• Automatic program to improve your PC. Programs for gamers. Overclocking your computer

    Even though Windows 7 is much more responsive than its predecessor, Vista, its default settings are far from optimal. However, when speeding up the work of the “seven”, it is necessary to take into account that some changes made to its settings lead to a deterioration in the functionality and appearance of the system. Your task is to choose a configuration that will provide you with the optimal balance between performance, functionality and appearance. Next, we will look at several ways to speed up the operation of a number of Windows 7 systems, as well as a number of its utilities.

    Windows 7: system boot optimization

    It is known that the greatest irritation for the user is the long loading of the operating system. Despite the fact that the "seven" is optimized by the developers in such a way that it loads 10-20 seconds faster than Vista, users always strive to make it even faster. Multi-core processors allow you to speed up system loading even more, for which you need to perform a number of settings. Open the msconfig utility by typing its name in the Start menu bar. In the window that opens, we need the Download tab, where we need to click on the Advanced options button. Check the box next to Number of processors and select the maximum number of your cores from the drop-down menu. After you click OK to save the settings, reboot the system, and you will see how much faster Windows 7 boots. Windows. Therefore, opening the msconfig utility again, let's go to its other Startup tab. Many Windows applications are added to the system startup without the user noticing. When there are too many such programs, downloading begins to slow down significantly. Therefore, carefully analyze the list of applications presented in the startup tab and uncheck all programs that you do not need. Ideally, you should leave a checkmark next to the name of your antivirus only. In the same way, you can speed up the loading of Windows by disabling all unnecessary services that slow down not only startup, but also operation. We will look at disabling them below.

    Optimizing services in Windows 7

    Throughout the Windows OS family there are many services designed to interact with internal hardware, drivers and some system options. Many third-party programs also add their own services to the system. Working in the background, many services significantly reduce system performance without improving its functionality at all. Moreover, a number of Windows 7 services are detrimental to the overall security of the system. Such services, first of all, include the default Remote Registry, which allows an attacker to make any changes to the system. There are two ways to open the service management utility: go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services or enter services.msc in the Start menu bar. After launching this application, a window will open in front of you with a list of all services. To disable a particular service, you need to left-click on it, after which a window will open. Click the Stop button to stop the service and change the startup type to Disabled to prevent it from being enabled again the next time you start the system. After that, click Apply and OK, the service will no longer interfere with your computer. When working with the list of services, you should be especially careful, since disabling the desired process can lead to a partial loss of system functionality: certain equipment or applications may stop working. If you have made changes to the properties of several dozen services at the same time, it will not be easy to find the right service required for a particular program to work. Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled on almost any computer, be it a single machine or part of a local network.
    • The remote registry allows remote users to make changes to the system registry. For security reasons, this service should be disabled.
    • Offline Files is responsible for implementing the Offline Files API. Not needed by the vast majority of users. Turn it off.
    • The Tablet PC Input Service is required for pen and similar input devices to work on tablets. Turn it off.
    • The Windows Error Logging Service is responsible for logging system errors. If, when problems arise with your PC, you are in the habit of analyzing log entries to identify the causes of errors, leave the service startup type at Auto. If you are almost never interested in what is recorded in the system log, you can disable the service.
    • IPsec key modules for key exchange... - provides IKE key management and authenticated IP functionality. Turn it off.
    • Client for tracking changed connections. The service monitors file associations within the NTFS system. Once disabled, your computer will run faster.
    • Windows Search is necessary to index files on your computer to enable search functionality. If you do not use the system's built-in search, you can disable the service.
    • Parental Control. This service was introduced into Windows 7 from the Vista version and is needed only for compatibility with it. Turn it off.
    On most home PCs that are not part of the local network, you can disable some other services.
    • IPSec Policy Agent. Almost never used on a home PC. Turn it off.
    • KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator. If you read the description of the service, it becomes clear that it is not recommended to start it unless you are sure that you need it. Turn it off.
    • IP Ancillary Service. Not used on a home computer. Turn it off.
    • Print Manager. If you do not use the printer, disable this service. If you print documents occasionally, try setting the startup to Manual. If printing does not work in this case, change the startup type to Auto. Whether your printer will work or not with the Manual startup type depends only on its drivers.
    • A secondary login is required to run processes as a different user. Disabled for security reasons.
    • Fax. We disable it if you do not send or receive faxes.
    • Windows Defender protects against spyware. You can disable it if you plan to install an alternative security system on your system.
    • Windows Firewall. Can be disabled if you have installed a third-party firewall on your system.
    • Smart Card Removal Policy. If you don't use smart cards, you don't need the service.
    • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. If you do not use iSCSI devices, you can set the service startup type to Manual.
    • SSDP discovery is required for devices that use the SSDP protocol. Can be disabled.
    • Adaptive brightness control is only necessary for PC owners with a built-in light sensor to automatically adjust monitor brightness.
    • A computer browser is required to discover working machines on the local network. A single computer does not need the service. Turn it off.
    • Server. The service is required only for computers used for file or printer sharing. Turn it off.
    • Bluetooth support service. Disable it if you don't have Bluetooth.
    You should not disable all services at once. It’s better to disable them two or three at a time, and then reboot the system. If your computer and other equipment will work normally, disable the following services. Otherwise, you may be faced with the fact that you will not understand which service is disabled and prevents the computer from working properly.

    Reducing shutdown time: Windows 7 optimization

    The system shutdown time can also be reduced, but this can only be done using a somewhat barbaric method - reducing the time that is given to the process to complete running programs. If the system does not have time to complete their work, they will be stopped forcibly. Open the registry again and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control branch there. Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter there and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

    ReadyBoost function

    Windows 7 has an option to use flash drives in addition to RAM for data caching. This allows you to speed up data read and write operations and also increases system performance. To use the ReadyBoost option, you must have USB drives or flash cards connected to the PC using a card reader. Insert the drive into the USB port of your computer and in the Autorun window, select Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost. Specify the space limit available for use. To save the settings, click the Apply and OK buttons. After this, the ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be created on the USB drive. Under no circumstances remove the flash drive from the computer!

    Optimizing your hard drive in Windows 7

    This function is valid in the Windows family of systems, starting with version XP, it is also available in the “seven”, however, if in XP this option was enabled by default, in Windows you must enable it yourself. Right-click on the My Computer icon and open Device Manager. Find Disk devices in the list, right-click on the HDD name and select Properties. A window will appear where we need the Policy tab. Check the box next to “Disable buffer clearing...”. Here in the Device Manager we find the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers branch in the list, where in the properties of all ATA channels in the Additional parameters tab, check the box next to the Enable DMA item.

    Speed ​​up copying and moving files

    One of the new options in Windows 7 is remote differential compression, which is designed to calculate the differences between two objects, which reduces the amount of data transferred, but requires more calculation time. You can disable this option in the Windows Components utility. Find the Programs and Features icon in Control Panel and open Turn Windows features on or off from the list on the left. Next to the item Remote differential compression, uncheck the box.

    Disabling driver signature verification

    This setting will significantly reduce the time required to install drivers. Use the Start menu to find the gpedit.msc utility. Then, in User Configuration, go to Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation. Click Digital signature of device drivers and in the window that opens, select Disable, click Apply and OK.

    Speed ​​up thumbnail viewing

    To increase the speed of viewing thumbnails, make the necessary settings in the registry. Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse branch. Change the MouseHoverTime setting to 100 or lower.

    Speed ​​up the Start menu

    When you open the Start menu, the system spends some time identifying and highlighting recently installed programs. If you do not need this option, you can disable it, reducing the time it takes to open the menu. Right-click on the Start button and select Properties from the menu that appears. In the Menu tab, click the Configure button. In the window that appears with a list of settings, uncheck the “Highlight recently installed programs” item. There is a short pause before the Start menu opens, which can be reduced by changing the corresponding registry setting. To do this, first launch the registry by entering the word regedit in the Start menu bar and pressing Enter. In the registry editor that opens, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop key and change the value of the MenuShowDelay key from 400 to 50. After this, the pause when opening the menu will be noticeably shortened.

    Disable unnecessary visual effects

    If your computer has a not very powerful graphics card or uses a graphics solution built into the motherboard for graphics, Aero visual effects may cause a noticeable performance hit. Owners of inexpensive laptops, primarily intended for office work, face this problem especially often. In the Control Panel, click on the System icon and in the window that opens, select Advanced system settings. A window will appear in front of you where you should go to the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Performance. A window will open with a list of special effects, many of which significantly affect system performance. You have to configure the system to ensure the optimal balance between appearance and performance. On weaker computers, you can disable all effects by selecting “Ensure the best performance.” By making the “Special Effects” item active, you can independently choose which effects you need. Most users prefer not to disable the “Smooth out irregularities in screen fonts” option.

    Many programs start automatically when you turn on your computer, causing your system to take longer to boot. In addition, these programs take up extra RAM and are not always needed by you.

    To edit the list of programs for startup, you need to click the “Start” button and type the msconfig command in the search bar. In the Startup tab, programs that start when you turn on the computer are checked. All that remains is to uncheck unnecessary programs.

    Be careful not to disable autoloading of utilities and antivirus products.

    3. Disable autoloading of unnecessary fonts

    When you turn on your computer, Windows downloads a selection of over 200 different fonts. You can disable unnecessary ones like this: “Start” - Control Panel - Design and Personalization - Fonts. Open the context menu with the right key and on the unnecessary font and select “Hide”.

    Comic Sans only , only hardcore!

    4. Deleting temporary files

    In the process of work, many temporary files are created daily on the hard drive, which somehow imperceptibly become permanent. They also greatly reduce the overall speed of your computer.

    Regularly cleaning your computer will speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, and will also free up space on your hard drive.

    To do this, just open My Computer - the partition with the operating system (usually Drive C:\) - the Windows folder - the Temp folder, and then delete all files and empty the Recycle Bin.

    5. Disk Cleanup

    To optimize Windows, Microsoft developers have provided a built-in disk cleanup utility. It searches for and deletes junk files, such as temporary Internet files, distributions of installed programs, various error reports, and others.

    Go to the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup.

    6. Disk defragmentation

    After deleting unnecessary programs and files, start defragmenting the disk, i.e. regrouping files on your hard drive for maximum PC optimization.

    Defragmentation can be performed using Windows tools, or you can use special programs - this is a topic for a separate article.

    The standard procedure will look like this - in Explorer, select the partition to defragment (for example, drive D:\) and right-click on it, in the menu that appears, open Properties and in the Tools tab, click “Defragment.”

    7. Install SSD

    A solid-state drive will help speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, the self-installation of which we discussed in a laptop. If you don’t have enough money for a 500 GB SSD, it makes sense to purchase a disk at least to install the operating system - it will simply fly on the new SSD.

    8. Install HDD

    There are many video guides on HDD installation on YouTube. Here's one of them

    If your budget does not allow you to spend money on expensive SSD drives, you should not give up more traditional components. Installing an additional HDD will significantly improve PC performance.

    So, if the hard drive is more than 85% occupied, the computer will work many times slower. In addition, installing an additional hard drive on a desktop PC yourself is even easier than an SSD.

    9. Installing additional RAM

    RAM is used to process running programs. The more information you need to process, the more RAM you will need.

    If there is not enough memory, the system begins to use hard disk resources, which leads to a critical slowdown of the computer and freezing of Windows.

    Adding or replacing RAM sticks is not difficult. For a regular computer with a set of standard office programs, 4 GB of RAM is enough, and for a gaming PC you can think about 16 GB or higher.

    10. Cleaning

    Dust is computer enemy No. 2 (everyone knows that enemy No. 1 is). It prevents normal ventilation, which can cause PC components to overheat, slowing down the system. Extreme overheating of components can lead to their complete failure.

    Turn off your computer at least half an hour before you start cleaning. Do not clean in synthetic clothing - friction may result in a static charge that can damage components. To remove static, touch the unpainted part of the central heating radiator.

    Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power and carefully remove dust from all parts of the PC. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply, processor cooler and video card, where most of the dust accumulates.

    Good afternoon, dear readers.

    Every computer user wants his device to always work without any glitches and at a normal pace. And for this you need to monitor him. The first and mandatory thing is to clean the system unit or laptop from dust, because this is the main thing. In addition, the second component of successful equipment operation is an unclogged system. For this purpose, Windows 10 is optimized from time to time - programs will perfectly help to do this. There are many different software that allow you to monitor the operating system and the operation of the computer as a whole. In this article I will talk about the most popular of them.

    This application is considered one of the simplest and at the same time effective in the field of cleaning the device from unnecessary elements. Using the software, users will be able to normalize the registry, work on autorun, remove duplicate files, and much more.

    ( )

    It is one of the most popular solutions for cleaning the system, as it has all the necessary tools for this. There is nothing superfluous here: it removes junk, adjusts the registry, optimizes startup and uninstalls programs efficiently.

    ( )

    The application is one of the first to be introduced in this area. At the same time, developers are constantly trying in every possible way to improve the product, providing the opportunity to work in different versions of operating systems from Microsoft. Many consider it the best solution. This is confirmed by several million downloads from the company’s servers. By the way, these guys also have a cool free antivirus, AVG AntiVirus Free - I recommend it.

    ( )

    Spends minimal time scanning the operating system and quickly eliminates errors. This allows the system to work continuously without any problems. It is enough to check at least several times a month. The procedure will help keep the OS in excellent condition. It is considered one of the most popular options for prevention.

    ( )

    The solution consists of many utilities that make it possible to manage many elements of the system. For example, it includes deleting temporary files and browser caches, restoring the registry, protecting against spyware and other hackers, speeding up your Internet connection, and much more. Over the ten years of the development company’s existence, more than one hundred million copies have been downloaded from the servers. Impressive figures, right? Moreover, the program is offered free of charge in Russian, which is undoubtedly only a plus.

    ( )

    A project that is known not only to domestic users, but throughout the world. Everything you need to remove “junk” is here. In addition, the solution will help restore equipment after failures. It has a simple and intuitive interface that everyone can understand. At the same time, it only takes a few minutes to understand the program.

    ( )

    In my personal rating, the utility takes first place, as it is endowed with wide functionality. At the same time, the developers are trying to constantly improve their brainchild. Today, software allows you to improve your connection to the Internet, manage autostart and configure many other useful areas of your computer. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of a good disk defragmenter and even the registry.

    If you constantly work with many files, copying them, deleting them and changing them, it will be enough to run the solution just once a month. In this case, you need to go through all the main tabs in order to set everything up and forget it for the near future.

    After the work has been done, you should restart your computer. This will allow you to finally say goodbye to traces of “harmful” elements.

    ( )

    It represents a whole set of solutions. He knows how to efficiently optimize Windows. The main difference from others is the restoration of the hard drive surface. At the same time, the developers made a simple and understandable interface.

    In addition to everything described above, the program allows you to clean browser toolbars, and also has a tool for installing protection on personal documents. The application can be downloaded from the official resource or from a torrent tracker.

    ( )

    A simple product with a simple interface and a wide range of capabilities. It is equipped with a number of tools that remove garbage from your computer and speed up work by optimizing many settings.

    ( )

    MAGIX PC Check & Tuning( )

    An excellent solution for weak computers. It always stands out for its stable operation and constant release of updates. The program has a positive effect on all areas of the device, increasing its performance. At the same time, it has everything necessary to prevent possible failures in the future.

    As you can see, there are a lot of solutions that allow you to keep the device in good condition for a long time. Which one you choose depends on personal preferences and the needs of your equipment itself.

    From personal experience, I can say that after installing one of these solutions and checking my PC for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, my computer started working much faster. At the same time, various minor errors stopped appearing, which eventually accumulated and sooner or later led to the reinstallation of the operating system. At the same time, a constant decrease in productivity could be observed from month to month.

    Now I spend up to 10 minutes checking and optimizing the entire system once a month. And this is quite enough for the device to work stably, without any failures.

    However, it should be noted that some of the above options have capabilities that can disrupt the operation of the operating system (of course, without the necessary preparation). So, if you don’t know what exactly this or that setting is responsible for, it’s better not to touch it.

    If you do not yet have any similar solution on your computer, I advise you to install it.

    Computer performance depends on both the power of hardware components and the correctly configured operation of the operating system. There is little benefit from increasing the amount of RAM if it is filled with useless programs. A powerful processor will not speed up if it is limited to save battery power. Fine-tuning Windows can significantly optimize system performance without additional material costs.

    What affects system performance

    The performance of Windows 7 is determined by many factors, some of which are the result of trade-offs between power, usability and battery consumption, and others of which depend on how well-maintained the computer is. Therefore, to increase performance, it is necessary to configure the system for maximum performance and remove all obstacles to its normal operation.

    Perhaps an experienced user will want to independently debug each element of the system and configure the computer to suit their needs. For others, the best solution would be to use special programs for fine-tuning the system (tweakers), which show problems in a convenient and understandable form and help eliminate them.

    Optimization programs (free and paid)

    There are many programs on the market whose main purpose is to improve the performance of Windows 7. There are universal large applications and small specialized utilities, programs with many customizable options and with one “red button”. Most programs have additional functions that are not directly related to performance, but are also important for the user, for example, protecting personal data.


    As a rule, universal programs have a large set of optimization utilities, but are paid. Packages with limited functionality or outdated versions are distributed free of charge.

    Advanced System Care

    The universal Advanced SystemCare application is an impressive set of tools for fine-tuning Windows, protecting against malware, spyware and adware. Special utilities eliminate problems with the registry, security settings, and operations with intermediate files. Today the application is one of the best in this category.

    Three acceleration modes available

  • Autoload management. Removing unnecessary programs and services from the startup list to speed up work.
  • Background mode. Proprietary ActiveBoost technology for accelerating work constantly monitors the system state and redistributes resources to suit the user's needs.
  • Internet settings. Increases the speed and security of work on the World Wide Web.
  • Hard drive care. Scan, clean and defragment the drive. The declared defragmentation speed is several times higher than that of competitors. It provides simultaneous defragmentation of several disks at once, as well as support for solid-state drives.
  • Personal protection. Guaranteed (without the possibility of recovery) erasure of information. Cleaning temporary folders, application and browser history.
  • Performance Monitor. Displays information about the temperature of the CPU, motherboard and video card, and fan speed.
  • Update Center. Checking for updates for installed programs.
  • Default programs. Configures default application selection features for different file types or browsers.
  • The Advanced SystemCare interface stands out from other programs with its futuristic design. But at the same time it remains simple, convenient and intuitive.

  • One click. Many important functions are launched with one click. For example, analyzing and eliminating the top ten computer problems.
  • Futuristic style and big start button

  • Switching modes. In simplified mode, work occurs in a semi-automatic mode, requiring minimal user participation. Expert mode allows you to customize scanning and optimization to your taste. Modes can be switched with one click, which is very convenient. It’s also easy to switch between performance modes (work and games).
  • Acceleration is activated with one button

  • Automatic start. You can configure the optimizer to run at a specific time (for example, at night), at system startup, or during automatically detected downtime.
  • The free version of Advanced SystemCare also has good functionality, but the full capabilities of the program are truly revealed in the full paid package.

    Many features are not available in the free version

    The popular CCleaner package primarily specializes in cleaning the operating system, drives and RAM, hence its name. But many other optimization functions of Windows 7 are available to the user.

    CCleaner's functionality is narrower than that of Advanced SystemCare, but its special cleaning utilities are much more powerful:

  • Cleaning temporary files. The package cleans Windows temporary files (including the clipboard, log files, recycle bin), memory and browser files, search history, visits and downloads, and a list of recently opened documents from most popular applications. In addition to obtaining additional free space on the drive, this is important for the privacy of work.
  • Cleaning and setting up the registry. Registry problems, links to missing entries, controls, libraries, fonts, icons, shortcuts, directories, and so on are identified and eliminated.
  • The register is analyzed carefully

  • Complete erasure. A utility that allows you to delete information with a guarantee that it cannot be restored from your hard drive and removable storage devices.
  • In 35 passes any information will be erased

  • Uninstalling programs. A functional, friendly utility for erasing unnecessary applications.
  • Removing programs is organized very conveniently

  • Autoload management. Editing the list of applications automatically launched by the system.
  • Autoload can be edited with one click

  • Disk analysis. Checking and generating reports on hard drive parameters, including its contents (categories of files, their number and size).
  • File search. Finding duplicate copies (clones) of files on disk.
  • System Restore. Managing backup recovery points, “rolling back” Windows 7.
  • The package interface is very simple and intuitive and does not require deep knowledge of the system.

    The analysis is carried out very quickly

  • Additional cleaning options. It is possible to configure the package to run in the background, as well as set the option to turn off the computer after the procedure is completed.
  • Work safety. The package places great importance on the security of user data, so backups or creation of rollback points are offered at all important stages.
  • You can create backups before fixing

    Old versions of CCleaner are distributed free of charge. To get more powerful updated packages you will have to pay.

    AusLogics BoostSpeed

    The BoostSpeed ​​package from AusLogics, a company with Australian roots, has an impressive set of utilities and a user-friendly interface. The stated main goal of the package is to increase the speed of the system.

    The list of utilities is impressive

    The functionality contains utilities for repairing the registry, configuring the system, and caring for the hard drive:

  • Performance. Parameters for speeding up the computer are selected and recommendations are developed, including hardware solutions, for example, replacing a video card.
  • The advice even applies to hardware

  • Stability. The stability of the system is analyzed and the problems found are eliminated.
  • Safety. Security threats and system protection measures are identified.
  • Optimization. A separate set of utilities for optimizing memory, processor, hard drive and services.
  • Acceleration has many options

  • Personal data protection. Clear history, delete tracking files, protect profiles and logins, check for privacy threats.
  • Personal data is also better protected

  • Recommendations. A dedicated block of recommendations for installing additional software to improve system performance.
  • Browser cleaning. Module for setting up cleaning of major browsers.
  • Restore points. It is possible to cancel changes made and create restore points with various settings.
  • The interface is friendly, convenient, typical for programs in this category:

    Future benefits can be assessed

  • Graphic elements. The results of the work are presented in the form of clear graphic reports with digital data and explanatory illustrations.
  • The first analysis is always bad

  • Advisor. Optimization recommendations are presented as a list of tips that can be applied or ignored.
  • Utilities. The ability to independently select optimization utilities, which are collected in a separate tab, has been implemented.
  • A simple and intuitive scheduler for automatically launching optimization utilities.
  • To unlock all the features of the package, you will have to buy the paid version. The free version has significantly less functionality.

    Mini programs for your computer or laptop

    Small, compact programs that sometimes do not even require installation usually have limited specialized functionality and are distributed free of charge. These two qualities make them a good addition to an all-around package.

    The SpeedUpMyPC package is positioned by the developer as a system accelerator. Cleaning up system debris and errors is considered part of performance enhancement procedures.

    The functionality of SpeedUpMyPC contains utilities standard for this category of programs, as well as our own developments aimed at increasing performance:

  • Registry maintenance. Analysis, cleaning and defragmentation of the Windows system registry.
  • Registry optimization is terse

  • Speed ​​up startup. Analysis of problems and optimization of computer startup.
  • Performance. In addition to finding and fixing performance problems, there is a separate utility called “Dynamic Performance Tools”.
  • Cleaning. It is possible to remove junk and unused files.
  • Settings. Network, processor and RAM parameters are configured.
  • The interface of the package is original and colorful, quite convenient:

  • Background work. The settings provide the ability to work in the background. You can also add it to startup directly from the program.
  • Background mode is possible, but you need to register

  • Semi-automatic mode. Using the program presupposes trust in the developers, since it itself identifies both system problems and ways to solve them with minimal user participation.
  • You can fix found problems with one click

    The program belongs to the shareware category and offers a free limited version with the ability to add utilities for a fee.

    There is also technical support

    Another free Comodo System Cleaner application with a strong block of cleaning utilities. The package also contains functionality for fixing Windows crashes and errors, and caring for your hard drive.

    The functionality of the package has a clear “shift” towards cleaning, but some utilities relate to optimizing work using other methods.

    The summary also doesn’t provide much information.

  • System analysis. An initial and regular in-depth analysis of the state of the operating system and the formation of a list of possible measures are proposed.
  • Cleaning. Services for cleaning the Windows registry, temporary folders, system garbage.
  • You can choose the cleaning depth

  • Disc care. Built-in utilities for forced removal and cleaning of the drive.
  • Removal may be forced

  • Confidentiality. Guaranteed erasure of files, cleaning of personal data.
  • Permanent deletion can also be different

  • Changing hidden parameters. The package can work with options that are not available when using regular Windows 7 tools.
  • Autoload. There is a built-in startup manager for editing the list of automatically launched programs.
  • The Comodo System Cleaner interface is designed in the familiar “matrix” style, is intuitive and simple:

  • One window. Access to the main utilities is provided from the main window.
  • Schedule. It is possible to configure the frequency of automatic application launch according to a custom schedule.
  • Not many settings

    An additional advantage of the application is that it is free.

    A small, free, installation-free utility for optimal system setup by cleaning the Windows registry.

    The package also includes optimization utilities.

    The functionality of the package is focused on operations with the system registry:

  • Registry optimization. Analyzing, cleaning and compressing the registry.
  • Registry defragmentation is not always necessary

  • Backup. Ability to create a backup copy of the system registry.
  • Ability to cancel changes. Built-in utility to return the previous state if necessary.
  • Wise Registry Cleaner's interface is simple and intuitive.
    Cleaning can be done at different depths

  • Automatic adjustment. It is possible to automatically fix detected registry problems.
  • Interim reports. Each problem found is shown to the user with a separate description.
  • Nice to see there are no more bugs

  • Mobility. Installation on a computer is optional.
  • The undoubted advantage of the package is its free distribution.

    Easy Cleaner

    The free EasyCleaner program cleans the system of unnecessary information, corrects the Windows 7 registry and presents disk information in a convenient graphical representation.

    The functionality of the package is a little poorer than that of CCleaner, but it has its own characteristics:

  • Registry optimization. Analyzing and adjusting the system registry, searching and clearing unused shortcuts, cleaning the Start menu.
  • Autoload. Helps analyze and reduce the list of automatically launched applications.
  • Removing unnecessary files. Unused reference books, links and libraries, history, intermediate folders of the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Disk analysis. Search for duplicate files, custom content analysis.
  • Recovery system. It is possible to automatically create a backup copy of the current state to cancel changes made if necessary.
  • Windows 7 Startup Control. The utility allows you to monitor the processes that accompany the system startup.
  • Search for passwords. Helps you find saved passwords from applications removed from your PC.
  • The program interface is very simple and clear, the design is classic:

  • Settings. The package contains many customizable parameters, so it is very flexible.
  • Graphic diagrams. Customizable graphical reports on the status and contents of directories and disks.
  • The disk status is presented very clearly

    Since the program is free, it can be a good addition to an all-in-one package.

    Red Button

    The developers of the Red Button program put the simplicity and convenience of the interface first. Even the name of the application is not accidental - you can start optimization with one click on the big red button.

    This button is hard to miss

    Red Button has very good functionality, consisting of utilities that optimize the operation of the processor, RAM, hard drive and registry:

  • Automatic release of RAM. Automatically disable frozen programs and services, unused DLLs, unnecessary messages, and so on.
  • Disabling system services. It is possible to disable unnecessary Windows 7 services to reduce the load on the processor and free up RAM.
  • Cleaning the registry. Analyzing, searching for errors and fixing the Windows registry, removing links to missing applications, reference books, fonts and libraries.
  • Registry cleaning is also modest

  • Removing garbage. Cleaning unnecessary directories and files, pre-installed games, useless applications, cleaning the buffer, cache, system logs and recycle bin. Clearing history.
  • You can edit the list of what is considered garbage

  • CPU optimization. CPU settings for optimal performance.
  • CPU and RAM settings available

    The program interface is very clear and simple, in the style of Windows 7 system services:

  • Selecting options. The user selects the necessary optimization utilities by placing marks next to their names.
  • Hard drive care is a bit frugal

  • Possibility of exceptions. Having established a general rule for deleting files, you can separately define exceptions to it for the necessary information.
  • One button launch. After setting up the list of active utilities, each program launch is carried out with one click on the red button.
  • Portability. Ability to run from removable media.
  • Until recently, the program was distributed free of charge, but the popularity of the package inspired the manufacturer to release paid versions. But past free modifications also show good results.

    Glary Utilities

    The small program Glary Utilities also claims to be universal, but its strength can be considered its system analysis tools.

    The functionality of Glary Utilities contains tools for checking and optimally configuring the system, privacy, hard drive care and updating existing drivers.

    There are not many utilities, but there are rare ones

  • Analysis. Determining the speed at which the system starts operating and providing a report.
  • The download speed is presented very clearly

  • Registry maintenance. Cleaning, fixing, defragmenting the system registry.
  • Hard drive care. Check and defragment the disk, search and delete empty folders and duplicate files.
  • Autoload. Built-in manager for editing the startup list.
  • Confidentiality. Deep data and history cleaning, file encryption.
  • Safety. Own utility for file recovery, the ability to undo changes.
  • The application interface is friendly, very similar to the built-in Windows 7 system utilities:

    Many problems can be fixed with one click

  • Additional options. For example, it is possible to sort installed programs by installation time, size and frequency of use.
  • You can sort programs according to several criteria

  • Decoration. It is possible to choose from several design themes.
  • The somewhat limited functionality of the package is justified by the fact that it is distributed free of charge.

    The nCleaner application, due to its small size and functionality, can be classified as a mini-program for system optimization. The program's main emphasis is on cleaning.

    nCleaner functionality is focused on removing unnecessary information, but there are also additional tools:

    • Cleaning. Tools for cleaning the system, registry, personal data.
    • Garbage. A separate utility for searching and erasing intermediate and unnecessary files. There are preset modes for cleaning main folders (faster) and scanning all disks (slower, but complete).

    You can scan individual folders or the entire disk

    • Optimization. Tools for optimal configuration of Windows and various services to increase the speed and stability of your computer.
    • Autoload. Editing the list of applications that are automatically launched during Windows startup.
    • Confidentiality. Deleting information that cannot be restored and clearing unallocated hard disk space.
    • Cleaning RAM. A separate utility for unloading unused blocks from RAM.

    A separate utility for unloading RAM

    The mini-program interface is very simple and clear:

    There are few cleaning options, but everything is very clear

    • One page. The main functions are collected on the main page, which is very convenient.

    Main functions are collected in one window

    • Schedule. It is possible to start automatically according to a user-specified schedule.

    nCleaner does not have the traditional option to undo changes made or create backup copies of the system registry, which is justified given the small size of the application.

    Of course, this mini-program is distributed free of charge.

    Comparison table: which program to choose

    Function/program Advanced System Care Easy Cleaner Red Button AusLogics BoostSpeed Glary Utilities
    Cleaning and repairing the system registry+ + + + + + + + + +
    Editing the startup list+ + + + + + +
    Removing unnecessary applications and disabling Windows services+ + + + + + + +
    Disk defragmentation+ + + +
    Antivirus protection+ +
    Performance Settings+ + + + +
    Network optimization+ + +
    Confidentiality+ + + + + + + + +
    Removing garbage+ + + + + + + + +
    System Restore + + + +
    System startup control + +

    As you would expect, the largest number of utilities needed to optimize system operation are contained in universal packages. But mini-programs also have their strengths. They are more compact, easy to use, have advanced special functions and, as a rule, are free.

    Specialized programs greatly simplify fine-tuning Windows, automate optimization processes and work with many options. The user can easily select the program to suit his own needs.

    While working at a computer, users download some files, copy others, install and delete others... As a result, the Windows system turns out to be a mess. In principle, this is not scary, but there are 2 problems.

    The first is that if you have a large number of files, you will have little free space. And when they are constantly copied, moved and deleted, incorrect entries appear in the registry, hidden junk files, etc. You don’t even see them, but they take up space, and most importantly, they slow down your PC or laptop. To get rid of slowdowns and glitches, you need to periodically completely clean your computer of debris. How? Using special software.

    Today there are many utilities, and choosing one of them is not an easy task. So to make it easier, below are the 7 best programs to clean and optimize your computer. With their help, you can clean your PC of junk without uninstalling Windows and speed up its operation.

    I would like to note right away that the utilities below are universal and work on Windows 10, 8, 7. Therefore, the OS version on your computer or laptop does not matter.

    One of the best programs for cleaning your computer from junk is Advanced SystemCare. It is easy to use and ideal for beginners. Just one click, a few minutes - and Windows cleaning is successfully completed.

    And this utility has a whole wagonload of possibilities. For example, it can do:

    • smart hard drive defragmentation;
    • removal of junk files and malware;
    • fixing shortcuts;
    • repair and defragmentation of the registry;
    • optimization and acceleration of the system for games;
    • fixing vulnerabilities;
    • speeding up the Internet, etc.

    You just need to check the required boxes and click the “Check” button. And for those who want to do everything manually, there is the “Tool Base” tab.

    By the way, this utility is entirely in Russian and is free (there are some limitations compared to the paid version). That is why it is considered a good computer cleaner. Link to office Advanced SystemCare website.


    Another great program for cleaning and speeding up your computer is CCleaner. You should have heard of her. And primarily because this is one of the best programs for cleaning the computer registry.

    Its main features:

    • cleaning the recycle bin, temporary files and browsers (cache, cookies);
    • cleaning and optimizing the registry;
    • removal of software;
    • clearing programs from startup;
    • analysis and erasing of disks;
    • search for duplicates;
    • system recovery.

    By the way, cleaning the system from debris is very fast. And this is a huge plus of this utility. After all, deleting unnecessary files and programs takes no more than 5 minutes!

    Another advantage of CCleaner is that it automatically cleans your computer or laptop. You can customize the utility for yourself by specifying:

    • cleaning was performed when the PC started (not recommended - this is too frequent);
    • the program monitored the system or browsers and notified when there was little space left;
    • All files older than 24 hours were deleted from the trash bin, etc.

    The utility is available in several versions: paid, free and portable (does not require installation). Any of them is entirely in Russian. There are more than enough possibilities for a free utility for cleaning a computer or laptop, so if necessary, you can find it at the office. CCleaner website.

    Auslogics BoostSpeed

    If your computer slows down a lot, try the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​utility. This is an excellent program for cleaning and optimizing your computer, which will help eliminate errors and speed up its operation.

    Like the previous two utilities, it also has a number of useful tools:

    • hard drive maintenance (cleaning, error detection, defragmentation);
    • freeing up free space on the HDD;
    • software control and autorun settings;
    • cleaning the registry and defragmenting it;
    • system configuration and optimization of Windows services;
    • file recovery;
    • Internet acceleration, etc.

    Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​also has an “Advisor” that gives advice on speeding up your PC or laptop and eliminating critical errors.

    Another plus is the presence of a planner. You can set automatic cleaning of your computer or laptop by selecting:

    • frequency (every day, week or month);
    • day of the week;
    • exact start time of optimization;
    • actions to be performed.

    At the appointed time, this utility will start and do its job (even if it was turned off).

    Once you set up Scheduler, you can turn off Auslogics Boostspeed and forget about it altogether. And she herself will clean out the garbage once a week or month, delete unnecessary files, and then give you a report on the actions performed. This makes it one of the best programs for cleaning and optimizing your computer.

    The utility supports Windows 10, 8, 7 and even Vista and XP. Plus it is completely in Russian. There are 2 versions on the developer’s website - paid and free. Link to office Auslogics website.

    Glary Utilities

    Glary Utilities is another one of the best utilities for cleaning your computer or laptop. It is considered a real combine because it supports a huge number of functions:

    • cleaning, defragmenting, restoring the registry;
    • memory optimization;
    • removing, restoring and backing up drivers;
    • uninstalling software, checking for updates, etc.

    Cleaning and optimizing your computer system can be done in 1 click. You just need to check the boxes at the required points and click the “Find problems” button. The utility works quite quickly. Checking and cleaning the Windows system takes on average 10 minutes.

    The utility is paid, but there is also a free version. Link to office Glary website.

    Revo Uninstaller - removing unnecessary programs

    If you do not need functional harvesters, then you can install software that performs a competitive function. For example, there is a good utility for cleaning your computer from unnecessary programs - Revo Uninstaller.

    Its main advantage: it correctly removes any applications (without leaving tails and garbage files). Plus, the utility can even cope with software that for some reason does not want to be removed in the standard way. However, she also has several additional tools:

    • junk file cleaner;
    • startup manager;
    • hunter mode, etc.

    By the way, the cleaner here is very good. It finds junk files even after being scanned by other utilities. If you decide to try this software, then go to the office. Revo website.

    Wise Registry Cleaner

    Another free program for cleaning and optimizing your computer is Wise Registry Cleaner. Works on Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista and XP. It can optimize the system, but its main function is to clean and compress the registry to speed up the operation of a computer or laptop.

    The error analysis here is very fast and detailed. The utility will find hundreds of problems, even if you first check the registry with other software. Therefore, if you need to quickly clean your computer and speed up your work, you can go to the office. Wise Registry Cleaner website.

    Wise Disk Cleaner

    And the last utility in this rating is Disk Cleaner. Designed to search and remove garbage, as well as defragment the hard drive. Great for those who want to clean up unnecessary files on their computer and speed up their PC.

    The utility can delete application caches, unused help files and other junk that you don’t need but takes up space on your hard drive. The program is completely in Russian and is free, so it is very easy to use. Link to office Wise Disk Cleaner website.

    Instead of a conclusion

    This is the TOP program for cleaning and optimizing your computer. Each of them has its own functionality and distinctive features, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before downloading.

    What is the best computer cleaning program? This is a controversial question with no answer. After all, every user likes something different. And the purpose of this article was not to determine the best cleaner for a computer, but to provide a rating of popular utilities.

    In general, if you need to clean your computer or laptop, study this TOP and choose the software you like. All PC cleaners have free versions, so you can safely try any of them.