• Why do I like Facebook? Find out what Facebook knows about you Sharing your page on a private profile

    Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
    that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
    Join us on Facebook And VKontakte

    Today, almost every person has their own Facebook profile, but not everyone knows the capabilities of this social network.

    website I decided to teach you some of the intricacies of Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild.

    1. Read hidden messages

    Few people know that Facebook has two mailboxes. One of them is for messages from people who are not your Facebook friends. If you didn't know about the second mailbox, then you most likely missed invitations to various events from friends of your friends or proposals for a meeting from former work colleagues. To read these messages, you need to click on the “Messages” icon, then click on the “Correspondence Requests” button and execute the “View filtered requests” command.

    2. Check where you came from to your page

    If you doubt that you have left your page on your friend's computer, you can click the small downward arrow in the upper right corner of your screen and select “Settings.” Click on the "Security" button from the list of commands that appears on the left, and then select "Where you are signed in from" - this way you can track all browsers on which you are logged into your account at any time. To leave your page on any browser, simply click “End Action”.

    3. Be sure that no one will hack you

    If you have doubts about Facebook’s security system, you can use the “Login Confirmation” button in the same “Security Settings” section. Thus, the security system will require you to enter a password when logging into your account from an unknown device. If you access your page from a device you have never used, you will be required to use a password that will be sent to your phone.

    4. Assign someone responsible for your profile

    I wonder what happens to our social media profile when we no longer use it? On Facebook, you also have the opportunity to select the person who will be responsible for your page in the event of your death by clicking on the “Trusted Contacts” button in the same “Security Settings”. A trusted contact will not be able to post news or correspond on your behalf. His powers include changing his profile photo and responding to friend requests.

    5. Allow yourself to be nostalgic

    Sometimes we want to look again at our old ridiculous photos and old correspondence with our best friend. To do this, you don’t have to spend hours scrolling the mouse wheel, but you can simply click on the three dots icon in your friend’s profile and execute the “View Friendship” command.

    6. Remember your Facebook past

    On Facebook, you have the ability to view everything you've ever liked, commented on, or posted. Simply click on the upside-down arrow in the top right corner of your page and select “Activity Log.”

    7. Walk in someone else's shoes

    If you want to know what your profile looks like to people who aren't your friends, click on the three dots to the right of "View Activity Log" and select "View As..." This will give you a great opportunity to see your profile through the eyes of strangers you people.

    8. Communicate face to face

    Facebook allows you not only to correspond, but also to communicate using the camera. To do this, just click the small camera icon at the top (blue) part of the message window. If your friend has a camera, you will be able to see and hear each other.

    9. Choose the posts you want to see

    Refined sarcasm and frank, burning hatred of the media crowd. A herd of bots with whom real people and politicians argue. A public showdown between two famous businessmen, bringing back the 90s to us. Gastronomy, in which an unfortunate chicken burger or a spoonful of sugar awakens the basest instincts in commentators, and the instigators of all this probably feel like the Babylonians of the Tatars.

    Well, we love this business, what can you say. It’s nice to wander among cynicism, enjoy other people’s wit, watch how someone – apparently new to the art of shitting – clumsily fends off attacks and writes huge comments, trying to sincerely convey their position. In general, you should always keep a sticker of a cat with popcorn on hand. As soon as you see glimpses of a fresh, just beginning shit, you can immediately throw this sticker and get ready for true pleasure.

    Monitor ex's pages

    Another guilty pleasure, which not everyone admits to, but to which most of us are definitely susceptible. Of course, there is little practical sense in such monitoring. You just go to the page and see if he/she has someone else, what she/he looks like, and compare with yourself. Or you’re trying to figure out who your ex/ex could potentially have something with. Or you open photos and start talking to the screen - depending on how you broke up, either with tenderness and warmth, or you send another batch of eternal curses. There are those best of us who have maintained normal relationships with their exes (and have not even unfriended each other), but there are only a few of them. Basically, we engage in useless stalking of pages, needlessly stir up the past (we can’t let it go) and sometimes write messages (not always in a sober state of mind), for which we are then ashamed.

    Check in at funny events

    Conference on garlic harvesting. Festival of potato pancakes. A practical master class on how to bring a girl to a squirting orgasm. Lecture “Why am I still not married?” Seminar on equine dentistry. Somewhere out there, in the depths of Facebook, among invitations to parties, concerts, new bar openings and cocktail tastings, there are events that take us out of our usual environment.

    Send suggestive likes

    Rate the page. You explore the tab with mutual friends. You look at the photographs. Finally you decide - you need to add him as a friend. But what to do when your ideal plan has already worked and your application has been accepted? Writing “hello” to the first person is very scary. And in general, I don’t want to immediately invade the battlefield so directly. I would like to somehow subtly hint, communicate my sympathy, but not act too straightforwardly and in the forehead. This is why “likes and hints” were invented.

    This is when you like several photos at once, not necessarily in a row, but selectively. Or you diligently scroll through the page and like posts from a month ago. In a word, a little deep scrolling, agility of likes and no fraud. A person will immediately understand that you sympathize with him, but you are not yet ready for something specific. It’s another matter if this person is just as indecisive and sends you hinting likes in response. This can take a long time - and the situation when you just silently like each other for several months becomes quite strange.

    Find out about a new crisis or victory

    Not all of us are subject to voluntary masochism like monitoring the main page of Ukrainian Truth. In the end, some people simply don’t have enough time for this. But at the same time, each of us in our news feed has a person (and even more than one) with a fiery heart who will carefully notify everyone about the latest news/victories. It is he who somehow manages to monitor hours-long direct lines with politicians during working hours and pull out phrases without context or take numerous screenshots of news. In general, even if you try hard to make your feed apolitical, sooner or later some kind of politics will seep into it, rest assured. This simply cannot be avoided - you need to come to terms with it, that’s all.

    Repost smart articles

    Facebook is the perfect platform for building an image for yourself without putting in almost any real effort. And the easiest way to pass for an intellectual and a “rumor” is to post on your page all sorts of smart articles about GMOs and virtual reality, online lecture courses on art history, and so on.

    It’s not necessary to watch/read all of this, but others will definitely check it out and remember that in addition to cats and politics, such goodness will appear in their feed. And if they start asking about some article, feel free to blame the fact that you haven’t gotten to it yet: there is so much to do, so much to do...

    Watch videos with animals

    Everyone does this, even if they don’t want to admit it and joke about “cats on Facebook” in every possible way. Pandas clinging to a leg or climbing into a basket of leaves. Funny dogs that look guiltily at their owner and try to pretend that they weren’t the ones who chewed the slippers. Sleepy koalas. The animal world helps us take a break from the monotonous office routine and imagine that there is some kind of life outside of work, the same Facebook and reserved tables in restaurants.

    Discuss TV series

    Sit in the bubble of your interests

    We are always scared by the next alarmist article that Google is watching us, remembering all our logs, search history, and so on. At first we are amused when we look for rubber boots in the morning, in the evening they are advertised to us directly in the mail, and then it becomes not very funny when this story is repeated with enviable regularity. But this happens at a time when the “suspicious citizen” awakens in us with distrust of large corporations and two seasons of the TV series “Mr. Robot” behind us.

    The rest of the time, we are amused by recommendations on YouTube (for some reason they are always strange and funny), and the Facebook algorithm is also happy: it shows us exactly what we react to most. That is, articles about how to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks, videos with animals, another portion of health challenges, amateur reviews of new films, selfies and travel photographs. And no matter what anyone says, it’s very cozy and pleasant to be in your personal filter based on interests. To put it mildly, it’s not useful, but life in general is a pain, what can you do. Isn't that right?

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    Facebook's Company (Business) Page is a great marketing tool for businesses, individuals, and organizations that can help you connect with your target audience. Although your post will reach a small percentage of those people who like the company page, it is still important to increase the number of likes on the page.

    To recap, Facebook is the largest social media network in the world, with a large number of users, it's likely that yours is there. The target audience is your potential customers and interested parties who may purchase your products and services. With a Facebook business page, you can post articles, news, information, advertising, marketing messages, and more.

    Facebook business pages have more purposes such as adding contact information, contacts, etc. But what's more important is to let them know that you have a business page so they can join it. You can also read our article: . It's important to remember that if you don't already have a Facebook business page, you should first. And then you can start adding your target audience.

    It is important to note that there is no need to invite people or friends who are not your target audience for the reason that number of likes does not help you at all. Anyone who likes something should be interested in your product, not just people, friends and family. Anyway, here are 25 ways to maximize your favorite pages:

    1. Add a page to your personal profile

    Quite often we have noticed that there are some business owners who have a business page on Facebook, but they do not link their own profile to the official business page, but to the page created by Facebook. Even worse, you don't link your business page to your personal profile. Currently, if you set your job to "public", your job location will also appear on your profile under your profile photo. This is a great place to show others so they can log in to join.

    In your personal profile "About" tab in the "Work and Education" section, you can indicate that you are currently working in your company and when you start writing the name of your company, your business page will appear, select it and save.

    2. Inviting friends to like the page

    On the sidebar of your business page, you will see the option to invite your friends as your business page. Once you click the link, you can invite your friends to your site. When you click, your friends will receive a notification that you are inviting them to like your page, after they click on the notification, they will come to your page and can click “Like”.

    If you invite your friends to like your page, not everyone will like it and you won't be able to invite them again to like the page. On some pages you can recommend a business page to your friends, just below the invitation to like the page. This is a great tool for informing your friends who still don't like you.

    When you click the link, you will see a panel where you can send invitations to your friends as a message. You can enter their name, add a message, and you will have the option to send them via message and via notification.

    4. Ask your friends to invite their friends and other contacts.

    Another great way is to ask your friends to invite their friends or their contacts, and this is really the same as the 2nd method here. They will also have the option to invite their contacts. Ask members to invite people who might be interested in your products and services so you can increase the number of likes.

    As method number 3, your friends can also recommend your page to members and their contacts. Just explain to them how to do it and ask them to help you. We are sure that with a pleasant and detailed request, they will help you.

    6. Contact managers of other pages

    Contacting other page managers is a viable option in the business and marketing worlds. It is important to remember that your target audience is similar to the target audience of the business manager of the page you are reaching out to. For example: If you have a flower shop for women in any particular city, you can contact the business page managers of businesses like gifts for women, women's jewelry, women's clothing, etc., all when your and their target audience is similar.

    7. Create Great and Unique Content

    Business pages are usually public, and their default settings are also public. So everyone can see your posts, even if they don't like the page. When they see interesting content they join and choose their favorite so they can see your future posts.

    Similar Page Recommendations are an opportunity for Facebook to appear on other Pages. On each business page, the sidebar displays more pages that people liked. The condition is that if you want to appear on other business pages, you must approve other business pages that appear on your page.

    To confirm or cancel this, you must open the page for your business, go into business page settings, under the General tab under the heading "recommendations of similar pages" you can now select "V" if you are interested in it or not.

    9. Inviting interested parties to publish

    Did someone interested (not like the page yet) like one of your posts? Great! You can invite them to like your business pages. Just click on their name, the open panel will show you the option to invite those who still didn't like it.

    10. Sharing your page on a private profile

    11. Request through your fans

    Use your fans to attract more fans. It’s enough just to publish an interesting post and ask him to invite and recommend your page to his friends. This is a great opportunity to make them from fans to ambassadors.

    12. Tagging people in messages

    We don't like it, but it's also possible. When you post a status, photo or video, you can tag people and friends. Tagged posts typically appear on their personal profile, depending on their privacy settings. This will help attract more fans to your page. Taking precautions, many people don't like it when someone tags them and this creates a very bad situation.

    13. Facebook Live Broadcast

    If you post or post to or Facebook live survey, you can appear on the Facebook live map, which will help you get more information and thus enter the business page and like it.

    14. Applying employees to add to your personal profile

    Are your company's employees on Facebook? It's time to announce that they are working for your business. This can help your page appear more, exposure will increase, and anyone who clicks on the task will come to your business page.

    15. Adding a signature to your email

    Add a link to your Facebook page using your email signature. Every time you or one of your employees send mail to clients, suppliers, or other users, they will be able to see, click, and join your business page. Be sure to include a prominent link or image so the Facebook link can be noticed.

    16. Add to your website

    Your website itself is a marketing channel, invite your visitors to your website to like your Facebook page. You can do this through a link or , through which you can directly like the page of your site without the need to log into the Facebook site.

    17. Posting in groups

    Posting in groups becomes like a billboard without any value. Users post messages there and ignore the fact that no one is interested in reading or viewing them. But if you post correctly and in the right places, you will get likes from group members on your business page.

    18. Posting on other business pages

    When you manage or edit a business page. You can post through your name or your business page name on posts from other business pages. You can comment on posts on pages and build your brand image. It is recommended to build trust and good relationships with other brands.

    19. Add to other social networks

    If you manage a lot of business pages on other social media networks, add a link to your Facebook page there. Ask your fans to join your page. These places could be: Instagram, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and others.

    20. Add to office documentation

    Do you send letters, invoices, faxes or other documents to clients, employees or other institutions? In addition to the logo and phone number, take all your documents to post on your other networks, especially the Facebook business page.

    21. Add to business card

    Business card is a great tool for your sales agents or other executives to add the Facebook logo on business cards and those who receive the card will be able to join your page.

    22. Note for a phone call or chat on the website

    Every conversation you have with new clients or interested ones, even if you haven't closed the deal yet, at the end of the conversation ask them to join your business page. So they can enjoy news and information and you will earn new followers.

    23. Online documents

    Documents such as Word document, PowerPoint presentation, PDF, Excel, infographic, etc. are great publishing tools and asking to join your business booth. These documents are intended to help your target audience gain information, but you can use it to your advantage.

    24. Discounts or benefits

    Promotions are a great way to get new subscribers. Of course, Facebook doesn't agree to a deal it likes as a condition for entering a competition or benefit. It is also important to know whether this is legal. If you are allowed, you can do it and get more likes. Although it will cost you financial investment, but you will gain from it.

    25. Advertising on Facebook

    Another way to advertise your business page on Facebook. Today, you can create several different campaigns to get more likes. One campaign is a campaign where businesses like the page. Another campaign is to promote the post message and encourage and try to make money from it too. In addition, there are other campaigns.

    What is the difference between “Subscribe” (Follow) and “Like”?

    It's important to note that Facebook recently allows you to choose to "Follow" your page in addition to "Like". Once your target audience clicks the "Like" button on your page, they automatically become even followers, unless they choose not to follow. Conversely, if your target audience clicks on the “Follow” button, they simply follow you.

    This change has several reasons. When the main reason:

    • Like— people who click “like” are fans of you or your brand, and they automatically follow you and your posts. Your fans can be your customers, suppliers, or others who are fans of you. Additionally, for those who like your page, your page will appear on their personal profile in the Likes section. Unless your privacy settings have been changed and not everyone can see the pages they like.
    • Subscribe— those who clicked on the “subscribe” link are interested in seeing your publications. They are not fans of you or your brand, but only want to read your posts. Your page will not appear on your target audience's personal profile.

    How to find out who is following you and who you like?

    First of all, when you receive a “like” or “follow”, you are notified directly about the management of your business page. But if you're interested in knowing who likes or follows you, including their names, it doesn't matter if it's a private profile or a business page (yes, even a business page can be liked by another page and it will appear on your page) .

    To see it you must go to setting page >> tab " People and other pages", where you can see all the people who like, all who follow, all the pages liked, and people and pages blocked. If you want to give someone a role, highlight it in V, click on the gear and define the role. This way you can also remove someone from users or even block them.

    Why do the numbers of followers and favorites not match and how to calculate them?

    As we said, not everyone likes your page but only “follows” and therefore you will have one follower and zero likes. On the other hand, once someone is liked, he automatically becomes a follower too, then you will have one fan and one follower, but if he unfollows, then there will be a decrease of one follower.

    • Number of likes on business page= everyone who liked your page.
    • Number of subscribe to business page= everyone who liked your page -minus- those who stopped following you +Plus+ everyone who decided to just follow you.

    That's it... These are the ways to get more fans and followers to meet your business on Facebook. Now you can add a comment to this article, a note, or even a question. But if you want to know more about our services, you can write about our solutions in this area: and.

    Data from at least 87 million Facebook users to influence the 2016 election and the Brexit vote.

    These stories have one thing in common: data. Almost everything we do on the Internet leaves a trail of data, which is then collected and analyzed on servers around the world.

    This may sound abstract to many of us. But is this true?

    Recently I tried to figure out how much information about me is stored on the Internet. It ended with confusion, panic and rage, and then a strong desire to cleanse - to do a data detox.

    Every year, I clean out my phone and laptop, delete all saved data, and manually reinstall apps and software rather than restoring them from a backup. I thought that this was not a problem, that I had everything covered. I focused on the platforms I use most—Google and Facebook—and my favorite app, Evernote. I was amazed at what I learned. I didn't have everything figured out.

    I've been using the Internet since the mid-90s. I worked in the digital media and advertising business. I understand that our data is collected to improve products. However, when I saw the “surveillance economy” with my own eyes, I was horrified.


    I wasn't surprised that Alphabet knew more about me than anyone else. But to get a better idea of ​​how this all works, I've compiled a list of all the Alphabet-powered services I use: Google Docs, YouTube, Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Photos, Contacts, Translator, Chrome, Maps, Wallet, and , of course, the Google search engine.

    I then compiled a list of all the types of information these services collect. These included my creative dreams (Google Docs with ideas for future books), my embarrassing questions (how to tie a tie video on YouTube), my fears (Google searches for “cancer symptoms”), personal and professional correspondence (Gmail), pastimes (Google Calendar), photos (Google Photos) and geolocations (Google Maps).

    Facebook has long supported such data collection, sometimes under the guise of empowering users. “We give you the opportunity to be part of our mission: to make the world more connected and open,” that’s what Zuckerberg used to say.

    In response to massive global pressure, Facebook has finally begun to care about the privacy of users on the platform. She announced her intention to develop a “Clear History” feature and began checking applications that have access to our data. However, this is pointless. These apps wouldn't have our data if it weren't for Facebook. The company has never admitted its role in creating this problem.


    After carefully analyzing Google and Facebook, I started looking at the apps I installed on my iPhone. I chose one—Evernote—since I use it every day—and decided to read its terms of service.

    Evernote always struck me as a convenient app whose business model didn't depend on selling my information to marketers. Evernote even has “Three Laws of Data Protection”: your information belongs only to you; your data is protected; your data is portable.

    Feeling optimistic, I started with the article “Using Data”. It looked quite short, but it had a lot of links. So I went to “Information about cookies”, “Disclosure Report”, and then to “Terms of Service”. I spent a long time traveling through the vastness of Evernote. I subsequently opened the Business Terms, Evernote Business Agreement, IP Compliance Program, User Guide, and Law Enforcement Information links.

    All terms total 29,000 words and will take you 109 minutes to read.

    I found out that Evernote uses encryption to transfer my data, which is great. I also noticed that Evernote collects my data mainly to make the app easier to use. That is, it has access to the camera and library, so I can add photos to my notes. Likewise, the app has access to my contacts, making it easy to enter email addresses if I want to send a note to someone else. This is convenient, but I can easily enter the entire email address myself, so I disabled these functions.

    I was wondering under what conditions Evernote employees could access my notes. If I stop logging into the app, what happens to my files? If I leave this planet? If I voluntarily stop using the product, I must manually delete all files before deleting my account. Also, it turns out I need to put someone in charge of my notes if I want them to be deleted after I die.

    It took me three hours to read the terms of service for my favorite app. Now I understand why Facebook thought I was interested in law schools. I have 313 apps installed on my phone. If they're all like Evernote, I'd have to spend about 940 hours reading their terms of service—enough hours to get my JD ten times over.

    All this is important because our data is used not only for targeted advertising. They are already used to determine job opportunities, loan rates and prison sentence standards. For a deeper understanding, read Katie O'Neill's book Weapons of Math Destruction or Dr. Safiya Noble's concept of "algorithms of oppression."

    This is also important because artificial intelligence, machine learning, speech and facial recognition will be based on even more of our data. We are the raw material for the next stage in computer science.

    Of course, this is not to say that any data collection is bad. In many cases, our information is used to improve services. Through data collection, Evernote knows it's me when I log into the app from different devices, and GateGuru remembers that I like Shake Shack. Through data analytics, Twitter suggests interesting tweets that I might have missed, and Facebook reminds me of my friends' birthdays.

    At the same time, these apps share my contacts, location history, religious beliefs, and thousands of other bits of information with third parties, claiming that I gave my consent.

    What should we do? We have a choice. We must understand what we are giving up. “Data” is not some thing we don’t understand, and “technology” is not a magical gift available only to wise and educated developers in Silicon Valley. We've seen the consequences of what happens when data falls into the wrong hands, so let's do something about it.

    Data detox is very important. Think of it like spring cleaning your apartment every year or showering every day. I advise everyone to take the following steps:

    1. Optimize your settings on the most important technology platforms. Start with the ones that sell targeted advertising (Google, Facebook, Instagram) and then move on to the rest. Each company has a settings page. First, look at the article, and then click, read, edit, swear.
    2. Secure your network connections with a virtual private network and encrypt your browsing activity with , so your ISP can't track your browsing activity. You can start with .
    3. Read some terms of service. Yes, this may take you several hours, and you will come across words you don’t understand, but do it anyway. This tool will help you get started.
    4. Use apps that don't use your data as hard. Those that are recommended.
    5. Do a data detox. I found this one, which was developed by the Tactical Technology Collective in partnership with Mozilla.

    We are still in the early stages of the network era, and we may be fighting for a different future.

    This year marks the anniversary of the world's largest social network Facebook. 10 years ago, Mark Zuckerberg implemented the most ambitious project in the history of the Internet, which overnight changed the way people interact online. I won’t write a huge culturological article about this, but I’ll just share my own vision of the further development of the project and tell you why I’ve been “sitting” there for 5 years.

    Facebook, with all its structural complexity, has always been a trend-setting social network in the IT industry. Over the past 2 years, the social network has changed significantly and began to resemble not just a portal for communication and news exchange, but a social hub. And this is the key difference from many similar Internet projects. “Chronicle” made it possible to display in the profile actions performed on third-party resources.

    What does it mean? For example, after watching a movie, I give it a rating on Rotten Tomatoes. And instantly information about this appears on my Facebook page. It’s the same with music; listening to a certain album on Yandex.Music is immediately reflected in my profile. I can hide this information from my friends using advanced privacy settings, but the end result is a convenient catalog of what I watched, listened to, and read. This is very cool. Unlike other social networks, the content posted on the profile is more reminiscent of a life feed, no matter how pretentious it may sound.

    Among the additional advantages. I really like how convenient the privacy settings and the “circles” system are implemented. If I don’t want a certain person to see a particular post or photo, I simply block access for him. The material will not be displayed in his news feed.

    You can unsubscribe from intrusive pages and groups in one click. Considering the preferences of the audience, there are no endless posts about cats here. Facebook looks modern: concise and functional, although it may seem redundant for a person who has spent his entire life on Twitter or VKontakte. And finally, there is a very advanced section for developers and many API guides.

    About the future.

    Facebook is changing following the growing mobile device market and already now resembles a set of applications operating within one ecosystem, which will only expand:

    Instagram– a mobile photography service that is very popular all over the world.
    Facebook Messenger– allows you to communicate with friends without going to the site.
    Paper– a magazine application for reading current news and friends’ posts from your feed. In some ways it resembles the popular Flipboard.

    Zuckerberg’s company strives to create a product designed for any audience, and something tells me that the first decade is just the beginning of something more global than the systematic development of a social network.