• Operating systems that you can install on your computer. New Russian operating system for PC. Russian operating systems

    September 27, 2017

    The online publication 3D News Daily Digital Digest (www.3dnews.ru), the first independent Russian publication dedicated to digital technologies, published an overview of Russian operating systems, which included AstroSoft's own development, the RTOS MAKS.

    The course announced by the state for import substitution has breathed new life into the market of domestically developed software platforms. Over the past few years, it has been replenished with many interesting products - both original and created from scratch, and built on the basis of Open Source solutions.

    The need to accelerate the development of the domestic software market, ensure maximum independence from foreign developments in the field of high technologies and preserve information sovereignty was first discussed at the highest level in 2014, when US and EU sanctions sharply increased the risks associated with the use of foreign software in business and government organizations . It was then that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation was seriously puzzled by the solution of this strategically significant, according to officials, issue, along with stimulating demand for national products and developing appropriate measures to support domestic developers. As a result, restrictions on the admission of foreign software in state and municipal procurement, as well as the rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs, were approved at the legislative level as soon as possible. All this had a positive impact on the software market in Russia, which has recently been replenished with many interesting projects and developments. Including in the field of operating systems.


    Developer: "AstroSoft"

    A real-time operating system (RTOS) written by AstroSoft programmers from scratch, without borrowing someone else's code, and designed primarily for the Internet of things and embedded devices. In addition, it is suitable for robotics, medical equipment, "smart home" and "smart city" systems, consumer electronics, etc. For the first time, the real-time OS "MAKS" (the abbreviation stands for "multi-agent coherent system") was demonstrated to a wide audience in January 2017. The platform not only implements all the classic functionality of products of this type, but also has a number of unique capabilities for organizing the interaction of multiple devices, which makes it possible to simplify the creation of mechanisms necessary in embedded systems: redundancy, hot swapping of equipment, etc. One of the features of MAKS is support for shared memory at the device level. This mechanism provides automatic synchronization of information between the nodes of a distributed system, resistant to failures of individual components. RTOS "MAKS" is included in the register of domestic software. In addition, the product is registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and is currently being certified by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) for the fourth level of control of undeclared capabilities (NDV).

    "Alt Linux SPT" is a unified distribution kit based on Linux for servers, workstations and thin clients with built-in information security software, which can be used to build automated systems according to class 1B inclusive and personal data information systems (ISPD) according to class 1K inclusive. The OS allows you to simultaneously store and process confidential data on one personal computer or server, provide multi-user work with access control to information, work with virtual machines, and use centralized authorization tools. The certificate issued by the FSTEC of Russia confirms the compliance of the product with the requirements of the following guidelines: “Computer facilities. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information” - for the 4th class of security; "Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Information security software. Classification according to the level of absence of undeclared capabilities” - according to the 3rd level of control and technical conditions. Technical support for Alt Linux SPT users is provided by Free Software and Technologies through its developer partner Basalt SPO.

    The Alt platform is a set of enterprise-level Linux distributions that allow you to deploy a corporate IT infrastructure of any scale. The platform includes three distributions. This is a universal "Alt Workstation", which includes an operating system and a set of applications for full-fledged work. The second is the Alt Server server distribution kit, which can act as an Active Directory domain controller and contains the most complete set of services and environments for creating a corporate infrastructure (DBMS, mail and web server, authentication tools, work group, virtual machine management and monitoring, etc. tools). The third is "Alt Education 8", focused on everyday use in planning, organizing and conducting the educational process in institutions of general, secondary and higher education. In addition, the product series of Basalt SPO includes the aforementioned certified distribution kit Alt Linux SPT and the Simply Linux operating system for home users.

    A Russian project to create an ecosystem of Linux distribution-based software products designed for integrated automation of workplaces and IT infrastructure of organizations and enterprises, including data centers, servers and client workstations. The platform is presented in OS.Office and OS.Server variants. They differ in the sets of application software included in the distribution. The office edition of the product contains the actual operating system, information security tools, a software package for working with documents, an email client and a browser. The server version includes an operating system, information security tools, monitoring and system management tools, an email server and a DBMS. Potential users of the platform include federal and regional authorities, local governments, companies with state participation and state corporations. It is assumed that the OS-based ecosystem will become a full-fledged alternative to Western counterparts in the near future.

    Astra Linux
    Developer: NPO Russian Basic Information Technologies (RusBITech)

    The development of the research and production association "RusBITech", presented in two versions: Astra Linux Common Edition (general purpose) and Astra Linux Special Edition (special purpose). Features of the latest version of the OS: advanced tools for ensuring information security of processed data, a mechanism for mandatory access control and control of the closure of the software environment, built-in tools for marking documents, registering events, monitoring data integrity, as well as other components that ensure information protection. According to the developers, Astra Linux Special Edition is the only software platform that is simultaneously certified in the information security certification systems of the FSTEC of Russia, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and allows processing in automated means of all ministries, departments and other institutions of the Russian Federation restricted access information containing state components. secret information with a stamp no higher than "top secret".

    The ROSA Linux family of operating systems includes an impressive set of solutions designed for home use (ROSA Fresh version) and use in a corporate environment (ROSA Enterprise Desktop), deployment of infrastructure IT services of an organization (ROSA Enterprise Linux Server), processing of confidential information and personal data ( ROSA "Cobalt"), as well as information constituting a state secret (ROSA "Khrom" and "Nickel"). The listed products are based on the developments of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Mandriva and CentOS with the inclusion of a large number of additional components - including original ones created by programmers of the ROSA Information Technology Research and Technology Center. In particular, OS distributions for the corporate segment of the market include virtualization tools, backup software, tools for building private clouds, as well as centralized management of network resources and data storage systems.

    Available in Desktop, Directory Server, Scratch, Scratch Server editions, Calculate Linux is designed with home users and SMBs in mind who prefer open source software over proprietary solutions. Platform features: full-fledged work in heterogeneous networks, a mechanism for roaming user profiles, a centralized software deployment toolkit, ease of administration, the ability to install on portable USB drives, and support for binary Gentoo update repositories. It is important that the development team is available and open to any comments, suggestions and wishes of the user audience, as evidenced by the huge number of ways to get involved in the Calculate Linux community and development of the platform.

    Developer: Sergey Volkov

    A certified and secure operating system that allows you to process information in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” and implement systems for processing information of limited access that is not related to state secrets. ICLinux includes remote administration tools, has a built-in firewall certified for compliance with the DOE RD for the 3rd security class, supports RDP, X-Windows System, SSH, Telnet, VNC, VPN, NX, ICA and other protocols. Also in the assets of the platform are compatibility with the means of authentication of the company "Aladdin R.D." and a modular architecture that allows you to flexibly customize the operating system to meet customer requirements.

    Alpha OS (Alfa OS)
    Developer: ALFA Vision company

    Another clone of Linux, equipped with a user interface a la macOS with a set of familiar office applications and filled with deep philosophical meaning. No kidding, on the developer's website in the "About the Company" section, it says so: "The operating system is a special phenomenon, the point at which technological, aesthetic and humanitarian concepts converge. The top, which is visible from all sides. For it to shine, to become what it should be, the most diverse meaningful experience is needed. And we have it." How much expression in these words, what a presentation of information! Agree, not everyone can present their product to a wide audience so expressively. At the moment, "Alpha OS" is presented as a desktop version for x86-compatible systems. In the future, ALFA Vision intends to roll out mobile and server editions of the OS to the market, as well as a distribution kit for devices based on ARM processors.

    Developer: JSC "MCST"

    A software platform designed specifically for computing systems with the SPARC and Elbrus architecture. A feature of the system is a radically redesigned Linux kernel, which implemented special mechanisms for managing processes, virtual memory, interrupts, signals, synchronization, and support for tagged calculations. “We have done fundamental work to transform the Linux OS into a real-time operating system, for which we have implemented actual optimizations in the kernel. During real-time operation, you can set various modes for processing external interrupts, scheduling calculations, exchanges with disk drives, and some others, ”explains the MCST company. In addition, a complex of information protection tools from unauthorized access is built into the core of the Elbrus software platform, which allows using the OS to build automated systems that meet the highest information security requirements. The system also includes archiving, task scheduling, software development and other tools.

    "Red OS"
    Developer: Red Soft company

    An operating system based on the Linux kernel, created with an eye to ensuring the security of processed data. "Red OS" complies with national information security requirements, has preconfigured configurations for each hardware architecture, uses GOST 34.11-2012 algorithms in the ssh and NX protocols, and also supports access control lists. In addition, the OS supports network authentication using pluggable authentication modules (PAM, Pluggable Authentication Modules) and includes a specialized distributed audit subsystem that allows you to track critical security events in the corporate network and provides the IT administrator with the necessary tools for prompt response to incidents. IB.

    GosLinux ("GosLinux")
    Developer: Red Soft company

    GosLinux OS was created specifically for the needs of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation (FSSP of Russia) and is suitable for use in all government bodies, state non-budgetary funds and local governments. The platform is built on the basis of the CentOS 6.4 distribution kit, which includes the developments of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The system is presented in two editions - for servers and workstations, contains a simplified graphical interface and a set of preconfigured information protection tools. The OS developer is the Red Soft company, which won in March 2013 the competition for the revision, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. In 2014, the system received a certificate of conformity from the FSTEC of Russia, confirming that GosLinux has an estimated level of trust OUD3 and complies with the requirements of the governing document of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation on the 4th level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities. The GosLinux distribution kit for public authorities is placed in the national fund of algorithms and programs at nfap.minsvyaz.ru. At the moment, the GosLinux platform is being actively deployed in all territorial bodies and divisions of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. The OS was also transferred for trial operation to representatives of the authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Yaroslavl regions.

    A secure general-purpose operating system designed to build stationary and mobile secure automated systems in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Accepted for supply to the RF Armed Forces in 2002. The WSWS is based on the kernel and components of Linux, supplemented by discretionary, mandated and role-based models of access to information. The system operates on Intel (x86 and x86_64), SPARC (Elbrus-90micro), MIPS, PowerPC64, SPARC64 hardware platforms and is certified according to the information security requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The means of protection implemented in the WSVS make it possible to create automated systems based on the platform that process information constituting a state secret with a secrecy degree of "SS" (top secret).

    Developer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Economics, Informatics and Control Systems" ("TsNII EISU", part of the "United Instrument-Making Corporation")

    A family of software platforms based on the Linux kernel, which are an alternative to foreign operating systems currently used in law enforcement agencies, the public sector and defense enterprises. The Zarya desktop operating system is compatible with most traditional office applications and programs. The Zarya-DPC server platform allows you to organize an application server or a database server. To build data centers, it offers a standard set of server software, virtualization tools, as well as the ability to work on the so-called "big hardware", including mainframes. For embedded systems that work without human intervention, which must process information in real time, a special Zarya RV OS has been developed. The system corresponds to the third class of protection against unauthorized access and the second level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities. The platform was developed by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense and is expected to be in demand by law enforcement agencies, the defense complex, as well as commercial structures working with state secrets and personal data.

    Another software platform for deploying workplaces in the IT infrastructure of an enterprise using inexpensive terminal solutions. The WTware distribution includes services for network booting, tools for working with printers, barcode scanners and other peripheral equipment. Supports redirection of COM and USB ports, as well as smart card authentication. To connect to the terminal server, the RDP protocol is used, and detailed documentation is attached to the distribution to quickly resolve issues that arise when setting up the operating system. WTware is distributed under commercial terms and is licensed by the number of workstations. For the Raspberry Pi minicomputer, the developer offers a free version of the OS.

    Kaspersky OS
    Developer: "Kaspersky Lab"

    A secure operating system designed for use in critical infrastructures and devices. The Kaspersky Lab platform can be used in automated process control systems (APCS), telecommunications equipment, medical devices, cars and other gadgets from the world of the Internet of things. The OS was created from scratch and, by virtue of its architecture, guarantees a high level of information security. The basic principle of operation of KasperskyOS is reduced to the rule "everything that is not allowed is prohibited." This eliminates the possibility of exploiting both known vulnerabilities and those that will be discovered in the future. At the same time, all security policies, including prohibitions on the execution of certain processes and actions, are configured in accordance with the needs of the organization. The platform will be delivered as pre-installed software on various types of equipment used in industrial and corporate networks. Currently, the secure OS of Kaspersky Lab is implemented in the L3 routing switch developed by Kraftway.

    As a conclusion

    and similar

    No list of alternative operating systems is complete without Linux. It is an alternative operating system for PC. Linux comes in various flavors known as distributionslinux. Ubuntu andmint- the most famous of them. If you want to install an alternative operating system on your PC, then most likely you will install one of these Linux distributions.

    Linux is a UNIX-like operating system, as are other open source operating systems such as FreeBSD. FreeBSD uses a different kernel, but uses a lot of the kind of software you see in typical Linux distributions. The FreeBSD experience will be similar to the Linux experience.


    Google's Chrome OS is built on the Linux kernel, but with desktop software and user-level programs replaced, so only software designed specifically for it can run on Chrome OS.

    Chrome OS is not quite a complete operating system in the broadest sense. It is designed to be pre-installed on specialized laptops known as Chromebooks. However, you have the option install it on your own PC.

    Steam OS

    Valve's SteamOS is currently in beta testing. SteamOS is just a distributionlinux, which includes quite a lot of standard Linux software. At the moment, SteamOS is positioned as a new operating system for PC gaming. Under the external interface of this operating system, the old desktop is hiddenlinux, but the computer runs in an interface specially designed by Steam for living rooms (similar to the Xbox and Playstation consoles).

    In 2015 you will be able to buy a PC with SteamOS pre-installed, known as Steam Machines. Valve will support the installation of SteamOS on any PC, at the request of users.


    Android also uses the Linux kernel, but almost everything in android is very different from regular linux distributions. Android, originally developed for smartphones, can also be installed on a PC, having received "Android laptop" or even "Android computer"! It is not news that there are many projects created with the goal of adapt android to pc Even Intel is developing its own port of Android for the PC. Android on PC does not yet allow open multiple apps at the same time, but if desired, it can be installed on a PC.


    Apple's operating system, Mac OS X, comes preinstalled on Macs, but Macs are now just a variation of PCs with the same standard hardware inside. Installing Mac OS X on a PC can only be prevented by the Apple license agreement and the incompatibility of your PC hardware. Mac OS X can only run smoothly on a PC with Mac hardware.

    There is a thriving community of people building Mac OS X PCs known as hackintosh.


    BeOS was a lightweight PC operating system that was ported to the Intel x86 system in 1998 but could not compete with Microsoft Windows. Be Inc eventually sued Microsoft for pressuring Hitachi and Compaq not to release PCs with BeOS preinstalled. Microsoft withdrew the lawsuit and paid $23.5 million to Be Inc, although it did not admit its guilt. Be Inc was eventually bought by Palm.

    Haiku is an open source override of BeOS currently in alpha testing. This is a snapshot of what might have come to PC if Microsoft hadn't been so hard on partners in the 90s.


    OS/2 was an operating system originally created by Microsoft and IBM. IBM continued development after Microsoft left the project and OS/2 competed with MS-DOS and early versions of Windows. Microsoft eventually won, but there are still old ATMs, PCs, and other systems running OS/2. IBM eventually sold this operating system, which was called OS/2 Warp, I think the name is familiar to you.

    IBM no longer develops the OS/2 operating system, but Serenity Systems has the rights to continue distribution. This company gave the name to the eComStation operating system. It is based on IBM OS/2, equipped with additional software, drivers and other optimizations.

    It is the only paid operating system on our list, with the exception of Mac OS X. You can download and install a free trial version to try it out.

    React OS

    ReactOS is a free and open source operating system based on the Windows NT architecture. In other words, it is an attempt to implement Windows as an open source operating system compatible with all Windows applications and drivers. ReactOS shares some code with a project Wine, which allows you to run Windows applications on Linux and Mac OS X. ReactOS is not based on Linux - the goal of the project is to be an open-source operating system modeled after Windows NT. (All modern Windows operating systems since XP are based on Windows NT).

    This operating system is considered to be in alpha testing. At the moment, the developer's goal is 100% compatibility with Windows Server 2003, so the system still has a long way to go before being ready.


    Syllable is an open source fork of AtheOS that was originally intended to be an AmigaOS clone. It is a lightweight operating system "in the tradition of Amiga and BeOS, but built using the GNU project and Linux". As with most similar, small projects, the development team here is very limited.


    Unlike many other hobby projects featured here, SkyOS is proprietary and not open-source. Initially, it was even offered to pay for the operating system. In 2009, development was completed, but the last beta version was made available for free download only in 2013.

    You can also put FreeDOS- open source version of MS-DOS, remember oldDOS times.

    Today, even people far from the sphere of high technologies know about the existence of various operating systems. Their list has grown significantly over the past five years. The growth in the number of mobile devices has had a big impact on this. What are the differences between operating systems? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

    Classification of operating systems

    Operating systems differ from each other in various ways, including the distribution of functions between computers. There are two classes of operating systems and networks themselves - peer-to-peer and dual-peer. There are computers that provide others with their resources. In this case, they act as a server. Other computers are clients. Computers can perform one or the other function, or combine them both. The main thing is that the operating system meets the user's needs.

    The most popular operating systems

    What operating systems are the most popular among users? The list of the most popular operating systems looks something like this:

    There are also less popular operating systems. For example, such as Back Track or Fedora. These operating systems have become widespread in the narrow environment of computer specialists. How to choose the right operating system? There are different criteria for users. First of all, it is worth mentioning the possibilities and ease of use of operating systems. Each type of OS has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some users appreciate the functionality, for others the interface is important, and for others the guarantee of the safety of personal data. Operating systems for computers may also differ in system requirements for the machine. They offer users different levels of comfort and innovative solutions. The choice of operating system is largely determined by the profession of the user.

    Features of the Windows operating system

    In recent years, many new operating systems have appeared. The list of the most popular solutions has been updated with IOS and Android. However, the most popular operating system in the world is the Windows operating system. It's not just the most popular operating system in the world. It is quite comfortable to use and is great for inexperienced users. Today, operating systems of the Windows family are used by almost everyone - office workers, schoolchildren, and users of all ages. Operating systems of the Linux family are used mainly by specialized specialists.


    The main advantages of the beloved Windows operating system are the following factors:

    - user-friendly interface;

    — ease of setup and installation;

    - a large number of high-quality software that can be installed on your computer for free;

    - ease of administration of servers.


    Most versions of the Windows operating system are paid operating systems. A complete list can be found in open sources of information. The key disadvantage of Windows is the high cost of the software. Another disadvantage is the vulnerability and instability of the entire family of operating systems to various kinds of malicious software.

    Windows: latest version

    How much does the latest version of the Windows operating system cost? It all depends on what the version will be - professional or home. For the home version, the cost is about 6,000 rubles, and for the professional version, about 10,000 rubles. A professional modification can have a classic interface or one like Windows 8, when icons can be switched on the desktop. But do not worry about the cost of the Windows 10 operating system. The license granted to the user does not expire. Software such as anti-virus programs, online games or MS Office require regular updates at a fee. If you have a previous licensed version of the Windows operating system installed on your computer, you can upgrade it to the latest one absolutely free of charge.

    Previous versions of the Windows operating system

    Despite the release of new software, there are users who are more comfortable using previous versions. Different versions of operating systems of the Windows family have their own advantages. Today, along with Windows 10, many people continue to use Windows 8 and Windows 7. The Windows 7 operating system was released back in 2009. This operating system includes developments from the previous version of Windows Vista and completely new solutions that relate to embedded programs and interface. Some software has been excluded. We are talking about games, applications and some technologies. The Windows 7 operating system has several editions: Starter, Home, Home Premium, Enterprise, Professional, and Ultimate. The next version of the Windows 8 operating system was released in 2012. The main innovation of the operating system in this case was a modified interface. It has been specially adapted to work on mobile devices. This product is by far the best selling.

    Legacy versions of operating systems

    There are operating systems that were once very popular, but today are almost forgotten. Their list can begin with the Windows 95 operating system. Many users began their acquaintance with a personal computer with this particular operating system. After that, a new, equally popular operating system, Windows 98, was released. The next operating system was Windows 2000. It appeared at the turn of the millennium and was designed for devices with 32-bit processors. The Windows XP operating system gained real popularity in 2001. It has only recently yielded the palm to the Windows 7 operating system. It was Windows XP that most users preferred to install on their laptops and computers. The next version of the operating system was Windows Vista. However, according to experts, its functionality and features were extremely weak, so this version of the operating system could not gain popularity.

    Other PC OS

    Not all users use the Windows operating system. There are other types of operating systems for PCs. Their list includes operating systems Linux, Ubuntu, Mac OS and others. Basically, such operating systems are used by specialists of a narrow profile. The Ubuntu operating system was developed based on the Linux operating system. In many ways, its interface resembles a Mac, but in general style it is similar to the Windows operating system. Users appreciate this operating system for its stability, ease of use, and also for the fact that this operating system can be obtained completely free of charge. They also like the speed of the computer. However, Ubuntu also has its downsides. This is a small number of games, software, as well as a complex administration scheme.

    The Mac OS operating system was developed by Apple for its computers. This operating system is called a premium user product. It features a beautiful design, user-friendly interface and excellent multimedia capabilities. However, this solution is not affordable for all users. All Apple computers are very expensive compared to other solutions. Also, many people use Linux operating systems for personal computers. This system is completely free. It is stable and equipped with a large number of built-in programs. But despite all these advantages, this program requires high user skills. Therefore, the Linux operating system is most often installed by specialists.

    Operating systems for working with mobile devices

    More and more users today prefer to use the Internet not from computers and laptops, but from mobile gadgets such as tablets or smartphones. There are also operating systems that are developed specifically for such devices. IOS and Android are the most popular. But the Symbian operating system has lost its popularity, since its capabilities today cannot cover the needs of users. In this regard, Android operating systems occupy the first place today. If IOS was developed specifically for devices from Apple, then Android is able to work with tablets and smartphones from other manufacturers. Android has a convenient and simple interface, in addition, it allows you to use high-quality software for free. It is suitable not only for tablets and smartphones, but also for smart TVs. Devices based on this operating system can be flashed independently and thus make changes to their work. The IOS operating system is considered more stable. In addition, it works much faster and provides users with good multimedia capabilities. It is more expensive compared to Android, since there is little free software in it.

    These groups have been waging an almost equal struggle for market monopolization for a long time, and this struggle is expected for a long time - it is difficult to single out a favorite in it. Let's try to figure out which product is the best quality.


    At the moment, there are three current versions of the OS of this corporation - 7, 8, 10. Windows XP has already gone out of fashion - now it is installed mainly on old computers. The newest version is Windows 10, but not the most popular version from the company. Windows 7 is firmly in the ranking of the most used systems: 52% of personal computers in the world are served by it.

    Windows operating systems are optimized, their work is stable on most computers, with older versions of XP and 7 being the most preferred. The Windows product is not the most secure, so if you use the Windows OS, you need to take care of installing licensed security software.

    Many users compare operating systems by interface. Windows does not lose to its competitors - a large selection of data visualization themes, window animations and translucency create a pleasant contrast. Newer versions of Windows have retained elements of the very first systems from this manufacturer, which beckons the user.

    One of the key advantages is the ability to install programs to perform a wide variety of tasks. This applies to office programs and gaming applications, as well as other applied areas.


    Here, manufacturers have decided to release many versions that have a special purpose. The most widely accepted Linux product is Ubuntu. It has become popular with Linux, as it is the most optimal for home use.

    The Linux product is unique in that you can change everything in the system settings in such a way that the system will be completely rebuilt taking into account the parameters of the PC. This fact provides the highest performance, and in this component, Linux is the undisputed leader among OS manufacturers. Linux also has the advantage of being highly reliable and secure, as distributions provide many mechanisms to restrict access to user information.

    As for the appearance, it can be customized in any way. Linux has a lot of options for choosing an interface - from simple and strict to complex and colorful, with a lot of effects. One of the most important details for Linux is that in order to effectively manage it, the user must learn to work on the command line.

    Many professional programming applications are written on the Linux kernel. But as for the choice of applications for performing applied tasks, everything here is not as rich as that of competitors.


    macOS desktop

    The "OS" itself occurred along with the appearance of the first products from Apple, respectively, is used on these devices. Now the most recent edition of MacOS is version 10.

    MacOS are oriented to a certain hardware standard, so their performance is the highest among all available operating systems. It is worth noting that the high performance of systems for MacOS is a distinctive feature - all products of this manufacturer are characterized by very stable and productive work. MacOS systems are very reliable, the cumulative number of viruses for this platform is not very high, and you should not worry about installing additional security software.

    Most users are sure that MacOS is the most convenient and attractive operating system, judging by the user interface. The manufacturer pays a lot of attention to this component, and it is not surprising that they are superior in this component over their competitors. Developers use a huge set of technologies that are aimed at harmonizing and improving the appearance of controls. Interestingly, the company regularly requires developers of third-party software to use the most similar to the standard "Mac" style of application design, so that users work in the new program in the same way as in the familiar one before.


    FreeDOS desktop

    There are few users left who remember these operating system developers. It must be remembered that they became innovators in the field of OS development, inventing the whole operation of the operating system. Yes, competitors have gone further, having improved all the developments of DOS, but the developers of the first OS have now begun to come up with innovations for previous developments. Since the beginning of the 2000s, DOS has released a couple of OS emulators for PCs, but they were not recognized by users due to low performance and the lack of most of the necessary features for modern OSes.

    However, DOS remains necessary for many users. DOS software is the best option for those users who want to use old computers with new applications. To do this, the developers launched FreeDOS and DJGPP, which included several programs that are popular today - a file manager, a text editor, a web browser, an email client, etc. In other words, DOS products are still usable on older PCs.

    Safety and reliability

    In general, Windows, Linux and MacOS are competing for the title of the best OS group - DOS has already ceased to compete with more modern developments. In the field of reliability and safety of work, the most optimal products are Linux and Apple. The best distribution in this component for Linux is Ubuntu. Experts believe that systems with a Linux kernel are preferably used as a custodian of critical information, since protection against unauthorized intrusions to the information stored in the system is very strong. By the way, users themselves need to be very careful when assigning passwords and long paths to their desired files - otherwise you can lose them.

    Unlike Linux and MacOS distributions, Windows clearly loses in reliability and security. The Windows product still remains with the title of the most unreliable operating system. Third-party security software comes out regularly, but system protection is at its lowest level, and if you value the security of your information, Windows should not be chosen as the OS for your PC. As for MacOS, the security here is also at the highest level.

    The most gaming system

    As mentioned above, in terms of the number of programs in different areas, Windows is the leader, and in the gaming component, this developer is the undisputed leader. Quite a lot of gaming applications are also released for Linux, since these "OSes" are also quite popular in the world, for example, here you can find everyone's favorite Steam. But in the end, in the total volume of gaming applications, Windows will give odds to both Linux and MacOS combined. The system itself has good enough characteristics for uninterrupted and error-free operation of gaming applications on any computer, but, however, this rarely happens.

    If you look at Windows distributions, then so far users are very cautious about calling Windows 7 the most preferred for games, despite the fact that three new versions of the system have already been released! Of course, the "seven" is a proven system, and therefore it is given more preference by users. But this is not for long - in a year and a half the whole world will start talking about the fact that the eighth and tenth versions of Windows are much better than the seventh in terms of gaming.

    The simplest OS

    If we take into account all the operating systems available in the world and choose the simplest of them, DOS systems will be the absolute champion here. But if we talk specifically about the three giants of the OS release at the present time, then again, Windows will be ahead of everyone in simplicity. Simplicity can be different - the banality of development, ease of use, etc. We are more interested in what systems it is more convenient for users to work with. And most of them believe that Windows is the simplest "OS", and starting from its very first versions.

    Indeed, Windows is the easiest system to use, but very difficult to develop. MacOS ranks second in terms of usability, as noted by experts. Linux, on the other hand, are the most complex systems, but once you get used to it, you will never go back, for example, to the Windows family.

    For weak PCs

    Of course, here it is worth giving preference to DOS! However, DOS is quite difficult to find now, therefore, Linux distributions with a lightweight desktop environment (LXDE, OpenBox, MATE, Xfce) are most suitable for weak PCs.

    The most optimal distribution for use in weak PCs from the Microsoft family will be Windows XP. In fact, this OS is quite good in that it has good performance and an attractive interface. It is simple enough and quite suitable so that even on a weak PC you can play your favorite classic games.

    The downside is that XP is no longer supported by the manufacturer, and by installing this system, you run the risk of picking up a lot of viruses and trojans.

    This means that if you actively use the Internet, without additional security software, your PC will not be able to work for a long time. So, think carefully about choosing an "OS" before installing it on your weak PC.

    Availability of software installation

    And again, the undisputed leader here is Windows! Still, the products from this developer appeared on the market very first, and therefore it is sold instantly. Now only the lazy is not developing programs and applications for Windows, which means that the software will always be available for these operating systems. But it is important to remember: due to the low degree of protection of the Windows OS, you must be extremely careful when installing software on a computer. Of course, you need to use licensed software, and if you don’t have one, then you should know that you are taking risks by installing unwanted programs on your PC with a low level of protection.

    Which system to choose in the end

    Recently, system developers have done a great job of improving OS versions. Of course, the minimum market share and popularity will be occupied by MacOS, since it is a relatively new product. According to the characteristics, it is not inferior to Windows and Linux. If this product will be in great demand in the future, MacOS may soon become a sales leader.

    Linux is a great system for office PCs and for computers that are used for programming and administration. They have high performance, are as safe and reliable as possible in use, but they are too narrow-profile, because these "OSes" are not widely used.

    Windows is the undisputed winner in almost every respect among its competitors, and the popularity of the product is understandable. For modern computers, it is Windows that will be the optimal OS, everyone chooses the version on their own. It depends on the user which OS to install - if a computer is needed for work, it is better to install Linux, if for games - Windows. It is necessary to determine all the parameters that you want to receive to a greater extent from the OS - and in this case, you can make the right and informed choice!

    According to Roskomstat, Windows has 84% ​​of popularity among Russian users of personal computers. Linux is ahead of MacOS by 3% - 9% versus 6%. This will change if there are strong reasons for attractiveness among users, and system developers are constantly working in this area.

    Many of you may have heard that there are other operating systems for computers besides Windows.

    In this article, we will make a brief overview of the most famous representatives of operating systems, and you may want to change your life by trying another OS.

    Let's start with the most common.


    Windows XP

    This operating system appeared a long time ago, 3 Service Packs have already been released on it and there are a lot of pirated assemblies. There are so many of them that you can hardly find one that looks like XP released by Microsoft. One of the most famous such assemblies - ZverCD is so famous that it is sold in stores, its main advantage is the ease of installation and the fact that the same disk contains many programs that will be useful to you, including the K-Lite Codec Pack (a collection of codecs for viewing audio and video). Also noteworthy in it is that the drivers are installed themselves during installation.. I digressed a little from the main topic. So, the pros and cons of Windows XP.


    • The first and most important advantage of Windows XP is that you are used to it. You know how to use it, you almost never have problems with it, and if there are, then hackers, a weak computer, slow Internet are to blame - in general, everything except. Also, you are very used to its interface, which you will most likely be uncomfortable with others.
    • The second, important plus - on release the majority of programs and games. Of course, they can be run on other operating systems, but it will be more difficult than on .


    • Windows xp requires more resources than other operating systems, it does not have such an abundance of settings as on other systems.
    • Programs for it are released mostly paid, that is, you will either have to pay or live knowing that you are using illegal software (of course, for many programs there are free alternatives that do not always differ greatly in functionality. They do not use them mainly from not knowing about them or because of the same habit).

    Windows 7

    Now let's stop thinking about the past and see what we have now. Windows 7 fixed a lot of the problems that Windows XP had, introduced a lot of new features that keep you happy all the time, and along with it came new problems.


    • There was improved visualization (ease of management, desktop widgets).
    • Now, when you insert a device, Windows 7 will immediately install a driver for it from the Internet for you.


    • Despite the changes, windows - it is windows. Therefore, the cons are the same as for XP.


    *nix is ​​a similar operating system created by student Linus Torvald. Significantly different from Windows, used mainly by programmers or for servers. But there are not only distributions for servers and programmers, but also for ordinary users, so why do most people use Windows, and not licensed? It's elementary, because, I'm not afraid to repeat myself, people are used to Windows, and some don't have time to relearn. We would really have to relearn if we lived, let's say in 2005. Now released a sufficient number of distributions to choose the right one. There is even one that has an interface identical to that of Windows. But we will focus on the most common and most suitable distribution for ordinary users - Ubuntu.

    Ubuntu 10.04

    I decided to take the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version, because it is significantly different from the previous ones - this is Ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx. It solves the main problem of Linux "a - connecting to the Internet. Unlike previous versions, you don't need to configure anything in this one, you just install the Wicd program, click the "connect" button and you have Internet access. Internet access is very important on Ubuntu, updates are released almost weekly, also with each installation of an English-language program, you can check if there is a Russian language for it by going to the language settings and installing all the updates there.Also, compared to previous versions, the number of problems has decreased.New version Ubuntu comes out semi-annually, which is also important.Now let's move on to the pros and cons.


    • Ubuntu starts many times faster than Windows. The user can also be changed quite quickly.
    • There is no need to install drivers manually, it is possible to connect different sources to update the system and applications.
    • There will be almost no problems with downloading and installing applications; you do not have to go to the browser to find and download the program, just go to one of the application management managers, find the desired application there and install it.
    • Lots of settings. You can customize the system completely for yourself. The interface is customizable to the smallest detail. Also, there are many sites where all the configuration processes are described. One of them is Ubuntuology. It covers everything from installation.
    • Some programs have been ported from Windows to Ubuntu. That is, you can safely use your favorite Opera / Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome browser on Ubuntu, talk through your usual Skype and Mail.ru Agent.
    • The absence of viruses. This means that you do not need to install an antivirus. There are dangerous terminal commands that you can accidentally run from the Internet, but it all depends on your care. Also, Ubuntu has a built-in Firewall.
    • Codecs for audio and video Ubuntu offers to download as needed. That's why the Internet connection is so important.


    • Setting up Ubuntu may seem complicated and time consuming, because most of the time it is. You can do without it, but to really enjoy Ubuntu, you will have to go through a setup process.
    • In fact, there are few ported programs. In order for you to use the same programs as on Windows, you will have to install one of the programs designed for this (for example, Wine), configure libraries, fonts, install the Directx driver, if necessary. Or install Windows in a virtual machine. In general, again setting.
    • Not all programs can be installed from the app center. Some will have to be downloaded from the Internet manually, and some of them are not in deb format (Debian installation package, installation is similar to installing exe), but in tar.bz2 format, that is, in archives. You will have to unpack and install them manually.
    • Fans of the game may have problems. Of course, there are a lot of games released on Ubuntu, but in order for you to get access to your Steam, for example, you will either have to install Windows in a virtual machine or configure Wine.

    Also, after this version, versions of Ubntu 10.10 and 11.04 were released, but nothing new, except for the alternative graphical shell Unity, that could be added to the pros or cons did not appear.


    An operating system created by Apple Corporation. We will not analyze it in detail, we will describe it in general terms, without affecting individual distributions, since not everyone can afford it, only if it is a pirated copy, which is not so easy to install. The operating system itself is not sold separately, it is only sold with Apple laptops and desktops. One such laptop will cost you about 50,000 rubles, it is clear that there is an overpayment for the brand, but despite this price they are bought, so there is something remarkable in it.