• What weighs more: a megabyte or a kilobyte. GB, MB, KB are units of measurement of information, and how do they differ from each other?

    (6265 people)

    How much internet traffic per month do you need?

    August 19, 2015

    We are often asked questions: how much internet do I need? 1 GB - is it a lot or a little? How long will 500 MB last me? What do I need to connect to make it enough? Let's try to figure it out together.

    So, let me remind you: in 1 MB - 1,024 KB, 1 GB - 1,024 MB - 1,048,576 KB


    Site page. There is no exact answer. It all depends on what page you open. For example, simple text page takes up, on average, 60-70 KB. Photos, pictures and other graphic elements make the page heavier, and the total amount of traffic will depend on the total number of images. On average, loading a page on a news site takes 200-400 KB, and viewing a review page with photos will weigh 5-10 MB

    Music file. Of course, there is no exact answer. The volume will depend on the length of the song and its quality (bitrate). On average, listening or downloading a song takes 3-5 MB.

    Movie. Naturally, there is no exact answer here either. The volume of traffic is significantly affected not only by the length of the film, but also by its quality (DVD, RIP, etc.) and compression ratio. On average, an hour and a half film in DVD quality (required for viewing on big screen With high resolution) weighs 8-15 GB. Downloading a DVDRIP quality movie will take about 1.5 GB (quite enough quality for watching on a tablet or laptop).

    Online video viewing. Even though streaming video typically has maximum compression, the average movie view weighs 700 MB - 1.2 GB. This also applies to online TV and video calls (Skype, messenger, etc. Although the resolution of the web camera also matters here). For video calls, count on a few MB per minute.

    IP telephony. Traffic for a conversation over IP (similarly for Skype, Whats App, etc.) will weigh on average 128 kB/minute. That is, by spending 1 MB you can talk for 7-8 minutes. I repeat, we are talking about an audio call, not a video call.

    Miscellaneous. Communication in social networks(Facebook, VKontakte, etc.), ICQ and other messengers consume very little traffic. Naturally, if you are not regularly sent “heavy” investments, etc. What is worth paying attention to: on average, social network pages “weigh” the same as pages on a regular website, but checking for new messages, they regularly update themselves (which wastes traffic).


    Smartphone. It doesn’t matter what platform your device is on (IOS, Android, Windows, etc.): regular automatic updates in background(synchronization, checking mail, etc.) takes about 50 MB per day (which is about 1.5 GB per month). You can reduce the amount of traffic by disabling everything automatic updates(for example, the same social networks), but then the question arises of making full use of all the capabilities of your device. If you do not use Wi-Fi all the time, I recommend connecting a package of at least 1-1.5 GB or unlimited option(but in this case, consult about possible speed limits).

    Tablet. For tablet users, the same recommendations apply as for smartphone users. But the required volume of traffic should be increased by an average of 2-3 times (depending on the mode of use). What you should pay attention to: for a tablet, paying per megabyte for the Internet will not be profitable, it is better to enable the option. Before traveling outside your region, do not forget to check the conditions of the option: many of them are more expensive when used in other regions of Russia. And in international roaming Using a “native” SIM card is very expensive! Better connect to a local number or use Wi-Fi.

    Netbook, laptop, computer. Certainly. it all depends on how actively you plan to use the Internet. After all, we are talking about mobile traffic. If you plan to use the Internet occasionally, checking social networks, news, etc. on average 20-30 minutes, then 1-2 GB is enough. If you plan to use the Internet more, but without downloading movies, music, etc. (I also mean online viewing), then about 3-5 GB per month will be enough for you. If you use the Internet regularly, including downloading videos and music, you should consider packages of 10 GB or more per month. IMPORTANT: disable automatic system updates Your device (antivirus, of course, is not worth the risk). This will allow you to reduce the amount of traffic and you will be able to fit into the packages described above.

    Information in a computer is what the computer displays on the monitor screen, as well as what the user enters from the keyboard. Information provided by a computer is data that is processed computing system using the binary number system. In general - in the form of zero and one. In particular - in the form of physical quantities, in the presence or absence of electric current.

    For example, the following dialog box appears: “Do you want to remove this program?” And three answer options: “Yes”, “No”, “Cancel”. If you select the “Yes” option, then a one will be written to the processor, that is, an electrical signal will be received and the program will be deleted, if you select the “No” option, then a zero will be written to the computer processor, filing electrical signal it won’t and naturally nothing will happen. The “Cancel” command, as well as the “No” command, nothing will happen.

    This example is given in order to clearly understand that the computer understands only two numbers - 0 and 1. Text, music, images, programs - all this information is presented to the computer in the form of 0 and 1.

    And there can be such zeros and ones large number, from them large amounts of data are obtained (in one working day there can be a large number of different dialog boxes, dozens of programs are opened and closed). Therefore, special notations were invented to facilitate understanding. These designations include: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB and terabyte.

    What is a beat?

    A bit is the smallest unit of measurement of information volume. 1 bit is one value (one number). For example, when 3 bits are written, this means that the computer stores three numbers consisting of zeros and ones. For example: 01 01 01 or 11 00 01. The sequence of numbers can be any. The bit is designated by a small letter – “b”.

    What is a byte?

    A byte, like a bit, is also a unit of measurement for the amount of information in a computer, but it is a little larger. 1 byte is equal to 8 bits. That is, 8 digits. For example, in computer file information is stored that is equal to 6 bytes. It is known that 1 byte is 8 bits, and it is very easy to calculate, you need 8 * 6 = 48 bits. A byte is larger than a bit by the value of 8. It also contains only two numbers 0 and 1. When the information in a computer is more than eight characters, numbers, pixels (dots), a byte is used. A byte is designated by the capital letter “B”, the Russian designation is “byte”.

    What is KB?

    You can already guess that a kilobyte consists of bytes. And 1 kilobyte contains 1024 bytes. For simplified understanding, 1 kilobyte can fit a small text, Word program or text document, as well as in the message. A kilobyte is denoted by “KB”.

    What is MB?

    Megabyte is one of the most common units of information measurement, as it has optimal size for musical and graphic files. 1 megabyte contains 1024 KB. Megabytes are denoted by large and small letters - MB.

    What is GB?

    A gigabyte is one of the largest units of measurement for the amount of information. Mostly used for video and is also considered a standard for DVDs. All films in good quality have a volume of information in gigabytes. If MB is used, then this video is considered low quality. 1 GB is 1024 MB.

    What is a terabyte?

    Terabyte is mainly used when you need to install several games with a large amount of information on your computer.

    What is more KB or MB?

    MB is larger than KB, since there are more bits in a megabyte, which means more information can fit. For example, if a file contains 100 MB, it means that it will take up more space on your hard drive or phone memory than a file that contains 100 KB.

    Determining which unit of measurement of information is greater is very simple. The main thing to remember is that the value of each amount of information is 1024.

    If you didn’t have computer science at school or college or you skipped classes where the basics were explained, you may be confused about units of measurement. And perhaps you are ashamed to admit this to your acquaintances and friends, so as not to seem ignorant.

    No problem! This article will help you figure out, for example, what is larger than a megabyte or a gigabyte, so that you not only are not ashamed of the gaps in your education, but also freely navigate the files that are stored or are just about to settle on your computer.

    The computer is artificial intelligence, created by people. And unlike us, a computer processes information in a special way; it naturally does not have nerve cells, feelings and sensations, and much more that is inherent in humans. He perceives information in numbers using the binary system, namely the numbers 0 and 1.

    The smallest unit of information processing is the bit.

    Bit (English bit) is either zero or one, it is formed in semiconductor transistors, which are switches. Under the influence of pulses, the transistor can close or open, that is, turn on or off. When it is turned on, it is one; if there is no signal, it is zero. CPU is a brain consisting of millions of transistors, like the human brain of neurons. The processor consists of silicon crystals, each of which can accommodate up to a million of these transistors.

    But when eight of these small “particles” of bits are added to larger blocks, they turn into “elegant” bytes.

    A byte is an ordered set, a collection of bits that a computer processes simultaneously. One byte is not only equal to 8 bits, but is necessarily a multiple of two. True, there are other computing systems, but these are non-standard systems that we will not consider; we will leave this to computer science professors.

    The more bytes a processor processes per unit time, the higher its speed.

    Next, let's look at prefixes. You probably know kilobits, megabits, gigabytes, and so on. If you understand what a bit and a byte are, then the rest will be much easier. To understand for yourself what is larger than a megabyte or a gigabyte, you need to understand the meaning of the prefixes.

    Of course, there is a generally accepted system and corresponding tables with designations of units of measurement computer information. But it often happens that regular user, having run his eyes over it, after some time he forgets all this information and again wonders what is more and what is less.

    Kilo – 1 thousand. Remember the kilogram, this association will help you.
    Mega – 1 million. To make it easier to remember: mega is a thousand thousand.
    Giga - 1 billion. One followed by 9 zeros, comes from the word “giant”.

    Accordingly, adding these prefixes to the bits and bytes we already know, we get values ​​that everyone knows and can now distinguish what is more and what is less.

    But it's not that simple. We are dealing with the binary system, not the decimal system that ordinary people, not programmers, are used to. Therefore, for example, 1 kilobyte will not be equal to 1000 bytes, but will be equal to 2 10, which is equal to 1024. If you have forgotten the course primary school, then this is two raised to the 10th power or multiplied by itself 10 times. Picture for clarity.

    The numbers 256 and 512 clearly resemble something, don’t they? Right, These are common amounts of RAM. And now it’s clear why these are exactly these numbers and not any others.

    And here is a table of the values ​​of units of measurement accepted in computer science, which every programmer is able to read from memory, even if he is woken up in the middle of the night.

    Now it becomes clear what is more than a megabyte or gigabyte, and what is less than a kilobyte or the same megabyte.

    In order to see the size of a file, you need to right-click on it and open properties, there you will see how much space it takes up on your hard drive.

    Modern computers are so smart that they can process bits and bytes different types information, both numerical and textual, graphic, as well as video and sounds.

    But that’s why we can enjoy watching movies, high-quality images on our PCs, and exchanging letters via email, write messages on social networks, listen to music and share all this with other people, without thinking about those microscopic transistors that allow us to do this.

    Many people can no longer imagine their lives without computers, tablets and PDAs. We use them every day, considering them something ordinary, without even thinking about the fact that just 100 years ago computers did not exist at all.

    Let's remember with the kind words of the English mathematician Charles Babbage, who conceived the creation computer at the end of the 19th century, as well as German and American scientists who, in the 40s of the last century, realized this idea by launching the world's first computer weighing 28 tons. And let’s not forget to remember the great American engineer and mathematician Claude Shannon, the founder of the theory of computer science, who in 1948 introduced the concept of “bit”.

    6 comments on this post What is bigger: megabyte or gigabyte?

    We had computer science at school. But we didn’t study it very diligently. I know that a gigabyte is larger than a megabyte, and a megabyte is larger than a byte. But I completely forgot that bytes are calculated by binary system, and not according to the usual decimal. Insanely useful article! Everything is short, clear and understandable, just like in a textbook.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if a new term is introduced next. After all, many already have several Terabytes. I don’t know what it will be called, but it will have 1024 terabytes. I wonder how quickly all this will be introduced, or only in 20 years. Although if you think about it, before 40 GB was enough, now this figure is completely ridiculous!

    Useful table for translation. Otherwise, even young people who recently graduated from school with an excellent grade in computer science confuse megabytes and gigabytes, and if you also tell them about speed, which is measured in kilobits per second, then they become confused. This is what many Internet providers take advantage of, offering large numbers in small units of measurement.

    Yes, both megabyte and gigabyte are outdated concepts. Even a terabyte is already too small - the production of memory for PCs and other computing devices is developing at such a pace. Soon the entire library of the US Congress will be written on a poppy seed! I wonder what will happen next and is there a limit to scientific and technological progress?

    Almost everyone who has had any contact with a computer knows that a megabyte is smaller than a gigabyte. The meanings of megabyte and gigabyte are clear not only to all users, but even to people who are not related to “advanced” PC users. For example, even my grandfather knows that a gigabyte is more than a megabyte?

    Yes, in principle, everything is very simple, at least for those who have been using a computer and the Internet for a long time. But for the younger generation it is certainly not so simple. Although I think they know more about the binary system, it's harder for adults to understand because they weren't taught it much in school.

    What is information and where is it located on the device?

    Information is one of the most expensive and valuable goods, and in some cases it can act as the main weapon against another person. It is especially valued among international companies and corporations.

    This term directly affected the sphere high technology, where information is measured in a specific way. Anyone who uses any device should know and understand the units of measurement used in such a case.

    MB, GB or KB is the amount of information used by a computer and stored on its hard drive. It records both new and deleted old data.

    Where is data stored on a computer?

    Any personal computer or have a laptop hard drive, in which all of it is stored existing information. Before defining such concepts as “kilobyte” or “megabyte”, it is necessary to understand the structure of the place where the data is stored.

    A hard drive consists of an electric motor, disks, heads and a set of circuits.

    Previously disks (pancakes) in this device there were at least 2 pieces, and their total number could reach 4 or more. Now hard drives have 2 or even 1 such “damn”. This happened due to developments computer technology, which allow you to increase the density of recording information on the medium.

    The number of disks has decreased several times, and the amount of information that they can record has increased many times over. Latest Versions hard drives have only one pancake and can contain up to 3 terabytes of information.

    Basic units of information

    The smallest unit of information is called a bit. It can only take 2 values ​​- 0 or 1.

    The next term is "byte". A byte forms a whole block (octet) of information, which consists of 8 bits.

    What does the term “kilobyte (KB)” mean? The amount of information stored by a device is always different, and every year it only grows. You can take as an example RAM. Previously, its volume did not exceed 2 gigabytes, but in our time even 4 will not be enough. It is because of this that the values ​​derived from the byte appeared. That is, KB is a derivative of “byte”. Used various consoles, including “kilo-”, “mega-”, “giga-” and so on. The size of a KB is 1021 bytes, which is equal to 2 10 bytes.

    Derived units

    Derived units of information have been added to shorten the notation. Such derivative words are used not only in the field of high technology, but also, for example, in physics, where the meter is used to measure length, and its derivatives are kilometer, nanometer and others. TB, GB, MB and KB are derivatives formed by adding various prefixes:

    • tera-;
    • giga-;
    • mega-;
    • kilo-.

    These prefixes became widespread back in 1789, when they were used in sciences such as physics. The very first of them were “kilo-” and “mega-”. They are necessary so that the recording of the amount of information is not so voluminous, that is, to make it easier to read. For example, converting 819,200 KB to MB, we get only 100 MB, which is extremely convenient for visual perception.

    Translation of derivatives

    GB, MB or KB - this is the same information that surrounds us everywhere. All the time, the volume of information in devices increases, and sometimes you have to face the need to transfer it to another level. For greater convenience, you need to familiarize yourself with the first three positions from the table below:

    It was said above that 1 byte contains 8 bits, and converting bits into kilobytes needs to be done a little differently. For example, there are 128 bits that need to be converted into bytes. Since 1 B = 8 bits, the number 128 is divided by 8. The result is the number 16.

    A computer, laptop or any other device perceives information only in its own language. In computer science, there is such an area as programming, and programmers write all their work in the language of the source device, to a greater extent this is the binary system, although in this area another one is also used - the hexadecimal number system.

    Converting from bits to kilobytes is not so complicated, but there are other nuances. Some computer users may be confused about how many KB are in MB or how many GB are in 1 TB. The latter term appeared in lately due to a significant increase in hard drive capacity. In order not to get confused, you need to consider the table that has already been mentioned above. It should especially be shown to those new to using a computer, which will help clarify some difficult points for them.

    As you know, a computer operates with information, but obviously not in the same way as we do. How and how to measure this information? What is information? Let's find out! For those who need to translate bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, I have made a convenient “counter” that you can download at the end of the article.

    Information- this is everything that you could see, hear or read. Volumes of information are constantly growing, and every day faster and faster, so the problem of storing and systematizing it arises, so that later you can easily find something. Humanity has evolved from rock records and parchment to digital storage media, but understanding storage devices is becoming increasingly difficult.

    It has been mentioned more than once that the computer processes information using, that it is transmitted from device to device in system unit using cables. You also already know that there are, for example, input devices (keyboard and mouse, for example), with the help of which we can give commands to the computer, which means they also transmit some information. To do this, they connect to . We have already learned how to connect some devices. And finally, the processed information is used by us. For example, it returns to us through output devices, an example of which is the image on the monitor. We are all accustomed to information, such as letters in a book, our entries in a diary. Everything is simple here: information is stored in a book in the form of text, and the book is on a shelf in the library. And as you may have already read, information on a computer is stored on storage media. Here, for example, hard drive(we read about it) in the system unit (it’s in the photo)

    We can only read what is on the sticker, and even then the meaning of most of the inscriptions is unclear. However, this small piece of hardware that you can put in your pocket can store millions of books and documents, thousands of images, audio and video recordings. How? The fact is that a computer is a machine, current flows through the wires, and the computer cannot perceive the same book or the world around us as we do. But it can perfectly determine whether there is a signal or not, well, either small or high voltage respectively. Thus, the computer can perceive information about the presence or absence of a signal as “yes” or “no” or, in digital equivalent, 0 or 1. Thus, we have a simple system of zero and one, which is called binary, since there are only two numbers. One digit (0 or 1) is called a bit is the smallest unit of computer information. Her computer can store and transmit. However, this is very little; how can we store, for example, words?

    What is a byte? How many bits are in a byte?

    You've probably heard about Morse code, where combinations of long and short signals(dots and dashes) were deciphered into words. And if we take a combination of 8 numbers, each of which can be one or zero, we get 256 combinations, which is enough to display both numbers and letters, and more than one alphabet. And these 8 bits are called a byte. Thus there are 8 bits in a byte. You don’t have to keep this in your head or learn it by heart; you can work on a computer without such knowledge, but you still have to estimate the size of the information. Measuring information in bits and even bytes is difficult, because the volume of information is much larger.

    What are kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes? How to convert kilobytes to megabytes and gigabytes to megabytes.

    IN decimal system in calculus we use prefixes to denote large numbers. For example: the prefix kilo- means that the specified number must be multiplied by a thousand. 1 kilogram = 1000 grams. But a kilobyte is not a thousand bytes, and 2 to the power of 10, that is, 1024 bytes, which is not entirely correct. It’s a little difficult to get used to at first; there’s even this anecdote:

    — What is the difference between a programmer and an ordinary person?

    — The programmer thinks that a kilogram of sausage is 1024 grams, but ordinary person thinks that a kilobyte is 1000 bytes.

    The prefix mega means a million, but megabyte is again 1024 kilobytes or 1048576 bytes. As you can see, a megabyte is larger than a kilobyte. A gigabyte is 1024 megabytes= 1048576 kilobytes = 1073741824 bytes. A terabyte is 1024 gigabytes respectively.



    How much would it be in decimal system?

    In binary





    10 6 = 1 000 000

    1 048 576


    10 9 = 1 000 000 000

    1 073 741 824


    10 12 = 1 000 000 000 000

    1 099 511 627 776


    1 125 899 906 842 624

    Here are the most common units for measuring the amount of information. To convert kilobytes to megabytes, you need to divide them by 1024, and in order convert gigabytes to megabytes you need to multiply them by 1024. It was proposed to use “bi” for binary prefixes to eliminate confusion, but kibibyte and mebibyte do not sound very pleasant and unusual, so they have not yet taken root.

    To understand what a thing familiar to us will look like in electronic form(in terms of volume), I’ll give approximate figures:

    • Contents of printed A4 sheet - 100 kilobytes
    • 1.5 hours of film in low (for modern standards) quality - 1.5 gigabytes. In high there can be 40 gigabytes.
    • Medium quality photo - 1-1.5 megabytes
    • Average quality audio recording 3-5 minutes - 10 megabytes

    From this article you learned:

    • What is information
    • How information is represented on a computer
    • What is a beat
    • What is a byte
    • What attachments are there for measuring large quantities of information?
    • How to convert kilobytes to megabytes
    • How many megabytes are in a gigabyte and much more

    Nowadays, high technologies are increasingly seeping into everyday life. But just a few decades ago computers were considered expensive goods, which could only belong to wealthy people.

    People who have used a phone, tablet or computer are sure to come across terms such as “byte”, “megabyte” or “gigabyte”. And of course, they begin to ask questions about what exactly they mean and what they are used for. This is what our article will be devoted to.

    What is information and where is it located on the device?

    Information is one of the most expensive and valuable goods, and in some cases it can act as the main weapon against another person. It is especially valued among international companies and corporations.

    This term directly affected the sphere of high technology, where information is measured in a special way. Anyone who uses any device should know and understand the units of measurement used in such a case.

    MB, GB or KB is the amount of information used by a computer and stored on its hard drive. It records both new and deleted old data.

    Where is data stored on a computer?

    Any personal computer or laptop has a hard drive in which all its existing information is stored. Before defining such concepts as “kilobyte” or “megabyte”, it is necessary to understand the structure of the place where the data is stored.

    A hard drive consists of an electric motor, disks, heads and a set of circuits.

    Previously, there were at least 2 disks (pancakes) in this device, and their total number could reach 4 or more. Nowadays hard drives have 2 or even 1 such “damn”. This happened due to the development of computer technologies, which make it possible to increase the density of recording information on the medium.

    The number of disks has decreased several times, and the amount of information that they can record has increased many times over. The newest versions of hard drives have only one pancake and can contain up to 3 terabytes of information.

    Basic units of information

    The smallest unit of information is called a bit. It can only take 2 values ​​- 0 or 1.

    The next term is "byte". A byte forms a whole block (octet) of information, which consists of 8 bits.

    What does the term “kilobyte (KB)” mean? The amount of information stored by a device is always different, and every year it only grows. We can take RAM as an example. Previously, its volume did not exceed 2 gigabytes, but in our time even 4 will not be enough. It is because of this that the values ​​derived from the byte appeared. That is, KB is a derivative of “byte”. Various prefixes are used, including “kilo-”, “mega-”, “giga-” and so on. The size of a KB is 1021 bytes, which is equal to 2 10 bytes.

    Derived units

    Derived units of information have been added to shorten the notation. Such derivative words are used not only in the field of high technology, but also, for example, in physics, where the meter is used to measure length, and its derivatives are kilometer, nanometer and others. TB, GB, MB and KB are derivatives formed by adding various prefixes:

    • tera-;
    • giga-;
    • mega-;
    • kilo-.

    These prefixes became widespread back in 1789, when they were used in sciences such as physics. The very first of them were “kilo-” and “mega-”. They are necessary so that the recording of the amount of information is not so voluminous, that is, to make it easier to read. For example, converting 819,200 KB to MB, we get only 100 MB, which is extremely convenient for visual perception.

    Translation of derivatives

    GB, MB or KB - this is the same information that surrounds us everywhere. All the time, the volume of information in devices increases, and sometimes you have to face the need to transfer it to another level. For greater convenience, you need to familiarize yourself with the first three positions from the table below:

    It was said above that 1 byte contains 8 bits, and converting bits into kilobytes needs to be done a little differently. For example, there are 128 bits that need to be converted into bytes. Since 1 B = 8 bits, the number 128 is divided by 8. The result is the number 16.

    A computer, laptop or any other device perceives information only in its own language. In computer science, there is such an area as programming, and programmers write all their work in the language of the source device, to a greater extent this is the binary system, although in this area another one is also used - the hexadecimal number system.

    Converting from bits to kilobytes is not so complicated, but there are other nuances. Some computer users may be confused about how many KB are in MB or how many GB are in 1 TB. The latter term has appeared recently due to the significant increase in hard drive capacity. In order not to get confused, you need to consider the table that has already been mentioned above. It should especially be shown to those new to using a computer, which will help clarify some difficult points for them.

    What is information for a computer?

    Information in a computer is what the computer displays on the monitor screen, as well as what the user enters from the keyboard. Information provided by a computer is data that is processed by a computer system using the binary number system. In general - in the form of zero and one. In particular - in the form of physical quantities, in the presence or absence of electric current.

    For example, the following dialog box appears: “Do you want to remove this program?” And three answer options: “Yes”, “No”, “Cancel”. If you select the “Yes” option, then a one will be written to the processor, that is, an electrical signal will be received and the program will be deleted, if you select the “No” option, then a zero will be written to the computer processor, there will be no electrical signal and, of course, nothing will happen. The “Cancel” command, as well as the “No” command, nothing will happen.

    This example is given in order to clearly understand that the computer understands only two numbers - 0 and 1. Text, music, images, programs - all this information is presented to the computer in the form of 0 and 1.

    And there can be a large number of such zeros and ones, from which large amounts of data are obtained (in one working day there can be a large number of different dialog boxes, dozens of programs are opened and closed). Therefore, special notations were invented to facilitate understanding. These designations include: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB and terabyte.

    What is a beat?

    A bit is the smallest unit of measurement of information volume. 1 bit is one value (one number). For example, when 3 bits are written, this means that the computer stores three numbers consisting of zeros and ones. For example: 01 01 01 or 11 00 01. The sequence of numbers can be any. The bit is designated by a small letter – “b”.

    What is a byte?

    A byte, like a bit, is also a unit of measurement for the amount of information in a computer, but it is a little larger. 1 byte is equal to 8 bits. That is, 8 digits. For example, a computer file stores information that is equal to 6 bytes. It is known that 1 byte is 8 bits, and it is very easy to calculate, you need 8 * 6 = 48 bits. A byte is larger than a bit by the value of 8. It also contains only two numbers 0 and 1. When the information in a computer is more than eight characters, numbers, pixels (dots), a byte is used. A byte is designated by the capital letter “B”, the Russian designation is “byte”.

    What is KB?

    You can already guess that a kilobyte consists of bytes. And 1 kilobyte contains 1024 bytes. For simplified understanding, 1 kilobyte can fit a small text in Word or a text document, as well as in a message. A kilobyte is denoted by “KB”.

    What is MB?

    Megabyte is one of the most common units of information measurement, as it has the optimal size for music and graphic files. 1 megabyte contains 1024 KB. Megabytes are denoted by large and small letters - MB.

    What is GB?

    A gigabyte is one of the largest units of measurement for the amount of information. Mostly used for video, and is also considered the standard for DVDs. All films in good quality have a volume of information in gigabytes. If MB is used, then the video is considered to be of low quality. 1 GB is 1024 MB.

    What is a terabyte?

    Terabyte is mainly used when you need to install several games with a large amount of information on your computer.

    What is more KB or MB?

    MB is larger than KB, since there are more bits in a megabyte, which means more information can fit. For example, if a file contains 100 MB, it means that it will take up more space on your hard drive or phone memory than a file that contains 100 KB.

    Determining which unit of measurement of information is greater is very simple. The main thing to remember is that the value of each amount of information is 1024.

    Do you know how much memory your computer has for storing information? You're always confused about what it is KB (kilobyte), MB (megabyte), GB (gigabyte)?

    In this article we will try to find out what it is kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, and also which of them is greater K.B. or M.B. or G.B.?

    Bit concept

    Bit(English) bit) is defined as a variable that can only have two values ​​- 1 or 0. A bit is a bit binary code . Exactly various combinations 1s and 0s are the basis for storing information and setting various teams V computer technology.


    Block digital information in computing it's called byte(English) byte). This is an ordered set of bits. Historically, a byte is considered to be the number of bits that are used to encode one text character on the computer. Byte size is generally hardware dependent, but it is now generally accepted that one byte is equal to 8 bits, and is always a multiple of 2. The number of bits for storing information is always a multiple of 2. A byte is also called “ octet"(lat. octet). Thus, a byte is the smallest piece of data that can be processed by any type of computer.

    Who is more KB or MB?

    We figured out what bits and bytes are in computer world. The next term we need to know is kilobyte (KB). IN binary calculus A kilobyte is 1024 bytes and is represented as 2 to the tenth power. In decimal terms, a kilobyte is often equated to 1000 bytes. This is where the confusion in the designation of memory volumes begins. Decimal kilobytes are always smaller than binary kilobytes, which in turn are more precise.

    As with Kilobytes, Megabytes also has two meanings. When the calculation is done in binary system, then A megabyte is equal to 1048576 bytes or 2 to the 20th power. The decimal system uses the concept of Megabyte equal to 1,000,000 bytes. In the decimal system, Mb is often taken to be megabit.

    Users often ask what's more K.B. or M.B.? Manufacturers themselves are causing even more confusion. computer equipment, using the concepts of kilobytes or megabytes in the description of the parameters of their products, both in the decimal system and in binary format. For example, hard drive manufacturers often indicate the capacity in the decimal system on the label. Therefore, a hard drive with a specified capacity of 160GB actually has 163840 megabytes of memory.

    Below is a correspondence table in binary system

    1 bit = 1 or 0
    1 nibble = 4 bits
    1 byte = 8 bits
    1 KB (one kilobyte) = 1024 bytes
    1 MB (one megabyte) = 1024 KB = 1048576 bytes

    Now let's understand the terms kilobit And megabit and where they are used. These terms are used in data transfer rates local network or Internet. The answer to the question, which is more in a mathematical sense, is presented in the following table.

    1 kbit/s = 1000 bits per second
    1 Mbit/s = 1,000,000 bits per second

    From the article it becomes clear that MB is always greater than KB, regardless of which number system you use - binary or decimal.

    There is also a difference in the spelling of these concepts. There is no shortened name for the beat. Therefore, the term used to refer to 1,000,000 bits is Gbit, and for 1000000 bytes the abbreviation is used 1 GB.

    The following abbreviations are used to indicate data transfer rates: 1 kilobit = kbps, and 1 kilobyte = Kbps or kBps.