• Windows 10 how to enter safe mode. What to do if Safe Mode does not start? Running system configuration section

    Any OS, including Windows 10, is not immune to sudden malfunctions. Only often they “treat” such problems solely by reinstalling, without even worrying about more loyal solutions. Needless to say, the classification of such “thousand programmers” leaves much to be desired.

    It's much easier to go to safe mode Windows 10 and try to solve everything differently. This option will fix many problems:

    • reinstalling/uninstalling the problematic driver;
    • rollback to last known known configuration
    • virus cleaning;
    • reset user password;
    • account activation;
    • fight against BSoD.

    There are several ways to access safe mode in the top ten. The simplest is to reboot and then press “F8”, but in Win10 it, alas, no longer works. But there is one trick. For now we will choose from the following:

    • parameters;
    • command line;
    • system recovery.

    The last method works even if the system does not boot. True, you need a boot flash drive with the system, but more on that later.

    Launch via "special boot options"

    This method can be interpreted in two ways. To enter the settings, your Windows must be running, or at least starting. The big picture looks like this. To get started, click on the icon with notifications and click “All settings”.

    Here you need to enable “recovery”, and on the right, where the “special boot options” field is located, you need to start a reboot.

    After the system has restarted and entered the menu with parameters, you can do 3 operations:

    • exit the menu and start Windows in normal mode;
    • find and eliminate faults (required parameter);
    • turn off the PC.

    You need to select the second item, and then click “advanced options”. After this, click on item 5 (2 in column 2), which is responsible for the system boot parameters on a PC or laptop.

    Now you have access to a full-fledged safe mode, which will appear when you turn it on after a restart. Here we are interested in teams 4,5 and 6. Select one of them by pressing keys F4-F6 respectively.

    Login via command line

    The second method is somewhat simpler than the previous one, since it does not require lengthy fiddling with parameters, settings and numerous sub-options. The configurator will help here msconfig" To activate it, click " Start", or a combination Win+R, write in the line “ msconfig" and click OK.

    Here we are waiting for another dialog box with 5 tabs. We are interested in the second one, which is called “Loading”. We do the following:

    1. select the OS that should start in safe mode;
    2. check the box next to this item;
    3. choose the desired configuration(minimal, shell, network).

    The same principle applies here as with the keys. F4-F6. "Another shell" - command line support.

    Next, we reboot in normal mode by selecting the desired item through “ Start" Remember that to exit this option you need to follow the same steps. In other words, until you uncheck the “safe mode” box, you will not return to normal mode.

    System Restore

    The last method in the list will only work if you have a bootable USB flash drive with the system. You can create it yourself, but this is the topic of a separate article. To begin, do the following:

    1. We go through bios and reconfigure the device startup priority. The USB-HDD should start first, then the HDD;
    2. We follow all instructions for starting Windows, until we reach the parameter with a single “Install” button.

    You need to enter one of two commands to choose from:

    • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimalnormal mode;

    • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network– network support.

    Returning F8

    Why was it removed? old way choosing boot and restore commands? Windows Developers They say that the system has started to start up so quickly that it simply does not have time to react to a button being clicked. But the process is reversible and the command can be returned. A small drawback is the sacrifice of a few seconds of OS startup time.

    To return you will need a working Win10. Right-click on the “ Start" In some versions, you can select "Command Prompt (Administrator)". If there is none, then open Start, in search bar we write " CMD", then right-click on the search result and click "as administrator".

    Next we write the command bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy legacy and press Enter. Now we are back to the classic version, familiar from previous versions Windows. There is one caveat: the “Last Known Good Configuration” item is not provided here, since all the parameters are a text variation of the graphical representation, which is the default in Win10.

    To return to the original mode, a reverse command is provided, which is also entered exclusively under the administrator: bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard.

    Option “for the lazy”

    Few people know that safe mode can be displayed as a separate boot menu item. If you often use the function, then you will like this upgrade. At the same time F8 won't be needed anymore.

    To get started, you should go to command line, and exclusively under the administrator. Required command bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Safe Mode”. In other words, the entry will copy an existing account in safe mode. By the way, the inscription in quotation marks can be changed at your discretion.

    Here we go to “Download” and we already see 2 entries:

    • our "safe mode";
    • standard Windows 10.

    We are interested in the newly made copy. In the parameters, set the “safe…” mode and additionally specify a timeout for choosing between two options (minimum 3 seconds).

    Save changes and reboot. Now you will see 2 OS (formally). During the timeout, you can switch between 2 accounts. Windows 10 sends you to Standard Boot. Well, “safe” calls the mode that we set in the configurator.

    If you want to remove your own modification, re-enter msconfig via Win+R and delete the additional line.

    The downside is that the loading time increases in direct proportion to the timeout you set initially.

    Safe Mode (English - Safe Mode) – diagnostic mode, in which all unnecessary drivers and Windows functions. Used to troubleshoot problems that arise in PC operation. You just need to start safe mode and fix the errors, after which the PC will work as it should again.

    In what cases might you need to enter safe mode? For example, to solve the problem when .

    Also, in this way you can remove viruses, reset your password, fix errors (incl. blue screen death), restore the system, etc.

    There are several ways. Plus, they differ somewhat depending on what operating system you have. Therefore, below we will look at everything available methods how to login securely Windows mode.

    There are 2 universal methods that work for everyone Windows versions– XP, 7, 8 and 10. Moreover, they are the simplest. Perhaps we'll start with them.

    Login via msconfig utility

    The first way is through special utility. To do this you need to follow simple instructions:

    1. Press Win + R (the button between “Ctrl” and “Alt”) and enter the word “msconfig”.
    2. In the new window, select the “Boot” tab, indicate the desired OS and check the “Safe Mode” checkbox. There are a couple of sub-items here - it is recommended to choose either “minimal” (standard option) or “network” (in this case there will be access to the Internet).
    3. Click “OK” and restart your PC - now it will turn on in safe mode.

    When you fix the errors, do not forget to return the computer to normal startup mode! This is done in exactly the same way - using msconfig utilities(only now you need to uncheck the box).

    There is a small nuance here: in this way you can enable safe mode in Windows only if your OS boots normally. If you can’t even load the desktop, then use the second method.

    Login using F8

    This method is suitable for those whose PC or laptop does not turn on (the desktop does not load, the monitor goes dark, etc.). IN in this case do the following:

    1. Turn on your PC (or laptop) and immediately press the F8 key repeatedly until a menu appears (in some cases you need to press Shift + F8).
    2. If the Windows logo appears or the screen goes dark, you failed. Wait until the system boots completely, then restart your PC and try again.
    3. When you do everything correctly, a menu will open where you use the arrows to select “Safe Mode” (the best option).

    P.S. This method does not work on Windows 10! This function disabled by developers.

    Special download options for Windows 10

    If Windows starts, then you need to do the following:

    What to do if Windows 10 does not start? If the PC boots before the login screen, then “Special boot options” can be opened in another way. To do this, click on the power button icon (in the lower right corner), hold down Shift and select “Restart”.

    We use a disk or flash drive

    This is the most reliable way boot Windows 10 in safe mode. But in this case, you need a DVD or (they can be recorded on any PC or laptop).

    Connect a USB drive or insert a disk, load them (), and then do the following:

    1. After loading, press Shift + F10.
    2. After opening the command line, enter – bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal.
    3. Then close it and restart your PC. It will turn on.

    To return the PC to normal startup, enter the following on the command line: bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot.

    You can do this in the same way (or as an administrator ) .

    You can also enable the mode in Windows 8 in 4 different ways

    The first two are described in detail at the beginning of the article. The other two are quite similar to the options that are suitable for Windows 10, but we will still look at them in more detail to make it easier for you to navigate.

    Diagnostic tools

    So, the first method is to activate the buffer format (only suitable if the OS is working normally). To do this we do the following:

    The PC will start in Safe Mode, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

    And another simple option for starting safe mode in Windows 8 is by bootable flash drive or DVD with Windows files. The procedure is as follows:

    What to do on Windows 7 and XP

    You can enter safe mode in Windows 7 or XP using one of the following: universal methods described at the beginning of this article. The first option is suitable in cases where the OS is working normally, and the second option is suitable if the PC or laptop does not turn on.

    It is worth noting that the operating system is in no way related to the BIOS. It also doesn’t matter what brand of laptop you have – Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, etc.

    What to do if Safe Mode does not start?

    Sometimes a PC or laptop stubbornly refuses to enable safe mode. The reason is trivial - viruses damaged the Windows registry. In such situations, there are only 2 options:

    • restoring PC operation (system rollback to a checkpoint);
    • installation of special programs.

    The optimal method, of course, would be the first one - restoring the computer from control point. If you do not have them saved (for example, disabled), then the only option left is to install programs to restore the Windows registry. In this case, you can use the free Safe Mode Repair or SafeBootKeyRepair.

    The developers of Windows 10 have provided for system recovery processes to take place in automatic mode, but they still retained the ability to enter safe mode. However, familiar to more earlier versions OS Windows method Login using the “F8” key no longer works in Windows 10.

    How to activate a familiar function? What keys and buttons should I press when loading the OS to start in safe mode? Below is detailed description in various ways to boot Windows 10 in safe mode.

    Enable Windows 10 to boot in safe mode via msconfig.

    To do this you need:

    1. Press the key combination “WIN” + “R”;
    2. In the text area, enter the command - “msconfig”;
    3. Confirm by clicking “OK”;
    4. Then in the menu that appears, open the “Download” tab;
    5. Select single click left mouse button on the operating system and check the box in the “Safe Mode” column;
    6. Also in this window, the user can select OS boot modes; it is recommended to leave the “Minimal” checkbox by default;
    7. Click “Ok”;
    8. Ready. After restarting, Windows 10 should boot into Safe Mode.

    Note: To start Windows in normal mode, you need to uncheck the “Safe Mode” box using the same instructions.

    Maybe experienced users This will seem strange, but it is very important not to confuse Safe Mode with and be aware of the differences.

    Logging into Windows 10 in Safe Mode - Settings.

    To restart Windows and open it in safe mode, you need to change the startup options. To do this you need:

    1. Go to the Start menu;
    2. Click “Options”;
    3. Next, in the window that appears, go to the “Update and Security” tab;
    4. Then in the menu that appears, open the “Recovery” tab;
    5. Click the “Restart Now” button;
    6. After that, click “Diagnostics”;
    7. Click “Advanced options”;
    8. Next, enter the “Download Options” menu;
    9. Click “Reboot”;
    10. Wait for the menu to appear on the monitor additional options start the computer and highlight the appropriate boot method, click on “Enter”;

    Logging in safe mode allows you to solve many problems, such as when or you need to change tables, etc.

    Reboot+Shift starts Windows 10 in safe mode.

    The algorithm of actions consists of several sequential stages:

    • Enter the “Shutdown” window through the “Start” button;
    • Next, hold down “Shift” and click “Reboot”;
    • Then, using the previous instructions, restart the PC.

    But all these methods work when you can log into Windows 10 and it starts up successfully. What should you do if problems, such as others, occur when logging in? Let's look below.

    Login to Safe Mode if Windows 10 won't start at all.

    If all the above methods do not help, then you need to use the system's removable installation media, boot disk or USB flash drive.

    Algorithm of actions in this situation:

    • Boot from a disk or flash drive by changing the startup settings in the BIOS;
    • After downloading, select the “System Restore” section;
    • Next, go to the “Diagnostics” section;
    • Enter the “Additional parameters” subsection;
    • Click “Command Line”;
    • In the console that appears, type bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true
    • Press the “Enter” and “Continue” keys;
    • Wait for the additional startup options menu to appear on the monitor and select safe mode;

    To restore the standard launch option, you will need to call context menu“Start” - “Command Prompt” and enter the command:

    Bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions

    At relaunch— Windows 10 will work normally.

    Here are some simple ways to start Windows 10 in safe mode. If you have anything to add, leave comments below.

    If problems arise with Windows computer, one of the first troubleshooting steps is to boot into Windows Safe Mode. Safe Mode is a simple, stripped-down version operating system, loading only the most important files and drivers. In safe mode, you can fix a number of errors with drivers and cure your computer of viruses that prevent the system from starting up stably. If earlier you could enter the familiar Windows 7 using the F8 button when you start the computer, then Windows 10, 8 no longer have this function, but there is a trick that will help you return the F8 button to enter safe mode when you turn on your computer with Windows 10 In this guide, we will look at how to enter and launch Safe Mode in Windows 10 from the desktop and return familiar button F8 to log in through it all the time, and we’ll look at how to disable safe mode to avoid cyclic booting.

    Note: The easy ways are at the bottom, provided you can boot into your desktop.

    How to start Safe Mode when booting Windows 10

    If your Windows 10 system won't boot to the Start screen and you need to go into or start Safe Mode when turning on Windows 10 through the “BIOS”, as for example before in Windows 7, with the F8 key, then you will need to get into the Windows 10 recovery environment using other methods, which are described below. It can be created on another working computer or while yours was still working.

    Note: If you can boot to your desktop, then launch Command Prompt as an administrator and proceed to step 3.

    Step 1. When you started with installation flash drive, then get to the point installations and click on the link below " System Restore".

    Step 2. You will be taken to the additional settings of windows 10. Next, go to the settings Troubleshooting > Advanced Settings >Command line.

    Step 3. Enter the following code into the command line (you can copy it in its entirety, you can enter each command via Enter):


    bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy


    Step 4 . You can now start in safe mode using the key F8 in Windows 10, press the button F8 continuously during system boot until the menu appears with download methods. If you want to go back to how it was, then enter instead of legacy > standard. There will be the following type of command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

    1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to trigger an error and bring up the process diagnostic menu.
    2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots as much as possible before the error occurs. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to complete shutdown. Repeat the procedure 3 times, by the 4th time you should see a recovery menu.
    3. If all else fails, then follow Step 1.

    How to add Safe Mode to the OS boot selection menu

    Windows 10 now has additional startup options. This will look the same as if you have multiple versions of the OS installed on your computer. If you often use safe mode, then setting up the menu when choosing an OS will be very excellent and convenient. In the picture below I have configured some settings for myself. Let's look at this method.

    Note: Before performing this method, read it first to end and you will understand the meaning.

    Step 1. There will be three commands for the three menus created. Maybe you don’t need three, but only need one menu with safe mode. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following commands of your choice.

    1. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"- Let's create a safe mode boot.
    2. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "PSU with network"- Let's create a safe mode boot with a network (Internet access).
    3. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "BP CMD"- Let's create a safe mode boot with the command line.

    Step 3. The system configuration will open, go to the "" tab. We will see the list that was specified via the command line above. Let's customize each menu.

    1) . Select "safe mode" from the list at the top and click on the checkmark at the bottom and select " Minimum". Next, check the "" box and click apply. You can also set a menu timer, for example, after 10 seconds it will automatically load just Windows 10. This way the boot menu will appear in safe mode.

    2) . Select "PSU with network" from the list and select "Network" from the bottom and check the " Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and this way we can load safe mode with the network, i.e. with the ability to access the Internet.

    3) . Highlight "BP CMD", below select " Another shell"and check the box" Make these boot options permanent." Click Apply and OK.

    How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

    Step 2. You will find yourself on Wednesday windows recovery 10. In this environment, you can reset settings, restore system and much more. In the recovery environment, click on Troubleshooting.

    Click the button Reboot.

    Click on your keyboard F4 to begin the procedure of starting Windows 10 in safe mode.

    How to enter safe mode in Windows 7

    Method 1. Windows 7 starts when you press a button F8. Once you have turned on or restarted your computer, press the F8 button at 1 second intervals. The method will also work with Windows XP. After calling up the menu additional settings, select a download option.

    In Safe Mode, the OS loads the minimum set of system files, drivers, services necessary for the startup and operation of the system. This type of download is used to diagnose a computer (laptop) and troubleshoot various problems.

    The Safe Mode tool comes in three variations:

    1. Standard – start the system with minimum set Windows elements.
    2. With loading network components– in addition to the standard version, they are loaded network drivers and services needed to access the Internet and other computers on the network.
    3. With Cmd - instead graphical shell The command line will be launched.

    If you are not an IT specialist, do not use option 3, but select mode 1 or 2 depending on the problem that arises. In this material we will study how to enter Windows 10 safe mode using several methods on your computer ( Asus laptop, Acer, Lenovo, HP).

    Entering Safe Mode through the system configuration window

    Type msconfig, then click OK (Enter). As a result, the system configuration window will launch.

    Click OK. As a result, a warning about restarting the system will pop up, click “Restart”. After restarting you will be in safe mode.

    Important! After working in this mode, go back to the system configuration and uncheck the “Safe Mode” option. Click OK, restart your PC.

    Launching Safe Mode through Special Boot Options

    IN this method Let's look at 4 situations in which special boot options open, and safe mode is activated from them. Situations 3 and 4 are used when Windows 10 cannot start.

    1. Combination Shift + reboot. In the Start menu, press the Power button. Clamp Shift button, and hold it. Then click on “Reboot”.

    Note: You can also reboot with Shift from the login screen.

    2. Special download options Windows settings. Use the combination + I to open the parameters. Go to Update & Security.

    Select "Recovery" on the left. In the area special options download, click on “Restart now”.

    3. Launch from system recovery media. Download via Boot Menu A USB drive created using the Create a Recovery Disk tool. Next, select the Russian keyboard layout.

    4. Interruption of the download process. When Windows 10 fails to start several times in a row, the mode turns on automatic recovery. If this doesn't happen, then this mode can be called manually. During the OS startup, when the Windows logo is displayed, hold down the power button until the PC (laptop) turns off. Next, turn on the computer and repeat the shutdown procedure again. Do this 2-3 times. When everything works out, you will be transferred to the screen for preparing automatic recovery with subsequent diagnostics. Wait until the Automatic Repair Options selection screen appears and select Advanced Options.

    All 4 situations above will lead to the opening of special download options. To enter safe mode in Windows 10, follow these steps.

    Go to the troubleshooting section.

    In diagnostics, open advanced options.

    In the advanced options, you will need to select “Download Options.”

    In the boot options, click on “Restart”.

    Wait for the restart to occur. You will have 9 launch modes. We are interested in numbers from 4 to 6. Depending on the option for starting safe mode, press the F4, F5, F6 buttons.

    Enabling Safe Mode Using the Command Line

    On behalf of the administrator in a way convenient for you. When it is not possible to start the system correctly, boot from the installation USB media(disk) with Windows 10.

    Select Russian language by clicking “Next”. Click the System Restore link.

    Scroll down to the troubleshooting (diagnostics) section. additional parameters. On the Advanced Options screen, select Command Prompt.

    In Cmd, enter the command bcdedit by clicking Enter. Pay attention to the “Loading Windows” block, remembering the identifier. Usually it is called (current), but when launch Cmd from the installation USB storage, the identifier has a name (default). Be careful.

    How to start Windows 10 safe mode via Cmd? Use the required command with your ID. After writing the command, press Enter.

    1. Standard Safe Mode:
    1. With network drivers:

    bcdedit /set (ID value) safeboot network

    1. With Cmd support. First, enter the first command, then the second command. Don't forget to click Enter after writing each command.

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) safeboot minimal

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) safebootalternateshell yes

    1. To start the OS in normal mode, use.

    bcdedit /deletevalue (Identifier value) safeboot

    If you are in Safe Mode with Cmd support, then after entering the command above, use an additional command.

    bcdedit /deletevalue (Identifier value) safebootalternateshell

    For example, to load standard safe mode, having an identifier (current), the command looks like this.

    Restart your computer (laptop). In case of using Cmd with installation USB drive, close the command prompt. In the action selection menu, select “Continue” to subsequently reboot and launch Safe Mode.

    Enabling additional boot options using the F8 key

    Called from a special section of additional boot options, called by pressing the F8 button before starting the system. You will not be able to enable Safe Mode on Windows 10 from the F8 menu, due to its disabling and fast system startup (UEFI BIOS + SSD). It is possible to disable quick start in the UEFI BIOS and enable the call menu via F8. If you have a classic BIOS, skip the BIOS steps below (steps 1-3). Follow these steps.

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) bootmenupolicy Legacy

    Where instead of “identifier” you enter your value, which you learned in step 6.

    1. Click Enter.

    For example, the command in our case will look like the screenshot below.

    Now before loading Windows 10 press F8 quickly. Next we get to the menu where we select with arrows the right option Safe Mode.

    Now you know how to enter safe mode in Windows 10 different options. You can also use this troubleshooting tool in different situations, be it running from the OS itself or powering on from the boot Windows flash drives 10 if the system cannot boot.