• Make new and unique. Types of content on VKontakte. Where to get information for VKontakte posts. Where to get unique text for posts

    In this article I will talk about places where you can “get” unique and free content, which can be safely published on websites or traded on article exchanges.

    I’ll warn you right away - although you won’t have to pay for the content, you can’t call it “free”: you will need to work with your hands and head. But in the end, you will receive a lot of text ready for posting on the Internet, and if you’re lucky, then pictures to go with it.

    Ways to get free unique content

    1 . Independent writing of articles. An ideal option if you are fluent in Russian, have free time and are well versed in the subject of the project.

    2 . Scanning magazines and books. Do you have books and magazines at home? Check: perhaps not all of them are available on the Internet yet. If you come across them, you can safely consider their content unique. It will look good not only on satellites, but also on thematic sites for people.

    Using a digital camera or scanner, transfer the contents of books (magazines) to a computer, recognize it as text and place it in the places you need on the network. To “transform” images into text, I recommend using the ABBYY Fine Reader program.

    3 . Use synonymizer programs. Any “foreign” text suitable for your project can be processed with a synonymizer program.

    The result of such processing will be a text that retains the original meaning, but is expressed in new words. True, the likelihood that you will like such free content is very low: usually the synonymizer produces unreadable text that is completely uninteresting to SDL visitors. I recommend using articles prepared by the synonymizer only for filling doorways.

    4 . Translate articles from foreign sites. Search Google for your keywords entered in English or German, for example, and you will find yourself in competitive niches for that query in other countries. You will see “tons” of content, which, after translation into Russian, will turn into high-quality thematic material for your project.

    But do not rush to publish the text immediately after translation - first check it for uniqueness. There are many services on the Internet for this, but I recommend using Etxt or Advego. If the resulting text is unique, then you can get a lot out of the resources found in foreign countries.

    5 . Create a website whose content will be created by users themselves(content of the “user generated” type). This option is the dream of every webmaster - everyone would not mind having their website filled with unique content on their own.

    Unfortunately, this feature is not suitable for all topics: for example, a medical reference book cannot be filled with user content (unless, of course, it is a reference book of traditional medicine).

    However, on most sites it is possible to organize the appearance of user generated text. This can be easily implemented with the help of reviews and comments, competition and guest articles, forums, guest books, message boards, etc. The main rule: while visiting your resource, the user should want to write something.

    6 . Ask to “compose” several articles for your family or friends project. Look online for authors who are willing to write articles for you for free on their favorite topics :)

    7. Search for unique content posted on online books. There are thousands of diverse electronic libraries on the Internet, which “store” millions of books, newspapers and magazines in .djvu, pdf, etc. formats. Not all texts from them are in the search engine index.

    Finding such sources of materials for a site is not easy work, but, if successful, it is “paid” with hundreds of thousands of characters of unique and fascinating thematic text.

    Note: To avoid copyright infringement proceedings, be sure to indicate its author (name of book, magazine, etc.) next to the published text.

    8 . Convert speech to text. There are good services on the Internet that allow you to convert speech into text (such as Real Speaker, Embedded Speech Recognition Kit, etc.).

    The scheme is simple: turn on a thematic documentary, launch the program and go drink coffee :) As a result, you will become the owner of ready-made material suitable for the theme of your project.

    Before publishing, be sure to check the resulting text for adequacy (perhaps the voice was quiet or unintelligible in some places, there was loud music or noise in the recording, etc.) and edit it.

    Don’t forget to check it for uniqueness - there is always a chance that the film you found has already been used by someone for the same purposes :)

    9 . Conduct research on sites from the Webarchive. A webarchive is a real “cemetery” of sites. On it you can find “dead” sites not only of the Runet, but also of the entire planetary Internet. Many of these sites once contained unique content.

    Sort the list of sites located in the Webarchive using the excellent Identifier program. Go to the Webarchive, enter the thematic domains of your choice, find the content and check its uniqueness.

    Of course, more experienced webmasters have already stolen the most “tasty” free content, but you can still find a lot of useful things in the Webarchive. In addition, remember – the list of “dead” sites is updated every day.

    10 . Use content from sites under the AGS. This method will only work with Yandex, because the AGS is a filter used only by this search engine (designed to reduce external influence factors on search results).

    AGS is an algorithm that filters sites and adds “unreliable” resources to the Yandex blacklist. This algorithm, which began to be used back in 2009, was tightened and modernized last year. AGS-40 became a real “killer” of sites - with its appearance, even sites with high-quality unique content were thrown out of the Yandex index.

    Your goal is to find similar sites and borrow their content.

    How to find resources on the Internet with AGS? Collect a list of sites returned by Google for the keywords you need and massively analyze their indexing in Yandex using the same “Odredelyaika” program. If the index contains no more than 50 pages, then most likely the site is under the AGS. To make sure of this completely, enter the page with the desired article into the Yandex search.

    Note: There is a high probability that the sites fell under the AGS due to low-quality text. Check extracted content carefully before publishing. Place only useful and interesting articles on your website.

    11 . Look for the necessary texts on social networks. It has long been no secret that posts, messages and comments published on social networks are not indexed by search engines. This means that content from Odnoklassniki or VKontakte can be safely used on your website. The only problem in this case will be that you will not find truly full-fledged articles that can captivate users or be useful for them on social networks.

    But there are plenty of detailed comments that can be used as mini-blog entries. In addition to text, you can borrow many unique images from social networks.

    Note: Regardless of the type of content you are looking for, pay attention to the publics and groups located at the bottom of the search.

    12 . Use as content

    Hello friends!

    Today’s article will be dedicated to those who run VKontakte groups, and more precisely, to the issue of content. Content is an important component that can significantly increase your chances of promotion on social networks, so this article will be very useful for you.

    And before we move on to the main thing, I would like to say a few words about the promotion of VKontakte groups. If, along with the high-quality management of your groups, the dynamics of their development is still not enough, then this fairly high-quality service will help you - Soclike. The service’s specialists are truly professionals in their field; they have been on the market for several years; all subscribers attracted by the service are real Vkontakte users. What distinguishes Soclike from many similar resources is only legal and extremely safe methods of attracting audiences to your groups. We use it.

    I wrote a lot about content in my . I got it a couple of days ago and I hope it will be useful to you.

    What type of content is there on VKontakte.

    Let's start in order. VKontakte has a variety of content. The most standard is text + picture. You can also attach polls to your posts (they are needed for user engagement and activity), videos and audio recordings.

    Traditionally, posts with photos and text appear on social networks. However, I advise everyone not to get stuck and give a variety of content. This is necessary so that people see that you provide different usefulness and interesting things.

    Content is the foundation of everything. For example, using surveys you can find out what your subscribers like and what they don’t, and so on. The only thing to remember is that all your posts must include a photograph, since VKontakte users are mostly visual people, that is, they respond well to images. The text is simply perceived much worse.

    Options for creating content for your public pages

    Where can I get content for the VKontakte group? This question plagues most group administrators and those who are just starting their VKontakte business.

    There are actually several options here:

    • Make unique content
    • Take content from other VKontakte groups

    My personal advice is to make unique content. Firstly, users will appreciate it, and secondly, uniqueness will help attract more users. Now let's look at how to make unique content.

    Where to get unique text for posts

    First, let's look at where to get unique text for your posts. Again, there are several options here.

    This is perhaps the most effective method of creating unique content for your communities.

    Where to get photos for VKontakte posts

    Now let's look at where to get photos for your VKontakte posts. Here again, you have the choice to take from other people’s groups or find photos from unique sources.

    These are probably all the ways to get photos for your posts.

    Video content for posts

    Everything is simple here! There are two powerful video hosting sites where you can find a wide variety of videos. Naturally, this is https://www.youtube.com/ and perhaps its main competitor is https://vimeo.com/.

    Among the content, surveys and audio recordings also stand out. Everything is clear from the surveys, make them interesting for your clients, and audio recordings can be easily taken from VK itself.

    Perhaps that's all about the content. For those who didn’t know where to get content, the issue is resolved, and I want to say one more important thought! Many people think that it is very important to make 10-20 posts a day. Actually this is not true. 3-5 quality posts a day at the right time are enough and your public will be constantly remembered. The main thing is quality, not quantity, remember this.

    That's all guys. If the article was useful, subscribe to blog updates and share the link on social networks.

    We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

    Originality is important in everything - in what you wear, how you speak, what TV series you watch. The originality of the text is no less important - with its help you indicate your presence in it. Even if it manifests itself in a complete inability to connect two words and speak meaningfully.

    Search engines are of the same opinion - if someone else’s texts are passed off as their own, they will throw your site out of the search results. Because stealing is bad. We have already written about how to check whether your content is unique or not - in detail and with examples. And in this article we’ll talk about how to raise your text from the bottom of the sea a) if you want it quickly and without extra effort b) if you are ready to sit on your brainchild for an hour or two.

    How to make your article unique: using artificial intelligence

    Write, write and again... Or maybe just press a button and get the result?

    It is well known: there are special programs whose tools are based on a dictionary of synonyms. You enter the source text into them and get a rewrite of it - as many options as you need. Half of these services are free, the rest have long worked on the principle “money in the evening, chairs in the morning.”

    This method of creating content is used when filling out sites for placing paid links. To say that the quality of the generated texts is poor is to say nothing. Yandex and Google do not like bad links and lower their rankings for them. So if you don’t want to risk your positions, don’t look for easy paths - you know where they lead.

    The programs with which such sites are populated are . They are also used for doorways - pages that rank well in search engines, but are mostly “empty” for visitors. Search robots can detect such sites immediately, or maybe after 2-3 months. The result is always the same - inevitable punishment. A rare resource lasts up to 1 year.

    It is not difficult to understand that the purpose of using automated rewriting programs is to replace the original content with something that is as close in meaning as possible. You don't have to waste time looking for new passages. All you need is text A, which will be turned into texts B, C, D and so on.

    What do you want? Make the text original as quickly as possible without hiring copywriters.

    What do you get? Original content that will receive its 100% and raise the site in search results for some time.

    While you are preparing for your first positions and anticipating success, we will go over the most popular services to tell you how they work.

    Supernatural synonymizer: how to make text unique online, without registration, SMS and blood oaths

    The first program we will introduce you to is the synonymizer from raskruty.ru. We are immediately warned that we can specify stop words, but the resulting set of letters will have to be modified. The principle of the service is to select words that are similar in meaning to replace those that you typed in the top window.

    Checking the program is as easy as shelling pears - write:

    And then click on “process”:

    It really will have to be improved - the text turned out to be unreadable. But the program completed its task - it selected synonyms and placed them in the right order, highlighting the “replacements”. All that remains is to fix the car. Or leave everything as it is if the content is intended for the doorway.

    USyn – how to increase uniqueness in a couple of clicks

    Another synonymizer with a simple and understandable operating algorithm: we give him the text, he gives it to us in a modified form. Here, just like in the previous service, you can filter out stop words. The difference is that initially there is only one window (the second one will appear a little later), but the “process” button has not gone away. Let's try the program in action:

    There is blood from the eyes again, but the text has been changed - which is to be expected.

    How to make text unique using the program: free for now

    The creator of the following synonymizer honestly admits: he wants to get money for his invention, but Zarathustra doesn’t allow it. Therefore, reproduce your texts free of charge, that is, for free, before the shop closes.

    The page contains a brief explanation (what is the principle of operation of the program), a description of its features (it will make unique not only the content in Russian, but also in English - when purchasing the program and replacing the word base). Below is a standard window for the source text with the caption “write here”:

    We insert a couple of sentences to check if the service is good, and click on the “synonymize” button. By the way, it is located inconveniently - at the very bottom of the page, lost somewhere among banner ads.

    For some reason, the result appears above the window with the source text. Originality is paramount.

    Not bad, but not perfect. This means that edits will still have to be made. We say goodbye to the good developers (before this, you can scroll through the reviews hidden under the “thank you” - among them there is a sensible remark that the synonymizer is incompatible with the great and mighty) and go to the new site.

    Synonyma is another program for making text unique

    The fourth service offering original ex machina content. The principle is the same as in the previous versions - the coveted percentages are achieved by replacing words. We have two windows in front of us again – it’s impossible to confuse them:

    Insert the text, select a dictionary from those presented in the list:

    We click on the magic “synonymize” button and look at... no, not at the result, but at the captcha that appears the first time we try to recognize it.

    A few seconds of waiting, and then a new portion of the unreadable:

    Is that all? I expected more for the double captcha.

    Conclusion: The synonymizer wants the best, but it turns out as always - clumsily and not very high quality. He honestly tries, but for the substantive part of this unique work one cannot give more than a solid C. You can fill sites with such content if you really want to quickly rise in positions. The only question is whether this resource will really be useful for people and not for robots.

    The moral is simple: you need to do everything yourself.

    How to increase uniqueness without using programs: separating the meat from the bones

    So, you have unoriginal text that needs to be remade for the search engine in such a way that it considers it one and only. Next are simple tips for those who hate synonymizers and content generators even more than I do.

    • Change H1

    Start with the title. It greatly influences search rankings and attracts the attention of visitors. Don’t forget about the keys, but don’t go crazy either - H1 should be accurate, readable and different from other titles. Remember: coincidence is bad. Uniqueness is good.

    • Redo the beginning

    Let's start with the first paragraph and change it. It is to the first part of the article that the search bot is most sensitive - it will immediately see where you copied it from. So go through each sentence, keeping the keywords in mind. Make the original a little more readable (write for people), add some style that the original lacks, and move on.

    • Dig into the body of the text and change it in the middle

    And here we are not talking about serious alterations - just change the case or replace the verb with a gerund. For example, I often sin with cumbersome constructions, which can easily be replaced with more concise and readable ones. This will not take much time, and the uniqueness will increase by a percentage or two.

    • Rewrite the conclusion

    The ending is no less important than the beginning - the search engine will happily latch on to the ending if you give it a reason. It's better to make the original ending initially. These are just a few sentences, but from my own experience I will say that finishing is always more difficult than starting.

    • Play with formatting

    Often the first positions in the search results are text that has been fully formatted. Is it hard to believe? Try it, and then write to us. Naturally, this measure only works in combination with those described above.

    • Add links

    Is the text about hot cakes still not unique? Tell us what you've already written about how to make the world's best baking dough and add a link. Or send the user to any third-party resource with recipes. It's a small thing, but nice. Both the reader and the search bot.

    • Don't step on the throat of your own song

    Write your content, even if the source text suggests a dry and concise presentation of facts. Make digressions, add an introduction and conclusion, expand the lists - in a word, take every opportunity to prove that the author is you, and not Ivan Ivanov from Advego.

    Instead of a conclusion

    We are accustomed to the idea that the key to successful ranking is unique content. But 100% according to Text.ru or Advego should not be an end in itself. These services determine technical originality, but not semantic one. In addition, checking programs often argue with themselves: on Plagiarism it may be 78%, but on Content Watch it is 100%. What is the reason for this discrepancy in results? There are many reasons - from a change in the scanning algorithm to problems with the server and the speed of your Internet. And you shouldn't tear your hair out when you see the number 80 or 94.

    In fact, you can determine the uniqueness of the text yourself. Ask yourself:

    • My article is reallyoriginal meaning?
    • It has usefulfor the usernew information?

    If you answered “yes”, you can ignore the percentage below 100 from Text.ru and Advego - this is not the ultimate truth.

    It’s worth thinking about only in one case – if the matches found are really serious (for example, a whole paragraph of identical text). There is only one piece of advice - learn to formulate your thoughts without looking at third-party sites.

    In this article, we talked about how to make text original using programs, and found out that this is not the case when artificial intelligence comes out victorious. The only proven way to get quality is to entrust content writing to us. We know how to do it honestly, not boringly, usefully, elegantly. Exactly how you like it.

    Probably some of you have your own websites. And the two biggest problems are promoting the site and filling it with content. The promotion problem can be solved by ordering a run, exchanging links and many other ways. And solving the second problem is also very difficult. In this article I will tell you how you can get unique content without much effort. I write for lazy people who don’t want to write content themselves and pay others for it.

    Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest and most banal method - automatic rewriting. To do this, you can use some kind of synonymizer. Personally I prefer .
    First, copy an article from a website and paste it into the first input field. Select the first dictionary and click “process”.

    The resulting text is a bit like nonsense, so some words can be replaced by clicking on them.

    Let's try to check the uniqueness of the received article and see ~90-100%.

    The second method was based on the old method - rewriting the voice from YouTube. Many people had problems with this method, at least some simply did not have time to type behind their voice. But now this process can be automated.
    First, let's open the video and this one.
    On DICTATION, at the very bottom of the page, select Russian.
    Now our task is to add sound to the speakers so that this sound can be heard through the microphone. We start recording on the DICTATION website and turn on the video on YouTube.

    In most cases, the resulting text will also not be very readable and very similar to nonsense. It also depends on how the person speaks in the video. It is desirable that the voice in the video is clear, without extraneous noise and not too fast.
    As a result, we will get text with 100% uniqueness.
    This method is especially good for making articles from recordings of any lectures. But then you will have to change quite a lot.

    And the last method is associated with foreign sites.
    We will need to go to some translator (I use) and a non-Russian site.
    Copy the article you are interested in and paste the translator.

    Ideally, we will need to make edits again, thereby making the text more readable. In any case, it will be easier than writing an article from scratch.

    But before adding an article anywhere, do not forget to use the service to check the uniqueness of the article. What if someone uniqueized this article before you?
    There is no need to despair in this case. This problem can also be solved with the help of a translator.
    We insert our article into the translator and translate it into some other language. And we repeat this several (for example five) times. It is important to use different languages, for example:
    Russian -> English -> German -> Yiddish -> Chinese -> Russian
    Once again, the result is a unique text, but not very readable.

    We can send it directly like this or make edits as usual.

    Some users have a major question:
    “If I don’t have a website, is there any point in receiving articles this way?”
    Answer: yes. The resulting articles can not only be posted on your website, but also sold. But keep in mind that the articles being sold must be highly unique and not complete nonsense.
    You can sell articles on exchanges such as or

    Note: The adaptive version of the site is activated, which automatically adapts to the small size of your browser and hides some details of the site for ease of reading. Enjoy watching!

    Hello dear colleagues, regular readers, subscribers and guests. In today's article I will touch on a small thing that can move mountains.

    Yes, we all know that on high-quality sites everything should be unique: original articles, easy navigation, minimum advertising, maximum benefit. But few people think about how important it is that every picture on a blog is unique.

    Or rather, I am sure that many have thought and heard about this, but has anyone put it into practice? Just for fun, please write in the comments to the article who has at least 90% unique images on their website? Who has 100%?

    There are sites that are constantly gaining traffic and growing. Their bar does not freeze at any mark. I’m not saying that traffic doubles every month, but let’s say in 3 years you can easily reach 10,000-20,000 unique visitors per day. I personally observed one of these sites, followed the experiments and even purchased information from one person with high traffic. So I will pass on this information and experience of personal observations to you completely free of charge. The whole point is that the site should have 100% unique pictures, exactly 100%. Such sites simply skyrocket to the top of search results.

    Look at any culinary blog - their traffic can easily reach 10,000, despite the fact that there are already millions of such blogs. And the thing is that usually, on culinary blogs, all the pictures are photographs that were taken personally by the author of this blog during the cooking process. That is, no one on the Internet has exactly the same photographs.

    But this is not limited to blogs. There are sites that pay, for example, $2-$5 for posting a recipe for a dish with photos. And all housewives are actively earning pennies from this, while such sites fly high to the top and very quickly earn back this money. And all because all the images on the site are unique, every single one.

    How to check the uniqueness of an image, 100% way

    For you, I recorded a good video lesson that won’t take you much time, but will show you how to make sure that the picture is completely unique. Enjoy watching.

    In this way, you can check such a curious thing as whether someone is using your avatar somewhere on the Internet, or your photos from VKontakte. By the way, this happens very often :)

    What is important to understand

    First that you must understand that if you want to have large traffic, you want the blog to constantly grow, the number of comments, positions, behavioral factors to increase - the site must have images (in img tags) and each of them must be unique.

    Second What you need to understand is: take action. Take action! There is no need to read this article and write in the comments “Thank you, I wrote everything clearly”, add it to bookmarks, like and go watch the video on VKontakte... Right now, go to your sites and make a list of all non-unique pictures (I have already done so), which need to be replaced. And go ahead, replace it, urgently! Don't know how to draw illustrations? – order and pay money. No money? - save up. Otherwise, you won't earn anything online.

    Of course, there are exceptions, and there are many examples where people went out to make money with non-unique images. Are you hoping for an exception? Please, and in the meantime, the rest move forward, occupying your niche.

    Third: investing in unique illustrations for a website is one of the best investments. Do you think a young project needs backlinks? Link mass? This is not relevant. Now any normal SEO company invests in what? No, not in pictures :) In improving the usability of sites, increasing conversion and behavioral factors. And original photos of products, original illustrations for articles are one of those steps that will help you achieve all of the above.

    Fourth: non-unique images can cause search engine filters, in particular, Yandex likes to impose non-unique images on young sites. Apparently, this also affected me, read the article at the link, now everything is clearer. And the AGS filter is a big problem for the development of any Internet resource. Therefore, from the very beginning of creating a blog, take care of where you will get original images for articles or photographs for products.

    Fifth: non-original images (as well as non-unique texts) can become a stumbling block when trying to join YAN (Yandex advertising network).

    Where to get unique images for the website

    I do not recommend buying images from image stocks and exchanges. To get original images you can:

    • Draw it yourself from scratch;
    • Dramatically alter the finished image. Color distortion works well. While adding an inscription or adding a frame will do absolutely nothing;
    • Order from freelancers (my choice);
    • Take photographs and insert them onto the site;
    • Scan from magazines, books.

    With this article I wanted to help all those whose website development has stalled. Since it is this website ranking factor that can instantly move your project off the ground. Unique pictures can be ordered from 100 to 10,000 rubles per piece. Anything higher, in my opinion, is an unjustified price for an illustration and you can always find someone who will invest in the price you need without losing quality. But for illustrations that cost 100 rubles, I personally am not satisfied with the quality at all, although I know popular blogs that order such pictures, as long as everything is unique.

    I have already started redoing all the pictures on my blog. It's expensive, but there's no choice. So in all old and subsequent articles, including this one, you will enjoy only original illustrations drawn especially for blog readers Site on!