• How to remove safe mode on a Huawei phone. Disable Safe Mode on Lenovo devices

    Due to the fact that everything more phones and tablets on Android platform started to completely unexpectedly switch to safe mode, many users are interested in how to disable safe mode.

    In general, this very mode is needed in order to stop applications that are not working correctly.

    But in some cases it turns on on its own, and turning it off is quite difficult. In addition, on the Internet you can find many ways that supposedly allow you to do this, but in practice everything turns out to be quite the opposite.

    Therefore, we have selected five methods that actually work and disable safe mode on devices with Android OS.

    1. Method No. 1. Reboot

    In general, the device goes into safe mode due to malfunction any application, but rebooting often stops it from working and automatically wakes the phone from this mode.

    There are several ways to do this.

    You should not use them at the same time, because only one of them will work on your device.

    This is what we are talking about:

    • If in the menu that opens after swiping up there is an item “Turn off power” or something similar, click on it. After this, the device will be turned off.

    • Hold down the keypad lock button and select “Shutdown” from the options.

    After the phone is turned off, you should remove the battery from it and wait at least 30 seconds, then repeat all operations in the reverse order, that is, insert the battery and turn on the phone.

    As for the above-mentioned 30 seconds, during this time the capacitors are completely discharged and the device begins to work as if anew, from scratch.

    Some write that it is better to wait about a minute. In any case, 30 seconds is the minimum time, but you shouldn’t wait more than 5 minutes - there’s no point in that.

    Note: If the design of the phone does not allow you to remove the battery, just wait a while after turning it off.

    2. Method number 2. Alternative

    This method does not work on all devices, so if it doesn’t work in your case, don’t despair, move on to the third.

    And it consists of pressing and holding the power button and the button that turns the device volume down at the same time.

    Below is an example of the location of these buttons on the phone Samsung Galaxy J7. Here on the right is the power button and on the left is the volume down button.

    Important: This method should only be used in cases where the volume button is intact and undamaged. Otherwise, this combination will cause a cyclic (constant) reboot.

    3. Method No. 3. Uninstalling apps

    So, the phone can go into safe mode due to some applications, or rather, their incorrect operation, so this method looks quite logical.

    And it consists of simply uninstalling all applications that you have recently installed.

    To do this you need to do the following:

    • Go to settings, then to “Applications”.
    • Click on the right application. By default, they will be sorted by installation date, so you need to delete one of the first applications in the list.
    • On the application page, click on the “Delete” button.

    If deleting the latest installed applications does not help, you should try to remove all applications one by one until the device stops going into safe mode.

    But in this case, a problem arises: not everyone wants to delete all applications, because important data may be lost.

    Therefore, if deleting recently installed applications does not help, it is better to resort to the fourth method on our list, which is more radical.

    4. Method No. 4. Reset your phone

    This method is to completely erase all information from the device. Then the information that forced him to switch to safe mode will also be removed.

    Most effective way to reset the phone looks like this:

    • Reboot your phone and, when it just starts to turn on, hold down the volume down button. Thanks to this, he will move to system menu.
    • In the system menu you need to select “wipe data/factory reset”. Choice in in this case performed using the volume keys and the phone's power button.
    • In the next window, select “yes...”. Here is a simple question: “Are you sure you want to delete all data from your device?” We answer “Yes”.
    • After this, the actual deletion will occur. Some time will pass, depending on the amount of information on the device. Then the system menu will appear again, which we saw from the very beginning. There you should select the item “ reboot system..." The system will reboot and start in normal, normal mode.

    Of course, we don’t want all the data to be lost from the phone, so before performing the above procedure, you need to save all your important documents somewhere.

    The best way to do this is to use regular computer– connect your phone to it via USB and reset all photos, videos, documents and other files.

    The same can be done using any cloud storage.

    There is no need to worry about purchased applications and progress in them, all this will be saved in Play account Market.

    You will just need to install all the programs again.

    5. Method No. 5. Using the Home button

    This method also does not always work, but you can try.

    It consists of rebooting the device and when it starts to boot, hold down the Home button and do not release it until the device boots again.

    If this button is a touch button, hold it down as soon as it appears on the screen. If the reboot feature is missing, simply turn off your phone and try turning it on.

    The first method can be seen clearly in the video below.

    The Android platform is democratic and allows the user to make changes to system files, which is fraught with consequences such as unstable work devices or termination of access to applications. To identify and troubleshoot problems, the developers have created the ability to turn on the phone in safe mode, when only the pre-installed applications. How to boot your phone or tablet into safe mode mode, read our article.

    How to enter safe mode on Android before 4.1

    On a smartphone with a version lower than 4.1, you can enable safe mode in two ways.

    First way

    Video: how to start your phone in safe mode on Android up to 4.1

    Second option

    Turn off and on your smartphone, and when you see the manufacturer’s logo, press and hold the “Menu” button until the main screen appears.

    How to enable safe mode on Android 4.1 and higher

    In versions of Android 4.1 and higher, rebooting into safe mode occurs at the moment of shutdown. Sequence of actions:

    If the above method does not work, try repeating the steps, but after the menu appears, hold down the “Reboot” item for two to three seconds. On devices flashed with MIUI, to enable safe mode You need to turn off the device, and when you turn it on, press and hold the two volume keys at the same time along with the power button. Once the logo is displayed, you can release the Power key.

    Video: how to enter safe mode on Android above 4.1

    Smartphones with a special transition to Safe Mode (table)

    If standard methods Protected mode activations do not work, your smartphone or tablet may need to be rebooted in a special way. Study the table below and try non-standard solutions.


    Activation methodSafe Mode

    Google Nexus One

    When you turn on your smartphone, when the logo is displayed, hold down the trackball and do not release until you see the main screen.

    Push-button HTC

    Turn off your device and then turn it on by holding down the Menu button until you see the lock screen.

    HTC with touch buttons

    With the gadget turned off, press the power button. When you see the manufacturer's logo, hold down the volume down key until you see the main screen and feel the vibration response.

    When starting the phone, at the moment of the first vibration, hold down the “Menu” button. Do not release until the system boots.

    Samsung Galaxy series

    While turning on the device, hold down the "Menu" key. If it doesn’t work, try holding down the “Power + Menu + Home” buttons while turning on and holding them down until the system boots.

    On your keyboard, press the Power and Menu keys at the same time. Hold them down and wait until the device vibrates. Release the buttons - the phone will turn on in safe mode.

    The standard way to return to normal mode from safe mode is to restart the device using the power button. If the method does not work, to exit Safe Mode, remove back cover gadget and remove the battery. Insert it back: after a minute the system will work as usual.

    If critical software problems occur normal loading the phone becomes impossible and it goes into safe mode. Regular user games and programs are blocked by the operating system or run with limited functionality. You can return to normal operation of your Android mobile phone and disable security mode after eliminating the cause of the failure.

    How to disable security mode on Android

    To make sure that your smartphone running the Android mobile operating system has booted into Safe Mode, check the inscription in the lower left corner.

    Program icons, user installed independently through the store Google Play or from apk files are blocked, as can be seen in the picture above. Only system applications can be launched.

    The easiest way to get rid of the condition limited functionality smartphone, do three steps:

    • Press and hold the gadget's power key for a few seconds. A menu will appear to select an action: reboot or shutdown.
    • Select the Reboot icon and wait for the procedure to complete. If the safe mode is turned off, then the failure was accidental, its cause is eliminated automatically.
    • If the problem is not resolved, try holding the Power button again and turning off the phone completely. Experienced employees of professional service centers recommend removing the battery from the smartphone for 30 seconds, if the model allows it.

    If it was not possible to normalize the operation of the gadget, analyze the cause of the problem. The most common situations for enabling safe mode:

    Mechanical buttons are blocked or damaged

    Safe mode on mobile devices under Android control it turns on if the volume button is locked. IN Samsung smartphones This is a reduction in sound level. If it is blocked by a cover or foreign objects in a woman's bag, safe mode on an Android device turns on spontaneously and is not a sign of a serious malfunction.

    Take your smartphone out of the case and check the condition of the keys. Press the volume buttons several times, making sure they press in easily without resistance. Reboot your device again.

    Installation of faulty programs or unsuccessful update

    Think about what apps you installed or updated recently. This information is provided in the system notification window. Find a mention of the recently downloaded installation apk file or a message about a program update.

    In settings, select Applications and find the program you need.

    Select the Delete option in the window that appears.

    Completely turn off the device according to the instructions above.

    Turn it on and press a few buttons. Various manufacturers stick to their recovery login options. For Xiaomi, this is the volume up key, pressed together with the power button. You need to hold down the buttons until a picture of an Android man with gears or an open case appears, depending on the version of the mobile OS and the manufacturer.

    In the menu that appears, select the option to restore factory firmware.

    For firmware Chinese gadgets Conveniently install TRW - a tool for installing third-party assemblies, restoring and clearing application caches.

    Entering Safe Mode on your phone or tablet helps troubleshoot problems and issues with your device. It is more advisable to use this function to remove applications that interfere with normal operation smartphone, or pose a potential threat to the system. Our article will tell you how to disable safe mode on android samsung and why you can't use it all the time.

    Developers operating system Android provides many opportunities to independently adjust the functionality of the device to suit your needs. Installed software allows you to completely transform familiar interface smartphone, change functions and open up new settings options software. This is very convenient for an advanced user, but it also entails a certain risk. If the selected changes conflict with the device, or do not work correctly due to initial errors in the programs, the phone may also slow down and glitch, or completely disconnect from such an upgrade.

    To prevent this, any user must know possible retreat moves, so that without outside help bring everything back.

    What you need to know about Safe Mode:

    • This is a special way to boot the operating system. With it, only system applications are available.
    • If there are problems turning on the smartphone, the download will still occur (except for critical failures of the device).
    • If problems persist after enabling safe mode, you should look for problems in the hardware of the device.

    The main function of using this option is to check downloaded applications and programs for viruses. This can be done standard means Android, but it would be best to completely remove it recently installed programs. This will help protect your smartphone from potential threat, but you should also find out how to disable safe mode on Samsung Android. Use this option on on an ongoing basis there is no point, because the phone will be “clean” of everyone third party programs. Additionally, this feature is not designed for regular use and may also cause problems.

    How to remove safe mode on Android Samsung

    After completing all the necessary manipulations on the device, go to normal state is also executed when a certain key combination is pressed. For different phones and Android versions exist different options, so it's worth trying some of them for optimal results.

    How to turn off safe mode on Android Samsung

    The simplest one, but effective way exit safe mode - reboot the phone. To do this, press and hold the power button until standard menu inclusions. Here you just need to click reboot mode and wait for the system update. This method may not work on some devices, but it's usually the best place to start.

    The second option is to completely turn off the device and turn it on again after some time. This will also help the phone to “rest” and analyze changes made. In some cases, it is better to remove the battery after disconnecting and after a few seconds insert it and try to turn on the device again. If such manipulations did not give desired effect, you should use the following tips.

    How to exit safe mode on Samsung Galaxy with Android OS 4.0 and higher

    You can determine the version of your Android in the information item of the “About device” menu. Modern devices are released with Android over 7, and the new ninth version appeared just a few months ago. Please note that your previous version may automatically update to the next one, so be sure to check this setting before enabling the Safe Mode feature.

    How to disable safe mode on a Samsung phone:

    • You can remove the safe mode function from your phone by reverse algorithm performed at startup. If you did this using the combination “power button – volume up”, you must follow the reverse principle (“power button – volume down”).
    • Involuntary activation of “Safe Mode” usually requires the selection of combinations, the options of which are presented below.

    Some models modern smartphones initially programmed to automatically switch to safe mode when a potential threat is detected. This feature helps isolate the installed application and prevent the virus contained in it from damaging the phone's operating system. If, after turning on, you notice a change in screen configurations and do not find the usual icons, your device may have detected problems with its functioning. Accurate confirmation will be given by the inscription at the bottom of the screen, indicating the transition to safe mode. The inscription may also be in English (“Safe Mode”). If similar mode turns on regularly, you might need to think about connecting secure software or installing a reliable antivirus program.

    How to remove Samsung safe mode from Android OS 2.3 and lower

    Relatively old devices, especially those made in China, may not support standard modes downloads To determine how to remove safe mode on a Samsung phone, you will have to experiment a little and perform the following manipulations.

    Possible key combinations to exit safe mode:

    1. Upon completion of work, turn off the device. After this, you need to turn it on again and press the volume button until it turns on completely.
    2. In some cases, pressing the volume button in the “up” or “down” position “works”.
    3. Hold the Power button until your smartphone logo appears. After that, immediately press the volume button while releasing the Power key.
    4. When turning it on, you must hold down the central menu button on those devices where it is provided.

    More information about relatively rare Samsung models and other manufacturers that support the Android OS can be obtained by subject request on the Internet.

    Android developers have allowed the user to change the interface and functions of their smartphone in many ways. “Safe Mode” allows you to correct the changes made if the software carries a virus threat or is incompatible with your version of the operating system. like this ambulance"does not imply serious interference, does not void the warranty and does not require the opening of superuser rights for Android. The information provided will tell you how to exit this mode after carrying out all the necessary manipulations.

    Many users turn on safe mode (Android). How to turn it off? Typically, devices running on this platform switch to it if the operating system is damaged or when third-party applications cause any malfunctions in the device. There are several ways to remove it on Android.

    Restarting the device

    First, it is necessary to determine the reason for turning on this very mode. It is activated, as a rule, due to a system failure or a serious error in an application. In safe mode, the user will not be able to run any third party application. If suddenly the device goes into it, then you just need to reboot the device, and the problem will be solved.

    Checking the notification panel

    In some versions of the operating system, a notification is sent to the user when entering safe mode (Android). You can turn it off by pressing. The device will automatically reboot and start in normal mode.

    Pressing and holding the power button

    When you perform this action, a menu will open where you must select reboot or shutdown. In the second case, you need to remember to turn the device back on. It will load into normal mode. And if this did not happen and everything happened again, how to remove safe mode on Android? More on this later.

    Pressing two buttons at the same time

    Many users claim that you can exit this mode if you press and hold the power button and the volume down button at the same time as the device reboots.

    If the user's device's volume button is broken, this step may lead to constant reboot device in safe mode. In this case, you will have to carry the gadget to service center or, if you have enough knowledge and skills, open it and try to fix the problem yourself.

    Removing the Battery

    How can I remove safe mode on Android? If possible, you can remove it from the device battery and it will probably work normally once turned on. Before removing the phone or tablet, be sure to turn it off. You must wait at least one minute for the capacitors in the device to completely discharge, and then insert the battery back and turn it on.

    Uninstalling apps

    Crashing apps are the most common reason why a device goes into safe mode. To exit it, you need to remove recently installed programs.

    To do this, you need to open the gadget settings, open the list of all installed applications and go to the downloaded tab. These programs cannot be run in safe mode, but they can be removed. It is recommended to get rid of all programs that were installed in the near future. After this, the device must be rebooted. If it doesn't work, then you need to move on.

    Reset the device

    How to remove safe mode on Android (tablet or phone) if none of what was described above helps? Reset your device.

    The first thing you need to do is create backup copy all data in safe mode. Resetting all settings will result in complete removal all information on the device. It will become the same as it was when it was first launched. This is why it is recommended to back up data that should not be deleted. How to do this? The following methods exist:

    • connect the gadget to your computer and copy all the necessary data from it to hard drive or to cloud storage;
    • all applications that were purchased with money will be saved and can be installed again after a reboot;
    • When resetting the settings, contacts will not be affected, but in order to minimize the risk, it is better to export them to a separate file.

    How to reset?

    This step is carried out through the device settings. There you can find the item responsible for backup and reset. You need to select reset there initial settings and confirm your decision. The process can last a very long time - from 20 minutes.

    If you cannot reset the device in safe mode, you need to use recovery mode. To do this, you need to hold down the power button and turn off the device. Then, depending on the device model, you need to press a combination of buttons, which can be found in the instructions or on the Internet. Recovery mode will start. Using the volume buttons, you need to select the option to reset the device and press the power button to confirm. All you have to do is wait for the reset process, which will take a few minutes.

    Once the settings are reset, the device can be configured by creating a new account or by entering an existing one. In the second case, access to the purchased content will be regained.