• Insensitive index php option com k2. Automatic article run on Joomla K2 engines

    When we say the phrase “bank employee,” we often imagine a human calculator who, with an icy smile, can decide the fate of our finances. Ilya Oveyan, regional manager of Express-Volga Bank in Krasnodar, breaks existing stereotypes, conveying his attitude towards people. In this issue, Chief Time conveys to readers the thoughts of Ilya Oveyan, highlighting the most interesting ones.

    Express-Volga Bank, established 17 years ago in Saratov, at the moment is included in the top 50 in the ranking of the most branched banks in Russia. The bank's policy, focused on competent relationships with clients, has allowed tens of thousands of people across the country to entrust their money to Express-Volga Bank. The bank's management system is fundamentally different from the traditional one: certain values ​​and work standards give employees freedom of action, the opportunity to take initiative and feel responsibility. Thanks to this philosophy and culture, clients have developed a relationship not with an impersonal brand, but with a specific specialist who plays the same role. important role in life, as a family doctor or personal trainer.

    “Deputy Minister. Start"

    Since childhood, I clearly knew who I would be, so I clearly followed the direction I had set. I am a person who grew up in numbers: my grandmother and mother are accountants, my father is an economist. In the fourth grade, all my peers dreamed of becoming cosmonauts, and then “new Russians” - that was the time then. When they asked me what I wanted to become, I quite consciously answered: “Deputy Minister of Finance Russian Federation" You may ask, why deputy? At that time, as a fourth-grader, I mistakenly thought that a deputy had as much authority as a leader, but had less responsibility.

    "Express Saratov-Krasnodar"

    Almost two years ago I was still working at Express-Volga Bank in Saratov. At the next council of the bank, the question arose about the prospects for the development of Express-Volga in Krasnodar. For me, this sounded like a challenge, and I became eager to convey the values ​​and culture of the bank to the residents of Krasnodar. And now, two weeks later, I moved here with my family.

    "Express Volga" in Krasnodar. Development"

    What did I bring to the work of the Krasnodar offices of Express-Volga Bank? First of all, the philosophy and culture of the bank, which I myself absorbed while working in the bank for more than six years. In less than two years of my leadership of the bank in Krasnodar, in addition to the already existing office, we opened eight more and expanded the staff from sixteen to one hundred people. Today the number of our clients is measured in thousands. Business volumes over the past year have grown according to various indicators, not by percentages, but by several times! And we plan not to reduce the set pace, but to increase the dynamics. We are constantly developing, providing truly high-quality services to those who need them. Express-Volga Bank will open about forty offices in the Russian Federation by April of this year.


    There is much less competition in Saratov. In Saratov and the Volga region, our bank has long held a leading position, even ahead of Sberbank in some indicators. There are only about thirty names of banks there, and in Krasnodar there are about a hundred! IN financial sector In the Krasnodar Territory, competition is more developed and does not allow you to relax. But we differ from everyone else precisely because we “spoil people with a good attitude.” Speed, convenience, simplicity and trust - these are the words you will hear from our clients when you ask their opinion about Express-Volga Bank.

    "Un Certain Regard"

    The main idea of ​​the bank’s work is to be the first, occupying its niche and working with the market that is not interesting to other banks, without forgetting the development of a “standard” set of banking services. Our strategy is to learn everything good from our competitors, but to work in a way that only we can do: with the addition of service, a warm attitude towards people and a special outlook on our life and work.

    "The Truth Is Near"

    I don't like the word "client". The synonym “partner” is closer to me. The word “customer” is used when you believe that your business is the center of the universe. Here is the Bank, and around it are clients! Although everything is quite the opposite: there is a Man, and around him there are banks, shops, salons..! Each of us is the center of the universe. And this is the truth, and everything else is a stereotype. And we understand this and treat our partners from this point of view.


    For many years of the last century, Russia was in an information vacuum. It was then that this attitude towards money was formed. Many people, frightened by the events of the nineties, do not trust banking system. It seems to them that a bank is a closed citadel into which a person goes with the feeling that he will be deceived and fleeced. This is an opinion formed due to years of distrust in the state, which is reflected in confidence in the bank. After the 2008 crisis, many people wanted to withdraw their money from our bank, but we made a promise not to let our customers down and fulfilled our obligations. As a result, we built long-term relationships with clients and people began to invest additional funds and recommend us to your friends. Remembering times of crisis events that occurred in our country, people forget that, for example, in the United States there have been about sixteen such periods over the past fifteen years. The economy should not stand still, it should move up and down. When a financial crisis occurs, discomfort is created, which is driving force pushing towards certain changes and progress. After all, in a state of complete comfort, a person simply stops creating.

    "The Right Tool"

    During my twelve-year career in banking, I took many specialized management courses that provided basic knowledge. But the maximum effect comes from continuous communication during work. I always learn something all the time, even just by interacting with people. I try to read the right literature, attend trainings, and take away from the material I have learned some kind of tool, using which I will get a positive result. This is aimed primarily at helping not only me in management, but to convey my experience to the people with whom I work. My task as a manager is to teach my employees how to work so that over time they can create their own bank. Even if I “disappear” from Krasnodar for several months, when I return, I will be pleased to note that in my absence there is no dysfunction in the work process. This is the main task of a leader.

    "Sense of Time"

    I don't judge a person by his age. Time and age are the most fickle and relative concepts. The number of years does not matter, it all depends on how you perceive time. You can stop developing in your twenties, or, conversely, go far ahead of your peers. The main thing is at what “level” of wisdom a person is. If I did not know exactly the year of my birth, I would not be able to determine my age. Is it really that important? It’s as if we know exactly how much we’ve been given and therefore we’re counting down.


    I'm lazy. But lazy in the right sense of the word: I am lazy to do routine work. My laziness forces me to optimize any processes. As a result, various innovations arise that significantly speed up work. Sometimes it’s hard for me to organize myself. Seminars are very helpful here, motivating and setting you up for work. And I cannot demand high performance from employees if I myself am not an example for them. This responsibility pushes you, forces you to make daily plans and carry them out.

    "Freedom. Ease. Confidence"

    A slogan that “follows” from the bank’s values ​​and completely reflects my mood, sense of life and business philosophy. He is moving forward in the right direction. When you say these words, you understand that Express-Volga employs people with an honest attitude towards themselves and the world around them. In this case, there is a feeling of lightness, confidence in the future and freedom in making decisions.

    "Value Competence"

    My main function is to create and maintain a certain cultural environment in the team. When hiring, experience is assessed, not the number of entries in work book. I evaluate potential employees in terms of value competencies. This concept includes customer focus, learning ability, ability to work in a team, love for people, and the joy of creating something for people. For my part, I must guarantee the new employee and his colleagues that they will work together.

    “And the Oscar gets...”

    We all compete with each other. Competitions are daily. We constantly see the successes and failures of our colleagues. The title “best” is widely applicable to us. It's like a kind of Oscar award for the most successful employees. This monetary and career motivation is a powerful driver for both one specialist and the entire team as a whole. The employee punishes himself: if you don’t work well, you lose clients, clients leave, money goes away. I can help an employee draw up a plan according to which he must achieve the very figure of his intended earnings.

    "Home sweet home"

    We do not adhere to a strict dress code. We simply follow the standards so that our client, coming to a branch of our bank anywhere in the country, feels at home. Can be compared to McDonald's. All over the world he is the same, native, it doesn’t matter whether you are in Krasnodar or New York. This is exactly the feeling we want to create for our clients throughout Russia.

    "Personal life"

    I have too much personal life and a huge amount of free time. I have enough time for my wife and three children, who give me inspiration, and also to devote attention to nine offices. How do I do this? I don't separate my workday and personal life, I just combine everything harmoniously with each other.

    “Does money rule the world?”

    Any answer to this question will be both right and wrong. Money is important. We are forced to buy and pay. You can live happily ever after without money, if this is your understanding of your personal happiness. Yes, money rules in the broadest sense. modern world. But this is a purely personal opinion. I cannot answer for all people.

    "Another Life"

    If I didn't work in banking sector, then I would organize my own business. Maybe even agriculture! The main thing for me is to create. Before entering the Faculty of Economics at Saratov University, I spent my childhood and youth in the village. So don’t be surprised if after a while you find me breeding rabbits or growing mushrooms.

    I woke up in my room. And this reality seemed to me a much smaller reality than the one where I had just been. I remembered everything down to the smallest detail. And this feeling overwhelmed me so much that I jumped up and ran to my parents’ bedroom to tell them. I rushed along the corridor and, opening the door to my parents’ bedroom with a roar, screamed, “I’ve just been among the blue stars!”

    At that same second, my mother woke up in alarm, the night light came on and Newf Dani, who always slept on the rug next to his parents’ bed, muttered muffledly. My father woke up, and I jumped onto my parents’ bed with a running start and, choking and gesticulating, began to tell the story. Mom touched my forehead, deciding that I had a fever, then began stroking my head and calming me down, saying that I was just having a bad dream. I was very offended. "This is not a dream!" - I shouted - “It’s a miracle, how beautiful!” Mom's eyes filled with tears and she looked helplessly at her father. And I kept trying to say something. And suddenly I heard my father’s voice - “Say - Fish!” I was so taken aback that I fell silent. And he obediently said, “Fish.” “Yes,” said the father. - “Now say – frame.” “Rama,” I repeated. “Watermelon, novel, river,” the father demanded. I repeated, not understanding what he wanted from me. And suddenly, with some inner hearing, I heard that I was pronouncing a letter that had never been given to me. The letter "R". It flew out of me, rolling and clean. I was very surprised.

    Here I will make a small digression to explain why this was surprising.
    I had swallowed the letter “R” before. She didn't exist at all. I said “y-yba, a-abuz” and so on. A speech therapist worked with me unsuccessfully, but the “r” never appeared. Moreover, all my mother’s friends really liked the way I spoke, and when, finally, my grandmother said that the boy had a very aristocratic pronunciation, they left me alone. And suddenly this “R” appeared, and what a one!

    I listened to myself in surprise and then felt that my knee was hurting. I pulled up my pajama pants and saw a round red spot on my knee. I remembered that I hit a glowing ball on my journey. Here it is - proof! Now they will believe me! I again tried to explain something, pointing at my knee, but this alarmed my mother even more. She began to cry, said that I got hurt somewhere and forgot about it, and began to look for green stuff. I obeyed, watched as my knee turned green, it stung terribly, but I didn’t cry. I must say that just yesterday I would have roared. And here my nose didn’t even tingle. After this execution, my father took me in his arms and carried me to the nursery, my mother walked nearby, wailing and blowing on my knee, and our Newf Denis completed the procession. They put me into bed, tucked a blanket on all sides and I pretended to fall asleep. Mom and Dad kissed me and walked quietly to the door.

    “Dani is behind me,” said the father. But Dani didn't move. "Dance!" – Dad repeated imperiously. Dani didn't move. But he always obeyed my father unquestioningly. Then his father came to take him away. And Dani, our good-natured Dani, bared his fangs and said – “RRR-A!!!” I laughed - “Leave him, dad - he won’t go anywhere anyway.” My father’s eyes widened, but he, taking my mother’s hand, left my nursery and quietly closed the door. And I, grabbing Dance by the powerful neck, told him everything in a whisper. Dani looked me straight in the eyes and understood everything. And he believed every word I said! After that, I plopped down contentedly on the pillow and fell soundly asleep.

    © Copyright: Wolf Angel, 2010

    IN this review Let's look at how to find and permanently remove duplicate pages.

    How do duplicate pages occur?

    The main reasons for the appearance of duplicates are the imperfection of the site’s CMS; almost all modern commercial and non-commercial CMSs generate duplicate pages. Another reason may be the low professional level of the website developer, who allowed duplicates to appear.

    What are duplicate pages?

    1. Home page site that opens with www and without www

    example www.site.ua and site.ua

    site.ua/home.html and site.ua/

    2. Dynamic site content with identifiers?, index.php, &view



    3. With and without a slash at the end of the URL

    4. Filters in the online store(example)


    5. Print pages


    What dangers do duplicate pages pose?

    Imagine that you are reading a book where the pages have the same text, or very similar one. How useful is this information to you? Search engines find themselves in the same position, searching among duplicates of your site for useful content that the user needs.

    Search engines do not like such sites, therefore your site will not rank high in searches, and this poses a direct threat to it.

    How to detect duplicates on a website

    1. Using a command site:site.ua You can check which duplicates are included in the search engine index.

    2. Enter excerpts of phrases from your site into the search, this way you will find pages on which it is present

    3. Google Webmaster Tools, under Search View → HTML Optimization, you can see pages that have duplicate meta descriptions or titles.

    5 Ways to Remove Duplicate Pages

    1. Using the robots.txt file

    Disallow: /*?
    Disallow: /index.php?*

    Thus, we will let the search engine know that pages that contain parameters?, index.php?, should not be indexed.

    There is one "but": robots file- This is only a recommendation for search engines, and not a rule that they absolutely follow. If, for example, a link is placed on such a page, it will be included in the index.

    2. The .htaccess file allows you to solve the problem with duplicates at the server level.

    Htaccess is a configuration file Apache server, located at the root of the site. Allows you to configure the server configuration for a single site.

    Glue website pages together with a 301 redirect.

    Redirect 301 /home.html http://site.ua/ (for static website pages)

    RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^id=45454
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ http://site.ua/news.html? (redirect for dynamic pages)

    Use 410 redirect (complete removal double)
    He reports that there is no such page on the server.

    Redirect 410 /tag/video.html

    Set up a domain with www and without www

    Example with www
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^site\.ua
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.site.ua/$1

    Without www
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www.site.ua$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://site.ua/$1

    Add a slash at the end of the URL

    RewriteCond %(REQUEST_URI) (.*/[^/.]+)($|\?) RewriteRule .* %1/

    For sites with a large number pages, it will be quite labor-intensive to search and merge duplicates.

    3. Webmaster Tools

    The URL Parameters feature allows you to prevent Google from crawling website pages with certain parameters.

    Or manually delete

    Deleting pages is only possible if the page:

    Prohibited for indexing in the robots.txt file

    Returns a 404 server response

    Prohibited by noindex tag

    4.Meta tag noindex- this is the most effective way removing duplicates. Removes forever and irrevocably.

    According to Google, the presence of the noindex tag completely excludes the page from the index.

    Important. In order for the robot to delete a page, it must index it, that is, it must not be blocked from indexing in the robots.txt file.

    Can be implemented through regular expressions PHP using function preg_match().

    5. The rel="canonical" attribute

    The rel="canonical" attribute makes it possible to specify the recommended (canonical) page for indexing by search engines, so duplicates do not end up in the index.

    rel="canonical" can be specified in two ways

    1. Using the link attribute in the HTTP header

    Link: ; rel=”canonical”

    2. To section add rel="canonical" for non-canonical versions of pages

    In some popular CMS the rel="canonical" attribute is implemented automatically - for example, Joomla! 3.0 (read about ). Other CMSs have special add-ons.

    Let's summarize. When developing a website, take into account the possibility of duplicates and determine in advance how to deal with them. Create correct structure website (more details.

    Periodically check the number of pages in the index, and use the capabilities of the Webmaster Toolbar.

    Materials used in writing



    About our work in Prague, in November 2012 at the Castle Residence hotel.

    This time we were able to focus the capabilities of different methods and different specialists at one point - both in terms of geography :) and in terms of a unified approach: in a wonderfully comfortable hotel, those specialists whom we discovered during our travels to different points globe)
    We saw the results of each of these specialists separately and have long been nurturing the idea of ​​combining their efforts within a single approach, especially since these are people with “open minds”, despite their considerable age and experience, ready to accept new things and collaborate.
    We will talk about what happened as elements of the complex. Now a single concept has appeared in our courses, but for each child the emphasis is placed differently: on at this stage To restore it, some require one combination of techniques, others another; what and who needs it is clarified during diagnosis.
    We invited to Prague those children who, at this stage, need a combination of: kinesiotherapy - aqua training and Bobath, bioenergy therapy and osteopathy.

    Aqua training.

    Classes to improve movements in water are link between different components programs: when the energy level of the motor centers increases, it immediately manifests itself in the water.

    The child’s energy status is improved by all specialists. But as a rule, new possibilities are revealed in the water, in a state of comfort and reduced stress on the body. Even a “drop of something new” in a child is more likely to manifest itself in water than on land. We can say that water is a catalyst that makes possible and accelerates the process of motor development.
    Water relieves the fear of movement, which is present in most children with movement disorders; it liberates the child.

    Bioenergy therapy.
    If we look at the body as a system of electromagnetic processes, which it is from the point of view of a physicist, then we will understand why the electromagnetic radiation of one body affects the radiation of another body. In this case, it is not necessary to touch; interaction can occur without contact. Such interaction is not felt by all people, however, it is always present between mother and child. Without realizing it, mothers have a non-contact effect on the child and can control his condition: calm him down, relieve pain. The close presence of the mother charges the child with energy. There are people who are endowed by Nature with an increased ability to exert energetic influence and the ability to sense energy processes in and around the child’s body.
    In our team, Novo Grkovic maintains the child’s energy state at an optimal level and monitors changes in this state as a result of the use of certain techniques. Children perfectly feel the benefits of such influence and enjoy “basking” in the Novo field :). Novo is our “living tomograph”. His gift for sensing and regulating energy flows in a child is simply necessary when using the technique of electromagnetic feeding of control centers nervous system- Wet Cell Battery - which the participants met at the course in Prague.

    Bobath therapy.
    Radojka Chuk, whom many know as “Koku,” taught children the correct “movement pattern” and transferred all the child’s potential abilities into independent movement on land. In this work, the art of the instructor is to teach the child the most complex technique of the child, so that for the child it looks like a pleasant playful pastime.
    Koka is a leading methodologist-instructor of kinesiotherapy using the Bobat method at the Simo Milosevic Institute, Montenegro, and she is a specialist in Vojta therapy, and those who are familiar with Vojta notice when at the right moment Koka’s fingers “run” over Vojta’s points, but her preference - the Bobath method - non-violent, non-rigid (unlike Voight) emotional communication with the child during classes, that’s why it is with us.

    Our specialist Sergei Vasiliev once again “rules” our children and parents so that the musculoskeletal system of all participants in the rehabilitation process can cope with increased physical and emotional stress.

    Methods of game-based motor training based on the principles of Biofeedback - Biological feedback.
    Until recently, few people were familiar with this side of our work, now, having been convinced of the results, we can make it public :)
    A little theory about the issue:

    We have developed systems that teach a child new movements using the biofeedback principle. This is, in a way, similar to exoskeleton technology, an exosensory system that, through controlling an object in a computer game (or controlling music or a cartoon), teaches a child to control his body.
    This is a portable (portable, not requiring stationary installation) system of sensors (sensors), which is a computer attachment that can be used both at home and in “camping” conditions.

    The most progressive of the existing approaches to motor rehabilitation of a child is a methodically consistent, step-by-step teaching of a child’s unnaturally developed motor skills, up to the formation of the basic skill – the skill of independent walking. To date, motor learning systems for children with NS injuries have been developed in detail, the most common of which are the Vojta and Bobath systems. However, despite all the methodological elaboration of such systems, from the point of view of the physiology and pathophysiology of the child, there is sometimes an insurmountable difficulty that nullifies the efforts of kinesiotherapists; the problem is caused by the peculiarities of the child’s motivation. Due to his psychophysical organization, the child is not inclined towards routine physical training; he is interested in play, not physical education, and only in play is he ready to learn anything.
    With the traditional organization of the rehabilitation process, it is extremely difficult to interest the child in the process of motor training itself. And it’s not a lack of qualifications among specialists. The emotional resource of any person is limited and, naturally, a specialist cannot give each child with whom he works during the day as much attention as is required in order to maintain the child’s constant playful interest in classes. That. the effectiveness of rehabilitation is limited by the natural psycho-emotional capabilities of the instructor and this is a serious limitation of the traditional form of organizing the rehabilitation process.
    A way out of this situation can be found by using the capabilities of the biofeedback method. By analogy with how a child can spend hours playing games that are interesting to him. computer games, he also, if we use the capabilities of the biofeedback technique, can spend hours training the necessary motor skill. This way we can involve the child in the rehabilitation process as much as possible.

    So, the development is based on the biofeedback principle, since it allows us to create the main condition for effective rehabilitation and ensure the active emotional and physical involvement of the child in the rehabilitation process.

    At the moment, we have already developed and tested portable biofeedback devices that are very effective for developing active movements in the child’s ankle, knee and elbow joints. Incl. a device that allows you to teach a child with a spastic form of cerebral palsy, with an obsessive stereotype of resting “on the toes” (only on the forefoot) when standing and walking, normal support on the full foot, “lowering on the heels when walking.”
    And another interesting technique that allows a child to develop control over the muscles of the abdominal wall is to form a muscle corset necessary for verticalization (to form a “hydraulic skeleton”)

    So, the most complex motor tasks, in a fun game performance:

    1 Copy the file with language constants component K2

    First, let's create a file with the language constants of the K2 component for the desired language. To do this, copy the file from the server from the directory /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_k2.ini to the directory with in the right language and rename it. For example, for Russian localization we will create a file on the server: /language/ru-RU/ru-RU.com_k2.ini.

    2 Setting the default language on the Joomla website

    Now in the control panel we will set the language for the site - Russian: Language Manager Language packs site Default and put a tick in front of the Russian language.

    3 Editing the ru-RU.com_k2.ini file in a notepad

    Next, you can do this: download the file from the server ru-RU.com_k2.ini, open it in notepad and change the values ​​of the language constants in the file, i.e. translate them from English into Russian. Then we save the edited file and upload it back to the server, replacing the original file “ru-RU.com_k2.ini”.

    4 Overriding Language Constants in the Joomla control panel

    You can do it differently and redefine the necessary phrases directly from the Joomla admin panel. To do this, right there in the language manager, go to the section Redefining Constants(1). Select the language and scope (website or control panel), for which we select in the filter Russian - Website(2). And then, to create a new language constant override, click the button Create (3).

    5 Create a new override language constants in Joomla

    The language constant override window will open. In the field Find enter on English naming the constant or phrase you want to translate. Select from the dropdown list Meaning(to find a word or phrase in constant texts) or Constant(look in the name of the constants) (1). Click the button Find, a list of found constants will appear. Find the constant of interest in it (2).

    For the K2 component, constants usually have a prefix in their name K2_.

    Select this constant from the list, and its value will appear in the left field (3). We translate its value into the field Text and save.

    The overridden constant appears in the list. Similar steps must be repeated for all language constants for which the text must be localized.

    The method of overriding language constants also applies to regular Joomla articles, not just articles created using the K2 component.