• Using ICT in working with preschool children. "information and communication technologies in working with preschool children"

    He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.
    Wise words. You can agree with them, or you can disagree. But no matter how much we would sometimes like to avoid any new trends in our work, for various reasons we fail, since life itself, our ordinary and extraordinary children, make adjustments to it, “push” us, teachers, to solve a number of problems in different ways, one of which is the use of new technologies.
    Modern society is rightly called information society.
    A modern child lives in a world of electronic culture. Computers surround young children from birth: at home, in kindergartens, and at the doctor’s office. A powerful flow of new information, advertising, the use of computer technology on television and cinema, distribution game consoles, electronic toys have a great influence on the upbringing of a preschooler and his perception of the world around him. A 5-6 year old child can already communicate freely with a personal computer. The nature of his favorite activity – games – also changes significantly. Today's child assimilates only the information that interests him the most, the closest, most familiar to him, the one that evokes pleasant and comfortable feelings. Therefore, one of the means that has a unique opportunity to increase motivation and improve the learning of a modern preschooler, develop his creative abilities and create a positive emotional background of educational activities is the computer. Pedagogical discussions about the introduction of ICT in the educational process have been going on for quite a long time. But in the modern world it is difficult to stand still, therefore, whether we like it or not, ICT is firmly integrated into the educational process of preschool institutions.
    The computer has become a necessary and important attribute not only in the life of adults, but also as a means of teaching children.
    Computer technology– a special direction in working with a child that can help his development. Now it is not yet sufficiently developed in our country. If the school is actively moving forward, introducing more and more new technologies and methods of using computers, almost every school has computer classes and interactive whiteboards, then in preschool institutions this work is just beginning and, as a rule, at the level of the teacher’s personal interest.
    I am a supporter of the use of ICT in working with children, because I believe that in order to communicate with a child in the same language, a teacher must be armed with modern techniques and new educational technologies. Even hyperactive children, whose attention is quite difficult to maintain for a long time, receive the information presented on the page with great interest. big screen, and even accompanied by various games and music. The penetration of modern technologies into educational practice opens up new opportunities.
    Purposes of use information technology in the direct educational activities of the teacher this is:
    make education modern (in terms of using technical means);
    bring educational activities closer to the worldview of the modern child, since he watches and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means;
    establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between teacher and student;
    help the teacher to present the material emotionally and figuratively.
    save time for both the teacher and the child, increase the density of educational activities, enrich it with new content.
    The use of ICT allows you to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of:
    graphic image;
    All this allows the teacher to create fundamentally new means of child development for children. Practice has shown that when using ICT, children's interest in classes increases significantly and the level of cognitive abilities increases. The presentation helps to combine a huge amount of demonstration material, freeing you from a large amount of paperwork. visual aids, tables, reproductions, audio and video equipment.
    Modern education is difficult to imagine without Internet resources. Search engines Internet networks provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning issues and any photographs and illustrations for classes.
    Also, using the Internet, you can choose musical composition, corresponding to the topic of educational activities. These can be classical or modern works, songs from children's cartoons.
    The use of information technology in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions teachers.
    Thus, the use of ICT in working with children opens up new didactic opportunities related to the visualization of material, its “revival,” the ability to visualize those phenomena and processes that cannot be demonstrated in other ways. Both the quality of visibility and its content are improved. In particular, systematization and structuring of educational material creates excellent opportunities. There is an opportunity to concentrate large volumes of demonstration material from different sources, presented in different forms, optimally selected and arranged by the teacher depending on the needs of the children and the characteristics of the program.
    The presence of a good material, technical and resource base of a preschool educational institution is not enough for the process of informatization of education to truly have positive results. It is very important that teachers are able and, most importantly, have the opportunity and desire to use ICT in their work.

    Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on October 11th, 2015
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    Using ICT as a means of increasing motivation among older preschoolers with SEN

    author: Lavrova Elena Yuryevna, teacher-speech therapist of SP GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OC" named after. Hero of the Soviet Union S.V. Vavilov p. Borskoye, Samara region - kindergarten "Bell"
    We live in a time when computers, which have already taken a strong position in many areas modern life, are quickly penetrating into the field of education. The computer, being a modern information processing tool, is capable of playing a role irreplaceable assistant in the upbringing and development of a child, serve as a powerful means of education.
    For myself, I discovered the possibility of using computer technologies when working with preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. These children are characterized by a limited outlook, a low level of vocabulary development, and errors in word formation and inflection. In addition, many children experience anxiety, negativism, and instability of attention. The organization of correctional and educational activities for such children requires a special approach that provides constant emotional support.
    Currently, painting material, natural objects and their models are used for this... However, it is very difficult to attract a modern child, included in the audio and video environment, to work using traditional visual means. For a child familiar with a computer, when organizing educational process special means of influence are required.
    Therefore, in order to optimize my work with children with speech impairments, I began to use computer presentations, with the help of which I was able to increase the motivational readiness of children, their interest in educational activities, activate involuntary attention, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, which contributed to successful correction of speech disorders.
    Currently, Internet resources offer many multimedia presentations, but this product is not always of high quality and adapted for preschool children. In this regard, I myself began to develop my own presentations, focusing on the age, individual characteristics and level of speech development of the children in my group when selecting material. At the same time, the presentation, along with oral explanations, is the basis for carrying out correctional and educational work.
    When developing a presentation, I use Microsoft programs: PowerPoint, Word. A wide selection of visual, musical and animated material has opened up for me on Internet resources, which I actively use in my work, both to improve the effectiveness of correctional and educational work and to improve the level of my professional skills.
    Focusing on the lexical and grammatical material studied in groups for children with special needs, I have developed a series of presentations, the topics of which are presented in the sections:
    “In Search of the Snow Queen” “Berries” “Food”
    “Zimushka - winter” “Trees” “Hats”
    “New Year’s toys” “Pets” “Shoes”
    “Spring is red” “Poultry” “Space distances”
    “Spring chores” “Wild animals” “Transport”
    “Wintering Birds” “Toys”
    "At Alyonka's yard"
    The originality of my presentations lies in:
    - inclusion in the presentation of animated fairy-tale characters on whose behalf the presentation is being conducted;
    - realism and accessibility of the selected demonstration material for perception by preschool children;
    - selection of gaming and didactic exercises in accordance with the age of children and program objectives;
    - the presence of dynamic pauses with background music (children's songs, classical music).
    Benefits of using presentations in:
    - saving time when preparing for direct educational activities;
    - no need for additional selection of visual and didactic material. Changing and appearing images on the screen are of greater interest to children than traditional book illustrations;
    - increasing children’s activity, maintaining children’s attention at all stages of correctional work. Thanks to the dynamic change of images, colors, backgrounds, and the appearance of an animated character on whose behalf the speech is conducted, children's attention is retained longer.
    However, creating a presentation for preschool children with speech impairments has a number of features.
    1. According to current sanitary and epidemiological standards, classes using a computer with preschoolers 5-6 years old can be conducted 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes, so viewing and discussing the presentation cannot last longer than this time. After classes, you need to do eye exercises
    2.Presentations should be used in subgroup and frontal classes only if you have special equipment: multimedia projector, special screen.
    3. It is better to choose a monochromatic background for presentations that does not distract attention from the content of the slide, calm colors that do not irritate the eyesight. You can change it several times during the presentation. This will keep children's involuntary attention.
    4.Illustrative material should be large and realistic, not overloaded with unnecessary details. It is unacceptable to use blurry photographs, as well as images that can cause fear or hostility in children.
    5. Don’t overload your presentation with special effects. Moderate use of special effects helps to retain attention, increases interest, and creates a positive emotional mood, but excessive use of them leads to the opposite effect: the work is delayed, children become satiated and tired. In addition, some special effects are uncomfortable to perceive and tire the eyesight.
    Using computer presentations in my work, I realized that this is a very exciting and productive activity not only for the teacher, but also for the children. Computer presentations enliven the process of correcting speech disorders. Tasks selected taking into account the child’s zone of current and immediate development, although difficult, are easy to complete. When a child sees the results of his efforts, his self-esteem increases, his uncertainty and anxiety decrease. The child becomes more active and open.
    Thus, I consider the use of multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers with speech disorders to be completely justified and necessary.

    1. L.A. Leonova, L.V. Makarova "How to prepare a child to communicate with a computer", M. "Ventana-Graf", 2004
    2. L.R. Lizunova “Computer technology for correcting general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool age” Perm, 2005
    3. M. Nikitina “Child at the Computer” M., Eksmo, 2006
    4. Hygienic requirements to PCs and work organization. According to SanPin standards 2.2.2\2.4.1340-03, approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003 (as amended on April 25, 2007 No. 22) Annex 7 and SanPin, (approved on March 25, 2003) subclause 2.12.10.


    Speech at the pedagogical council on the topic:

    “Use of ICT in working with preschoolers

    Additional education teacher, methodologist

    Shirinbekova Olga Nikolaevna

    Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember,
    let me act on my own - I will learn.
    Ancient Chinese wisdom

    Self-education topic: “Use of ICT in working with preschoolers

    V additional education».

    Due to the intensive use of information technologies in various spheres of human activity, it is natural that they are being introduced into the field of education, since there is a need for a generation that can work with advanced technologies.

    Modern world is characterized by dynamic development in all socially significant areas, and the child is at the center of this development. The basis for educational activities Literacy constitutes a child and many areas of human life in society. Modern literacy, which has grown from the traditional “read, write, count,” changes the emphasis, priorities and very content of this triad and includes elements of information technology, information culture. The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by today’s level of educational development. A modern lesson cannot be taught without using visual aids; problems often arise: where to find the necessary material and how best to demonstrate it? Computer technology came to the rescue.

    As a teacher, I am faced with the task of teaching children in such a way that they can quickly respond to changing conditions, be able to discover new problems and tasks, and find ways to solve them. Reach good result This task can be accomplished under the conditions of implementing an innovative approach to teaching, ensuring a transition to a productive and creative level. This can be achieved using information and communication technologies.

    Practice has shown undeniablebenefits of information and communication technologies (ICT) for preschoolers:

    Attractiveness factor: movement, sound, color helps convey information in an understandable and attractive form; - the novelty of the work arouses increased interest and enhances the motivation to study (E. I. Mashbits); - the level of cognitive capabilities increases; - individual training is implemented; - practical manipulation facilitates the process of cognition and memorization (S. Larsen); - the computer acts as a means of independent activity for the child.

    Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, the multimedia method of presenting information has a number of advantages:

    Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way makes children want to engage in activities with it; - the computer carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers who do not yet know how to read and write; movements, sound, animation hold the child’s attention for a long time; - problematic tasks and encouragement of the child when they are correctly solved by the computer itself (fairy-tale characters) are a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity; - the computer allows you to simulate situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (satellite flight, plant growth, other unusual effects- in the process of working at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;
    · allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

    Goals and objectives of using ICT:

    Maintarget application of computer technology consists ofimproving the quality of education . The quality of teaching is what I work for. With the help of computer technology I solve the followingtasks :

      Constant self-education and improvement of teaching skills, as I am in constant search.

      Formation of “new literacy”, which assumes high independence of students in working with information.

      Changing the forms and methods of educational activities.

      Integration of classroom and extracurricular activities.

      Organization of educational activities at a higher information level.

    Practical application:

    To solve the above problems I use the following directions:

      creating slide presentations for classes;

      preparation of individual cards for training;

      preparation of additional material;

      use of ready-made electronic educational materials.

    The use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
    · presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children;
    · carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;
    · movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time;
    · has a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity;
    · provides the opportunity to individualize training;
    · The use of ICT in the classroom enhances positive motivation for learning, activates cognitive activity students.

    Classes using ICT can defuse high emotional tension and revitalize the learning process (which is especially important if we take into account the psychological characteristics of primary school age, in particular the long-term predominance of visual-figurative thinking over abstract-logical thinking), but also increase the motivation of learning.

    The computer is also a powerful stimulus for children's creativity. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with the class from the front. On-screen transformations can be quickly performed on misshapen text, turning disparate sentences into coherent text.

    I use information technology at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring.
    ICT didactic material is varied in content and form. I often use videos, photographs (reproductions) of the electronic encyclopedia, various tests, and developmental tasks.

    When developing a lesson using ICT, I pay special attention to the health of children. Be sure to include physical and dynamic breaks, eye exercises, and changing positions.

    Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate acquired knowledge, but also significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students. I am confident that the use of information technology can transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, rationalizing child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly, raising children’s interest in learning to a consistently higher level.

    Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity using ICT tools is justified in all respects:

      improves the quality of knowledge

      promotes the child in overall development

      helps overcome difficulties

      brings joy to a child's life

      allows for learning in the zone of proximal development

      creates favorable conditions for better mutual understanding between teachers and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

    In addition, fragments of lessons in which presentations are used reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of attractiveness. Thanks to the presentations, children who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinions and reason.

    The introduction of information technologies has advantages over traditional means of teaching:

    1. ICT enables increased use electronic means learning because they convey information faster.

    2. Movements, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

    3. Provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual and imaginative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor.

    4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining.

    5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.).

    6. ICT is additional features working with children with limited opportunities

    I work with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. I use it in my classesuniversal electronic manuals:

    On the development of mathematical concepts:“Lessons from Aunt Owl. Arithmetic Baby."In mathematics lessons, with the help of a computer, the problem of a lack of mobile visualization is solved, when children, under my guidance, compare geometric shapes using the method of superimposing on the monitor screen, repeat the multiplication table, and solve problems involving movement. The lesson includes all types play activity: games for the development of mathematical abilities, a game for the development of attention and thinking, an outdoor game, games that combine speech and movement, games for the development of hand motor skills.

    For the development of phonemic awareness and teaching reading and literacy “Lessons from Aunt Owl. ABC - Baby."

    To develop interest in classes on speech development, I offer students creative tasks, which can be expressed in: solving a crossword puzzle, a rebus on a topic. But first, a problematic situation is created in front of the children. The use of presentations allows you to diversify the types of vocabulary work, clearly demonstrate the division into groups of words according to various signs. I include audio media in the content of literary reading classes (speech development), offering recordings of exemplary reading of short literary works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, and determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry accompanied by a well-chosen soundtrack evokes a storm of emotions in the souls of little listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. Increase the creative and intellectual potential of students, expand and consolidate acquired knowledge (lessons - fairy tale quizzes)

    Another multimedia textbook that I use in my classes is “Lessons from Wildlife. The world around us."

    With its help, I help children not only get acquainted with the world around them, but also introduce them to the rules of safe interaction with it. The educational material is presented in a playful form that is most suitable for children's perception. Numerous tasks that the student completes while communicating with the animated character allow him not only to easily and firmly grasp the program material, but also to develop attention and logical thinking.

    Children not only get to know wild animals, but also help them in various problem situations; in return, the animals play various educational games with the children.

    These manuals help me to activate the cognitive activity of students, provide a high degree of visualization of the educational process, which, in turn, allows me to conduct lessons in the form of interactive learning.

    The basis of the lesson is a presentation of new material, illustrated with drawings, simple and animated diagrams, animation and video films.

    Younger schoolchildren have little life experience and therefore many images of the surrounding world studied in the program are unfamiliar to them. And with the help of ICT, we have the opportunity to select rich illustrative material as a supplement to the textbook.

    I believe that if teachers use ICT in their work, it means that they are not indifferent to the level of their professional competence, they are concerned about how well they, a teacher in a modern Russian school, meet the requirements of the current time. Also, the use of new information technologies in traditional primary education makes it possible to differentiate the learning process of younger schoolchildren, taking into account their individual characteristics, allows a creative teacher to expand the range of ways to present educational information, and allows for flexible management of the educational process, which is socially significant and relevant in our time.

    Microsoft PowerPoint from Microsoft package Office is a convenient and effective way to present information, combining dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold a child’s attention for the longest time. The simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) makes it possible to achieve a much greater effect than with the traditional offering of educational material. Showing a presentation can be compared to showing a beautiful children's book, where all the pages have large bright picture with signature.

    K. D. Ushinsky noted: “Children’s nature requires clarity.”

    Having independently mastered working on a computer, I apply my skills in working with preschoolers, parents and colleagues.
    In my work I use the following forms of information and communication technologies:
    Selection of illustrative material for classes (Internet; printer, presentation);

    Preparation of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children's development, planning, monitoring of program implementation, etc.), reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

    Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents during parent-teacher meetings.

    Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of plan for a lesson or event, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, and parent-teacher meetings.

    The use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process in additional education of children

    Exchange of experience, getting acquainted with periodicals, the work of other teachers, posting your methodological developments and materials on educational portals:

    1. International educational portal 2. - Social network of educators

    Preparation of materials in various areas of activity;

    Creation of a personal website: Network of educational sites “Teacher Site” of the “Infourok” project

    I widely use ICT in preparing and conducting methodological associations, since I am the head of a socio-pedagogical educational organization.

    The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and current problems in modern preschool pedagogy.
    The experience of mass kindergartens has shown that a computer not only helps to consolidate and clarify knowledge, but also increases the cognitive activity of preschool children.
    In a kindergarten setting, it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types educational activities.
    For a preschool child, play is a leading activity in which the child’s personality is not only manifested, but, above all, formed and developed. And here the computer has ample opportunities, because educational multimedia presentations can be used both for group work, as well as individually.
    The use of a computer for teaching preschoolers with speech impairments is a large area of ​​manifestation of creative abilities for everyone who wants and knows how to work, who can understand today's children, their needs and interests, who loves children and gives themselves to them. But when using a computer in class, we must not forget that we are called upon not only to teach the child, but also to preserve his health.
    One of the main means of expanding children's ideas are presentations, slide shows, and multimedia photo albums. This is clarity, allowing the teacher to build an explanation in the classroom logically, scientifically, using video fragments. With this organization of material, three types of children’s memory are included: visual, auditory, motor. The presentation makes it possible to consider complex material step by step, to address not only the current material, but also to repeat the previous topic. You can also go into more detail on issues that cause difficulties. The use of animation effects helps to increase children's interest in the material being studied.
    Classes in kindergarten have their own specifics; they should be emotional, bright, using a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities. In this case, the computer should only complement the teacher, and not replace him.
    The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the activity attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on clarity.
    In classes with children, ICT is more often used as part of the lesson, but in final or general lessons it can be used throughout the entire lesson, in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

    Currently, many educators, specialized specialists, and methodologists of preschool educational institutions actively use various multimedia tools in their work. Some of these tools are slides, presentations, and video presentations. Multimedia technologies allow you to combine text, sound, video, graphic image and animation (animation). This allows you to expand the possibilities of traditional education and training:
    - makes it possible to simulate various situations and environments;
    - activates the attention of preschoolers due to the possibility of demonstrating phenomena and objects in dynamics;
    - promotes better assimilation of the material, since all channels of perception of children are included in this process - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional;
    - the acquired knowledge remains in memory for a longer period and is easier to restore for use in practice after a short repetition;
    - classes and presentations arouse great interest among the children and attract attention for a long time.
    Presentations for kindergarten are created in Microsoft PowerPoint which is part of Microsoft Office. You can create a presentation based on your own drawings, photographs, videos, or on Internet resources. Parents and children can be involved in creating presentations, especially for classes, events and holidays. Their involvement in the search for the necessary material will willingly bring pictures from home on given topics, creating an atmosphere of cooperation and interaction between the teacher, parents and children.
    When showing finished material Each child recognizes his own picture, which, of course, causes a storm of emotions. Next time, the child will select pictures and illustrations with a vengeance, turning to as many sources as possible. So much for cognitive activity and, as a result, visual variability.
    In the form of an educational game, you can conduct any classes with preschool children: mathematics, traveling around the city, speech development, literacy, design, drawing, etc.
    Also, video fragments, interactive diagrams and models act as multimedia resources. The purpose of various kinds of slide shows and video clips is to show children those moments from the world around them, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The purpose of diagrams and models is to visually represent processes in inanimate nature, such as the change of seasons, the water cycle, etc.
    Another possibility for using ICT in the educational activities of preschool teachers is the electronic type of materials for preparing assignments for independent work preschoolers. The teacher can, at almost any time, select exactly those tasks that correspond to the topic and objectives of the lesson, arrange them in the desired sequence, adjust something in their content, design, correct errors, print in the required quantity and save in electronic form to return to him if necessary.
    That is why a child’s interaction with a computer and interactive equipment should be ensured by preschool education. The sooner we start this, the faster our society will develop, since modern society requires computer knowledge.
    We like to master the latest achievements of pedagogical science and practice, learn and discover something new, so we actively use developments in this area. Using ready-made computer programs in correctional work, we saw how computers make it possible to interest a child by applying the principle of clarity, which helps to activate involuntary attention, through which educational information is memorized.
    The teacher’s competence in information and computer technologies allows him to create his own teaching aids in the form computer presentations with technical execution (graphics, text, sound, video) according to the methods of correctional preschool education. It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed.
    The role of information innovations in working with preschoolers is great. ICTs help to interest and activate children not only cognitively, but also verbally, which is very important for our children. Computer technologies do not replace traditional games and activities, but complement them, enriching the pedagogical process with new opportunities.
    Exercises using multimedia technologies are carried out using a laptop, projector and screen in a group room or music room in compliance with age standards, sanitary and hygienic rules.
    During classes as part of the main program, presentations are used on such lexical topics as: “Utensils”, “Animals”, “Edible - inedible”, “Berries” and others.
    In direct educational activities on the formation of mathematical concepts, children have the opportunity in the classroom to work not only with handouts, but also through ICT to get acquainted with numbers. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, and colorful images, which significantly improves the perception of information. This is a kind of clarity that allows the teacher to build an explanation in the classroom logically, scientifically, using video fragments, illustrations, audio recordings, etc.
    In the section on familiarizing yourself with the world around you with the help of a presentation, the child learns to compare pictures and sounds into one whole. The use of audio-video technologies in classes on familiarization with the outside world helps to better classify the world around us. Children's motivation to study increases. By viewing the presentation several times, the child remembers the information better, and an adequate, that is, conscious, assessment of the child’s actions during classes with the computer program is formed.
    The use of ICT in individual work with children allows them to develop not only intellectual abilities, but also develops strong-willed qualities, the ability to consider complex material step by step, to address not only the current material, but also to repeat the previous topic. You can also go into more detail on issues that cause difficulty.
    Using multimedia presentations, you can conduct complexes of visual gymnastics and exercises to relieve visual fatigue with children (see links to these presentations below). Pictures appear on the monitor screen - symbols of various exercises. The exercises are performed while looking at the screen. Children's eye movements correspond to the movements of objects on the screen.
    You can use physical education minutes almost throughout the working day. Children are very attracted to such presentations, since animation and cheerful music are mainly used to create them. The movements that cartoon characters perform are simple and accessible to every child.
    When using computer technology, all computer tasks are selected taking into account the age capabilities and characteristics of the child’s development. Taken into account continuous operation with a computer for no more than 10 minutes in accordance with San Pin standards.

    Use of ICT in preschool education allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world, master in practical ways work with information, develop skills that allow you to exchange information using modern technical means. The use of ICT in the classroom allows us to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This promotes conscious learning by preschoolers.

    The introduction of information technology into the program of preparing children for school is a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, moral, and aesthetic development of the child, and therefore introducing him to the world of information culture.

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) of education, introduced about 10 - 15 years ago, have shown their effectiveness over the past time. The main principles of their application are not something specific, but follow the laws of pedagogical science.

    The use of ICTs in preschool education is dynamic in nature, which is primarily due to their properties that make it possible to display and analyze huge amounts of information. A feature of ICT is working with images of objects, which corresponds to the physiologically determined transition for older preschoolers from a visual-objective to a visual-figurative form of thinking.

    The present time is characterized by the introduction of information technologies into all spheres of human life and activity, a change in the role and place of personal computers in modern society.

    Now there is a lot of debate about what a school should be like in the twenty-first century, so that it meets the requirements and demands of modern society. And as practice shows, it is impossible to imagine a modern school without new information technologies.

    That is why the processes of informatization in Russian schools begin with preschool education, which today is of particular importance.

    Often, parents who bring their children to kindergarten are sure that “readiness for school” means the child’s ability to write, read and count, completely forgetting about the objective age-related patterns of development of a preschooler.

    The child needs to be developed, awakening all the potential that is inherent in him, to see the beautiful, to develop his fine motor skills. But an equally important task is to instill in the child the skills of abstract thinking and the ability to think logically. All this places qualitatively new demands on the stage of pre-school education.

    The child’s psychological readiness for life in information society should be formed from the moment the child prepares for school. This is primarily due to the need for computer literacy. Introducing to information culture means acquiring ethical, aesthetic and intellectual sensitivity. We must not forget that the mega development of information and computer technologies in recent years has left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of the modern child.

    At the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but value and strive for live, emotional human communication. As is known, visual-figurative thinking is dominant in older preschoolers; at the same age, verbal-logical thinking is laid down and requires directed development.

    The development of a child with the help of a computer is associated not only with the types of motivation of children at the computer:

    interest in a new, mysterious subject - a computer;

    research motive (desire to find answers to questions);

    the motive for successfully solving cognitive problems, but also the peculiarity and specific complexity of computerized subject lessons in preschool education.

    Computer activities for children include four interrelated components:

    Children's active knowledge of the world around them.

    Gradually mastering increasingly complex gaming methods and means of solving gaming problems.

    Changing the subject-sign environment on the monitor screen.

    Activating the child’s communication with adults and other children.

    The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information and makes it possible to enhance the child’s motivation. Application of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern means video technology) allows you to simulate various situations and environments. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance the assimilation of the material.

    It's no secret that in the process of working at a computer, in addition to a great interest in it, a child develops perseverance, patience, and steady attention, which is not typical for the age characteristics of older preschool age.

    Children prefer to play together at the computer, finding general solution. Joint computer games help relieve a number of difficulties in children’s communication that are so typical at this age and help enrich speech and prepare them for school.

    The computer is also a tool for teaching important aspects of communication necessary for collaborative activities. It is known that the main motives of older preschoolers include establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers.

    Each activity causes an emotional uplift in children; even lagging children enjoy working with the computer, and the failure of the game prompts some of them to seek help from a teacher or independently achieve knowledge in the game.

    According to the psychological aspects of the theory of personality development, depending on the dominant mechanism of thinking (right- and left-hemisphere), information technologies help create conditions for the simultaneous work of both hemispheres, which leads to the development of coordination, artistic and imaginative development, balance, effective development of the child’s thinking, his physical qualities.

    The use of information and computer technologies makes it possible to implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning. Interactive educational programs based on a hypertext structure and multimedia make it possible to organize the simultaneous education of children with different abilities and capabilities. Therefore, electronic multimedia opens up fundamentally new didactic opportunities for the field of education. The fact is that the use of multimedia in e-learning not only increases the speed of information transfer to students and increases the level of its understanding, but also contributes to the development of such important qualities as intuition and imaginative thinking. The developmental effect depends on the design of the program, a simple, intuitive, understandable interface and its accessibility for the child, compliance with his level of development and interest. Computer technologies make it possible to set and help a child solve cognitive and creative tasks based on clarity (mediation) and the leading activity for this age - play.

    When choosing computer development programs, it is necessary to take into account not only pedagogical, technological, but also psychological aspects of the child’s development. Because software products, undergo comprehensive testing of teachers primary classes, school psychologist, computer science teacher. The software products used are aimed at:

    · coordination of movement;

    · counting geometric shapes, objects of different sizes, dynamic shapes;

    · development of panoramic attention;

    · creation of three-dimensional images;

    · development of movement coordination, eye, mouse skills;

    · development of reaction;

    · development of memory (including numerical and musical);

    · development of thought processes;

    · development of mathematical skills in a playful way;

    · development of logical thinking;

    · development of attention and imagination;

    · creation and execution of creative tasks;

    · acquaintance with the “living” alphabet;

    · development of information culture;

    · development of information literacy.

    Entertaining, the inclusion of a didactic game in the content, as well as coloring, ease of management, the possibility of fragmentary use and, at the same time, the presence of certain levels of difficulty in mastering the program, all this guarantees a high educational effect from the inclusion of the manual in the pedagogical process.

    Fundamentally important for the education of older preschoolers is interactivity, thanks to which students can, in the process of analyzing multimedia objects, dynamically control their content, shape, size and color, view them with different sides, zoom in and out, stop and start again from any place, change the lighting characteristics and perform other similar manipulations, achieving the greatest clarity. One of the features is harmonious combination software, design, volume of graphic and text information, structure and navigation, sound, animation and videos, interactive forms.

    The use of computers in preschool education is necessary because... helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness and is a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to the qualitatively new content of learning and the comprehensive development of a preschooler. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities, form culturally significant knowledge and skills.

    Thus, the use of modern information technologies is effective means education, development of creative abilities, personality formation, enrichment of the intellectual sphere, preservation and strengthening of the health of older preschoolers.