• Social information technologies in modern society. Information technologies in society. Information society concept

    The concept of technology originated in industry, where it meant a set of methods for processing materials in the production process. Later it was given a broader meaning: the technology of any task presupposes knowledge of how it should be done. The English expression “know how” is often used as a synonym for the word “technology”, meaning literally “know how”, i.e. “know how to do it”.

    Concept technologies is currently used in two senses - broad and narrow. In a broad sense, it means a set of materials, methods and processes used in any field of activity, as well as their scientific description. In a narrow sense, the concept of technology means a set of organizational measures, as well as operations and techniques, which are determined by the current level of development of science and technology and are aimed at the manufacture, maintenance, repair or operation of a product.

    The concept of technology is usually considered in connection with a specific area of ​​activity related to the production of material or spiritual goods. There are construction technology, chemical technology, technology for obtaining a specific product, design and construction technology, social technology, metal stamping technology, money printing technology, banking and insurance technology, etc. One of the types of technologies that are becoming increasingly widespread in modern society, are information technologies.

    Information Technology(IT) are technologies associated with the creation, processing and storage of data using computer technology. IN lately they most often refer to computer technologies, which deal with the use of computers and software to create, process and store information. People associated with computer technology and programming are usually called IT specialists.

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines information technology as a set of interrelated scientific, technological and engineering sciences that study methods effective organization labor of people engaged in processing and storing information using computer technology, and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical application, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. The main features of modern information technology are computer processing of information, storing large amounts of information on computer media, as well as transmitting information over any distance in the shortest possible time.

    K. K. Kolin identifies seven properties of information technologies that are of strategic importance for the development of society:

    · information technologies make it possible to effectively use information resources society (scientific knowledge, inventions, discoveries, etc.), giving significant savings in minerals, raw materials, energy and other types of resources;

    · information technologies make it possible to optimize information processes, with which in developed countries most of the employed population are connected to one degree or another;

    Information technologies often act as components of production or social technologies, realizing them most complex functions(For example, social advertising, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, information support for various categories of people in need, etc.);

    information technology plays important role in ensuring information interaction between people, complementing traditional means of communication with fax, electronic and voice messages, video conferencing and other types of telematic services;

    · information technologies have a great influence on the development of education, in which a variety of computer equipment, as well as educational programs recorded on laser, compact and other optical disks, are becoming commonplace not only for higher education, but also for secondary education;

    Information technologies underlie some methods of obtaining new knowledge, which are becoming increasingly widespread in modern science(for example, a computational experiment based on computer calculation of options mathematical models process and choosing the most optimal one);

    · information technologies that make it possible to predict crisis situations in areas of high socio-political tension, natural disasters, technological accidents and environmental disasters play an important role in solving global problems of humanity.

    Since information technologies are forms of activity, the question arises about the criteria for their effectiveness. The most general of these criteria is considered to be the saving of social time achieved as a result of the use of information technology. Social time represents the time in which human activity creates society. Being dependent on the frequency of events, it is characterized by the possibility of acceleration or deceleration. The concept of social time was introduced by sociologists who associated it with the time of performing social functions.

    Let us turn to technologies associated with the most widespread information processes, the optimization of which leads to significant savings in social time. One of these processes is creating, modifying and storing text information. It occupies most of the working time of those associated with the information sphere, that is, various types of office workers, as well as specialists in the field of education, science, management, etc. Since the 19th century. for preparation text documents began to be used typewriters, which are devices with a set of keys, pressing which leads to the printing of the corresponding characters on paper or other media. Back in the middle of the 20th century. It was impossible to imagine any office without them, but at present they have largely fallen out of use; their function has begun to be performed by personal computers. Special computer programs called text editors. They made the process of creating, changing and storing text information not only faster, but also relatively simpler, which even primary schoolchildren can cope with.

    Another area of ​​human activity in which the use of information technology leads to saving social time is layout, which is the process of forming the layout of a publication by arranging text and graphic elements. Associated with publishing and printing, it has been since the 15th century. was carried out manually. Since manual layout involved working with lead, it was not only physically difficult, but also harmful to health. At the end of the last century, manual layout was replaced by computer, representing the use personal computer and special software for creating a layout for subsequent printing in a printing house or printer. This software got the name desktop publishing system(or just desktop publishing). It can be used to create layouts for books and magazines, as well as advertisements, packaging, exhibition stands, etc.

    Security questions

    1. What is a technological revolution?

    2. What is the information revolution?

    3. What is meant by computer technology?

    4. Which one computer technology called digital? analog?

    5. What is informatization?

    6. What is a computer?

    7. What is a logical machine?

    8. What is a punched card?

    9. What is a tabulator?

    10. What is technology in a broad sense? in a narrow sense?

    11. What is information technology?

    12. Who are IT specialists?

    13. What is social time?

    14. What is a typewriter?

    15. What is text editor?

    16. What is layout?

    17. What is computer coding?

    18. What is desktop publishing?

    Tasks for independent work

    1. Explain why the basis of any technological revolution is the information revolution.

    2. Describe five information revolutions, which were identified by A.I. Rakitov.

    3. Describe the three waves in the development of society that are identified by the American sociologist O. Toffler.

    4. Identify the American sociologist whose name is associated with the development of the concept of post-industrial society.

    5. Give the definition of informatization contained in Federal law“On information, informatization and information protection” dated February 20, 1995.

    6. Indicate the main factors that determine the informatization of society as a natural process.

    7. Indicate the spheres of society’s life in which globalization processes associated with its informatization are most visibly manifested.

    8. Show that the computer was the embodiment of not only technical thought, but also logical and philosophical ideas that can be found in the history of human intellectual activity.

    9. Expand the two senses in which the concept of technology is currently used.

    10. Explain why the most general criterion for the effectiveness of information technology is considered to be saving social time.

    11. Give some examples of computer programs related to text editors.

    12. Give some examples of computer programs related to desktop publishing systems.

    Abstract topics

    1. The history of mankind as a sequence of technological revolutions.

    2. Technological and information revolutions.

    3. O. Toffler about three waves in the development of society.

    4. The concept of post-industrial society.

    5. Social informatics and the problem of informatization of society.

    6. Informatization of society and global problems humanity.

    7. Historical background of informatization of society.

    8. The idea of ​​a computer in the history of culture.

    9. Concept and types of technologies.

    10. UNESCO Information for All Program.

    11. Criteria for the effectiveness of information technology.

    12. The problem of optimizing mass information processes.

    13. The modern world and the problem of education.

    14. Challenges of the 21st century. and new challenges for the education system.

    15. The concept of advanced education.

    16. Informatization of education as a fundamental problem of our time.

    17. Information support education systems.

    18. Distance education.


    1. Information society and the role of IT.

    2. Information technologies and their role in society.

    3. Computer ethics.

    1. The role of information technology in the development of society is to accelerate the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new knowledge by society.

    In the history of the development of civilization there have been several information revolutions , when fundamental changes in the field of information processing led to transformations in social relations and the acquisition of a new quality by human society.

    Scientific research on understanding the role and significance of information on the prospects for the development of society has also intensified.

    During these years the concept was formulated information society. The invention of the very term “information society” is attributed to Yu. Hayashi, a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, who headed a research group created by the Japanese government to develop prospects for the development of the country's economy. In the presented report, the information society was defined as one where the process of computerization will give people access to reliable sources of information, relieve them of routine work, and provide high level production automation. At the same time, production itself will change - its product will become more “information-intensive,” which means an increase in the share of innovation, design and marketing in its value. The Japanese version of the information society concept was developed primarily to solve the problems of Japan's economic development, which determined its limited and applied nature, but the concept turned out to be so fruitful that its practical implementation was later called the “Japanese economic miracle.”

    In those same years, an analysis of trends in scientific and technological progress and the rapid development of new technologies in the United States led to the emergence of two ideologies - information society and post-industrialism . The idea of ​​a post-industrial society was put forward by the American sociologist D. Bell in his book “The Advent of Post-Industrial Society. The Experience of Social Forecasting,” published in 1973, in which he divided the history of human society into three stages - agrarian, industrial and post-industrial. Developing Bell's ideas, another American philosopher, E. Toffler (book "The Third Wave", 1980) considers the history of human civilization in the form of successive waves. The first wave - “agricultural civilization” and its symbol “hoe”, is replaced by “industrial civilization”, the symbol of which is the conveyor belt, and is replaced by the third wave - “information civilization”, the symbol of which is the computer. Driving force the first wave - agricultural products and mineral resources, the assembly line provides cheap labor and mass production, and the driving force of the third wave is the creation and exploitation of knowledge.

    Today under information society refers to a society in which information is a key component of economic and social life.

    Information society - a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

    The production of an information product, rather than a material product, serves as the driving force for the development of society. Information acquired the status of a commodity and became equal in importance to society with other material resources.

    Informatization – an organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

    Information resources – individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems ah (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems).

    That which is associated with the acquisition of new knowledge about the surrounding world, previously unknown to mankind, is called science, and that which is associated with the implementation of this knowledge in the process of creating and using material and spiritual values ​​is called technology.

    2.Information technology(IT) is a process that uses a set of methods and software and hardware to collect, process, store, transmit and present information in order to obtain information of new quality, reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of the processes of using information resources.

    Information processes – processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, searching, and disseminating information.

    When working with information, there is always a source and a consumer. The paths and processes that ensure the transfer of information from source to consumer are called communication channels or information communications.

    Telecommunications – remote data transfer based on computer networks And modern means communications.

    Information culture – the ability to purposefully work with information and use it to receive, process and transmit computer information technology, modern technical means and methods.

    Achievements and development trends in the field of information technology and information systems. Currently, we are witnessing the rapid growth of information systems in various areas of human activity. This is due, on the one hand, to changes in the economy, and on the other hand, to new opportunities in information technology.

    Let us note the most significant achievements in the field of information technology.

    Expanding the use of the Internet . Since the creation of the personal computer, nothing has been more shocking computer world, as the widespread Internet and services World Wide Web (World Wide Web). New technologies have brought sound, video and animation to the monotonous world of text. Although the network itself can hardly be called something revolutionary (it has existed for more than 30 years), in recent years not only the intensity of its use has increased, but also the number of services provided.

    3. The first code of computer ethics was developed and adopted by the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers ( IEEE ) in 1979. The adoption of the code was dictated by the understanding that engineers, scientists and technologists and the results of their activities determine the quality and living conditions of all people in the information society. Therefore, the preamble to the code emphasizes the vital need to comply with all ethical standards in the development and operation of information technology tools.

    Later, codes of ethics were developed and adopted by the Computer Developers Association (ACM), the Information Technology Managers Association (ITMA), and the Information Technology Users Association in the USA ( ITAA ), Association of Certified Computer Professionals ( ICCP ). In 1987, a code of computer ethics for teachers of higher and secondary schools was developed and adopted. The codes served as the basis for the creation of special courses that are now taught in all schools and most universities.

    Based on the ethical standards used in the listed codes, the International Information Technology Federation ( IFIP ) recommended that codes of computer ethics be adopted by national organizations in other countries, taking into account local cultural and ethical traditions.

    The basis of all codes is the Ten Commandments (similar to the biblical Commandment on the Mount of Jesus Christ, which also contains ten moral postulates).

    1. You will not use the computer to harm other people.

    2. You will not cause interference or interfere with the operation of other users of computer networks.

    3. You will not poke your nose into files that are not intended for free use.

    4. You will not use your computer for theft.

    5. You will not use your computer to spread false information.

    6. You will not use stolen software.

    7. You won't use computer equipment or network resources without permission or appropriate compensation.

    8. You will not appropriate someone else's intellectual property.

    9. You will think about the possible social consequences of the programs you write or the systems you develop.

    10. You will use the computer with self-restraints that show your consideration and respect for other people.

    All codes, along with the listed commandments and universal moral standards (honest performance of one’s duties, professional and social responsibility, advanced training, racial equality, etc.), contain standards based on compliance with four main moral principles: privacy (secret of private life), accuracy "akierasi" (precision), property “sing” (private property) and accessibility “accessibility” (availability). The model of computer ethics based on these principles is called RAPA after the first letters of the words that make up the essence of the model.


    The principle of “privacy” carries an important semantic load. It expresses the human right to autonomy and freedom in private life, the right to protection from intrusion into it by authorities and other people. Compliance with this principle is especially important in connection with the creation of numerous automated data banks containing various personal information. Therefore, one of the main moral standards of creators and users of information systems should be the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of entrusted information.

    accuracy "akierasi"

    Strict adherence to instructions for operating systems and processing information, an honest and socially responsible attitude to one’s responsibilities presuppose standards based on the principle ""accuracy".

    property "sing"

    The principle of "property" " means the inviolability of private property and is the basis of the property order in the economy. Following this principle means respecting the property right to information and copyright law.

    accessibility "accessibility"

    The principle of “accessibility” to information, one of the main principles of the information society, determines the right of citizens to information and presupposes the accessibility of every subject of society to information technology and to any information necessary for it, permitted for access, at any time and in any place.

    The listed principles are reflected in the “National Code of Activities in the Field of Informatics and Telecommunications”, developed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russian Federation. The Code applies to all types of activities - production, sale, use of information technology and telecommunications. The Code specifies that these activities must be legal, decent, honest and truthful.

    Legal entities and individuals operating in the field of computer science and telecommunications voluntarily undertake the following perpetual obligations.

    1. Do not produce, copy or use software and hardware not acquired legally.

    2. Do not violate recognized copyright rules.

    3. Do not violate the secrecy of message transmission, do not practice opening information systems and data networks.

    4. Do not make a profit from the use of a trademark owned by another company or product.

    The Code includes other moral standards and is open to the voluntary adherence of any individual or legal entity, operating in the field of computer science or telecommunications. The Code is kept in the depository of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    In the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives.

    In the development of modern society, information technologies deeply penetrate people's lives. They very quickly turned into a vital stimulus for the development of not only the world economy, but also other areas of human activity. Nowadays it is difficult to find an area in which information technology is not currently used. Thus, in industry, information technologies are used not only to analyze stocks of raw materials, components, and finished products, but also make it possible to conduct marketing research to forecast demand for various types products, find new partners and much more.

    At the same time, all accounting operations at enterprises and beyond are now based on the use of information technology. As you know, the effectiveness of public administration largely depends on the level of interaction between citizens, enterprises and other government bodies. Therefore in public administration Information technologies make it possible to simultaneously use information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other factors, which greatly facilitates the work and organization of the management process itself. Of course, the use of such technologies does not solve all problems, but they significantly speed up work in complex areas of analytical activity, for example, during analysis and assessment of the operational situation in difficult situations, preparation and generation of reports and certificates.

    The use of information technology in the scientific field and in education is difficult to overestimate. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a school that does not have a computer class. Now there are a lot electronic libraries, which you can use without leaving your home, which greatly facilitates the process of learning and self-education. At the same time, information technologies contribute to the development of scientific knowledge.

    Since the speed of information exchange increases and it becomes possible to carry out complex mathematical calculations in a few seconds and much more. Information technology is one of the modern methods communication, the main advantages of which are accessibility. Using information technology, you can easily access the information you are interested in, as well as communicate with a real person. On the one hand, this has a negative effect, since people communicate less and less “live”, in direct contact, but on the other hand, it will allow you to communicate with a person who is on the other side of the world, and this, you see, is of great importance.

    To summarize, we can say that information technologies have deeply penetrated our lives and modern society, which cannot exist in its current form without them.

    Information technology in modern society

    Throughout the previous 20th century. history in the development of human civilization, the main subject of labor remained material objects. Activities outside of material production and service tended to fall into the category of unproductive costs. The economic power of a state was measured by the material resources it controlled.

    At the end of the 20th century. Information becomes the main subject of labor in social production in industrialized countries. Information object For industrial systems increasingly claims to be the main leader. Information has become a commodity with all its inherent properties. There is an information industry, national information resources(IR), there is a transition from an industrial economy to an information-based economy.

    Technical re-equipment of enterprises is carried out on the basis of the introduction of modern computing technologies, industrial robots, new technological processes. One of the directions is the introduction of modern information technology(IT), presented as a set of information technology processes (ITP).

    Information technology – a set of processes for collecting, transmitting, processing, storing and disseminating information to users, implemented using modern means.

    The starting point for the development of human society is usually taken to be the time when people began to create tools for labor and hunting. For thousands of years, one task was solved: to increasingly multiply various tools and machines that increase human muscular strength. Attempts to create tools that enhance human natural capabilities for processing information have remained very weak until recently. The first such attempts include the Abacus pebbles - this is a board divided into strips on which pebbles move, as in Russian abacus for arithmetic calculations.

    The accumulation of knowledge has increased markedly with the discovery by man of the technology of long-term storage of information on a material medium. Thus began the first stage of IT development. For almost 99% of their historical path, people dealt only with material objects. The entire period of time during which people began to register information images and then process them does not constitute even one percent of the total human civilization. Six thousand years ago the first clay tablets appeared, which are material media coded information about accumulated knowledge and achievements. Since this time, writing has been counted. The invention of the printing press (1445, Johannes Guttenberg), which led to the information revolution, had a huge impact on the pace of development of technological civilization.

    In 1833, the English mathematician Charles Babbage first decided to create a mechanical computer, using the principle program control. A hundred years later, in 1945, under the leadership of the American mathematician John von Neumann, they formulated general principles functioning of universal computing devices, relevant for modern computers. In 1945–1947 based on those that had appeared by that time vacuum tubes The first computers were created.

    End of the 20th century characterized by the transition of advanced countries to a qualitatively new stage of technological development, which is commonly called the information age. Material costs for storing, processing and transmitting information are beginning to exceed similar energy costs. The main problems of management in a modern developed industrial state are that the total volume of information requiring processing is growing. And this, in turn, requires further development information technology.


    The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it computer technology, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education. Currently in Russia there is a development new system education focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which must be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and facilitate the child’s harmonious entry into the information society. Computer technologies are intended to become not an additional “add-on” in training, but an integral part of a holistic educational process, significantly increasing its efficiency.

    Over the past 5 years, the number of children who know how to use a computer has increased approximately 10 times. As most researchers note, these trends will accelerate regardless of schooling. However, as revealed in many studies, children are familiar mainly with gaming computer programs, use computer technology for entertainment. At the same time, cognitive, in particular educational, motives for working with a computer are approximately in twentieth place. Thus, the computer is not used enough to solve cognitive and educational problems.

    One of the reasons for this situation is due to the fact that computer technology in schools has not yet found its proper application. In schools where children are taught on a computer, not all of its capabilities are fully realized. Most teachers primary classes They are not even familiar with computer technologies and have no idea how to use them in teaching. Lessons using computers are in most cases taught by computer science teachers, who, due to the specifics of their training, have little understanding of the conditions that must be observed when using computer technologies when teaching specific subjects.

    The problem of the widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade has attracted increased interest in domestic pedagogical science.


    Modern material production and other areas of activity increasingly need information services, processing a huge amount of information. A universal technical means of processing any information is a computer, which plays the role of an amplifier of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole, and communication tools using computers serve to communicate and transmit information. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.

    Informatization of society is one of the laws of modern social progress. This term is increasingly replacing the term “computerization of society,” which was widely used until recently. Despite the external similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.

    When computerizing society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of the technical base of computers that ensure prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

    When informatizing society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring full use reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity.

    Thus, “informatization of society” is a broader concept than “computerization of society” and is aimed at quickly mastering information to meet one’s needs. In the concept of “informatization of society” the emphasis should be placed not so much on technical means, how much on the essence and purpose of socio-technical progress. Computers are a basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

    Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication technologies is society’s response to the need for a significant increase in labor productivity in the information sector of social production, where more than half of the working population is concentrated. So, for example, in information sphere The USA employs more than 60% of the working population, in the CIS - about 40%.

    From a modern point of view, using a telephone in the early years of its existence looks quite ridiculous. The manager dictated the message to his secretary, who then sent it from the telephone room. Phone call received in a similar room of another company, the text was recorded on paper and delivered to the addressee. It took a long time before the telephone became such a widespread and familiar way of communication that it could be used the way we do it today: we call the right place ourselves, and with the advent cell phones– and to a specific person.

    Nowadays, computers are mainly used as a means of creating and analyzing information, which is then transferred to common media (for example, paper). But now, thanks to the widespread use of computers and the creation of the Internet, for the first time you can use your computer to communicate with other people through their computers. The need to use printed data to share with colleagues is eliminated, just as paper disappeared from telephone conversations. Today is the day, thanks using the Web, can be compared to the time when people stopped writing down the text of telephone messages: computers (and their communication with each other via the Internet) are already so widespread and familiar that we are beginning to use them in fundamentally new ways. WWW is the beginning of the path in which computers will truly become means of communication.

    The Internet provides an unprecedented way to obtain information. Anyone with access to the WWW can obtain all the information available on it, as well as powerful means of searching for it. The opportunities for education, business and increased understanding between people are simply stunning. Moreover, Web technology allows information to be distributed everywhere. The simplicity of this method has no analogues in history. In order to make your views, products or services known to others, there is no longer a need to buy space in a newspaper or magazine, or pay for time on television and radio. The Web makes the rules of the game the same for governments and individuals, for small and large firms, for producers and consumers, for charities and political organizations. World Wide Web(WWW) on the Internet is the most democratic medium of information: with its help, anyone can say and hear what is said without intermediate interpretation, distortion and censorship, guided by certain limits of decency. The Internet provides a unique freedom of personal expression and information.

    Similar to use internal telephones companies for communication between employees and the outside world, the Web is used both for communication within the organization and between organizations and their consumers, clients and partners. The same Web technology that makes it possible for small businesses to establish themselves on the Internet large company can be used to communicate the current status of a project over an internal intranet, allowing its employees to always be more aware and therefore more responsive than smaller, nimble competitors. Using an intranet within an organization to make information more accessible to its members is also a step forward from the past. Now, instead of storing documents in a confusing computer archive, it is now possible (under the control of security measures) to easily search, describe, reference, and index documents. Thanks to Web technology, business, as well as management, becomes more efficient.