• Main stages of information modeling. Information model: description, structure, types, types of information models, development, creation, use of information model

    Practical work №14

    Completed by student of group No.___________F.I.______________________

    Topic Design of programs based on the development of algorithms for processes of various natures.

    Target: get acquainted with the concepts of models and modeling, learn how to create computer models.

    Theoretical information

    Model - Thisan artificially created object that replaces some object in the real world (simulation object) and reproduces a limited number of its properties. The concept of a model refers to fundamental general scientific concepts, and modeling is a method of understanding reality used by various sciences.

    A modeling object is a broad concept that includes objects of living or inanimate nature, processes and phenomena of reality. The model itself can be either a physical or an ideal object. The former are called full-scale models, the latter - information models. For example, a building layout is a full-scale model of a building, and a drawing of the same building is its information model, presented in graphical form (graphical model).

    In experimental scientific research full-scale models are used that allow one to study the patterns of the phenomenon or process being studied. For example, in a wind tunnel, the flight process of an aircraft is simulated by blowing an air flow over the model of the aircraft. In this case, for example, the loads on the aircraft body that will occur in a real flight are determined.

    Information models are used in theoretical studies of modeling objects. Nowadays the main tool information modeling is computer equipment and information technology.

    Computer simulation includes progress with realism information model on a computer and research using this model of a simulated object - conducting a computational experiment.

    The subject area of ​​computer science includes tools and methods of computer modeling. A computer model can only be created on the basis of a well-formalized information model. What is formalization?

    Formalization of information about some object - this its reflection in a certainform. You can also say this: formalization is the reduction of content to form. Formulas describing physical processes, is a formalization of these processes. Radio circuit electronic device- this is a formalization of the functioning of this device. Notes recorded on sheet music, is a formalization of music, etc.

    A formalized information model is a certain set of signs (symbols) that exist separately from the modeling object and can be transmitted and processed. The implementation of an information model on a computer comes down to its formalization into data formats that the computer “can” work with.

    But we can talk about the other side of formalization in relation to a computer. A program in a specific programming language is a formalized representation of the data processing process. This does not contradict the above definition of a formalized information model as a set of signs, since a machine program has a sign representation. Computer program is a model of human activity in information processing, reduced to a sequence of elementary operations that a computer processor can perform. Therefore, computer programming is a formalization of the information processing process. And the computer acts as a formal executor of the program.

    Information Modeling Stages

    Building an information model begins with system analysis modeling object (see "System analysis"). Let's imagine a rapidly growing company whose management is faced with the problem of a decrease in the efficiency of the company as it grows (which is a common situation) and decides to streamline management activities.

    The first thing that needs to be done on this path is to conduct a systematic analysis of the company’s activities. A systems analyst invited to a company must study its activities, identify participants in the management process and their business relationships, i.e. the modeling object is analyzed as a system. The results of such analysis are formalized: presented in the form of tables, graphs, formulas, equations, inequalities, etc. The totality of such descriptions is theoretical model of the system.

    Next stage formalization - the theoretical model is translated into the format of computer data and programs. For this purpose, either ready-made software is used, or programmers are hired to develop it. The end result is computer information model, which will be used for its intended purpose.

    For example with a company using computer model can be found best option management, in which the highest efficiency of the company will be achieved according to the criterion included in the model (for example, obtaining maximum profit per unit of invested funds).

    Classification of information models may be based on different principles. If we classify them according to the technology dominant in the modeling process, then we can distinguish mathematical models, graphical models, simulation models, tabular models, statistical models, etc. If we base the classification subject area, then we can distinguish models of physical systems and processes, models of ecological (biological) systems and processes, models of optimal economic planning processes, models educational activities, knowledge models, etc. Classification issues are important for science, because they allow you to form a systemic view of the problem, but their importance should not be exaggerated. Different approaches to classifying models can be equally useful. Besides, specific model can by no means always be classified into one class, even if we limit ourselves to the list above.

    Let us dwell on this classification in more detail and explain it with examples.

    By modeling the movement of a comet that has invaded the Solar System, we describe the situation (predict the comet’s flight path, the distance at which it will pass from the Earth, etc.), i.e. We set purely descriptive goals. We have no ability to influence the movement of the comet or change anything during the modeling process.

    In optimization models, we can influence processes in an attempt to achieve some goal. In this case, the model includes one or more parameters available to our influence. For example, by changing the thermal regime in a granary, we can strive to select one that will achieve maximum grain safety, i.e. we optimize the process.

    It is often necessary to optimize a process along several parameters at once, and the goals can be quite contradictory. For example, knowing food prices and a person’s need for food, organize meals large groups people (in the army, summer camp, etc.) as usefully as possible and as cheaply as possible. It is clear that these goals, generally speaking, do not coincide at all, i.e. When modeling there will be several criteria between which a balance must be sought. In this case, we talk about multicriteria models.

    Game models may relate not only to children's games (including computer games), but also to very serious things. For example, before a battle, in the presence of incomplete information about the opposing army, a commander must develop a plan in what order to introduce certain units into battle, etc., taking into account the possible reaction of the enemy. In modern mathematics there is a special section - game theory, which studies methods of decision-making under conditions of incomplete information.

    Finally, it happens that the model largely imitates the real process, i.e. imitates him. For example, when modeling the dynamics of the number of microorganisms in a colony, you can consider a set of individual objects and monitor the fate of each of them, setting certain conditions for its survival, reproduction, etc. In this case, sometimes an explicit mathematical description of the process is not used, being replaced by some verbal conditions (for example, after a certain period of time, the microorganism is divided into two parts, and during another period it dies). Another example is modeling the movement of molecules in a gas, when each molecule is represented as a ball, and the conditions for the behavior of these balls when colliding with each other and with walls are specified (for example, an absolutely elastic impact); there is no need to use any equations of motion.

    It can be said that most often simulation modeling is used in an attempt to describe the properties of a large system, provided that the behavior of its constituent objects is very simple and clearly formulated. The mathematical description is then carried out at the level of statistical processing of modeling results when finding the macroscopic characteristics of the system. Such a computer experiment actually claims to reproduce a full-scale experiment. To the question “why do this?” we can give the following answer: simulation modeling allows us to isolate “in its pure form” the consequences of the hypotheses embedded in our ideas about micro-events, clearing them of the inevitable influence of other factors in a full-scale experiment that we may not even suspect. If such modeling also includes elements mathematical description events at the micro level, and if the researcher does not set the task of finding a strategy for regulating the results (for example, controlling the size of a colony of microorganisms), then the difference between a simulation model and a descriptive one is quite conditional; it is rather a matter of terminology.

    Another approach to classifying mathematical models divides them into deterministic and stochastic (probabilistic). In deterministic models, input parameters can be measured unambiguously and with any degree of accuracy, i.e. are deterministic quantities. Accordingly, the process of evolution of such a system is determined. In stochastic models, the values ​​of the input parameters are known only with a certain degree of probability, i.e. these parameters are stochastic; Accordingly, the process of evolution of the system will be random. At the same time, the output parameters of a stochastic model can be both probabilistic and uniquely determined values.

    As humanity develops, the data we have and the possibilities for using it are structured and optimized. In this case, the information model is key. Today it is a significantly undervalued planning tool. To break this trend, it is necessary to tell the audience about its possibilities, which is what the author of this article will do.

    What is an information model? Description and structure

    This is what the object model is called. It is presented in the form of information that describes the essential specific case parameters and variables, connections between them, as well as inputs and outputs for data, which, when fed, can influence the result obtained. They cannot be seen or touched. In general, they do not have a material embodiment, since they are built on the use of information alone. This includes data that characterizes the state of the object, essential properties, processes and phenomena, as well as the connection with the external environment. This process is called describing the information model. This is the very first step of development. A full-fledged information model is usually a complex development that can have many structures, which in the article are summarized in three main types:

    1. Descriptive. This includes models that are created in natural languages. They can have any arbitrary structure that will satisfy the person composing them.
    2. Formal. This includes models that are created in formal languages ​​(scientific, professional or specialized). Examples include the following: all types of tables, formulas, graphs, maps, diagrams and other similar structural formations.
    3. Chromatic. This includes models that were created using the natural language semantics of color concepts, as well as their ontological predicates. The latter is understood as the ability to recognize the meanings of color canons and meanings. Examples of chromatic models include those that have been constructed using an appropriate theoretical framework and methodology.

    As you can see, the main component is the data, its structure and processing procedure. Developing the idea, we can add that an information model is a diagram that describes the essence of a certain object, as well as all the procedures necessary for its study. For more full description characteristics use variables. They replace the attribute of the goal that is being worked on. And here the structure of the information model is of significant importance.

    Let's give an example. The description of the broom and instructions for its use are an information model for the cleaner. But that's not all. Description and process the manufacture of a broom, as set out in the relevant documentation, is the information model and algorithm by which the manufacturer makes it. As you can see, the most important properties of the object are reflected. In reality, of course, the information model is only an approximate description. As a result, we can say that these data, with the help of which the knowledge of reality is carried out, are relatively true.

    General classification

    What information models exist? The classification is based on the definition itself:

    1. Depending on the number of variable values, they are divided into dynamic and statistical.
    2. According to the method of description, they can be iconic, natural, formalized.
    3. Depending on the design features, variables are divided into graph, graphic, ideographic, text, algorithmic, and tabular.

    Types of information models

    Both physical and ideal objects of analysis can be studied. This leads to the fact that there are no identical information models that can be approached with the same set of tools. Therefore, you have to use separate approaches and something special that will allow you to study or explore the subject area. Based on such judgments, it is customary to distinguish three types of information models:

    1. Mathematical. Thanks to them, they study phenomena and processes that are presented in the form of the most general mathematical laws or abstract objects, which are sufficient to express the laws of nature or the internal properties of the observed. Also used to confirm the rules of logical reasoning.
    2. Computer. Used to describe a set of variables that are represented abstract types data and submitted in accordance with the requirements of the EOM processing environment.
    3. Material. This is the name given to the objective reflection of an object that preserves its geometric and physical properties (globe, toys, mannequins). Chemical experiments are also classified as material models.

    Types of Information Models

    Since they are a collection of information, they often characterize the state and properties of an object, phenomenon, process and their interaction with the world around them. Depending on how they are presented and expressed, there are two types of information models:

    1. Verbal. They are created as a result of human mental activity and are represented verbally or using gestures.
    2. Iconic. To express them, drawings, diagrams, graphs, and formulas are used.

    What is needed to create them?

    Information, and as accurate as possible. The more the provided data corresponds to the real indicator, the more effectively the model is applied in practice. To develop a model, we first collect all possible information. It is eliminated and the one that provides the greatest value to the researcher remains. An analysis of the information of interest is carried out, on the basis of which it is structured. And depending on the goals, the researcher builds the necessary model from individual blocks of data. Then the search for errors and elimination of contradictions is carried out. When this step is completed, the development of the information model is also considered complete.

    Where are information models used?

    Everywhere. Only this designation is not always used in practice due to its excessive scientific nature. Instructions for computers, TVs, phones, used water bottles, car batteries- these are just some examples. The information model is also the technology for the production of combines, tractors, airplanes, trucks, trailers, and buildings. As you can see, it has applications both in everyday life and in industry. But the term “information model” itself is more used in the latter area due to the fact that more complex processes involving large quantity people.

    Creation example

    Let's try to analyze in detail what an information model is. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Let's take the keyboard as an example. You can define two directions regarding the user: description and configuration issues. Firstly, it efficiently writes in the annotation what it is good product what he can do, how convenient it is to work with him. Analyzes the advanced technologies used in its creation, environmental benefits and other similar things. The main thing is to please. But there is still no need to lie, as this will have undesirable consequences.

    Secondly, configuration issues are being worked out. You can answer them with the help of pictures on the insert, which will show where to insert the keyboard connector into the computer. A small repair kit may also be included, instructions for its use, features of the construction of the device, how it should be disassembled in case of certain problems - and a number of other questions that can only be thought through and answered by users.


    The more data, the more complex the description of the information model will be. These are two sides of the coin: you have to choose between accuracy and functionality. In order not to go too far or to avoid weak elaboration of the issue, you should outline in advance the tasks to be studied and the depth of their analysis. You should take care of all the existing points, since any problem made at this stage will only add work and expense in the future cash to resolve the conflict.

    Exploring aspects of information modeling

    From a scientific point of view, cybernetics deals with this issue. Therefore, if you have a desire to deepen your knowledge in this area, stock up on several recently published books and study them carefully. Although you can find out in a different way what the simplest information models are. Computer science can provide the necessary basis, but to obtain the full scope of knowledge, cybernetics is needed. Within its framework, it will be possible to become familiar not only with detailed modeling principles, but also learn about existing developments, as well as the possibilities of their application.


    The information model is an important and useful tool, if used correctly. When creating complex systems(For example, software) it allows you to work out basic technical issues and eliminate possible inconsistencies. Within the framework of the article, knowledge was posted about what information models exist, how they are created, and other useful information, which will be useful in practice.

    At this stage, the properties, states, actions and other characteristics of elementary objects are clarified in any form: verbally, in the form of diagrams, tables. An idea is formed about the elementary objects that make up the original object, i.e., an information model.

    Models must reflect the most essential features, properties, states and relationships of objects in the objective world. They are the ones who give full information about the object. It can be versatile and very extensive.

    There doesn't have to be a lot of information. It is important that it be “on the merits,” that is, consistent with the purpose for which it is used.

    To study an object, a person collects information about it. Depending on the purpose for which it is being studied, what means and knowledge the person has, information of varying volumes will be obtained. The same object can be viewed with different points vision and, accordingly, describe it differently. Some properties of an object can be written in the form of formulas connecting various parameters. For example, the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions or the laws of light refraction, etc. To describe objects, their properties and relationships, you can use various diagrams, drawings, sign systems, and numerical characteristics. And although information cannot replace a real object, each such description will characterize it with varying degrees of accuracy.

    In the information model, the parameters of the object and its components are presented in numerical, text or other form, and actions during the study are presented in the form of information processing processes.

    Information models play a very important role in a person's life.

    The knowledge you receive at the institute takes the form of an information model intended for the purposes of studying objects and phenomena.

    An information model never fully characterizes an object, and it should not do so. For the same object, you can build different information models.

    Let us choose an object such as “person” for modeling. A person can be viewed from different points of view: as an individual and as a person in general.

    If you keep in mind specific person, then you can build models that are presented in table. 2.1-2.3.

    Table 2.1. Cadet information model

    Table 2.2. Information model of a medical visitor. office

    Table 2.3. Information model of an enterprise employee

    If we consider a person as a biological species, then it is possible to build information models that describe the structure or functioning of various body systems, for example, the nervous system or the circulatory system.

    Let's consider other examples of different information models for the same object.

    Numerous witnesses to the crime provided a variety of information about the alleged attacker - these are their information models. The police representative should select from the stream of information the most significant ones that will help find the criminal and detain him. A representative of the law may have more than one information model of a bandit. The success of the business depends on how correctly the essential features are chosen and the secondary ones are discarded.

    Selecting the most essential information when creationinformation model and its complexity are determined by the purpose of the modeling.

    Building an information model is the starting point of the model development stage.

    All input parameters of objects identified during the analysis are arranged in descending order of importance and the model is simplified in accordance with the purpose of the modeling. In this case, factors that are not significant from the point of view of the one who defines the model are discarded. If we discard the most significant factors, then the model will turn out to be incorrect.

    Depending on the number of determining factors, several models can be built. Many studies use the technique of creating models for one object, starting with the simplest ones - with minimum set defining parameters. Further, the models become more complex, i.e., those parameters are introduced that were previously discarded.

    Sometimes the task can initially be formulated in a simplified form. It clearly sets goals and defines model parameters that must be taken into account.

    All elementary objects identified during the analysis must be shown in interrelation. The information model displays only undeniable connections and obvious actions. Such a model provides a primary idea that determines the further course of modeling.

    Iconic model

    An information model, as a rule, is presented in one or another symbolic form, which can be either computer or non-computer. Before taking up computer modeling, a person makes preliminary sketches of drawings or diagrams on paper and derives calculation formulas. The process of creativity and research always involves painful searching and baskets of discarded drafts. And only for simple tasks that are familiar in content, non-computer symbolic models are not needed. Today, when the computer has become the main research tool, many people prefer to make preliminary sketches and immediately write down formulas on it.

    Computer model

    Now that the information sign model has been formed, you can begin the actual computer modeling - creating a computer model. The question immediately arises about the means that are necessary for this, i.e. instruments modeling .

    There are countless software packages that allow you to conduct research (modeling) of information models. Each software environment has its own tools and allows you to work with certain types of information objects. Therefore, the researcher faces the difficult question of choosing the most convenient and effective environment for solving the problem.

    Some software environments are used by people as an effective auxiliary tool for realizing their own ideas. In other words, the person already knows what the model will be and uses the computer to give it a symbolic form. For example, graphical environments are used to build geometric models and diagrams, and a text editor environment is used for verbal or tabular descriptions.

    Other software environments are used as a means of processing initial information and obtaining and analyzing results. Here the computer acts as an intelligent assistant. This is how large amounts of information are processed in a database environment or calculations are carried out in spreadsheets.

    In the process of developing a computer model, the initial information symbol model will undergo some changes in the form of representation, since it must be oriented towards a specific software environment and tools.

    For example, if you are exploring a geometric model consisting of elementary graphic objects, a graphic editor environment is convenient for modeling. However, to develop geometric models, in some cases you may need a programming environment with graphical tools.

    For verbal models, word processors with wide possibilities for designing the output document are used - formula editor, built-in business graphics, table elements.

    There are various programs that allow you to include flowcharts of algorithms, electronic circuits, diagrams, etc. in the description.

    Information models, which display not only information about objects, but also indicate their relationships, are implemented in database management systems.

    If you are exploring a mathematical model, then neither a graphic editor environment, nor a database environment, nor a word processor environment is suitable for you. An effective means of studying mathematical models is a programming environment, where a computer model is presented in the form of a program. Another powerful tool for exploring such patterns is the spreadsheet environment. Here the initial information sign model is presented in the form of a table that links elementary objects according to the rules for constructing connections in this environment.

    A computer model is a model implemented using a software environment.

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when modeling on a computer, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the classes of software, their purpose, tools and technological methods of work.

    The main stages of building models. Formalization of modeling.

    P/r 6. Modeling and formalization.


    Educational: know the main stages of building models;

    form the concept of “formalization”; be able to

    create a model in accordance with the supplied

    Developmental: development of cognitive interests, computer skills, self-control;

    Educational: education of information culture, attentiveness, accuracy

    Lesson Plan

    Organizational moment Updating knowledge Studying new material Reflection Practical work Result

    1. Greeting. Introduction to the topic and lesson plan. Announcement of grades for s/r (last lesson)

    2. testing (2 students)

    checking homework

    Front work

    1. What is a simplified likeness of a real object called?

    2. What do you mean by a material model of an object?

    3. Give an example of material and information models of the globe.

    4. Can the same object have different information models?

    5. What properties of real objects are reproduced by product models in a store window?

    6. name the forms of representation of models

    7. What is an information model?

    3. Today we continue to get acquainted with one of the most important topics in computer science - modeling.

    How to use algebraic formula language to build models?

    How to correctly build a model of any object, process or phenomenon?

    What is a computer experiment?

    And we will begin by getting acquainted with the form in which information models represent objects.



    (visual images recorded on some storage medium)

    Photos, videos, etc


    (models are described using different languages)

    Text, formula, table, etc.

    Natural and formal languages ​​are used to represent information models.

    One of the most common formal languages ​​is the algebraic language of formulas in mathematics, which allows you to describe functional dependencies between quantities. Models built using mathematical formulas and concepts are called mathematical. Mathematical model, as a rule, follows the descriptive one. IN computer modeling The formula editor is used to design formulas. In MS WORD application it is MicrosoftEquation

    The process of constructing information models using formal languages ​​is called formalization

    Formalization is one of the most important stages of modeling.

    A task is a problem that needs to be solved.

    The problem is framed in ordinary language. The main thing is to define the modeling object and present the result

    Purpose of modeling shows why it is necessary to create a model. Primitive people studied the world around them for the purpose of knowledge. Having accumulated enough knowledge, humanity put the next word. The goal is to create objects with given properties (ideas for creating various mechanisms). And finally, the person began to think about what consequences certain impacts on the object would have and how to make the right decision. For example, how to establish management at a school so that teachers and students feel comfortable within its walls?

    Analysis of an object implies a clear identification of the modeled object and its properties. This process is called system analysis

    (description of system elements and indication of their relationships.)

    For example, syst. aircraft system analysis:

    System elements: body, tail, wings, etc.;

    Properties of components: shape, size,…

    All components are connected in a strictly defined way.

    Stage 2 - model development. One of the main activities - collecting information - depends on the purpose of the modeling. For example, the object “plant” from the point of view of a biologist, physician and student:

    a biologist will compare the plant with others, study the root system, etc.; a physician will study chemistry. compound;

    the student will sketch the external view,

    The choice of information depends on the purpose. Construction of information models are the starting point for model development. When you have collected the required data, identified all the connections between the components of the system, information can be presented. model in iconic form. The iconic form can be computer or non-computer. When building a computer model, it is necessary. choose the right software environment.

    Stage 3 - computer experiment. After the model has been created, it is necessary to determine its performance. For this you need. conduct a computer experiment. Before the advent of PCs, experiments were carried out either in laboratories or on a real sample of the product. Large expenditure of money and time. Often the samples were destroyed - what if it was an airplane? With development computer technologynew method research_ computer experiment. It is based on model testing.

    Testing is the process of checking the correctness of the construction and functioning of models.

    Stage 4 – decision making. Either you end the study or you continue. Basis for decision making - test results

    4 . Name the forms of representation of information models

    What languages ​​does mathematical language belong to?

    What is the process of building information models using formal languages ​​called?

    List the stages of creating a model

    5 . Practical work

    Build a formalized information model for solving a quadratic equation. When executing, use the formula editor MicrosoftEquation

    6. Evaluate the work of the class and name the students who excelled in the lesson.


    2. What is a model? In what cases is modeling used? A model is a new object that reflects the essential features of the subject, process or phenomenon being studied from the point of view of the purpose of modeling.

    Simulation is used in cases where the object is too large or too small, the process is very fast or very slow, the study of the object can be dangerous for others, and so on.

    3. Confirm with examples the validity of the following statements:
    a) one object can correspond to several models;
    b) one model can correspond to several objects.

    a - Object: Car, models: parking space, drawing, road sign, radio-controlled car.
    b - Model: Diagram, objects: metro diagram, building diagram, radio diagrams

    4. Give examples of full-scale and information models.

    Life models: toy, mannequin, photograph, etc.
    Information models: table, graph, formula, etc.

    5. In the given list of models, indicate those that can be used for:

    a - layout of the residential area; photographs of the movement of air masses.
    b - photographs of the movement of air masses; flight model of a new aircraft design in a wind tunnel; diagram of the structure of human internal organs.
    c - photographs of the movement of air masses; flight model of a new aircraft design in a wind tunnel; diagram of the structure of human internal organs.
    d - photographs of the movement of air masses; train schedule; flight model of a new aircraft design in a wind tunnel.
    d - train schedule.

    6. Give an example of an information model

    a - guy, height 173 cm, brown eyes, brunette.
    b - a tall guy, fair-haired, athletic, agile, fast.
    c - kind, fluffy, meows constantly.
    g - 3rd floor, spacious 3-room apartment.
    d - hard cover
    e - CD-R disc with a capacity of 700 MB, recorded rock music.
    g - Russian city, multinational, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

    7. Describe the stages of building an information model. What is the essence of the formalization stage?

    The construction of an information model begins with an analysis of the problem conditions. After the analysis, the object and purpose of the modeling are determined. Afterwards, the essential features of the model are highlighted and finally formalized.
    Formalization is the replacement of a real object with its formal description, that is, its information model.

    8. List the types of information models depending on the form of presentation of information about the modeling object. Give examples of information models of each type.

    Scheme - metro map, road map, etc.
    Table - cool magazine, price list of products, etc.
    Hierarchical model - classification of animal species, arrangement of books in the library, etc.