• Windows 7 laptop boots slowly when turned on. Why does Windows take a long time to turn on and boot: all the ways to speed up system boot

    Good day, dear friends. Today, in this article we will talk about why a computer on Windows 7 takes a long time to boot.

    The reasons why this happens are different and there are many of them. I would like to describe absolutely all the problems in descending order that my clients encounter. Today we are considering exactly the option when a computer on Windows 7 takes a long time to boot, but I want to assure you that the reasons for these long loading times are often the same and it doesn’t matter which system you have XP, 7 or 8. That’s why, if you have a different one Windows system - don’t worry, with the help of this article you can just as easily eliminate the cause long loading time PC.

    Let's list all the reasons why a Windows 7 computer takes a long time to boot, starting from the most common:

    So let's start figuring it out.

    1. PC software cleaning is required.

    A Windows 7 computer takes a long time to boot, most often because it needs to be cleaned by software. What does it include:

    1 Remove unnecessary programs.

    2 Software cleaning using the CCleaner program.

    3 Restore the registry in the same program.

    4 Removing from startup those programs that you do not need when starting the system.

    You can find out how to do all these manipulations correctly in the article “” Everything is described there in very detail and clearly.

    1. Virus removal required.

    There are many different viruses, “thanks to which” a computer on Windows 7 takes a long time to boot. Most often, they simply “clog” the RAM and the PC becomes incredibly “stupid,” and sometimes it is so loaded with extraneous processes that it simply freezes “dead.” Treating your PC for viruses is quite simple. You need to download Dr Web Cureit from the company's official website, having previously agreed to data processing. Next, run the scan in advanced mode and wait for completion. Usually after this, the computer starts working much faster. (if there were viruses)

    1. Required replacement of hard disk/treatment of bad sectors.

    The computer on Windows 7 also takes a long time to boot, possibly due to the fact that hard drive has software or physical malfunctions.

    To check this, you should download the Victoria 4.46b program. It is advisable to boot your computer in safe mode before checking. To do this, when you turn on the PC, press F8 until the following startup menu appears:

    Here you need to select safe mode, and when the system boots, insert the USB flash drive with the program (throw it onto it in advance) and run it. The following window will open:

    You need to go to the Tests tab, check the Remap switch and click Start.

    If there are no errors, red sectors and green ones, then we can assume that the disk is in good working condition. There are no problems with him.

    1. Reinstallation required.

    Everything is simple here =) If the system itself is very old (3-4 years), then it is best to simply reinstall it, because in this way you will solve several problems at once. (no need to clean the system from unnecessary programs, restore the registry, remove viruses, etc.) If you don’t know how to properly install Windows yourself, then here’s an excellent article “”. It describes the installation step by step. Also, the system is installed with or with . Choose a method convenient for you and feel free to reinstall the system. (you can find out how to set boot priority in the BIOS)

    1. The PC needs to be cleaned from dust.

    The computer may take a long time to boot due to the fact that system unit clogged with dust, the processor overheats and, as a result, freezes. You can check whether there is overheating or not using the wonderful program AIDA64. Read more about how to do this in the article “”. If, at 100% load, the processor temperature rises above 70 degrees within 5-10 minutes, then I advise you not to delay. Also, I advise, and if this is required, then.

    1. PC upgrade required.

    Takes a long time to load Windows computer 7 is also possible due to the fact that he simply does not have enough resources. Windows 7 is quite a power-hungry operating system, and if you install it on a PC that has system requirements low - it may turn out that the PC will freeze for no reason at every action. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

    1 Install Windows XP with or from . (Windows XP consumes much less resources)

    2. (Replacing old computer components with new ones that are more productive.)

    On this, I think, this article has come to its logical conclusion. I hope you were able to not only independently determine why your Windows 7 computer takes a long time to boot, but also eliminate the cause. I look forward to your comments under the article. Maybe I missed something) Thank you for your attention. Good luck to you!

    System performance slows down significantly if the user does not carry out preventive maintenance of the OS in a timely manner. The frequent online complaint about Windows 7 taking so long to load is actually the result of our own oversights. In order for your operating system to regain its “wings”, you will resort to step by step instructions of five actions. A few simple tips will help you continue to keep your operating system in a state of full combat readiness.

    consistent action plan

    It doesn't matter how serious your OS configuration is. Technology often fails to keep up with rapidly growing software needs. Therefore, neglecting the simplest optimization techniques is at least stupid.

    Step #1: Standard Windows Tools

    • Go to the Start menu.
    • Now you need to go to the “Control Panel”.
    • Select the “Administration” section.
    • Now go to “System Configuration”.
    • Activate the "Advanced Options" button.
    • In the window that opens, enter the values ​​that correspond to the configuration of your PC: indicate the number of cores of your CPU and check the “Maximum memory” box.
    • Confirm the entered data by clicking “OK” - “Apply” - “OK”.

    This is the first reason that Windows 7 takes a long time to load. However, you are only at the beginning of the initial improvement of the system.

    Step #2: Editing the startup list

    • Open the System Configuration menu again. By the way, to get to the well-known window, you can type a combination and enter the command in the “Run” checkbox: msconfig.exe.
    • Then click on the “Startup” tab.
    • Uncheck those programs that you rarely use. It is worth noting that the deactivation process must be carried out consciously and with an understanding of what exactly this or that program you deactivated is doing. Since Windows 7 startup may have in its arsenal various managers and applications, without which the system will not be able to fully function.
    • Confirm the changes.

    After clearing the priority list, your download speed will increase significantly. Nevertheless, the implementation of this point does not allow achieving maximum starting indicators. Let's move on.

    Step #3: Deactivate “unnecessary” services

    Of course, the system is designed for a wide range of applications. However, the comprehensive price list of OS capabilities can be edited for the sake of performance.

    • The destination is “System Configuration”, in the same place where Windows 7 startup is located.
    • Go to the "Services" tab.
    • Deactivation is done by unchecking the box.
    • Don't forget about the moment of confirmation.

    Attention: before disabling anything, you should study the object being neutralized in more detail. Since it is not uncommon for a user to unknowingly turn off critical Windows services, which, in turn, negatively affects the stability of work operating system and can even lead to the so-called OS crash. In comparison, it is better to let Windows 7 load for a long time. Therefore, be prudent, study the issue of services in detail.

    Step #4: Cleaning and defragmenting the system registry

    Everything is vital important parameters And Windows settings are located in the OS hierarchical database. The performance level of your PC depends on the current state of the registry. At the same time, this factor directly affects the system loading speed. To optimize the registry, you need to install it on your PC special program, since Windows does not have integrated tools of this kind. Of course, not counting the built-in registry editor, the use of which requires a certain level of knowledge from the user. However, for those who do not want to watch how long the computer takes to boot, there are a number of specialized programs(Ccleaner, TuneUp Utilites, RegCleaner, etc.), which quite correctly correct erroneous entries in the system database, and also completely optimize the operation of the registry, and in automatic mode.

    Step #5: Defragment your hard drive

    A hard drive that is used for a long time must be thoroughly cleaned, after which it should be defragmented disk space, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the data. As you understand, a situation where a computer takes a long time to boot can be expressed by the operating system’s banal inability to quickly receive the necessary data. At the same time, this kind of file organization significantly prolongs the time. Despite all the advantages and positive effects of defragmentation, many users deliberately ignore this type optimization. Since the process can take quite a long time, its duration is regulated by the nominal volume of the HDD.

    Hardware upgrade

    Of course, if the user wishes to provide maximum speed download Windows 7, that is, it makes sense to think about purchasing solid state SSD drive. More powerful processor and extra gigabytes RAM effectively affect the performance of the system.

    Software enhancement

    • Set HDD boot priority.
    • Disable the Full Screen Logo Display option.
    • Specify the type of graphic component to use.
    • If the BSVV provides the ability to adjust the loading time, then the value should be set to “zero”.
    • Disable RAM testing.

    It should be understood that BIOS versions of programs differ both functionally and in interface. However, the loading algorithm for all systems is almost identical. Therefore, the recommendations presented can be considered universal, that is, applicable to all versions of BIOS programs.

    In conclusion

    Knowing the main reasons why Windows 7 takes a long time to load, and having a clearly defined action plan in front of you, you have only one thing left to do - allocate enough time and carry out full maintenance of your PC. Finally, remember the famous phrase from the cartoon: “It’s better to lose a day, but then fly in five minutes!” Agree, a good motivator. Good luck and fruitful optimization!

    Everyone who has ever bought new computer, knows how well and quickly it works as soon as you bring it from the store. But after just a month or two, every second user begins to notice changes in work and ask themselves the question: “why does the computer take so long to boot when turning on Windows 7, if recently it worked much faster?

    It is possible that you are familiar with this situation. Then this article is just for you. We will not “pour water” into the text of the article, but will talk about real reasons Why does the computer take so long to start? All situations considered have been repeatedly confirmed by our practice.

    We will build our ranking of reasons as follows: let's start with the most common cases. And towards the end of the article we will talk about quite rare, but nevertheless possible situations. For each reason, we will write what needs to be done.

    Each manufacturer software wants his creation to be used as often as possible. Therefore, during installation, most programs automatically add themselves to the computer's startup. Those. When you start Windows, all these programs start with it, although you don't need most of them.

    It is logical that what more programs you need to turn it on at the same time, the longer and slower Windows 7 will load. In addition, your PC may slow down during operation - read about this separately. Therefore, you need to regularly check your computer’s startup and remove everything unnecessary from there. And if you have a laptop, then there will also be a bunch of different utilities from the manufacturer of your laptop. We remove them too.

    Be sure to leave the antivirus, utilities and drivers for sound and video, touchpad, and hotkeys (if you use them) in startup. Everything else can be safely removed: browser extensions, player agents, Skype, torrent, etc. In the example of the picture below, we have highlighted in red what could be safely disabled. To get to startup in the Start menu, type “msconfig” in the search bar and press “Enter”, go to the “Startup” tab.

    Disable unnecessary programs in autorun

    If after the changes you noticed that your computer or laptop began to work poorly or that some required functions, then you can always open startup again and enable the desired component.

    A more correct option would be to not allow programs to register themselves in autorun at all. This can be done during the installation of the program in additional parameters installations.

    The computer takes a long time to boot due to the antivirus

    Antivirus is one of the few programs that must be included in your computer's startup. Otherwise, it loses all meaning. So in this situation you have to choose: either the computer is protected, or it will turn on a little faster.

    According to some studies, due to the installation of an antivirus, the computer can take up to 30% longer to boot when turned on.

    Computer viruses, Trojans

    If viruses were able to get onto your PC, then it is clear why the computer may boot slowly when you start Windows 7. As a rule, viruses generate many processes that slow down the computer.

    If you have an antivirus installed, then do a full system scan. It may take a few hours, but it's worth it. If not installed, be sure to buy it licensed program in store or download online free analogue or trial version.

    In the event of a severe infection, it may turn out that cleaning from viruses will no longer help. In this case, you can contact our service for help. Our specialists will restore and configure the system - your PC will be like new again.

    Operating system registry clogged

    Any user periodically installs or uninstalls some programs, and they themselves also do something, for example, update. All processes in the operating system are necessarily accompanied by an entry in the registry - a specific list of commands and procedures for Windows operation.

    It is clear that after some time the registry becomes full or lost and unnecessary entries appear. But the PC is still forced to process them, although they are no longer needed. Here is another reason why a Windows 7 computer takes a very long time to boot.

    In this case, it is recommended to clean the registry. There are many programs for this that work automatically. But in our opinion, CCleaner is the highest quality. It can be easily found and downloaded for free on the Internet.

    After installation and launch, go to the “Registry” tab and click “Search for problems” and then “Fix”.

    Although the program has proven itself very well, we do not recommend performing these manipulations thoughtlessly. You should always check and review what exactly it is about to remove or clean. Sometimes it happens that they are deleted by mistake the necessary keys registry Because of this, the PC begins to perform even worse. Be careful.

    Problems with hard drive

    Any computer components have their own work resource. Also, no one is insured against breakdowns or defects. The hard drive is one of the PC parts that often causes many problems. Including long computer loading times.

    Broken or hard to read sectors may appear on the surface of the hard drive over time. The HDD head takes much longer to read the information written to them. Sometimes this leads to the PC completely freezing - you can read more about this.

    You can check your hard drive using Victoria programs or MHDD. If the test results are negative (there will be many orange, red or blue sectors), then you will have to buy a new hard drive.

    Not enough space on drive C

    In order for Windows to start, it needs some free space on the computer. system disk C. If it is small or insufficient, then this process may be delayed. As a result, the computer boots very slowly and takes a long time, or may not start at all.

    Check availability free space on drive C on your PC. For comfortable work, Windows 7 requires at least 5 GB free space, or better yet 10 GB. If you don't have enough, then delete or move unnecessary information.

    Windows 7 is clogged and overloaded

    When used for a long time, the operating system accumulates a lot of installed programs, thousands of temporary files. All this negatively affects the speed of turning on the computer, and it takes a long time to load. In addition, the system downloads updates for itself from the Internet and installs them, growing more and more.

    One of the significant factors determining the functionality of the operating system is its loading speed. Over time, the speed of any operating system drops, “extra” files appear, the registry changes, and it becomes infected malware. As a result, the OS takes more and more time to “react”, including startup.

    Cleaning Windows 7 from unnecessary files

    To clean the OS, you need to remove unnecessary, temporary and outdated files, duplicate files, URL history, etc. from your hard drive. cookies, as well as files stored in the Recycle Bin. You can delete files manually or entrust this work to special software, for example, CCleaner.

    1. Go to website: https://www.ccleaner.com/.

    2. Click the button in the center “Download for free”.

    3. IN open window Select the “Professional” option and below it click on the “Try for free” button.

    4. Run the downloaded installation file.

    5. Select “Install” from the pop-up window.

    6. Next, click “Try” and wait for the installation process to complete.

    7. In the program window, click “Analyze”.

    8. After collecting information about the files that can be deleted, click “Cleaning” (“Run Cleaner”), confirming their deletion with the “OK” button.

    Reference! from temporary and third party files Frees up hard drive space, significantly increasing Windows performance.

    Defragmenting your hard drive

    Over time, files on the hard drive become fragmented, their location becomes decompressed, and gaps (fragments) appear between them. OS access to fragmented files is slower due to additional movement of the hard drive heads, which slows down reading information from files and loading the OS.

    Step 1. To defragment the boot disk, you need to click on “Computer” at the top left of the Desktop. A window will open with disks and devices connected in Windows 7.

    Step 2. Right-click on boot disk(usually drive “C”), and select “Properties”.

    Step 3. In the window that appears, go to the “Tools” tab and select “Defragment now”.

    Step 4. In the next window click on the desired disk and select “Defragment disk”.

    The defragmentation process will begin, during which the location of the files on the disk will be compacted.

    Reference! It is important to note that the solid state drive (SSD) does not need to be defragmented, because... it has no moving parts (heads).

    Changing startup program settings in Windows 7

    Programs are usually added to Windows startup that begin their work when the OS boots, load along with it, and work in it constantly. Such programs include various download managers, program auto-update utilities, etc., which are not always needed by the user.

    Step 1. To disable programs at startup, press “Win ​​+ R” (the “Win” key is located between the left “Alt” and “Ctrl”). The “Run” window will appear, in which you need to type “msconfig” and click “OK”.

    Step 2. The “System Configuration” window will appear, in which you need to go to the “Startup” tab and click “Disable all”. This will disable all startup items not required for Windows startup, and will reduce OS loading time. Click “Apply”.

    Reference! If there is an assumption that the user may need any of the elements in startup, you can leave it enabled by checking it.

    Video - How to disable autorun programs in Windows 7

    Setting up OS loading at the software and hardware level

    This setting is made in the System Configuration utility. To do this you need:

    Step 1. Open the Start menu, enter “system configuration” in the search engine and click on the result that appears.

    Step 2. In the “System Settings” window, go to the “Boot” tab and set the “Timeout” window: 3 seconds (seconds). Timeout – the time during which the list of operating systems (if available) is displayed when the PC starts.

    Step 3. In the same “Boot” tab, check the box for: “No GUI boot”. This will disable window animation when loading the OS, which will help the computer boot faster.

    Step 4. Click “Apply” and “OK”.

    Step 5. The system will prompt you to reboot, click “Reboot”.

    BIOS setup

    BIOS ( basic system input/output) is a set of instructions in the computer’s startup firmware that controls connected devices: hard drive, keyboard, mouse, etc. Optimization BIOS boot can be done by logging into it.

    Step 1. Press the “DEL” key as the computer starts to boot (or another key that the BIOS displays in the startup message).

    Reference! After entering the BIOS, you must act in accordance with the specified keys in its prompt.

    Step 2. In the “Boot” menu (“Boot Settings Configuration”), enable the “Quick Boot” option (“ Fast loading) – “Enabled”. This will allow the BIOS to skip POST (power-on self-test), thereby speeding up its boot time.

    Step 3. When exiting the BIOS, you must save the results of the changes made by answering “Save Changes and Exit” - “Yes”, or exiting and saving the changes using the “F10” key.

    Disabling unused equipment

    Every time the operating system starts, it loads large number drives and devices that are often not used.

    Step 1. To disable them, you need to right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.

    Step 2. In the left part of the window that opens, click on “Device manager”.

    Step 3. Disable unused devices by right-clicking on them and selecting “Disable”.

    Shutdown unused devices will provide more quick start and shutting down Windows 7.

    If you want to know effective methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

    Using Autoruns for Windows

    Autoruns for Windows– one of the best tools View, manage and disable startup programs. It allows you to fine-tune OS startup, eliminating its bottlenecks.

    MSConfig only shows startup and services, but does not check digital signatures. Autoruns doesn't just show running programs placed in the startup folder, Run, RunOnce, or other registry keys, but provides full list all programs configured to run when Windows starts, displaying entries from those locations.

    Step 1. Download Autoruns for Windows from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns.

    Step 2. After installing and launching the tool, select “Hide Microsoft Entries” in the “Options” section.

    Step 3. In "Scan options" select "Verify Code Signatures" by pressing the "Rescan" or "F5" button.

    Note! Autoruns not only verifies the authenticity of everything you load into Windows using cryptographic signatures, but it also recognizes files that have been tampered with. Hide Microsoft Entries also detects potentially unwanted or dangerous entries, unwanted pre-installed software, and third-party startup images that can be easily disabled using this tool.

    Step 4. If entries are found that should not be activated when the OS boots, they can be disabled or deleted. To disable an entry, you must uncheck it. To delete it, you need to right-click on the entry and select “Delete”.

    Note! The right-mouse menu also allows you to directly navigate to the location associated with a recording in Windows registry or a file in Explorer if you select “Jump to Entry” or “Jump to Image.”

    Video - How AutoRuns can speed up system startup

    Profiling with Windows Performance Toolkit

    This toolkit is a set of OS boot optimization utilities included in the Microsoft SDK. Working with this tool allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of Windows boot, identifying its hidden problems.

    Important! All Toolkit commands must be executed from a command prompt running as an administrator.

    Step 2. Open the "Start" menu, click on the " Command line» right-click, then click on “Run as administrator”.

    Step 3. To start analyzing the OS boot, you need to go to the directory where the utility is installed and run: “xbootmgr -trace boot”. The PC will automatically reboot.

    Step 4. After restarting the PC, a special window will appear with a countdown; you must close it by clicking “Finish”.

    Step 5. The file “boot_BASE+CSWITCH_1.etl” will be created in the directory. An OS boot analysis can be carried out by opening it with the “xperf” utility, running: “xperf boot_BASE+CSWITCH_1.etl”.

    Problems that arise at the start of the OS are identified during its initialization (“Init”), where a delay occurs:

    • PreSMSS (Pre Session);
    • SMSSInit(Session);
    • Winlogon;
    • Explorer;
    • Post Boot.

    Step 6. Maybe automatic improvement loading the OS by running “xbootmgr -trace boot –prepSystem”, which performs 6 Windows reboots.

    After the 2nd reboot, “defragmentation” of the boot stages starts.

    When defragmentation is complete, the “xbootmgr” directory will contain 6 files with boot traces, and a file (.etl) with new OS startup data.

    Step 7 If, after analyzing files, you need to disable processes that are slowing down Windows 7, you can use the Autoruns tool. You can also use the “Search online” item to obtain information on these processes on the Internet.

    Reference! On average, disabling components that slow down Windows 7-10 can increase loading speed by up to 50%.


    There is no single universal council to improve Windows boot speed. Even just one or two seemingly minor bottlenecks in the system can slow down loading times. To eliminate these bottlenecks at all stages of loading, a detailed analysis with selection is required suitable options decisions in a specific case.

    Video - 5 ways to speed up your computer boot time

    Today, it is important for everyone that the equipment at hand works quickly and reliably. When Windows 7, 8, or 10 takes a very long time to load, there is an urgent need to fix the problem.

    Several factors can affect the speed at which Windows starts:

    • computer performance level;
    • overloaded hard drive and other important problems.

    How more powerful processor the computer, the faster it will load system functions. As a rule, personal computer or your laptop boots more slowly if you have little space left on your hard drive. If the hard drive is heavily loaded and there is absolutely no space for OS and temporary files, the computer begins to slow down and takes a long time to boot. Let's consider several options for solving this problem.

    Removing unnecessary files

    The first thing to do when the system takes a long time to start is to remove unnecessary files and programs, as well as temporary elements of the system. Most programs (including the OS itself) do not delete all temporary files that they use. They accumulate in the folder C:\Temp, C:\Windows\TEMP. Despite the fact that they weigh up to several kilobytes, several gigabytes can accumulate over a long period of time unnecessary information, which only takes up space. This is what this folder looks like:

    Cleaning the disk

    Defragment hard drive, if Windows 7, 8, 10 takes a long time to load. The data on the hard drive is fragmented, which makes it difficult to find and sort it. Periodically it is necessary to carry out such a procedure so that after windows updates didn't load for a very long time.

    To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

    • go to the “Control Panel”;
    • further – “System and Security”;
    • click “Administration”;
    • Open the "Disk Optimization" item.