• What does a blue screen mean? Blue screen of death - verdict or error


    Surely every Windows user has at least once encountered or simply heard about such an error as blue screen of death. The material turned out to be a little longer compared to the previous introductory article on this topic. So be careful when reading. In this article we will consolidate the concept "blue screen of death", find out what it is and consider the causes and possible solutions to the problem. Whenever possible, visual images of what has been done will be included in the text.

    So, what is a blue screen of death? This frightening concept hides a rather dangerous error, which sometimes makes even the most experienced users nervous. It is enough to understand the cause of the blue screen in order to find a solution to this error in the future. An equivalent example is the bite of a poisonous snake. If you know which snake bit you, you can use the antidote you already have. Sometimes the “masters” may advise you to completely replace the system unit if a blue screen of death occurs. You must be joking? Chase away such repairmen and read this material to the end.

    Blue screen - error description

    If the Windows operating system cannot solve the problem on its own, it has no choice but to complete the process by rebooting the system. In this situation, your data that you were working on at the time blue screen occurrence, are not saved. The system can only record information in a special log and generate a dump file (if such a function is included in the settings).

    You shouldn’t immediately blame the operating system for the appearance of a blue screen. By and large, it occurs only in extreme cases, when the only way to solve the error is to shut down the job.

    If you don’t yet know what a blue screen of death or BSOD looks like, then we’ll post a screenshot:

    Judging by the above image, it is now clear why the error was called BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) or blue screen of death. Regarding the word “death,” it only means complete inaction of the system. In other words, the system is inoperative at the moment, and the only solution is to reboot, and sometimes even reinstall the Windows system. Don't immediately rush to reinstall the system. In most cases, if you respond to the alarm bell in time, the problem with the blue screen will be cured in one or two minutes. The main condition is to find out the cause, without which solving the problem becomes more difficult.

    What is written on the Windows Blue Screen of Death?

    • In this, the initial part of the blue screen of death, the operating system notifies that it has found a problem and has completed emergency work to resolve it.
    • Next comes an indication of the type of error. There are several types of them, for each of which there is a huge amount of information on the Internet.
    • In this blue screen block, the operating system informs you about the reason for its occurrence and gives some tips on how to resolve the error.
    • The “Technical information” section contains information about the error code and the possible name of the driver that caused the blue screen.

    After reviewing the information on the blue screen, you should understand what is causing the problem and which file caused the error.

    Causes of BSOD Blue Screen of Death

    Causes of the Blue Screen of Death a huge variety. The most common is a failure or drivers that are incompatible with the operating system or with each other.

    For such a situation, we have prepared a story, after reading which you will be able to fix the blue screen problem in the future. So let's get started.

    A certain assistant to the chief administrator monitored an entire network of computers consisting of 80 machines. Approximately 25% of computers periodically experienced a blue screen of death. Then he asked his immediate superior why the error was happening, to which he just shrugged, answering that he himself could not understand the reason for the blue screen. The assistant administrator didn’t stop there and decided to figure out the problem himself (just like a Hollywood blockbuster).

    First, he wrote down the blue screen error code and the name of the driver listed in it in a notepad. Having searched the backwaters of the Internet, he found out that the driver he had recorded earlier was related to the Wi-Fi adapter. After which, a technical bypass was carried out on the computers on which the blue screen of death occurs and a pattern was identified - each of the computers is connected to the network via Wi-Fi.

    Then the administrative assistant again turned to his “boss” to find out what drivers he was using. The answer was quite unexpected. The drivers that come with the equipment were installed. Turning to Google again, it turned out that they were the ones that were incompatible with the drivers installed on the system.

    It's surprising that such a popular company as D-link supplies incompatible drivers for its own equipment. Meanwhile, this problem was already being vigorously discussed on the company’s official forum. It turns out that it has existed for several years and still plagues users of these adapter models.

    To solve the problem, drivers from third-party developers were connected. The driver was used at random, since it was not known exactly which one to use. After reading many positive reviews, I chose one of many. The computer user was asked to report the appearance of a blue screen of death. After testing these drivers for some time, it was decided to install them on all problem computers. After which the error no longer appeared.

    Blue screen due to hardware

    Often blue screen of death occurs occurs due to the fault of the computer hardware. This could be a simple overheating of a device. There is also a high chance that there are problems with the hard drive or RAM.

    Blue screen due to software

    Blue screen of death in most cases, it occurs due to the user installing various software, in particular anti-virus programs. Sometimes viruses themselves can cause (rarely, of course, but it does happen) a blue screen on your computers.

    First, prepare your Windows operating system for the upcoming problem. After all blue screen occurs only for a while, after which the system automatically reboots, without giving you the opportunity to remember or record the information.

    By the way! If the computer does not restart automatically (although it should), then use the “Reset” or “Power” button.

    You need to specify an item in the Windows settings according to which the system will not automatically reboot when a blue screen of death appears. This will give you the opportunity to examine the error information in more detail and write down the name of the problematic file. After reading the error, let's turn to the Internet to fix it. To disable automatic reboot, do the following:

    For Windows XP: Open [Start] ⇒ [Settings] ⇒ [Control Panel] ⇒ [System] ⇒ [Advanced] ⇒ [Startup and Recovery] ⇒ [Settings] ⇒ [System Failure]. In the window that opens, uncheck the [Perform automatic reboot] checkbox. Go to the [Write debugging information] block, select [Small memory dump], Now click to make the changes take effect.

    For Windows 7 (Vista): Open [Start] ⇒ [Control Panel] ⇒ [System and Security] ⇒ [System] ⇒ [Advanced System Settings]. In the window that opens, go to the [Advanced] tab and select the [Download and Recovery] section. Click on [Options] and uncheck the [Perform automatic restart] checkbox. Don't forget to enable memory dump. Now click to accept the changes.

    To get to this window, you can right-click on the [Computer] shortcut (or on an empty space in the [Computer] window) and click on [Properties]. In the window that appears, select [Advanced system settings] ⇒ [Advanced]. This method is a little simpler than the one described above.

    Now, after a blue screen appears, the system will not automatically reboot and will give you time to record all the necessary information about the error.

    The next stage is eliminating blue screen of death. It is important to know that the blue screen of death does not appear without a reason. By and large, the user's actions are to blame. First, try to return the computer to the state that was stable before the error occurred.

    To do this, you need to restore the system to the created (if there was one) point. If there is no restore point, try deleting or undoing all your actions that contributed to the Blue Screen of Death. This could be an installed driver or program. There are times when a reboot occurs immediately after turning on. In this case, you need to enter safe mode and follow the steps described above. We wrote earlier about how to enter safe mode on a computer.

    If there were no installations, much less actions with the computer, and the blue screen appeared unexpectedly, then the answer may lie on the Internet. As we said above, often cause of BSOD error, are the drivers. Find out by name which driver is problematic and fix the error based on this.

    Blue screen of death usually contains information about the error; you just need to find a solution to the current problem. In the search engine, enter the name of the problematic driver and study the description and purpose of the file. Let's say the file is needed for a video card, therefore it is worth reinstalling the graphics adapter drivers by downloading them from the official website.

    In the case where there is no or little information, then rely on the data you recorded earlier. Based on them, you can approximately find the cause of the blue screen. If all attempts do not turn out to be positive, you should proceed to analyzing the memory dump.

    To begin with, we would like to advise you to never install different builds of operating systems. For example, your friend recommended that you install his personal build, which has a lot of “cool features.” Don't be fooled by beauty! Do not install this build. Believe me, for complete happiness, the original Windows image will be enough for you.

    There are cases when drivers are not at fault. blue screen of death occurs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the computer hardware. Make sure your hard drive and RAM are not overheating. This also applies to other components of the system unit (video card, processor or motherboard). We recommend using the special AIDA utility.

    Once you are convinced that the cause of the error is in the computer components, we recommend trying to replace a component of the unit (ask a friend for a while) and check the functionality of the system. If this is the problem, then feel free to buy the missing part in the store and install it on your computer.

    To check the operation of RAM, we recommend using the MemTest86 utility. The Victoria program will help you test your hard drive. A complete description and principle of all described programs and utilities are described in separate materials. Among other things, no one canceled checking the system for the presence of malicious files (initially update the anti-virus program databases). We will not recommend an antivirus program, due to great controversy among users - everyone praises certain software!

    As a reminder, a memory dump file is a file that was created by the system at the time the blue screen of death occurred. It stores information about the state of the system at the time the error occurred. Therefore, based on this information, you can find out the cause of BSOD.

    Imagine this moment: your friend complains about a blue screen. He has no idea what the blue screen of death is, much less the reason for its occurrence. Of course, he reboots and completely turns off the computer, asks friends or on the Internet about the error, but at the same time he did not write down the important information that we wrote about above. At one time you know how to solve a problem, but without this information you are powerless. Thus, although you have the skills to eliminate blue screens, you cannot help your friend, since there are a huge number of solutions.

    In this case, a special utility will help, which will tell you why the failure occurred. Therefore, you can help your friend while being “far away.” To view the memory dump file, we recommend BlueScreenView or Debugging Tools for Windows.

    Let's look at an example. We will use BlueScreenView as the program under consideration. You can download BlueScreenView from the link below:

    Install and launch BlueScreenView. If there are no lines at the top, then there were no failures.

    To open a memory dump file, press Ctrl + O or go to [Settings] ⇒ [Advanced Options]. Click [Browse] and select the dump file.

    Please note that no changes need to be made if the program is installed on the computer on which the blue screen of death occurred.

    As you can see from the screenshot above, a memory dump will point to files that are problematic. Right-click the dump name and open [Properties]. Copy the name of the file so that you can later find out its purpose through a search engine.

    So, in just a few minutes we found out cause of blue screen of death, although it often takes much longer to discover the cause of the problem. We hope you won't be puzzled in the future. blue screen of death solution and even more so the reason for its appearance.

    Windows 7, if there are errors in the system or incorrectly functioning computer components, stops working and displays the “Blue Screen of Death”, also called “BSoD”. Then the system points out possible problems that caused the failure and provides recommendations for solving them. The Blue Screen of Death displays the hexadecimal error code and its parameters. After the code comes the name of the driver and the address of the error.

    Thus, the blue screen of death upon boot carries a significant amount of important information for the user and helps to fix Windows 7 in order to remove BSoD.

    You just need to carefully read (it’s better to even take a photo of it) with the data provided and analyze at what address and what error occurred.

    Analysis of the causes of BSoD

    To establish the reasons why such a failure occurs with the appearance of a blue screen of death, you need to familiarize yourself with its main list:

    1. Increase in temperature of PC equipment exceeding operating values;
    2. Drivers. Failures and incompatibility of this software installed on the computer;
    3. Incompatibility of applications installed on the computer, for example, between antivirus utilities;
    4. Conflict of computer components;
    5. It is rare, but it happens that the Blue Screen of Death causes the PC to become infected with malware;
    6. Failure of devices included with the computer, for example, hard drive, RAM, etc.;

    There are many reasons for the appearance of the blue screen of death, and they need to be identified as soon as possible, otherwise any of the PC equipment may break down and cannot be repaired.

    What actions need to be taken?

    If the Blue Screen of Death appears on your computer display, you must take the following steps:

    Analysis of the source of problems to determine specific causes:

    1. Often, “BSoD” is a consequence of the inexperience of the computer owner, for example, it happens that the user deletes a system file or utility. In this case, you will need to return Windows 7 to the state before it was affected by an inexperienced user and perform the following steps:
    2. Through the Start menu in search "System Restore" and click on the displayed file;
    3. determine the restore point; it must be earlier in date than the time when the user made incorrect changes to the system;
    4. Ready. These steps will remove BSoD. Windows 7 should now boot without problems.
    5. In the case where the user did not delete the necessary data or utilities from the system, then it will be necessary to identify the reason for its occurrence from the records on “BSoD”, i.e. identify the file or program (driver) that caused the system error and the appearance of the blue screen of death. Next, type the name of the utility or file in the search and remove - uninstall them. From the official resources of the equipment manufacturers, proceed to download and install them on your PC.
    6. Perform an analysis to determine the reasons for the increase in temperature of PC equipment exceeding operating values. To do this, you should resort to downloading and installing special applications, for example Aida or Spessy (they work great in Windows 7). After installation, they will show the operating temperature of the PC equipment and identify bottlenecks in specific parts of the computer hardware. If temperatures exceeding critical values ​​are detected in any equipment, these components will need to be repaired or new ones purchased.

    Memory dump

    This is the contents of memory at a specific period of time. After canceling the automatic actions of Windows 7 that lead to booting the system, it is recommended to enable memory dump recording. To do this, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

    Examining a Memory Dump

    This can be done using the BlueScreenView program, which allows you to extract the necessary data from the dump.

    Incorrect overclocking of the RAM or processor can also cause an error. If the overclocking parameters are set incorrectly, the power supply is weak, or the motherboard is specific, the system will constantly generate an error upon startup. The lack of critical updates can cause the system to crash.

    How to remove the Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP

    If you do get a blue screen of death, what should you do? Windows XP is very sensitive to installing incompatible hardware and drivers. This is what you should first pay attention to. To overcome the problem, the following measures must be taken:

    If the system does not boot, then you can check Windows for viruses and remove drivers using a bootable USB flash drive. To do this, you need to record an image of the bootable version of the operating system and carry out all the necessary operations, including backing up important information. You can burn the image using the UltraIso program.

    A countermeasure that will eliminate hardware problems is to reinstall Windows. If after this operation and updating the BIOS the blue screen does not disappear, then the PC has problems with the hardware. If installing the OS solved the problem, then the system crashed due to a software error.

    To find out which components have failed, you will need to sort them out and replace them:

    • RAM;
    • power unit;
    • a hard drive with an installed OS for a given hardware configuration.

    If the above components turn out to be working, you need to thoroughly clean the system unit from dust and clean the darkened contacts on all components with an eraser. To reduce the high heating temperature, you can install more powerful coolers on the processor and case to cool the motherboard, hard drive and memory.

    Now you know how to remove the Windows XP blue screen of death, and what measures you need to take to do this. The best defense against such problems is prevention. Install device drivers only from official websites of manufacturers. Do not download proprietary software from third-party resources. Make sure that your antivirus regularly receives database updates. When installing new hardware, make sure it is supported by your operating system and motherboard. If your power supply fluctuates, install a UPS to provide stable power to your PC.

    Good day everyone. Has this ever happened to you - you're working, you're working, you're surfing the Internet, and then bam a blue screen with white letters in English, all sorts of numbers, and you can return to work again only after pressing the reset () button on the system unit case? This phenomenon is called - Blue Screen of Death BSOD. The most unpleasant thing. Today I will tell you about this nasty thing, what it is and how to deal with it.

    General information

    I'll try to briefly explain what it is Blue screen of death BSOD. This screen appears when a fatal error occurs in the Windows operating system due to which the OS cannot continue to operate. All the system can do is record the cause of this error in a special dump file. Next, a message is displayed on the screen about the cause of the error and what caused it, then a reboot or not, depending on the settings. Everything else that you did not manage to save will be irretrievably lost. In general, the blue screen of death is not so bad on the one hand, because it signals to the user that there is a serious problem in his computer that needs to be solved urgently. If the screen appears once or twice, then in principle you can forget about it. but if it pops up regularly, then this is a cause for concern.

    Blue screen, what it looks like

    When I first heard about this phenomenon, I thought: maybe I already had a similar case, because I’ve seen a couple of such screens? Let's figure out what is what.

    1. Bios Setup. BIOS settings screen. This is a program that contains your computer's hardware settings. You can get into the BIOS only at the very beginning of booting the PC, by pressing the Del key. If you accidentally pressed this key and saw this window, then do not be alarmed, this is not a blue screen of death. To exit press Esc.

    1. Check disk error screen Chkdsk program working. This program is launched most often as a result of an improper shutdown of the Windows system. For example, your lights are turned off, but there is no uninterruptible power supply. Or you are too lazy to wait for the system to shut down, you simply pull the plug out of the socket. After such an incident, this screen may pop up. The OS will start as soon as the program Chkdsk will finish his work.

    1. But this is already Blue Screen of Death BSOD

    A red screen of death was detected in Win Vista. If you have encountered this, then know that they are all birds of a feather.

    Causes of Blue Screen of Death

    • Driver malfunctions. This is the most common reason.
    • Incorrect, “Left drivers”.
    • Application conflict. This may include a malfunction of antiviruses ( if they were installed not one, but two), firewalls.
    • Malfunctions of equipment (hardware). Overheating of the processor, defective RAM chips, or simply poorly inserted RAM chips into the slots, errors on the hard drive. Malfunctions of the video card, motherboard and devices located on it.
    • Viruses, but this is rare.


    Now let's look at the hieroglyphs that appear on the screen.
    The text we see before Technical Information, describes the error and what needs to be done to resolve it.

    Technical Information contains the following:

    • error code
    • name of the driver in which the error occurred
    • error location address

    Enabling recording of debugging information (dumps)

    So we are gradually moving on to practical actions. As mentioned above, when a critical error occurs, the system can save information about this error in a special file. By default, this feature is disabled in the system. You need to turn it on. And usually the computer immediately reboots after an error, this also needs to be fixed.

    For users Windows XP:

    StartControl PanelSystem— – OptionsSystem failure.

    Uncheck the box, in the box Writing Debug Information, put Small memory dump then click OK. The small dump folder is indicated just below. Typically dump files are saved in C:WindowsMinidump.

    For users Windows Vista/7:
    Start – Control Panel – System – Advanced – Startup and Recovery – Settings. Uncheck the box Perform automatic reboot click OK.

    A blue screen can also be forced. For what? And to find out the current problems of the operating system. This is done by pressing the key twice SCROLL LOCK while holding down a key CTRL. But for this to work, this function must be enabled. This is done like this:

    1. Launching the registry editor StartExecuteRegedit
    2. Let's move on to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Services - i8042prt - Parameters.
    3. Create a new parameter DWORD with name CrashOnCtrlScroll and assign a value to it 1 .
    4. Reboot the PC. Well, then, as written above, we press CTRL and twice on SCROLL LOCK.

    BSOD dump analysis

    In this section, I will tell you how you can identify the cause of the blue screen of death practically ( although this may not be possible for a novice user). Most often, blue screen problems arise precisely because of drivers, then analyzing the dump will help identify this driver and eliminate the cause of the error and further failures.

    Program BlueScreenView designed for dump analysis. Free and easy to use. Download and install. After launch, point to the dump folder.

    Eliminating the causes of the blue screen of death

    Eliminating the causes can be a very difficult task. But still, in some cases this problem is completely solvable. Below is how to solve the most common cases.

    By now you should already have the name of the file that is causing the error. File name and program or driver it refers to:

    • afw.sys, afwcore.sys And filtnt.sysAgnitum Outpost.
    • spider.sys, dwprot.sysDr.Web.
    • rt*** And alc***- driver for devices Realtek. Usually this is a sound or network card.
    • cnx***- driver for devices Conexant.
    • nv***- driver for devices nVidia. Usually this is a video card.
    • ati***- driver for devices ATI. Usually this is a video card
    • ig***- driver for devices Intel. Typically this is an integrated video core from Intel.

    When a problematic driver or program is detected, it is worth updating or replacing it with other versions. Check your RAM for errors with the program memtest86 because very often blue screen of death BSOD pops up as a result of memory problems.

    Well, that seems to be all for now.

    Today I want to tell you how to deal with such a system error as “ BSoD" it is also better known as “Blue Screen of Death”. If you tell me that you have never had a blue screen in your life, this will mean two options: either you have been sitting at a MacBook since birth, or you purchased a computer just yesterday =)

    In general, the blue screen of death (aka BsoD) is a special type of error in the Windows family and can be either critical for the operating system or a serious warning. Here's a look at what Bsod is all about:


    • 1) Error name
    • 2) Recommendations for elimination
    • 3) error code
    • 4) Error parameters
    • 5) Driver name
    • 6) Error address

    Is it really creepy? =)

    If the system was able to boot after bsod, then in your case the error can be considered not so critical, but the next time when the blue screen pops up again, then write down point No. 1 and number No. 3 shown in the screenshot on a piece of paper and with the help of this article you You will be able to figure out what is the reason for such a thing to appear on your computer.

    Based on the experience of many programmers, this error is caused by the absence or incompatibility of drivers with the software. Only very rarely is the real reason " blue screen of death“There are hardware failures, and if your computer encounters such a problem, then you do not need to prepare it to reinstall Windows.

    Causes of Blue Screen of Death

    Let's list the reasons why bsod may occur
    The first group includes reasons related to software installation, and the second group includes both physical and software malfunctions of the computer.

    Group A:
    – Installing a new device (RAM, video card, hdd);
    – Installing ServicePack or any windows update;
    – Driver update

    Group B:

    • failure of the hard drive, RAM, video card, power supply...
    • computer device collision ( the cable from the hdd can get into the cooler);
    • CPU overheating;
    • Inappropriate driver;
    • Driver conflict;
    • Incorrect BIOS firmware
    • lack of free space on your hard drive;
    • overclocking processor and RAM performance.

    If the blue screen of death appeared a couple of times, but after restarting the computer the problem disappeared, then for the first time you can ignore it, only if you have a non-licensed Windows. Pirate builds always contain many different bugs, which can be caused by Bsod for the wrong reason.

    It happens that while working at the computer, it suddenly freezes and after a few seconds the blue screen of death appears. In this case, you need to figure out what the problem is and first of all disable automatic reboot in case of critical Windows errors. What needs to be done for this? First, launch windows in " Safe Mode" and do the following:

    For those with Windows XP:

    Right-click on “My Computer” à then select “Properties” à “Advanced” tab à subgroup “” à “Options”. In the dialog that appears, uncheck the “ Perform automatic reboot” and enable recording of small memory dumps (find the “Record debugging information” group and select “ Small memory dump(64 KB)". In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

    For those with Windows Vista 7:

    Go to the “My Computer” folder and then select “” from the menu at the top System properties» à further on the left panel “System protection” à tab “Advanced” à subgroup “” à “Settings”. In the dialog that appears, uncheck “ Perform automatic reboot” and enable recording of small memory dumps (look for the group “ Writing Debug Information” and select “ Small memory dump(128 KB)". In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

    2). After reboot, write down the error code and check it here: http://bsodstop.ru/index.php/kod-bsod

    3). Now you need to download the utility " Blue_Screen_View" with which you will determine the driver that is causing Bsod. You can download the program, as well as learn how to use it, by following this link: http://www.oszone.net/10225/BlueScreenView

    4). Next, we google the driver, who is the hero of the occasion.
    If it is a video card driver, we update or roll back it, and if it is a sound, motherboard or network card driver, then it should be updated or an older version installed.

    If this does not help, then remember the name of the driver. In the table below, using the same name from the error, we look for the device or program to which it belongs. This is a necessary procedure to identify the device or program driver that caused the operating system to crash. If the driver belongs to software (software), reinstalling it will help resolve the problem. Otherwise, this program must be removed and a more stable analogue used. If the driver belongs to one of the PC systems, it needs to be updated. Often, rolling back to an earlier version can eliminate such problems. I think that’s all, now all you have to do is work with the table.

    In principle, this is a detailed answer to the question

    Now let's sum it up!

    How to prevent Blue Screen of Death in the future?

    1. Always check whether there is free space left on the system partition of the hard drive. If there is little or no free space, you need to increase it by deleting unnecessary data;

    2. Keep your computer clean and scan your computer with an antivirus from time to time to remove all kinds of crap from it.

    3. Constantly update officially through the Microsoft server, since most errors occur due to OS problems. And with new updates, all the “holes” of the system are closed

    4. If BSoD appeared after installing the drivers, then they need to be replaced with older, proven ones. If after installing the program, then removing it will solve the issue. The option “ Running Last Known Good Configuration systems”.

    5. If the screen of death began to appear after you connected a new device to the system, then you need to check it for compatibility with your OS. Next, install the drivers from the manufacturer’s official website.

    6. Set the BIOS settings to default. Incorrect BIOS settings can lead to very sad consequences. And the death screen isn't the worst ending. If you are not confident in your skills, then it is better not to change anything in the BIOS. And contact a specialist.

    7. Very often the cause of BSoD is a faulty RAM. To check it, you can use testing programs, for example memtest86+. If detected, the RAM stick should be replaced. If your computer uses two or more memory sticks, eliminating the faulty card will fix the problem.

    8. Check your hard drive for bad sectors and errors. If possible, repair errors and bad sectors using standard system tools.

    9. It is necessary to get rid of overheating of PC components. Clean your computer from dust, lubricate all coolers (processor, chipset, video cards, power supply). If necessary, install additional coolers to organize proper air flow and circulation in the system unit.

    10. Check that cables and components are connected correctly. Look at their contacts, clean, blow and lubricate them if necessary.

    11. As a last resort, reinstall the operating system. Use only a licensed operating system disk. Using different assemblies leads to constant problems. (although this is probably too much =)) I myself have never used licensed Windows.

    Finally, I want to give you the most common causes of the blue screen of death.

    Popular Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

    DATA_BUS_ERROR is an error indicating problems with the device itself or its equipment. Often these are memory problems. One possibility could be that the physical or virtual memory address is incorrect. If you've upgraded your computer, you may have hardware that's not compatible with the system, or more likely, it's a driver issue. If you did software or driver updates before the error occurred, then the problem is definitely in the drivers.

    Correction method: you need to properly reinstall the drivers, most often the video card (any other device is possible). This already applies to updating drivers.

    NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM- This is a problem with writing and reading from the system disk and the NTFS file system. The reason for this may be either large fragmentation or a damaged cluster on the disk. It is possible that there is a problem with the FAT_FILE_SYSTEM type; it is essentially similar, but only concerns the FAT file system.

    Correction method: You need to defragment.

    One of the most common errors is KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. This error comes with a second key that refers to the problematic driver or value that caused the error to occur.

    In the case of Windows XP, the problem very often resolves itself. If this option does not work, then something happened with “system support in an emergency.” Therefore, you will have to solve the problem manually.

    Correction method: There are several fixes. Much depends on the value of the second key.

    0×01E– such a key indicates driver incompatibility or device malfunction. Often on a blue screen you can see the names of files indicating problematic drivers. If you enter the name of the file into the search engine, you can easily determine the driver that is generating errors. The solution to this problem is to reinstall the driver according to the instructions.

    Win32k.sys– this key indicates incorrect access from a third party. Maybe there is a special separate program for such a connection. To fix it, you need to use F8 to boot into safe mode and completely remove the program.

    It is very interesting that there can even be problems such as firmware incompatibility. In short, the old BIOS is not adapted to modern hardware. The solution to the problem is updating the BIOS. There is plenty of such information on the Internet, so you can cope with this task.

    You are provided with a list of solutions that can help you effectively deal with this problem. Be sure to take note that if you log into the system in safe mode (boot via F8), then the problem should be looked for in the drivers or software. If logging into the system cannot be completed under any circumstances, then look for a problem in the hardware or in the BIOS.

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL– error when the memory value or location is incorrect. As a rule, it pops up in the form STOP 0x0000000A memory cannot be Read.

    Before you start looking at this error, you need to check the drivers. Have drivers been updated or new programs installed? Uninstall them or roll back to an earlier version.

    If the problem is resolved, then there was a problem with program incompatibility. If the problem has not been resolved and you have not updated anything, then when booting the system, try selecting the load last known good configuration, which is called by pressing the F8 key. Maybe you had a crash and a rollback will help you. If nothing has changed, then, unfortunately, you will have to reinstall the system.

    Failing to end your session gracefully can also cause the problem, but in this case you should try loading the Last Known Known Configuration.

    PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA– an error caused by the absence of the requested data. In the most common cases, the cause of the problem is RAM, its incorrect operation or failure. There may also be a problem with the antivirus or system service.

    Correction method: You can try booting into Safe Mode and clearing recently installed software.

    If the download cannot be completed for unknown reasons, then change the memory stick and try to boot. But you need to reset the BIOS first; there may be an overclocking problem.

    You must understand that this is not the entire list of errors that may appear on your blue screen of death. The most common Bsod error codes have been listed here.

    In order not to write large Talmuds, you can enter any error in a search engine and try to find its solution. You should also not forget about the key parameters that the error throws out.

    So how can you diagnose any error and prescribe the correct solution?

    There is one unwritten rule for analyzing BIOS errors - in any system, not a single error will arise out of nowhere.

    The fastest and most effective way to identify most system errors is to remember previously performed actions on the PC (which appeared before the blue screen appeared). When you can restore all the errors committed in the system, you will be able to fix the problem.

    Key factors that cause BSoD errors to pop up.

    You purchased a new computer, and after the first launch you began to see a blue screen of death. But before that, you haven’t really installed anything yet.
    Solution: Without any doubt, you can safely take your computer to a service center. And let them try to point out the reason as proof and demonstrate in your presence how well the computer works.

    Again, you just recently purchased a computer. Things went swimmingly. But after a while you installed a couple of programs and after that you saw the blue screen of death.
    Solution: Boot into safe mode, uninstall programs and drivers.
    It may be that the antivirus also finds poor interaction with certain programs. You can try turning it off for a while and try installing the program again. If this time the operation was successful, then it should be added to the list of trusted programs in the antivirus.

    By today's standards, you have an old computer, so you decided to upgrade it. After the upgrade and installed drivers, a blue screen began to appear.
    Solution: in any case, the problem is in the HDD, but it is unlikely to be physical, so updating the file system should help you. In order to successfully log in, you will need to remove programs from startup.

    I collected all the cream of the Internet on the topic of “bsod” here, two copywriters wrote the text, and then I brought it into a readable state. I think it turned out not too bad!

    P. S.

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