• How to open cmd prompt. How to call the command line? Command line launch

    The command line is one of the most flexible and useful tools Windows. Formally, the cmd.exe application inside the Windows folder is the command line. Unfortunately, most users don't even know how to run Command Prompt. In this article, we will try to correct such a defect.

    Windows XP

    Launch Method command line significantly depends on the version operating Windows. On Windows XP run this application can be done by the following methods:

    1. In the first option, you can simply go to the start menu, select the "all programs" section, go to the "standard" category and find the "command line" application there.
    2. You can also choose more fast way and just open the "start" menu and find the "run" item there. The menu item "Run" will open a command window in which you should enter cmd.exe.

    Windows 7

    But Windows XP has long been considered outdated version systems. Now the most relevant operating system is Windows 7. And if the first method of launching the command line described above can still be used in Windows 7, then method No. 2 will be completely useless. The main reason for this is that by default there is no “run” item in the start menu. You can enable it without any problems by going to the properties of the start menu and selecting the appropriate item there. Also in Windows 7 there was an opportunity quick search on the start menu. In order to use this function just open the menu and just start typing the name required application(in our case, cmd.exe).

    In addition to the command line launch methods listed above, there is another one that is completely universal. It works in both Windows XP and Windows 7. Its essence is simple: you press the win + r key combination, after this action the previously mentioned “run” window opens, enter cmd.exe in it and press Enter. For me, it couldn't be easier.

    How to launch any application via command line

    Earlier we mentioned the fact that the command line is a universal tool in the hands of the user. Quite often developers various applications implement support for commands and parameters that can be activated or specified using the command line. Let's consider the process of launching the program using a real example.

    Let's say you need to run the Testprogram.exe program, which is located in the C:\ Program Files\Test\. First we need to go to the appropriate directory (by default, the command line opens the user folder). To do this, run the cd c:\Program Files\Test command. After switching to the desired directory, you can freely run the program with the appropriate parameters. For example, let's run our program with the print-to-document option:

    C:\Program Files\Test>Testpogram.exe /print c\test.txt

    As a result of this command, the Testprogram.exe program will print to the test.txt document, which is located on local disk C. In order to find out the commands that any program supports, read the help from the developers. For a list of standard cmd.exe commands, you can use the "help" command.

    If you plan to work regularly in the command line application, then I recommend that you customize this environment to suit your needs. To start the settings, click on the upper left corner of the window and select "Properties". In the window that opens, you can change a lot of different parameters: buffer size, quick insert and selection, window location, window size, etc.

    The command line is a tool that can significantly speed up the process of working on a personal computer. Having studied it once, you will save your time hundreds of times in the future.

    Command line - special program, which allows you to control the operating system using text commands entered in the application window. Its interface is completely text-based, unlike the usual look of the operating system.

    Performing actions using text expressions, of course, is not as convenient as clicking icons on the screen, selecting menu items, opening program windows. But sometimes it is simply necessary to open the command line, for example, if there are problems in the system, working with network and equipment settings, calling system applications. Here are some examples of its use:

    1. The systeminfo command collects information about the system, including installed updates and network information. The graphical interface does not provide such data.
    2. chkdsk - check the disk for errors with the creation of a report.
    3. sfc /scannow- useful command launching a scan and repairing damaged files.
    4. ipconfig - allows you to find out the IP address of your computer in a split second.
    5. ping - check network operation in case of problems with the router.
    6. help - the command line will display a list of possible commands with brief information about them.

    These are just a few examples beneficial use this application. In addition, through the program window, you can quite successfully work on a computer without resorting to the mouse.

    Ways to turn on

    There are several options to open the Windows Command Prompt:

    In a version higher than Windows 8, in order to apply this method, you need to click on the magnifying glass next to the username.

    Also for quick start you can create a desktop shortcut and hotkeys. You can create a label like this:

    1. In the explorer window, find the “Windows \ System32” folder, right-click on the cmd.exe file in it, then “Create Shortcut” and select a name for it.
    2. Right click on empty space on the screen, in the context menu, find "Create Shortcut". In the field that appears, type C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe. Next, select a name and click OK.

    Now you can assign hotkeys. call context menu created shortcut, click "Properties", "Shortcut" tab, in the "Shortcut" field, enter the required combination.

    Please note that when launched using a shortcut, search window and explorer, the command line is launched from the System32 folder, and using the "Run" item of the Start menu from Users folders your computer.

    Opening with elevated rights

    Among the methods discussed, some allow you to enable the command line as an administrator. The fact is that even if in the current work you use account Administrator, you do not have full rights to control the system. This is done to improve reliability and reduce the risk of damage from malware.

    Many people think that working with the command line is only for programmers. This is wrong. Access to this software product may be required and ordinary user computer.

    The command line "links" you and the operating system of your equipment. By entering certain commands, you can perform various service tasks. Only the administrator has full rights to perform a number of actions, so it is recommended that you run the command console on his behalf. Visually, this application is a black box with a blinking cursor. How to call the command line?

    How to Invoke Command Prompt: Start Menu

    The most common way to access the string is through the Start menu. It is important to note that it is not enough to call the command console by simply clicking on it with the mouse button. If you want to be able to set any commands, call the application on behalf of the administrator. To do this, right-click on the "Command Prompt" icon and select "Run as administrator" from the drop-down list.

    Standard programs

    • Click on the "Start" button.
    • In the window that appears, select "All Programs".
    • Next, find the "Standard" folder.
    • Click "Command Prompt" (right click).

    Search line

    • Go to the start menu.
    • In the search bar, which is located at the bottom of the table that opens, write "cmd".
    • Press the Enter key.
    • Right-click the "Command Prompt" item.

    If the search bar is not displayed in the Start menu, open it and simultaneously press the Win and R keys. A line will appear in which you enter "cmd" and click the "OK" button. With only one caveat - with this method of calling command console will start immediately and will be deprived of administrator rights.

    How to call the command line: context menu of any folder

    While on the desktop, you can call the cmd.exe application without going to the Start menu.

    • Clamp Shift key and right click on any folder.
    • In the drop-down list, stop at the item "Open command window".
    • Choose it.
    • A command line appears on the screen (a black box with a blinking cursor).

    How to call the command line: Windows 8.1 OS

    If you are Windows user 8, the implementation of the proposed options will be somewhat different.

    1 way

    • Open the Charms Bar. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the right side of the screen or type from the keyboard Windows combination+C.
    • Click the search icon.
    • In the line that appears, write "command line" or "cmd".
    • Next, right-click on the desired icon - "Run as administrator".

    2 way

    • Open "All Applications" (similar to "All Programs" in previous versions OS). To do this, press the combination Ctrl keys+ Tab or right-click anywhere free space screen and select "All Apps".
    • In the list that appears, find the "Command Prompt" icon.
    • Click on it with the mouse (right key) and stop at the item "Run as administrator".

    3 way

    • Windows 8.1 allows you to return the interface to a "familiar" look. In the lower left corner, right-click on the square icon. In the list that appears, select "Desktop". Thus, the desktop takes on a classic look.
    • Press the "Start" button (or a combination Windows keys+ X) and type "command line".
    • Or go to the system Windows directory– System32. Find the cmd application. Click on its icon with the right mouse button and select "Run as administrator" in the list that appears.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog In my articles, I quite often mentioned such a thing as the command line. Although today this component in operating systems has lost its original meaning, but the solution of certain tasks is not complete without the command line. Therefore, I bring to your attention an article about what is command prompt and how to run command prompt in windows 7 and xp.

    First, let's define what a command line is.

    The command line is a text interface between the operating system and the user, in which commands are given by entering commands (text strings) from the keyboard. The command line is also called the console.

    Today, operating systems use more GUI or a menu-based interface. The command line is used when the problem cannot be solved using the graphical interface or the task will take longer to solve.

    Fig 1. Command line.

    Using the command line has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

    - call commands by pressing a small number of keys;

    - the command line allows you to manage programs that do not have a graphical interface;

    - access to commands almost instantly (since there is no need to open a graphical interface to run the necessary file).

    The main disadvantage of the command line (which contributed to the decline in popularity) is that the console interface is not user friendly, since the commands need to be taught, or each time a hint needs to be used.

    How to Run Command Prompt in Windows 7 and Windows XP Operating Systems

    The console startup process is similar for the two operating systems. You must press the key combination " Win + R». The “Run” window will open in this window, write the command “cmd” and press “Enter”. Windows “Command Prompt” will open in normal account mode.

    The command line executable is located at


    and is called cmd .exe .

    To find out with list of all available commands for the command line you need to write the command “ help” in the console and press “ Enter”. Help will appear with a list of commands used.

    Fig 2. List of all available commands for the command line.

    Run command prompt with administrator rights.

    Because a non-administrator user has limited opportunities when using the command line, sometimes the console needs to be launched on behalf of the administrator. To do this, open “Start”>“All Programs”>“Accessories” and right-click on “Command Prompt”.

    This article will describe three main ways to call the command line in any version of the Windows operating system. Recommendations will be made regarding practical use one method or another.

    In what cases may be needed?

    When personal computers worked under the operating MS-DOS systems, was not topical issue about how to call the command line. At that time, the user's work with a PC was carried out using a certain set of commands, each of which was responsible for a strictly defined action. For example, the "format a:" command allowed you to completely format a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Such a management organization has one significant drawback: in order to perform operations, it is necessary to remember and know many commands. To address this issue, Microsoft, in its later operating systems visualized interface. As a result, it became enough to point the manipulator pointer at the desired object and perform certain actions. But not all operations are performed in this way. For example, the "PING" command allows you to test the state of the local area network, check its performance, and this can only be done through the command line. Also, using this OS component, you can format any drive. And the functioning of various DOS applications in another way cannot be organized in latest versions Windows operating systems.


    There are the following options for how to call the command line:

      Using the start menu.

      Using a special set of keys.

      With the use of "Explorer".

    It is in this sequence that the methods for solving this problem will be further considered and the one that is best applied in practice will be chosen.

    Start menu

    The easiest command line launch is based on using the "Start" key. Only now, not all operating systems from Microsoft have such an interface element. For example, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 cannot boast of having it. As a result, this method is no longer applicable for them.

    The algorithm for solving this problem in this case is as follows:

      We press the "Start" button. This can be done using the left key of the manipulator, and using the corresponding button on the keyboard (it shows the OS logo).

      In the list that opens, select "All Programs". This operation can also be performed using the keyboard (use the navigation keys with arrows and press Enter at the end) or using the manipulator (point the pointer and press its left button).

      In a similar way, select the "Service" item.

      On next step select "Command line".

    Applying the keyboard

    More complex than using the Start menu is the keyboard-based method. In this case, you need to remember one key combination. But, on the other hand, this method is the most versatile and works on all versions of the operating system, including 8 and 8.1. And the order of execution is:

      Switch the input language to English.

      At the next stage, hold down the Win key (with the Microsoft operating system logo) and, without releasing it, press English letter R. The Run window will open.

      We move the cursor to the input field of this window using the manipulator.

      We type the command "CMD" and press Enter.

    After that, the corresponding window will open and you can enter command line commands into it.

    Through "Conductor"

    This is the most hard way launch. We perform the following actions:

      We launch any convenient way"Conductor". This can be done using the keyboard shortcut Win and the English E or by clicking the manipulator pointer on its icon from the desktop.

      In the window that opens, in the right column, go to the disk with the operating system (usually "C:").

      At the final stage, in the open directory, you need to find a file called "CMD.EXE" and run it by double tap left mouse button.

    In the future, an already familiar window will open, in which it will be possible to enter command line commands. Alternatively, you can use the address bar of the explorer and type the previously given path there. But this is not very convenient, because you need to constantly remember an impressive set of characters.

    Now let's say a few words about how to find out the complete internal list of commands. The command line makes this task easy and simple. To do this, simply enter the word "help" and press the Enter key. A complete list will appear. internal commands. That is, these are those that are built into the MS-DOS operating system emulation shell itself. There are also external commands. These are not only command line programs, but any other Windows application. In this case, go to the directory where the program is installed using the "CD directory name" command. For example, we need to run the soffice.exe program located in the Program files directory on drive D. In this case, the command sequence is as follows:

    C:\ D: /*go to hard drive partition D*/.

    D:\ CD Program Files /*go to the Program Files*/ directory.

    D:\Program Files\ soffice.exe /*starting the soffice.exe application*/.

    At the end of each line, do not forget to press Enter - confirmation of the actions taken. On the right, flash dashes are delimited by comments that explain what is being done.

    Which option is better?

    Within the framework of this material, three main ways are described on how to call the command line in operating Windows systems. From a position of simplicity and versatility in practice, it is best to use the second of them, which is based on special combination keys and using the Run window. This method works in all OS versions without exception. Yes, and with its implementation it is necessary to perform a minimum number of manipulations. Its only drawback is to remember special combination Win+R keys. But it's not that difficult. In addition, the Win button is used in many other combinations, for example, if you press the English E together with it, the Explorer will start. Thus, it is this method that is recommended to be used in practice. Good luck!