screenshot above). LiRu will reload the page and show you a message:

    For those who don't want the page to reload, I suggest Method No. 2
    Click on the " I liked it" (blue frame in the screenshot above). In this case, LiRu will remember that you liked this message and will not overload the page.

    How to unsubscribe from comments on a post?
    Having told you how to subscribe to receive comments on a post, it would be a little rude not to tell you how to unsubscribe from them. Basically there are 3 or 4 ways to do this. Today I’ll tell you about one of them. And those who suddenly read this message can write another 2 in the comments. At the same time, I’ll check to see if at least one of those who commented on it read this message.

    I'll start with a note.
    Attention! If you unsubscribe from all comments on a post, you will still receive some comments on it. Which? Those that are responses to your comments. You cannot unsubscribe from receiving these comments for just one message. You can unsubscribe from receiving all such comments at.

    In order to unsubscribe from comments, click on the “Like” link again (see screenshots at the beginning of the message). There we find the link " Unsubscribe from comments" (red frame in the screenshot below):

    Found it? Click on it. LiRu will reload the page and inform you with the following message:

    That's all.

    Hi all!
    Today I will talk about this important point, How subscribe to comments. And to be more precise, about how to get your blog visitors to subscribe to update comments in WordPress.
    First, let's figure out why this is needed at all. Let's say a visitor writes a comment on your blog, how can he find out if anyone has replied to it? Of course, he can visit every day (or maybe more often) desired page and check, but thanks to subscribing to comments this can be much easier.
    There are two ways:

    I. Subscribe to notifications of all new comments on the article.

    That is, this means that the subscribed visitor will receive notifications by e-mail about everyone new comments to an article, regardless of whether the comment is a reply. In my opinion, this is not very convenient. Agree, for example, you just want to get an answer to your question, but instead (or along with this) you mail is coming a lot of unnecessary notifications. But still, I see such a subscription on many blogs, so I’ll tell you how to do it. Maybe in some cases it’s not so bad...
    1. So, we need the Subscribe To Comments plugin. Standard installation:
    a) Download
    b) Unpack and upload to the hosting in the directory .../wp-content/plugins,
    c) Activate it in the WordPress admin panel in the “Plugins” section.
    2. Next go to “Options” --> “Subscribe to Comments”.
    And we correct the stanzas “Not subscribed”, “Subscribed”, “Entry Author” into Russian (or whatever language you want), and, accordingly, save the settings.

    For example, for me it looked like this:

    3. We haven’t finished translating yet, we have to do this again - Go back to the “Plugins” section, look for our Subscribe To Comments plugin and click “Edit”.
    To avoid searching for the required line for a long time, press Ctrl+F (search) and enter There is - this is how the notification letter begins. We see this code:

    And we correct it to something like this:

    Click “Update file”.
    In general, there are other points that should be translated, for example, “Subscription Management,” but that’s it.

    II. E-mail notification of a reply to a comment.

    I think everything is clear here: the visitor writes a comment and if it is answered, he receives an e-mail notification. I like this option better, and I use it.
    1. So, for this you need another plugin - WordPress Thread Comment.
    After standard installation, go to “Options” --> Tree comments and in the “Inform the commentator about new comments” checkbox “Always inform” or “If the response is from the author of the post or administrator”, I personally chose the first option --> “Save settings".
    If you thought that with this plugin, unlike the first one, there would be no hassle, you were mistaken.
    2. Firstly, you will also have to do a little translation work: go to “Plugins”, find WordPress Thread Comment, click “Edit” --> Ctrl+f, copy “Your comment is awaiting moderation” into the search and replace it in the code to “Your comment is awaiting review” or something like that. Next, go to “Options” --> Tree comments and in the “Reply type settings” stanza, replace “Reply” with “replies”.
    3. Secondly, an extra “reply” button will appear (At least it appeared for me, I don’t know about you). To remove it, you need to go to the WordPress admin panel in “Options” => “Discussion” and uncheck the “Allow” tree-like (nested) comments in depth."

    I hope you won’t be put off by minor difficulties and will install one of the plugins on your blog. 😉

    Friends, greetings! Now you can follow the updates of the Free Webmaster Blog by subscribing to notifications of new comments on articles. I implemented this function using the well-known Subscribe to comments plugin. Very often, a subscription just helps out.

    Now for me the treasured “subscribe” checkbox is an indispensable condition for commenting, because if I leave a comment, it means I’m interested in the author’s opinion, what he will answer, therefore I prefer to receive notifications by email.

    From a visitor's point of view...

    For example, you have a question about an article, you can’t agree with the author, or you just want to talk about it. You leave a comment and wait for a response.

    But there is one BUT. You won't have to wait a minute or two. To prevent waiting from turning into a tedious, exhausting action, you can do it easily and simply - use the subscription that the plugin offers Subscribe to Comments.

    When new comments appear at your address email you will receive a notification about changes 😉 If the new comment is small, then its entire content will be displayed in the letter. By following the link you can go to the page and read full text. It becomes possible to manage subscriptions, delete out-of-date ones, view full list those you follow.

    To do this, you just need to check the box:

    From the blog author's point of view...

    You can change it at your discretion appearance subscription management pages, as well as the type of notification letter. It is possible to use HTML tags and customize everything for yourself.

    To insert a checkbox asking you to subscribe, you need to follow the closing tag. insert line:

    You will get the following:

    As a result, visitors will be able to subscribe to notifications about changes without leaving a comment, and new comments will be sent by e-mail. Plugin Subscribe to Comments very interesting and useful, I recommend it to everyone!

    To set the subscription checkbox to be the default, you need to perform the following steps. Find the main plugin file /wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php and the line in it:

    1 <input type = "checkbox" checked = "checked" name = "subscribe" id = "subscribe" value = "subscribe" style = "width: auto;" !} />


    and make sure that it is really checked="checked" and not otherwise.

    The importance of email subscription It’s hard to overestimate the response to new comments on blog articles. Subscribing to comments helps to retain and increase the audience of your resource. Let's look at this from a purely practical point of view: the average “resident” of the Runet, and even more so a blogger, leaves a lot of comments on various resources every day. Comments can contain both an assessment of the material read on the page, and an attitude towards the topic being commented on, or some question for the author of the article.

    Let's say you left a comment on the site, but did not find the button "Subscribe to comments". What are you doing? As practice shows, in most cases - nothing, you fly on about your business and after half an hour you completely forget that you commented on some site. As a result, the site loses a potential visitor and reader in you, and you, perhaps, forever lose sight of an interesting and useful resource. All that's missing is one small button.

    Of course, no one forbids bookmarking an article, but, as a rule, users do not do this. Otherwise, your bookmarks bar threatens to turn into a voluminous encyclopedia.

    In this simple way, your blog can lose a lot of target visitors. But subscribing to comments by e-mail in WordPress takes no more than 3 minutes.

    But that's a completely different matter if subscription to comments is implemented on your blog. Then each subscriber receives a message about a new comment and will probably want to read it. Even if not everyone, even if some part of the subscribers will visit your resource again, maybe join the discussion, and maybe become regular readers. It would be foolish to refuse such an opportunity.

    Visually, subscribing to comments looks like a line with an invitation to subscribe and a checkbox under the text entry form.

    By the way, I advise you to make a forced subscription on comments for all commentators. That is, for each commentator there will be a checkmark in the checkbox by default. Inhumane? - I don't think. If you comment on an article or, even more so, ask a question, but do not want to know what they answered you and what other users and the owner of the resource think about your comment, then you are just a spammer who came to leave a link to your site and the attitude towards you is appropriate. In addition, each message about a new comment includes a link to manage your subscription, through which you can easily cancel it.

    How to subscribe to comments in WordPress?

    It’s unlikely that such a function can be implemented without plugins, but many plugins have been written for this purpose. I didn’t become perverted and put the most common one – Subscribe To Comments. It can be found either from the WP admin panel through the plugin search, or independently. The version of the plugin that is located through the admin panel and presented on the official website comes without translation, and it’s not even about the script settings interface, everything is clear there, but the fact is that messages about new comments are also completely on English, which is not acceptable or convenient for everyone.

    I downloaded the Russian version of the plugin from Mywordpress.ru. This is a Russified version of the plugin (green “Download” button at the top right). The instructions are also given there, I’ll duplicate them just in case:

    • Download the archive using the button. Unzip
    • We take two files: subscribe-to-comments.php and subscribe-to-comments-ru_RU.mo(the rest of the files are not needed) and upload them to the wp-content/plugins/ folder of your blog.
    • Activate the plugin in the WordPress admin panel (plugins – activate Subscribe To Comments)

    That's all. The subscription should already be working. Check it out. To configure the plugin (optional), go to the WP admin area along the path: “Options” – . I have it configured like this:

    At this point, the main part of the work is completed, only little things remain.

    To give you the opportunity to subscribe for those who do not want to leave comments, you need to add comment.php to your theme file immediately after the tag this entry:

    Now you also have a form for subscribing to comments without the need to comment. I didn’t do this on my blog, in my opinion this is some kind of perversion.

    If you want a checkmark in the subscription field comment was set by default, you need to open for editing the subscribe-to-comments.php file we downloaded earlier, which is located in the wp-content/plugins/ folder, and replace this piece of code in it (when editing in notepad++, I have it on line 26):

    to this code:


    Now the checkbox in the “Subscribe” field will be by default and everyone who does not uncheck it will be subscribed. The reverse manipulation will remove the check mark from the field.

    To summarize, we can say that subscribing to comments is good tool to attract visitors to your blog audience and a method of keeping them there.

    Rand Fishkin on the benefits of Google+

    Those who comment on me will immediately understand what I am writing about. After you receive a response to your comment, you receive a notification by email (it does?), they say, so and so, a response was received on the site and all that, if, of course, you left your real email.

    Read below about how this is implemented.

    For example, I’m on many blogs frequent guest and actively communicate on them in the comments. And it is unrealistic to retain all the threads of conversations, remembering on which blogs and in what topics the correspondence was conducted. Therefore, if I suddenly commented on someone, you answered me, and I, in turn, did not react in any way - then I apologize, but you yourself are to blame - you should have taken care of automatic notification by mail, and at the same time increasing the number of comments on your articles.

    And in this case, everyone’s favorite plugin Subscribe to Comments not far best option, because it gives you the opportunity to subscribe to all new comments on an article. I don’t know about you, but I personally find it annoying to clear out the rubble at the post office ( a day and so you have to sort through several hundred letters), when you subscribe to your head like this on some commented blog) Therefore, I almost never use this function, even though I myself have this plugin.

    UPD. They delicately turned me off in the comments, reminding me that in this plugin it is also possible to enable the choice of subscription option - for all messages or only for replies. However, I forgot about it for a reason, the fact is that I had already tested this feature once and thus the email notifications did not reach me at all. I don’t know what the problem was, but I thought that this function did not work normally. By the way, almost no one turns it on or even knows about the existence of such an opportunity, so in most cases on blogs you only need to subscribe to all comments on an article.

    And that’s half the problem - you could say that you signed up, which means it’s your own fault, you knew what you were getting into, you checked the box - now clear it up ( or not removed if it is checked by default) 🙂

    But there are such smart-ass blogs, including among my friends( I won't point fingers🙂) where site owners check this box by default and then simply remove it from the page.

    Those. therefore, by leaving your comment on this site, you automatically become happy owner subscribe to all comments on the article (which most people don’t care about, we are primarily interested in our own person) and part-time, working at the post office =)

    Well, well, well, nonono! It’s not good to do this and force such a subscription on people - I’m sure many people are annoyed by sudden blockages in the mail. For example, I immediately unsubscribe from such a mailing list, and in the future I will think several times about whether it’s worth leaving comments on such a blog at all, so as not to bother myself with unnecessary cleaning up later.

    There should be freedom of choice, at least on the Internet; whoever wants to will subscribe; if I want to read other people’s comments, I’ll go and read them on the blog myself. I understand that this is also a marketing technique to increase traffic to the resource, attract users to discussions, etc. however, it seems to me that the technique is very dubious and can give the opposite result.

    I hope my call will be heard - return the check mark, down with coercion! 🙂

    Comment Reply Notification plugin.

    Here he is, this little scoundrel, which, for some reason, few people know about, or know, but do not use. But this great way remind the commenter about your blog and get him to return as soon as possible, thereby maintaining the thread of the conversation and improving behavioral factors.

    It was suggested to me by my comrade in arms and just a good blogger Evgeniy fishkalife. Still, I can’t resist and sleep - before he also had a forced subscription to comments, which really infuriated me :) But then he installed this useful plugin, and commenting on his blog became much more pleasant, especially since there is something to comment on =)

    The meaning of his work is simple– as soon as you receive a response to your comment, you receive a notification email, and only when there is a personal response to your message – it’s called feel the difference with the buggy Subscribe to Comments :) As a result, there is order at the post office, and the mission is completed – the visitor is pleased that they are talking to him and even politely reminding him of this, so as not to strain himself once again to keep everything in his memory.

    I won’t describe the plugin settings in detail, I think they are no longer small, they are elementary - we chose in which cases to inform about the response, configured the text of the notification letter ( It’s advisable to do everything in Russian, of course) and that’s all, we enjoy the increased commentary on the blog) If anyone still has problems, write in the comments.

    Upd: I didn’t manage to be free) Due to numerous requests, I’ll briefly write how to translate the line in this plugin that displays a checkbox with a subscription to a reply.

    It appears after installing the plugin, go to its settings and enable Commenter choose to do so (default checked) in the settings if we want to give the visitor the right to choose whether he wants to receive a response to his comment by mail ( although here you can safely select “If the response is from the author of the post or administrator” or “Always inform”)

    Under the comment form, the following message will appear: “Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail”, which it would be desirable to translate. This is done directly in the plugin file comment-reply-notification.php.

    Just open it in text editor, we find the phrase through search Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mai and in 2 places we replace it with the one we need, for example Notify me of a response to my comment by email. Close, save, everything is ready)

    By the way, I myself do not have this plugin installed separately, but this function is built into another one - the tree comments plugin WordPress Thread Comment– it’s like in advertising, 2 in 1, universal solution for those whose templates do not support tree comments and who want to set up a notification about email replies.

    By the way, you probably noticed that even with this plugin I give the person the right to choose whether he wants to receive notifications by email.

    Although it’s not so scary here, if this option is removed, at least there won’t be any blockages at the post office.

    What plugin do you use to notify your commenters?