• Presentation - Introduction to WINDOWS - File, directory, working with objects. How to save a file (beginner school)

    Since address data also has a size and must also be stored, storing data in small units such as bytes is inconvenient. They are also inconvenient to store in larger units (kilobytes, megabytes, etc.), since incomplete filling of one storage unit leads to storage inefficiency.

    Storing and retrieving information on external storage devices is important. External storage devices are a kind of informationtion warehouses, where programs and data are stored long time, until they are needed to solve a problem. Now imagine that goods are stored in a warehouse without any system. The larger the warehouse, the more difficult it is to find the right product. Or take, for example, a cabinet in which various documents, books, reports, certificates, etc. are stored. In the absence of a specific storage organization, search necessary documents, especially if their number is significant, can be a very difficult and time-consuming task.

    The unit of data storage is a variable-length object called a file.

    File is a named collection of data that has a certain internal organization and occupies a certain area of ​​the information carrier.

    Typically, data belonging to the same type is stored in a separate file. In this case, the data type determines file type.

    Since there is no size limit in the definition of a file, you can imagine a file having 0 bytes (an empty file) and a file having any number of bytes.

    The file name must be unique - without this it is impossible to guarantee unambiguous access to data. In means computer technology the requirement of name uniqueness is ensured automatically - neither the user nor the automation can create a file with a name identical to an existing one.

    The file may contain: a program in machine code, program text in an algorithmic language, document text, report, salary slip, article, numerical data, recording of human speech or musical melody, drawing, illustration, drawing, photograph, video, etc.

    The file is created at the user’s direction or automatically, using various software systems, such as operating systems, shells, programming tool systems, etc. For created file a certain name is assigned, space is allocated to it on disk media, and it is registered in a certain way in the operating system. The newly created file can be filled with some information.

    Each file has a number of characteristic properties - attributes. The most important attributes of the file are:

    ü name,

    ü expansion,

    ü time and date of creation.

    File name, just like the name of a person, the title of a document, a book, serves to be able to distinguish one file from another, to indicate required file. In different operating systems, file names are formed according to different rules. For example, in the MS DOS operating system, the file name is

    ü sequence of letters of the Latin alphabet,

    ü some special characters (~, _, -, $, &, @, %,",!,(>)> (>). #).

    The name can contain from one to eight (1 ... 8) characters and is chosen arbitrarily. It is advisable to select file names so that the user can easily remember what exactly is stored in this file. For example, a file containing a report for the 4th quarter can be called otchet4, a file with a salary slip can be called vedzarpl, and a file with a picture can be called picture.

    In the MS DOS operating system, the file name cannot contain

    ü spaces,

    ü letters of the Russian alphabet,

    In addition, it cannot contain more than eight characters. Generally speaking, these are quite significant restrictions. For example, a file containing a company’s report for the 4th quarter, which we called otchet4, would preferably be called “Report for the 4th quarter”, in extreme cases “Otchet za 4 kvartal”, using the so-called transliteration , when words of one language are written with letters of another. In operating rooms Unix systems and Windows 9.x, restrictions on the length of the name, the use of spaces and periods in the name have been removed. And in the operating room Windows system 9.x, in addition, you can use Russian letters in the name. Thus, a file in Unix may have the name “Report za 4 kvartal”, and in Windows 9.x the name “Report for the 4th quarter” is also allowed.

    In addition to the name, each file may or may not have extension. The extension is used to characterize the contents of the file in a certain way. For example, the doc and txt extensions indicate that the file contains some kind of document or text, while the bmp extension indicates a file containing an image in bitmap format. The extension, if any, is separated from the file name by a dot. In the MS DOS operating system, the extension can contain from one to three characters, for example, otchet4.doc, vedzarpl.txt, picture.bmp, and in Unix and Windows 9.x systems more than three characters are allowed. If there is no extension, then there is no dot in the file name.

    If a file is created using any software system, then, as a rule, it automatically receives a standard extension for this system, and the user only needs to select or specify the name. Subsequently using standard extensions software system recognizes “its” files. Operating systems provide a number of standard extensions (Table 3.1).

    Table 3.1

    Some MS DOS and Windows 9.x extensions


    File Contents

    A type of program in machine code (executable file)

    Command file (executable file)

    Backup file

    Software documentation file or document file

    File with text

    Numerical data file

    Help file, that is, a built-in file help system

    Device driver

    Temporary or working file

    Type of graphics file

    Files with the extension .com (common) and .exe (execute) contain programs in machine language. These files are often called program files. The differences between com files and exe files relate to their internal organization. These differences do not affect the way files are handled in any way. Files with the extension .bat (batch) contain arbitrary sequences of operating system commands. Such files are usually called batch files. The term « executable file" combines the concepts " program file" And " batch file" In other words, an "executable file" means that the file contains either a machine language program that can be directly executed by the computer's processor (files with the .exe and .com extensions) or a sequence of operating system commands (the .bat file) that are also executed, but only by accessing the appropriate programs and operating system tools.

    An important attribute of a file is its length. The file length is equal to the amount of space the file occupies on disk or tape and is therefore measured in bytes. The value of this attribute is used to determine whether the file can be placed on a free space disk media and for some other purposes.

    When a file is initially written to disk, and when changes are made to the file using the system clock ( special program, included in the operating system) automatically records the time and date the file was written to the disk device. Date and time attributes are used to identify the most recent versions of a file.

    In addition to the considered main file attributes in the MS DOS operating system, files have four more attributes - read-only, system, hidden and archive. Each of these attributes has exactly two states - the attribute is on or the attribute is off.

    Enabling the read-only attribute means that the file cannot be modified in any way. In addition, the destruction of such a file is complicated. The system attribute is usually enabled only for the main operating system files. The hidden attribute is enabled for those files that, when viewing the list of files located on disk device, operating system commands are not included in this list.

    Operating systems provide a way to make collective actions with files easier. The action that needs to be performed on a group of files is specified only once, but along with the action, not the full name of a single file is specified, but a special name that allows the operating system to recognize all the files in the group and then perform it on them required action. This name is called a wildcard name, pattern, or mask. The group name of files is formed using the characters “*” and “?”.

    The * character found in a group name is interpreted by the operating system as “any sequence of any name characters.” Thus, the group name a* corresponds to any names starting with the letter “a”: a1, azbuka, a2z4.

    Symbol? is perceived by the OS as any single character, that is, it corresponds to exactly one arbitrary name character. For example, the pattern otchet?.doc matches any names with the extension .doc, in the name of which the name segment otchet is followed by exactly one character, for example, otchet1.doc, otchet4.doc, otchet%.doc, otchet#.doc, etc.

    A few more examples:

    Txt – files with any two-letter names and extension .txt;

    *.bak – files with any names and extension .bak;

    prog1.* – files with the name progl and any extension;

    *.* – files with any names and any extensions.

    E. Sutotskaya

    One of the first skills needed when mastering a computer is the ability to store and then recall information in your PC. Computer science teacher and programmer Elena Sutotskaya talks about how to do this.

    Rice. 1. This is what the main menu of the Word editor looks like. If you left-click once on the “File” item, information input/output commands will appear on the screen (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. The main commands when saving a document are “Save” and “Save as...” When saving a document for the first time, there is no difference between them. Move the cursor to one or another command and clicking once with the left

    Rice. 3. Here the Word editor prompts you to save the document in a folder in “My Documents” under the name Doc1 (or 2, 3...) with the extension doc. At the same time, you can see which documents with the same extension already exist in this folder. Left clicking the mouse

    Science and life // Illustrations

    Rice. 5. After saving the file in the most top line The file name appears in the main menu of the Word editor.

    Science and life // Illustrations

    Rice. 7. Any of the extensions can be selected by clicking once on the desired line. In relation to a text editor, along with the doc extension, the rtf extension is often used. This allows you to use the document in other Windows applications without disturbing

    Rice. 8. This is what the tab for setting parameters for the autosave process looks like.

    Rice. 9. In order for the document to be saved with all the changes and additions made since its opening, you need to click on the word “Yes”. Clicking the "No" button will return the document to its original form. And the "Cancel" key should be used if you

    It is convenient to consider the basic rules for saving a document using the example of the Word text editor in Windows environment(Fig. 1). For this environment, they can be considered universal, since the main menu item "File" is present in any other Windows application in almost the same form. So, having mastered saving a document in Word, you can easily do the same in any other text or graphic editor and when working with spreadsheets.

    Preliminary information

    Before we get into how to save a document, there are some basic concepts you need to understand.

    Everything “collected” on a computer is stored in the form of files. A file is a named area of ​​a disk in which information is stored.

    The file name consists of two parts - the actual name and extension, separated by a dot. Sometimes the extension is missing, but usually it is by it that you can find out what type of information is contained in the file, since each application program by default assigns a specific extension to a file. Thus, "DOC" indicates that the document was created in text editor Word, "BMP" - in a graphics editor, for example Paint, "PPT" says that you are dealing with a presentation created in PowerPoint, "XLS" - a sign of a spreadsheet, "jpg" - graphic document, with which they worked, for example in Photoshop.

    Note. When assigning a proper name to a file, try to ensure that it matches the information that is stored in it - this will make it much easier to find it later. For example, "Addressbook" or "Contacts".

    The name can be typed in Russian or in any other language installed on this computer, contain numbers, punctuation, excluding quotation marks and special characters.

    In addition to files, there are so-called folders - they store information that allows the computer to find the desired file.

    My Documents folder

    It appears on the computer during installation software. As a rule, many novice users, and not only them, prefer to store their files in it. This is convenient because it happens by default. But when working with a large number For various information, it is more convenient to create “thematic” folders and put files in them. This greatly simplifies the search for information.

    Notes 1. The same document can be saved under different names in the same folder, under the same name in different folders and under different names in different folders (as convenient for you).

    2. If during the naming process you accidentally erased the extension, do not worry, the computer itself will assign the desired extension to your file.

    Note. The same can be done by selecting the icon with the image of a floppy disk on the toolbar and clicking on it once with the left mouse button.

    If you are working with a document that has already been saved, then the “Save” and “Save as...” commands work differently. In the first option (“Save”), the document is saved under the same name with all the corrections and additions made to it. In this case, the dialog box does not appear on the screen. (Clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk will produce the same result.) In the second option ("Save as..."), a dialog box already familiar to us will open on the screen (see Fig. 3), where in the "File name" field the name under which you saved will be written. this document. By entering a new name there, you will save your document with all the corrections and additions made under a different name.

    Other folders

    If you want to save the document in another folder, you should select it (and first, of course, create it). To select another folder on any of the drives, you need to left-click once on the black arrow to the right of the “Folder” field. After this, a window will appear where you will see icons and names of disks available on your computer: for example, the “Desktop” icon, the “My Documents” folder, etc. (Fig. 6).


    You can also proceed in the reverse order: first change the name, and then select the folder to save.

    Changing the extension

    To change the file extension, you need to click on the black arrow to the right of the "File type" field. After this, a list of all acceptable for this file extensions (Fig. 7).

    Note. To use a document in a DOS environment, you need to select from the list of lines “DOS text with line breaks” or “DOS text”. But in this case, almost all text formatting will be lost.

    Automatic saving of information

    For the convenience of saving a document while working, you can set the computer to the so-called autosave mode. It is especially important that information is saved automatically if the power supply to your computer electrical network not very reliable.

    To activate the function automatic saving information, you should select the “Tools” item in the main menu, and in it the “Options” sub-item (Fig. 8). On the “Save” tab, select “Automatic Save Every:” and in the field to the right of it, set the time interval between automatically repeating recording of the document you are working on into the computer’s memory. Then, if the document has already been named, there is no need to periodically remind the computer to save the information. He will do it on his own.

    One last note. Everything described above is true for anyone Windows applications, the differences will only be in the automatically proposed file name and extension or in which folder is suggested by default.

    Lesson objectives:

    • to form knowledge about files and file systems, file names, paths to files, to give the basic concepts necessary for working with files on a computer.
    • information education students' cultures, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance.
    • development of cognitive interests, skills in working with a mouse and keyboard, self-control, and note-taking skills.

    Lesson progress

    1. Organizational moment

    1. Greetings.
    2. Checking readiness for the lesson.
    3. Distribution of evaluation sheets.
    4. Explanation of the methodology for filling out assessment sheets.

    2. Updating students’ knowledge

    1. In order to review the basic concepts learned in previous lessons, you are asked to fill out a crossword puzzle. ( Each student is given a form with a crossword puzzle. (Appendix 1)

    2. Peer check of the crossword puzzle (Answers are displayed on the screen) ( Appendix 2.)

    3. Learning new material

    3.1. Teacher's explanation ( oral presentation of the material with the preparation of a supporting summary)

    A file is a certain amount of information (program or data) that has a name and is stored in long-term memory.

    A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

    The file name consists of two parts separated by a dot: the actual file name And extension , which determines its type.

    The actual name of the file is given by the user, and the file type is usually set automatically by the program when it is created.

    Single-level file system.

    Multi-level hierarchical file system.

    Path to the file.

    The path to the file along with the file name is called full file name.

    Rules for creating a file name:

    • You cannot use the following characters, which are reserved for special functions:? . , ; : = + * / \ " | < >SPACE
    • The following characters cannot be used in long names:? : * / \ " >< |

    In the Windows operating system, the concept of "folder" is used instead of directories.

    A folder is a Windows object designed to organize files and other folders into groups.

    3.2. Execution practical tasks (Working in a notebook)

    Task 1. Decoding the circuit: p For a given schema, you must record the full file names.

    Task 2. Drawing up the diagram: p Given the paths to the files, it is necessary to build a directory tree.

    (Working on a computer)

    Task 3. Create in network folder a folder with your last name.

    Task 4. Copy a file with the extension: doc, bmp, jpg, mp3 to your folder.

    Task 5. Rename the files, indicating your last name in the name.

    5. Consolidation of the studied material

    1. Filling out the table for compliance ( The table is presented on the screen)

    2. Computer testing (Appendix 3)

    3. Frontal survey.

    • What name can the file have?
    • What is the file format (extension)?
    • What does the concept of saving a file mean?
    • What name can a directory (folder) have?
    • What is the point of highlighting an object? Give examples from everyday life that also use the principle of highlighting.
    • Working in which editor can you create a "File.DOC" file?
    • You have created a "File.DOC" file, placed it in the "My Documents" folder, and placed a shortcut for this file on your desktop. How to delete this file?

    6. Summing up. Reflection

    On the evaluation sheet, give each person points based on the results of their work. And in the reflection column, give yourself a score for mastering this lesson topic:

    • “5” - everything is clear, no questions arose;
    • "4" - there are some difficulties;
    • “3” - the topic of the lesson is poorly understood.

    Then add up the points you earned and give yourself a grade. ( Appendix 4).

    7. Homework:

    1. Compile and record your pedigree in the form of a hierarchy of folders.

    2. Using these file paths, build a directory tree:

    • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\Drawings\picture.bmp
    • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\Files.doc
    • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\File system.doc
    • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\New Year\Postcard.doc
    • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\Drawings\diagram.jpg
    • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\New Year\Script.wav

    Having encountered an incomprehensible phrase, the reader, as a rule, strives to find out its meaning. This article is a brief excursion for the user into the world of the unknown.

    General concept of a file

    Long-term storage stores all data in the form of files. What is this? A file is a named sequence of bytes, which in turn consist of bits. It has its own name and location address. The first parameter is specified by a person, and the second is set and remembered for a long time by the operating system. The search is carried out by file name, so there is no need for the user to write down its address.

    It happens that information cannot be found on computer media. But even an empty file has its own name, which is an important property of the data set recorded on the hard disk. If it is absent, then such a structure cannot be called storage.

    File system

    Each (floppy, hard or laser disk) can contain a huge amount of it. The file system is designed to store data and organize various directories. In a broad sense, it consists of the totality of all information on the disk, sets of data structures, a complex of system software. The root directory consists of 2nd level attachments, which, in turn, include 3rd level folders, etc. A single-level linear system is used for disks with several files, a multi-level hierarchical system for disks with a large number of them. The second is characterized by a tree structure.

    Purpose of the file system

    It is to ensure user-friendly interface for a person when accessing information located on the disk and realizing the possibility sharing objects by many people and ongoing processes. Similar device structure allows you to achieve maximum results when working with data.

    File types

    Thanks to certain information, the computer can roughly “understand” what is in the data set and what program can be used to open it. The extension is the few letters or numbers that appear after the period in the standard file name. It defines the data type and the corresponding program. For example, information recorded on a disc with an mp3 extension will open in the player. The program picture is present in the file image. By this icon advanced user immediately understands where the specified data type can be applied. The document will only open in a program designed for text. Video files can be played in the player. Information in the form of pictures opens in a graphic editor. There are many various files. Each of them has an icon indicating the corresponding program.

    File: file names

    Users give the data set on disk symbolic names. Files are identified by them. In this case, system restrictions on both the characters used and the entire length of the phrase must be taken into account. The file name is the name specified above, which can be the same for several data sets. In this case, the sequence of directory identifiers, that is, the address where the information is located, will be different. In some systems, the same object cannot have several names, in others there is no such restriction at all. In the latter case, the data set is given a unique name. This is a numeric identifier used by any operating system program.

    File name composition

    Any information on a disk contains several elements. What does the file name consist of? In order to understand this, you need to have a sample before your eyes. The file name consists of two interrelated parts: the name and the extension, which determines the data type. It identifies any information on the medium.

    Full name

    Here's an example:


    The full file name indicated in the sample is the name consisting of the file itself and the information path. The last of these elements is a list of folder identifiers that should be opened sequentially in order to reach highest level to the data set. Full name file must be specified starting from the root directory and contains a list of all dependent attachments of other levels. This name is absolute. It refers to information regarding the root directory, regardless of the current folder. All name elements are separated by a slash (\) character. This character must be specified before the name of the root directory.

    Short name

    Constraints are the reason this term came into being. In those days, a file could only have 8 characters in its name. A little later, it became possible to put a period after the name and add 3 extension characters.

    It looked like this:


    Developers began to use name extensions for technical needs. With their help, programs “learned” to recognize the file type. This file name recording scheme was called system 8.3 (after the number of characters in the name and extension, and a period between them). It had a number of disadvantages: the inability to use spaces, punctuation marks, and letters other than the English alphabet. Therefore, creating a meaningful name was very difficult. The short name does not contain a forward slash ( \ ). By this name you can refer to the data in the current directory.

    Long name

    Previously, when thousands of files were stored on disks, users knew quite well where certain data came from on the media. Currently, it is impossible to monitor the history of incoming information. Therefore, strict restrictions on title length were removed for the data. What does the file name consist of? Now the name can be written in Russian letters, with some punctuation marks and even spaces. The extension is indicated not only by three characters. If the name contains several periods, then the file type is indicated after the last punctuation mark.

    However, traditions contain great power, which is why long extensions are not found on computers. Three characters are enough for the system to indicate the file type. There may be at least 250 characters, although this certainly seems overkill.

    Problem objects

    Document with long name may not be read correctly on another computer. Therefore, when sending data, you should use Latin letters. The Russian alphabet may not be on the recipient’s computer, and instead of phrases, an incomprehensible set of characters will appear. To organize a file storage system on personal computer user any letters are used.

    Correct file name

    It can consist of any uppercase or lowercase letters, a number, a period, and an underscore. The use of spaces is not prohibited. However, you should not overuse it, and also do not put it at the beginning of the name. You can include other characters in the name, with the exception of reserved characters (>< | ? * / \ : "). Расширение отделяется от названия последней правой точкой. Длина имени ограничивается 255 знаками. На самом деле to the average user 20 characters are enough. The operating system does not distinguish between lowercase and uppercase letters in a file name. This means that it will not be possible to save two elements with the same name written in different case in the same directory. This is what an example of matching names might look like: “Text.doc” and “TEXT.doc”.

    Incorrect file name

    In addition to these restrictions, there is a prohibition on using reserved device names.

    So, PRN is a printer. COM1-COM4 - devices connected to serial ports 1-4. AUX performs the same function as COM1. LPT1-LPT4 are elements attached to parallel ports 1-4 (printers), CON (consol) for input - with the keyboard, for output - with the screen, NUL - with an “empty” device. When a user tries to specify a reserved name, the system displays an error. A warning is also displayed when prohibited characters are used. It indicates an invalid file name. Incorrectly recorded information about a data set is not saved, but takes on the previous value.

    File name template

    Operating system shells, as well as various programming languages, allow the user to search names and directories for specific groups. All files are checked for compliance with a given template; if any of them matches the template, then it is taken into account, if not, it is skipped.

    Why is such a sample needed? Often you need to perform the same action on a whole group of files. This takes less time than accessing each document individually. The file name template allows you to select a group that meets specified requirements from the crowd. It is even used in data retrieval.

    Special characters

    The file name template is specified using special characters:

    • An asterisk is a symbol for any group of characters. Their number doesn't matter. For example, one star is a template that matches all the information in the catalog. Thanks to the *.mp3 command, you can change any file of the same type. File names starting with my and ending with .txt are highlighted using the pattern my*.txt. The *2014* pattern defines all objects existing on the computer whose names contain the character group 2014.
    • is a designation for any single character. For example, for the sample music.??? suitable data starting with the specified word and having an extension of three English letters. In the na?e.txt template, any symbol can be used instead of the standard question mark.

    Other teams

    There are also other rules for compiling samples. Thanks to inclusion in the team square brackets() with a list of possible values, you can make the search more flexible. If you want to find any files starting with the letter t, without taking into account case, then the pattern should be written like this: *. When searching for data with alphabetical names, you can create a range. A similar template looks like this: ?.jpg. The system will find files with the specified extension type, whose names consist of two characters. Moreover, the first letter k, l, y or z is case insensitive.

    Shell value

    Several samples can be used in one sample. special characters. Templates are combined with many commands: browsing directories, copying files, searching, etc. However, actions are performed not with the template, but with the data that matches it. The required objects are selected by the command shell.

    Pattern expansion is the process of replacing the * character with a consistent sequence of file names.

    Some commands will never be able to find a special character in their list of parameters. So what is responsible for data retrieval? Command shell performs the necessary expansion of the template in such a way that all file names matching the template will be listed.

    File name masks

    They are used in group operations with data. The mask is a sequence of characters allowed in file names, which may also contain a question mark and an asterisk. With its help, you can delete any temporary file on your computer. The file names in the command may contain various designations. A question mark marks one arbitrary character, while an asterisk marks an entire sequence. For example, using the command rm *mp3, you can delete all files ending with this fragment. If you need to erase all data in a directory, you should use the rm * command. The command works almost the same way with changing one character. Name masks can also be used with directories.

    Problematic copying

    The transition to long names creates compatibility problems with previously created programs that use small phrases. In order for applications to open information in accordance with a previously adopted storage structure, the file system must be able to provide unique short aliases data with complex names. Newer operating systems support long names. But sometimes the user encounters unexpected problems. Copying files from long names may cause some difficulties.

    In this case, even creating a shortcut will not help. Typically, the user only needs to rename the file and try again. Alternatively, you can archive the data, copy and unpack. But what should you do if in the hundredth subdirectory in which the required file is located, the file names are so long because of the path written in them?

    Backup options

    If the above methods do not work, you should simply connect network drive by right-clicking on the computer image and selecting a connection from the menu that appears. In this case, you must specify the letter for the desired media and the file path.

    As a last resort, the user can use the FAR 2.0 long name copying program and even disable Recycle Bin.

    In order to have relative order on your computer, you need to store your files in the appropriate folders. This greatly simplifies how to search separate files, and working with a group of files: moving, copying, deleting, etc. This principle of organization is used in libraries, archives and offices.

    Documents organized according to a common feature are stored in one folder (or directory). Folders are signed. It turns out that the documents are not dumped in one heap, but arranged in folders, and in the end you can easily find the required document.

    By analogy with this computer files grouped into groups for which folders are created on the computer. Thus, the purpose of the folder is to combine files and other folders into groups according to any parameter.

    Today there are three concepts:

    • catalog,
    • directory,
    • folder,

    from the point of view computer literacy, mean the same thing, let's clarify what exactly.

    A folder or directory is a special place on a computer storage medium in which file names and information about these files are stored (the size of the files, the time of their last update, file properties, etc.)

    The concepts of “catalog” and “directory” appeared in computer world simultaneously with the concepts of “file”, “file system” to simplify the organization of files. The concept of a “folder” appeared in the world of computers much later, more precisely, with the advent of Windows 95.

    You can come up with own system to store files and folders on your computer. For example, create folders where files are grouped:

    by topic - folders “Tutorials”, “Accounts”, “Fishing”, etc., by the name of the author of the materials - folders “Mamontov”, “Vorobiova”, etc. by time of creation - folder “01.01-30.06” .2010" with files created from January 1 to June 30, 2010, the folder "Q3 2010", etc.

    If the file name is stored in a folder named, for example, 01, then it is said that the file is in the folder 01. The same idea can be expressed by saying that the file is registered in directory 01. Usually the same file (i.e. with the same name) is located in one folder, but if necessary it can be stored in several folders, which can be easily done using the copy operation.

    What should I name the folder?

    All folders have names. The requirements for folder names are the same as for . The only difference is that the folder name usually does not have an extension, although it can be used if necessary. Each folder can contain both files and other folders, which, in turn, can also contain files and folders, etc.

    The folders are somewhat reminiscent of nesting dolls. Such folders located inside other folders are said to be subfolders. A folder that contains other folders is called parental or covering.

    If there is a “+” next to the folder name, it means that there are other folders in this folder and they can be opened. To do this, click on “+” and it will change to “-”, and a list of folders contained in the folder being opened will open under the folder name.

    If you click on “-”, it will turn into “+”, and the list of folder contents will close.

    Folder structure

    When you open Explorer (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Explorer), you see a kind of tree there, of course, without green leaves, because this is a computer tree. The point is that if you try to draw general structure all the folders located on your computer, you get just a tree.

    This structure of folders (directories) is called hierarchical tree-like (or tree-like).

    Users usually call it simply folder tree.

    Root folder. Subfolders.

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