• Presets for summer photos. Presets for Lightroom. Full list

    Studio photo processing

    I would like to show you one of the options for processing studio photography in Lightroom. The processing is very simple - contrast, shadows, minus orange. But it looks, in my opinion, quite interesting!

    The photo still awaits final retouching in Photoshop, so don’t pay attention to the dirty wall and other little things. Download the preset and use it for your pleasure!

    Pencil drawing

    I have long wanted to make a preset for Lightroom that would allow me to simulate drawing with a pencil. There is a huge amount of material on the Internet on how to perform processing in the style of a pencil drawing in Photoshop. But I didn’t find a single article about how to process a photo in Lightroom in the style of a pencil drawing!

    Photo processing in the open air

    In order to receive beautiful photo Models in the plein air need to choose the right light. IN in this case The shooting took place in the forest and the model was not located in direct sun, but in the shade of trees and illuminated by diffused light. Which, overall, gave a good result.

    Film beauty

    Working with color, curves, increasing contrast and adding a grainy effect - this made it possible to achieve such photo processing. This Lightroom preset will help you process your photos in the same way!

    Brown retro

    There are photographs to which you can apply many different treatments. This is exactly the case, and therefore it was decided to do the now popular brown tinting. As you can see, it turned out very well! Using a curve and a slider Shadows lightened the shadows and also muted the color using Saturation. You can see all other settings yourself in the preset.

    Portrait of a Veteran

    To create such a dramatic portrait of a veteran, the contrast had to be increased as much as possible. This was done by working with curves - the steepest part of the curve is located in the highlight zone.

    Tilt Shift effect

    Let's return to photographs with small models of real objects. This is due to an optical illusion. This depth of field will never be achieved when shooting from a distance with a regular wide-angle lens! That's why it seems to us that the shooting was done at close range, and all the objects are miniatures!

    "Golden Skin"

    This preset is the first step for processing a portrait photo. The resulting image remains to be seen great job in Photoshop. But basic things - skinton, contrast And color correction It’s much more convenient and faster to do in Lightroom.

    Film imitation

    To simulate photographs taken with a film camera, you need to carry out individual processing for each photograph. There is no universal recipe!

    Red light effect

    I often see black and white photographs with this flare effect. In Lightroom version 5, this is done very simply - using the Radial Filter tool. You can choose absolutely any color. IN in this example The contrast of the selected area has also been increased to enhance the effect. You can increase, decrease and move this highlight at your discretion.

    Dramatic sky

    To create this effect, when taking a photograph, expose to the sky so that it does not fall out. It doesn't matter if the rest of the photo is darker than you'd like - it'll be fairly easy to brighten it up in post-processing. Apply this preset to the resulting frame and you'll see a dramatic landscape like this.

    Juicy tinting option

    I present to your attention another preset for toning pictures. After applying the preset, the photo becomes more contrasty and warmer. These colors are achieved by applying curves. To get the final result, I reduced the exposure by half a tone, and you can adjust it to your liking.

    Retro imitation polaroid

    Make your photos look like an old Polaroid! Very interesting effect, which is implemented by channel-by-channel work with curves (Curves) and color. In this preset, the black point is greatly raised, which is why the photo looks covered in a slight haze.

    Add black stripes to the top and bottom of the frame

    With this preset you can quickly add black stripes to the top and bottom of the frame. Many people use this effect. It gives the picture a “cinematic quality” and a special charm. This effect is also called: porridge (accent on the last syllable) or curtains.

    Wedding photography processing

    Preset that will do wedding photo warmer and more cheerful. The bias is towards yellow shades in the highlights and purple shades in the shadows (just a little). A small dark vignette is superimposed, which is practically unnoticeable, but still adds a peculiar atmosphere to the frame. I raised the exposure by half a stop, when you use this wedding preset, adjust it your own way.

    water world

    To take pictures of the inhabitants of the deep sea, it is not necessary to go underwater with scuba gear. Below is a shot of a typical small home aquarium. Since the camera did not set the correct white balance in the preset, it was corrected and the extraneous yellow tint was removed. It seems to me that with this processing the photo turned out to be quite atmospheric.

    Processing snowflakes

    A very simple preset that removes third-party shades and makes a photo with snow attractive, rich and contrasting. Enjoy it for your health.

    Tinting the winter landscape

    I suggest downloading a preset for Lightroom that will transform your winter landscape and give it more color and expressiveness. The preset implements toning in beautiful blue-green shades and increasing contrast. I recommend it to all fans of winter landscape photography.

    Low contrast portrait

    A very popular effect at the moment! It somewhat resembles an old photo and evokes romantic associations. In the preset, the original colors of the photo are practically not affected, only the contrast is lowered and the highlights/shadows are adjusted.

    Soft colors

    After applying this preset, your photo will have soft colors and low contrast. For portraits and studio portraits, this effect is perfect. You can also process wedding photos with this preset.

    Retro style treatment

    This retro preset for Lightroom will make your photo look like an old one. The yellowish faded colors create an interesting atmosphere in the photo. I think this effect will appeal to many people.

    Converting a concert photograph to black and white

    Sometimes, when shooting in a club or at a concert, due to the lighting and bright spotlights, light flashes and the photo turns out to be, at first glance, ruined. The best option will convert such a photo to black and white. In this matter, this preset will help you to do black and white photo from concert (and not only) photography.

    Preset for processing photos from a rock concert

    This preset is used to process photos from rock concerts. It seems to me that these colors are just right for such an event. Download and use!

    Vanilla photo processing

    And today we will paint the cat in purple vanilla shades :) I think the cat will not be offended, but rather will be pleasantly surprised at how much more beautiful the photo has become after using this preset. I recommend to all lovers of cats and vanilla flowers to download this preset immediately!

    Preset for processing images with flowers

    To ensure that processing flowers in Lightroom does not take much time, so that your photographs of flowers turn out bright and beautiful, you can use this preset. The saturation is increased very carefully so that the colors are within the color space. The tone leans more towards warm shades.

    If you are at least a little interested in photography, then you have probably used a variety of filters at least once in your life. Some simply take the photo in black and white, others stylize it as antique, and others change the shades. All these seemingly simple operations have a significant impact on the mood conveyed by the photo. Of course, there are simply a huge number of these filters, but why not create your own?

    And in Adobe Lightroom there is such a possibility. It’s just worth making a reservation here - in this case we are talking about the so-called “Presets” or, more simply put, presets. They allow you to quickly apply the same correction parameters (brightness, temperature, contrast, etc.) to several photos at once in order to achieve the same style of processing.

    Of course, the editor also has its own rather large set of presets, but you can add new ones without any problems. And here there are two possible options.

    1. Importing someone else's preset
    2. Create your own preset

    We'll look at both of these options. So, let's go!

    Before you can load presets into Lightroom, you need to download them somewhere in the “.lrtemplate” format. This can be done on a huge number of sites and there is no point in recommending anything specific here, so let’s move on to the process itself.

    1. First, you need to go to the “Corrections” (“Develop”) tab

    2. Open sidebar, section “Preset Options” and right-click anywhere. You should select “Import”

    3. Select in the desired folder file with the extension “.lrtemplate” and click “Import”

    Creating your own preset

    1. Before you can add your own preset to the list, you need to configure it. This is done simply - process a sample photo to your taste, using the adjustment sliders.

    2. Click on top panel“Corrections”, then “New Preset”

    3. Give the preset a name, assign a folder, and select the settings to be saved. If everything is ready, click "Create"

    Adding a preset to the program folder

    There is another way to install presets in Lightroom - adding required file directly to the program folder. To do this, you need to open the folder “C:\Users\...Your username...\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Develop Presets” in Explorer and simply copy the .lrtemplate file into it.


    If you did everything correctly, the new preset will appear in the Preset Options section in the User Presets folder. You can apply it right away by simply clicking once on the name.


    In our digital age, having taken a photo, you are only halfway there. You still need to edit it. Luckily, by using Adobe Lightroom in combination with some truly high-quality presets, you can instantly get amazing results rather than being frustrated by trying to retouch it.

    But first, what are presets?Lightroom?

    Lightroom Presets are a collection of photo editing settings built into Lightroom. These settings allow you to edit your photos in one click, much more efficiently than taking all the steps individually.

    Here are 7 reasons why you'd be stupid not to use Lightroom presets:

    Saving time

    Using Lightroom presets, with just one click you can instantly make your photo 85-90% edited, and sometimes one click is all it takes to complete the edit! Rather than editing a photo from start to finish, it's better to spend time editing fine tuning editing process.

    Easy to use

    Learning any new software can be intimidating and takes time to master. It's really important to take steps to really learn the program, but at the same time, using presets will allow you to get started with Lightroom right away and edit photos easier than ever before.


    Does the photo look better in black and white or maybe sepia? Or perhaps bright colors or a vintage style would be more suitable? Using Lightroom presets will give you a lot of creative options that will allow you to effectively apply different ways processing and see which style is most suitable for a particular photo or even an entire photo shoot. Tip - when you hover over another preset, Lightroom will show you a preview of how the photo will look with that preset (in the Navigator block, top left panel, in the Develop module, see screenshot above).


    When editing an entire photo shoot, using the same presets will give your images a more uniform and consistent look, as opposed to editing each photo individually, which can cause different settings, and subsequently the fragmentation of a series of photographs.

    Fully customizable

    Do you have a preset you like, but always find yourself making slight adjustments to the color and contrast? Or perhaps your personal style has changed slightly over time? No problem at all. Any designed preset you use in Lightroom is fully customizable and can be done with just a few clicks.

    Lightroom againstPhotoshop

    Lightroom has built-in Presets, Photoshop has Operations. Both programs have their place in the editing workflow professional photographer. However, Lightroom is the main one software for both professionals and amateurs. Not only is it easier to learn and use than Photoshop, but in Lightroom all your changes will remain non-destructive. This means that the original, unedited photos will always be stored in Lightroom, so you can experiment as much as you like without affecting the original characteristics of the photo.

    Presets + batch processing = winning combination

    Example package presetsdPS 101 Lightroom

    One of the biggest benefits of using Lightroom is the ability to edit many photos very quickly by batch editing, or syncing, applying the settings of one photo to many others. If you combine high-quality presets with batch editing in Lightroom, you can significantly reduce the editing time of an entire photoset.

    Now you have a better idea of ​​how you can use Lightroom presets to dramatically reduce the time you spend processing photos while still getting best result and improve your creativity. Spend your free time searching for new presets.

    An example of using the “Summer Sun” preset from the preset packdPS 101 Lightroom

    This latest collection of presets includes seven different themes, so you can easily find and use the preset that best suits your photo without wasting any extra time. You will find presets designed for portraits, amazing presets for black and white photographs and sepia, for landscape, street photography, vintage presets and much more.

    It doesn't matter if you're a professional or an amateur, you'll love these presets and the results you get from using them.

    Example of a preset packagedPS 101 Lightroom

    I somehow decided to find where download free presets for Lightroom and found it on a bunch of foreign resources. I'm sharing with you.

    It's okay to be lazy when it comes to photo editing. You’ve already been stressed out making that perfect photograph that deserves to hang at an exhibition in Paris, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time on processing. Moreover, people usually keep their profiles in the same style and Lightroom presets are rather a necessity.

    What is a Lightroom preset?

    Presets help you avoid wasting time processing from scratch. If you are familiar with, then know that Lightroom presets are the same thing, only in a different application and created ordinary people, not Adobe itself.

    This way, if you want to achieve a certain style of photography, instead of guessing what combination of contrast, saturation, white balance, etc. will achieve the desired effect, you simply apply them with just one click and adjust as needed.

    You can download many various types presets for different genres. So you can choose a slightly lower saturation and contrast preset for portrait editing, for example, or a high-contrast option for incredible landscapes.

    Take some time to edit and dive into these 63 free Adobe Lightroom presets. All you have to do is click on the name of the ones you like.

    63 Free Lightroom Presets

    1. CosmicDancer

    If you're looking for something to give your photos clarity, contrast and boldness, then this preset is for you.

    2. Trey Ratcliff presets

    The Trey Ratcliff preset for ON1 contains beautiful bright effects and warm options to bring a little more color and life to your photos.

    3. Skyfall

    Nothing related to James Bond. With pale pink skies and low contrast, the Skyfall preset is great for landscape shots.

    4. Orange & Teal

    You probably don't even need to download these presets to guess what they do to your images. Turquoise and orange shades complement each other beautifully and are great effects for adding cool and warm toned images.

    5. Presets from Shutter Pulse

    Shutter Pulse creates amazing presets for you high quality, and lucky for us, they have a whole collection of free presets. There are presets for almost any style.

    6. Lightroom Presets from Altphotos

    From dull and dark presets, bright and warm, those that boost contrast and blue tones, and that give warm, retro styles to your images, you're sure to find something you like with Altphotos.

    7. Grain and Film

    For those who want to add an old movie effect to their photos.

    8.High Tide

    This preset is great for sunny, bright photos, such as those from the sea.

    9.Vintage Film

    Nowadays there is a fashion for antiques and with this preset you can make your photos look vintage.

    10. Vintage Vixen

    On the vintage theme, take a look at this preset. With soft tones, a beautiful brown overlay and warmth, you can achieve an antique effect.

    11.Deep Matte

    This filter will help you achieve nice matte tones in your photos.

    12. Favorite Film

    The free Lightroom preset Favorite Film reduces the contrast in your photos to make them suitable for big screen. This is a lightweight preset that will add a “film-like” feel to your photos.

    13. Vintage Lightroom

    You can never have enough vintage presets, right? This pack contains everything from blue toned, foggy effects, to subtle contrast adjustments.

    14. Winter Wonderland

    Ideal for adding cool tones. It boosts brightness, balances contrast, and gives your photos a nice look.

    15. Let's Get Lost

    This preset is great for lifestyle photography. It gives photos a hipster tone.

    16. Cross Processing

    This filter will add purple tones that many people love.

    17. Landscape Vibrations

    Landscapes often need more clarity, greater contrast and greater clarity. This is a quality starting point for landscape processing, and these presets are suitable for many other types of images.

    18.Mini Enlighten

    Mini Enlighten presets are great for exposure control and offer great filters for professional processing. They are great for portraits and use a pop style.

    19. Sepia

    From soft HDR to clear skin and cool shadows, this set of presets is useful for all types of photos. For a feeling of nostalgia in your photos.

    20. Color Pop

    Between beautiful brightness and bright chaos there is fine line, but with Color Pop you'll never step over it. While many presets reduce saturation, these effects will enhance it nicely.

    21. HDR preset

    HDR is a controversial subject. Some people like this effect, others don't. But with this preset you will find golden mean. It gently increases brightness and saturation.

    22. Autumn Color boost

    Autumn is beautiful in many ways, but in other ways it can be quite gloomy. The sky turns gray and the temperature drops, affecting the color of the photos. But with this preset you can maintain the “golden” shade of autumn.

    23. Intense Warm

    The free Intense Warm preset gives you warm, contrasting tones for your images. Great for warm accounts.

    24 Grace preset

    This preset removes shadows without making your photos look too pale.

    25. Summer breeze LR pack

    26. High contrast

    Black and white preset. More monochrome tones than just desaturating the photo.

    27. Instant Hipster

    28. Lavender Lomo

    Gives a warm vignette to your photos.

    29. Blondies and Brunettes

    The 50s were a time when bright color mixed with subtler shades of orange and brown, in posters, fashion and photography. This free Lightroom The preset demonstrates this brilliantly, with plenty of styling options for your shots.

    30. Warm Retro

    Bringing out heat in a photograph can be quite difficult. This preset helps you find the golden mean.

    31. Download free Fujifilm Lightroom presets

    These presets are specifically designed for Fujifilm X-Series cameras, but they are also more than suitable for images from other cameras.

    32. No Man Before Travel

    If you're hoping to show your friends and family all the places you've been to on vacation, you need these free Lightroom presets. They are perfect for travel photos.

    33. We Eat Together Food photography presets

    These aren't just presets, food always looks more appetizing with a little contrast, vibrancy and clarity, and these presets are good for making a stunning layout truly appetizing.

    34. Cole's Classroom

    With the added haze, crisp, summer, and black and white presets included in this pack, Cole has the bases covered.

    35.Beautiful Sunrise

    Sunrises are always beautiful, this filter will help you make them even more beautiful by adding saturation, brightness and clarity.

    36. Lightroom presets “Helene In Between”

    This set of presets gives your images easy shine. Great for your beach and city shots.

    37. Skin Tone

    All portraits need a little editing here and there, and skin can be one of the trickiest things to edit. This preset does all the hard work for you.

    38. Cinematic HDR

    The HDR effect is one of the most popular online and is especially good for clarity and contrast. Apply them to landscapes to get the best effect.

    39. Silver Lining

    If you're looking for a black and white preset but want to avoid high contrast, this glass, silver liner could be just what you need. It takes the color out of your photos and leaves a cool monochrome treatment.

    40. Hollywood presets

    If you are looking for glamour, these free presets are for you. With gorgeous toning in a variety of styles, you'll be feeling like a Hollywood superstar in no time. Paid Pro version contains 70 presets in total, but you can grab two for free to get started.

    41. Cold Fact

    So, with all these beautifully warm, summery presets, you're probably wondering where the cold ones are, right? Look no further, download this preset. If summer presets are too warm for your tastes and cooler tones don't cut it, you'll love this preset. It's soft and bright, with one hint of complementary color.

    44. Voodoo Lounge

    Pre-setting Voodoo Lounge allows you to fine-tune your image and add a splash of extra color without making it too saturated. This good option for city images that you don't want to look too summery.

    45. Rockwell Warm

    Rockwell Warm is not the warmest preset on the list. In fact, it washes out your colors a little in favor of introducing a little more detailed information into the image. This good alternative HDR but still looks cinematic.

    46. ​​Matt Kloskowski's Spotlight

    Vignettes can be difficult to set up. Luckily, Matt Kloskowski has perfected them. These presets on ON1 add color and warmth and focus on the center of your photo.

    47. Light Leak presets

    If Matt's vignettes aren't your thing, maybe you're looking for pops of color in the corners and edges of your shots? These presets are great for a splash of color in your images and look great in a bright, summer scene.

    48. Lightroom Dark Presets

    Great for dramatic scenes, but also necessary tool in tone control.


    Ideal for beginners and professionals alike, tilted towards soft focus portraits, weddings and baby shots.

    50. Trey's Lightroom Presets

    These are beautiful free lightroom presets can lift yellows, tone blues, and give your images a beautiful glow. They're great for bright shots, but can be used to enhance dark ones.

    51. Shotkit bundle

    This set of 25 presets includes a handful that aim to replicate popular film emulsions such as Agfachrome RSX II 200 and Kodak Ektacolor Pro 160.

    I hope you were able to download Lightroom presets for free for yourself and found something worthy.

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