• Man in the information society. The role of man in the information society

    Along with material, instrumental, energy and other resources, it directly depends on the information resource. Information in the life of society is in constant and steady growth. This is especially true for industry, trade, education, and the financial and banking system.

    Information at the service of technology

    The role of information in the life of society is very great. Thanks to it, the volume of production increases, the products produced, the materials used, and technological equipment become more complex, and the external and internal relations of the enterprise are expanded.

    Management becomes because:

    • in this era, the growth of information, both stored in public “bins” and new, constantly circulating, exceeds human capabilities for assimilating it;
    • mass communication processes are developing;
    • general information theory requires careful development;
    • cybernetics became the science of management;
    • information Technology penetrate into all spheres of social life;
    • the role of information in the life of society requires study, since it very actively self-organizes all living and inanimate nature on Earth, and research has confirmed this;
    • information potential and information resources are becoming increasingly relevant in the development of the economy;
    • the progress of modern conditions and the prospect of the development of humanity as a single whole cannot do without a unified information space.

    Information environment

    The conductor, converter, distributor of information, and at the same time the main source of the causes of activity is the information environment. For the sake of activity and the success of all its processes, a person is forced to actively interact with his own kind in order to receive new knowledge from information flows, generate new ones based on them, and again send them along the waves of the same flows to each addressee of his information environment.

    Information in the life of society is as necessary a resource as raw materials, energy, financial and others. Moreover, information is now an object of purchase and sale. Information product - resource Information, even when sold, does not disappear in the process of consumption. This is an eternal resource.

    Market of information

    Information in the life of society has become so great value, the information sector is driven by such large and diverse flows that this has influenced the formation of the information market.

    Information technology has become an independent and profitable type of business aimed at meeting the needs of any range of users. A person has the ability to instantly connect to any information array. These are encyclopedias and reference books, databases, operational reports, legislative acts, analytical reviews - everything, an ocean of information in the life of society, coming from regional, national, international systems. Its use naturally helps to run a successful business.

    The role of information in the life of society and the state is great, but modern development technology allows you to take a broader view. Building a global business on the Internet is a very real possibility, since access to worldwide political, scientific, and technical information is open.

    Man in the information field

    What today determines the level of scientific and technical potential of entire countries, as well as the development of their national economy? of course. The role of information in the life of society is so high. Individuals and states are not even able to challenge its harsh verdict: the world community knows both the country’s policies and the activities of an individual.

    To use information purposefully, you need to collect it, transform it, transmit it, accumulate it and systematize it. These are the so-called information processes. Everyone knows that information is necessary for the life of even single-celled organisms (temperature, water composition, for example).

    All living organisms not only perceive information, but also share it. Receiving, transforming, accumulating and transmitting information among people is called information activity.

    Examples of information in society

    For many millennia, people valued only material objects as objects of labor: from an ax to a steam engine. Labor was associated with the processing and processing of some things using energy through its transformation. Gradually, people faced management issues. Without accumulations of processed data, taking into account accumulated experience and knowledge, it is impossible to manage any labor process. Professions are emerging that are tied exclusively to information activities, from priests and military leaders to chroniclers and scientists.

    The exchange of information became truly relevant after the invention of printing. This immediately influenced the development of education, science, and the growth of production. The driving force of progress is information in the life of society. The conclusion suggests itself.

    Organizing and systematization

    Further, as society developed, it constantly found people to process and accumulate information. The volume of knowledge grew, a variety of experience was updated and accumulated, libraries and archives appeared. There was so much information in the mountains of manuscripts and books, and it was so diverse that ordering and systematization became necessary. Classifiers, subject and alphabetical indexes appear in libraries - a new role for information in the life of society.

    And states were forced to reckon with information flows, as these flows grew and expanded. For proper management of the economy, legal proceedings, and maintenance of the army, it was imperative to have more and more sophisticated means and methods to collect and store information, process and transmit it.

    Increasing volume of information

    Rapid Improvement technical production sharply increased the flow of information and human knowledge in general. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, the volume of human knowledge became twice as large after half a century, then it was updated within five years.

    Required automation. This is how the computer appeared. The role of information in the life of society is to briefly or in detail introduce specialists in any industry to the state of affairs. The computer is used not only for processing numerical information, but also in design bureaus, business and absolutely any production. Ways and methods of providing information have begun to occupy a vital place in the activities of people of many professions.

    The role of information in the life of society, state, organization and individual

    The challenge of the time was the emergence of a global information field.
    The foundation of the information community was formed by four main features of its formation.

    • The role of information in the life of society has changed, knowledge has acquired the most important aspect, information saturation in managerial, economic and many other areas of activity has increased unprecedentedly, socio-economic development without information and knowledge has become impossible.
    • The information industry has become a dynamic, prestigious and profitable area of ​​production, providing leadership in the global economy.
    • A developed market infrastructure has emerged in the consumption of information and services; this affected not only human professional activities, but also everyday life.
    • Social organization and cooperation have undergone great changes, centralized hierarchical structures have been replaced by flexible network organizations that quickly adapt to innovative development.

    The idea of ​​the information society

    The ongoing changes in the information space are due to certain facts. Here are examples of information in the life of society, in the time component.

    • Connection technical developments with science, it finally took shape by the mid-twentieth century, and from here came a sharp increase in high-tech technologies and the general dynamics of production.
    • Events have ceased to be local, despite the territorial remoteness, that is, globalization of social changes is taking place.
    • Political, economic, and military activities have become enormously complicated, so information in the life of society is pictures of the near future: cybernetics, the study of all work operations, system analysis - the perception of the whole world through information achievements.
    • Communication and information technologies have led to the emergence of completely new forms of economic and social activity - telework, e-commerce, telemedicine, distance education, even electronic democracy.

    So, did the information in the life of society prompt the appropriate conclusion to be drawn to create a new worldview? Certainly. In 1991 alone, America spent far more money on communications equipment than on industrial equipment. And the number of farmers fell from 80% to forty. But in the information field, the number of people increased to 54% from literally four. Therefore, the information society is one where there are more people processing information than processing raw materials.

    Reshaping the global economy

    Since the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, the organizational structure of enterprises and intercompany communications has undergone a radical reformatting. Organizational measures took place in order to adapt to changes in the institutional, economic, and technological aspects of the activities of firms.

    Vertical hierarchical structures have moved to flexible network forms of organization. Networks have taken on the formative basis - both the internal organization of modern corporations and the system of interaction with partners: corporate alliances, intercompany networks, etc. The same movement occurred in the service sector and administrative bodies.

    The Internet is becoming a medium for work, communication and leisure. How much interesting information has brought into the life of society: Prokhorov with the “Civic Platform”, nationwide observation of the lunar eclipse online. The world that the Internet has offered to people is truly enormous.

    How are global revenues growing? e-commerce! In the year 2000 - 185 billion dollars, and three years later it was almost one and a half trillion. The modern economy can already be defined, like society, by the word “network”. In short, information is powerfully gaining a foothold in the life of society.

    2. PHILOSOPHY OF NEW TIMES ............................................. 8

    1.1 The subject of modern philosophy.................................................... ..8

    1.2 The main problems raised by the philosophy of the New Age. 12

    REFERENCES USED ..................................................... 16


    No matter how much philosophers ponder over the prospects
    information society, about the essence of the information and computer revolution, philosophy remains true to itself and fulfills its inherent function only when it is concerned with a person.

    What we are used to calling Man coincides with the concept of society. But besides this abstract generic being that lives in philosophical treatises, statistically averaged and generalized, our world is inhabited by ordinary, normal, living people. These people live and die, fight, win, suffer defeats, do business, work in factories and offices, are lazy, idle, give birth to children, suffer from illness and old age, have power or resist it, engage in science and philosophy, or are in complete poverty. ignorance in the remote slums.

    With all this ordinary groundedness and everyday life, a person is characterized by his own existence - an existence immersed in the existence of the world, forming a part of the latter, and, moreover, a special part, capable, perhaps, of influencing the whole. No matter what limited, momentary goals a person sets for himself, sooner or later, with more or less acuteness, anxiety and fear, he thinks about the meaning of his existence, about death and immortality, about justice, about the purpose of life, about its meaning and meaninglessness. People are characterized by stress and affect, rational and irrational mechanisms of activity.

    Therefore, to the question of what kind of person is a person - wise or stupid, reasonable or unreasonable, good or evil, a philosopher can give only one answer: a person is diverse. But at the same time, it is radically different from all other creatures on Earth, and perhaps in the entire Universe. So how does a person differ from all living things?

    First of all, reason, technological activity, the desire for creativity and freedom. These are the four great fundamental characteristics of man.

    Animals do not have knowledge, do not develop it, and therefore are not capable of being free, since freedom presupposes making and implementing decisions with knowledge of the matter. They produce and transmit information, but not all information is intelligent. Animals transform the world, but this transformation is not based on technology and technology and is not creative. Fundamental
    human characteristics elevate him above the animal world, but this is not yet
    means that he always uses his advantages for the benefit of himself and the human race as a whole.

    New information technology for the first time opens up the prospect of a colossal enhancement of these fundamental human characteristics, for their application on a previously unprecedented scale. But what will be the consequences of its implementation and application depends on social, cultural and civilizational structures and mechanisms, on ideals and ideologies, on social models of the future and utopias, myths, values ​​and political attitudes, passions. Ambitions, ethnic traditions and prejudices that modern man is in the grip of.

    This new, higher information technology can, like all previous technologies, serve good and evil. A person must make a special, overdetermining choice, based on a clear understanding of the terrifying power of the negative consequences associated with it, as well as the constructive, positive possibilities. Man, through his activities, transforms the world, himself, and society. Being at first dependent on the environment, he eventually managed to become its master, but thanks to this he fell into an even more severe dependence.

    The prospect of an environmental disaster, which was talked about as very distant several decades ago, has now become a reality: the ozone layer is being destroyed, there is not enough fresh water, acid rain and chemical waste are making the soil unsuitable for farming, and food is turning into poison. The World Ocean is dying, the mass of forests - the main source of atmospheric oxygen - is decreasing.

    Despite the emerging detente in international relations and the softening of the international climate generated by new political thinking, the threat of thermonuclear war has not yet been eliminated, and at the same time new troubles are already approaching humanity: the AIDS pandemic, the widening gap between poor and rich countries, chronic hunger and political instability in a number of countries, threatening fragile stability and fragile economic balance in the foreseeable future.

    In countries developing on the basis of central planning within the framework of superstatism and a one-party political system, profound changes are taking place and efforts are being made to overcome the socio-economic and ideological crisis. New socio-economic programs and transformations emerging in these countries and designed to overcome the disdainful attitude towards man, towards the individual, towards individual initiative, require a radical revision of the problem of property, state control over social activity and a change in priorities in the system of interaction between the collective and the individual. Dilapidated ideological clichés, management and organizational forms that have not stood the test of social practice and time are collapsing. Under these conditions, a person not only has the right, but also the obligation to think about what the information revolution means for himself, for his existence as a real, living, and not an abstract being.

    However, there are also definite positive aspects.
    The information society, in principle, is devoid of any state or national characteristics in the sense that it is absolutely impossible in one single country. So Russia is just joining the already existing system relations - social, economic, cultural... And if this process is at least to some extent successful, we - each of us - will undoubtedly be a winner. Because, apart from the development of technologies - both high and purely utilitarian, everyday ones, which will make our lives a little easier - we will get a chance to become more significant, less “cogs” in the state, which we can control with the help of information communications.

    Not only will we have the opportunity to know exactly about the processes taking place in the state machine, but this very machine will have to
    take into account the opinion of each of us, since we can have this opinion before her
    convey – and undistorted. A method of government that reflects the very essence of democracy will become technically feasible. Moreover, taking into account the possibility of interactivity in expressing opinions, a social contract in the literal sense will become possible - achieving a compromise between all opinions without exception.

    Thus, the problem of the minority, whose opinion is actually ignored in the purely arithmetic method of deciding by majority vote, is completely eliminated. In addition, information technology leads to the creation of intelligent computer systems. Will the alienation of human intelligence be possible thanks to computers, will this lead to the creation of an intelligence more powerful than human? Doesn't computerization and informatization of society and the creation of artificial intelligence systems mean the emergence of a new, anti-humanoid, purely machine civilization, in which the mind, alienated from man, will lead to his historical (though not necessarily biological) death with greater inevitability than ecological imbalance or missile- nuclear war?

    Now, after millions of years of struggle with nature, humanity has finally realized the need to enter into dialogue and cooperation with it. It should not now, before it is too late, reflect on the cultural and intellectual consequences information revolution, because the pace at which they are advancing is unprecedentedly high, and, perhaps, in the near future, preventing negative consequences will no longer be possible.

    Let's imagine a person who has just undergone a serious operation, to whom the doctor monitoring his recovery says: first, let's try the ancient methods known to Herodotus. This is somehow more reliable and tested by all world experience, and if it doesn’t help, we’ll do a blood transfusion and introduce modern antibiotics. But there are two types of experience - positive and negative. A negative experience can send a person to the next world long before modern, progressive medical means are used. The same can be said about society and people.

    Where social and human problems reach their utmost severity, the use of the most radical means, including those presented the latest technology and science may prove to be the most effective. But this application must be reasonable and balanced, based on serious analysis, on a genuine and deep philosophy of man, a philosophy of reason, a philosophy of progress.


    1.1 Subject of modern philosophy

    The subject of philosophy is the universal properties and connections (relations) of reality - nature, society, man, the relationship between objective reality and the subjective world, material and ideal, being and thinking. A person tries to find an answer to the most general and profound questions: what is the world around us and what is the place and purpose of man in the world? What is the basis of everything that exists, material or spiritual? Is the world subject to any laws? Can a person know the world around him, what does this knowledge represent? What is the meaning of life, its purpose? Such questions are called worldview questions. Central ideological problems (the relationship of thinking to being, man to the world, consciousness to matter, spirit to nature, mental and physical, ideal and material, which is primary) form general questions philosophy, because through a person’s attitude, his thinking, consciousness, spiritual and mental activities, a person’s place in the world, his purpose, the meaning of existence is realized.


    Characteristics of the information society

    Man and the information society



    Modern society increasingly called information, where information and information resources occupy a central place. We find this statement in many publications, and in real life the concept of “information” is increasingly used in relation to real sectors of the economy, management, aspects various sciences: information economics, information management, information pedagogy, information cultural studies, etc.

    The advent of modern times radically changed the economic and social aspects of society. Many scientists and practitioners have come to the conclusion that today life activity is a process that can only take place when a person has information that simultaneously determines the viability of society. These theses are perceived as a postulate, a certain given, although, according to F. Webster, “it is not possible to establish how information took a central place in society; it is so important that it even became a factor in the creation of a new type of society.”

    Changes most directly affect a person’s place in information world. A person changes in accordance with the vector of information and technical characteristics of society. However, this is not at all a passive acceptance of new conditions of production and consumption. A person acts as a subject of information reality that goes far beyond information and technical characteristics. The informatization of everyday life and the emergence of a new information field of human existence does not pass without leaving a mark on the human life world. In the electronic space, behavioral standards and value orientations of individuals change.

    The purpose of this work: based on the analysis of philosophical ideas of the second half of the 20th century. - beginning of the 21st century. identify the relationships formed by a person in the information society

    1. Characteristics of the information society

    In the history of the development of civilization, several information revolutions have occurred - transformations of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing. The consequence of such transformations was the acquisition of a new quality by human society.

    The first revolution was associated with the invention of writing, which led to a gigantic qualitative and quantitative leap. There is an opportunity to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

    The latest information revolution brings to the fore a new industry - the information industry, associated with the production of technical means, methods, technologies for the production of new knowledge.

    All types of information technologies, especially telecommunications, are becoming the most important components of the information industry. Modern information technology is based on advances in the field of computer technology and communications.

    The increasing complexity of industrial production, social, economic and political life, changes in the dynamics of processes in all spheres of human activity have led, on the one hand, to an increase in the need for knowledge, and on the other, to the creation of new means and ways to satisfy these needs.

    The rapid development of computer technology and information technology gave impetus to the development of a society built on the use various information and called the information society. Just recently, no one imagined that very soon humanity would be on the threshold of a new era in the development of civilization - the information era.

    During the transition from an “industrial society” to an “information society,” there is a change in production methods, people’s worldviews, and their way of life. Information technologies are radically changing the daily lives of millions of people.

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japan in the early 60s of the twentieth century. Ideas about the new information era have become the reality of everyday, mass consciousness, they began to form a new image, a new concept of success, focused on the consumption of electronic products. The technological expression of the new era is the “trinity” - a communication satellite, cable television, personal computer.

    In the information society, not only production is changing, but also the entire way of life, the value system, and the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values ​​will increase. Compared to an industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, in the information society, intelligence and knowledge have become the means and product of production, which, in turn, has led to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person is required to be creative, and the demand for knowledge is increasing.

    The material and technical basis of the information society has become various types of systems based on computer equipment and computer networks, information technologies, and telecommunication systems.

    The shift of social production into the field of information activity occurs in the context of the ever-expanding process of computerization of society, laying the foundations of unmanned technology. Information in general is becoming a strategic resource of society: there is a shift in emphasis from the area of ​​physical activity to intellectual activity.

    At the same time, just like the essence of technology, the essence of all general informatization is ambiguous. There are a lot of pros, but also a lot of cons.

    Let us highlight the main features of the information society:

    ) Society's awareness of the priority of information over other products of human activity.

    ) The fundamental basis of all areas of human activity (economic, industrial, political, educational, scientific, creative, cultural, etc.) is information.

    ) Information is a product of the activity of modern man.

    ) Information in its pure form is the subject of purchase and sale.

    ) Equal opportunities in access to information for all segments of the population.

    ) Security of the information society, information.

    ) Protection of intellectual property.

    ) Interaction of all structures of the state and states among themselves on the basis of ICT.

    ) Management of the information society by the state and public organizations.

    In addition to the positive aspects, dangerous trends are also predicted:

    the increasing influence of the media on society;

    information technology can destroy the privacy of people and organizations;

    there is a problem of selecting high-quality and reliable information;

    many people will find it difficult to adapt to the information society environment.

    there is a danger of a gap between the “information elite” (people involved in the development of information technologies) and consumers.

    The ever-increasing role of information in society is the subject of scientific understanding, including the problems of man in the information society.

    Man and the information society

    The picture of the information society created by theorists is gradually taking on visible shape today: the predicted transformation of the entire world space into a single computerized and information community of people living in houses equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and “smart” devices is taking place. The processes of informatization of society are accompanied by the emergence of new industries, new directions in scientific research and culture.

    These changes, having a complex impact on the entire society as a whole, lead to significant transformations in the industrial and spiritual life of a person.

    The use of computers in all spheres of human activity provides access to reliable sources of information, relieves people of routine work, speeds up making optimal decisions, automates information processing in production and social spheres. As a result driving force development of society becomes the production of not a material, but an information product. As for the material product, it becomes more “information-intensive” and its value largely depends on the volume of innovations allowed in its structure. Human activity is focused mainly on information processing, while the production of energy and material products is entrusted to machines.

    Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. Its production and consumption constitute the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres public life. This means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all humanity. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital value for all members of society.

    However, no matter how much philosophers reflect on the prospects of the information society, on the essence of the information and computer revolution, philosophy remains true to itself and fulfills its inherent function only when it deals with a person.

    Man is the main problem of philosophy.

    Philosophy views a person as a complex set of multidimensional universal characteristics. Philosophy concerns everything that can be connected with a person. When a person thinks and creates objects of the information world, sooner or later there arises a need to understand this phenomenon of a person’s unique change in nature and himself. It is then that philosophy penetrates into the sphere of human information activity and poses various questions to him, including the appropriateness of such activity.

    In addition, at the present stage of human existence, it is information activity that causes the greatest concerns of humanity, because man himself is now under threat of existence as a result of such activity. Due to the high relevance of the human problem in the information world, modern philosophy pays great attention to it.

    Man is radically different from all other creatures on Earth and, above all, in mind. But it also differs in the technological nature of its activities, the desire for creativity, for freedom - four fundamental characteristics of a person (A.I. Rakitov). In the new century, new information technologies for the first time open up the prospect of a colossal enhancement of these fundamental human characteristics, for their application on an unprecedented scale.

    Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world. Another message is worth more than life, so according to legend, September 13, 490 BC. The Greek warrior-messenger, who ran from Marathon to Athens, without stopping on the way, fell dead, but brought the news of the victory over the Persians.

    Understanding the world around us, a person constantly deals with information. It helps a person to correctly assess current events, make an informed decision, and find the most successful option for his actions. Intuitively, we understand that information is what each of us adds to our own store of knowledge.

    Information is also the strongest means of influencing the individual and society as a whole. Whoever has the most information on any issue is always in a better position than others.

    The way of human existence in historical terms is determined by the relationship man - tool - technology. Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex. Over time, large volumes of data about the surrounding world contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the entire society as a whole - people were able to learn to manage various types of matter and energy.

    As a result of the historical development of human practical activity modern world is a technologically advanced and information space. But man himself has technologized his essence, existing in a technically determined space, he is creatively realized both according to the laws of nature and according to the laws of the technical environment.

    One of the defining moments of the organization of this environment, and indeed the very existence of a person in it, is the transfer of information. Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. It is necessary to study and understand not only the laws of nature, but also the concepts and values ​​of human society - literature, art, architecture, etc.

    The information society is a concept that presupposes a view of modern society from the point of view of rapidly increasing, ever-penetrating information about all aspects of its life. Its, even implicit, influence cannot but intensify in the search for answers to increasingly pressing questions about what happens to a person in the process of the ongoing “information explosion.”

    Here we should note a number of negative consequences of the computer revolution, which include changes in the traditional way of life, when books, writing and writing itself are being pushed aside by other ways of obtaining information (using the Internet and computer typing).

    New forms of communication, modifications of traditions, changes in the system of social values ​​are occurring with such intensity that mass public consciousness, as well as many theorists, evaluate the computer revolution as a cultural crisis. If in previous conditions the process of cultural adaptation to innovation was largely extended over time, since the possibility of broadcasting, assimilation and dissemination of huge volumes of information was technologically unsecured, now the pace and possibilities of mastering all the treasures of world culture have increased incredibly, and now it is necessary to talk about The permissive capabilities of the human psyche. This is a very serious problem.

    So, in lately There has been an increase in interest in artificial intelligence caused by increased requirements for information systems. Gets smarter software, gets smarter household appliances. We are steadily moving towards a new information revolution, comparable in scale to the development of the Internet, whose name is “artificial intelligence”. This brings up the question: will humanity be able to survive in the conditions of the incredible complexity of problems that must be urgently solved if it does not form an information computer revolution and does not enhance its intelligence with artificial ones?

    Consequently, in modern conditions, a person not only has the right, but also the obligation to think about what the information revolution means for himself, for his existence as a real, living, and not an abstract being.

    The position of an individual can no longer be determined only by his form of participation in the production process; the individual is influenced by factors of social manipulation. A person is constantly in a situation of choice. Personality has enormous information capabilities, social technologies are aimed at accelerated adaptation of the individual, but the very need for constant decision-making can be presented as a restriction of freedom.

    Informatization of society also strengthens authoritarian tendencies. The ability, on the one hand, to obtain accurate information about each citizen, and, on the other hand, to manipulate masses of people, increases extremely when using computer networks. And one can imagine a state of affairs where the ruling circles know everything they need, and the rest know nothing.

    Development trends in the information environment suggest that, for example, political power acquired by the majority through the concentration of information will reduce the real power of tribune politicians and the role of elections. The ruling elite that has emerged in this way may turn out to be an infocracy (the power of information), the source of power of which is not in authority before the people, but only in greater opportunities to use information. An example of this is the struggle of oligarchs for funds mass communication. Acquiring ownership of as many TV channels, magazines, newspapers and other forms as possible is a guarantee of political power based on the possession of information and the ability to manipulate it.

    The invasion of electronic communication systems into all spheres of life necessitates new forms of organizing human relations. High technology requires a correspondingly high level of preparedness of the individual, his spiritual maturity and responsibility. The imbalance in favor of technology (the rapid development of technology in relation to the moral and ideological resources of society) is one of the important reasons for such phenomena as the dehumanization of various aspects of life.

    In addition, computers create not only deserted production, but also “deserted” communication, when the interlocutor is completely replaced by a PC. We are witnessing the emergence of a new type of reality based on computerization - “virtual reality” - an artificial pseudo-environment that can be treated as if it were genuine.

    Computers have been attached to us since childhood, replacing books, theater, friends, reducing the level of activity of human communication, they create a different reality that can be taken more seriously than the world around us. This new technological environment is having a powerful (and so far completely unpredictable) impact on the human psyche. Today, this perspective is found, in particular, in the phenomenon of computer game maniacs and the escape from reality in the form of immersion in “ virtual reality", where there are many pseudo-types of human activity.

    The realities of the information society place new demands on a person, first of all, the ability and readiness to change activities, mobility, and retraining; mastering a new profession. At the previous stage of development, this was in less demand. Anthropogenic civilization is based on the affirmation of man as the main value of the functioning of society as a whole and its individual subsystems.

    The question of the place of man in the new information world can be translated into the question of new human functions. First of all, attention should be paid to increasing the level of education in society, to new forms of collective consciousness, to new forms of communication and unification of people.

    Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the higher he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more respect he has in society.

    Information as a type of knowledge is necessary for modern man not only in order to create material and spiritual benefits, but also in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, to be able to navigate the changing conditions of both natural and social life, in order to form a certain economic , social, political and moral positions.

    However, it is necessary not only to have information, but also to know how to use it. Education for a modern person is aimed not so much at teaching traditional algorithms in thinking and practice, but at the ability to select the necessary information, comprehend it, and bring the processed information in line with one’s needs. Actions based not on tradition, but on information, are a defining feature of modern man.

    Thus, the last quarter of the 20th century. was marked by the fact that humanity entered a new stage of information development. Formation of society information services and new technologies, offensive information economy, mass personal computerization are phenomena that have not previously occurred in the history of mankind.

    To summarize, we can conclude that in the modern information technology world, new forms of attitude towards the surrounding world, habitat, biology and human psychology are being developed. It can be suggested that modern information technology civilization turns information technology into necessary conditions human self-development.

    Modern humanity is more interested than ever in a philosophical analysis of the prospects for its development. At all times, being firmly connected with culture, philosophy has built a forecast of the future states of objective interactions, social forms, and values. Analysis of new sociocultural realities, based on which philosophy identifies and justifies new value systems that constitute a new strategy for human activity in the information world, incl. the following:

    the emergence and increasing spread of human-dimensional systems, the construction and normal functioning of which is impossible without the inclusion of anthropological parameters;

    discovery and research by science of objects of the Universe, indicating the need to use anthropic concepts and principles for their understanding;

    development of globalization processes unfolding in political, information spheres and taking shape in the model of a multipolar, integrated world, in which, figuratively speaking, there are no first and last, that is, “first among equals”;

    the identification by science and practice of highly complex, self-developing systems that have a nonlinear nature of development and are capable of leading to a breakdown into a state of chaos at certain points.

    Philosophy sets the criteria for assessing the development of society. Depending on what is chosen as a measure of development, the state and prospects for further development of society and its dynamics are assessed. Assessing the development of society from the point of view of the corresponding criterion makes it possible to state either progress or regression in social development, build a pessimistic or optimistic forecast.

    Today it is necessary to think about the cultural and intellectual consequences of the information revolution, because the pace at which they are occurring is unprecedentedly high, and, perhaps, in the near future, preventing negative consequences will no longer be possible.


    information society person value

    In the last 20 years of the twentieth century, the world community entered a new civilization - the information society, in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information.

    It is characterized by the powerful development of equipment and technologies that make it possible to accumulate and transmit huge amounts of information based on computer and telecommunication information technologies.

    In the information society, human activities focus mainly on information processing, and material production and energy production are entrusted to machines. The main quality of a person in a new environment is the ability to continuously learn, timely find, adequately perceive, analyze, process and productively use new information, as well as create your own. The motto of the new time has become the phrase: “Who owns the information, owns the world.”

    The formation of the information society significantly affects people's daily lives. One can only guess how profound these changes will be in the future. Thus, the mass introduction of television in the 60-70s of the 20th century significantly changed people’s lives, and not only for the better. On the one hand, millions of people have the opportunity to access the treasures of national and world culture, on the other hand, face-to-face communication has decreased, there are more stereotypes implanted by television, and the circle of reading has narrowed.

    So, modern man is unthinkable without constant interaction with a gigantic flow of information, and therefore without constant replenishment of knowledge. The information society is a society built on knowledge. With the help of electronic means, information can be transmitted at enormous speed, practically unrestricted by anything or anyone. However, the consequence of accelerating the transfer of information was the strengthening of the effect of information on a person, both positive and negative.

    List of used literature

    1.Berdyshev V.I. Information technologies and potential dangers for the development of Russia / V.I. Berdyshev, I.A. Khokhlov // Russian Economic Bulletin. - 2001. - No. 1.

    .Elyakov A.D. Information factor in the development of society / A.D. Elyakov // NTI. Organization and methodology information work. - 2008. - No. 2. - P.1-9.

    .Colin K.K. Information civilization: future or reality? / K.K.Colin. - M.: Publishing house of the Russian State Library "Pashkov House", 2001.

    .Leshkevich T.G. Philosophy: Course of lectures / T.G. Leshkevich. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000. - 240 p.

    Professions and people in the information society. The modern society of our country has already begun to be called information society. This is a society where information and knowledge are actively and quickly distributed among the population, their role in human life is high, where the majority of the population works in the field of information and knowledge. What is an ordinary person, an individual, a citizen like in an information society? What are its characteristic features and symptoms?

    In some African countries, the majority of the population will be engaged in agriculture, in some Asian countries - in industry and the production of industrial goods, but in some European countries - in information and work with the field of knowledge. Therefore, a typical citizen of a country where an information society has been built will most likely turn out to be a worker in the field of knowledge and information. That is, a teacher, teacher, coach of intellectual trainings and seminars, advertising manager, public relations manager, logistician, economist, accountant, engineer, programmer, computer network administrator... The list goes on and on!

    In such a society, information technologies are developed, so a citizen will have a good understanding of them and be able to use them (for example, he has a TV installed at home, a laptop in his bag, and a smartphone in his pocket).

    Orientation in the field of knowledge and information. Another important point in the life of an individual in the information society - she constantly experiences a huge, pouring out on her information flow. From the moment a person wakes up in the morning to go, for example, to a technical school for classes and turns on the TV to do morning exercises with a video trainer, the flow of information does not end until he falls asleep. It reaches a person through numerous media, through communication with people, outdoor advertising in a populated area, and so on. Each piece of information is configured to induce a person to take a certain action, to convey something to him (for example, buy new tights or vote for Ivan Ivanovich). Therefore, every day a citizen of the information society “filters” a sea of ​​information: he remembers some, ignores some, believes some, and considers some to be lies.

    Ability to understand information fields and spaces. The ability to understand the sea of ​​information and knowledge, make the right choice in it, apply it correctly in your life, distinguish false information and knowledge from the true - this is the requirement that civilization puts forward for modern man. To a member of the information society. This requirement gives survival and a full life to those who can meet it.

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    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    higher professional education

    "Russian State Social University"

    Branch in Taganrog

    "Department of Economics and Management"

    Discipline: “Social Informatics”

    On the topic: “Personality in the information society”

    Completed by student 3.2 UP group,

    correspondence department of the RGSU branch in Taganrog,

    Kuzina V.Yu.

    Taganrog 2014


    The place of the individual in the processes of informatization, in my opinion, was determined quite accurately by three scientists - Y. Schrader, R. Gilyarevsky and K. Liitinen.

    The philosopher J. Schrader, in the definition of computer science, formulates the place of the individual in informatization, emphasizing that computer science is a science that studies the processes of teaching, presenting human knowledge in the form of semantic information, as well as processing this information for the purpose of its effective use.

    R. Gilyarevsky emphasizes that the processes of scientific communication occupy a central place.

    Both of these concepts are relevant all over the world: what is most important - technique and technology or ordered knowledge embedded in technology for multidimensional use.

    Analyzing the above conceptual statements, K. Lyytinen emphasizes that the most important thing is communication, i.e., the exchange of messages, because messages contain objective and ordered information about the entity, as well as personal judgments, intentions, etc. K. Lyytinen emphasizes the decisive role individual in the processes of informatization.

    1. Personality in the information society

    In the information society, the knowledge, experience and value system of the individual are of paramount importance. The introduction of automation into all spheres of life strengthens the primary role of personal impulses in the accumulation, organization, dissemination and use of knowledge. This means that the processes occurring in the information society are closely related to the subjective moment.

    The accumulation of knowledge and the use of knowledge in the process of informatization are united. A nodal point is a knowledge base formed on the basis of library collections, which is created by an individual and which is intended for the individual.

    Information-cognitive potential is an important concept in the information system. The process of informatization must pass through the cognitive screen of those individuals for whom this knowledge is valuable. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the world of objective knowledge, but also the phenomenon of personal (subjective) knowledge.

    An important component of information and cognitive potential is intellectual potential, i.e. a person's ability to solve problems using accumulated knowledge, skills and experience. The second component is information potential, which provides the necessary level of awareness of members of society, i.e. the ability to generalize, search, store and transmit information. Along with technical means, this component also includes the skills, knowledge and experience (spiritual beginning) of information workers.

    Information and cognitive potential determines the level of development of a particular society, its ability to actively change and be as creative as possible.

    Intellectual potential covers the knowledge and creative abilities of an individual. They are inextricably linked with the phenomenon of consciousness. Without personality, without the spiritual principle, knowledge is impossible. All that remains is the shell of the sign system - information that has nothing to do with culture. If the phenomenon of knowledge and culture is absent, information loses its meaning, its meaning. Therefore, it is very important to understand the essence and significance of intellectual and information potential.

    In the process of accumulation, use and dissemination of knowledge, personal impulses play a primary role.

    When creating an information society, individual goals of an individual become increasingly important. There is an increasing need to take into account aspirations, free will, and intuition of the individual. If you ignore the personality, the user of information is identified with his needs, the individual receives only the information that he needs to fulfill a certain social role in society. This is also confirmed by the concept of personal knowledge, which emphasizes that users of information systems do not receive printouts from the system, but talk with it. They in various ways They are trying to get the information (knowledge) they need. Their behavior is determined not by information needs, but by personal qualities - imagination, attentiveness and the ability to reflect. This means that the information consumer is not a faceless being.

    The development of computer technology also confirms that the input and output of an information system are closely related to the individual who wants to gain knowledge through the mediation of information. At the same time, recognition of the primacy of the individual forces us to change our view of creating an information environment. This becomes a socio-technical task rather than a purely technical one. Therefore, the concept of information technology should be formulated as follows: information technology is a means of transmitting human knowledge and transforming information into coded knowledge bases. The opinion about information technology as a means of transmitting, storing and processing data is changing: information technology is a means of transmitting knowledge (encoded data) by an individual.

    The place of the individual in the picture of the world and the processes of informatization can be determined based on the following provisions:

    1. The system everywhere should create contacts between people and intensify communication networks between users solving similar problems.

    2. The system's memory should not include all knowledge at once - the content should be replenished gradually during use.

    3. Everything that systems process and remember is data, not knowledge.

    4. It is necessary to develop procedures: who knows someone who might know someone who knows...

    5. If the system acts as an intermediary in the communication process, then there must be precise codes that allow the selection of information.

    6. Data accumulated by the system should not be in a hierarchical order. Instead, there must be networks of relationships.

    7. The system must store data about its use.

    8. The system cannot be better than the ideas of its creators about the existing structure of knowledge.

    Relationship: Information - Knowledge - Personality

    To understand the essence of intellectual potential, we must define the very concept of information. Its definition is still debated, but the most attractive statement seems to me that information is knowledge introduced into the communication system. IN in this case knowledge is information that provides the user with ample opportunities for choice and action. Knowledge is an integral part of culture. They help the individual in the process of creative activity, before starting which a person must have an ideal idea of ​​the desired results of his work. This is possible provided that you have the appropriate amount of knowledge, i.e., if you have a certain layer of culture.

    In today's understanding, knowledge is a sociocultural phenomenon. They cover spiritual and practical forms of world exploration.

    A special type of knowledge is personal knowledge. By acquiring knowledge, a person transforms it into his abilities, professional competence, experience and creative thinking.

    Knowledge is divided into articulated and non-articulated. Articulated knowledge is available in the form of texts in any material media. They can be recorded, turned into public domain. This knowledge (which is also information) is available in society always and everywhere.

    Unarticulated knowledge can be transferred to others only in the process of personal communication or personal contacts (a person as a source of information). The possibilities of broadcasting and socialization are limited, because there is no possibility of introduction to documentary communications.

    Of great importance in mastering knowledge is the experience and skills of the individual in mastering the knowledge provided by information. The individual masters this experience before using the information. Literacy (also information literacy - the ability to use information) is mastered by a person through the inheritance of cultural traditions (social relay races). Transformed forms of knowledge (freely transmitted forms of information) provide creative sociocultural activity of the individual.

    Personality and culture

    Culture is the basis of personality and a prerequisite for a person’s perception of knowledge. The creation of systems of ordered knowledge should begin from the field of culture, because the intellectual component of the information-cognitive potential includes the need for the spiritual foundation of the individual (cultural base). In turn, for holistic knowledge and the world picture in the consciousness of the individual, both the base of culture and knowledge about culture are important.

    Culture is the basis of personality, a prerequisite for the perception of knowledge and an integral component of informatization, because it performs the following functions in society:

    · ritualization - collective memory, preservation of traditions, transmission of culture through education, family, people;

    · innovation - initiative and activity, development of new forms and mechanisms, destruction of the old - the impact of the created personality on what gave birth to this personality.

    Cultural information

    Information about culture is also a cultural phenomenon. Information combines components of scientific phenomena and cultural phenomena. This means that in order to create a holistic picture of the world, a person needs culture and information about culture. Scientific information can also be classified as a cultural phenomenon.

    Relationship: Culture - Personality - Vision of the world

    In times of great political unrest, culture is in danger of being destroyed by the millstones of political and material interests. This was already noted by the great poet Friedrich Schiller, calling during the “bloody ebb” of the French Revolution not to succumb to political and mercantile forces, but to begin work on the aesthetic creation of a new personality, replacing homo politicus (political man) with homo aestheticus (aesthetic man).

    Currently, the issue of creating personality is also relevant in the world - instead of homo economicus, create homo humanus (a humane person).

    If we take into account that culture is the embodiment of information and knowledge, we can accept the hypothesis that the information society, which provides the opportunity to freely use information and knowledge, is the guarantor of the emergence of homo humanus.

    The inner world of a person, his knowledge, experience and spirituality is an essential issue of culture. The degree of interiorization determines the presence of spiritual matter in the processes of informatization. If there is no internalization, everything else becomes meaningless. What is a book if it has no readers? What does a theater without spectators mean, a library without readers? A culture is destined to perish if it loses the spirit of the individual who perceives, understands and consumes it.

    Personality and information technologies (positive and negative aspects)

    Information technology has a significant impact on the individual; At the same time, the following happens:

    · understanding of information processes deepens (becomes more philosophical),

    · the degree of rationalization of human life increases,

    · opportunities for access to information are expanding,

    · the volume of information array increases,

    · skills and degree of competence of specialists increase.

    But at the same time:

    · the individual is threatened by loss of individuality;

    · a decrease in the level of personal culture and social self-isolation, as well as dehumanization of work are possible.

    Morality, personality and computer technology

    How do modern technologies affect individual freedom and morality? There are many affirmative and negative theories in which positive and negative aspects of influence can be distinguished.

    Positive aspects:

    · development computer technology will provide the individual with freedom of choice;

    · it will be possible to create and use electronic communications;

    · each individual will simultaneously be both a recipient and a sender of information;

    · will become possible inclusion V single network various databases;

    · human safety in practical areas of activity will increase.

    Negative aspects:

    · defenselessness of the individual against intrusion into the area of ​​private life;

    · the possibility of obtaining (mining) data about any individual will expand;

    · personal autonomy will be threatened;

    · information providers will be able to manipulate data;

    · excessive subordination to computers to the point of their deification;

    · a threat to the moral immunity of the individual due to fanatical devotion to computers.

    Relationship: Information - Computer system - Personality - Power

    Development modern technologies becomes an instrument of power of the individual over the individual. Power manifests itself in two aspects: absolute and relative.

    Absolute power is the ability to transform the world; relative - providing individuals who own power with information, unlimited possibilities manage other individuals who do not have this information.

    In the process of informatization of society, the relationships between human work, information and computer systems change. The professional career model is changing - it becomes possible to work without leaving home. There is such a phenomenon as a virtual employer and a virtual employee. The social insurance system is becoming more complex, and the importance of trade unions is decreasing. The unity of the virtual world, or electronic unity, is created, which is unstable and ephemeral and is destroyed by pressing the mouse button. Society is individualizing. Real society will gain high level fragmentation.

    informatization knowledge personality culture

    1. When analyzing the processes of the information society, the subjective aspect must be taken into account.

    2. Informatization must pass through the cognitive screen of those individuals for whom this information is valuable.

    3. Information and cognitive potential determines the level of development of the information society.

    4. In the information society, individual goals and aspirations of the individual are of great importance.

    5. When creating information systems and networks, the determining factor is the knowledge and experience of the individual.

    6. The means of transmitting information in the information society are also the means of transmitting personal knowledge.

    7. If there is no personality with its spiritual beginning (the basis of culture), then the information society will not function.

    8. The basis of the information society, its guiding resource is the individual (both the user and the librarian); without the individual, the information society is not able to exist.

    9. The library was, is and will be a base of personal knowledge, because it collects, organizes and actively disseminates this knowledge in society for its effective use.

    10. The walls of the library are expanding, it is acquiring a global scale, but retains its mission in society: the function of the phenomenon of culture, information, education, the creation and structuring of the social environment and the formation of networks of human relationships (human networking).

    Posted on Allbest.ru

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