• How to set up a joystick on a PC for all games. X360ce - connect any joystick (instructions for the old version)

    Let's continue the theme with the gamepad. In this post I will tell you how to configure the X360CE program. This program is needed to deceive computer games. Roughly speaking, it helps your cheap Chinese gamepad pretend to be an original gamepad from game console Microsoft: Xbox 360. I bring to your attention step by step instructions X360CE settings with detailed description and tips.

    Before we start setting up the program, I will explain something. Actually, there are two programs. For 64-bit and 32-bit systems. It’s difficult to explain how to understand which one you need. But I'll try.

    First of all, go to “My Computer” (or “Computer”, “This Computer”). On free space right click and go to properties. The type should be listed somewhere operating system. Either 32 (or 86 is the same thing) or 64.

    So, if you have a 32-bit system, then the X360CE always needs only 32-bit. Because 64-bit games simply won’t run for you. If you are the owner of a 64-bit system, you may need both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. It all depends on the game itself.

    How can you determine which version of the program is needed to play the game on a 64-bit system? The easiest way is to put all the program files into the game folder, and then run the X360CE.exe file from there.

    If the bit depth is not suitable, the program will inform you about this and offer to download another version.

    That seems to be all there is to it. In any case, at the end of the article I will provide a link to both versions of the program configured for my . If you have exactly the same one, you can safely use my files. Do not forget that no matter where you download the program (from my website or from the official one), you may need an archiver. Like 7zip or WinRar. For the program to work, you need to unpack it, that is, transfer the files from the archive to a regular folder. It’s better to go to a separate (new) one, in which there will be nothing else except the program. This will make your task easier in the future if you are not on friendly terms with the computer.

    So, let's start setting up the program X360CE. Launch the program - X360CE.exe.

    1. The program requires xinput1_3.dll file, press Create to create it.

    2. Looking for settings on the Internet. This is necessary. And if you are lucky, then everything will work as it should right away and further instructions You don't need it. And if you are as lucky as me, you will have to finish everything manually. In any case, click Next. And then Finish.

    3. Pay attention to the image of the gamepad in the program. If it is colored, go to point number four. If it’s gray, go to the tab Advanced and uncheck the box Pass Through. Then we return to the tab General.

    4. Some Chinese gamepads have two modes. True, I don’t even know what they are called. But the gist is this: they allow you to disable the sticks and transfer control to the D-pad. Even if the stick functions, it will only function as a cross, in several fixed positions. That is, the gamepad will transmit sharp and maximum signal, regardless of the stick tilt. If I understand correctly, this is enabling and disabling gamepad emulation from XBOX or Playstation. In any case, move the sticks and see how the program reacts. If the crosses on the stick image move smoothly, everything is fine. They move pointwise (from the center position immediately to the edge) - look for the switch. On my joystick the switch button has the name Mode. But because of the wild Chinese imagination, it can be called anything you like. Sometimes even Select, although, in fact, this name serves for a completely different button. But definitely not Turbo or Macro– avoid these buttons altogether when setting up, if you have them. Because this is a purely Chinese secret development! I'll tell you about these two buttons later. Maybe.

    5. Now let's move on to the button settings. On the left and right you see their names. We open the lists, starting from the left side, opposite which there is an inscription Trigger. Select from the drop-down list Record. The program will begin to highlight the button in the image that corresponds to the one on the Xbox gamepad. Your task is to press the appropriate button on your gamepad.

    6. We do the same with Bumper, Back(on my joystick, for example, this button is called Select) And Start. button Guide we don't appoint. This button still only works on Xbox, it is not needed on PC. D-pad I didn't set it up either. In my opinion, this is pressing on the middle of the cross. But since it’s inconvenient to use, I didn’t bother with it.

    7. Let's move on to setting up the left stick. Stick Axis X– this is the movement of the left stick horizontally (left-right). To record this button, the stick must be tilted to the right. Stick Axis Y— movement of the left stick vertically (up and down). Also click Record and tilt the stick up. Stick Button– pressing the stick. When recording this button, press the center of the stick - you will hear a clicking sound similar to a mouse click, and the program will record this button. Please note the keys Stick Up, Stick Down, Stick Left And Stick Right no need to configure!

    8. Now let's move on to setting up the right side of the gamepad. We configure the trigger and bumper, then move on to the buttons. There is nothing complicated here, make sure that the location of the buttons on the screen coincides with the position of the buttons you select on the joystick. For example, if you have Playstation gamepad, then the letter buttons can be configured as follows:

    A – write a cross;

    B – circle;

    X – square;

    Y is a triangle.

    I was lucky and the letter buttons on my Chinese gamepad fully correspond to those on the Xbox joystick. Only the colors are mixed up.

    9. Adjust the right stick. If you have already set up the left one, then I won’t tell you anything new. Everything is the same as in the case of the left stick. If you haven’t set it up yet, let’s return to the seventh point.

    10. The last thing left is the cross. D-pad Up, D-pad Down etc. But for me it worked as it should without configuration. If it doesn’t work for you, set up nothing complicated after the operations have been done; there won’t be anything for you there. For reference: up – up, down – down, left – left, right – right.

    In fact, you can already start playing. If your gamepad does not support feedback– go to the twelfth point.

    11. Well, if you are still here, then we are setting up feedback, that is, vibration. We need to go to the tab Force Feedback.

    Opposite the point Enable Force Feedback put a tick. Ready! Well, almost ready. Let me explain point by point. In the list where there is Constant, Periodic Sine And Periodic Sawtooth choose Constant. As I understand it, this is the most common vibration mode, which is triggered when it receives the appropriate signal from the game. Periodic Sine– I didn’t understand what it was. A P periodic Sawtooth– constant vibration. In the latter case, the joystick will always vibrate while you are in the game.

    Swap motor– it’s not entirely clear what this is... Either this item changes the vibration in places (the left one will spin instead of the right one and vice versa), or it’s a choice between the joint and independent mode of the engines... See, experiment for yourself. I didn't bother. In general, the engines on my gamepad work separately - I checked it in another program. But in the program X360CE, for some reason, they refuse to work separately from each other. They only work in pairs.

    Direction– this is the choice of the movement of the engines that create vibration. The movement can be direct, controlled (that is, revolutions will be made in reverse side) or you can leave everything up to the discretion of the game itself. That is, this positive, negative And No direction.

    Strength– vibration strength. I turned it up to maximum, but you can turn it down to more convenient level. By the way, to check the vibration operation, move the slider under the inscription Test up to a hundred.

    Period (ms)– this point also remained a mystery to me... I didn’t understand how this affects the behavior of feedback in the game, so, just in case, I also turned it up to maximum.
    12. Now we need to save all the settings. Press the button Save in the lower right corner of the program. After this, you can close the program; we will no longer need it.
    13. We look into the folder from which we launched the program X360CE. Two more files appeared there: xinput1_3.dll And x360ce.ini. These two files need to be copied to the folder with the game in which you plan to use gamepad. As I said above, you can upload the program file itself there X360CE.exe to check the bit depth.

    Launch the game and check the operation of the gamepad. You may also need to adjust the controls in the game itself, but I hope that you can figure it out without me.

    Although there is a lot of text, do not rush to worry. Set up X360CE very simple. And even not very experienced user PC it will take no more than 5-10 minutes. And the setup guide turned out to be so voluminous because I wanted to tell everything in more detail. If you have questions, ask in the comments, I will try to help.

    The promised link to the X360CE settings for the same gamepad as mine: https://yadi.sk/d/8xIHbY0s3C9sLo. The archive contains both versions of the program.

    Important: If When using the X360CE program the game started to slow down, disable feedback (vibration) in the program settings. This can be done on the “Force Feedback” tab by unchecking the “Enable Force Feedback” and “Swap Motor” items.

    Windows 10 is an almost perfect platform for gamers, but two things ruin it: it's not available in the store. large quantity really serious hits (as on Xbox One, for example), as well as weak (or often no) support for game controllers in games. Installing games in Windows 10 is quite simple - you need to open the virtual store, rummage through it, find something suitable and click on the install button.

    Unfortunately, not all developers use gaming capabilities Windows 10 to its fullest - for example, even in a game like Asphalt 8 there is no built-in support for a gamepad or steering wheel. But it doesn’t matter - almost any game on Windows 10 (and previous versions Windows) can be taught to work with game controllers. To do this you will need a small utility called JoyToKey. It allows you to reassign keyboard keys to joystick or gamepad buttons.

    How to work with JoyToKey:

    1. Download the JoyToKey archive from the developer’s website and unpack the exe file into some directory (for example, C:\Program Files\JoyToKey).

    2. Connect the gamepad to the USB port of your computer or tablet.

    3. Open the settings of the game you want, which shows which buttons perform which actions. Write them down, remember them, or open the game not to full screen (so that they can be seen while setting up JoyToKey).

    4. Run JoyToKey.exe and click on the “Auto setup” button. You will be shown the gamepad buttons in sequence (left, right, up, down and number) - click on computer keyboard keys responsible for the corresponding actions in this game (for example, if you want your car in Asphalt 8 to go to the left when you press the “left” button on the gamepad, then in the window with the “Left” button, press the button that moves the cursor to the left, and if you need the car to turn on nitro when you press the “forward” button on the joystick, click Up in the window Ctrl button. The purpose of any of the gamepad buttons can be changed: to do this, click on it in JoyToKey and set a new value (or remove the action from it).

    If you plan to configure your controller for multiple games, save the current configuration to separate file. In the future, you can open it and use ready-made settings. You can create different configurations for other games.

    JoyToKey supports up to eight gamepads, so you can use one controller for one game, another for another, and so on. All you need to do is connect your new gamepad to your computer, configure it in JoyToKey and save its configuration.

    After the setup is completed, you can launch the game and control it not with buttons, but with a gamepad. In some games, this is much more convenient and realistic than poking at the keys on the keyboard.

    Did you know that any flash game and not only can be played using a joystick, absolutely anyone? This is very convenient, sometimes in flash games the keyboard controls are very inconvenient, especially when playing together, you will simply interfere with each other. And for example, in games "" or "" it is generally very difficult to play on the keyboard, which is why you need to try playing flash games using a joystick. And you can do this using the Xpadder program.

    Xpadder allows you to emulate pressing keyboard buttons when pressing buttons on your gamepad (joystick). You can assign the keys yourself, so you can play absolutely any game on the computer using a joystick, or, for example, control any program.

    Joystick setup using Xpadder

    First of all, you need to connect the gamepad to the computer, without a connected joystick, Xpadder can't be configured!

    To configure controls, you need to click on the icon joystick in the left top corner. In the drop-down menu, you must select " Settings".As shown in the photo below.

    The control settings window will appear:

    Next, you can change the controller image. Select the deposit " Image and press the button " Open". A photo selection window will appear.

    Choose joystick, similar to yours. Or take a photo of yours gamepad and put it in the folder " Controller Images".

    Setting up buttons. Select the tab " Buttons" and press the required button on the gamepad. A square indicating the button will appear in the photo. Drag the button to the desired area of ​​the controller image. Having placed the buttons, press " Accept".

    Xpadder is a program that emulates a gamepad. There are many games that require the use of a keyboard and mouse, but if you are used to playing with a gamepad, then this is no longer a problem for you. The Xpadder application will help you, which allows you to connect the joystick to your computer and configure it at your discretion. You can download Xpadder for Windows 7 on our website.


    With this utility, you will not only be able to use the joystick in games, but also configure it for yourself - it emulates keyboard buttons that can be configured based on the game control features. And if you want to change the type of gamepad, all you need to do is download an image of the desired joystick and load it into the program, and the device type will change. The manufacturers have done an excellent job - now there is no need to specifically select a game for a gamepad on a PC.

    The utility allows you to use the joystick in games where it is not even provided. It directly connects the gamepad and the game. Using it, you can easily configure keyboard keys for necessary actions and use the program for your own pleasure. It is worth noting that modern games do not fully support older gamepads, which is solved by this utility.


    — clear and simple interface;
    - play games where there is poor gamepad support or does not exist at all;

    — use in online and dos-games;
    — multiplayer mode, where each player has a gamepad;
    — setting up a profile for a browser or Windows applications.

    Subtleties of the utility:

    — full emulation of keystrokes and mouse buttons;

    - use on 32- and 64-bit Windows versions;

    — work with several profiles and the ability to save them;
    — use of up to 16 controllers;
    fine tuning touch and vibration response;
    - change appearance;
    — support for various emulators for every taste;

    Russian-language interface;

    — due to its low weight, it does not clog the system and does not interfere with its performance.

    The manufacturers of this program have made the interface as simple and clear as possible, so that even a novice PC user will spend no more than a few minutes to master it. To get started with Xpadder, you need to download the program and install it. You can download ixpadder for windows 7 on our website using the link below. When installing the program, carefully read each step, choosing required options. Russian language is supported.

    x360ce is a program that is simply necessary for all owners of gamepads other than the standard Xbox 360 gamepad. The fact is that most PC versions modern games They can only work with a “boxed” controller and refuse to “digest” devices even from such popular manufacturers as Logitech, Speedlink, Thrustmaster and others. So, the presented utility is designed specifically to “disguise” such gamepads as Xbox 360 Controller. Working with it is not at all difficult, despite the rather “cumbersome” interface with many tabs. It is enough to copy the x360ce file to the folder with the game’s executable file and run it, waiting for the drivers to be selected. In the main window, you can check the correct operation of all gamepad controls and, if necessary, reassign them. You can also download ready-made configurations from the network. That's it, now you can start the game. If at startup you hear a characteristic sound that is used in Windows to signal notifications, then the emulation was successful and you can start the game.

    If for some reason the game did not signal that a gamepad was connected, then it either is not supported or requires some additional settings. In this case, all you have to do is use Google trying to find the required configuration. Such situations occur extremely rarely in x360ce, which distinguishes this emulator from other similar software solutions.