• Network tools for monitoring and managing an uninterruptible power supply. UPS management

    Software, maps network management And peripherals For UPS control And safe shutdown systems

    PowerChute Personal Edition supports safe system shutdown in the event of an extended power outage, preventing data corruption. With exceptional ease of use, it allows even the novice to build optimal protection based on APC's proven power management technologies. Users can then customize PowerChute settings to suit their needs. Generated reports on the cost of electricity consumed and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions improve your understanding of the energy consumed by IT equipment and make it easier to find ways to improve energy efficiency. Note: The supported features are determined by the Back-UPS model and operating system.

    PowerChute Business Edition software supports UPS management, secure system shutdown and innovative energy management capabilities. In the event of an extended power outage, automatic graceful shutdown prevents information loss and ensures minimal recovery time. Reports on the cost of electricity consumed and equivalent emissions (CO 2) improve your understanding of the energy consumed by IT equipment and make it easier to find ways to improve energy efficiency. Risk assessment reports that identify likely threats to availability and advanced analytics capabilities that help identify the causes of potential UPS and power problems before they become serious are very helpful, ensuring stable work systems.

    PowerChute Network Shutdown, combined with the APC UPS Network Management Card, protects the physical and virtual IT environment from threats that threaten the availability of IT equipment. Network-controlled, graceful shutdown of physical servers and virtual machines Without operator intervention, it helps protect data integrity and reduces system downtime in the event of extreme events, such as an extended power outage. Scalable architecture supports a virtually unlimited number of client systems. PowerChute Network Shutdown is easily configured via a browser interface and supports single UPS, redundant UPS and parallel UPS configurations. UPS operation.

    APC UPS Network Management Cards provide secure monitoring and management of individual APC UPS systems through a browser, command line interface, or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Built-in technology provides exceptional reliability by notifying you of problems as soon as they occur. Included in the package software PowerChute® Network Shutdown automatically shuts down servers in the event of an extended power outage, ensuring the integrity of business information.

    Cable Interface Kits allow any APC UPS with an RS-232 serial port to take advantage of operating system capabilities to shut down computers gracefully. Cable extension cords allow you to connect UPS located at a considerable distance.

    The APC Battery Management System ensures that batteries are optimally charged and ready for use. Accessible via a browser, this 1U rack-mount system monitors, tests, and boosts individual batteries for superior battery performance. The ability to visually monitor the health and condition of batteries can be obtained through integration with the building management system in use or through a browser. This allows battery problems to be addressed before they affect availability.

    Sources topic uninterruptible power supply has already been covered more than once on the pages of our weekly magazine, but until now the attention of readers has been concentrated on the theoretical and hardware aspects of equipment protection. However, there is another very important aspect - specialized software that allows you to realize all the benefits of UPS. It is included with the UPS, and upgrades and additions are available for free download from manufacturers' websites. As a rule, such software has a fixed set of functions - monitoring electrical network at the input and parameters of the supply voltage at the output, monitoring the condition of the batteries, as well as managing the protected computer and notifying the user (administrator) about potential and actual problems.

    In order not to overload the reader with information, we limited ourselves to a brief overview Software from six manufacturers whose product offerings dominate the Ukrainian market, according to the weekly Hot Line catalog.

    Since serious server and telecommunications solutions are usually carried out on a turnkey basis by system integrators, we will limit ourselves to the more common area of ​​UPS application - protection personal computers, workstations and small servers in small companies.

    What should UPS and software be able to do?

    First of all, protect the equipment. Although an uninterruptible power supply is called “uninterruptible,” this does not mean that it must maintain the operation of the system in the absence of voltage in the external network for as long as desired (a different class of equipment is intended for this - generators). The purpose of the UPS is to provide power to the computer during short-term power outages, and in the event of a long-term power outage to ensure correct shutdown. It is in this aspect that software should be considered.

    The functionality of a UPS largely depends on the performance of the batteries - even the most intelligent circuits will be powerless if they transmit the command to start working on a damaged or discharged battery. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the software is monitoring the battery condition (not only the state of charge, but also the date of last replacement). It is desirable that the program allows you to schedule tests of batteries and the UPS itself and save information about the results.

    The ability to notify the user or administrator of a power loss or the need to replace batteries is especially necessary where the UPS is geographically remote from the workplace of the responsible employee. The method of informing depends on the specific situation - it could be a simple mailing using the operating system via local network, generation of email messages, calling via a modem with transmission of a sequence of tones, etc. Since not all domestic pager companies support sending messages bypassing the operator, for clients who do not have a permanent connection to the Internet, the only option may be cellular telephone. Even if the operator does not allow you to determine the number caller, the characteristic trill in the receiver will make it clear to a competent system administrator: power supply voltage is lost.

    The last thing that is required from the software is a graceful shutdown of the system. This means that if there is a momentary power loss, it is not at all necessary to turn off the computer - the battery capacity is quite enough to keep it running. The program must have settings that control the timing or conditions that determine how applications and the operating system shut down. It is desirable that it allows you to run any external utilities - this will provide greater flexibility and make it possible, for example, to use your own scripts that save files in applications.

    APC: PowerChute Plus

    APC packages all uninterruptible power supplies with one software - PowerChute Plus. During installation, you must specify the UPS type, after which the corresponding components are installed. PowerChute Plus's array of controllable parameters and reminder configurations are arguably the best in the industry. In addition, using the software you can make fine tuning automatically stopping applications (those that support WorkSafe technology allow you to correctly save work files), turning off the computer and restarting it after normal power is restored.

    PowerChute Plus for network OS versions includes a component that performs remote monitoring and UPS management via the SNMP protocol, which, of course, requires an additional card installed in the Smart slot. The software allows you to assign your own IP address to the UPS and manage it through any Web browser. In addition, within the local network, control and management of several sources is carried out through regular version PowerChute Plus (you just need to select those UPSs that are to be monitored).

    APC produces many accessories for its UPS - network cards, modems, remote controllers. All of them are supported by software and allow you to create a flexible and reliable complex that provides control over the power supply of equipment.

    Best Power: CheckUPS II

    Best Power offers customers two versions of software for interacting with uninterruptible power supplies. Basic, as the name suggests, provides only basic functions - monitoring the current state (without digital data), setting parameters for shutting down the operating system and notifying the user about power problems.

    The OS shuts down after a specified period of time; there is no provision for closing applications first. The set of events that UPS notifies about is small, but covers the main points of its use, including messages sent even when there is no connection with the device itself. In addition to traditional WinPopup tools, CheckUPS can transmit information to the user via modem to a pager (this service must be supported by the provider company) and via cell phone ( phone number the line to which the modem is connected must be determined by the device). In addition, the program allows you to launch any external application from the command line with the appropriate parameters (thanks to this function it is possible forced closure applications).

    The Advanced version is supplied and can only work with UPS over high level- Patriot PRO series, etc. It is distinguished from Basic primarily by the numerical representation of controlled parameters and the ability to schedule events - turning on, turning off and self-testing the UPS.

    IMV: PowerFLAG

    IMV has one version of UPS management software included with its product line. The program, or rather, the software package, consists of the main PowerFLAG module and the PowerView data display system. This approach is somewhat unusual, since PowerFLAG is automatically launched at system startup, and PowerView is called by the user, and closing it does not affect the operation of the UPS.

    Despite the unique interface, the software allows you to monitor many parameters, including the voltage and frequency of the external network, the temperature inside the source case, obtain information about the condition of the batteries and test them. In addition to monitoring functions, PowerFLAG can control the shutdown of protected equipment (including its reboot), schedule tests and shutdowns. However, the set of parameters leaves much to be desired - there is no way to run external applications, and notify the remote user of power or battery problems.

    An indirect tool for monitoring the performance of the connection with the UPS and its internal sensors is additional window, which displays the data exchange protocol - a set of running characters does not carry visual information, but its absence indicates a problem.

    Liebert: MultiLink 2

    Liebert distributes software for managing its MultiLink UPSes only through the website. The size of the distribution kit for Windows 9x and model is almost 4 MB, and the server is not fast, so it is better to plan its download at night. In addition, it should be taken into account that the software requires an updated version of the Java machine from Microsoft, without which the installation process does not even begin.

    MultiLink 2 provides monitoring of the status of one or more uninterruptible power supplies, as well as power network parameters. The program allows you to configure the system to turn off the protected equipment after a user-specified period of time, start external programs with specified in command line parameters. Notification tools are very extensive and easily customizable. This could be email, a pager, or OS tools for sending messages. The user has the ability to edit a set of variables, which are replaced by the current UPS parameters - very useful feature when sending notifications to devices with limited message length, such as SMS cell phones.

    To support networks that use SNMP-based management tools, Liebert provides SiteNet SNMP Manager software and agents for common network operating systems.

    MGE UPS: Solution-Pac

    MGE UPS offers two versions of UPS management software - Personal Solution-Pac and Solution-Pac/WAN. The personal version is included in the package of entry-level Ellipse models and only allows you to monitor the status of the source and, most importantly, indicate the level of battery discharge after which the system turns off. When problems occur, a warning window appears on the screen, displaying the situation - what happened, how long the battery will last and when the system will be turned off. Unfortunately, no notifications are provided to the remote user. Personal Solution-Pac provides configuration of the voltage range, beyond which the UPS switches to batteries and the output voltage level.

    Solution-Pac/WAN is designed for networking and includes a client, agent and console. As with solutions from other manufacturers, optimal use of the entire set will require more than just UPS high class, but also additional equipment, providing access via the SNMP protocol.

    Uninterruptible power supplies from MGE UPS use a Plug-and-Play mechanism, so before installation you must connect the communication cord to the PC port.

    Powerware: LanSafe III

    Uninterruptible power supplies from Powerware use a Plug-and-Play mechanism, however, when installing only the UPS driver, you can only control some of its parameters. LanSafe III software (versions for most OSes are included in the package) can run either on a single PC or in a client-server version, with multiple UPSs controlled simultaneously from the client machine.

    LanSafe Console allows you to present data both graphically and digitally, but the set of controllable parameters is somewhat limited - there is no control of frequency, temperature inside the UPS case, etc. But the set of notifications about power problems is quite sufficient - 71 events, the program informs the user both by means of distribution of the operating system, and via a modem or to several e-mail addresses, and it is possible to edit messages using variables. As expected, access to remote UPSs is password protected. The software has a number of settings that are responsible for the correct shutdown of the OS and applications, as well as a reboot after the power supply is normalized. There is scheduling of tests and shutdowns, but its implementation is not entirely convenient.

    The developers paid a lot of attention to logging events - the program keeps a number of log files and also presents information in the form of graphs on which you can track frequency jumps and power consumed by the load.

    UPSMON software on Android platform for monitoring electrical network parameters, UPS operating modes and battery condition.

    UPSMON Manager software (beta version) allows you to monitor up to 64 UPSs on a local network via SNMP or UPSMON Pro software

    UPSMON Pro 2.4 new version of the software is fully compatible with the ESXi hypervisor from VMware. Suitable for all versions of OS, based on Windows, has a built-in web server for remote access, supports USB/RS-232/SNMP connections. Makes it possible to set up full monitoring of both one device and a series of devices without installing an SNMP adapter.

    UPSMON Pro software for Linux supports USB, RS-232, SNMP connectivity and also supports Master/Slave control. Allows you to correctly shut down or put the system into sleep mode, monitor the status of the power grid and UPS, keep an event log, send information about UPS and power network events via email etc. Support implemented popular systems virtualization: VMWare and Hyper-V.

    UPSMON Plus v 2.92 for Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 / Windows 8 with Russified HELP section - latest version UPS condition monitoring programs.

    Special software for the Phantom and Spider series allows you to adjust the response threshold and shutdown time of the Green Mode energy saving mode, as well as set the operating ranges of the voltage stabilizer. Attention! This function is not provided in other UPS series.

    OnEvent software for Windows allows you to receive messages about the status of the UPS from the SNMP card 110-SNMP-050 via the local network about UPS and power supply events (disappearance and restoration of mains voltage, battery discharge and UPS overload, etc.). The sending conditions, content and recipients of messages are specified in the settings of the SNMP card 110-SNMP-050.

    UPSMON RS-232 software for Linux is designed for UPS with RS-232 port. Allows you to correctly shut down or put the system into sleep mode, monitor the status of the power grid and UPS, keep an event log, send email messages, set a UPS schedule, etc. The archive includes an executable environment Java required for the program to work.

    UPSMON software for Linux is designed for UPSs with a USB port that support the Smart Battery standard. Allows you to correctly shut down or put the system into sleep mode, monitor the status of the power grid and UPS, keep an event log, etc. The archive includes the Java executable environment necessary for the program to operate.

    The Energy Controller 2 program is designed to monitor the parameters of Uninterruptible Power Sources (UPS) and control the functions of these sources. Initially, Energy Controller was created to interact with the IPPON Back Power Pro 400 UPS, but later it turned out that the program works normally with all other IPPON UPS models (ippon.ru). And Energy Controller 2 also supports Mustek UPS, and some Sven and Inelt UPS models.

    Why can you use Energy Controller 2?

    First, Energy Controller 2 constantly monitors the battery health of your UPS. When utility power is lost, your computer is powered by this battery. Energy Controller 2 will put your operating system into sleep mode as soon as the UPS reports that the battery is completely discharged. Once power is restored, you can return to work as if nothing happened.

    Secondly, if you enable the so-called “standby mode”, then after the operating system is completed, Energy Controller 2 will disconnect the entire load from the UPS output. This is convenient if you need to turn off other devices along with the computer, for example, an ADSL modem or an audio system.

    In the evenings, I sometimes use the TV tuner to watch TV shows. When I get tired of seeing advertisements interspersed with movies, I press the “Power” button on the remote control remote control and fall asleep. You don't have to worry about turning off your computer, stereo system or lights - Energy Controller 2 will do everything on its own.

    Thirdly, Energy Controller 2 will save all UPS parameters into data logs - CSV files. These files can be viewed in Excel and the data stored in them can be used to quickly create graphs or charts.

    Fourthly, Energy Controller 2 will tell you how many minutes are left until the UPS battery is completely discharged if there is a network power failure. Energy Controller 2 can also display output power UPS (in Volt-Amps and Watts), as well as the current in the load circuit (in Amps). And these parameters are not displayed in any other programs UPS monitoring IPPON!

    Fifthly, Energy Controller 2 can report problems with power supply via the network (MSG command), via email, SMS or Twitter"a!

    Fifthly, Energy Controller 2 can send a graphical representation of the current UPS parameters to the Picasa web album and post a link to this drawing on your microblog.

    Sixth, if you want, Energy Controller 2 will turn your computer on and off according to a schedule.

    Seventh, all functions of Energy Controller 2 are available in Windows 7. And on your desktop you can display a gadget that will show all the important parameters of your UPS. The new version of the "OSD panel" gadget differs from previous opportunity configure the gadget - i.e. change the font, its color and size, background color and transparency.

    Eighth, if you are annoyed beep UPS, you can turn on an alternative signal that will be played through the computer speakers.

    Ninth, Energy Controller 2 now sends notifications about power problems using the Jabber protocol (XMPP).

    Tenth, if you have an IPPON or Mustek UPS, then simply download the Energy Controller 2 distribution and try this program.

    Minimum System Requirements

    Announcing system requirements It should be said that Energy Controller 1.30 was based on Visual Basic 6 libraries. Unfortunately, VB 6 is already hopelessly outdated, so when creating new version Energy Controller used Microsoft environment Visual Studio 2008. Part of the code was written in C#, part in VB.NET. The second version of Energy Controller was created almost from scratch, because the Visual Basic update wizard was unable to convert the VB6 code to VB.Net. This is probably due to the use of many imported Win 32 API functions.

    Platform. NET Framework 3.5 is good because it allows you to get simple and convenient access to many functions of the operating system. But importing functions from the Win 32 API sometimes reminded me of trying to scratch my left big toe behind my right ear. Choosing the .NET Framework as the runtime environment gives a lot to the software developer, but also increases system requirements. Alas.

    So, Energy Controller 2 was tested in Windows XP, Windows Vista (32 & 64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit).

    Most likely, Energy Controller 2 will also work in server operating systems starting from Windows 2003, but I did not divide the application into two parts: a service and a user interface. And this is exactly how, from a security point of view, an application for monitoring server UPSs should be designed. The author of Energy Controller 2 does not often have to visit server sites, so Energy Controller 2 is still not very suitable for server OSes.

    To prevent Energy Controller 2 from eating up a significant portion of your processor's power, I recommend a processor with clock frequency not less than one gigahertz.

    Applications running on the .NET Framework 3.5 typically take up a lot of RAM space, and therefore RAM your computer must have at least 512 megabytes. You also need at least one free USB or COM port.

    In Windows XP and Windows 2003, you must install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (232 MB) and if for some reason you cannot download this file, then look for it on DVDs, included with some magazines. For example, on the "Chip" magazine disk in the "Service" section.

    An important part of an uninterruptible power supply system is software that allows you to monitor the state UPS and events in the electrical grid. The software allows you to track a lot important parameters UPS and networks: power failure, increase and decrease in voltage, change in voltage frequency, transition of the UPS to battery power, operation of the UPS in bypass mode, condition and temperature of the UPS batteries, etc. The software also allows you to correctly shut down equipment and programs in the absence of an operator .

    In today's environment, a loss of power can result in the loss of critical data, costly downtime, and damage to computer and industrial equipment. Using appropriate monitoring and control software makes UPS V universal solution power quality problems. The software is an indispensable and fully integrated element of the system, increasing its performance and ensuring process protection. When a power failure occurs, the software takes a number of actions: notifies users, places processes in a specific state, closes open files and communication channels, and gracefully shuts down unattended systems. When power is restored in the network, automatic start system and its return to normal operation


    UPSMAN is free software that comes with your General Electric UPS. UPSMAN exchanges information with the UPS via serial port, USB port or network interface(SNMP card) to obtain status data and measure data. During normal operation UPS All data on the status of the UPS and the network is saved in a log file and can be viewed over the network.

    During a power outage, UPSMAN monitors the time battery life The UPS runs on battery power and initiates local or network shutdown of computers if necessary. UPSMAN can use optional software. The RCCMD client part allows you to correctly shut down computers and programs running on them.

    Available for stopping and starting various methods: “cold” start, soft start, network start. In addition, UPSMAN's customizable and nearly unlimited event processing capabilities allow you to pre-configure your system for automatic notification user: by notifying the user over the network, by email, by sending SMS messages or by sending an RCCMD signal to remote computer to execute a pre-configured command.

    UPS status data can be accessed via WEB server. It can be accessed through standard browser, but an optional SNMP card is required. UPSMAN supports the following UPS models: Match, VH Series, GT Series, LP11/31T, LP33, SG Series.

    (Software for monitoring and managing the UPS, shutting down the computer/server correctly, serial number- in the archive along with the program)

    (USB to Serial adapter driver: to connect a UPS that has only an RS-232 port to a computer that has only a USB)

    (Software for changing advanced UPS settings (no-load shutdown, automatic start of the UPS when voltage appears, setting the output voltage to 220/230/240 V, frequency 50/60 Hz, etc.)

    RCCMD client part (paid software, trial period 30 days)

    RCCMD is a common and widely used UPS client. This software allows you to shut down correctly large quantity computers. Supported by 25 different operating systems and works together with UPSMAN.

    (Client part of the software for automatic shutdown of servers ( paid program, which is installed directly on the server, includes a Trial key for 30 days))

    EP OS Shutdown System

    This software is designed for the GE EP Series UPS and has the same functionality as the UPSMAN software.

    EP Series EP OS Shutdown System