• Beautiful signature. How to make a beautiful signature? Examples of beautiful signatures. How to sign photos correctly

    Such a simple question as “what to write under a photo on Instagram?” worries many novice Instagrammers. Everyone wants to be interesting, popular, have a lot of subscribers, and, of course, for this you need to be able to compose beautiful descriptions to publications or copy them from somewhere. I’ll upset you right away - steal beautiful text It won't work here. I’d rather teach you what something unusual can be written under a photo on Instagram or a video so that your followers don’t stop reading you, but, on the contrary, recommend you to their friends.

    A description for a post is half the success on Instagram

    As you know, an Instagram post consists of two parts: a photo or short video and the first comment from the author of the post. Before I tell you what popular users write in this commentary, I would like to immediately note that we must not forget about photographs - they should be clear, beautiful, pleasantly processed, and not offend the feelings of your subscribers.

    What to write under photos and videos on Instagram to be popular?

    If you are not a showbiz star who, by definition, everyone loves, which is expressed in hundreds of thousands of subscribers, then these rules will come in handy.

    1. Only teenagers like worn-out philosophical phrases. If you are under 18 years old, then yes, you can safely copy them to your profile.

    2. The main thing that most Instagrammers love is sincerity, truthfulness and positivity. If you regularly and with humor talk simply about your life, you are guaranteed success.

    3. People also love the cries of someone else’s soul - reasoning on a variety of topics. It doesn't matter whether they agree with you or not. Those who disagree will start discussions in the comments, and this is even better.

    4. In addition, posts that can teach you something are in demand: how to make a great cake, how to please a guy, how to choose the right diet for a cat, how to change a child’s diapers. However, remember that again, copied and seen a thousand times in other social networks. On networks, words will be boring for everyone. Write in an original and interesting way. Choose topics that are not hackneyed. Highlight subtopics and dwell on them in more detail.

    5. Supplement your text with funny ones, because most Instagrammers like them.

    6. If your profile is thematic, then do not go beyond the topic specified from the very beginning, but follow the rules discussed above.

    What should not be written in the description under a photo or video on Instagram?

    1. First of all, I would like to say that there is no need to leave the description empty. Then all the load falls on the photo or video, so they must be just mega-super cool to arouse interest among subscribers.

    2. Learn to write correctly. Oddly enough, the adult population most often follows profiles where they know and love Russian. Refuse inappropriate swearing - in large quantities it is only interesting to teenagers.

    3. Do not violate the rules of the system - do not call for violence, etc. Also, try not to insult anyone.

    Sticking to these simple rules, you will learn to write literate and interesting descriptions that other users and your followers will like. Don't try to copy someone best description for publication on Instagram - these are your competent, interesting and sincere thoughts.

    • In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. - Maya Angelou
    • I keep your heart close to me (I keep it in my heart) You are always with me. - E. E. Cummings
    • Love makes the world go round. Love is what makes life priceless. - Elizabeth Browning
    • You don't need to be on safari to see local wildlife (although a trip through Africa should be on any travel lover's bucket list).

    Headings of physiological senses

    • If having a soul means being able to feel love, joy and gratitude, then animals are better than many people. - James Herriot
    • Many people talk to animals. However, not many people listen to them. - Benjamin Hoff
    • The greatness and morality of a person can be judged by his treatment of animals. - Mahatma Gandhi

    Traveler's signature

    • Of all possible subjects, travel is the most difficult for an artist, but the easiest for a journalist. - W. H. Auden
    • The traveler does what good artists do in everyday life, placing an image in a frame, adding sophistication to the setting, adding joy and clarity to everyday worries. Traveling means forgetting everything and enjoying art. - Freya Stark
    • What is art? -Georgia O'Keeffe
    • Understanding and being surprised in our time is a great luxury. - Glen Robinson
    • Only your eyes can tell about the problems of the world in all honesty. - Edward Garis
    • I saw a lot of good things in Russia - it made me a better person - Andreas Haevaro

    B - Quotes under photos on Instagram

    Headings to keep in mind, well, just in case. There are no quotes to spare, always write down smart thoughts, screenshot them or add them to bookmarks.

    Best captions for subscribers

    • Beach life is bliss. - Dennis Wilson
    • Don’t look so quickly or you’ll forget what rest is. - Gala Brant
    • In every wasteland, in every curved beach, in every grain of sand, there is a story about the land. - Rachel Carson
    • There is a belief that if you throw a coin into the sea, you will definitely come back, it’s a pity you can’t do that with your childhood. - William Netsby

    Brothers' signatures

    • Brothers, do not let each other wander alone in the dark. - Jolene Perry
    • We flew through the sky like birds and swam in the sea like fish, but we had not yet learned to walk on earth like brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Help your brother's boat and your own boat will reach the shore. - Hindu Proverb
    • Only your brother knows the real you. - Anonymous
    • I will remember you, I will believe and hope to meet you, but now only there. - Mikhailov

    Brunch Captions

    • Breakfast at lunch, waste of time. - Anonymous
    • Lunch without champagne is just a waste of time. - Anonymous
    • Acuna "Mimosa". This means lunch. - Anonymous

    Heartwarming Headlines

    • Like this wine, our love must mature. - Graham Greene
    • It's just luck to love someone until they leave you. - Rosim Stern
    • Why does it hurt me so much, because our souls are connected. - Nikolay Iskra
    • Forget about the problems of the world, and plunge into her eyes without a trace. - Alena Vetrova
    • I don’t need much just to see your lips in the morning. - Anonymous

    Ship signatures

    • If you want to build a ship, don't make people work as labourers. Divide the work and give the order. Teach them to strive for the vast and endless sea... - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are designed for. - John A. Shedd
    • To reach the port we must sail. A sail, not an anchor. Float, not drift. - Franklin Roosevelt

    B - Instagram Captions

    Cats, well, where would we be without them? Finding a good, humorous quote about the Kotovskys is sometimes very difficult. Once you imagine a “catoclysm” falling from the table, it becomes funny. However, many philosophers compare people and their lives to cats.

    Signatures for "Kus"

    • This is the big secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats, forcing them to follow you. - Ray Bradbury
    • I have lived with several Zen masters - all of them cats. - Eckhart Tolle
    • Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud

    Signatures of the greats

    • I understand, no more the right way than a journey to find out whether you like a person or not. - Mark Twain
    • Never go on trips with people you don't love. - Ernest Hemingway
    • Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my favorite day. - A. A. Milne

    Christmas and New Year Quotes Instagram

    • At Christmas, all roads lead home. - Marjorie Holmes
    • Christmas waved with a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything became softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peale
    • Christmas is the season of hospitable people, homes, and charity. - Washington Irving
    • This evening, everyone is thinking about tangerines and gifts, but I just want to sleep. - Light Bridge
    • I would quit drinking champagne on New Year's Day, but no one likes sober people.
    • I can't believe it's been a year since I haven't become a better person.
    • Save the water, drink the champagne.
    • May your life be colorful, magnificent, shimmering and joyful, like the magic of Christmas.
    • Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. - old Russian proverb
    • Come quickly, I'm tasting the stars! - Dom Perignon
    • I solemnly swear that I will not do anything good in the new year. - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter
    • My New Year's resolution is to stop hanging around people asking me about my New Year's resolution. - Augness Larch

    Instagram Quotes That Will Change You

    • Traveling and changing places gives new impetus to the mind. - Seneca
    • If you try to imitate another person as much as possible, you will fail. - German Gref
    • Trust your intuition. The inner feeling is one of the most truthful that exists. - Arthur Mavrielyan
    • Believe in a miracle - it exists. - Alice in Wonderland

    G - Instagram Captions

    Quotes are like dancing

    • Movement is a barometer that communicates the state of the soul's weather to all who can see it. - Martha Graham
    • And those who were seen dancing were considered mad by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • Let's read, let's dance! These two amusements will never harm the world. - Voltaire
    • We must forget every lost day in which we did not dance at least once. ― Friedrich Nietzsche
    • After all, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She did it backwards and in high heels. ― Anne Richards

    Quotes from the wise

    • Love yourself and the world will love you. - Amy Mercree Lee
    • A person who believes only in intellect will end up facing problems that intellect will not solve. - Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
    • Two things are infinite: the Universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the Universe. ― Einstein
    • Love is the universal music of the Universe. Only the heart can hear, feel, store, and transmit. In this process, one heart fills other hearts with rapture. ― Debasish and Mridha
    • You think you are an artist, but you are a canvas. ― John Green
    • Looks never last forever. ― Laila Olga Akita

    D - Instagram Captions

    Food is the most common type of post on Instagram. With these Quotes and Captions, you will add variety to your photos.

    Edible Quotes

    • All you need is love. But a little chocolate every now and then won't hurt. ― Charles M. Schultz
    • I love you like a well-fed child loves cake! ― Scott Adams
    • Don't ask what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. ― Orson Welles
    • After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even in your relationship. - Oscar Wilde
    • Take advantage of the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who sent out the dessert cart. ― Erma Bombeck
    • It is impossible to think well, love well, or sleep well if you have had a bad dinner.” - Virginia Woolf

    Heading Browsers

    • Why are we walking in circles? You have often seen the dawn, breathed the fresh morning air, but never once looked into yourself. It is difficult to look into the depths of consciousness, but it will reveal the truth to you. - Lada Bernadtsky
    • Look around to see if you're surrounded by assholes. - Evgeniy Smolensky
    • It is not possible to develop an internal burning sensation and start working 25 hours a day without a strong desire to live forever. - Savin
    • We are like lions, jaguars, or bats. Some are rabbits and some are rats - you choose. Anonymous
    • In spring the most the right time to look at the world with different eyes. - Rosalia Block
    • She said many times that this was impossible. It turned out that she simply didn’t bother to do otherwise. - Erwin Grochowski

    E - Instagram Captions

    Family quotes instagram

    • Family is the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration for achieving greater heights and our comfort when we fail from time to time. - Brad Henry
    • There's nothing that makes you crazier than family. Or happier. Or even more irritated. Or... safer. - Jim Butcher
    • Sometimes a person needs to separate from his family, comrades and go to new places. You need to go without acquaintances, be open to outside influences in order to change. - Katarina Butler Hathaway
    • All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is dissatisfied in its own way. - Leo Tolstoy
    • Happiness has a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. - George Burns
    • "You can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas came and went and I didn't get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books. - J. K. Rowling

    Winter quotes instagram

    • In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer. - Albert Camus
    • We are who we are because of those we love and because of those who love us. - Kate Mosse
    • IN New Year without snow, like in summer without greenery, but here it’s the only way, in Novorossiysk - Anonymous
    • The cold should only be on winter streets and not in your hearts - Gefo Ryan

    F - Instagram Captions

    In music you often come across smart thoughts and useful sayings. Not all texts of modern performers are considered stupid; in them you will find good captions for Instagram posts

    Quotes from songs for Instagram

    • Without music, life would be a mistake. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • One good thing about music is when it hits you, you don't feel the pain. - Bob Marley
    • Music expresses what cannot be expressed in words and what cannot be silent. - Victor Hugo
    • Physics is what I can do, music is what I wanted to do. - Albert Einstein
    • Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible. - Frank Zappa
    • After silence, what comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music. - Aldous Huxley
    • There are two ways to escape from the poverty of life - music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

    Captions about laughter

    • If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. - Marilyn Monroe
    • Never laugh at living dragons. - J.R.R. Tolkien
    • Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options, and now laughing makes you feel better. - Veronica Roth
    • Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh, cry and find meaning in life. - Christopher Paolini
    • Learn what to take seriously and laugh at others. - Hermann Hesse
    • The only way to penetrate life is to laugh at it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying causes headaches. - Marjorie Play Hinckley

    Quotes about rivers and lakes

    • Perhaps the truth depends on the walk on the lake. - Wallace Stevens
    • The lake is the most beautiful and expressive feature of the landscape. This is the eye of the Earth. - Henry David Thoreau
    • Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still surface and great depths of kindness. - Lao Tzu

    Z - Instagram Captions

    Headlines about Friendship and Love

    • Love journeys don't end that simple. - Pico Iyer
    • Home is comfort, and I feel comfortable. - Lily Leung
    • If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could always walk in the garden. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. - Dr. Seuss
    • A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard
    • We accept the love we think we deserve. - Stephen Chbosky
    • It is not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • If you judge people, you don't have time to love them. - Mother Teresa
    • Being deeply loved gives you strength, and loving others deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
    • There is never a time or place for true love. It happens randomly, in an instant, in one blinking, pulsating moment. - Sarah Dessen

    Quotes about the road

    • If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison
    • Books are the plane, the train and the road. It is a destination and a journey. They are at home. - Anna Quindlen
    • It's just... I just think some things are meant to be broken. Imperfection. Chaotic. It's a way of providing the universe with contrast, you know? There should be a few holes in the road. It's like life. - Sarah Dessen
    • There was nowhere to go, they were everywhere, so keep riding under the stars. - Jack Kerouac
    • Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to you. - Yogi Berra
    • Man often meets his fate on the road he has chosen to avoid. - Jean de La Fontaine
    • You forget what you want to remember and remember what you want to forget. - Cormac McCarthy
    • Even though the road was rocky, I didn't care. - Bob Marley

    What quotes and sayings do you like? Write in the comments.

    The social network Instagram has become very popular in recent years. This is largely due to the format of the news presentation, which always contains a photo with a caption at the bottom. This is extremely convenient for ordinary users and advertisers, because beautiful images attract attention. However, many people have problems with drawing up signatures, and therefore this field is often left empty.

    Is it necessary to write captions for photos on Instagram?

    This question is quite logical, since using text on a social network designed for posting photos may seem strange. This is exactly the opinion that most newcomers have when they first learn about the ability to add captions to photos on Instagram.

    However, having become acquainted with the largest and most famous accounts of this social network, you will notice that the signature field is never left empty. This is due to the ability to write in it not only simple text, but also so-called hashtags, by which you can find this or that content. The format of this element is a # sign and the word immediately after it, without a space, which carries a reference to the photo above. You can figure out this function quite quickly, but it is worth remembering that you should not overuse these tags and use overly complex expressions. The simpler and clearer it is, the better for your account.

    Where to get an idea for a signature

    Coming up with interesting captions for photos on Instagram may not be so easy, so you have to turn to outside sources. In most cases, a statement from a book or simply well-known words can be used as text. However, photographs on Instagram also require originality, since not everyone is interested in reading repeated words over and over again in different accounts.

    To correctly compose a caption for a photo on Instagram, first of all you should decide on the initial topic, which should be related to the photo you are writing for. After this, you can turn to third-party sources that will serve as inspiration or a basis for compiling a full-fledged text. If you have problems with your essay, you can resort to the simplest replacement of words with synonyms or retelling the sentence while maintaining the original idea.

    What language should the photo be signed in?

    Often Russian-speaking users use captions for photos on Instagram on English. Some people find this kind of thing beautiful or use it as an opportunity to attract foreign users. There is nothing negative in this style, and it is quite acceptable if the posted photo contains materials that refer to foreign figures or elements. However, this may slow down the development of the account in the native market, which is undesirable when promoting your own brand created for a specific country.

    If the account owner has poor knowledge of a foreign language, then you should seek help third party sources and take a ready-made quote or statement. When using online translators Problems may arise due to incorrect or simply crooked translation, which will only spoil the impression outside users about the account owner. Also, do not forget about the use of foreign hashtags, which will also attract the attention of foreign audiences. The rules for working with tags remain the same (brevity and clarity).

    The connection between the picture and the caption

    One of the main nuances that can cause negative reaction addressed to the user - a gross discrepancy between the content of the caption to the photo on Instagram and the image itself. This phenomenon becomes especially noticeable with famous statements left under frivolous photographs of girls or men. Such captions under photos on Instagram attract serious negative comments and lead to an outflow of subscribers when used frequently.

    To avoid getting into a similar situation, try to use only words that match or at least do not contradict the content of the image. This may seem strange to some, since signatures are rarely paid attention to, but this does not work for popular accounts.

    Should I add hashtags to my caption?

    This element has already been mentioned in previous paragraphs as a convenient tool for attracting an audience. However, users often use it incorrectly, adding all sorts of words and entire sentences under the hashtag sign. Initially, the purpose of this tool was to simplify the search for material of interest. Examples: Instagram captions for photos with a hashtag may include one word:

    “Animals”: ​​By entering this word in the search box, other users expect to see animals, discarding extraneous material.

    "Autumn": Users may be looking for paintings from this time of year.

    If the photograph does not contain the declared element, this may cause disapproval from the audience.

    Keep in mind that using long, multi-word expressions doesn't make sense because it's unlikely that anyone will type that into the search box.

    Is it possible to use other people's quotes in your signature?

    This kind of borrowing is very common on all social networks, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, before using something like this as a caption for photos on Instagram, find out the author of the words and indicate the appropriate icon, after which you need to write down the name of the author.

    When quoting, you should pay attention to classical works, so you can demonstrate your knowledge of literature. Various new books are not so preferable, since rarely any of them can contain truly interesting and serious thoughts and conclusions.

    Also, don't forget about films. Excerpts from dialogues as captions for photographs on Instagram will make sense when used as a picture of a frame or some reference to the specified film.

    Which is better: your own words or someone else’s statements for a signature?

    Determine exactly the best option V in this case can be difficult. At first glance, expressing one's own opinion as a caption for Instagram photos has a meaningful appeal to the audience, but this only works if the thoughts expressed are truly interesting. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, and many users write simple ideas using abstruse words, which can only lead to misunderstanding and condemnation from other users.

    Using the expressions of others, especially famous people, can be the most optimal choice for the majority. This is because the thoughts of famous figures attract serious attention and are highly respected. However, you should not take the first words you come across, passing them off as a great thought. Such a trick will be quickly discovered and will lead to a decrease in popularity and respect from others.


    As examples for photographs of yourself and a friend (if there is one), you can use simple expressions, in accordance with the content of the text “Me and Victoria near the university” or “Dinner with best friend". There can be many options, depending on the situation.

    Also, don’t forget about well-known and not so well-known sayings, for example:

    "Don't lose your feelings, they are your guide to the truth."

    “A loved one is more important than grievances and principles.”

    “Family is when you can tell who is coming by the sound of steps.”

    "Until you learn how to handle the oars, there is no use changing the boat."

    Brief conclusions

    Writing interesting and original photo captions can be quite difficult in the beginning. For beginners, there are several ways to achieve their goal. They may consist of using third-party sources at first, with a gradual transition to compiling independent content. Or initially start by drawing up own signatures to photos on Instagram with meaning, even if at first they are not as ideal as we would like, but with experience the necessary skill will come.

    At the same time, do not forget about the basic rules for writing a signature, which include compliance with the theme of the image and literacy. Hashtags, which can be indicated at the end of the signature, also play a significant role. You should not overuse them or use large phrases and sentences under the sign of a hashtag. To compose a beautiful signature, just follow these rules.

    Good afternoon, dear friends! Well, have you already created an account on Instagram? I'm sure yes, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article. So, you've taken your first shot, but don't know how to caption the photo on Instagram? Don't worry, every user faces this problem. Even experienced bloggers sometimes reach a dead end. Now I will tell you how to make sure that your posts evoke only positive emotions in your readers and force them to return to your page again and again.

    From this article you will learn:

    From time to time I come across posts in my feed without captions. And these accounts are quite popular. Although I am sincerely perplexed, why can’t I at least write something? Do the owners of the letters feel sorry for them or are they just lazy? Or are they so self-confident that they consider their photographs to be self-sufficient?

    Don't be selfish! Even in old family photo albums intended for home viewing, our mothers and grandmothers made notes. And if we are talking about a social network, then without good text nowhere! After all, the user is often looking for communication and live participation. And if you want to sell something or make money on Instagram, then you must make it clear to the reader that he is important to you and focus on his wishes.

    The right caption can make a mediocre photo stand out, and conversely, a post about nothing can ruin the career of a promising photographer.

    Common truths

    Before that, think about what you will be talking about? Even personal diary must have a concept, not to mention a blog or business account. This may be trivial, but most people cut corners on this. Many good pages not only on Instagram, but also on other resources, faded away due to the fact that there was no main line. They simply stopped developing and reached a dead end.

    • Be original. Captain Obvious is a topic for jokes, not for good profile. For example, if the photo shows your family, do not write: “I am with my husband and children.” This is understandable. It’s better to tell some kind family story, how you met, about the traditions in your home, how interesting you spent the weekend, etc.
    • Less plagiarism! Readers want to see unique content! No need to rewrite other people's texts or copy posts popular people. It’s better to express your thoughts clumsily than to steal someone else’s. If you like quotes, then remember that they should just be an addition to your story, and not the main part of it. Moreover, you should not use a lot of quotes in one publication. Competent citation implies a mandatory mention of the author. And if you decide to copy the words of Olga Buzova, then take the trouble to insert a link to her account. She will be pleased too.

    • Write correctly. Basic literacy never hurt anyone. In general, I belong to that category of people who break into a cold sweat at the sight of obvious grammatical errors. The excellent student syndrome does not allow me to subscribe to the accounts of “failing students.” And believe me, I'm not the only one. Therefore, before you publish a post, re-read it a couple of times. If literacy is not your strong point, use the services automatic check spelling in Word or Yandex.Speller.
    • Brevity is the sister, wife, lover and daughter of talent. You don't always want to read a description that is too long. Sometimes I don’t even start because I understand that I won’t get to the end. After all, Instagram is just social network, not a literature textbook.
    • Keep it simple, and followers will be drawn to you. Leave complex texts with a bunch of obscure terms for scientific discussions. Don't try to sound smarter by using complex speech patterns. Your best ally is simple colloquial expressions. Most Instagram users - ordinary people who live the same life as you. The officialdom and feigned severity in the presentation only scare away.
    • Don't experiment with styles! We do not live in the 18th century, be progressive, do not use outdated words and expressions. But don’t overdo it with youth slang either. Sometimes it's intimidating. Especially avoid obscene language. In general, try to match your age in thoughts and words. Respect yourself and your subscribers.

    Custom lifehacks

    Every good author has his own secrets. Some of them graduated from literary institutes and journalism departments, some studied textbooks and master classes on copywriting. Everything comes with time, and you too can find your chips. I'm not going to waste your precious time, so I'll briefly describe what I came to through experience.

    • Use emojis. They make the text brighter and more attractive, and help convey emotions that people often lack. It is emoticons that help to distinguish a good joke from a harmful joke, make a subtle hint, and guess the mood of the author. In addition, they can be used as separators, marking and separating paragraphs and sentences, to structure text, instead of punctuation marks.

    Lifehack: You shouldn’t use emoticons if you want to have a serious conversation. Still, they put you in a playful mood. Also, do not overuse them when discussing the feelings and emotions of your friends. It won't look very tactful. It is also considered bad form to respond to messages and comments with emoticons only, without typing any text.

    But don't get carried away. Too many hashtags are also bad. You should not create text consisting entirely of hash marks. Readers feel that you are focused solely on promotion. Therefore, choose a few that fit perfectly with the theme of the photo and post. Place them at the end of the post without emphasizing them.

    Life hack: The array with hashtags can be moved down by stepping back a few lines from the main text. The indentation can be decorated with various symbols or emoticons. Then the hashtags will not be visible in the feed, because during preview only the first two lines from the entire post are reflected.

    • Maintain contact with your audience. Constant interaction is the key to success. Ask questions, be sincerely interested in the opinions of your subscribers on certain issues. This will make the text look alive. And don’t be lazy to respond to comments, even the simplest ones. If you don’t want to lose followers, show them attention and care.

    Life hack: if you are inundated with comments like: “Wow”, “Cool!”, “Super!” and you no longer know what to answer, then you can just like it. Click on the heart to the right of the comment. This is also a manifestation of loyalty.

    • Respect other people's opinions. If a post was left under your photo that completely contradicts your views, then there is no need to throw slippers at the commentator. Write that this is a good position, which also has a right to exist.

    Life hack: if you are faced with outright rudeness or insult, you should not reciprocate the hate. It’s better to just remain silent or ban such a user. Mutual mud-slinging will only lower your rating and ruin your reputation, unless, of course, you are Nastasya Samburskaya.

    • Diversify your feed. The same type of storytelling sooner or later tires everyone. Instead of just captioning a photo, organize a contest, giveaway, sfs, poll, or poll. For example, post three pictures in different dresses and ask which one you should wear to a party. People by nature like to have their opinions listened to because they want to feel important. And sometimes they just like to pry into other people’s lives and give advice. It is on Instagram that this all plays into your hands.

    Life hack: it’s better to organize competitions not alone, but in cooperation with several colleagues. This way you will get more subscribers and save on buying prizes.

    Write, my dears, what you think is necessary and not necessary, what you can write under the photo, and maybe what you can’t, but really want to. Instagram, like paper, will endure anything! But remember, what you write can be used against you! If you decide to become public person, be prepared for criticism, attacks and insults addressed to you. And in general, be careful! You never know how many crazy people are online! If you do not have a goal to earn money or become famous, then close your account from strangers and add as friends only those people you know personally. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Thank you for subscribing to updates and sharing the link to this article with your friends! See you again on the pages of my blog!