• Level of automation of information processes of a construction enterprise. Information technologies in construction: description and types, application in practice. Development of information support for a quality management system for information services

    Introduction 3

    1. Automation of construction companies 5

    1.1. Need for automation 5

    1.2. Integrated automation of construction companies 10

    Disadvantages of complex automation 12

    Advantages of complex automation 12

    Disadvantages of complex automation 13

    Advantages of complex automation 13

    1.3. Automation solutions 13

    2. Brief analysis of the company’s activities 23

    3. Proposals for automating the management process of a construction company 30

    Conclusion 33

    Bibliography 34


    Market relations, having destroyed the existing planning and distribution order, led to the formation of new forms of relationships, changed some of the links in the construction complex, filling them with new content. The diversity of participants in the construction of the facility turned the production process into a complex economic mechanism, which, along with the duration of the investment cycle, contributed to the emergence and formation of new organizational forms of construction management. For example, investment and construction companies (firms) have been formed - integrated developers who carry out work in a closed production cycle: investment - design - construction - commissioning - sale of finished construction projects.

    Construction companies are mainly engaged in housing and social construction and have a number of advantages over general construction companies. In such organizational structures, complex problems of investment, planning, design, management and direct construction of facilities arise, which require a systematic approach to solving them, which is possible with the use of modern software and information technologies. However, the use of computers in the construction industry is focused mainly on automating numerous labor-intensive calculations, while practically not solving management problems that require logical thinking.

    Computerization of construction in technical terms means the creation of automated workplaces equipped with computer technology. The complexity of the management problems being solved forces us to develop and use in construction activities the processes of developing and implementing programs that implement specific computer technologies using currently available technical means. Computerization of construction increases the level of knowledge and skills among managers and performers, forces management personnel to effectively use the available computer technology with construction software in their daily activities.

    Construction companies widely use construction engineering systems, namely: automated construction management systems (ACMS), computer-aided design systems (CAD), automated data processing and documentation systems (ADS) and others, which help improve the efficiency and quality of management.

    The implementation of software products for a unified information network requires the company to develop a management culture, large capital investments for implementation, staff training and maintaining it in working order.

    Computers used in information management technologies do not require special professional training from users. Therefore, it became possible to automate new management tasks such as managing office information, preparing documents, organizing teamwork and document flow via e-mail, planning and operational analysis of information, creating databases with online access from any workplace. Currently, a new generation of information systems is actively developing, created on the principle of maximum information availability, which enable the end user to directly participate in the formation and use of the information space of a construction company. Thanks to the worldwide Internet, construction companies have the opportunity to interact with partners virtually, use information channels to promote their construction products, and also make commercial transactions using a computer.

    Thus, in a competitive market economy, construction companies constantly need management information systems.

    Analyzing systems of this class and proposing an implementation option is the purpose of this work.

    1. Automation of construction companies

    1.1. The need for automation

    The need to automate construction management was understood back in the period of using mainframe computers, in the 70s. In the USSR, this problem was of particular relevance due to the highly centralized management system and the large number of large construction projects. The problem was solved by forming a special service - an automated construction management system (ACMS). The essence of using an automated control system was that at all levels of management, a new link appeared between the manager and managed units - a computer center (CC). Computer centers were large organizations equipped with large computers (second generation - on semiconductors), with a large staff of task providers, programmers, operators, couriers with their own transport, and teletype communications. Various problems were solved, ranging from “routine” ones (accounting for consumption and inventories of various resources, payroll, etc.) to complex “optimization” problems, when the most suitable option for organizing any work was selected.

    At many construction sites (especially in Moscow), automated control systems functioned quite successfully, but in general such systems did not take root well. In conditions of a “scarcity” economy, the resulting solutions to optimized problems were not always realistic, and the large volume of printed documentation was usually poorly studied by builders. Construction managers were not prepared for such a dramatic change in the style of their work. Computer centers were well used only for solving accounting problems - compiling resource statements, calculating wages, etc.

    The rapid development of computer technology in the 90s made bulky computer centers unnecessary and automation took a different path. Instead of large computers, numerous personal computers appeared, located in construction organizations themselves on the desks of accountants, engineers of production and technical departments, suppliers, storekeepers, chief engineers, etc.

    Significant changes have occurred in the software itself. Small isolated programs that solve individual organizational problems have been replaced by large software systems that allow solving a very wide range of problems and creating much more favorable conditions for the user. A new type of software product has appeared - automated workstations (AWS). AWP is the conventional name of a software package designed to automate a specific type of activity: AWP - accountant, AWP - supplier, - storekeeper, - financier, - HR officer, etc.

    Compared to the programs of the “old” ASUS workstations, they had significantly greater capabilities, but from a programmer’s point of view they were much more complex, and in terms of memory occupied (in kilobytes) they were tens and even hundreds of times larger than the most typical ASUS programs 70....80 -s. As a rule, AWSs cover all the main tasks solved by the relevant specialist (accountant, storekeeper, etc.), however, they may require linking to the conditions of a particular organization or updating in relation to new legislation, new standards. Naturally, such a revision is incomparably less labor intensive than the creation of new programs.

    If we consider the “old” automated control systems and large computers to be the first stage in the development of control automation, then the transition to personal computers and automated workstations is the second step, corresponding to a higher level of information technology. In contrast to automated control systems, personal computers and automated control systems are very easy to put into practice, although they require special training of personnel, availability of highly qualified information technology consultants.

    By the end of the 90s, the automation of most construction organizations was at the described stage 2, i.e. at the stage of using individual computers and workstations.

    The disadvantage of automating this stage was the imperfection of communication between individual workstations and the associated need for duplication of information when it is “transferred” from one computer to another. For this reason, a further step in the development of automated systems was the creation, on the basis of disparate automated workstations, of a unified enterprise information system, covering all main areas of activity. To use such a system, the computers of the construction organization, and sometimes of third-party organizations associated with it, must be combined into a single computer network. At the same time, the software becomes significantly more complicated, as does the hardware itself, i.e. Many additional devices appear related to the storage and transmission of information through various communication channels. Emerging current problems in any field of activity can be solved using: data from the entire information (“corporate”) system. Management systems based on this are called corporate information systems (CIS). In other words, CIS is a unified information system that connects the management of an organization, its structural divisions, sometimes related enterprises, support services, and covers all main areas of activity - accounting, logistics, general technical policy, current organizational issues and etc. This is a man-machine system in which the production, economic and financial aspects of the enterprise’s activities become, as it were, completely “transparent”, i.e. you can continuously analyze all the results obtained, trends, and the situation in the construction market, thereby ensuring the greatest management efficiency. In foreign practice, approximately the same functions are performed by ERP “resource management systems”.

    Like CAD systems, such systems contain many standard and specialized modules, and each specific MOJKIST system includes, depending on customer requirements, its own additional modules and allows for their subsequent expansion. CIS systems have wide capabilities: they can interact with CAD programs, primarily with modules of CAM and CAE systems; methods of information processing in them include performing the functions of text editors, spreadsheets, databases, etc. Modules of CAD systems (graphics), characteristic of CAD, are of less importance in control systems; document management modules (PDM systems) play a larger role. To solve business problems, economic and mathematical models are used, primarily various models of business processes.

    Typically, a CIS contains several subsystems covering one or another area of ​​the organization’s activities. For example, these could be such subsystems as “administration management”, “accounting”, “operational management”, “production management”, etc. Subsystems contain modules associated with more advanced types of activities. For example, the administrative management subsystem can contain modules: construction companiesAbstract >> Construction

    ... CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES 2.1 Characteristics of the design construction companies"AK-Maral" 2.2 Quality system in accordance with ISO 9000 2.2.1MS ISO ... development, implementation and operation of management systems; - development... construction, - automation and new ones...

  • Development automated system HR department using MS Access

    Thesis >> Informatics

    1.2 Research of process status automation HR department 1.2.1 Information... 2.1 Theoretical model IP"Human Resources Department" 2.1.1 ... for enterprises in construction sphere General fund... own development needs-oriented companies. Also...

  • Automation financial service budgeting systems (2)

    Abstract >> Finance

    Management. (Designing fragments IP). 3.2. The use of systemic methods... is used in construction companies. For each construction the object is usually... and a labor-intensive period development programs; impossibility of complete automation all processes...

  • Development information support for the information services quality management system

    Abstract >> Computer Science

    CHAPTER II. Development QMS information support construction companies….................................................. .......... 44 2.1 ..., intended for automation management of internal regulatory... . GOST R ISO 19011-2003 (ISO 19011-2002) ...

  • Introduction

    Preliminary analysis of IP creation

    1 Organizational structure

    2 Information about the automation object

    3 Justification of the need to create an information system

    Description of the software product

    1 Description of input and output information

    2 Analysis of existing database management systems

    2.4 Visual Basic

    3 Requirements for the composition and parameters of technical means

    Description of the main design solutions

    1 Software system structure

    2 System testing




    This course project was completed in accordance with the course design assignment. The topic of the project is the development of an information system for a repair and construction company.

    The following tasks follow from this goal:

    Analysis of the subject area and activities of the organization.

    Selection of the main set of data necessary for compiling a database and drawing up an information model;

    Practical implementation of the database.

    Creation of auxiliary elements to simplify work with the database (creation of forms, queries and reports).

    The main factors influencing the operational efficiency of enterprises of this type are the organization of effective interaction with customers and factories for the production of components.

    In this regard, I chose the following processes for automation: accounting for components and invoices, order acceptance, accounting for partner companies and clients.

    The database allows you to add, change, search and delete data, as well as view this data.

    1. Preliminary analysis of IP creation

    1 Organizational structure

    The company carries out the full range of works on the production and installation of metal-plastic window systems. The main activities are: production and installation of plastic windows and doors, window portals, blinds, as well as metal products from forged grilles to fire doors and garage doors.

    One of the company's activities is the production and installation of plastic windows, as well as glazing of balconies.

    Based on their capabilities, goals and objectives, each customer can choose the best option for PVC windows:

    colored laminated windows;

    self-cleaning windows;

    sun windows;

    mid-hung windows;

    arched windows;

    colored window sills;

    external slopes, including slopes made of metal;

    glazing of balconies.

    The company can sell to customers components necessary for the repair of window structures, doors, and blinds.

    The enterprise management system is built in accordance with the linear-hierarchical principle. At each level, areas of responsibility and subordination are clearly defined.

    The general director is fully responsible for the work of the company. The General Director is responsible for conducting basic negotiations with external suppliers and, in some cases, with external customers (when an order of particular significance for the company is proposed). The director endorses the order for the purchase of components, and the already agreed order is paid for by the accounting department. He is responsible for possible complaints from customers regarding the quality of work performed.

    Accounting is responsible for all financial activities of the company. The main functions of accounting are calculating wages and bonuses to employees with the transfer of the necessary amounts to the pension fund and tax organizations. Payments for services provided by the company and work performed are processed through the accounting department. The accounting department pays for the components and equipment purchased by the company.

    The operator is busy receiving orders, distributing orders from repair team foremen, transport service workers, determining the deadline for order fulfillment, tracking the progress of the order, and notifying customers about the completion of the order. Operators provide documentary support for the order, recording basic information about the customer and the order.

    The repair team accepts orders for repair work, installation, dismantling, installation and insulation of windows and window portals, doors, glazing of balconies and other work. Its specialists also diagnose malfunctions, determine the scope of necessary work, replacement equipment and time to complete the work.

    The transport service carries out delivery to customers for repairs, as well as transportation of components from the supplier.

    2 Information about the automation object

    The purpose of the IS is to automate the work of the following departments:

    Operator (formation of orders, accounting of work and accounting for order completion, as well as receiving purchase requests);

    Repair team (reception and fulfillment of orders).

    The process of accepting and fulfilling an order can be briefly described in the following steps:

    Determining whether the client is a regular customer of the company (regular customers receive discounts on the purchase of goods);

    Preliminary determination of the nature of the order (orders), depending on the client’s needs;

    Determination of the order executor. The operator is guided by the order log. He turns to the foreman who, in the opinion of the operator, is the least busy. However, if this master is actually busy, the operator will forward the request to another;

    Placing an order according to a given form, recording the receipt of an advance payment; filling out the order log;

    Issuing an order, placing a work order by the operator.

    3 Justification of the need to create an information system

    One of the factors that determines the level of development of modern society and its intellectual capabilities is its equipment with computer technology - the basis for the automation of human mental activity. The scope of computer use is currently so wide that there is no area where the use of computers would be inappropriate. The role of computers is especially important for the development of science, the growth of industrial production and increasing management efficiency. Managing various processes using a computer allows you to achieve higher productivity and save a lot of time. High-quality automation of technological processes greatly facilitates the work of the enterprise and production as a whole.

    With the development of computer technology, the need for storing and exchanging information has also increased. Its storage plays an important role in the work of a person and an enterprise. After all, the success of his work depends on reliably correct and accessible information. Some organizations use filing cabinets for this, but most prefer computerized methods - databases that allow you to effectively store, structure and systematize large volumes of data. And today it is impossible to imagine the work of most financial, industrial, trade and other organizations without databases.

    The automated system is designed to make working with data more convenient. When the volumes of information that one has to deal with are quite large, and the information itself has a rather complex structure, then many different problems arise when organizing work with it. To prevent the emergence of various problems, it is necessary to develop a system for working with information that would allow for automated collection, processing and work with data. This is possible by using specialized software - database management systems (DBMS). They allow us to solve this problem at a higher level, ensuring efficiency, reliability, speed and ease of use for both specialists and novice developers.

    The main advantage of automation is the reduction of redundancy of stored data, and therefore saving the amount of memory used, reducing the cost of multiple operations for updating redundant copies and eliminating the possibility of inconsistencies due to storing information about the same object in different places, increasing the degree of reliability of information and increasing the speed of information processing; excessive number of internal intermediate documents, various journals, folders, applications, etc., repeated entry of the same information into various intermediate documents. It also significantly reduces the time of automatic information search, which is carried out from special screen forms in which the object search parameters are indicated.

    Modern DBMSs are multi-user database management systems that specialize in managing an array of information by one or many concurrent users.

    Modern DBMS provide:

    A set of tools for supporting tables and relationships between related tables;

    A developed user interface that allows you to enter and modify information, search and present information in graphical or text mode;

    High-level programming tools with which you can create your own applications;

    Increasing the efficiency of obtaining reporting information for analysis.

    In modern conditions, large organizations have created and effectively operate information systems that serve the process of preparing and making accounting and management decisions, and solve the following tasks: data processing, information processing.

    To determine the effectiveness of the intra-company management system in many enterprises, accounting and reporting began to use the ratio of the profit received to the costs of technical means and ensuring the functioning of the intra-company information system.

    The main principles and goals of intracompany information systems are:

    determination of requirements for the content of information and its nature, depending on the purpose;

    development of a system for storing, using and providing information in centralized and decentralized management;

    determining the needs for technical equipment (including computer equipment) in the enterprise as a whole;

    software development, creation and use of data banks;

    automated processing of input and current information and issuance of information on accounting and technical equipment departments;

    automation of administrative and managerial work based on the use of computer technology.

    The important tasks of the in-house management system are:

    coordination of activities for the collection and processing of financial reporting data at the highest level of management and in production departments in order to improve the quality and timeliness of receipt of financial information for the enterprise as a whole;

    determination of the main directions of the system for collecting, processing and storing primary data;

    determination of the main directions of development of information processing technology.

    Equipping with electronic equipment allows you to save management and overhead costs and ensures effective intra-company planning.

    The development of telecommunications systems and, in particular, local computer network technologies has made it possible to combine all technical means of processing accounting information into a single intra-company information network.

    Representatives of a repair and construction company use in their activities mainly Microsoft Office applications, in particular Excel spreadsheets for maintaining simple single-table accounting databases and searching for information from these databases. The discipline of backup storage is not established by corporate rules, therefore backup storage is carried out by writing files to a laser disk at the discretion of the manager.

    The need to develop an automated information system for accounting for the company’s activities is due to competition in the market for repair and construction services and the need to ensure higher labor productivity, greater reliability and reliability of information, and better safety.

    A study of the existing information processing system revealed the need to improve the existing data processing, and the analysis of the situation made it possible to identify the following potential areas for improving the existing information processing system:

    eliminating the existing organizational and technical shortcomings listed in the previous section would significantly move existing information processing to a higher modern level;

    the introduction of a unified information system will make it possible to practically increase work efficiency, completely abandon the “manual” processing of information and move to its automated form;

    the introduction of individual IS eliminates the shortcomings of software designed for enterprise automation.

    Since the development of an integrated automated control system as a distributed database is complex and expensive, requiring the involvement of significant resources, including a team of performers, it is proposed that at the first stage we limit ourselves to a project that solves a number of specific problems.

    2. Description of the software product

    The development object is the “Construction Company” information system, designed to store and work with information about the work performed by the company’s employees on behalf of clients.

    The main stages of designing the IS “Construction Company”:

    General system design;

    Data structure design: selecting fields to include in tables;

    Designing and linking tables;

    Field design: rules for entering data and checking the validity of their values;

    Query design;

    Design of forms and reports;

    Automation design: menu creation.

    1 Description of input and output information

    IS "Construction Company" contains the following entities:

    The “Suppliers” entity contains information about companies: company name, contact, position, address, telephone, city, fax.

    Entity “Employees” - contains information about employees: full name, position, date of birth, date of hire, salary, address and telephone number;

    Entity “Orders” - contains information about orders: name, color, material, description, size, price, quantity, installation, dismantling, delivery, discount, total;

    Entity “Clients” - contains information about clients: full name, address and telephone number, employee, order date, execution date, form of payment;

    Entity “Components” - contains information about goods: name, brand, supplier, color, material, unit of measurement, price and description;

    Entity “Type” - contains information about the types of goods provided: name and description;

    Entity “Form of payment” - contains information about methods of payment for the purchased product: form of payment, description;

    The “Expenses” entity contains information about the company’s expenses, namely: the amount of expenses and the payment method.

    The “Profit” entity contains information about the company’s profit for a specific day.

    The software solves the following tasks: accounting for components, providing data on existing orders, maintaining reports.

    In form mode, it is possible to add a new order to the information base, add new components, edit information, implement ordering requests by fields, and search for information about components, orders and customers.

    The developed software is used to automate the accounting of components, storage and retrieval of information in the database, as well as for generating reports.

    The program includes the following functions:

    Formation and accounting of applications;

    Keep records of components;

    Adding, editing and deleting information;

    Drawing up reports;

    Printing reports;

    2.2 Analysis of existing database management systems

    Modern DBMSs are mainly Windows applications, since this environment allows for more complete use of the capabilities of a personal computer than a DOS environment. The decline in the cost of high-performance personal computers has not only led to a widespread shift to the Windows environment, where the software developer can be less concerned about resource allocation, but also has made PC software in general and DBMSs in particular less critical of the computer's hardware resources.

    Among the most prominent representatives of database management systems are: Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access, Borland dBase, Borland Paradox, Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Visual Basic, as well as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases used in applications built using client technology -server". Let's take a closer look at Microsoft software products, namely Visual FoxPro, Paradox, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Access 7.0.

    2.1 FoxPro (Fox Software) had exceptionally high speed characteristics and in this regard stood out noticeably among interpretive systems. Compared to dBaseIV, its speed is several times higher and is not inferior to the speed of compiler systems. By almost all indicators, Fox programs work significantly faster than Clipper programs. The set of commands and functions offered by FoxPro developers meets any requirements for data presentation and processing in terms of power and flexibility. The most convenient and efficient user interface can be implemented. FoxPro supports a variety of pop-up and multi-level menus, working with windows and the mouse, implements low-level file access functions, color management, printer settings, data can be presented in the form of “spreadsheets” and many other amenities and conveniences. In the pre-Windows era, FoxPro was the fastest, most convenient and most powerful DBMS for IBM PC computers.

    2.2 Paradox was developed by Ansa Software, and its first version was released in 1985. This product was subsequently acquired by Borland. Since July 1996, it has been owned by Corel and is part of Corel Office Professional. In the late 80s - early 90s Paradox, then owned by Borland International.

    The principle of data storage in Paradox is similar to the principles of data storage in dBase - each table is stored in its own file (extension *.db), MEMO and BLOB fields are stored in a separate file (extension *.md), as are indexes (extension *. px).

    However, unlike dBase, the Paradox data format is not open, so special libraries are required to access data in this format. For example, applications written in C or Pascal used the once popular Paradox Engine library, which became the basis of the Borland Database Engine. This library is now used in applications created using Borland development tools (Delphi, C++Builder), in some report generators (for example, Crystal Reports) and in Paradox itself. There are also ODBC drivers for databases created by various versions of this DBMS.

    Compared to similar versions of dBase, early versions of Paradox typically provided database developers with significantly more advanced capabilities, such as the use of business graphics in DOS applications, updating data in applications when working with multi-user users, visual query building tools based on the QBE interface - Query by Example (query by sample), tools for statistical data analysis, as well as tools for visually constructing user application interfaces with automatic code generation in the PAL (Paradox Application Language) programming language. Versions of the Paradox DBMS, in addition to the services listed above, also made it possible to manipulate data in other formats, including in particular dBase and data stored in server DBMSs. Paradox users received this opportunity through the use of the Borland Database Engine library and SQL Links drivers. This allowed Paradox to be used as a universal tool for managing various databases.

    2.3 Access - translated from English means “access”. MS Access is a functionally complete relational DBMS. In addition, MS Access is one of the most powerful, flexible and easy to use DBMS. You can create most applications in it without writing a single line of program, but if you need to create something very complex, then MS Access provides a powerful programming language - Visual Basic Application.

    The popularity of the Microsoft Access DBMS is due to the following reasons:

    Access is one of the most easily accessible and understandable systems for both professionals and novice users, allowing you to quickly master the basic principles of working with databases;

    the system has a completely Russified version;

    Full integration with Microsoft Office packages: Word, Excel, Power Point, Mail;

    The Windows ideology allows you to present information colorfully and clearly;

    the ability to use OLE technology, which allows you to establish a connection with objects of another application or embed any objects into an Access database;

    WYSIWIG technology allows the user to constantly see all the results of their actions;

    There is a set of object development “wizards” that make it easier to create tables, forms and reports.

    Designed for creating free-form reports based on various data and developing non-commercial applications. Minimum PC resources: 468DX processor, Windows 3.1, 95, NT, 12 (16) MB of RAM, 10-40 MB of LMD space.

    2.4 Visual BasicBasic is a universal object-oriented programming language, the dialects of which are built into Access and Visual FoxPro. Advantages: versatility, ability to create OLE components, low requirements for computer hardware resources. It is used to create medium-power applications that are not associated with high data processing intensity, development of OLE components, integration of Microsoft Office components. Minimum PC resources: 368DX processor, Windows 3.1, 95, NT, 6 (16) MB of RAM, 8-36 MB of LMD space.

    These software products have the ability to visually design the user interface, that is, the developer creates interface elements from ready-made fragments and programs only their changes in response to any events.

    Borland has always been widely known to professional developers as a company offering C and Pascal compilers and the Paradox database management system. With approximately six million users worldwide, dBASE remains an industry standard applicable to a variety of operating platforms, including MS-DOS, UNIX, VAX/VMS and MS-Windows. Products developed in the class of programming languages ​​- Borland C++ 4.5 and Delphi - with a unique combination of classical principles and modern technology.

    A completely new product Borland Delphi for Windows is a high-speed application development system based on object-oriented Pascal. Delphi combines visual tools for rapid application development, a high-performance object-oriented language compiler, a scalable data access mechanism and other latest advances in computer technology. C++ is the most powerful object-oriented programming language, has unlimited functionality. Designed for creating application components to perform speed-critical operations.

    To create a database, as well as the most developed software tool that provides access to database data, Microsoft Access 2007 was chosen due to the totality of its advantages.

    The database as part of the automated system being developed must meet the following requirements:

    storage of large volumes of relevant and reliable information;

    ease of user access to the database;

    the ability to enter, change, delete, sort and other manipulate database data;

    search for information on various groups of characteristics;

    the ability to expand and reorganize data in the database when the subject area changes.

    All of the above indicates the need to use a database and, accordingly, a specialized database management system (DBMS).

    Based on the above criteria for choosing a DBMS, the choice was made in favor of MS Access 7.0, since a DBMS is needed in a relatively small corporate network, the volumes of stored information are relatively small (measured in megabytes), and it works reliably on a server with the technical characteristics of a regular PC. MS Access 7.0 also determines minimal difficulties when setting up and administering the system.

    3 Requirements for the composition and parameters of technical means

    To work with the Construction Company IS, you need a computer with the following minimum configuration:

    Processor - 300 MHz or higher;

    RAM -128 MB or higher;

    Video adapter and monitor - Super VGA (800×600);

    Free hard disk space - 1.5 GB or more;

    Optical storage devices - CD-ROM or DVD-ROM;

    Keyboard and mouse;

    Installed Microsoft Office 2007.

    Minimum system requirements for MS Access 2007:

    Processor: Frequency not lower than 500 MHz;

    Memory: At least 256 MB;

    Hard disk space: 2 GB;

    Screen: Resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels;

    Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP3, Windows Vista.

    In order for the developed IP to function, you should copy the “Construction Company” folder from the disk to any free space on your hard drive, then open this folder and run the “Construction Company” file.

    Considering the capabilities of modern computers, these requirements can be called declarative. MS Access 2007 ensures effective operation on any modern personal computer that the enterprise is equipped with.

    Ultimately, the following were chosen for the IS: operating system - Windows XP Professional, DBMS and application development environment - Microsoft Access 2007.

    3. Description of the main design solutions

    1 Software system structure

    When developing a program, a very important step is to determine and analyze the structure of the software system. The program must have some general plan according to which the software application would be built. At this stage, you need to be guided by the following considerations:

    Information in tables should not be duplicated;

    It is advisable that each table contains information on only one topic;

    It is advisable to break down information about an object into minimal units.

    The database structure consists of information tables: Employees (Fig. 1), Suppliers (Fig. 2), Components (Fig. 3), Form of payment (Fig. 4), Clients (Fig. 5), Installment plan (Fig. 6) .

    Figure 1 - Table “Employees”

    The Employees table contains information about people working in the organization.

    Figure 2 - “Suppliers” table

    The “Suppliers” table contains information about companies cooperating with the organization.

    Figure 3 - Table “Components”

    The “Components” table contains information about the products offered by the organization.

    Figure 4 - Table “Form of payment”

    The “Form of payment” table contains information about the payment methods provided to clients.

    Figure 5 - Table “Clients”

    The Clients table contains information about customers.

    Figure 6 - “Instalment” table

    The “Instalment” table contains information about customers who purchased goods in installments.

    A diagram of the information system with all kinds of connections is presented in Figure 7.

    Figure 7 - Data diagram

    2 System testing

    To conduct testing, you must first select a testing methodology. The following methods can be used to test the system:

    White box method. White box testing treats the system as a "transparent object" and allows you to look inside, focusing on using knowledge about the specific software to select the correct test data.

    "Black box" method. Black box testing involves treating the system as an "opaque object", so that knowledge of the internal structure is not explicitly used. Testing with this method usually involves checking functionality.

    Ergonomic testing. A typical ergonomic test involves users performing a series of operations on a prototype (or other system) while observers document everything they do and say. Such testing is carried out simultaneously with one or more users working together.

    Testing incremental integration. This is a continuous test of the "usability" of new functionality that may be added; it is necessary that the various components of the functionality are sufficiently independent and functional before all the necessary parts are ready for integration into the system; carried out by programmers or testers.

    To test the “Construction Company” information system, the “Black box” method was chosen. After all, testing software using the “Black Box” method, in contrast to the “White Box” method, assumes knowledge only of a set of input parameters and the expected output results; how the program achieves these results is unknown. In this type of testing, the program code is never checked, and there is no need for additional knowledge of the program other than its technical description.

    Testing and debugging of the program was carried out based on data taken from a repair and construction company. The results obtained correspond to the solutions of the problems taken.

    In this work, an analysis of the problem posed was carried out with its consistent solution. The proposed theoretical material was reviewed and assimilated, which made it possible to more efficiently and quickly cope with the goals and objectives set.

    The purpose of the application being developed was to develop a database for a construction company and implement it using the Access shell. As a result of the work, it was completed.

    The goal was achieved by successfully completing the main tasks of the course work: the practical implementation of the database in the Microsoft Access shell and the creation of auxiliary elements to simplify work with the database (forms, queries and reports were created).

    In the process of work, production analysis skills were acquired, and the acquired knowledge in the field of developing database management systems to solve a specific problem was applied and improved.

    The developed database can significantly simplify the operator’s work and facilitate the procedure for obtaining reference information necessary for employees.

    construction software management repair


    1. D. Date. Introduction to the database system. - M., St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg 1977.- 312 p.

    S. Glushakov. Databases. - H., Folio, 2001. - 504 p.

    P. Kimmel. Master programming for Microsoft Access on your own in 24 hours., M.: “Williams”, 2000. - 448 p.

    Ullman D., Widom D. “Fundamentals of Relational Databases”, 2006

    Bazhenova I.Yu. "Fundamentals of Database Application Design", 2009

    Kirillov V.V., Gromov G.Yu. "Introduction to relational databases", 2009

    Thomas, Connolly, Caroline, Begg. Databases. Design, implementation and support. Theory and practice. - M: Publishing House "Williams", 2003.

    Karpova T.S. Databases: models, development, implementation. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

    Automated information technologies in economics: textbook / ed. I.T. Trubilina - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. - 416 p.

    Petrov V.N. Information systems / V.N. Petrov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 688 p.

    Fosby J. MS SQL Server 2008: management and programming / J. Fosby. - St. Petersburg: BHV - Petersburg, 2009. - 608 p.

    4.1. Management of a construction holding using information technology

    The development of information systems in organizations of all industries and fields of activity has undergone significant changes over the past 30 years. From a centralized mainframe-based information processing model to client/server technology that effectively combines the advantages of its predecessors. The current stage of economic development of construction organizations around the world is characterized by the expansion and improvement of forms and methods of their management using corporate information systems.

    An information system is a set of mechanisms, methods and algorithms aimed at supporting the information life cycle and including three main processes: data processing, information management and knowledge management.

    Many holding companies make extensive use of a modern, powerful information base. In Russia, the problem of designing automated information management systems is particularly acute, since until recently economic theory served, as a rule, government authorities at various levels, and the economy itself was self-closed, with minimal participation in the international division of labor. In this regard, a stable system of information support for the public sector has emerged.

    Research has shown that in modern conditions, the effectiveness of informatization is determined by the quality of information communications, the level of communication between various participants in the communication process, due to the penetration of information into all spheres of public life.

    In conditions of increased demand for information resources, great importance is attached to the development and design of corporate information systems serving areas with a high level of consumption of computer technology. The objective need for this is information related to the dynamism of economic reforms and the emergence of new forms of economic activity, the creation of information systems that respond to changes in market conditions and others.

    Most construction holdings, when organizing marketing activities, carry out: analysis of consumer demand, modeling the development of social needs and the possibilities of meeting them, automating the processes of concluding contracts for the supply of products and monitoring their implementation. Many corporate structures, connected by stable contractual relationships, create information systems that allow the customer to monitor the progress of the order from the contractor. Highly automated systems of market interactions place increased demands on the information support of economic structures. Corporate structures that do not have developed information systems in the field of marketing will not be able to function normally in the domestic and foreign markets. The presence of such systems is a necessary condition for market integration and effective economic activity.

    The complex of technical means of a corporate structure management system consists of separate types of technical means and devices - components of technical support for project management, which interact with each other in the process of functioning of the corporate information system. By identifying the main components containing software modules of a certain class, you can build a structural model of the information system (Fig. 4.1).

    The lowest level of the information system is the repository, which contains all the intellectual property of the construction organization (documents, directories, structural tables, business rules, etc.). Only the knowledge management system has direct access to the repository, which serves as a kind of gateway for other systems and forms the information environment of the corporation. A knowledge management system integrates ideas, knowledge, document content and business rules, automating knowledge-based processes both within the construction holding itself and between its structural divisions (subsidiaries).

    To do this, you need a gateway that allows you to exchange data with external systems. This is a necessary condition, since modern economic processes are aimed at uniting construction organizations into corporate structures, and the transfer of knowledge is very important.

    The goal of developing (and subsequently improving) management information systems, aimed at achieving the final result, can be presented in the form of a hierarchical structure, which also includes the creation of high-quality documentation, the formation and maintenance of databases and the development of procedures for working with the system. The design of information systems should be carried out on a systematic basis in order to minimize both the cost of design and the time spent on development.

    The prerequisites for implementing a corporate information system in a construction holding are:

    Lack of prompt access and processing of information necessary for prompt decision-making;

    Lack of analysis, modeling and decision support tools;

    Insufficient use of information technology in managing processes and resources;

    Introduction of various, unrelated accounting and management systems for individual areas of activity;

    The need to maintain or frequency of receipt of financial statements in accordance with Western standards;

    The use of information systems that do not meet modern requirements, unsatisfactory results of the implementation of information systems, etc.

    The latest generation corporate information systems, used in many corporate structures in Russia and abroad, have their own characteristics and advantages, namely:

    Fully exploiting the potential of desktop computers, paperless document processing;

    Modular construction of the system, end-to-end information support at all stages of information flow based on integrated databases, providing a single unified form of presentation, storage, search, display, recovery and protection of data, elimination of intra-company barriers, convenience and simplicity of work;

    Saving system resources by centralizing data storage and processing at upper levels;

    Availability of effective network and system administration tools that control the functioning of the network and management at all levels of the hierarchy, and provide the necessary flexibility and dynamic changes in the system configuration;

    Modeling of business processes, the possibility of collective execution of documents based on client-server network technology, united by means of communication, interactive problem solving mode;

    Access to international information networks.

    Creation of an automated management system in a construction holding allows:

    Accelerate information processing by bringing data processing tools as close as possible to the places of its origin and use (which is very important for scattered construction projects in the Far North and Siberia);

    Provide employees of management and financial and economic services with operational information;

    It is more effective to satisfy the diverse and frequently changing information needs of management personnel, to obtain comprehensive information based on data from all subsystems of management of economic and commercial activities;

    Create a multi-level integrated data bank and provide interactive communication between the user and the system through automated workstations;

    Reduce the time of searching for information in the system, as well as its processing, preparation and release of various organizational and administrative documentation;

    Reduce the cost of maintaining the entire computer system, reduce the volume of output paper documents by three to four times;

    Increase flexibility and improve system survivability;

    Automate execution control functions at all levels of management and economic activity;

    Automate the maintenance of local end-user information and create local databases;

    Directly involve performers in the management process, improve the quality and reliability of decision-making.

    Enable users to work with the information available in the data bank both as part of a common network and autonomously.

    Research shows that in modern conditions there are four possible forms of organizing the strategy for the functioning of information systems in a corporation:

    1) centralized storage and processing of information with centralized management of economic and production facilities;

    2) centralized storage and processing of information under decentralized or independent control systems;

    3) distributed storage and processing of information under centralized management;

    4) distributed processing and storage with decentralized control.

    The last two organizational forms predetermine the concept of new information technology, the basis of which is distributed computer technology, “friendly” software and developed means of communication.

    An analysis of the corporate information system software available on the market indicates that its functionality, along with the use of the Internet, makes it possible to manage almost all production, economic, and socio-economic, including financial, activities of a construction holding company.

    The implementation of a corporate information system in a construction holding is a complex process that involves the company’s management, employees of the company’s automation department, a software supplier, system implementation specialists, and system integrators.

    Currently, there are three approaches to solving the problem of complex automation of the activities of a construction holding company and its structural divisions (subsidiaries):

    1) stage-by-stage development of a corporate system in-house (including the use of ready-made or custom-made software products from third-party companies and organizations that allow automation of individual jobs or production processes). The advantage of the approach is that in a system created on its own, it is possible to take into account to the greatest extent the needs and specifics of the work of a particular construction organization. However, this way of solving the automation problem can be too long in time and often turns into an ongoing process.

    2) implementation of a ready-made corporate-level information system. Some construction holdings prefer ready-made software systems, the success of the implementation of which largely depends on the readiness (and ability) of the holding to work according to the “rules” dictated by the acquired information system.

    3) creation of corporate information systems based on the “assembly” of systems from software “components” of various manufacturing companies. Component technology for creating corporate information systems looks the most attractive and promising, since it combines flexibility in choosing the necessary components of an information system, characteristic of developing a system in-house, with code reliability and functional completeness, proven by repeated use, characteristic of commercial software products, and also allows quickly make changes to the existing information system without disrupting its functionality.

    When improving management systems of a construction holding company and its structural divisions (subsidiaries) and information systems to support them, two main approaches are distinguished: structural and process.

    Structural approach is based on the use of the company's organizational structure, when the system is improved by structural divisions. Activity technologies are described through the operating technologies of structural units, and the interaction of structural units is described through a top-level model. If a construction company is a complex holding-type structure, then it is necessary to have a model of interaction of all its constituent elements, which will reflect not only technological, but also financial and legal aspects.

    Process approach focused on business processes, which, unlike the organizational structure, change less frequently. As a rule, there are usually no more than ten main business processes.

    To successfully create and implement a corporate information system in a construction holding company, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of its five main interrelated components:

    1) technologies that define business processes in the information system and formalize them, taking into account all the relationships in the construction company;

    2) software that implements the necessary functionality of the information system;

    3) equipment that ensures the functioning of the information system;

    4) information;

    5) personnel ensuring the operation of the information system.

    6) Information security and protection of information resources

    The integrated information system of a construction holding company is an extensive network that unites local and remote user workstations.

    The world has developed four basic standards that form the basis for the development of corporate information systems, each of which complements the previous standard with more advanced management methods.

    1.MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is the original standard. These systems can quickly calculate the possibility of completing a new order by the required date given the current production load. If it is impossible to complete a given order by a specific deadline, the system is able to answer the question of how much it will cost the customer to complete a new order if he still insists on the deadline. At the head of the MRP class system is the MPS (Master Production Scheduling) block for drawing up a master production plan. Based on data on the state of demand, plans for the production of final products are developed. The next block of the system allows you to describe the composition of the product - BOM (Bill-of-Material, or product certification). In addition to the composition, you can enter any reference information here: material properties, manufacturer, supplier, delivery or manufacturing dates, order volume, etc. The final unit is the inventory control unit.

    2. MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) - the main essence is that forecasting, planning and production control are carried out throughout the entire cycle, starting from the purchase of raw materials and ending with the delivery (sale) of the construction project to the consumer.

    The MRP II class system has three basic blocks:

    Formation of a basic plan based on customer orders and demand forecast;

    Planning of needs, that is, the formation of a schedule for completing the construction of facilities and a schedule for the purchase of materials and components;

    Operational management.

    MRP II class systems provide solutions to the problems of planning an enterprise's activities in physical units and financial planning in monetary terms.

    3. The next stage in the development of information systems was the emergence from the late 1980s. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) class systems – organizational resource planning systems. These systems cover all financial, economic and production activities of the company. They are subject to requirements such as: centralization of data in a single database, operating mode close to real time, maintaining a common management model for enterprises in any industry, support for geographically distributed structures, work in a wide range of hardware and software platforms and DBMS. With the correct implementation and operation of such systems, the efficiency of the organization's business processes increases, which provides a competitive advantage for further development.

    The ERP concept is more advanced than MRP II and is the de facto standard for modern enterprise management information systems in the world. A modern information system based on the ERP concept includes:

    Supply Chain Management (SCM);

    Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS);

    Sales Force Automation (SFA) module;

    Stand-alone module responsible for configuration (Stand Alone Configuration Engine - SCE);

    Final Resource Planning (FRP);

    Business intelligence, OLAP technologies (Business Intelligence - BI);

    Electronic Commerce module (EC);

    Product Data Management (PDM);

    Actually, the main task of the ERP system is to achieve optimization (in terms of time and resources) of all the listed processes.

    4. Currently, the information systems that determine effective market orientation are CRM (customer relationship management) systems. These systems are aimed at creating an extensive base of “loyal” customers, which becomes a long-term competitive advantage for a construction holding company.

    With a clearly established organizational scheme for the functional operation of a corporate information system in a construction holding company, each performer performs strictly defined actions for him, receiving information in the amount necessary and sufficient to carry out his job duties. A common corporate information system in the surveyed construction organizations (and not only) is the integrated Galaktika system.

    As a result of the work of all users of the system, the database of the construction holding is filled with operational information about the progress of work at specific sites. Processing operational information allows, on the one hand, to analyze the relationship with the counterparty based on information about the movement of material assets, services, work and financial resources, and on the other hand, to evaluate the effectiveness of the construction holding company in various areas of economic activity.

    The management personnel of the holding company and its structural divisions (subsidiaries), using the Galaktika integrated information system to manage production and economic processes, have the opportunity to:

    Prompt access to reliable information about the current activities of the holding;

    Operational financial management;

    Monitoring the progress of contractual relations;

    Control of mutual obligations;

    Control and management of material, labor and technical resources;

    Formation and control of a business plan;

    Planning and accounting for the implementation of the internal budget.

    Each project in the field of information technology should be considered by the management of a construction holding company as a strategic investment of funds that will pay off by improving management processes, increasing production efficiency, and reducing production costs.

    To describe any planned actions on planning objects, plans and applications are used. The objects of planning are a variety of objects of the management system of a construction organization: material assets, construction and installation works and services, fixed assets, construction projects, professions, staffing units, employees, partners, subsidiaries, cash desks, settlement accounts, transportation routes, other plans and applications.

    Plans and applications can contain various numerical characteristics for each planning object, for example: quantity, amount, price, cost, power, etc. in the context of various analytics. The plan, unlike the application, in addition to the analytics, has one more mandatory section - the planning period.

    The concepts of “analytics” and “planning period” are similar to the “financial management” module. An application, unlike a plan, is characterized by an acceptance date and an execution date. For planning objects, a set of characteristics and an analyst determine the type of plan (application). Various actions on plans and applications are carried out using algorithms. Algorithms allow you to fill out plans and applications automatically and at the same time take into account various quantitative characteristics contained in the system, for example, balances and turnover for assets of various types, price list prices, as well as other plans and applications. The interface is configured for each type of plan (application).

    To record the implementation of plans and requests, execution movements (MF) are used. Each execution movement necessarily relates to the characteristic and value of the analytics corresponding to the type of plan (application). To view and edit movements, use the execution movement log. The mechanism of standard execution operations provides the ability to automatically generate execution movements from System documents.

    The reporting system for plans and applications ensures that execution is achieved according to various characteristics, analytics and planning periods of various plans and applications in physical terms and as a percentage of planned characteristics. In addition, for each execution, you can get a progress movement card with information about documents related to the movement, that is, find out which events ensured the execution of the plan.

    The unified system of corporate planning in a construction holding company proposed in the study involves the use of the Galaktika computer program, which works with many objects and provides the possibility of a step-by-step automatic decomposition of estimates using information about the norms for the inclusion of simple works into more complex ones. For this purpose, sets of services or a mechanism for including some plans into others as planning objects and corresponding system algorithms are used. When decomposing the estimate, information on current prices for material and technical resources contained in the system in the form of price lists, in prices for the work of machines and mechanisms, technological vehicles, prices for work performed by workers of various professions (salaries and personnel) should be used.

    The construction and installation work plan is formed as a result of decomposition of the combination of construction orders by planning periods in accordance with the construction financing plan.

    Next, from the construction and installation work plan, the following objects of the “Plan” type (in the context of construction projects), construction work, planning periods, in total and quantitative terms, using current prices (rates)) are formed, namely:

    Demand for building materials;

    The need for mechanization and technological vehicles;

    Demand for labor resources.

    The next stage of planning involves the formation of objects: “the need for construction tools”, “the need for materials for temporary structures (communications)”, which are selected taking into account the construction work plan and current prices.

    From the need for building materials of own production, taking into account inventories (current and standard at the end of the period), taking into account the planned cost, a “production plan” is formed, and from it, taking into account inventories and current prices, the “requirement for raw materials for production”.

    Based on the need for mechanization means and the need for labor resources and the corresponding prices, a “mechanization means use plan” and a “labor plan” are created, respectively.

    Taking into account the production plan and the plan for the use of mechanization and technological vehicles, using the relevant standards and current prices (rates), a “requirement for operating materials”, a “preventive maintenance plan (PPR)”, and a “requirement for spare parts” are created.

    The “purchase plan” is formed on the basis of “the need for purchased building materials”, “the need for raw materials for production”, “the need for construction tools”, “the need for materials for temporary structures”, “the need for operating materials”, “the need for spare parts” . In this case, inventories of material assets and existing prices are also taken into account.

    General planning principle.

    PP = RP+ZKN-ZNO (4.1)

    PP – planned arrival for the period;

    RP – planned expenditure for the period;

    ZKN – standard stock at the end of the period;

    ZNO – expected stock at the beginning of the period.

    The success of planning lies in the reliability of determining the expected reserves at the beginning of the period, and the following should be taken into account:

    inventories of material assets that will be used up before the start of the planning period;

    inventories of material assets that will be unavailable for use during the planning period under consideration.

    Using the batch mechanism for targeted accounting of material assets, maybe even adding another storage section similar to the batch associated with Corporate planning in a construction holding company. This allows you to maintain independent target accounting of materials.

    In addition to the objects described above, it is planned to create one-time and weekly-daily applications in the “Construction Organization Management System”. These requests should be of similar types to the needs described above. With the help of one-time requests, it is supposed to keep track of needs that were not taken into account when forming plans. Weekly and daily requests are supposed to be used for operational planning of resource provision. The structure of one-time and weekly-daily requests may not differ.

    Thus, corporate planning in a construction holding company should provide output information in the form of the following objects:

    construction and installation work plan;

    Construction work plan;

    Plan for using subcontractor services;

    Production plan (for auxiliary production of building materials);

    Plan for the use of mechanization and technological vehicles;

    Repair plan for construction equipment and vehicles;

    Procurement plan;

    One-time and weekly-daily applications.

    This development provides a mechanism for generating plans (applications), unifications of contracts and schedule items, including batch planning of schedule items with specifications. At the same time, it is possible to take into account existing contracts and schedule items created based on object data and plan periods. In the development process, a mechanism is also provided for the formation, on the basis of plans (requests), of tariffs for various contractual departments: for purchase, for sale, for release into production, and others; also for newly earned money in accordance with this document: for internal movement, for replenishment of construction work. At the same time, it is possible to read documents already generated for these objects and plan periods.

    If the holding managed to implement improvements due to the needs of management accounting, then it is proposed to introduce the “capital construction management” module, which ensures work with the objects “construction order”, “construction work”, “contract department for construction work”.

    A “construction order” is a specific type of application whose planning objects are “construction works”. To a certain degree of detail of the object, a “construction order” represents a construction estimate. Each “construction work” is characterized by quantity, unit of measurement, price (cost per unit of measurement), cost and analytics: material and technical resources, use of machinery and mechanisms, wages, etc. The full set of analytics for a construction order is determined during the process of debugging the “system” . In most cases, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the “construction order” and construction projects.

    In this work, the term “construction work” refers to a specific “construction” object of the system. Each “construction job” is unique within the totality of “construction orders.” The list of “construction works” has an explicit hierarchical structure, in addition, each “construction work” must clearly relate to a “construction order”.

    The contract department for construction works is similar to the contract department for purchase (sale) with the exception of some features. The contract department of construction works has a clear relationship with the construction order. For each construction work, the quantity, unit of measurement and price are indicated, which correspond to similar items in the construction order, the cost is calculated from the price and quantity.

    The results of our research and practical work indicate the need to create a means of synchronizing the catalog “material assets” and “price list”, allowing you to add items to some specific price lists when replenishing the catalog of material assets, and remove items from these price lists when deleting the corresponding material assets from the catalogue. It is also necessary to provide for working with the date of price change in the price list (view, filter by date, automatically change the date when the price changes); provide access to operations with price lists, similar to the “sales management” module. In all modules of the Corporate Planning of a construction holding company, when creating plans and applications, it is necessary to provide for systemic algorithms for using price lists.

    To update the price list with planned prices for products of own production, a recalculation procedure is provided using current transfer prices for raw materials.

    Among the new objects of the “material assets in transit” management system we propose is the “Dispatch” document - an object that links incoming and outgoing documents to one shipment (wagon, container, vessel) and stores the necessary information about this shipment (wagon, container, vessel ) (type, number, name, brand, flight, carrier, point of departure, destination and much more, even insurance conditions).

    Features of the movement of material assets between divisions (subsidiaries) are as follows:

    The ability to use an invoice for internal movement to enter information on the movement of material assets between departments (subsidiaries);

    The impact on settlements with counterparties of an invoice for internal movement when moving between departments (subsidiaries);

    Automatic recalculation of prices in invoices for internal movement and in the corresponding incoming orders, updating settlements with counterparties when recalculating prices in outgoing orders.

    To ensure the possibility of separate accounting and tax accounting in the presence of unified management accounting in a construction holding company, we proposed to introduce the following improvements:

    Enter the attribute of the structural unit of the holding (subsidiary organization), which will be automatically entered in the main chart of accounts when generating accounting entries both in accounting and tax. This attribute is assigned to each structural unit (subsidiary);

    A sample of analytics and turnover in the accounting circuit should also be able to view information by division;

    Unit attributes have also been introduced in the payroll and personnel modules;

    The payroll module should be able to generate postings for different charts of accounts;

    Enter the indicator of the possibility of issuing wages - through a cash register, through a bank, through plastic cards;

    The assignment of accrued wages and charges for the unified social tax to these payments should be allocated to one cost account and one unit attribute;

    When creating the general ledger and turnover sheet, it is also necessary to enter the unit attribute.

    The basis of the conceptual provisions we have outlined for the development of a management system in a construction holding is the automated system “Galaktika”. The Galaktika system has been tested and practically implemented in the construction holding Yugorskremstroygaz.

    Zarenkov, V. A. Problems of development of construction companies in the Russian economy / V. A. Zarenkov - St. Petersburg. Stroyizdat, 1999, -288 p.

    Asaul, A. N. Organization of entrepreneurial activity: A. N. Asaul, M. P. Voinarenko, P. Yu. Erofeev. -SPb.: Publishing house Humanistics, 2004. 448 p.

    Enterprise Economics Basic economic concepts of enterprise functioning. - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg GIEA. -2000. -1 hour


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    1. Apache Information System

    1.1 Description of Apache

    2. Information systems for a construction company

    2.1 Information system 1C: Trade and warehouse

    2.1.1 Description of the program

    2.1.2 Working with distributed information bases

    2.1.3 Reliability and safety

    2.1.4 Flexibility and customizability

    2.1.5 Interface

    2.1.6 Openness and accessibility

    2.1.7 Working with commercial equipment

    2.2 CRM information system

    2.2.1 Automation of business processes

    2.2.2 Customer information management

    2.2.3 Sales management

    2.2.4 Product portfolio management

    2.2.5 Working time management

    2.2.6 Automation of document flow

    1. Information systemApache

    There are a huge number of web servers in the world. They differ from each other in functionality and purpose. In this work, we will consider one of the most popular ones, installed on most servers of hosting providers. Apache server meets almost all the needs of modern web development, but at the same time it is simple enough for programmers to install it to debug their programs.

    In 1994, Rob McCool, an employee of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois (NCSA), released the first web server, which was called the NCSA HTTP daemon, for public use. The server gained popularity in narrow circles, but in mid-1994 McCool left the university and development stopped.

    A small group of interested webmasters began working together on the product. Communicating on a discussion list via email, they developed “patches” and innovations for the server. It was they who created the Apache Group, which developed the first version of the Apache server. This happened in April 1995, when all existing “patches” were applied to the base (NCSA Server 1.3). This is how the first official public release of Apache 0.6.2 appeared.

    Work on the server did not stop for a day, and very soon it became one of the most popular. After numerous tests, version 1.0 appeared on December 1, 1995, stable and reliable. Throughout all these years and to this day, Apache remains completely free. Perhaps this also determined the success of the server, because, according to NetCraft, Apache is currently installed on 67% of all servers in the world.

    1.1 DescriptionApache

    At the moment, two branches of Apache are being developed in parallel - versions 2.0 and 1.3. The second version has undergone a significant number of changes, which primarily affected the core of the program and some important modules. Since modules written by third party developers for version 1.3 will not work in version 2.0, "old" Apache is also supported. However, if you are installing Apache for the first time, you should take a closer look at the new version.

    Apache is a full-featured, extensible web server that fully supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol and is open source. The server can run on almost all common platforms. There are ready-made server executables for Windows NT, Windows 9x, OS/2, Netware 5.x and several UNIX systems. At the same time, it is very easy to install and configure. Apache is configured using text configuration files. The basic settings are already configured by default and will work in most cases. If there is a lack of functionality in standard Apache, then you should take a closer look at redistributable modules written by the Apache Group and third-party developers. An important advantage is that the creators actively communicate with users and respond to all error messages.

    The simplest function that Apache can perform is to stand on a server and serve a regular HTML website. When a request is received for a particular page, the server sends a response to the browser. When you type the address, a page opens - everything is simple.

    A more complex function, which is built into the HTTP/1.1 protocol, is user authentication. Using standard Apache server tools, it is possible to restrict access to certain website pages for different users. This is necessary, for example, in order to create an administrative interface for the site. For this, the .htaccess and .htpasswd files are used, as well as the mod_auth and mod_access modules. Users can be divided into groups, and each of them can be assigned their own access rights.

    To separate the design and functional parts of the site, as well as to simplify changes to static objects, there is SSI* technology. It allows you to put all the repeating information into one file (for example, top.inc), and then insert a link to it into the pages. Then, if you need to change several lines in this information, you will only have to change them in one file. The Apache server supports this technology and allows you to use server-side inclusions to their full potential.

    If there are several users on one server with an installed Unix operating system and an Apache server, then you can create a separate directory for each of them. More precisely, it will be created automatically along with the alias. This is done using the mod_userdir module and the UserDir directive. So, for example, you can map the public_html folder in the user’s home folder to the address www.site.ru/~user. In general, this is what is done on the servers of most sites that provide free hosting. The server administrator can allow or disable certain users from creating home pages, using SSI, and other server features. Full-fledged hosting usually involves the creation of a separate virtual server for each user.

    Apache server was one of the first servers to support virtual servers (hosts). This feature allows you to host several full-fledged websites on one physical server. Each of them can have its own domain, administrator, IP address, and so on.

    If you need to place the domains domain.ru and domain.com on the server, then first you need to make sure that they are associated with an IP address in the DNS system. After this, create two directives in the Apache configuration file , where you describe each virtual host. Thus, the server will know which folder to “send” the incoming request to.

    Nowadays, most internet pages are dynamic. This means that their appearance and content are formed using a software script written in one of the “languages”; they cannot be fully called languages; the definition is quite arbitrary. At the moment, the most widely used technologies are CGI and PHP. Of course, Apache has support for both, plus the ability to connect other languages.

    The mod_cgi module allows you to place CGI scripts on the server. These are just executable files written in one of the valid programming languages. They can be contained both in compiled form, for example, this is done if they write CGI in C++, and in the form of source text, if Perl is installed on the server, then the programmer can place such files. Sometimes they have the extension .pl.

    Based on the Apache server, you can create not only simple amateur websites, but also resources that require serious cryptographic protection of transmitted data. The SSL/TLS protocol was developed specifically for this purpose, and its support was built into Apache 2.0. Using a special module, you can perform authentication based on personalized certificates, which makes it possible to almost certainly guarantee the authenticity of the user.

    The Apache server can keep a log of all actions performed on it. The administrator can choose the level of protocol detail. Logs are maintained separately for errors, for successful operations, and for each virtual host. .

    2 . Information systems for a construction company

    2.1 Information system 1C: Trade and warehouse

    2.1.1 Description of the program

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is the "Operational Accounting" component of the "1C: Enterprise" system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade.

    The "Operational Accounting" component is designed to record the availability and movement of material and cash resources. It can be used both independently and in conjunction with other 1C:Enterprise components.

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is intended for recording all types of trade transactions. Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to obtaining various statements and analytical reports.

    Automation of any trade and warehouse operations

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" automates work at all stages of an enterprise's activities.

    A typical configuration allows:

    · maintain separate management and financial records;

    · keep records on behalf of several legal entities;

    · maintain batch accounting of inventory with the ability to select a cost write-off method (FIFO, LIFO, average);

    · keep separate records of your own goods and goods taken for sale;

    · register the purchase and sale of goods;

    · perform automatic initial filling of documents based on previously entered data;

    · keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements under individual contracts;

    · generate the necessary primary documents;

    · issue invoices, automatically build a sales book and a purchase book, keep quantitative records in the context of customs declaration numbers;

    · Perform goods reservation and payment control;

    · keep records of funds in current accounts and in the cash register;

    · keep records of trade loans and control their repayment;

    · keep records of goods transferred for sale, their return and payment.

    In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" you can:

    Set the required number of prices of different types for each product, store supplier prices, automatically control and promptly change the price level;

    Work with interrelated documents;

    Perform automatic calculation of write-off prices for goods;

    Quickly make changes using group processing of directories and documents;

    Keep records of goods in various units of measurement, and funds in various currencies;

    Receive a wide variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money;

    Automatically generate accounting entries for 1C: Accounting.

    apache information program automation

    2.1.2 Working with distributed information bases

    The main purpose of tools for working with distributed information bases is to organize a unified automated accounting system at enterprises that have geographically remote facilities: branches, warehouses, stores, order receiving points and other similar units not connected by a local network:

    · maintaining an unlimited number of autonomously working information databases;

    · full or selective data synchronization;

    · setting up the composition of synchronized data;

    · arbitrary order and method of transferring changes;

    The use of distributed information base management tools does not limit the actions of system users. The system automatically tracks all data changes and transmits them in accordance with the described synchronization rules.

    The "Distributed Information Base Management" component is supplied separately

    2.1.3 Reliability and safety

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains tools to ensure the safety and consistency of information:

    · the ability to prohibit users from “directly” deleting information;

    · special data deletion mode with cross-reference control;

    · the ability to prohibit users from editing data for previous reporting periods;

    · setting a ban on editing printed forms of documents;

    · "locking" of the system by the user during temporary cessation of operation.

    2.1.4 Flexibility and customizability

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise.

    The system includes a Configurator, which allows you to configure all the main elements of the system if necessary:

    · edit existing and create new necessary documents of any structure

    · change screen and printed forms of documents

    · create journals for working with documents and arbitrarily redistribute documents among journals for effective work with them

    · edit existing and create new directories of arbitrary structure

    · edit directory properties:

    · change the composition of details, the number of levels, code type, code uniqueness verification range and create registers to account for funds in any necessary sections; create any additional reports and information processing procedures; describe the behavior of system elements in the built-in language.

    2.1.5 ANDinterface

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" follows modern user interface standards:

    - “tip of the day” will tell you effective working methods and convenient system capabilities

    Service windows can be “attached” to the borders of the main program window

    The main menu of the system contains “images” of commands - the same images are placed on the toolbar buttons

    Toolbar buttons can be labeled not only with pictures, but also with text.

    2.1.6 Openness and accessibility

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains a variety of tools for connecting with other programs.

    The ability to import and export information via text files will allow you to exchange data with almost any program.

    In addition, the built-in language contains tools for working with DBF files.

    Also, "1C: Trade and Warehouse" supports modern application integration tools: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to:

    · manage the operation of other programs using the built-in language "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel

    · gain access to "1C: Trade and Warehouse" data from other programs

    insert into documents and reports "1C: Trade and Warehouse" objects created by other programs - for example, place a company logo in primary documents

    · place pictures and graphs in documents and reports.

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" implements support for open standards: exchange of commercial information (CommerceML) and exchange of payment documents (1C: Enterprise - Bank Client).

    This makes it possible to: generate and upload commercial offers to Web storefronts that support the standard; organize electronic exchange of catalogues, price lists and documents with your counterparties; exchange payment documents (payment orders and statements) with the Client - Bank 1C: Trade and Warehouse systems integrated with database of the UNISCAN/EAN Russia Association.

    2.1.7 Working with commercial equipment

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" provides work with commercial equipment: cash registers, receipt printers, scanners and barcode printers, electronic scales, data collection terminals, customer displays and other types of equipment.

    "Intelligent" interaction with retail equipment allows, for example, filling out documents by reading barcodes of goods with a scanner.

    Additional components and methods for working with commercial equipment are supplied separately.

    The cost of installing and implementing this software varies depending on the number of jobs. Installation will require additional costs to purchase a database management system.

    This paper considers a construction company in which 40 workplaces are organized; the average cost of one workplace for 2016 with installation, implementation and acquisition of keys to the workplace is ~ 17.5 thousand rubles

    2.2 Information systemCRM

    There are different interpretations of the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management): some see this letter combination as a business methodology, while others see it as software for automating work with clients. Both are right. But let's put the right emphasis.

    CRM is a strategy. The term Customer Relationship Management can be translated into Russian as “customer relationship management.”

    This literal translation is quite true, but does not paint an obvious picture.

    In essence, CRM is a specific approach to doing business, in which the client is placed at the forefront of the company's activities.

    That is, the CRM strategy involves the creation in the company of such mechanisms for interaction with customers in which their needs have the highest priority for the enterprise.

    Such customer focus affects not only the company’s overall business strategy, but also corporate culture, structure, business processes, and operations.

    The main goal of implementing a CRM strategy is to create a pipeline for attracting new clients and developing existing clients.

    Managing relationships means attracting new customers, turning neutral customers into loyal customers, and forming business partners from regular customers.

    A CRM system is the embodiment of automation of a CRM strategy. Information technology plays a very important role in bringing CRM strategy to life.

    CRM software tools are specialized systems designed to automate the very business processes, procedures and operations that are implemented in the form of a company’s CRM strategy.

    As a key tool for winning and retaining customers, CRM applications minimize the human element when working with customers and increase transparency in sales, marketing and customer service.

    At the same time, it is important to realize that automating the customer relationship process is important, but not the only and not the primary step in building a customer-centric company.

    A software product is a convenient tool that will support existing regulations and processes and will develop along with the company.

    2.2.1 Automation of business processes

    Breaking down all work processes and formalizing them is a non-trivial task solved by business analysts.

    If all employees act in accordance with regulated processes, the number of errors decreases, the company's work speeds up, and work results become more predictable.

    If the execution of processes is transparent to managers, it is much easier for them to identify weak points in the work and direct the efforts of employees in the right direction.

    These tasks can be solved by automating processes using a CRM system.

    To formalize, automate the execution and control of processes, Terrasoft CRM offers special tools. A business analyst will appreciate a convenient visual editor that allows you to build a description of algorithmic processes of any complexity in the CRM system.

    Managers will be able to indicate the performers and participants of tasks in the process, record the time spent on completing a particular task, and managers will have the opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of both the business processes themselves and the work of employees.

    By providing automation and operational control of the progress of a company’s business processes, a CRM system increases the likelihood of their timely and high-quality execution.

    New employees get up to speed faster, and communication between departments improves. And tools for assessing the effectiveness of business processes help optimize the company’s activities as a whole.

    2.2.2 Customer Information Management

    The “heart” of any CRM system is a database of both individuals and legal entities that interact with your company as part of the enterprise’s activities. These are not only customers, but also company branches, partners, suppliers, competitors.

    The customer database is a valuable asset in itself, and proper data management in a CRM system allows you to use information in your work with maximum efficiency.

    The client base is consolidated, the organization receives complete information about its clients and their preferences and, based on this information, builds an interaction strategy.

    A unified customer database and a complete history of relationships with them, combined with powerful analytical CRM tools, allows you to retain and develop existing customers, identifying the most valuable ones, as well as attract new customers.

    2.2.3 Sales management

    The main function of a CRM system is to help managers plan sales, organize transparent transaction management and optimize sales channels.

    The system stores a complete history of communication with customers, which helps sales departments analyze customer behavior, create offers that suit them, and win loyalty.

    Sales planning in the CRM system is organized in various sections (by region, manager, direction, etc.). The manager draws up a plan based on data on his clients, taking into account probability, and the manager, after analyzing the volume of confirmed payments, can draw up an incentive plan for the manager.

    Managers have special requirements for CRM. Using CRM system tools, managers can monitor the quality performance of managers (sales funnel), implementation of sales plans, compliance with payment and delivery deadlines.

    The system allows you to assess the volume and probability of transactions, manage sales business processes, monitor the status of the transaction and analyze the actions of competitors.

    One of the most important tasks that a CRM system helps solve is the organization of cross-sales and up-sales.

    The system allows you to create a cross-sales matrix and a product-segment matrix, group customers according to various parameters and identify their potential interests.

    By offering forecasting and analysis tools, automating the interaction of employees with clients and among themselves, the CRM system creates the prerequisites for optimizing existing sales channels and increasing company profits.

    2.2.4 Product Portfolio Management

    It is important for any commercial organization to provide high quality products and services at competitive prices and to constantly improve product lines.

    The CRM system allows you to structure the product range and manage the company’s full catalog of goods and services. CRM capabilities provide recording of special prices and discounts, analysis of data and relationships to offer customers the optimal package of services and identify popular products.

    2.2.5 Working time management

    Effective management and recording of working hours have a positive impact on all business processes of the company. A CRM system allows employees of an organization not only to record the use of current working time, but also to plan workload for future periods.

    CRM system tools offer convenient access to a schedule in which an employee can plan his own working time, mark the results of completing planned tasks, and view the schedule of colleagues. In turn, management has tools at its disposal to monitor the workload and performance of subordinates.

    Thanks to the ability to link all tasks with relevant counterparties, contacts, transactions, a history of work with each client is formed and accumulated.

    Generating 80% of tasks automatically according to a business process allows you to free employees from routine operations, distribute working time most rationally, and not forget about a single important task.

    2.2.6 Automation of document flow

    The CRM system provides all the necessary tools for managing both external and internal document flow of the company. These tools provide tools for automatically generating documents using templates, preparing printed forms of documents, supporting document versioning, quickly searching for documents in the system, creating an electronic document storage, and much more.

    When maintaining documentation in CRM, you can organize collective work with documents with flexible delimitation of access rights, electronic approval, as well as taking into account the relationships between documents.

    2.2.7 Analytical capabilities of the programCRM

    It is impossible to increase the profitability of an enterprise without a deep analysis of information about customers, their value and profitability, identifying bottlenecks in the company’s business processes, and analyzing the sales system. A CRM system allows a company to obtain statistical information and conduct complex data analysis, which is necessary for making strategically important business decisions.

    More than 100 standard reports of the system make it possible to analyze and control all typical business tasks. Using the built-in report builder, you can create analytical forms that meet the specific tasks of each enterprise.

    In addition, on the results panel of the CRM system you can track KPIs (key performance indicators), the analysis of which will allow management to evaluate the performance of each employee.

    This software was installed in a construction company together with 1C software. To develop configurations, write a program, install it, integrate it into 1C and implement it per workstation, ~ 10 thousand rubles will be spent.

    Posted on Allbest.r


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