• What to do if a blue screen appears. Blue screen when turning on computer

    BSOD (English. Blue Screen Of Death

    BSOD- this is the name of the message that appears in the Windows operating system, in case of a critical system error, translated into Russian - blue screen of death. This screen appeared in Windows NT and, since then, has been present in all versions of this operating system, and it is called so ominously because after its appearance the OS actually “dies” (goes into reboot), dumping and losing all unsaved data .

    Why does BSOD occur? This error awaits you if any the driver will attempt to perform an illegal operation, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hard drive driver, without which it’s really impossible to work, or a network/sound card driver, which doesn’t affect the operation of the main functionality of the system... the result is the same: BSOD and emergency reboot.

    Driver problems causing blue screen death can be divided into two types:

    • hardware problems (RAM, motherboard, hard drive, non-standard devices...),
    • conflict of software drivers (antiviruses, emulators, firewalls...).

    There is an indirect sign by which you can determine the cause of BSOD.

    If a blue screen appears with different error codes (on random drivers), the most likely cause is problems with computer hardware. To check this version, you must first examine the equipment for possible overheating: processor, coprocessor, video card, hard drive, etc. The temperature of devices can be viewed in the BIOS or with specialized programs that are easy to find on the Internet. Temperatures above 65-70°C are cause for concern.
    If overheating is not observed, it is worth visually inspecting the motherboard and power supply for swelling of the capacitors (leaked electrolyte).
    You also need to check the BIOS settings, it is advisable to reset them to default settings. It would not be superfluous to update the BIOS version from the motherboard manufacturer's website, or, at a minimum, remove the battery from the motherboard and, after waiting about a minute, insert it back.
    Try running various tests on your computer (memory, video card, processor) using special utilities.
    If you have several RAM modules installed on your computer, try leaving one of them and check the operation of the system.
    The last way to check is to completely remove all the boards from the connectors, blow out the computer with compressed air, clean the contacts on the boards with cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution, dry and put everything back together.

    If a critical error occurs constantly with the same error code (driver name), then the problem is more likely with a driver conflict or an incorrectly written driver. In this case, scanning priority should be given not to system drivers, but to software drivers, running in kernel mode.
    First, you should make sure that your operating system saves memory areas with errors in minidump files. On Windows, such files are saved by default in the %systemroot%\Minidump folder (C:\Windows\Minidump). If there are no files in this directory (there is no directory itself), you must enable this option at:
    For Windows XP Control Panel - System - Advanced - Boot and Recovery - Settings...
    For Windows 7 Control Panel - System and Security - System - Advanced system settings - Startup and Recovery - Settings...
    Under the heading "Write debugging information" you need to set Small memory dump(64 KB for Windows XP, 256 KB for Windows 7).

    This will cause minidump files to appear in the default folder after every system crash. The file names will indicate the date of saving and the serial number of the saved file for this date. You can open such files with special programs that can be easily found on the Internet using a search query. By opening the minidump file for the date you are interested in, you can see which driver caused the crash, after which you can roll back/update this driver, reinstall the conflicting software, and perform other actions to restore the computer’s functionality.
    Blue screen of deathThis is a message from the operating system about a critical error. In this way, Windows lets us know that there are serious problems with the computer that require immediate user attention. Let's try to figure out what can cause the blue screen of death, how you can prevent its occurrence and how you can fight it.

    What is a blue screen of death?
    In order to identify the causes of the blue screen of death, you need to understand what it is. Blue Screen of Death or BSoD– this is what the Windows developers themselves call this type of error. Blue – because the message from the system is displayed on a blue background. Screen of death - since further operation of Windows after such an error is impossible, you must restart the operating system, and all unsaved data is lost. If you see a BSoD on your computer 1 or 2 times, don’t worry, operating system crashes happen to everyone from time to time. If the appearance of the blue screen of death has become regular, it is worth thinking about the reasons for its occurrence and ways to eliminate it.

    Blue screen of death, possible causes of its occurrence.

    The main causes of blue screen of death are:

    • A software failure in the operation of a device driver. This is the most common cause of BSoD.
    • A conflict in the operation of applications, as a rule, this happens if you have installed two anti-virus packages or two firewalls on your computer.
    • Installing drivers from an unknown developer - often drivers from third-party developers may contain errors that lead to interruptions in the operation of the operating system.
    • Errors in equipment operation - overheating of the processor or video card, poor contact in connectors, defective RAM chips.

    As you can see, the list of reasons for the appearance BSoD quite extensive. In order to find out the specific reason, we should take a closer look at the blue screen of death itself in Windows XP or another version of Windows. In the Technical Information block, the first line is the error code. It will be difficult for a non-specialist to understand what is hidden behind this sequence of numbers; in the second line of this block, the system tells us in which file a critical failure occurred, which led to the appearance of the blue screen of death. By the file name you can determine which device driver the error occurred in.

    How to deal with the blue screen of death.

    At the previous stage, we analyzed the causes of BSoD. Now, based on this data, we will determine why blue screen of death and what needs to be done in order to eliminate the source of the critical error.

    First of all, you need to find out which device driver is the file in which the failure occurred. After this, you need to reinstall this driver, making sure to use software from the device manufacturer. Now reboot the system and let it work, if the error appears again, you need to consider other reasons why the system is crashing. The Blue Screen of Death in Windows 7 quite often occurs due to incorrect hardware operation. Try checking with the computer disconnected from the network that the RAM and video card are installed securely in the appropriate slots on the motherboard. Often, it is poor installation or the presence of dust on the contacts that can lead to improper operation of the system.

    The most common BSoDs. Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

    KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED– Causes a blue screen as a result of an error in a kernel mode process that is attempting to execute an unknown instruction. May be due to incompatibility or hardware malfunction, as well as errors in drivers or system services.

    NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM– this error appears as a result of a failure in the execution of the ntfs.sys file system driver code. The main reason may be a violation of the integrity of data on the disk or in memory, as well as corruption of the SCSI or IDE drivers.

    DATA_BUS_ERROR– The blue screen of death appears as a result of a parity error in RAM. The root cause may be incompatible or faulty hardware. The problem may also be due to an incorrect driver, as well as a failure on the disk.

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL- the blue screen of death in this case appears as a result of a kernel mode process accessing a memory area while using an IRQL level that is unacceptably high for it. This error may be caused by incorrect operation of drivers, system services, or incompatible software, such as a software emulator or antivirus application.

    PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA- the error appears as a result of the system not finding the necessary data, for example, when Windows looks for the necessary information in the paging file, but cannot find it. Often, the appearance of a blue screen of death in this case is caused by hardware failures, file system malfunctions, or a service or software error, such as an antivirus.

    KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR- This error appears as a result of errors in reading from the page file into physical memory. The main reason for the appearance of the blue screen of death is a damaged sector of the virtual memory file, incorrect operation or malfunction of the hard drive controller, insufficient free disk space, incorrect connection of the hard drive, conflict in interrupts, defect in RAM, viruses in the operating system.

    Basically, the appearance of a blue screen of death is caused by: software (drivers), sometimes in hardware (its failure, conflicts or malfunction). In these cases, when a blue screen of death appears, you need to remove recently installed programs and drivers, as well as disable and remove recently installed hardware.

    You need to uninstall software in Windows Safe Mode. To do this, when loading the operating system, you must press the F8 key and select Safe Mode.

    A common cause of the Blue Screen of Death is overheating of the equipment (computer components). In this regard, protection is triggered, which is the cause of BSoD. To do this, you need to remove the cover of the system unit and determine the source of overheating - very often this source is the central processor, less often the video card and power supply. If a malfunction is detected, it must be eliminated, then the problem of BSoD will be eliminated.




    What is BSoD

    BSoD - Blue Sceen of Death, blue screen of death. Appears in the most critical situations, when closing a faulty program is impossible.

    The Windows operating system has several layers of running programs. We see only the top one - open program windows and running services. These are what the Task Manager shows. When one of the programs makes an error that it is not able to process and work around, it, as many users say, “crashes.” You can start it again and continue working.

    Software modules running at a lower level (drivers) will not be able to restart in the event of an error. The Windows operating system tries to protect the user from many errors, but this does not always work and it capitulates, showing a sad face or a set of characters on the computer screen.

    You need to understand that drivers are an intermediary between the software and hardware of a computer. Both drivers can fail (programmers are people too, they may not take something into account or make a mistake), as well as the hardware part of the computer.

    Symptoms of BSoD

    1. The appearance of a blue screen with strange symbols or a sad emoticon.

    In 99% of cases, the computer reboots on its own due to a critical error (BSoD), but there can be a worse situation: problems with the power supply or motherboard. If you have a desktop PC, check to see if there are any bulges anywhere.

    Reasons for a blue screen

    1. Overheating. Overheating of the video card or processor leads to the blue screen of death.

    By the way, in Windows XP, when the video card overheated, a BSoD always occurred; in Vista and newer, the video driver simply rebooted. If you see the message “The video driver has stopped responding and has been restored,” then this is an overheating of the video card:

    The newer Windows, the better the protection against failures. Let's hope that in some Windows XV, instead of a blue screen, we will see an error notification that does not interfere with work.

    2. RAM failure. You can, but in order not to hit the mark, first read on - perhaps the cause of your blue screen of death is something else.

    If you installed new RAM in your computer and get frequent BSoDs, replace it at the store with a working one. There are no other ways to overcome blue screens of death when replacing RAM.

    3. Failure of other hardware. Maybe the voltage in the power supply “sags”. Maybe there is a loss of contact somewhere. Maybe your computer doesn't like the full moon. There are many reasons, one can guess endlessly.

    If, after you have analyzed the minidump (more on this below) and eliminated errors, the blue screen does not go away, you should replace all components one by one. You can’t just go ahead and determine the cause of BSoD if the error codes are different every time.

    4. Overclocking. If you are an advanced overclocker, then you know what overclocking a computer has to do with BSoD. If not, don't overclock your computer.

    5. Driver(s) failure. The cause of BSoD is not necessarily a hardware problem. Unstable drivers are a frequent guest on user computers. How to identify a faulty driver will be discussed next.

    6. Viruses. Be sure to check your computer with some or .

    I never tire of being amazed at the self-confidence of users who say “ I have no viruses and no antivirus either! I have a straight hand/I only use trusted sites/sometimes I check with a one-time antivirus and that’s why everything is fine!". Leaving aside the debate about how you can live without an antivirus, think about it: if a person sees BSoD, he has This is no longer a normal situation. How can you say that there are no viruses and this is not the cause of the blue screen?

    Also, do not think that if you have an antivirus installed with the latest databases, there cannot be viruses. Check with others to completely rule out the possibility.

    7. Antiviruses. It's funny (and sad) that antiviruses can cause crashes. Remove your antivirus temporarily. Have blue screens of death stopped appearing? Install a new one so that blue screens do not appear due to reason No. 6.

    8. Windows updates. Developers at Microsoft sometimes test updates poorly. Because of this, some people completely disable Windows Update and sit without updates, although this is not an option. Control Panel - Programs and Features - View installed updates- right click - Delete according to the updates installed recently, then check the operation of Windows. Has everything returned to normal? Just don't install updates for a couple of weeks - usually during this time some kind of corrective update for the update comes out and everything becomes fine.

    9. Programs crash. This happens, but rarely. If you see BSoD during a game or when running a specific program, I advise you to check your computer for overheating, because most programs are not capable of causing a blue screen, with the exception of those installing drivers into the system (antiviruses, virtual disk emulators, game protection systems like PunkBuster, accounting programs that work with digital keys).

    10. Hard disk file system errors. It won't be amiss

    Let's find out the cause of BSoD

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons and there is no point in guessing. Fortunately, the blue screen of death contains clues as to why Windows suddenly started to crash. Among the incomprehensible text there will be error codes containing a direct indication of what caused the failure.

    Most often you are BSoD you won't see, since Windows settings by default enable restarting the computer in case of critical errors.

    You can disable automatic restart of Windows like this: Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Options- check/uncheck the boxes as in the screenshot below:

    Pay attention to the “Small memory dump” item - check it too.

    Google the error code from the Windows Log

    The “Write event to system log” checkbox is checked by default, which means error codes will be in the Windows Log.

    Go to Control Panel - Administration - Event Viewer - System- and look for a line in the list that coincides in time with the appearance of a blue screen or restarting the computer:

    Look for the error code (in the screenshot above it is 0x0000009f) in Google and read the first few sites in the results, follow the recommendations that have helped others. If a driver is specified (a word ending .sys, then it’s generally great - the probable culprit is found immediately, you need to install a driver for this device of an older/newer version. If there is no clear and clear indication on the Internet of the cause of BSoD for the specified error code, read my instructions further.

    If there is nothing in the Windows Log, wait for the blue screen to appear and look for the error there:

    Just search Google for information on the error code and follow the recommendations.

    Analyze the minidump

    Unfortunately, if the problem is a faulty driver, this is not always shown on the blue screen. The error code is also not always informative. You need to analyze the minidump file that is created when a BSoD occurs and contains information about the failure, in particular which drivers reported the error. There are two programs for minidump analysis: Windows Debugging Tools and BlueScreenView. Unfortunately, the first one is too complicated for novice users, although it gives a more informative result. In 99% of cases, the second, simple and free BlueScreenView is enough.

    The BlueScreenView installer is available at this link.

    After starting the program, you will see a window in which at the top there will be minidumps created by the system and information about them, at the bottom - a list of drivers. Failed drivers will be indicated in yellow.

    Example No. 1 - the video card is to blame

    A blue screen appears with the text ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY. Let's look at the minidump:

    The ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error, judging by googling, is caused by some driver. The likely culprit in this case is nv4_disp.sys. There are others, but they are part of the system and are statistically unlikely to be the cause. A Google search showed that nv4_disp.sys is a video card driver from nVidia. Three steps:

    1. Check the video card for overheating.

    2. Installing an older video card driver (new if the old one is installed). This is done with any drivers, not just video cards.

    3. Installing the video card in another computer.

    4. If a blue screen appears on another computer, take the video card to a service center. If the warranty is still valid, you can replace it with a working one free of charge.

    5. Doesn't the blue screen appear on another computer? Try installing a different power supply on yours - this may be the reason.

    6. Doesn't help? Reinstall Windows completely.

    7. If this does not help, take it to the service center for diagnostics.

    Example No. 2 - the culprit is not at all what was expected

    A blue screen with the message PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA is associated with many problems:

    If the likely faulty driver was ntfs.sys, then I would recommend checking the hard drive for errors, as well as replacing the cable that goes from the hard drive to the motherboard. In this case, BlueScreenView points to the USB port driver and this could be true, but where I took the dump from as an example, the person’s motherboard is at fault - the capacitors on it are swollen. The solution is to pick up the system unit and head to the service center.

    Example No. 3 - the antivirus is to blame

    I found this minidump on the Internet:

    The culprit was SRTSP.SYS, an antivirus component from Norton. Solved by removing it.

    Example No. 4 - “broken” RAM

    A blue screen with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a sign that the RAM is unusable:

    BlueScreenView points to the likely culprit - ntoskrnl.exe. This is the Windows kernel and cannot be the cause of the BSOD. In 99% of cases, the cause of a blue screen with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error is “broken” RAM. We'll have to change it.

    Results of the analysis of examples

    1. BlueScreenView indicates a failure in the driver, and the hardware with which the driver interacts may be to blame.

    2. You can determine whether the failure is in the driver or the hardware by searching through both the drivers and the hardware. Install old drivers (for example, those that came with the disk), download new ones. Check the drivers using the system. Finally, reinstall Windows.

    We have all encountered one or another problem when working at a computer. Freezing programs, graphical or sound problems - sooner or later everyone will become familiar with them. But the most frightening experience for beginners is always the appearance of the “blue screen of death.”

    Information about the Blue Screen of Death

    When an error occurs in the computer, a message about it is displayed on the screen, after which the device usually continues to operate. But at some point, any PC may encounter a contradiction, for example, when two commands simultaneously tell it to do mutually exclusive actions. In this and other cases, the computer could fail due to a contradiction in its own logic, which would lead to serious damage to the system. To prevent this from happening, all processes are forcibly terminated, and that same “blue screen of death” appears. It displays codes with which the user can find out what error he encountered and fix it.

    In the new version of Windows, the blue screen does not look so scary

    The blue screen changed with each version of the operating system. And in modern Windows 10, it is no longer so scary: users see a sad emoticon, an error message and a QR code, which, when scanned from a phone, opens the official Microsoft website with more detailed information about the current problem. It turns out that the “blue screen of death” itself is not at all dangerous; it only signals a serious problem with the computer that needs to be solved and protects it from damage to system data.

    The Blue Screen of Death is originally called Blue Screen of Death and is often abbreviated to BSoD. BSoD itself is not dangerous: it only signals a serious problem with the computer that needs to be solved, and protects it from damage to system data.

    Causes of the Blue Screen of Death

    There are many reasons for a blue screen to appear. As already mentioned, the reason can be any disagreement in the logic of the computer, but these disagreements themselves arise in different situations. Let's look at the main problems that can cause a Blue Screen of Death on your monitor:

    Table: explanation of specific errors

    Error nameReason for appearance
    Nvlddmkm.sysNvidia driver error. You need to completely reinstall the driver.
    dxgkrnl.sysDirectX error. Reinstalling the driver or DirectX directly will help.
    dxgmms1.sysDirectX error. May occur when overclocking equipment.
    ntoskrnl exeProblems with the system kernel. It can be caused by both registry and file damage. Fixed by system restore.
    dxgmms2.sysAnother driver or DirectX error. Often occurs during driver loading. It is recommended to check the registry for damage.
    Bt878_b3.sysDriver damage or conflict. With some probability, such an error may be associated with hard drive problems.
    Netio.sysProblem reading the file. The problem is either at the hardware level (RAM, hard drive), or arose due to damage to a specific segment of system files.

    Video: causes of the “blue screen of death” and their elimination

    Solving problems that cause the Blue Screen of Death

    Now that you have figured out the reasons for the blue screen, it’s worth trying to figure out how to solve these problems.

    Removing viruses from your computer

    Viruses are the most common problem. It's easier to prevent them from entering your computer than to get rid of them. But for this it is enough:

    • do not visit dubious sites - it is not at all difficult to catch viruses on sites with pirated software or by following advertising links, but you simply will not find them on the official sites of software manufacturers or on popular hosting sites;
    • do not install unverified programs and browser extensions - an almost similar situation. Use what you trust and you won't have problems;
    • install antivirus protection in advance - Windows 10 has a built-in antivirus. Do not disable it or immediately install an analogue one. It is recommended to use anti-virus programs from well-known companies, such as Doctor Web or Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

    But what if you have already caught viruses? Then the system needs urgent cleaning. You can do it as follows:

    Rollback and recovery of the Windows 10 operating system

    If the system files have already been damaged and the blue screen appears constantly, the only correct solution is to restore them. This can be done in several ways.

    Rollback to a restore point

    To recover damaged files using this method, you needed to create system restore points in advance as follows:

    1. Open "System Properties" and go to the "System Protection" tab. You can get there by selecting the “Recovery” section in the “Control Panel” or in another way convenient for you.
    2. Go to the settings of the current tab by clicking the “Customize” button. Open the “System Protection” tab and click on the “Configure” button
    3. Make sure system protection is activated and there is enough space to save restore points. It is advisable to leave at least five gigabytes. Make sure system protection is enabled or enable it yourself
    4. Return to the “System Protection” tab and click on the “Create” button. A menu will open where you need to enter a name. It is necessary so that you can remember at what moment you created this point. Come up with a name for the restore point and click on the “Create” button
    5. In the future, in the same “Restore” item, you can start a system rollback to previous values. After launch, you need to choose which point to roll back to.
      Select a recommended point or specify the one you need yourself
    6. Wait until the procedure is completed. The process of returning the system to its old state will be performed automatically, but may take quite a long time.

    If you did not take care of creating a restore point in advance, then this method will not suit you.

    It would be effective to create a system restore point before each installation of drivers or programs.

    Video: how to create a Windows 10 system restore point

    Repairing and reinstalling Windows 10

    You can reinstall the system using a similar version of Windows. You can download it from the official Microsoft website. The main thing is to choose the same bit depth and system language. After downloading the Windows Setup Assistant, do the following:

    1. Launch Windows Setup Assistant and select Windows Update at this time.
      Select computer update to access system restore
    2. Select the data in the first window that matches your system and click “Next”.
      Specify the system bit size that matches yours and click “Next”
    3. Click on "System Restore" in the corner of the screen.
      In the very first installation window, click on the “System Restore” button
    4. Go to the Diagnostics menu. Since we are not installing the system from scratch, but reinstalling it, the easiest way to do this is through the current menu.
      Go to the system Diagnostics menu on the action selection screen
    5. Select the option to return the device to its original state.
      Click on the "Reset your computer" button in the "Diagnostics" window
    6. Indicate whether you want to save the data (programs and games, one way or another, must be reinstalled after reinstalling Windows).
      Indicate whether you want to save the data that is on your computer
    7. Click on the operating system you want to restore.
      If you have several systems on your computer, select the one that needs to be restored
    8. Specify the drive to install the system.
      Specify the drive or drives that will be affected by system recovery
    9. If you want to delete files, the wizard will ask you how to do this. The “Just delete my files” option means a quick format, and it will be enough.
      Specify how to delete files if you have previously chosen to delete them
    10. Confirm the reinstallation by clicking the “Reset to original state” button.
      Click on the “Restore to original state” button
    11. Windows reinstallation will begin. The computer may be restarted more than once during the process.
      The operating system files will be replaced with the original ones: wait for the process to complete
    12. Wait for the reinstallation to complete. You can track the installation progress in percentages
    13. Specify the current user of the device when you get to the initial settings screen.
      Enter your account and click “Next”
    14. Enter your product key or skip this step.
      Enter your Windows license key or skip this step
    15. Review and accept the Windows 10 License Agreement.
      Review the license agreement and click "Accept" to continue installation
    16. After finishing all the settings, you will see the Windows desktop. Reinstallation is complete.
      Once the recovery is completed successfully, you will see the Windows 10 desktop

    If your computer doesn’t even turn on, you can use the same installation assistant to create installation media from another device. Connect the media to your computer and do the following:

    After creating the installation drive, insert it into your computer and do the following:

    And you can also perform a system restore without installing it. To do this, do the following:

    Video: how to restore Windows 10 from a system disk image backup

    Updating and installing drivers

    The latest versions of drivers should be installed automatically in Windows 10. But this may not happen due to problems or incorrect settings. A device without a driver, in turn, will not work correctly, so to install its latest version, do the following:

    1. Open Device Manager. To do this, right-click on the Start menu icon and select Device Manager. Right-click on the lower left corner of the screen to display the shortcut menu and select "Device Manager"
    2. If there is an exclamation mark next to a device and its name is indicated incorrectly, the device driver is installed incorrectly or is not installed at all. But fixing this is not at all difficult if you have an Internet connection. Devices that have problems detecting the driver will be marked with an exclamation mark
    3. Right-click the device and click “Update Drivers...”. Right-click on the driver and select "Update Drivers"
    4. Select automatic search. Wait until the driver downloads from the network.
    5. Wait until the driver installation finishes.
      After downloading, driver installation will begin automatically.
    6. Once the installation is complete, the device name should be displayed correctly. Click on the "Close" button.
      When the driver is installed, you will receive a device update message
    7. The computer will prompt you to restart. This must be completed for the new driver to start working.
      Accept the request to restart your computer for the changes to take effect

    Similarly, you can update the drivers of all hardware on your computer.

    Video: how to update drivers in Windows 10

    Reset Windows 10 to factory settings

    Resetting the operating system to factory settings will help return it to its original state. This will fix errors and restore system files. To perform a reset, follow these steps:

    Video: how to reset Windows 10 to factory settings

    Detecting computer hardware problems

    If you suspect that the Blue Screen of Death is due to problems with your computer hardware, then you should run a system diagnostic. Let's look at the diagnostic process using the AIDA 64 program. This convenient and comprehensive utility will help you identify the weak point in the system. If the “blue screen of death” appeared right during the test with this program, then the problem is probably in the hardware, and you should check which device was tested before the blue screen appeared. The test itself is very simple:

    With the help of such a check, it is easy to identify problems with the hard drive or RAM of your system, and they are the ones that most often cause the “blue screen of death” to appear.

    Video: overview of the AIDA64 program

    Reasons why a blue screen appears when launching games

    The reason for the appearance of a blue screen when starting a game can also be several factors:

    • the game does not work correctly - if the game is amateur or has a serious glitch, its operation may cause conflicts in the system. This happens extremely rarely in large projects, because developers carefully test them. However, if this happens, it is better to stop trying to launch and wait for a patch;
    • hardware problem - the game puts a strain on your computer's hardware, and if your hard drive or other device has problems, you may see a blue screen of death. This is the most common reason for its appearance when launching games. Perform equipment diagnostics as indicated above;
    • The problem is in the drivers - a faulty video card driver also starts working fully only when games are launched. And this leads to various errors. Update your drivers to the latest ones and remember to do this every time they are released.

    Now you know that the worst thing about the “blue screen of death” is its name. This error itself only indicates problems in the system, which means that if you encounter a blue screen, you should look for problems with your device and fix them. And doing this now will not be difficult for you.

    Most often, the main sign of any serious problems in Windows 7 is a blue screen. Moreover, its presence can indicate both problems with the hardware of the personal computer and the software.

    Fixing problems of this type is in most cases quite simple; you can almost always do it yourself. Only rarely may specialist consultation be required.

    Setting up the system to diagnose the problem

    When Blue Screenof Death appears frequently, you must first perform two operations in strict order:

    • disable reboot;
    • run a special system utility.

    Disabling reboot will allow you to get rid of automatic restart when BlueScreenofDeath appears. This is necessary in order to find out the error code that caused an emergency on a personal computer.

    This operation is performed as follows:

    After completing all the above operations, the system will no longer reboot on its own. And the user will be able to get acquainted with all the information about the problem that led to the appearance of the corresponding message on the display.

    Most often, the problem lies in the PC's RAM. You should definitely analyze it using a special utility. The OS already has the necessary software built into it to achieve this goal.

    It is launched as follows:

    You must choose the first option, as it is optimal. It is important to remember that the type check in question takes a long time to complete.

    Under no circumstances should you interrupt the process.

    After it is completed, the machine will reboot automatically. The PC display will display all the information with the test results. This will allow you to determine how to fix the problem.

    Reasons for appearance

    This type of problem can occur due to a variety of problems.

    But all of them can be divided into main categories:

    • equipment malfunction;
    • inappropriate or malfunctioning drivers;
    • software.

    The surest way to determine a malfunction is to analyze the information present on the monitor at the moment Blue Screenof Death appears. In most cases, the computer uses special character sets to point the user to the problem node. It is best to find a decoding of error codes on the Internet in advance.

    Faulty installed equipment

    Very often, the type of problem in question appears due to problems in the PC hardware. They can arise due to improper assembly or microcircuit failure. Quite often both the first and the second are present.

    The most common malfunction is swelling of the capacitors on the motherboard. Detecting this is very simple: you need to open the PC case and carefully examine the small bars with round legs on the Motherboard. If the end part of any capacitor is swollen, it must be replaced. This process is quite simple; you just need to select a component with a similar capacity.

    Often a similar problem occurs with power supplies. The presence of swollen capacitors in them can also lead to a blue screen. It is advisable to carefully inspect all components of the PC - the presence of damage (carbon deposits or other defects) indicates a hardware malfunction. Often the problems lie in the connection buses.


    Very often Blue Screen of Death occurs due to incorrectly selected drivers. Most often this is due to catalysts for the video card. This is especially true for applications downloaded from unofficial resources.

    Solving this problem is simple; you just need to replace the installed programs with standard ones. But sometimes it happens that dealing with a problem of the type in question is not so easy.

    If the user does not have sufficient knowledge and experience to detect the problematic driver that is causing the BSOD, then a special built-in utility for this should be used. It's called Verifier.exe, and it's very easy to find and run.


    Often, BSOD occurs due to the presence of some malicious application. An antivirus will help resolve this situation.

    At the moment, the best ones to use to check your PC are:

    • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
    • Nod 32;
    • D.R. WEB;
    • Avast.

    Sometimes BSOD appears due to a variety of applications that for some reason conflict with drivers or other programs or utilities. Therefore, sometimes you can get rid of the blue screen of death by simply uninstalling recently installed programs.

    Memory dump analysis using BlueScreenView utility

    If a Windows 7 blue screen occurs, what should you do? You can resolve the situation using the universal BlueScreenView application. This utility does not require installation and immediately after launch, it automatically detects all dump files.

    With BlueScreenView you can easily analyze your computer's message.

    The process of viewing a dump is quite simple:

    • dump files are displayed in the upper part of the window - you need to click on the required one, and the drivers that caused the BSOD will be displayed in the lower area;
    • you need to double-click on the desired item - this will allow you to see the parameters in a tabular format;
    • click on “settings” - “selected window mode” - “drivers found in the crash track”;
    • right-click and select HTMLReport.

    Photo: dump analysis and error viewing

    The information received can be sent to the support service, or analyzed independently - if the user has the appropriate knowledge and skills for this. If necessary, you can view the original BSOD screen using the utility in question. It has very wide functionality and many settings, which is why it is quite popular.

    Video: problem solving

    Common errors

    Figuring out how to find out the cause of a BSOD is quite simple. It is much more difficult to eliminate it. Usually the error is displayed on the monitor screen in the form of a hexadecimal code, which can be easily translated into plain English.

    The most common errors that occur are:

    It is necessary to find a translation of error codes into English or directly into Russian in advance. This will make it possible to simplify the task of troubleshooting the type of malfunction as much as possible. If for some reason it was not possible to resolve the problem, then you should contact competent specialists.

    Avoid occurrenceBSODor you can eliminate it after it appears using some actions:

    Also, often the cause of the appearance of the blue screen of death is an installed unlicensed operating system. Perhaps installing the original distribution will get rid of the troubles.

    The best way to solve the problem of BSOD on a PC is to simply prevent it from occurring. It is necessary to update the software in a timely manner, and not to use pirated programs or operating systems. It is imperative to monitor the hardware (temperature conditions, dust levels). All this will avoid the need to waste time fixing problems.

    Many users get scared when they see a blue screen on their monitor because they have heard a lot about it, but do not always understand what it is. First, you should understand the terminology, since a blue screen in Windows can appear for various reasons.

    So, when loading the computer, if you press the Del button, the BIOS panel (menu on a blue background) may appear, intended for setting up the system; in order to remove it, just press the Escape key. Also, during boot, a blue screen with changing percentages may appear, this means that the system is being checked for errors, most often it occurs due to improper shutdown of the PC. Actually, these cases do not pose a danger and there is no point in discussing them further.

    Now, it’s worth mentioning separately about the blue screen, which appears due to errors, but not critical ones. So, when the PC boots, a notification may appear on a blue background indicating that a device is not connected. You should read the message carefully to determine what the problem is. Most often, it appears in cases where the wired keyboard is disconnected from the system unit or its plug is simply not inserted tightly enough into the socket.

    In such a situation, we simply check the reliability of the connection - if the plug is pulled out or inserted loosely, return it to its place and reboot the PC. If you check and find that the plug is fine, try a different keyboard and reboot again. Well, now let’s move on to that very “Blue Screen of Death” or BSOD. If the computer restarts automatically after the Blue Screen of Death appears, this is not very good, since it does not allow you to analyze the error.

    In this regard, you must first disable automatic reboot. This is easy to do through the menu - in the “My Computer” context menu, select the “Properties/Advanced/Boot and Recovery/Settings” tab and uncheck “Restart automatically”. Now, after the Blue Screen of Death occurs, we will receive the necessary information that will allow us to troubleshoot problems causing a critical error.

    If the system does not reboot automatically after a BSOD occurs, do not panic. The first thing you need to do is read the message on the screen, at the very bottom there will be a “Technical Information” section, which will indicate the reason for stopping work. The error is indicated by approximately the following number: 0x000000xxx; you need to rewrite this line on a piece of paper.

    That's it, now we just restart the computer using the Reset key, or, as a last resort, disconnect it from the power supply (however, this should only be done if other methods did not work). Since most often the Blue Screen of Death appears as a result of incorrect installation of updates or conflicts in software, we should find out what specific software caused the error. This is why we wrote down the error number earlier.

    We enter this number into the search and read what experts can advise. Also, in some cases, a more detailed analysis of the error that has occurred may be required; for this, there is a special program - BlueScreenView. After launching it, you will be able to get more detailed information about which driver caused the Blue Screen of Death to appear. We again enter all the information received into the search and determine what needs to be done to troubleshoot the problem.