• The role of information technology in state and municipal government. Information technologies in municipal government


    State educational institution

    Higher professional education

    "Volgograd State Pedagogical University"


    by subject: Information Technology management

    on the topic: “Information technologies in state and municipal administration”


    students 3k, group E-31

    specialty: organization management

    Faculty: E and U

    Lankina N.Yu

    Niklenko A.V.


    senior teacher Filippova E.M.


    The current stage of development of society is characterized by intensive informatization of all spheres of its life. The development and widespread use of information technologies is a global trend in world development and the scientific and technological revolution of recent decades.

    The use of information technology is of great importance for increasing the competitiveness of the economy and increasing the efficiency of government agencies public administration and local government. Therefore, informatization of state and municipal authorities today is one of the priorities of the leadership of our country.

    The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that currently information and management systems of business structures and government bodies are one of the most intensively developing areas of informatization. Such systems are focused, first of all, on solving the problems of responding, forecasting and preventing crisis and other emergency situations. However, in practice, the scope of application of such systems is much wider and allows them to be considered as centers of strategic and operational management for senior officials. Recently, there has been a tendency to create information and management systems that support the processes of preparing and making complex decisions. These systems function as centers for: monitoring and making strategic decisions with real-time tracking large quantity indicators and parameters of economic, political, social and other complex objects.

    1. Characteristics of information technologies in state and municipal administration.

    The Department of Municipal Property is one of the most important structural divisions of the mayor's office. Informatization of the activities of this department should cover the functions of management, use, and disposal of municipal property, as well as reflect in the database the facts of state registration of legal entities and individuals carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity.

    The Department of Municipal Economy, being a structural management body, bears full responsibility for the state of affairs in the industry. Therefore, informatization of management processes aims to implement information support for solving functional problems in the areas of energy, road transport, housing and communal services, communications and consumer services for the population for the normal life of citizens, maintenance of external improvement facilities and proper sanitary condition of the city.

    In relation to each of the listed areas, local, open computer networks, information technologies that allow specialists of these organizations, using automated workplaces and information interaction with system-wide data of the municipal information system, to solve all the necessary functional tasks.

    The Department of Education, Culture and Sports is a structural body of the mayor's office and in the course of its activities has information links with other structural units of the mayor's office, regional administration, as well as with commercial and non-profit organizations, public associations and citizens.

    Use of information technology

    The strategic use of information technology can help organizations accomplish the following:
    - provide employees with the opportunity to easily and quickly receive, create and provide information to colleagues, manage it and act on it at any time, anywhere and using any device. Employees should have instant access to analytics and collaboration tools, with databases and data analytics on desktop and mobile devices, as well as a single calendar, email, synchronization, and case management tool available from any device;

    Provide citizen-centric services by enabling employees to respond to customer requests more quickly and efficiently. To do this, it is necessary to provide access to databases and data analysis tools through various channels;

    Increase the intelligence quotient of the department as a whole through interaction and integration of content management, monitoring and analysis systems. This requires easy-to-use and manage tools, integration with server and existing systems, and also high level security and identity cards to protect departmental information.

    The very use of information technology contributes to changes in work culture. If access to information is very simple, then the likelihood that a person will want to look at certain data will be much greater. If interaction with colleagues is also easy, then a person will certainly want to take advantage of their experience. Likewise, a person will adhere to correct procedures if they are easy to follow. Online information sharing creates a sense of urgency and acts as a catalyst for government officials to engage directly with citizens, respond to their requests, and view them as clients rather than burdens.

    3. Main aspects of implementation e-government in our country

    The main task of informatization in the activities of the health department and social protection is the organization of information support for the movement of budgetary and other financial funds that are intended to protect health and guarantee affordable medical care population of the city, are allocated from the budget for guaranteed support for families, elderly citizens, disabled people, as well as for the development of the system of social services and pensions.

    The "Social Protection" subsystem, in addition to system-wide databases, provides for the use of a wide variety of specialized databases necessary for maintaining electronic form documentation on the financial support of pensioners of various groups. Thus, the databases “Veterans”, “Disabled”, “Blind”, “Large children”, “Single Mothers”, “Blockade Survivors”, “Repressed”, “Military Prisoners”, “Military Pensioners”, etc. are created. Workplaces are created that are equipped with software for a comprehensive solution to problems related to the calculation and payment of pensions. Such software is installed at the workplaces of specialists not only in the department of the city municipality, but also in territorial departments of social protection of the population.

    The software package "Pension Calculation" allows you to calculate pensions, calculate a more profitable calculation option, and quickly generate payment documents for post offices communications or banks, create summary and statistical reports for the Pension Fund." Information from the databases of this complex is provided to the city tax office and is used when adjusting data from health insurance companies.

    Databases are updated daily in the territorial departments of social protection of the city population. The municipal management information system within the corporate environment allows you to actively explore the Internet and use its extremely wide opportunities for specialists to access various information resources from their workstations, in particular, to the State information resources of Russia.

    Territorial information system(TIS) is a comprehensive integrated automated information system designed for information and analytical support of state and municipal authorities.

    Depending on the territory covered, the following TIS are distinguished:

    · local (within the city, urban area);

    · regional (within the region, territory, republic, autonomous district);

    · state (state-scale automated control system, for example, “State Population Register”).

    When creating a TIS, it is very important to carry out activities that include research into the composition and main characteristics of the informatization object, the goals of each of its elements, the relationships between them, and connections with the external environment.

    Opportunities are opening up for the formation of thematic Web pages that form the basis of the City Hall Web server, and the development of Web browsers capable of covering all available municipal resources. Of course, any further development of the network is associated with a sharp increase in the volume of information studied and analyzed by specialists and managers, which requires further development of the network based on a fundamentally new software and technological environment, for example Oracle and OLAP technologies. OLAP technologies for municipal government are a new class of information systems that ensure the analysis process is carried out in real time. The creation and implementation of such technologies is a promising task that will create qualitatively new opportunities for management in managing socio-economic processes.

    To date, automated library and information technologies operate in more than 2.5 thousand scientific and public libraries, of which 1,250 are at the municipal level. Almost all central universal scientific libraries Subjects of the Russian Federation have created local computer networks that unite from 30 to 50 computers. The main result of the introduction of information technologies into the practice of libraries is the creation of electronic catalogs and other bibliographic and abstract databases. The most significant databases in terms of volume were formed in the library of the Institute of Information for Social Sciences, the Russian National Library, the Russian State Library, the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia and other central libraries.

    The State System of Scientific and Technical Information (GSNTI) is a set of scientific and technical libraries and organizations - legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, specializing in the collection and processing of scientific and technical information and interacting with each other, taking into account their assumed systemic obligations.

    Currently the basis state system legal information consists of information resources of the organizations of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of Russia). Within the framework of FAPSI, work in the field of formation and organization of use of legal information resources is carried out by the Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "System" (STC "System").

    Database of current Russian legislation "Etalon". This is a full-text database on current Russian legislation, developed at the NCPI. "Etalon" contains about 50,000 texts of current regulations. Among them are federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as orders and instructions of ministries and departments, judicial, notarial, and arbitration practice.

    Speaking about the state legal information system, one cannot fail to mention the server of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation www.scli.ru. On the server you can find a wide variety of information about legal information resources, including descriptions of NCPI databases, information about the work of NCPI and TsPI, get acquainted with new documents, etc.

    In addition to information about developing organizations and proposed information legal systems on these servers, information about new regulations and current reviews of legislation in various areas is freely available (legislation monitoring). On a number of servers you can subscribe to legislative monitoring data and receive it free of charge by e-mail, as well as view the contents of legislative databases and create a search request the required document. As a result of viewing, you can get not only the name of the document contained in the database, but also access to the texts of documents in the main databases, usually for a fee.


    Speaking about information technologies of public administration, it should be understood that, first of all, we are talking about the informatization of all management processes in government bodies of all levels, the informatization of interdepartmental relationships, the creation computer systems, capable of supporting all functions of interaction of these bodies with the population and business structures.

    By simplifying interaction with government agencies and access to information for the public, Internet technologies contribute to greater openness and transparency. It also facilitates access to a variety of information - bills, materials of committee meetings and budget documents. Citizens can better monitor the actions of their elected representatives, form pressure groups, and voice their opinions in real time. Ultimately, people should be able to customize the government services portal to suit their own needs by adding, updating and removing links to specific services.

    Questions information support state and municipal management occupy a special place in the management system, since any hasty or incorrect management decision made with a lack of information, especially in emergency, extreme situations, can lead to undesirable consequences.

    1. Federal Law of February 9, 2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments”

    2. Glazunova N.I. Public administration system. - M.: UNITY, 2004, 551 p.

    3. Ivasenko A.G. Information technologies in economics and management. - M.: KnoRus, 2005, 266 p.

    4. Korneev I.K. Information technologies in management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005, 158 p.

    5. Semenov M.I. Automated information technologies in economics. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004, 416 p.

    6. Trofimov V.V. Information systems and technology in economics and management. - M.: Higher Education, 2006, 480 p.

    7. Akatova N.A. Public administration system. Book 5. Information technology: Textbook. – M.: State University of Education, 2000

    Akatova N.A. Public administration system. Book 5. Information technology: Textbook. – M.: State University of Education, 2000

    • Garifullina Albina Fatikhovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
    • Minnegulova Aliya Robertovna, student
    • Bashkir State Agrarian University

    This article discusses how important it is to use and improve information technology in state and municipal government.

    • New information technologies in the management of educational institutions
    • Modern state regulation of office work
    • Calls technologies, features, application and effectiveness
    • Information technologies in the management of the social protection system

    The use of information technology is of great importance for increasing the competitiveness of the economy and increasing the efficiency of government and local governments. Therefore, informatization of state and municipal authorities today is one of the priorities of the leadership of our country.

    The relevance of this topic is due to vital role informatization in management processes taking place in modern Russia. Currently, new approaches to information technology management are being actively developed. Until recently, information technology management was usually understood as infrastructure management. Using the information and communication technologies requires the formation of an appropriate legal framework both at the state level and at the level of regional and local authorities. It is necessary to take into account that regulations require constant adjustment in connection with changes in information processes, the scope of their activities, as well as the degree of their significance for socio-economic development.

    The use of modern information technologies in local governments, whose activities involve the need to process and analyze a large volume of heterogeneous information, is especially relevant today. Municipal management in a market economy is a complex process, including the selection and implementation of a certain set of management influences in order to solve the strategic task of ensuring sustainable financial and socio-economic development of the management object.

    With the proper implementation of information technologies, it becomes possible to transfer, store and analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns and increase the efficiency of municipal government structures. As a result, not only the time required to make a decision is reduced, but the quality of accounting and management is also improved.

    The effectiveness of information systems of state and regional government bodies and, as a consequence, the quality of management decisions made is mainly determined by:

    • unity of the concept of construction and operation of information systems and services both vertically - at the municipal, regional and federal levels, and horizontally - at each level of the hierarchy;
    • completeness and complexity of information support for all management contours in accordance with the structure of objects of state regulation, as well as all stages of resolving management problems - from the analysis of problem situations to implementation, control of execution and evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions made;
    • coordination of the processes of creation, implementation, operation and development of information systems.

    In this regard, the process of creating information systems for government bodies is coordinated at all levels of government, has a unified methodological basis for development and implementation, is based on the widespread use of new hardware platforms using appropriate system and application software products, and also introduces modern methods and means of organizing and operating databases.

    The main role in information services for government structures is assigned to information and information-analytical centers, which, as a rule, form the core of the organizational management information system. In this regard, today in all regions of the Russian Federation, information, information-analytical, situational centers are working, modernizing and re-creating, which solve a wide range of problems of a socio-economic, analytical and organizational-managerial nature. In some cases, they are integrated, closed systems from the federal to the regional level.

    Thus, we can conclude that information technologies in State Medical University have a critical role in the development of society, which consists in accelerating the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new knowledge by society. By increasing the quality of society's intellectual resources, information technologies improve the quality of life. Speaking about information technologies of public administration, it should be understood that, first of all, we are talking about the informatization of all management processes in government bodies of all levels, the informatization of interdepartmental relationships, the creation of computer systems capable of supporting all functions of interaction of these bodies with the population and business structures.


    1. Garifullina, A.F. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN STATE AND MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION [Text]: // Ishkulova G.R., Garifullina A.F. // Economy and society. 2013. No. 3 (8). pp. 299-302.
    2. Melnikov V.P. Information support for control systems [Text]: textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / V.P.Melnikov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 336 p.

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    2.2 Increasing the efficiency of the government apparatus through the introduction of information and communication technologies

    2.3 Optimization of state (municipal) economic management based on modern information technologies


    List of sources used


    Development in the formation of society is characterized by a wide coverage of informatization in absolutely all areas of existence. The development, improvement and active use of information technologies is considered a worldwide trend in the global creation and scientific-industrial progress of recent years.

    The use of the latest information technologies in state and regional government bodies, whose work is related to the need for research, analysis and consideration of a significant amount of different data, is especially important.

    The relevance of this topic is due to the critical role of informatization in management processes taking place in modern Russia. Currently, new approaches to information technology management are being actively developed. Until recently, information technology management was usually understood as infrastructure management. The use of information and communication technologies requires the formation of an appropriate legal framework both at the state level and at the level of regional and local authorities. It is necessary to take into account that regulations require constant adjustment in connection with changes in information processes, the scope of their activities, as well as the degree of their significance for socio-economic development.

    In times of crisis, the work of government institutions must become even more efficient. To a large extent, this is possible due to the development of modern information technologies.

    Ease of interaction with government agencies and access to information for the population, IT technologies develop greater openness and transparency. It also simplifies access to various information-- laws, materials of committee meetings and budget documents. Citizens can more effectively monitor the actions of their elected representatives, form pressure groups, and express their views online. As a result, citizens will be able to customize the government services portal to suit their own needs by editing, updating and deleting links to specific services.

    Issues of information support for state and municipal management are a priority in the management system, since any rash or incorrect management decision made in conditions of insufficient information, especially in abnormal, emergency situations, can lead to unfavorable results.

    The purpose of this work is to develop directions for improving public administration based on information technology.

    The goal involves solving the following tasks:

    Consider the theoretical aspects of the use of information technologies in public administration in Russia;

    Analyze the use of information technology in public administration;

    Identify the problems and disadvantages of using information technology in public administration;

    The object of practical research in this work is state and municipal administration.

    The subject of the study is information technologies used for management purposes in state and municipal institutions.

    The methodological basis of this work is the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Government Decrees.

    The theoretical basis of the work is textbooks on state and municipal administration, publications in periodicals on public administration issues based on information technology.

    The practical basis of the work is information on the use of information technologies in public administration.

    Structurally course work consists of an introduction, conclusion, bibliography and two interconnected chapters.

    1. Theoretical foundations use of information technologies in state and municipal administration

    1.1 Public administration in the context of the use of information technology

    Currently, information technologies are actively used in the activities of state authorities, on the one hand, and on the other hand, processes of modernization of public administration are underway under the influence of the introduction of information technologies into public life. Government bodies are creating special structures in the field of development, implementation and maintenance of government information systems and networks. At the same time, under the influence active use Information technologies in the life of society and individuals are changing the social and legal consciousness of specific individuals. These trends require adjustments to legal regulation at the state level, in particular, the transformation of administrative and legal regulation in the context of the use of information technologies.

    V.M. Manokhin notes that the subject of administrative law cannot be “eternal”, unchangeable, and also that theory and practice require further study and improvement of the subject of administrative law1. At the same time, he points out that the formation of public administration as a specific type government activities necessitated the regulation of this activity by administrative law.

    Also V.M. Manokhin identifies in the subject of administrative law the area of ​​state administrative regulation, which includes incentive measures and concepts for various types activities, use of media. This, in turn, allows us to conclude that the forms of state administrative regulation are expanding, which determines the regulation of the use of information technologies in the state administrative order.

    In addition, public administration itself acquires specificity under the influence of the use of information technology.

    Emphasizing the special importance of information activities in public administration, E.S. Ustinovich proposes not to be limited to simply summing up information-intensive areas of activity of government bodies, but to consider the use of information technologies in the activities of government bodies systematically. A systematic approach to the study of these processes will provide the most significant effects in social development.

    Public administration in the context of the use of information technologies determines the following trends in its development: legal and organizational and managerial mechanisms for creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs of various subjects of law and management; unlocking the innovative potential of informatization of public administration.

    At the same time, information technologies interact, transform and organize the movement of such an object as an information resource, which in this case acts as one of the objects of public administration. Information technology is integral part information environment, and their use is a means of ensuring interaction between authorities, organizations and citizens. It follows that the information environment can be the object of managerial influence on the part of government authorities. The main structural elements of the information environment are an information resource, information technologies and information systems aimed at meeting the information needs of society and the state. State and municipal bodies, the media, public and political associations can be classified as subjects of public administration in the context of the use of information technology.

    Thus, the country’s information environment simultaneously acts as both a sphere of implementation of state information policy and an object of control influence. The complex structure of this phenomenon suggests the possibility of exerting a control influence on individual objects, which in turn act as structural elements of the information environment.

    At the same time, it is the use of information technology that represents link, uniting the entire set of public administration objects in information sphere, because the use of information technologies in the activities of state and municipal bodies ensures not only information interaction between government bodies, but also increases the level of quality of implementation public services in the field of social relations.

    As V. M. Manokhin points out, the subject of administrative-legal relations can be material and technical actions, for example, actions to use information technologies in the activities of government bodies. Having defined the subject of administrative law as social relations in public administration, state regulation and public services, V.M. Manokhin provides an opportunity to identify information technology as a factor that requires state regulation, moreover, administrative type regulation. In addition, it is administrative legislation that ensures the functioning of the entire mechanism of state legal regulation of social relations. The social effectiveness of regulations depends on the level of administrative support for the use of information technologies in government activities. Consequently, the effectiveness of administrative support for the use of information technologies in government activities largely depends on the effectiveness of the interaction of all subjects of government activities. In turn, interaction is largely ensured by information technology, not only between government bodies of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation, but also with citizens, the media and other institutions of civil society.

    From this we can conclude that public administration, in the context of the use of information technology, acquires features characteristic of the modern information society: it provides state administrative regulation of public services not only of an information nature, but also of other public social services in the field of education, healthcare, culture and etc., allows for intra-organizational management in government bodies for more effective basis: increase the speed of communicating decisions to executors, monitor the progress and results of decisions, take the necessary measures.

    Therefore, the use of information technologies in public administration is the subject of administrative and legal relations, and information technologies themselves, as part of the information environment, along with an information resource, represent one of the objects of public administration and actively influence the introduction of elements of close interaction into public administration.

    1.2 Development of public administration technologies

    The idea of ​​introducing new technologies, including business technologies, into public administration is not new. Back in 1887, these ideas were expressed in the work “Science of Public Administration” and, based on the study of constitutional development and management in European countries and the United States, formalized into the theory of administrative efficiency, the essence of which is to use the most effective methods in the public administration system organizations and regulations borrowed from the corporate management system. For the government to work effectively, according to the author of “The Science of Public Administration,” it is necessary to determine the main directions of activity of the government, the executive branch, and determine how they should be carried out with the highest productivity, but the lowest possible costs to achieve the goals of public administration. At the same time, the reorganization of the management system should be preceded by the reform of the civil service. In addition, it is important that public administration listens to public opinion. Obviously, this implies openness in the work of the government and executive authorities. The idea of ​​creating public councils, to which the activities of civil servants would be accountable, was also put forward.

    As can be seen from the above, many of the provisions expressed almost two centuries ago are still relevant today. At the same time, they, enriched with new scientific knowledge, find the widest application in public administration in many countries. Theoretical works devoted to the problem of the organization of state power, public administration, received new development in the works of domestic scientists after the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, which established the principle of separation of powers as an organizational and legal principle of state power and established on its basis a system of supreme bodies of state power with the distribution of powers between them. The desire to realize the program goal enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the creation of a democratic, legal, social state based on an effective market economy - led to reforms in various spheres, including in the field of public administration. It should be noted that the reform of public administration began in Russia back in 1997, but the lack of conceptual design of administrative reform led to low efficiency of reforms.

    Management technologies represent a set of management actions and their sequence, which ensure the achievement of set goals by converting resources at the “input” into results at the “output”. The essence of management technologies lies in the systematic combination of scientific knowledge, management needs and interests of society, the goals and functions of public administration, opportunities and elements of management activities. Noting the need to introduce management technologies in public administration, many researchers draw attention to the fact that rational and effective management technology should be considered management activities. At the same time, they emphasize that innovative management technologies are needed that combine modern scientific knowledge in various fields, empirical research, the creative potential of people and form a system, the use of elements of which leads to high results.

    Thus, new technologies of public administration represent a set of logically consistent and rational actions based on modern scientific knowledge using the creative potential of people, the implementation of which leads to the achievement of high results in various areas of public administration and, ultimately, to the implementation of the goals set for the state program goals enshrined in the fundamental law of the state. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to form a new model of public administration, based on the introduction of new technologies that were legally established during the administrative reform carried out in Russia from 2000 to the present. It must be emphasized that the implementation of administrative reform in Russia is based on scientific achievements in this area, existing modern theoretical concepts of public administration, which have been successfully implemented in various foreign countries.

    These include:

    The concept of the New Public Management (NPM), the components of which are such areas as: focus on the use of business technologies in organizing the work of government agencies: network management, reengineering, etc.;

    The use of economic methods of regulation, for example in the form of contracts or contracts concluded by the public sector with private firms;

    Budgeting based on results is priority funding not so much for the maintenance of departments, but for the programs they implement, depending on the degree of their effectiveness, as well as orientation in assessing the effectiveness of government agencies on the necessary results and the social effect of their activities, and not on the expenditure of resources to achieve them; HR technologies, etc.;

    The concept of the electronic state (activities of state institutions to provide quality services to citizens using a modern electronic system for the provision of state and municipal services on official websites);

    The concept of an “energizing state” (decentralization of government organizations, active introduction of network elements into management);

    The concept of the “advanced state” of the state (implies a scientific approach to public administration, the presence of creative freedom, alternativeness in the choice of management decisions, publicity and openness in the activities of public authorities; social efficiency etc.) etc.

    Some domestic scientists, when considering aspects of modern public administration, note that all components of the listed concepts relate to the NPM concept, in which elements of legal, management and economic disciplines are closely intertwined. Attention should be paid to how the provisions of modern theoretical concepts of public administration were confirmed in the development and implementation of public administration technologies during administrative reform in the Russian Federation.

    And it is especially necessary to pay attention to the fact that the conceptual design of administrative reform was the legal basis for the creation of a regulatory framework for each of the management technologies at the federal and regional levels, since it was the lack of the necessary regulatory legal framework that became one of the main reasons for the impossibility of implementing public administration reform until 2000. From the point of view of implementing the concept of new public management (NPM), the new technologies actively implemented in Russia include the following:

    1. Optimization of the functioning of executive authorities. Improving the system and structure of executive authorities began in 2003-2004, when 5634 functions of executive authorities were analyzed, of which 1468 were recognized as redundant, 263 duplicating, 868 requiring changes. The scientific literature notes that improving public administration seems possible only on the basis of strengthening the influence of the constitutional and legal regime. The goals of public administration also determine the directions of the state’s activities, i.e., its functions. The main goal of the executive branch is the high-quality implementation of the tasks and functions of public administration. Thus, the functions of the executive branch are determined by the goals and functions of public administration and necessitate the creation of a certain structure. In order to form an effective system and structure of federal executive authorities, in accordance with Art. 112 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Constitutional Law of December 17, 1997 No. 2-FKZ “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2012 No. 636 approved a three-tier structure of federal executive bodies: ministries, federal services, federal agencies .

    2. Carrying out standardization and regulation of the activities of federal and regional executive authorities on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, which is designed to regulate legal relations in the field of provision of state and municipal services to applicants by federal executive authorities, executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the federation, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, as well as local administrations and local government bodies exercising executive and administrative powers; On the basis of this law, administrative regulations and standards for state and municipal services are developed. In addition, Government Resolution No. 373 was adopted on May 16, 2011 “On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the execution government functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services,” which approved the rules for the development and approval of administrative regulations for the provision of public services. Currently, 4,000 administrative regulations at the federal level and 6,000 administrative regulations at the regional level have been developed, which are necessary not only for the quality provision of state and municipal services to applicants, but also for the subsequent transfer of the services provided to electronic format, which greatly facilitates the possibility of both providing relevant services and using them.

    3. Introduction of e-government technology, transfer of state and municipal services into electronic form; creation of multifunctional centers (MFCs), built on a network principle; implementation of the “one window” principle. These public administration technologies are used in many developed countries; the main goals of using e-government technology are: simplifying the interaction of society, business and the state, preserving taxpayer funds, improving the quality and accessibility of provided state and municipal services, rationalizing relations between the state and the population.

    In Russia, the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia” has been adopted in this area, and a long-term target state program has been developed and approved. Information society(2011-2020)"

    Activities aimed at continuing the formation of e-government in 2011-2020. in Russia, are designed to ensure both the safety of public investments and long-term economic efficiency from the implementation of the results obtained from the implementation of programs, and the creation of the MFC and the implementation of the “one window” principle facilitate the interaction of citizens, representatives of the business community and the state both at the federal and regional levels; it also assumes the adoption and use of a universal electronic card user. Currently, MFCs have been established in 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    4. Reform of the civil service, introduction of new personnel technologies. Adopted by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2009 No. 261 Federal program“Reform and development of the civil service system of the Russian Federation”, which provides for the introduction of modern methods of personnel work in the civil service, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the professional work of civil servants, for which it is envisaged: the introduction of a system of indices reflecting indicators of citizens' trust in the civil service; monitoring public opinion on the effectiveness of the professional work of civil servants on the basis of regular sociological studies assessing the quality and effectiveness of professional work. At the same time, it should be noted that the procedures implemented over the past 10 years in accordance with legislation aimed at improving the civil service system in Russia, such as: competitive selection, certification of civil servants, formation of a personnel reserve, specification of qualification requirements for civil servants, did not lead to increasing the efficiency of the civil service staffing system in Russia.

    5. Improving control and supervisory functions. As noted in the literature, the weak point in public administration remains control technologies associated with continuous monitoring of managed processes, their study, measurement and comparison, expressed in decisions, norms and requirements; Of particular importance are feedback technologies that provide reliable reflection of the results of control actions. In this regard, it is relevant to implement modern principles work of control bodies, including the introduction of the practice of public reporting on the results of inspections and optimization of resources spent on their implementation.

    In this area, the following were adopted: Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)”, aimed, among other things, at improving the system of notification procedures for carrying out business and professional activities , improving the system of state control and supervision; Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”, which reduced the types of activities subject to licensing (provides for the gradual abolition of licensing of 49 out of 123 types of activities).

    6. Assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities. One of the main indicators of management excellence, determined by comparing management results and resources spent on its achievement, is management efficiency. Assessing the effectiveness of a government management decision is understood as a set of methods for studying and measuring the actual results of government activities or programs that have been completed or are under implementation [Ibid]. The efficiency indicators of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2012 No. 1199 “On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2013 No. 28 “On introducing changes to the list of individual indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.” 7. Monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of state authorities and local governments in achieving the most important indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and the execution of their powers. Monitoring is carried out in a number of areas of public administration.

    8. Introduction of open government principles, including a system of public councils under federal and regional executive authorities. At the same time, mandatory participation in the activities of public councils of experts and representatives of interested public organizations independent of government authorities is provided. Implementation of the tools of the “Russian public initiative" provides for the creation of a specialized resource on the Internet for the public presentation of citizens' proposals. Moreover, if the proposal receives the support of at least 100 thousand Russian citizens within one year, it will be developed by the Government of the Russian Federation after consideration by an expert working group with the participation of representatives of the Federal Assembly of Russia and the business community. Successful experience in this area of ​​activity is the implementation of the principle of open government “Open Region” in the Tula region, as well as in the Moscow region.

    9. Introduction of an institute for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts. In order to simplify legislation for doing business, ensure that the opinions and positions of stakeholders are taken into account at the stage of legislative initiative, and improve legislation, new mechanisms were analyzed to improve law-making initiatives, which include the Institute of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), introduced into the law-making practice of the Russian Federation in 2010. Regulatory impact assessment (referred to in the scientific literature as the technology of “smart regulation” - smart regulation) is a modern law-making mechanism that ensures high transparency and structure in the decision-making process. Currently, the procedure for conducting RIA has been determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2012 No. 1318 “On the procedure for federal executive bodies to assess the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts, draft amendments to draft federal laws and draft decisions of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission , as well as on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.” An important component of the RIA institution is the possibility of public discussion, which made it possible to assign representatives of business associations, public organizations and the scientific community the role of full participants in the legislative process.

    Currently, the introduction of such an institution of RIA is legislatively provided for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation until the end of 2015 through the adoption of relevant regulatory legal acts, and for local governments - until the end of 2016.

    10. Results-based management, which includes the following elements: launch of a strategic planning system, program-target planning, implementation of results-based budgeting (according to the Concept of reforming the budget process in the Russian Federation in 2004-2006, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from May 22, 2004 No. 249, new principles of results-based budgeting were developed, which meant priority setting of targets for administrative structures).

    11. Public-private partnership (PPP) in the socio-economic sphere. Public-private partnership is understood as the interaction of a public partner on the one hand and a private partner on the other, carried out on the basis of a public-private partnership agreement concluded as a result of competitive procedures, aimed at improving the quality and ensuring accessibility of services provided to the population, as well as attracting people into the economy private investment. At the federal level, public-private partnerships are implemented only on the basis of the Federal Law “On Concession Agreements”; draft Federal Law No. 238827-6 “On the Fundamentals of Public-Private Partnerships in the Russian Federation” was adopted only in the first reading. The constituent entities of the federation have adopted relevant acts, for example, the Law of St. Petersburg of December 25, 2006 No. 627100 “On the participation of St. Petersburg in public-private partnerships.” PPP is an innovative way to attract private investment and management to finance, organize production and provide public goods and services to the population. To date, regional laws on PPP have been adopted in more than 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but only some of them regulate in detail the previously mentioned relations between the state and private structures, indicating the forms of interaction.

    12. Creation of a federal contract system that would make it possible to carry out public procurement for state and municipal needs more transparent. For this purpose, Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 (as amended on December 28, 2013) “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” was adopted, regulating legal relations in the field of provision state and municipal needs, ensuring openness and transparency of such procurements, as well as saving budget funds in this area; and, importantly, preventing corruption and other abuses in public procurement. Implementation of the specified technologies of public administration (public-private partnership and contract system) related to economic methods regulation related to the transfer of executive functions of the state in this area to private sector companies is called one of the promising paradigms of the ongoing administrative reform in Russia.

    13. Anti-corruption technologies. The legal basis for the introduction of anti-corruption technologies is the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and other regulatory legal acts, the purpose of which is to eradicate the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption in Russian society. It should be noted that all of the above management technologies are closely interrelated.

    The Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” provides for the conduct of an anti-corruption examination of regulatory legal acts, the introduction of a system for monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption programs, which will make it possible to determine priority areas of anti-corruption measures, evaluate their effectiveness and timely adjust anti-corruption programs. It follows from this that only the introduction of all of the above management technologies into public administration will help combat corruption.

    In addition, for each of the listed management technologies, a special Internet site has been created at the federal level, which presents all necessary information about technology: concept, need for implementation, regulatory framework, sequence of implementation, monitoring, implementation results, etc.

    In other words, information technologies are being introduced into public administration in order to implement the necessary management technologies to achieve the goals and objectives of public administration. But still, the main work to improve the state management system in our country is still ahead, and the implementation of new management technologies requires further research.

    information technology public administration

    1.3 Practice of application of information technologies in state and regional administration

    Quite a lot has been said about the processes of informatization in society over the past decades. And at each time stage, the issue of informatization was considered in a certain context: from questions about the formation of computer literacy of individuals to the formation of a virtual society. The more information literate a person became, the more significant the need for an information product became for him, since people’s activities began to depend more and more on their awareness, on their ability to effectively apply information. For free orientation in the information space, a modern specialist of any profile must be able to extract and process information using computer technology, telecommunication systems and other means. In this regard, informatization has been defined as a strategic course of society, as a resource that determines the level of development of the state. The result is the large-scale use of information technologies in the economy, industry, politics and services, and culture. Consequently, informatization ensures the transition of society from an industrial type of development to an information one. This process also affected the sphere of state, regional and municipal government. Informatization of state, regional and municipal government is understood as the process of creating an information and technological environment to meet the information needs of authorities at various levels, organizations and citizens interacting with them based on the formation and use information resources.

    The beginning of informatization in government bodies can be dated back to 1970. The prerequisites for the creation of information systems at all levels of management of the economic complex were the development of computer technology abroad and the production of third-generation computers in the USSR. The country is beginning the process of forming a National Automated System for Processing Management Information. Almost all government structures created departmental computing centers and automation systems for solving functional problems in the regions. During the country's transition to a market economy, government bodies made changes not only to organizational and legal relations, but also developed new approaches to solving issues of information and information-analytical support for decisions made. Federal laws and a number of other fundamental documents were adopted that intensified the processes of creation and implementation of information systems and technologies in the field of public administration. Informatization of government bodies began to be considered by management and government officials as an integral technological tool that ensures timely processing of requests and facilitates the development and adoption of informed decisions.

    Despite the active development of information technologies in Russia, the population still does not have the opportunity to sufficiently receive state and municipal services in electronic form. For a long time, consumers received only information about services and sample forms. Requests over the Internet for certificates, extracts from archival and other documents, electronic queues for kindergartens, electronic medical records - all this began to come to life only 2-3 years ago. This can be explained by the fact that the process of forming an electronic services system was complicated by a number of difficulties. Firstly, there are significant differences between government bodies in the quality and quantity of use of information and communication technologies. Secondly, infrastructure public access population to the websites of government bodies, as well as means of information and reference support and service to the population were not sufficiently developed. Receipt of public services by consumers for the most part requires their personal contact with government authorities, which leads to a waste of time and other inconveniences. Thirdly, the infrastructure providing information security electronic forms interaction between public authorities and consumers of services.

    In order to solve these problems, in 2010 a new edition of the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)” was adopted, which systematized the goals, objectives and measures facing the Russian Federation to improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of state and municipal services with the help of information and telecommunication technologies. The main message was to reduce the gap between Russia and developed countries in the field of information technology. The objectives of the program included creating a powerful telecommunications structure and building an economic environment focused on the consumption and export of telecommunications services, as well as preparing the ground for the introduction of e-government technologies. In fact, the main result was the creation of a favorable information infrastructure for the subsequent implementation of long-term targeted programs leading to the implementation of the electronic state.

    At the moment, a number of programs are already being implemented, one of which is “Information Society (2011-2020)”. One of the largest projects implemented under the program is a website for the provision of public services. The portal serves as an official source of information on the procedure for providing public services, and also contains sample documents. Information on the portal is posted by federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation. All services posted on the portal are related to a specific region of the Russian Federation. The service card contains its description, information about its cost, deadlines, you can also study application forms and forms that should be filled out to apply for the service, and familiarize yourself with the list of documents required to receive it. If for some reason the provision of a service was refused or the terms for its execution were unacceptably delayed, then information about the legally defined conditions for refusal of a service and the possibilities to appeal this decision can be found in the appropriate sections.

    In 2013, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation prepared analytical information on the work of the Unified Portal of Public Services (EPGU). The popularity of services, the number of payments were analyzed, a rating of site users by region, the number of site users and other criteria were compiled. The main result of the portal's work was an increase in the number of registered users by more than two times. Based on the results of 2014, this figure exceeded 7.1 million. In the UN e-service development rating, Russia moved from 59th to 27th place from 2011 to 2014; this is one of the ratings in which Russia shows high dynamics in a short time. According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, one of the popular services among the population was checking and paying traffic fines, the second most requested was checking tax debts, and the next one was issuing a new type of international passport (Figure 1). Statistical data for 2014 showed that the population of the Russian Federation actively uses the government services portal. checking tax debts; 21% issuing a foreign passport 14% checking traffic police fines; 39% other services; 26%

    Figure 1 - Demand for EPGU services

    Having analyzed the statistics on the use of the public services portal by region of Russia, it turned out that the portal is most popular in the Primorsky Territory (15.1%), the Kursk region was in 69th place out of 83, and the ratio of portal users to the total population is only 1.5%. According to analysts of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, such a negative indicator is determined by the economic situation and is not enough active work authorities in terms of popularizing the portal. According to Alexey Kozyrev, director of the e-government development department of the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the state of affairs in the regions largely depends on the position of the authorities. “The majority of popular government services today can already be received electronically. Regional authorities should pay special attention to issues of their popularization among the population.

    To analyze the reason for the low position of the Kursk region in the ranking of regions for the use of the public services portal, a social survey was conducted among residents of Kursk. Of the 50 respondents aged from 19 to 57 years, 41 are aware of the functioning of the Unified Portal of Public Services. Of these, 36 respondents learned about the portal only in September 2013 - February 2014. This confirms the fact of low awareness of the population about the provision of services in electronic form during the period of formation of the rating of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Of the 36 respondents who were aware of the portal, they used the electronic service19, of which 12 respondents were satisfied with the electronic service of the portal, 7 respondents were dissatisfied with the service, since it was only possible to submit an application electronically, and the remaining documents had to be completed in the relevant departments.

    In total, at the beginning of September 2014, more than 30,000 residents of the republic were registered on the Unified Portal of State Services, which is 2.2% more than in July 2013 (12,300 users). Over the 8 months of this year, Kursk users sent about 10,000 requests to receive government services electronically. The most popular services were: obtaining information about the presence of traffic police fines, obtaining a new type of foreign passport, information about the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund, registry office services. Thus, based on the above, it should be noted that all measures for the introduction of information and communication technologies carried out by state, regional and municipal authorities not only ensure the openness of the work of public services and departments, excluding bureaucracy and corruption, not only save time on operations with documents , but also have a direct economic effect. In Russia, about 400 thousand civil servants are engaged in document processing alone, the time spent by citizens on going through authorities ranges from 3 to 4 billion man-hours per year, and each document is copied up to 20 times. Therefore, the use of information technology will save up to 30 billion rubles. per year. In conclusion, I would like to note that information technology is gradually becoming an indispensable management tool in a wide variety of areas of management activity.

    2. Improving the use of information technologies in state and municipal administration

    2.1 Problems of development of information technologies in public administration

    As part of the infrastructure organization interdepartmental interaction, as one of the top priorities, according to the federal target program “Electronic Russia”, the development and implementation of a unified state system for management and data transmission (USSUPD) is being carried out. EGSUPD is key element Russian electronic government is an interdepartmental system for collecting, storing, analyzing and distributing financial, economic, business and other socially significant information based on a unified technical policy and strictly regulated information interaction. The process of informatization not only represents a complex innovation process, but, thanks to the introduction of information technologies, it becomes possible to ensure fundamentally new interaction between various subjects to implement tasks of national importance.

    The innovative level of interaction ensures: high speed of obtaining information at any level and from different subjects; reliability, completeness of information; elimination of legal nihilism, participation in legislative activities (public examination), provision of feedback, etc., that is, everything necessary for making management decisions.

    From our point of view, the central figure in the formation of the information society is a person, his skills and ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in his professional activities. Information technologies of an organization must serve the strategic goals of the development of society, be used to manage the activities of structures and facilities, financial, information, material flows, workplaces and groups of people.

    Informatization of state, regional and municipal government involves the process of creating an information technology environment to meet the information needs of authorities at various levels, organizations and citizens interacting with them based on the formation and use of information resources. The territorial information system is a comprehensive integrated automated information system designed for information and analytical support of state and municipal government bodies.

    From the perspective of the information approach, local self-government is necessary to improve the quality of management decisions at the regional and state levels by providing more reliable, adequate, timely and complete information about the economic, political state and dynamics of development of municipalities, decisions made by local authorities.

    State information resources on the Internet are formed on the basis of the law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection.” In the regions, the process of moving the entire burden of informatization work from the regional level to the municipal level has begun. This is understandable, since almost all information resources are created at the municipal level and then used at the regional and federal levels.

    The main goal of municipal government is to improve the quality of life of residents of the municipality (MO). The transition to mass computerization of tasks solved in municipal government is due to: the dynamics of innovation in new economic conditions; the need to take into account a large number of factors in resolving issues of supporting the life of the municipality; the need to increase the speed of information processing for making management decisions. In this regard, the role of systems focused on paperless information processing technology is increasing: electronic document management programs, as well as databases formed in government bodies.

    The use of Internet technologies in municipal government provides a number of additional features: the growth of investment attractiveness of the Moscow Region is ensured by creating the image of a progressive administration; acquiring the status of an “advanced” object; stimulating access to the Internet and turning companies into electronic enterprises helps them gain competitive advantages and economic growth.

    It is becoming possible to hold mini-referendums, electronic voting, and create forums on the Moscow Region portal dedicated to discussing various issues of concern to Moscow Region residents. A fairly large number of regional authorities have their online offices.

    As the main problems of forming a highly effective information society, it should be noted the lack of: orientation of the created information resources towards mass information service population; legislative mechanisms for regulating legal relations in the field of state information resources; coordinating the creation by federal and regional government bodies of information funds and databases on legal entities and individuals and legal relations between them. In addition, it is necessary to state the fact of underestimation of the economic importance of the created state information resources. The concept of efficiency is inextricably linked with the concept of quality of IS automation. The quality of an information system is a set of properties of the system that determine the possibility of its use to meet certain user needs in accordance with its purpose. The effectiveness of the functioning of the public administration system is determined in the following areas: interaction with citizens and business entities; organization of the internal work of the institution; interaction between authorities.


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    State educational institution

    Higher professional education

    "Volgograd State Pedagogical University"


    subject: Management Information Technologies

    on the topic: “Information technologies in state and municipal administration”


    students 3k, group E-31

    specialty: organization management

    Faculty: E and U

    Lankina N.Yu

    Niklenko A.V.


    senior teacher Filippova E.M.

    Volgograd, 2010

    Introduction 3

    1. Characteristics of information technologies in state and municipal administration. 4

    2. Use of information technology 5

    3. Main aspects of the implementation of e-government in our country 6

    Conclusion 10

    List of sources and literature used 11


    The current stage of development of society is characterized by intensive informatization of all spheres of its life. The development and widespread use of information technologies is a global trend in world development and the scientific and technological revolution of recent decades.

    The use of information technology is of great importance for increasing the competitiveness of the economy and increasing the efficiency of government and local governments. Therefore, informatization of state and municipal authorities today is one of the priorities of the leadership of our country.

    The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that currently information and management systems of business structures and government bodies are one of the most intensively developing areas of informatization. Such systems are focused, first of all, on solving the problems of responding, forecasting and preventing crisis and other emergency situations. However, in practice, the scope of application of such systems is much wider and allows them to be considered as centers of strategic and operational management for senior officials. Recently, there has been a tendency to create information and management systems that support the processes of preparing and making complex decisions. These systems function as centers for: monitoring and making strategic decisions with real-time tracking of a large number of indicators and parameters of economic, political, social and other complex objects.

    1. Characteristics of information technologies in state and municipal administration.

    The Department of Municipal Property is one of the most important structural divisions of the mayor's office. Informatization of the activities of this department should cover the functions of management, use, and disposal of municipal property, as well as reflect in the database the facts of state registration of legal entities and individuals carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity.

    The Department of Municipal Economy, being a structural management body, bears full responsibility for the state of affairs in the industry. Therefore, informatization of management processes aims to implement information support for solving functional problems in the areas of energy, road transport, housing and communal services, communications and consumer services for the population for the normal life of citizens, maintenance of external improvement facilities and proper sanitary condition of the city.

    In relation to each of the listed areas, the management chiefs of the relevant organizations create local, open computer networks, information technologies that allow specialists of these organizations, using automated workstations and information interaction with system-wide data of the municipal information system, to solve all the necessary functional tasks.

    The Department of Education, Culture and Sports is a structural body of the mayor's office and, in the course of its activities, has information links with other structural divisions of the mayor's office, the regional administration, as well as with commercial and non-profit organizations, public associations and citizens.

    2. Use of information technology

    The strategic use of information technology can help organizations accomplish the following:
    - provide employees with the opportunity to easily and quickly receive, create and provide information to colleagues, manage it and act on it at any time, anywhere and using any device. Employees should have instant access to analytics and collaboration tools, with databases and data analytics on desktop and mobile devices, as well as a single calendar, email, synchronization, and case management tool available from any device;

    Provide citizen-centric services by enabling employees to respond to customer requests more quickly and efficiently. To do this, it is necessary to provide access to databases and data analysis tools through various channels;

    Increase the intelligence quotient of the department as a whole through interaction and integration of content management, monitoring and analysis systems. This requires easy-to-use and manage tools, integration with back-end and legacy systems, and high levels of security and identity to protect departmental information.

    The very use of information technology contributes to changes in work culture. If access to information is very simple, then the likelihood that a person will want to look at certain data will be much greater. If interaction with colleagues is also easy, then a person will certainly want to take advantage of their experience. Likewise, a person will adhere to correct procedures if they are easy to follow. Online information sharing creates a sense of urgency and acts as a catalyst for government officials to engage directly with citizens, respond to their requests, and view them as clients rather than burdens.

    3. Main aspects of the implementation of e-government in our country

    The main task of informatization in the activities of the Department of Health and Social Protection is the organization of information support for the movement of budgetary and other financial funds, which are intended for the protection of health and guaranteed accessible medical care for the city population, allocated by the budget for guaranteed support for families, elderly citizens, disabled people, as well as for the development of systems of social services, pensions.

    The "Social Protection" subsystem, in addition to system-wide databases, provides for the use of a wide variety of specialized databases necessary for maintaining electronic documentation on the financial support of pensioners of various groups. Thus, the databases “Veterans”, “Disabled people”, “Blind”, “Large children”, “Single mothers”, “Siege survivors”, “Repressed”, “Military prisoners”, “Military pensioners”, etc. are created. Workplaces are created that are equipped with software for a comprehensive solution to problems related to the calculation and payment of pensions. Such software is installed at the workplaces of specialists not only in the department of the city municipality, but also in the territorial departments of social protection of the population.

    The software complex "Pension Calculation" allows you to calculate pensions, calculate a more profitable calculation option, quickly generate payment documents for post offices or banks, create summary and statistical reports for the Pension Fund." Information from the databases of this complex is provided to the city tax office and used when adjusting data from health insurance companies.

    Databases are updated daily in the territorial departments of social protection of the city population. The municipal management information system within the corporate environment allows you to actively explore the Internet and use its extremely wide opportunities for specialists to access various information resources from their workstations, in particular, to the State information resources of Russia.

    Territorial information system(TIS) is a comprehensive integrated automated information system designed for information and analytical support of state and municipal authorities. 1

    Depending on the territory covered, the following TIS are distinguished:

      local (within the city, urban area);

      regional (within the region, territory, republic, autonomous district);

      state (state-scale automated control system, for example, “State Population Register”).

    When creating a TIS, it is very important to carry out activities that include research into the composition and main characteristics of the informatization object, the goals of each of its elements, the relationships between them, and connections with the external environment.

    Opportunities are opening up for the formation of thematic Web pages that form the basis of the City Hall Web server, and the development of Web browsers capable of covering all available municipal resources. Of course, any further development of the network is associated with a sharp increase in the volume of information studied and analyzed by specialists and managers, which requires further development of the network based on a fundamentally new software and technological environment, for example Oracle and OLAP technologies. OLAP technologies for municipal government are a new class of information systems that ensure the analysis process is carried out in real time. The creation and implementation of such technologies is a promising task that will create qualitatively new opportunities for management in managing socio-economic processes.

    To date, automated library and information technologies operate in more than 2.5 thousand scientific and public libraries, of which 1,250 are at the municipal level. Almost all central universal scientific libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have created local computer networks connecting from 30 to 50 computers. The main result of the introduction of information technologies into the practice of libraries is the creation of electronic catalogs and other bibliographic and abstract databases. The most significant databases in terms of volume were formed in the library of the Institute of Information for Social Sciences, the Russian National Library, the Russian State Library, the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia and other central libraries.

    The State System of Scientific and Technical Information (GSNTI) is a set of scientific and technical libraries and organizations - legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, specializing in the collection and processing of scientific and technical information and interacting with each other, taking into account their assumed systemic obligations.

    Currently, the basis of the state legal information system is the information resources of the organizations of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of Russia). Within the framework of FAPSI, work in the field of formation and organization of use of legal information resources is carried out by the Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "System" (STC "System").

    Database of current Russian legislation "Etalon". This is a full-text database on current Russian legislation, developed at the NCPI. "Etalon" contains about 50,000 texts of current regulations. Among them are federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as orders and instructions of ministries and departments, judicial, notarial, and arbitration practice.

    Speaking about the state system of legal information, one cannot fail to mention the server of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation www.scli.ru. On the server you can find a wide variety of information about legal information resources, including descriptions of NCPI databases, information about the work of NCPI and TsPI, get acquainted with new documents, etc.

    In addition to information about developing organizations and proposed information legal systems, on these servers there is freely available information about new regulations and current reviews of legislation in various areas (legislation monitoring). On a number of servers you can subscribe to legislative monitoring data and receive it free of charge by e-mail, as well as view the contents of legislative databases and create a request to search for the required document. As a result of viewing, you can get not only the name of the document contained in the database, but also access to the texts of documents in the main databases, usually for a fee.


    Speaking about information technologies of public administration, it should be understood that, first of all, we are talking about the informatization of all management processes in government bodies of all levels, the informatization of interdepartmental relationships, the creation of computer systems capable of supporting all functions of interaction of these bodies with the population and business structures.

    By simplifying interaction with government agencies and access to information for the public, Internet technologies contribute to greater openness and transparency. It also facilitates access to a variety of information - bills, materials of committee meetings and budget documents. Citizens can better monitor the actions of their elected representatives, form pressure groups, and voice their opinions in real time. Ultimately, people should be able to customize the government services portal to suit their own needs by adding, updating and removing links to specific services.

    Issues of information support for state and municipal management occupy a special place in the management system, since any hasty or incorrect management decision made with a lack of information, especially in abnormal, extreme situations, can lead to undesirable consequences.

    List of sources and literature used

    1. Federal Law of February 9, 2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments”

    2. Glazunova N.I. Public administration system. - M.: UNITY, 2004, 551 p.

    3. Ivasenko A.G. Information technologies in economics and management. - M.: KnoRus, 2005, 266 p.

    4. Korneev I.K. Information technologies in management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005, 158 p.

    5. Semenov M.I. Automated information technologies in economics. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004, 416 p.

    6. Trofimov V.V. Information systems and technologies in economics and management. - M.: Higher Education, 2006, 480 p.

    7. Akatova N.A. Public administration system. Book 5. Information technology: Textbook. – M.: State University of Education, 2000

    1 Akatova N.A. Public administration system. Book 5. Information technology: Textbook. – M.: State University of Education, 2000

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  • State And municipal control as a specialty of higher professional education

    Course work >> State and law

    3 1.State device and control……………………………………. 5 1.1 State structure of modern Russia…………………………. 5 1.2 Functions of the state, tasks and methods state management… 7 2. State And municipal control: about the present...

  • Problems and prospects state And municipal management

    Abstract >> State and law

    ... state And municipal management are: reforming government bodies, implementing targeted state programs, management state And municipal property, features of regional and municipal ...