• How to install updates and additional programs for Linux Ubuntu! Installing Ubuntu updates How to install updates on Linux

    Updates are coming out and need to be installed. Updates can be within one version of Linux Mint, or there can be an update from one version to another. This is what this article will be about.

    Installing Linux Mint updates

    If you have just installed the system, then you need to update it to the latest state. This can be done in two ways. The first is to launch the update manager. It can be found in the menu - administration - update manager.

    First, click on the “check for updates” button, and then on the “install updates” button.

    The second way is to update via the terminal. Launch a terminal and enter the commands:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    These updates should be checked and installed regularly to improve the security of your computer and data.

    Upgrading Linux Mint from one version to another

    The Linux Mint developers have already released 17 versions of their operating system, and many people have a question about how to upgrade from one version to another. In general, we do not recommend upgrading from one version to another and it is better to install a new version from scratch, but if you do not have time for this, then let's look at this using the example of Linux Mint 17.1. To do this, launch the above-mentioned update manager. In its menu, click on the “edit” button and the following submenu will appear in front of you:

    At the bottom of it, it is suggested to upgrade to the latest version of the system (in our case, from Linux Mint 17.1 to 17.3). Click on this button.

    The next step will ask us to review the release notes

    Click on the "continue" button and check out the new features of the release.

    At the last step, we will be warned about possible problems after the update and you need to check the box that you are aware of the risk.

    Click on the "apply" button and wait until the update is completed. After that, restart your computer. As you can see, nothing complicated, but we recommend that you update from one version to another as follows:

    2) Boot from it and launch the file manager with administrator rights from the terminal with the command sudo caja(relevant for the MATE desktop environment).

    3) Find the “view” tab in its menu and check the box next to the line “show hidden files”

    Delete all folders and files whose names begin with a dot

    Now close the terminal and file manager and proceed with the installation. At the disk partitioning stage, under no circumstances check the box to format the partition. /home, as this will delete all your data. The rest of the installation is no different from the usual one.

    We looked at how to update Linux Mint, but if you still have questions, ask them on our forum.

    You log into the terminal and your Ubuntu greets you with a message that packages may be updated. What commands do you need to type to update Ubuntu from the command line?

    Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-79-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https:/ /ubuntu.com/advantage 17 packages can be updated. 0 updates concern system security.

    Before upgrading, you must run the apt-get update command, which will update the information about the packages contained in the repositories to ensure that you get the latest versions of the packages during the upgrade process. Next, there are 2 upgrade options: dist-upgrade and upgrade. The first option is preferable.

    When I need to update Ubuntu via terminal, I run these two commands:

    Sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    dist-upgrade does the same thing as upgrade plus and performs smart resolution of package version conflicts. If there are package conflicts, Ubuntu will try to update the most important packages at the expense of the less important ones. Therefore, the dist-upgrade command can install additional packages or remove one of the conflicting packages.

    The upgrade and dist-upgrade commands do not change the system version, for example from Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 13.10. There is a separate command for this.


    In my opinion, it makes sense for mere mortals to upgrade only from LTS to LTS, that is, to make the transition between versions with long-term support, and they are released once every 2 years and are supported for 5 years. This is also due to the fact that most serious software manufacturers also support their products for LTS versions of operating systems, for example, a quote from the MongoDB documentation:

    MongoDB only provides packages for 64-bit LTS (long-term support) Ubuntu releases. For example, 12.04 LTS (precise), 14.04 LTS (trusty), 16.04 LTS (xenial), and so on. These packages may work with other Ubuntu releases, however, they are not supported.

    That is, if you upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 16.10 and suddenly MongoDB stops working, it is not a fact that they will help you solve this problem even for money.

    In the case under consideration, the frequency of execution of the do-release-upgrade command is approximately once every 2-4 years.

    Update from 16.04 to 18.04

    In April 2018, Canonical released Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (codenamed Bionic Beaver). This means that you can update the system.

    However, it is worth mentioning the words of Steve Langacek, manager of the Ubuntu Engineering Foundations team, who reminds us of the principle “Don’t touch it, work”:

    Updates between LTS releases are not enabled by default until after the first release (18.04.1), scheduled for July. It is recommended that most LTS users wait until this time before upgrading to 18.04.

    Therefore, until recently, if the do-release-upgrade command was run, it would display a message that there were no updates.

    $ sudo do-release-upgrade Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found.

    If in this case you add the -d switch (development versions), the update will start

    $ sudo do-release-upgrade -d

    // I tried to update on May 8, 2018, it didn’t work, I rolled back.

    So, the time has come. The terminal solemnly greets with the phrase.

    New release "18.04.1 LTS" available. Run "do-release-upgrade" to upgrade to it. do-release-upgrade Read temporary files Check package manager Continue via SSH? This session is started via ssh. It is not recommended to perform the update via ssh, since recovery will be very difficult if it fails. If you continue, an additional ssh service will be started on port "1022". Do you want to continue? Continue [dN]

    And this is where we should stop. If you do not have “direct” access to the machine, then there is a risk that the update will fail and you will not be able to find out about it via SSH. It is safer to update the operating system if you have physical access to the machine.

    Second point. The system will ask for confirmation several times:

    Continue [dN] Details [p]

    If you have a localized version of Ubuntu, then you won’t be able to change the layout directly in the terminal (not SSH) ((, and the answer yes or y will not work. Therefore, it’s worth copying the letter “d” to the clipboard.

    After confirmation, downloading and installation of packages and modification of system files will begin. Depending on the installed software, the installation wizard will ask questions like:

    Configuration file “/etc/apache2/apache2.conf” ==> Changed since installation (by you or by the script). ==> The author of the package has provided an updated version. What needs to be done? The options are: Y or I: Install the version suggested by the package maintainer N or O: Leave the currently installed version D: Show differences between versions Z: Run a command line shell to check the situation By default, the current version of the configuration file is saved. *** apache2.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default N] ?

    Nothing complicated. We answer, wait for the update to complete.

    The system update is complete. Reboot required A reboot is required to complete the update. If you select "d", the system will reboot.

    Let's reboot.

    Problems after update

    To the question The configuration file “/etc/apache2/apache2.conf” has been changed, I answered install the version offered by the package maintainer. Because of this, apache2 did not start.

    We look at the log journalctl -xe -u apache2

    Apachectl: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server"s fully qualified domain name, using Set the "ServerName" directive globally to suppress this message

    The entry reports that the server's fully qualified domain name could not be reliably determined. Adding ServerName

    Echo "ServerName localhost" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/servername.conf sudo a2enconf servername sudo systemctl reload apache2

    Ls /etc/apache2/mods-available | grep php php7.2.conf php7.2.load

    Enable PHP 7.2 module

    Sudo a2enmod php7.2

    The system did not install the PHP extension pdo_mysql. Correcting:

    Sudo apt-get install php7.2-mysql

    It also wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with:

    • Don't forget to look

    Like any other operating system, Linux Mint comes with updates and must be installed. Updates can be within one version of Linux Mint, or there can be an update from one version to another. This is what this article will be about.

    Installing Linux Mint updates

    If you have just installed the system, then you need to update it to the latest state. This can be done in two ways. The first is to launch the update manager. It can be found in the menu - administration - update manager.

    First, click on the “check for updates” button, and then on the “install updates” button.

    The second way is to update via the terminal. Launch a terminal and enter the commands:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    These updates should be checked and installed regularly to improve the security of your computer and data.

    Upgrading Linux Mint from one version to another

    The Linux Mint developers have already released 17 versions of their operating system, and many people have a question about how to upgrade from one version to another. In general, we do not recommend upgrading from one version to another and it is better to install a new version from scratch, but if you do not have time for this, then let's look at this using the example of Linux Mint 17.1. To do this, launch the above-mentioned update manager. In its menu, click on the “edit” button and the following submenu will appear in front of you:

    At the bottom of it, it is suggested to upgrade to the latest version of the system (in our case, from Linux Mint 17.1 to 17.3). Click on this button.

    The next step will ask us to review the release notes

    Click on the "continue" button and check out the new features of the release.

    At the last step, we will be warned about possible problems after the update and you need to check the box that you are aware of the risk.

    Click on the "apply" button and wait until the update is completed. After that, restart your computer. As you can see, nothing complicated, but we recommend that you update from one version to another as follows:

    2) Boot from it and launch the file manager with administrator rights from the terminal with the command sudo caja(relevant for the MATE desktop environment).

    3) Find the “view” tab in its menu and check the box next to the line “show hidden files”

    Delete all folders and files whose names begin with a dot

    Now close the terminal and file manager and proceed with the installation. At the disk partitioning stage, under no circumstances check the box to format the partition. /home, as this will delete all your data. The rest of the installation is no different from the usual one.

    We looked at how to update Linux Mint, but if you still have questions, ask them on our forum.

    Greetings Everyone!

    We figured out how to install Ubuntu in previous articles: How to install the Linux Ubuntu operating system? and How to install Linux Ubuntu and Windows operating system on the same computer?

    To keep both the operating system and the installed software up to date, it will be necessary to install updates. And the update manager will help us with this. Every day it will check for updates and prompt us to install them. In this article I will tell you how to install updates and programs for Linux Ubuntu.

    After installing the system, we see that to update the system itself and programs for Linux Ubuntu, we need to download 215.6 MB. We agree with the proposal and click the “Install Now” button.

    The first stage of installing updates has started - downloading. To see what the update wizard does, click “Details”.

    In the window that opens, we see which system and program update packages for Linux Ubuntu are currently being downloaded.

    After downloading, installation of the downloaded packages will begin.

    After installing the packages, to apply system updates and programs for Linux Ubuntu, the installation wizard will prompt you to restart your computer.
    We agree and restart the computer now by clicking the “Restart now...” button.

    The computer has rebooted and after the desktop opens, let's move on to installing new packages (programs for Linux Ubuntu).

    Let's start installing programs for Linux Ubuntu with the VLC media player. (Totem video player is already installed on the system, but I’m more familiar with VLC. And I install it on all my new systems.)

    Open the Application Center and enter the name of the required package in the search bar. If the required package is in the standard repositories, then the application center will display it to us. The required package has been found and in order to install it, click the appropriate button.

    To install additional programs for Linux Ubuntu, we will need additional privileges. To receive them, the system asks us to enter our password. Enter it and press the “Authenticate” button

    The installation process will begin. This is what the Linux Ubuntu Application Center tells us at the top of the window and on the left in the form of a loading bar.

    While VLC is being installed, let's add one more application to Linux Ubuntu - the Chromium Internet browser.

    I use the cross-platform editor GIMP to edit images and photos. We also type its name in the search bar and click the “Install” button.

    To work in the console, it is very convenient to use the MC file manager (Midnight Commander) application in Linux Ubuntu. We also type its name in the search bar and click the “Install” button.

    Sometimes you have to edit audio recordings. For these tasks, on Linux Ubuntu I use a free application - the audio editor Audacity. Which is also included in the standard Ubuntu repositories. In order to see a brief description of the package, you need to click the “Details” button

    After reading the description, click the “Install” button.

    To expand the ability of the operating system to work with various archives, we need the Linux Ubuntu application - 7zip.

    After reading the description of this package, click the “Install” button.

    If you need to install some other programs for Linux Ubuntu, then you can also find it in the application center and install it.

    We looked at how we can install updates and the programs we need through the update wizard and application center.

    All these operations (installing updates and programs for Linux Ubuntu) can be performed from the command line.

    To do this, open a terminal. By clicking on the icon in the upper left corner of the screen “Search on your computer...”. In the search bar, enter “term” and select the “Terminal” program by left-clicking.

    A terminal (command line) window will open.

    sudo apt-get update

    To obtain additional privileges, you must enter the user password and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    The update process will continue. And we should get a response that "Reading package list... Done." This means that the list of packages has been updated, and we can proceed to updating packages.

    To update the list of packages, type the command
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    After the analysis, it will tell us which programs for Linux Ubuntu will be installed and which will just be updated. And it will ask us for consent to continue the update. Type the letter “D” and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    The update process will continue.

    After the update is completed, the command line will become available for input.

    Now let's look at installing the previously discussed applications for Linux Ubuntu.

    To do this, enter just one line in the terminal
    sudo apt-get install vlc chomium-browser audacity mc p7zip-full
    and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    After the analysis, the system will tell us which applications for Linux Ubuntu will be installed. And it will ask us for consent to continue the installation. Type the letter “D” and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    Once the installation is complete, we see entries in the terminal about setting up the packages to be installed.

    We looked at how you can update the Linux Ubuntu operating system and install the necessary programs (applications) in two ways. And you will be able to keep the operating system and software up to date in a convenient way for you, and you will also be able to find and install the required programs for Linux Ubuntu. And if there are still unclear questions on this topic and there are suggestions, then I ask you to write them in the comments. Bye everyone!

    You will need

    • An account with the rights to run programs as root via sudo. Typically, the first account created in Ubuntu has these rights.
    • The computer must be connected to the Internet.
    • During the update, a significant amount of data is downloaded from the Internet, so it is advisable that your Internet connection is charged at an unlimited rate.


    Launch a terminal emulator. For example, in Xubuntu this program is called Terminal.

    The first step is to update the list of available packages. This is done with the command sudo apt-get update. When you first launch sudo, you will be asked to enter the password of the current account to confirm that the command has been executed as root. Subsequent launches within the same session will be performed without prompting for a password.

    Once the package upgrade is complete, enter the command to update all installed software packages with sudo apt-get upgrade.

    If the apt package manager detects available updates, it will display a list of packages being updated and a request to continue. Press Y to begin the process of downloading and installing updates. Please note that not all packages will be updated after running this command.

    Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, PC performance and the number of updates, the update process can take quite a long time - up to several hours. Be patient. As a rule, on an average PC, even the most voluminous update takes place in 15-20 minutes. Once complete, verify that the update completed without errors and reboot your computer by entering the command sudo reboot or otherwise.

    After rebooting, launch the terminal emulator and enter the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. This command will upgrade those packages that were not upgraded by sudo apt-get upgrade due to unresolved dependencies. All steps are the same as step 4. When finished, also restart your computer. This will complete the update procedure.

    The steps above allow you to update packages within your current distribution, which canonical releases at 6-month intervals. And once every 2 years, a long-term support (LTS) distribution is released in April. I recommend that you use only LTS distributions in your work. However, in the case of both intermediate and LTS distributions, to upgrade one distribution to a newer one, you must use the sudo do-release-upgrade command. This is the upgrade wizard to the latest available distribution. Please note that by default, using this wizard, you can only upgrade an LTS distribution to the next LTS distribution. After running the command, follow the onscreen instructions and read all messages carefully.