• Latest photos of the moon. What does the far side of the moon hide? (10 photos)

    In high resolution from the Chang"e-2 lunar orbiter. Chinese scientists have compiled a global map of the Moon using photographs taken by the Chang"e-2 spacecraft with an unprecedented accuracy of 7 meters. Credit: China Space Program More global lunar images below.

    Chinese scientists have compiled a high-resolution map of the entire Moon and released a series of global photographs of the Moon on Monday, February 6th.

    The composite lunar maps were created from more than 700 high-resolution single photographs taken by China's Chang'e-2 spacecraft and published by the country's State Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND), according to reports from the authorities. public administration Xinhua and new CCTV agencies.

    "The map and photographs are high-resolution photographs of the completeness of the lunar surface that have been published so far," said Liu Dongkui, spokesman for the commander-in-chief of China's lunar probe project, Xinhua reported.

    Of course, there are much higher resolution photographs of many single locations on the Moon, photographed from the orbit of other countries and from the surface by the lunar landing Apollo astronauts, as well as Russian and American landers and research mobile vehicles.

    China has released a high-resolution global map of the Moon from the Chang'e-2 lunar orbiter. Credit: China Space Program.

    Chang'e-2 is China's second lunar probe and it reached orbit around our nearest neighbor in space in October 2010. It was launched on October 1, 2010 and named after the legendary Chinese Moon Goddess.

    Photos high resolution were captured between October 2010 and May 2011 using a charge-coupled device (CCD) stereo camera as the spacecraft flew overhead in a highly elliptical orbit at altitudes ranging from 15 km to 100 km.

    Chang'e-2's maps have a resolution of 7 meters, which is 17 times greater than that of China's first lunar orbiter; Chang'e-1 launched in 2007.

    Global lunar map of the Chinese lunar orbiter Chang'e-2. Credit: China Space Program

    In fact, the maps are detailed enough that Chinese scientists were able to detect traces of the Apollo landers, said Yan Yun, chief application scientist for the China Lunar Exploration Project.

    Chang'e-2 also captured high-resolution images of the Sinus Iridum region, or Gulf of Rainbows, where China could land its next mission. The camera had a resolution of 1 meter at its lowest height.

    The satellite left lunar orbit in June 2011 and currently orbits the Moon at the second Lagrange point (L2), located more than 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

    Chinese space program officials hope for a 2013 launch of the Chang'e-3 lunar exploration module, which was the first to land on another astronomical body. China's next step after the research module may be to attempt a mission in 2017.

    Demonstrating the ability to successfully conduct an unmanned lunar landing is a key milestone that must be achieved before China can land astronauts on the Moon, possibly within the next decade.

    NASA's GRAIL twins recently reached lunar orbit over the New Year's holiday. The probe duo was simply renamed "Ebb and Flow" - the winning contestants in a naming contest submitted by 4th year US students from Bozeman, Montana.

    At this time, NASA does not have a funded or approved robotic lunar landing mission due to severe budget cuts. And even harmful NASA cuts will soon be announced!

    Russia hopes to send the Lunar Glob spacecraft around 2015.

    Since the US unilaterally killed its plans to bring back the flag, it is very possible that the next flag placed on the people will be Chinese.

    In 2007, Japan launched artificial satellite Moon, which received the name “ Kaguya” in honor moon princess from an old Japanese fairy tale. The more official name of the mission is SELENE (from SELenological and ENgineering Explorer, i.e. “selenological and technological research apparatus”). Together with Kaguya, two subsatellites were launched - Okina and Oyuna (named after the fairy-tale old man and woman who sheltered the lunar princess) - their task was, flying in independent orbits, to relay radio signals between the Earth and the main satellite and help in parts of measurements.

    "Kaguya" and its subsatellites flew around the surface along various trajectories for almost two years. During this time they were transferred thousands of high resolution photos . A topographic map of the Moon was compiled with a resolution of 15 km. Hundreds of different parameters of our only natural satellite.

    Since the pictures were taken from space, i.e. the Earth's atmosphere did not create interference, then the photo surface of the moon turned out super clear. In addition, the photographs also show view of the Earth from the Moon from different angles and in different positions relative to each other...

    Based on the submitted photographs, many fascinating HDTV video. Here are some of the most colorful examples of lunar videos (all videos are available watch online in high definition in full screen):

    1. Video of the lunar surface in the area of ​​the Copernicus crater (its diameter is 93 km)

    2. Earth rising over the Moon on April 5, 2008 (closer view of the Earth)

    3. Video of the Kaguya flyby of the Tycho crater. The crater is located in the southern part of the Moon and is surrounded by a system of “rays” up to one and a half thousand kilometers long.

    4. Video flight over the south pole of the Moon

    5. Video of the far side of the Moon (in the Moscow Sea area)

    6. Short promo video for the Kaguya project

    7. And finally, a short documentary about the history of lunar exploration and the Kaguya mission (in English)

    Space is getting closer and closer to us. Man has already left his mark on the moon. The next step is the construction of a permanent base on it. Japan, China, India, the European Union, the USA - all of them, one way or another, are developing their own lunar programs. Flights of probes to the Moon, exploration of its surface and interior, search for water and mineral deposits are the first stage in the implementation of these plans. The Second Moon Race is in full swing. We can only hope that Russia will also find its place in this grandiose space enterprise...

    However, the Moon, for all its fascinating “cosmic” nature, is perceived rather functionally. Romance seems to live on now on Mars... You can compare them by watching: “Planet Mars: video flights over the surface” - based on high-resolution photo images transmitted by the Mars reconnaissance orbiter ...

    On the official website of the Kaguya project (KAGUYA/ SELENE): http://www.selene.jaxa.jp/en/index.htm - you can watch and download video and photo images of the Moon in high resolution.

    (The Japanese server is sometimes unavailable. Below in the comments are posted the most beautiful ones, in our opinion High resolution photographs of the Moon, taken from Kaguya's apparatus.)


    The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. The planet's closest satellite to the Sun, since the planets closest to the Sun, Mercury and Venus, do not have satellites. The second brightest object in the earth's sky after the Sun and the fifth largest natural satellite of a planet in the solar system. The average distance between the centers of the Earth and the Moon is 384,467 km (0.002 57 AU, ~ 30 Earth diameters). The Moon is the only astronomical object outside the Earth that humans have visited.

    The first artificial object to overcome the Earth's gravity and fly near the Moon was the Soviet station Luna 1. The first satellite to reach the surface of the Moon was the Luna 2 station. The first satellite to take photographs of the far side of the Moon was the Luna 3 station. All three of these lunar programs were successfully completed in 1959. The first successful soft landing on the Moon was carried out by the Soviet Luna 9 station. The American Apollo lunar program began in the early 60s of the last century with President Kennedy's statement that the United States would launch a man on the Moon before the end of the 60s. As a result of this program, the United States managed to carry out 6 successful flights to the Moon between 1969 and 1972. After the completion of the Apollo program, research on our natural satellite virtually ceased for a period of more than 30 years. Only at the beginning of this century, several countries, including Russia, the USA and China, announced the start of their lunar programs, the results of which should be the return of man to the Moon.

    In 1959, the USSR, for the first time in the world, showed people that it was on the far side of the Moon. The photographs were taken from the Luna-3 automatic interplanetary station. The spacecraft was launched into airless space on October 4 using the Vostok-L launch vehicle. Unique images were sent at three o'clock in the morning on October 7, 1959. The signal was received by the Simeiz Observatory (now part of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). Types " invisible side Moons” transmitted to Earth covered a distance of 483 thousand kilometers. Peering at the blurry photographs, many wondered “on the spots”: what is on the far side of the Moon? Yes, the quality of the images left much to be desired, but they were obtained! The leader of USSR research received the right to name objects discovered on the surface of the nearest satellite. The whole world learned which sea is on the far side of the Moon - Moscow. Its part, protruding deeply into the land, was called Astronaut Bay. A crater about 60 miles (96.5 km) from it was named after Professor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a pioneer of astronautics. The mountain range near the equator proudly sounded like the Soviet one. A dark spot near the border of the visible and invisible parts of the Moon became the Sea of ​​Dreams.

    Why is the Moon always visible from Earth only from one side? Because of this, it is impossible to know what is on the far side of the Moon! The reason is that the Moon revolves around the Earth in the same time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis. Axial and orbital rotation is 27.3 days. Synchronization of movement occurred about 4 billion years ago.

    Astrophysical information system NASA in 1968 released a catalog that contains descriptions of about six hundred anomalous phenomena on the lunar surface. This catalog contains information regarding moving UFOs various sizes and shapes, lunar craters that appear and disappear, rainbow mists, flashes of bright light and the casting of shadows by unknown objects. And Russian astronomer Kozyrev recorded a series of red flashes on the surface of the Moon. Anomalies of this kind were often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest lunar craters. Its diameter is over one hundred kilometers. It was named "Alphonse". This crater is the most mysterious place on the Moon.

    American astronomer Carl Sagan made a statement in the 60s of the last century that caves were discovered on the surface of the Moon, the sizes and shapes of which suggest that they are not natural objects. The internal volume of the largest cave is over one hundred cubic kilometers. At one time, American astronauts said that almost all lunar missions of the Apollo spacecraft in the period from 1968 to 1972 were carefully monitored by representatives of alien civilizations. In addition, cases of contact between astronauts and aliens have been recorded. They communicated with the astronauts using a special code. The theory of the existence of such a cipher was confirmed in 1958 by Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda. He managed to see seven giant letters on the lunar surface, which disappeared a few nights later. The appearance of these letters remained inexplicable.

    Recently, a quote from Neil Armstrong was leaked to the media. The American astronaut said it immediately after landing on the surface of the Moon: “Oh, Lord! Yes, there are other spaceships here. They are along the far edge of the crater and are watching us! Joseph Shklovsky, a Soviet astrophysicist, suggested that the Moon may well be a huge, inactive alien ship. Somewhat later, a similar version was put forward by radio astronomer Alexey Arkhipov from Russia. He made the assumption that the Moon is nothing more than an alien station, which was created specifically to observe the Earth and its inhabitants.

    Scientists and astronomers, including employees of the American space agency, are confident that the world government is hiding information from people regarding the presence of aliens on the Earth’s satellite. But the presence of photographs that captured various buildings and traces of technology left on the lunar soil indicate the opposite. Alien bases are believed to be hidden on the far side of the Moon. Astronauts from the Apollo mission became eyewitnesses to the so-called “lunar kingdoms.” Rumor has it that on the far side of the moon there are towers and castles made of a transparent material that resembles rock crystal. There are also various types of equipment and vehicles that leave traces.

    In 2010, photographs allegedly taken by the Cassiopeia probe of the so-called dark side Moons. They sparked heated controversy among both astronomers and conspiracy theorists. Photos show structures in Schrödinger Crater near the Moon's south polar region, but official sources have been unable to provide a clear explanation for the phenomenon.

    23.10.2015 28.12.2018 - admin

    Secret photos Moons collected from different sources from all over the World.

    Entrance to the Moon Base

    bases on the moon

    The astronauts who made flights to the Moon under the Apollo program were very often accompanied by UFOs (unidentified flying objects). An official NASA photograph (AS12-497319) taken during the Apollo 12 flight clearly captured a large UFO hovering above the Moon.
    Government policies regarding keeping the truth about UFOs secret from the general public are well described and documented in several books by renowned astronomers such as Allen Hynek (US Air Force UFO consultant), Major Donald Keyhoe , Timothy Good (his book “Top Secret”) and many other professional researchers. One of the undisputed experts we can trust is Christopher Kraft, former director of NASA. He gave us the following recording (after leaving his post at NASA), made in Houston during the Apollo 11 lunar mission:

    ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speak from the moon: “These are giant things. No, no, no... This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about it!”
    FLIGHT CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): “What... what... what? What the hell is going on there? What's happened?"
    ASTRONAUTS: “They are here below the surface.”
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “What’s there? The connection was interrupted... the control center is calling Apollo 11."
    ASTRONAUTS: “We saw several guests. They were there for a while checking out the equipment."
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “Repeat your last message.”
    ASTRONAUTS: “I say there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side of the crater."
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “Repeat… repeat!”
    ASTRONAUTS: “Let us probe this sphere... 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so much that I can’t do anything. Should I take it off? My God, if those damn cameras pick up anything... then what?”
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “Can you film anything?”
    ASTRONAUTS: “I don’t have any more film on hand. Three shots from the “saucer”, or whatever this thing is called, ruined the film.”
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “Regain control! Are they in front of you? Are you hearing any noises from the UFO?”
    ASTRONAUTS: “They landed here! They are here and they are watching us!”
    FLIGHT CONTROL: “Mirrors, mirrors... can you adjust them?”
    ASTRONAUTS: “Yes, they are in the right place. But those who built these ships can arrive tomorrow and remove them. Once and for all."

    It is logical that if government agencies discovered secret UFO bases, they would keep it secret from the public, and also develop a “cover story” to hide the truth about the Moon. However, the problem was that the witnesses were “talking” to our Department regarding alien affairs.
    Among the experts who informed us about life on the Moon and the discoveries of astronauts were Farida Iskiovet, a former UFO consultant to the President of the United Nations, the mysterious Mr. English, who took top secret photographs for NASA and lunar astronauts, former Naval Intelligence commander Mark Huber, who knew large number top secret data, Sergeant Willard Wannal, who served in Army Intelligence; Major Wayne S. Aho, who served in Army Intelligence, submitted UFO research materials to Congress for consideration; Dr. James Harrah (Dr. James Hurrah) from the NASA space program, and others who have secret clearances. I have personally spoken with all of the above mentioned researchers.
    Increased interest in life on the Moon captured public opinion after radio reports about the experiments of Marconi Tesla, who tried to transmit radio signals to the Moon and get a response to them, this really happened. After this, American, British and French astronomers reported flashes of light, flickering and even moving lights on the surface of the Moon. During the 20-30 years, you can find numerous reports about this kind of phenomena in a variety of newspapers and magazines, which can still be found in libraries. This interest reached its apogee when a prominent expert in aerial phenomena, the Pulitzer Prize, who defeated astronomer John O'Neill, publicly announced the discovery of an artificial “bridge” on the Moon. There were other witnesses who observed a 12 mile long “bridge” that was not previously there and which later disappeared due to unknown reasons(was it too noticeable?). This incident occurred in the early 1950s.
    Many Jemeny and Apollo astronauts reported seeing UFOs during their flights. Thus, astronaut Gordon Cooper publicly admitted that he had observed a controlled vessel of extraterrestrial origin (we have seen his photographs of UFOs). James McDivitt also took photographs of UFOs while orbiting the Earth, we saw them. while the orbiting Earth and we saw them too. The Soviet space program in the 1960s, intended to set a new record for time in orbit, was strangely interrupted after the ship took its position. Private researchers with powerful radio equipment claimed that Soviet cosmonauts were escorted into orbit by UFOs that surrounded them and began throwing them back and forth as if the Soviet ship were a ball. The astronauts, panicking, were ordered to immediately return back to Earth.
    During the 50s, a large number of UFOs seen on Earth returned to the Moon. Their trajectories were tracked by secret government surveillance facilities located in the Arizona and Nevada deserts, as well as in underground bases located inside the mountains. WE HAVE A PHOTO OF A DISH SHAPED VESSEL FLYING OVER THE SURFACE OF THE MOON taken by a citizen astronomer. Sergeant Willard Vannail, who investigated a UFO landing in Oahu while serving in military intelligence, showed us 8 or 10 clear, glossy photographs of a silvery spacecraft hovering above the lunar surface. Its size was estimated to be several miles and was said to be a MOTHERSHIP, designed to transport many thousands of people between solar systems or galaxies for long periods of time in complete self-sufficiency (autonomous mode)!
    In the period from 1950 to 60s. civilian astronomers noticed new movements on the Moon, light anomalies, permanent sources lights, usually located inside craters, along with mysterious cross-shaped flashes.
    Soviet and American spacecraft (orbiting the Moon) began photographing mysterious structures on the Moon discovered by NASA. There were scientists, such as Fred Steckling, who demanded an explanation from the so-called “civil agency”. It's amazing how NASA could release these photos WITHOUT COMMENTS! Many structures could only be seen at higher magnification.
    The American spacecraft RANGER II sent 200 photographs of lunar craters with domes inside. These domes were not new. They were reported in the media by French astronomers approximately 48 years ago. The 33 photos of the dome on the Moon sent by Lunar Orbitter 2 were released without comment in Washington D.C. in 1967. On July 1, 1966, NASA officially admitted in the media that astronauts had seen a UFO, however, later denied this information (for those who collect official reports on UFOs, it will not be difficult to find a large number of contradictory statements proving the concealment of the truth). None of this stopped astronaut Gordon Cooper from publicly declaring, “I believe in aliens because I saw their spacecraft with my own eyes” (during Gemeni's flight 16). Our “Blair cuspids” file contains photographs taken from lunar satellites, which show strange spiers forming regular geometric shapes. A tall white spire similar to the Washington Monument has been photographed on the lunar surface, along with mysterious straight paths or tracks that run straight through craters, hills, valleys and piles of rocks. Some of the domes had flashing lights.
    The few NASA photos we saw showed a long, cigar-shaped object lying on the surface of the Moon that was later missing from other photos. We saw a photo of the pyramid on the dark side (back side). THE DARK SIDE is always hidden from our eyes and telescopes and, apparently, is an ideal place for aliens to build a secret spaceport. The lack of atmosphere is not a problem when we think of domes with an artificial environment. Even NASA admits that scientists have the technology (but not the billions of dollars) to build artificially air-conditioned underground bases like the ones the military builds for itself.
    Astronaut Edward Mitchell confidentially told Farida Iskiovet, a representative of our Department, that he saw a UFO on the Moon.
    In 1978, a mysterious, stocky man with the appearance of a typical agent appeared in Maui, calling himself Mr. English. His full name I can't name it. He had a TOP SECRET security clearance from NASA. He told me that he was a staff photographer for the Apollo program, photographed the wreckage of a crashed disk in a hangar at a secret Air Force base in Texas, and saw a UFO during the astronauts' flight. He gave us a large amount of UFO data and admitted that astronauts had indeed seen a spacecraft on the Moon, and also confirmed the fact that UFOs had used the Moon.