• Operating systems laboratory work windows 7. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The operating system acts as a link between the computer hardware, on the one hand, and the programs being executed, as well as the user.

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy

    Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling


    in the Windows 7 operating system

    Guidelines for performing laboratory work

    in the discipline "Informatics"

    Compiled by: Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Pivnik L.V.,

    Assistant of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Astafieva M.N.

    Irkutsk – 2012

    UDC 681.3.066 (075.8)

    Published by decision of the methodological commission of the Faculty of Economics of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy (protocol No. 7 of March 23, 2012)

    Pivnik L.V., Astafieva M.N. Basics of working in the Windows 7 operating system: Guidelines for performing laboratory work. – Irkutsk: IrGSHA, 2012. – 60 p. – ill.


      Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of the Irkutsk State Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ph.D. N.N. Antonov;

      Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Cybernetics, BSUEP, Ph.D. A.V. Burdukovskaya.

    The guidelines outline the basic concepts and techniques for working in Windows 7. The exercises cover specific examples of executing commands on Windows 7 objects.

    The instructions are intended for full-time and part-time students in all areas of bachelor's and specialist training in the discipline "Informatics", for graduate students and academy teachers, as well as for any novice users of a personal computer.

    © M.N. Astafieva, L.V. Pivnik, 2012

    © Publishing House IrGSHA, 2012

    Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation 1

    UDC 681.3.066 (075.8) 2

    Introduction 4

    2 Operating system Windows 7 11

    Laboratory work 16

    Selecting objects into a group 53

    Exercise 16. Selecting objects into a group 53

    1.Open the Documents folder. 53

    Test on the topic “Basics of working in the Windows 7 operating system” 58

    Literature 59


    The Windows 7 operating system is the latest powerful and reliable system with new capabilities for managing your computer and files, which allows you to perform tasks on your personal computer much faster and easier. Windows 7 OS is a logical continuation of the Windows Vista operating system, while combining the speed of Windows XP and the new design of Windows Vista.

    The guidelines consist of three laboratory works, each of which presents theoretical material on the relevant topic, describes the basic techniques for working with certain computer devices, and also offers exercises to consolidate practical skills in working with Windows 7.

    Lab #1 describes the basic elements Desktop, techniques for working with mouse, Windows 7 Help, and how to download and manage applications. The second laboratory work provides an opportunity to study the elements of the graphical interface, their purpose, as well as the basic techniques for working with windows in Windows 7. Completing laboratory work No. 3 will allow you to study and consolidate in practice the structure of organizing and storing information in Windows 7, as well as master the basic commands for working with files, folders and other objects. After each laboratory work, test questions are given, by answering which the student can check the level of acquired knowledge. The test task given at the end of the guidelines allows the teacher to evaluate the acquired skills of students on the topic under consideration.

    2 academic hours

    Windows 7 overview

    Desktop structure, my computer, control panel

    The appearance and background of the desktop may differ depending on the settings. In Fig. Figure 36.2 shows one of the custom desktop backgrounds. To change the desktop background, you need to right-click on the background image and select Properties / Desktop in the context menu, then select the desired background image in the drop-down list.

    The main items of the start menu, visualized as a result of pressing the Start button:

    • Computer – information about the computer, its resources, devices, name, OS installed on it
    • Documents – standard folder for created documents (You can place documents in any other folder more convenient for you)
    • Control Panel – control panel (Fig. 36.3)
    • Search programs and files – search and launch programs and open files
    • (at the bottom) Shut down – exits your user session, turning off the computer or restart the system.

    Take a closer look at the control panel (Fig. 36.3). It allows you to manage computer resources. For example, the Programs and Features item allows you to install new programs, uninstall or reinstall (“repair”) already installed ones.

    Select the item Computer in the start menu. In this case, the

    Installation of Windows and Linux operating systems

    1. Purpose of the work

    The purpose of the work is to study the installation process of the Windows 7 and Linux openSUSE 12.2 operating systems.

    2. Objectives of the work

    – Consolidating, deepening and expanding students’ knowledge when installing Windows and Linux operating systems.

    – Acquiring skills and abilities to work with Windows and Linux installers.

    – Developing the ability to think logically and comprehend the results obtained when installing Windows and Linux.

    3. Theoretical part

    operating system(OS) is a set of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user’s interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs.

    The operating system acts as a link between the computer hardware, on the one hand, and the programs being executed, as well as the user, on the other hand.

    The operating system is usually stored in the computer's external memory -on disk. When you turn on the computer, it is read from disk memory and placed inRAM. This process is called loading the operating system.

    3.1 Operating systemsWindows

    Windowsis a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft Corporation. Windows OS is installed on the hard drive and “within this program” the installation and operation of other programs occurs.

    Windows OS is by far the most common operating system among personal computer (PC) users. There are different versions of Windows OS that are widely used:

    Windows Vista;

    Windows 10 TP (Technical Preview).

    There are also other versions of Windows, but they are considered outdated and are rarely used.

    Today, Windows 7 is considered the most used OS.
    3.1.1 Installing the operating systemWindows 7

    To install Windows 7, you must have a disk with installation files (boot disk). Once the disc is inserted into the PC drive, you need to specify that it should boot from the drive and not from the hard drive.

    Once the files are downloaded, the Windows Setup window will appear (Figure 2).

    Rice. 2. Installing Windows 7

    Next, following the instructions on the screen, you need to select the language to use for the installed OS, and also read the terms of the license agreement and accept them. Then select the installation type: “Update” or “Full installation”. The update is only used if the installer was launched from a previous version of Windows.

    After all steps are completed, you need to configure the hard drive. In this case, the configuration is carried out in the graphical interface after clicking the “Disk Configuration” button, as shown in Figure 3.

    Rice. 3. Disk setup

    In order to create a new partition on your hard drive, you must click the “Create” button and specify the size of this partition (Fig. 4) and then click the “Apply” button.

    Rice. 4. Create a partition

    If you need to create several partitions, then click the “Create” button again and specify the partition size. The total size of all partitions should not exceed the total size of the hard drive.

    After creating the partition where Windows 7 will be installed, a special system partition will also be created, which is necessary for the correct operation of the OS (Fig. 5).

    Rice. 5. Created sections

    Also, if partitions already exist, you can delete them or erase information from them (format) using the corresponding “Delete” and “Format” buttons.

    Rice. 6. Windows installation process

    After the process of copying files and installation is completed, the PC will reboot automatically and then it is necessary to boot from the hard drive. After loading, the “Windows Settings” window will appear, as shown in Figure 7.

    Rice. 7. Setting up Windows 7

    Next, you need to configure basic system parameters, such as user name, user password, time zone, Windows activation. And after setup, Windows 7 will launch.

    To run Windows 7, you need a minimum of 512MB of RAM and 20GB of hard drive space for installation.

    3.2 Operating systemLinux openSUSE

    openSUSE is a Linux distribution developed by Novell. This distribution is stable, easy to use and is primarily suitable for novice users (Fig. 8).

    Rice. 8. openSUSE icon

    3.2.1 Key benefitsopenSUSE

    The main advantages of the distribution Linux openSUSE:

    - a large set of applications for both work and entertainment;

    - intuitive user interface;

    - easy system setup using YaST (control center, similar to the “Control Panel” in Windows);

    - simple application management system;

    - a fairly large set of device drivers;

    - stability, security and developer support.

    3.2.2 InstallationopenSUSE

    To install openSUSE OS, you must have a disk with installation files (boot disk). Once the disc is inserted into the PC drive, you need to specify that it should boot from the drive and not from the hard drive.

    After loading from the disk has been completed, the openSUSE installer will appear on the screen (Fig. 9), where to install this distribution on your hard drive you must click the “Installation” button and the process of preparing for installation will begin.

    First, you need to set the language of the installer and operating system to Russian, as shown in Figure 10. Then click the “Next” button.

    Rice. 10. openSUSE installer

    Next, the time zone is set. Then the hard drive is configured (Fig. 11).

    Rice. 11. Suggested hard drive layout

    Since the file system used has a specific structure, it is recommended to use the suggested hard drive settings. Click the “Next” button.

    After selecting the markup, user configuration occurs, i.e. the username and password are specified. In Linux operating systems, there is a superuser (system administrator) - root, so it is recommended to create a new user with a password that matches the superuser password. Click the “Next” button.

    All configured parameters of the installed openSUSE operating system appear on the screen. These parameters are checked and if everything is correct, the “Next” button is pressed. Then a message appears to the user about the correctness of the parameters, and to start the installation process you must click the “Install” button (Fig. 12).

    Rice. 12. openSUSE installation process

    After the installation is completed, the operating system will reboot and then the system will be automatically logged in, since the user password was already entered at the installation stage.

    openSUSE 12.2 requires a minimum of 256MB of RAM and 8GB of hard drive space for installation.

    4. Assignment forlaboratorywork

    Install the Windows 7 and Linux openSUSE 12.2 operating systems and become familiar with the basic capabilities of their installers.

    5. Methodologyexecutionassignments

    1. Install Windows 7 OS

    2. Launch Windows 7

    3. Shut down Windows 7

    4. Install openSUSE 12.2 OS.

    5. Launch openSUSE 12.2 OS

    6. Shut down openSUSE 12.2 OS

    6. Requirementsto the content and design of the report

    The laboratory report must contain:

    a) title page;

    b) description of the work progress and screenshots;

    c) conclusion on the work performed;

    d) answers to control questions.


    1. What is an operating system?

    2. What is called loading the operating system?

    3. What is the minimum amount of RAM required to run Windows 7?

    4. What are the benefits of openSUSE OS?

    5. Is there a Russian interface in openSUSE OS?

    6. What is the minimum amount of RAM required to run openSUSE?

    The purpose of the laboratory work is the practical mastery of the Windows 7 operating system - its graphical shell, input and output, desktop structure, basic actions and settings when working in the system.


    1. System startup

    Turn on your computer with Windows 7 installed. In less than a minute, the system boots and is ready to use. The initial menu with user names is displayed.

    2. User Login and Authentication

    Select your username and click on the picture next to the name. As a rule, the standard name User is already entered into the system. If the user has a password, enter it. After logging in, the desktop is displayed on the screen.

    3. Desktop structure, my computer, control panel

    The desktop consists of application icons (for example, Internet Explorer) and a taskbar - usually gray, at the bottom. In the lower left corner there is a Start button, when clicked the user can select the initial action - launching an application, creating a document, etc. The appearance and background of the desktop may differ depending on the settings. To change the desktop background, you need to right-click on the background image and select Properties / Desktop in the context menu, then select the desired background image in the drop-down list.

    The main items of the start menu, visualized as a result of pressing the Start button:

    1. Computer – information about the computer, its resources, devices, name, OS installed on it;

    2. Documents – standard folder for created documents (you can place documents in any other folder more convenient for you);

    3. Control Panel – control panel;

    4. Search programs and files – search and launch programs and open files;

    5. (at the bottom) Shut down - exit your user session, turn off the computer or restart the system.

    Take a closer look at the control panel. It allows you to manage computer resources. For example, the Programs and Features item allows you to install new programs, uninstall or reinstall (“repair”) already installed ones.

    Select the Computer item in the start menu. In this case, information about the state of the computer is visualized in a special window.

    The Computer window visualizes information about drives and some of the most important folders and offers a set of possible actions and a set of other information nodes to navigate to them (for example, Network).

    To visualize the basic properties of the computer (system information), select in the start menu: Computer / (Right mouse button) / Properties. A window with system information appears.

    You see information about the OS, amount of memory, processor type and a number of links, for example, Device Manager, by clicking on which you will receive detailed information about the composition of your computer’s hardware and installed drivers. The interface is designed as a web page.

    4. Working with files and folders

    Working with files and folders (stores of links to files and other folders) is carried out using the Windows Explorer program. The Windows Explorer window visualizes information about the drives and main folders of the computer. If you double-click on the C: drive, the contents of its root folder are visualized, which may contain other folders, etc. Folder navigation is done using arrows<- и -> .

    Selecting a file or folder in a directory is done with one click of the mouse; entering a directory or opening a file is done by double-clicking the name of the directory or file. In this case, for the file, the action of opening it is performed, depending on its type - for text files - calling the appropriate editor (notepad, WordPad, MS Word, etc.), for .pdf files - calling Adobe Acrobat, for executable codes or batch files - launching the corresponding program or script, etc. Experiment on your computer with navigating files and folders and opening document files.

    5. Launching programs, managing tasks, programs and processes

    There are several ways to run the program:

    1. from Windows Explorer – double-click on its file name;

    2. From the Start menu – select Search programs and files. This is one of the most convenient innovations in the user interface of the Windows 7 system. When searching, as you type a program name, lists of programs and files with that name (name prefix) are displayed, which makes it very convenient to select a program to launch. By selecting the notepad editor name. get a window to launch it by clicking on the program name;

    3. Launch the program from the command line (Command Prompt): select Start / Search Programs and Files / cmd. After starting the command processor, its window is visualized. In the Command Prompt window, type the name of the program (for example, notepad) and press Enter.

    To manage your tasks, use the Windows Task Manager program, which you can launch by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl / Alt / Del keys. As a result, the system will first ask you what exactly you want to do. Confirm the launch of Task Manager. This displays the Windows Task Manager (Performance) program window.

    The Applications tab contains information about the programs you called. If, for example, a program freezes, select it and click "End Task", as a result of which the program will be removed from the system. The Processes tab visualizes information about all processes running in the system. The Performance tab visualizes information about processor and memory usage, which may be useful to you in case of any unplanned delays in your computer. Experiment with the Windows Task Manager tabs.

    6. Network settings

    To connect a computer to a local TCP/IP network, you need to make network settings for it - set the IP address and network mask.

    Make (check) a physical connection to the network by connecting to the network connector (RJ45) a twisted pair network cable that connects your computer to a network hub or switch. The presence of a physical connection is indicated by a green indicator light (check).

    A network card (network adapter) is used to connect to the network. Your task is to correctly set the computer's IP address. To do this, select Start / Control Panel / Network and Sharing Center. Then select Change adapter settings. A window will appear with a list of network connections. In this window, select Local Area Connection - local network connection, then select Properties. In the window, select TCP/IPv4 and click Properties.

    As a rule, "Obtain IP address automatically" is selected by default. Select "Use the following IP address" and enter the IP address of your computer and the network mask according to the example. Click OK. The system will require you to restart for the changes to take effect. Now your computer is ready to work on the local network.

    7. Working on remote computers

    When working on a local network, a very useful feature of Windows 7 is remote login to another computer on your local network. In Windows, this system function is called Remote Desktop Connection. To connect you must know the name of the other computer, for example, aphrodite.

    To log in remotely, select Start / Remote Desktop Connection. As a result, the remote desktop call window is visualized

    A list of computers with which remote communication has already been carried out is displayed. Select your computer name. The login window is visualized (Figure 1.1.7):

    Figure 1.1.7. Window for remote login to another computer

    You must click Connect, then enter your username and password. Your computer screen is then used as a terminal to visualize the actions you are performing on the remote computer. Now select Computer, display the computer name, etc. to make sure that you are now working remotely on another computer with the specified name. Select the computer for remote login as directed by the system administrator of your classroom local network.

    This feature is very convenient if the remote computer has the resources you need (memory, fast processor, programs installed on it, etc.) that are not on your computer.

    8. Logout

    To log out of your user session, select Start / Shut down. The menu for selecting the final action is visualized.




    Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the Windows system. Acquire skills in working with folders and files.

    1. Study theoretical material.

    2. Get acquainted with the Desktop.

    3. Open a folder window My computer. Increase, decrease its size. Move the window around the screen.

    4. Left-click on the menu item Reference enter Windows Help. Familiarize yourself with the contents of the help system. Select (click) option Getting to know the computer. Then select the option Veils and folders. Familiarize yourself with the contents of the paragraphs Working with files And Search files. Close the help system. Close window My computer.

    5. Enter the main menu (button Start). Select option Programs. Then select the option Standard. Enter the Word Pad text editor. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the window.

    6. Draw a window in a notebook indicating the functionality of the window parts. Familiarize yourself with the contents of menu items.

    7. Type the phrase on the keyboard: “We are getting acquainted with windows windows.” Save file with name Laboratory work in the personal folder of the STUDENT folder created in the previous work. Close the file and exit the editor.

    8. In your personal folder, create a folder named Personal 2. Copy file Laboratory work under a different name to a folder Personal 2.

    9. Include in the report a description of the process of creating a file and folder, as well as the procedure for copying and moving folders and files, and types of menus.


    1. What is placed on the Desktop?

    At the bottom of it is a strip called the Taskbar.

    Various icons and shortcuts are placed on the desktop field, through which communication with files is carried out.

    2. What is the structure of the window?

    Structure of all windows is the same.

    When viewed from top to bottom, a window contains: title bar, menu bar, toolbar, window box, status bar, taskbar. In addition, horizontal and vertical scroll bars can be located in the window field.

    3. What is included in the title line?

    In the title bar in the left corner there is a menu button. This is followed by the name of the window and the application in which the window is open. Three squares are placed in the right corner. Clicking on the left square will minimize the window to the size of a dash and place it on the taskbar with the appropriate caption. Clicking on the middle square resizes the window. Clicking on the right square will close the window.

    4. Why do you need a menu? What types of menus do you know?

    Menu- this is a list of commands that can be executed by selecting the appropriate items (options).

    Main menu restored to the top when the button is clicked Start. The menu item is selected by pointing with the mouse and then double-clicking. If a menu item ends with an arrow (triangle), then there is no need to click, you just need to point, and a submenu appears, which in turn can have its own submenus. These menus are called cascading menus.

    The menus located on the menu bar are falling out and can be cascaded. The number and list of menus, as well as the composition of menu items, depend on the application in which the user is working. Items File And Reference present in any window. Menu items File refer to file actions such as opening and saving a file. Menu items Reference call up help information related to the running application.

    Context menu- This is the menu that appears when you right-click the mouse. Its points refer to the object that the mouse cursor is pointing at.

    5. Purpose of the toolbar.

    Toolbar is optional for any window. It consists of buttons, clicking on which replaces access to the corresponding menu items. If you move the mouse cursor to a button and wait 2-3 seconds, an inscription will appear explaining the purpose of the button. The button with the image of a curved left arrow cancels the effect of the last command up to a depth of 20 commands. The curved right arrow button restores a canceled command.

    6. What is the taskbar used for?

    On the taskbar minimized windows (tasks), a language indicator, and sometimes a clock are placed. The need to minimize windows may arise when many windows are open at the same time, some of which are not currently in use. A window placed on the taskbar can be maximized again by clicking on the window name.

    7. Creating new folders and moving them. Saving, copying and transferring files. Search files.

    To create a new folder, you need to open the window in which the folder is created. In an empty space, right-clicking the mouse brings up a context menu. Selected Create, then Folder. An image of the folder appears in the window asking for a name. The folder name is typed on the keyboard.

    If the file is being saved for the first time or when the file name has changed, the menu item is selected Save as. A dialog box appears. In its upper left part there is a window called Folder, which indicates the name of the open folder. If you need to save to another folder, then use the scroll bar to find and open the desired folder. At the bottom of the window there is a window into which a new file name is entered. Saving is completed by pressing the key Save. If an existing file is saved, select it from the menu File option Save, or click the corresponding Toolbar button.

    Sometimes you need to nest one folder inside another or move a file to another folder. If the folders are in different windows, you should open them and place them side by side. Then, with the left mouse button, take the object being moved (folder or file) and place it on the image of the destination folder. If you hold down the CTRL key while transferring a file, the file will be copied.

    During the lab, I became familiar with the basic concepts of the Windows system. Acquired skills in working with folders and files.

    (see folder STUDENT - laboratory 3)




    Gain skills in working with Windows applications.

    1. Familiarize yourself with the theoretical material

    2. Open the Paint application. Create a drawing suggested by your teacher. Save the drawing in a personal folder.

    3. Open the Word Pad application. Copy the drawing you created onto an open page. Resize it.

    4. On the same page, describe the process of creating, saving and copying a drawing. Place this text in the report. Save the file in a personal folder.

    5. Open the Calculator application. Check out the help for this application. Perform the calculations suggested by the teacher. In the report, indicate the task and the result of the calculations.


    1. How to draw straight and curved lines? Polygon? Rectangle? Square? How to change the color of the picture and background? Writing text together with a drawing.

    Lines are drawn using the selected tool from the available set of tools.

    In the toolbox, select the type of line (straight, curve, ellipse, rectangle). Under the toolbox, select the line type (thickness). By placing the pointer in the desired place on the canvas and pressing the left mouse button, you can draw the objects we need.

    The image color is selected from the palette by clicking on the desired color.

    To draw a horizontal, vertical, or 45-degree straight line, hold down the SHIFT key while dragging the pointer.

    To create a square or circle by selecting an ellipse or rectangle, drag the pointer while holding down the Shift key.

    You can draw a free-form line by selecting only the tool, without choosing a line type.

    To draw curved lines, you need to select a wavy line as a type, draw a straight line, and then, placing the pointer at the vertex of the intended arc, bend the straight line to the desired shape. It should be kept in mind that each curve must consist of one or two arcs.

    To create a filled shape, select a fill type under the toolbox. The shape color is selected using the left mouse button, and the fill color is selected using the right button. The type of filling depends on the selected type. If you want to fill an already created shape, you need to select a fill color in the palette and click on the button in the toolbox Filling, and then inside the filled shape. The color of the line also changes.

    When drawing polygons, double-click on the last vertex. To make the polygon contain only 45- and 90-degree angles, hold down the Shift key while dragging the pointer.

    Entering and formatting text.

    In the toolbox, select A. Create a frame for the inscription by dragging the pointer diagonally to the desired size. On the menu View(or context menu) call the formatting panel and select the font name, size and style. Click inside the label frame and enter text.

    2. How can I move a picture from one application to another?

    In all WINDOWS applications it is very widely used clipboard.

    Clipboard - This is an area of ​​memory in which some fragment of a file is temporarily stored. The selected fragment of the file (the selection method depends on the application) is placed on the clipboard via the menu Edit\Copy, if you need to get a copy of the fragment, and - cut, if this fragment does not need to be saved in the same place.

    A fragment located on the clipboard can be placed in a specified location in the same or another file (even another application) by selecting from the menu Edit teams Insert.

    Instead of a menu Edit the context menu or the corresponding toolbar buttons can be used.

    A fragment of a file is stored in the clipboard until another fragment is sent to it, so the same fragment can be pasted more than once.

    In the PAINT graphic editor, to select an area at the top of the toolbox, you must select a rectangle or an asterisk, depending on whether the area you want to copy is rectangular or another shape. Use the pointer to select the area to be copied. On the menu Edit select team Copy. The selected fragment can be moved (or copied) via the clipboard. Moving can be done by dragging the internal point of the fragment.

    3. In what sequence were the calculations performed on the calculator? Is this sequence optimal?

    Application Calculator intended for performing arithmetic operations with real numbers.

    There are two types of calculators: arithmetic (without using functions) and engineering (using functions). The transition from one view to another is carried out through the menu View.

    When making calculations, keep in mind that the priority of multiplication and division operations is respected in the Engineering Calculator, but not in the Normal Calculator. So, for example, pressing the key sequence 2+3*4= in an Engineering calculator will lead to a result of 14, and in a Normal calculator - to a result of 20.

    Calculation results can be transferred to another application via the clipboard (menu Edit).

    When performing calculations in my expression, the order of operations was as follows:

    Result: 3308393


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I acquired skills in working with Windows applications.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 4)





    Gain skills in typing, editing and formatting text using Microsoft Word.

    Create a text document with the following page parameters: paper size: 21x29.7 cm, sheet orientation - portrait; Page margins: top, bottom, left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm.

    In the created document, type the suggested text. When typing, use font size 12. Headings should be highlighted in red bold italic, size 14. Words printed in Latin letters should be underlined with a wavy line and highlighted in bold. Format paragraphs of the typed text according to the sample. Save the created document under the name lab5.doc.

    Note. In the proposed text, the end of one and the beginning of another paragraph is marked with the symbol “¿”.

    Using various methods of copying and moving text fragments, copy and then move the first two lines of the first paragraph and place them at the end of the text.


    1. What is a paragraph? What paragraph formatting options do you know? How can they be changed?

    The main concept when entering text information is a paragraph, that is, a section of text enclosed between end-of-paragraph markers that appear in the text when you press the ENTER key. A paragraph can be empty or contain one or more lines of text. In order to type a paragraph consisting of several lines, it is not at all necessary to press the ENTER key at the end of each of them. The program will automatically move the cursor to the beginning of the next line when it reaches the paragraph boundary. If a word was being typed, the entire word will be moved to the next line.

    The main paragraph formatting options are:

    Paragraph indentations (left and right indents represent the distances from the corresponding paragraph boundaries to the left and right boundaries of the text area, the first line indentation is the distance from its beginning to the left main paragraph boundary);

    Line spacing is the distance between adjacent lines of a paragraph;

    alignment. Determines the placement of each line of a paragraph between its left and right borders. There are four types of alignment: left (text is pressed to the left border of the paragraph), right (text is pressed to the right border of the paragraph), centered (each line is placed at an equal distance from both borders) and justified (unlike other alignment types allows you to get even right and left paragraph borders - by automatically inserting the required number of spaces between words). At the same time, the paragraph content is aligned only in one of the above ways.

    You can set these options in the menu command dialog box Format| Paragraph. In order to format one paragraph of text, just place the cursor anywhere in it. Formatting several paragraphs with the same parameters is done by first selecting them.

    2. How can I change the font size and color in an already typed piece of text?

    The Word text editor allows you to use a large number of scalable TrueType fonts to represent text characters. To change the font parameters in an already typed piece of text, you need to select it and use the command Format\Font. In its dialog box you can change the following parameters:

    Font type (for example, Times New Roman, Arial, Courier, etc.); style (regular, italic, bold, bold italic); font size;

    underline type;

    font color;

    apply any effects (strikethrough, top and bottom

    indexes, etc.).

    If there is no highlighting in the text at the time of changing the font parameters, they will be applied to the newly entered characters.

    3. How to create a superscript or subscript?

    A superscript or subscript can be created using the command Format\Font. In its dialog box, you can select a checkbox in the required formatting.

    4. How do page settings such as paper size and margins change?

    Page options are set in the command dialog box File\Page Settings.

    6. How can I copy or move a piece of text?

    Adding text is done by placing the cursor at its beginning and typing the required characters from the keyboard. Deleting characters that have become unnecessary or entered incorrectly is done using the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys. In order to split one paragraph into two, you need to move the cursor to the end of one and the beginning of the other and press the ENTER key. Merger two paragraphs into one is done by placing the cursor at the beginning of the bottom paragraph and pressing the BACKSPACE key until they are combined.

    Moving and copying text fragments is done using the menu item commands Edit. In order to perform any actions with a text fragment, it must first be selected. Selection can be made either using the mouse (by moving the pointer to the desired place, pressing and holding the left button, moving the mouse across the table to spread the selection area), or using the keyboard (by pressing and holding the SHIFT key, use the arrow keys to select the desired fragment). The selection will end when you release (depending on the method) the button or the SHIFT key. The entire document is selected using the command Edit\Select all. To remove a selection, simply click the mouse anywhere in the document or press one of the cursor keys.

    Moving and copying a selected fragment can be done in two ways.

    1) Using the clipboard. Having selected the desired fragment, execute the command Edit\Cut to move it or Edit\Copy for copying. Then you need to move the text cursor to the future place where the fragment will be inserted and execute the command Edit\Paste.

    2) Using the drag and drop method. To do this, you need to place the mouse pointer on the selected fragment, press the left button and, without releasing it, drag the text cursor, which will take the form of a dashed line, to the insertion location. After making sure that the cursor is in the place where we want to move the text fragment, the button is released. To copy using this method, you must press and hold the CTRL key before releasing the left button.

    To delete a large piece of text, select it and press the DELETE key.

    7. How can I undo my last editing or formatting action?

    Cancel any last action to edit or format a document using the command Edit Cancel.

    If the user has changed his mind about canceling the action, he can use the command Edit Revert.


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I gained skills in typing, editing and formatting text using Microsoft Word.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 5)




    Learn to create and edit tables of varying complexity in Microsoft Word text documents.

    Create a file lab6.doc in which to place the results of the following tasks.

    Using the menu item Table and toolbar Tables and borders create a table with the following content.

    List of department staff

    Scientific degree

    Scientific title

    Job title

    Total work experience


    Head department

    Deputy head department

    Senior Lecturer



    Insert into the document the original table, consisting of 7 rows and 7 columns, and convert it to the form specified in the option.


    1. In what ways can you create a table in a text document?

    You can create a table in a document in two ways.

    1) Run the command Table \ Draw a table. In this case, the mouse pointer will take the form of a pencil, with which you need to draw the outline of the future table. After this the command is executed Table\Split cells, in the dialog box of which the number of rows and columns of the drawn table is indicated.

    2) Place the cursor at the beginning of the future table and execute the command Table\ Add a table. Its dialog box then specifies the number of rows and columns.

    2. How to select one or more cells, a column, or an entire table?

    You can select cells by dragging and holding the left mouse button.

    A column can be selected by left-clicking above the column when the mouse pointer changes to a downward arrow.

    You can select a table by clicking in the top left corner of the table.

    3. How can you combine several cells into one?

    Select the cells you want to merge. After this the command is executed Table\Merge Cells.

    4. How can I change the cell border line type, width and color?

    Changing the appearance of the borders of selected cells and filling them with some color or pattern can be done using the command Format\Borders and fill. Tab Border in its dialog box allows you to change the type of lines that form the cell boundaries, their color, thickness and, if necessary, hide them.

    5. How is a cell filled with the selected color?

    The fill type of selected cells is set in the tab Filling. It can be either uniform or contain some kind of pattern (for example, shading).

    6. How to change the direction of text in a cell?

    Almost all editing and formatting capabilities applicable to plain text can be applied to text information located in table cells.

    The direction of text in a cell changes when the command is applied Format\Text direction.


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I learned how to create and edit tables of varying complexity in Microsoft Word text documents.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 6)




    Acquiring practical skills in creating illustrations in MS Word text documents.

    Create a text file named lab7.doc in which to place the results of the following tasks.

    https://pandia.ru/text/79/043/images/image003_7.jpg" align="left" width="59" height="72">Transport company “Faster, further, cheaper”
    Ensures fast and timely delivery

    Your cargo on our vehicles to any point

    countries by cash and non-cash payments. Our drivers are professionals in their field.

    Cooperation with us will guarantee your success!

    Using the toolbar Drawing, Draw your own version of the algorithm flowchart.

    Using the Microsoft Equation formula editor, insert formulas according to your option.


    1. How to draw a regular square or circle?

    To draw squares, circles, and lines at multiples of 30, 45, and 60°, you must hold down the Shift key.

    2. How to move (copy) a selected object?

    It is most convenient to move the selected object using the mouse. To do this, place the pointer on the object and, by pressing the left mouse button, move it to the required distance, after which the button is released. For a more precise location of the object being moved, use the cursor keys while holding down the Ctrl key. If you hold down the Ctrl key while moving the object with the mouse , then it will be copied. In addition, you can use the clipboard to copy the selected element of the picture.

    3. How to select several drawn objects at the same time?

    To select multiple objects, you can click on each one while holding down the Shift key, or by clicking the arrow button on the toolbar (Select objects), circle them with a rectangular frame.

    4. How can you combine several drawn objects into one?

    In order to perform any transformations with the selected elements, use the button menu Actions.

    Group, ungroup, - regroup. Several selected objects can be combined into one using the command Group. In further transformations, it is considered as one object, and not as a set of its constituent figures. If necessary, it can again be broken down into its constituent elements with the command Ungroup.

    5. How can you change the level of placement of objects when overlaying them on top of each other?

    Use the button menu Actions.

    Order Sets the placement level of an object when overlaying it with other shapes or text.

    6. What actions must be taken to insert an object into the text WordArt?

    To insert curly text into a document, click on the button Add objectWordArt on the toolbar Drawing. Next, you need to select the type of inscription, type its text, set font formatting parameters and, if necessary, apply certain features of the WordArt toolbar.

    7. How to use the formula editor Microsoft Equation?

    To insert a formula, you must select the command Insert\Object\MicrosoftEquation, After which the object outline and the Microsoft Equation toolbar will appear on the screen. Next, select the type of expression and fill in the corresponding fields in its template. At the same time, using the points Format And Style menu of the formula editor, you can set the required formatting parameters for mathematical symbols and select the desired style for their presentation. Using the menu item Size The size of selected or newly typed formula elements is set.

    8. How can I change the way text flows around a graphic object?

    Object format. It is called by right-clicking on the object and selecting the corresponding command in the context menu. Depending on the type of graphic object, the name of this command may change (for example, Autoshape format, Picture format, Label format etc.,). Object Format\Position


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I acquired practical skills in creating illustrations in MS Word text documents.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 7)





    Acquiring practical skills in entering and editing data using the EXCEL program and performing standard calculations.

    Create a file named f8.xls with the following structure: the first sheet contains the source table, the second sheet contains the results of the necessary calculations for the source table.

    Source table

    list of goods released


    Unit of measurement



    Oil paint

    1 pack (50 kg)

    Paint brush

    Wallpaper glue

    Insulating tape


    Electrical socket



    Calculate the total cost of goods taking into account a 10% discount on those goods whose number of units is more than 100.

    On the third sheet of the f8.xls file, create a table of arguments and values ​​of the specified function.


    1. Which cells in a spreadsheet are called dependent cells?

    Cells in a spreadsheet are called dependent cells if they contain an absolute or relative reference.

    2. How to calculate a given number of elements of an arithmetic progression with a known step?

    1. Enter the first two numbers of the arithmetic progression, taking into account the step.

    2. Select these cells and drag along the column (row) to the required last element of the progression. – The cells will be filled with progression elements.

    3. Select all filled cells and use the toolbar button Autosum or team Insert\Function\Sum

    3. What can be included in the formula? Give an example .

    The formula can include all possible functions from the command Insert\Function

    Signs of arithmetic operations *,/,+,-,^,(,).

    For example: =(Sheet1!$C$13*Sheet1!$E$13+100)*0.14

    4. What formats for representing numbers do you know?

    Numerical, monetary, financial, percentage, fractional, exponential.

    5. Explain how the logical IF function works .

    Returns one value if the specified condition evaluates to TRUE, and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.

    The IF function is used when testing conditions for values ​​and formulas.


    A logexpression is any value or expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. For example, A10=100 is a Boolean expression; if the value in cell A10 is 100, then the expression evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, FALSE. This argument can be used in any

    Value_if_true is the value that is returned if the logical_expression is TRUE. For example, if this argument is the string "Within Budget" and Boolean is TRUE, then the IF function will display the text "Within Budget". If logical_expression is TRUE and value_if_true is empty, then the value 0 is returned. To display the word TRUE, you must use the logical value TRUE for this argument. Value_if_true can be a formula.

    Value_if_false is the value that is returned if the logical_expression evaluates to FALSE. For example, if this argument is the string "Over Budget" and the logical_expression is FALSE, then the IF function will display the text "Over Budget". If the logical_expression is FALSE and the value_if_false is omitted (that is, there is no semicolon after the value_if_true), then the logical value FALSE is returned. If logical_expression is FALSE and value_if_false is empty (that is, value_if_true is followed by a semicolon followed by a closing parenthesis), then the value 0 is returned. Value_if_false can be a formula.


      Up to 7 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more complex tests. See the last example below. When the value_if_true and value_if_false arguments have been evaluated, the IF function returns the resulting value. If one of the arguments to the IF function is array, when executing the IF function, all elements of the array are calculated. Microsoft Excel offers additional functions that you can use to analyze data using conditions. For example, to calculate the number of occurrences of a text string or number in a range of cells, use the COUNTIF function. To calculate the sum of values ​​that fall within an interval specified by a text string or numbers, use the SUMIF function.


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I acquired practical skills in entering and editing data using EXCEL and performing standard calculations.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 8)




    Acquiring practical skills in constructing charts, performing sorting and filtering using the EXCEL program.

    Create a file named f9.xls with the following structure: the first sheet contains the source table (the source table corresponds to the source table of laboratory work No. 8), the second sheet - Filter the data in the source table so that only those rows that contain data about those goods whose quantity is not less than 150 units. The list is sorted in descending order of the number of products.

    On the third sheet of the f9.xls file, construct a diagram with the given parameters corresponding to the values ​​of the function calculated in laboratory work No. 8.

    A flat pie chart of the top seven values ​​of a function, showing the fraction of each value.


    1. How to sort a single column of text data?

    Data\Sort…\Sort within the selected range.

    2. How to sort by one of the columns, taking into account the entire table?

    Select a column and run the command Data\Sort…\Automatically expand the selected range.

    3. What charting parameters do you know?

    Chart type, data labels, legend, title, range, grid, axis labels.

    4. How to use the “Autofilter” mode to select data that satisfies some two conditions?

    1. Click on any cell of the data column and execute the command Data\Filter\AutoFilter

    2. Under the sign that appears, select the required filtering condition.

    5. How can I change the type of chart created?

    Right-click on the diagram and select the command from the context menu Chart type.

    6. Give examples of tasks in which sorting data helps to significantly speed up their processing.

    Sort the list of company employees by year of life in descending order to determine the number of employees of pre-retirement age.


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I acquired practical skills in constructing diagrams, performing sorting and filtering using the EXCEL program.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 9)




    Acquiring practical skills in performing standard operations with vector computer graphics objects.

    Draw a block diagram indicating the vertical dimensions of the first three blocks and extension lines of the last three blocks (the content of the inscription is the type of block, for example, “Input block”, “Logic block”).

    Select the flowchart for the corresponding laboratory work No. 7 “Working with graphic objects in Microsoft Word text documents.”


    1. What types of presentation of graphic information do you know?

    All computer graphics objects are divided into two classes; point and vector. Bitmap (raster) images consist of an array of pixels of geometric shapes of the same size and shape (usually squares and circles), which have their own color and are set at a certain point on the screen. The pattern, assembled using the mosaic principle, is a striking example of an enlarged dot image. Vector images consist of a collection of more complex and varied geometric objects described by mathematical formulas, such as, for example, circles, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, line segments, curved arcs, etc.

    2. How to construct a star heptagon?

    Polygons are constructed using the tool Polygon. Parameters for constructing a polygon (type, number of vertices, sharpness of corners) are set on a special panel, which can be called up by double-clicking on the tool button


    3. What class of objects does a rhombus belong to?

    Class "Rectangles".

    4. How to resize an object?

    Before making resizing changes, the object must be selected, for which you need to select a tool Pick and click on the required point of the desired object and hold the left mouse button to change the size.

    5. What types of lines do you know?

    Connectors, Painting, Pen, Polyline, 3 point curve, Freehand, Bezier tool, ½ to 24 point outline.


    In the process of performing laboratory work, I acquired practical skills in performing standard operations with vector computer graphics objects.

    (see folder STUDENT-laboratory 10)