• Information system. Information system software

    Software(software) of computer information systems (IS) is their necessary component. In general, software is a set of programs whose function is to solve certain problems on a computer. Without appropriate software, the functioning of even a perfectly designed system is impossible, since its meaning is completely lost.

    Depending on the assigned functions, software compositions differ greatly from each other. Typically, software includes application programs as well as translator programs. Thanks to this, it is possible to translate application programs from the tongue high level into machine language. These also include programs that provide automatic input of information via various devices I/O; programs that control the operation of equipment (including programs that control all devices of information systems in the process of information processing).

    Functions of software products

    There are two types of software: system and application.

    System software includes ways of communicating with information systems and ways of organizing the calculation process, independent of the nature of the tasks. The main purpose of the first type is the protection function. Fully carried out only if complete software is available. Antivirus and antispyware programs are mainly used for protection. There are other programs that are used as means by which information is protected, but they are not as popular as the above.

    Speaking about system software for information systems, it should be noted that it can include both operating systems and programming systems. System programming includes products that protect information. Programming systems are a set of programs that provide automation of programming. They contain translators different languages programming and other programs that allow you to automate the design and adjustment of programs. Special role in in this case is assigned to translator programs, the function of which is to translate a record of solving problems from a high-level language into a record, which, in turn, is suitable for direct implementation on a computer.

    Types of translators used in information devices

    Information systems computers use two types of translators: compilers and interpreters. The former broadcast the entire incoming recording to work program, and then it is executed in information systems. A program translated by a compiler is usually much faster because it is completely converted to machine code. At the same time, it needs more volume RAM Therefore, compilers are used mainly in mainframe computers. Such hardware can significantly save memory space and control the result of each operation. This is convenient when using them in dialog mode.

    The operating system (OS) is an important component of software, since it has a protective function for the systems of any computer.

    It manages the execution of work programs and human interaction with information systems. The OS consists of a set of management programs that provide access to them, manages files and schedules tasks with computing resources, controls the storage of programs and ensures their use.

    Providing information systems necessary means protection helps to create smooth operation of computers and extend the life of the operating system.

    The OS greatly simplifies user communication in relation to information systems by automatically performing a large number of intermediate operations, leaving the user to undertake only the most necessary operations. For this purpose, the appropriate commands are used, the address of which is specified by the user. Basically, all functions performed using the OS are divided into 3 groups:

    • Organization of user interaction with computer information systems;
    • Management of all information data entered into the IS;
    • Using OS applications.

    The main thing to remember is that the third function will not have any problems if the application programs are compatible with the operating system. The number of application programs is very diverse and continues to grow. The most popular among them are a text editor, business graphics and integrated systems. It should be noted that the latter synthesize the capabilities of all the previous ones and are therefore expensive. With their help, the user has the opportunity to process various information (text, tabular, graphic, and so on).

    Service software consisting of software, making it possible to use additional services, thereby expanding the functions operating systems, includes not only various types of antiviruses and antispyware, but also WinRar archivers,WinZip.

    Although IP can be used for different purposes, it should be noted that they are not very different from each other. The tasks that the software performs are also similar. Whether it is a single-tasking or multi-tasking software tool, the function is the same - information protection, which takes place in several stages. First you need to determine the compatibility of programs and OS, then install these products, and then determine whether the software works correctly.

    On video - detailed information about information systems software:

    Information protection

    Antivirus programs are used in cases where there is a need to remove or cure a virus that has entered a computer for the purpose of... Viruses tend to penetrate devices through various types of media and the Internet. Viruses can cause enormous harm to both files and the entire computer itself. Information protection programs perform a direct function of destroying viral pests, both harmless and very dangerous.

    Based on the above, we can summarize the importance of software for information devices. The initial purpose of software products is to protect information contained in computers and other electronic computer equipment.

    Information protection is very important for various organizations and institutions, since data loss can lead to the failure of enterprise networks.

    This possibility is undesirable, so the installation of software products should be thoroughly thought through, checked for compatibility, and calculated all possible errors that may arise during operation, as well as during their installation. That is why every serious enterprise, caring about its reputation, carefully selects software tools. Archivers also play an important role, because they help compress information without losing data, which helps in cases where there is a need to transfer large amounts of data.

    Software products can expand functions and increase multitasking various types COMPUTER. Thanks to this, the user's capabilities are increased, the functionality of both the computer itself and the user is expanded. Software is a very important component of any information system, as it plays a major role in putting the information system into operation and helps to carry out various types of manipulations with files and databases.

    The video shows information about software with SDL:

    Information systems software is understood as a set of software and documentary tools for creating and operating data processing systems using computer technology.

    Depending on the functions performed by the software, it can be divided into 2 groups: basic (system) software (Fig. 1) and application software (Fig. 2).

    Basic (system) software organizes the process of information processing in a computer and provides a normal working environment for application programs. Core software is so closely related to the hardware that it is sometimes considered part of the computer.

    Application software is designed to solve specific user problems and organize the computing process information system generally.

    The basic (system) software includes:

    operating systems;

    service programs;

    programming language translators;

    maintenance programs.

    Operating systems (OS) provide control of information processing and interaction between hardware and the user. One of essential functions OS is the automation of information input/output processes, control of the execution of application tasks solved by the user. OS is loading the desired program and computer memory and monitors the progress of its execution; Analyzes situations that interfere with normal calculations and gives instructions on what needs to be done if difficulties arise.

    Based on the functions performed, the OS can be divided into three groups (see Fig. 1): single-tasking (single-user); multitasking (multi-user); network.

    Rice. 1.

    Single-tasking operating systems are designed to allow one user to perform one specific task at a time. A typical representative of such operating systems is MS-DOS (developed by Microsoft). Multitasking operating systems provide collective use of a computer in a multiprogram time sharing mode (the computer's memory contains several programs - tasks - and the processor distributes computer resources between tasks). Typical representatives of this class of OS are: UNIX, OS 2 of IBM Corporation, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT and some others.

    Network operating systems are associated with the emergence of local global networks 11 are designed to provide user access to all resources computer network. Typical representatives of network operating systems are:

    Novell NetWare, Microsoft Windows NT, Banyan Vines, IBM LAN, UNIX, Solaris from Sun.

    Service software is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of operating systems.

    By functionality service tools can be divided into:

    improving the user interface;

    protecting data from destruction and unauthorized access;

    recovery data;

    accelerating data exchange between disk and RAM:


    antiviral agents.

    According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by: shells, utilities and stand-alone programs. The difference between shells and utilities is often expressed only in the universality of the former and the specialization of the latter.

    Rice. 2.

    Shells that are an add-on to the OS are called operating shells. Shells are like settings on top of the operating system. Utilities and stand-alone programs have a highly specialized purpose and each perform its own function. But utilities, unlike standalone programs, are executed in the environment of the corresponding shells. At the same time, they compete in their functions with OS programs and other utilities. Therefore, the classification of service tools based on their functions and methods of implementation is quite vague and very conditional.

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      One of basic concepts AIS design methodology is the concept of its software life cycle (software life cycle). Software life cycle is a continuous process that begins from the moment a decision is made about the need for its creation and ends at the moment of its complete withdrawal from service. The structure of the software life cycle is based on three groups of processes:

      • basic software life cycle processes (purchase, supply, development, operation, support);
      • auxiliary processes that ensure the implementation of the main processes (documentation, configuration management, quality assurance, verification, certification, assessment, audit, problem solving);
      • organizational processes (project management, creation of project infrastructure, definition, evaluation and improvement of the life cycle itself, training).

      Development- this is all work on creating software and its components in accordance with specified requirements, including the preparation of design and operational documentation, preparation of materials necessary to test the functionality and appropriate quality of software products, materials necessary for organizing personnel training, etc. Software development typically includes analysis, design, and implementation (programming).

      Operation includes work on putting software components into operation, including configuring databases and user workstations, providing operational documentation, conducting personnel training, etc., and direct operation, including localizing problems and eliminating the causes of their occurrence, modification of software within the established regulations, preparation of proposals for improvement, development and modernization of the system.

      Project management associated with issues of planning and organizing work, creating development teams and monitoring the timing and quality of work performed. Technical and organizational support for the project includes the selection of methods and tools for project implementation, determination of methods for describing intermediate development states, development of methods and tools for software testing, personnel training, etc. Ensuring project quality is associated with problems of software verification, verification and testing. Verification is the process of determining whether the current state of development achieved at at this stage, the requirements of this stage. Verification allows you to assess the compliance of development parameters with the original requirements. Verification overlaps with testing, which is concerned with identifying differences between actual and expected results and assessing whether software characteristics meet the original requirements. In the process of project implementation, an important place is occupied by the issues of identification, description and control of the configuration of individual components and the entire system as a whole.

      Configuration management - one of the auxiliary processes that support the main processes of the software life cycle, primarily the processes of software development and maintenance. When creating complex IS projects consisting of many components, each of which may have varieties or versions, the problem arises of taking into account their connections and functions, creating a unified structure and ensuring the development of the entire system. Configuration management allows you to organize, systematically take into account and control changes to software at all stages of the life cycle. General principles and recommendations for configuration accounting, planning and software configuration management are reflected in the standard 1EO 12207-2.

      Each process is characterized by certain tasks and methods for solving them, initial data obtained at the previous stage, and results. The results of the analysis, in particular, are functional models, information models and their corresponding diagrams. The software life cycle is iterative in nature: the results of the next stage often cause changes in design solutions developed at earlier stages.

      Existing life cycle models determine the order of execution of stages during development, as well as the criteria for transition from stage to stage. In accordance with this, the following three life cycle models are most widely used:

      • cascade model(1970-1980s) - suggests a transition to next stage after complete completion of work on the previous stage;
      • step-by-step model with intermediate control (1980-1985) - iterative development model with cycles feedback between stages. The advantage of this model is that inter-stage adjustments provide less labor intensity compared to the cascade model, however, the lifetime of each stage extends over the entire development period;
      • spiral model(1986-1990) - focuses on the initial stages of life cycle: requirements analysis, specification design, preliminary and detailed design. At these stages, feasibility is checked and justified. technical solutions by creating prototypes. Each turn of the spiral corresponds to a step-by-step model for creating a fragment or version of a software product, where the goals and characteristics of the project are clarified, its quality is determined, and the work of the next turn of the spiral is planned. Thus, the details of the project are deepened and consistently specified, and as a result, a reasonable option is selected, which is brought to implementation. Experts note the advantages of the spiral model:
      • accumulation and reuse of software, models and prototypes;
      • focus on software development and modification during its design process;
      • analysis of risks and costs in the design process.

      The main feature of the software industry is the concentration of complexity on initial stages Life cycle (analysis, design) with relatively low complexity and labor intensity of subsequent stages. Moreover, unresolved issues and mistakes made at the analysis and design stages give rise to difficult, often insoluble problems at subsequent stages and ultimately lead to the failure of the entire project.

      Modern IS software is very diverse. IS may have functional subsystems, geographically distributed across divisions and branches of the company and having their own architecture and configuration, software and hardware, management system and personnel. Actively operating companies do not lack data. Data is everywhere - in work files personal computers, databases, videos and graphic presentations, paper and electronic documents. All information that a manager uses in daily activities and in the decision-making process can be divided into three categories: formalized, partially formalized and informal. Depending on the degree of formalization, the types of decisions are determined - structured, semi-structured and unstructured.

      The computer processes the data presented in formalized form - in the form of numbers. Data formalization is the most important component of the operation of information systems. An example of formalized data is the presentation of a company's operating results in the form of sets of numerical tables: financial reports, balance sheets, cash transactions, payments, operational reports on the completion of daily tasks, orders, invoices, etc. Actions with formalized data are easier to automate and can take place with virtually no effort. human participation. When filling out the matrices, the method of scenarios is used, based on the principle of “what if...?” by using decision support systems (Decision Support System - DSS).

      A significant part of the data, especially on upper level management, it happens informal – political news, information about partners and competitors, information from stock and currency exchanges, summary informal reports by period, business correspondence, minutes of meetings, seminars, scientific publications and reviews, hypertexts on the Internet. Such data is the most difficult to formalize, but its analysis is an obligatory component of the activities of a senior manager. In this case, the main burden in making a decision and responsibility for its results lies with the manager - his knowledge, business experience, competence and intuition play a huge role here. Computer, information expert systems (Expert System – ES) only complement these qualities.

      If the data is insufficiently structured and fragmented among a variety of platforms, operating systems, various DBMSs and applications, then a particularly important process is the concentration, according to some agreed upon rules, of this data into arrays called metadata (Metadata). Metadata management solutions provide enhanced access to structured data sets and visibility into their relationships with other information sets. The use of special repositories - repositories - can also rationalize or give meaning to this data through identification and comparison.

      Working with unformalized data causes significant difficulties. These categorized data structures are quite difficult to maintain using a repository. This is especially true content management systems (Content Management Systems - CMS), as well as documentation. Specialized repositories and search engines provide only selected solutions, and none of them covers the entire spectrum of data. However, for repository-based solutions, there is an opportunity to combine both formal and informal metadata, which can be achieved by developing appropriate interfaces to these new technologies. Such a repository will become the central channel of access to all corporate data sets, identifying the relationships between data, as well as how employees, customers and partners use it.

      Not all necessary data is present in the IS explicitly. You have to look for useful information among large quantity additional data, and this process is called data extraction (Data Mining – DM).

      Useful information can be hidden very deeply; The information system extracts plausible data, but they may not reflect its essence, and there may be a danger of obtaining Biased Estimator, when a factor that is not exactly the one that influenced the object or system under study is revealed. Information is almost always blurry. Real information in such a situation is difficult to extract, and this can lead to erroneous estimates and forecasts.

      Users can only get full value from information if the information is accurate, complete, and easy to extract knowledge from. Information from data warehouses can be combined with information from unstructured sources and then made available to different groups of users, each of which may have different expectations about how the information should be provided to them.

      Knowledge has little value unless it guides action or is intended to be used in business processes. Users need information presentation that suits their unique business processes. There are many software products offered on the market to solve a variety of general and specific problems. Among them:

      - reporting systems for formal presentation of information (for example, software product Crystal Reports from Crystal Decisions, designed for creating corporate reporting);

      - analytical systems for complex dynamic data analysis;

      - generation systems personal queries, analysis and reporting for individual users with diverse needs for the presentation and analysis of information;

      - solutions for the development of CIS applications(Enterprise Information System Applications - EISA), designed to create executive dashboards and analytical applications for data mining.

      In the very general view A leader's challenges can be boiled down to five key questions: Where are we? what do we want to achieve? how do we get there? How much time and resources will this require? how much will it cost?

      For complex systems characteristically, they have to be managed, as a rule, in conditions of incomplete information, lack of knowledge of the patterns of functioning and constant change external factors. Therefore, management and decision-making processes are iterative in nature. After making a decision and applying a control action, it is necessary to re-evaluate the state in which the system is located and decide whether we are moving correctly along the intended path. If the deviations do not satisfy us, then it is necessary to redefine the data sets, adjust the solution and “restart” the control process.

      Modern information systems, when searching for answers to posed questions, allow the analyst to formulate and solve problems of the following classes:

      - Analytical – calculation of specified indicators and statistical characteristics business activities based on retrospective information from databases.

      - Data visualization– visual graphic and tabular representation of available information.

      - Extraction (mining) of knowledge(Data Mining) – determination of relationships and interdependencies of business processes based on existing information. TO this class These include the tasks of testing statistical hypotheses, clustering, finding associations and temporal patterns. For example, by analyzing the economic and financial performance of companies that then went bankrupt, a bank can identify certain stereotypes that can be taken into account when assessing the degree of lending risk.

      - Imitation – conducting computer experiments with formalized (mathematical) models that describe the behavior of complex systems during a given or generated time interval. Problems of this class are used for analysis possible consequences making one or another management decision ("what if?..." analysis).

      - Control synthesis– used to determine acceptable control actions that ensure the achievement of a given goal. Problems of this type are used to assess the achievability of intended goals and determine the set of possible control actions leading to the desired result.

      - Optimization– based on the integration of simulation, management, optimization and statistical methods modeling and forecasting. Together with the formulation of the control synthesis problem, it is possible to select from a set of possible controls those that provide the most effective (from the point of view of a certain criterion) progress towards the goal.

      Currently, there are certain categories of IS (or corresponding modules of integrated IS) that serve each organizational level and help to successfully solve the above classes of problems with the processing of the corresponding type of data (Fig. 3).

      Modern company with an extensive business, as a rule, has:

      - management support systems (Executive Support Systems - ESS) at the strategic level;

      - management information systems (Management Information Systems - MIS) and decision support systems (Decision Support Systems - DSS) at the middle management level;

      - working knowledge systems (Knowledge Work System - KWS) and office automation systems (Office Automation Systems - OAS) at the knowledge level;

      - online transaction processing systems (Transaction Processing Systems - TPS) at the operational level.

      Online transaction processing systems(TPS) – basic systems servicing the executive (operational) level of the organization. This is a computerized system for automatically executing a large number of transactions (Transactions) that make up the standard business process of this level. Examples - commercial settlements, orders, registration of sales, filling out standard forms, payrolls, reports. At this level, goals, tasks, and resources are precisely defined, their implementation is associated with minimal risk, and the data is, as a rule, formalized. The rules are very strict and decisions are always structured. Compliance with the criteria and templates must be complete. The volumes of data processed are large, but the Data Flow and Data Structure are clearly identified and easily controlled by automated means.

      Information systems at this level are not independent - they are usually implemented in the form of applications that, according to certain rules, are integrated into the general corporate information system.