• Programs for relaxing the eyes. Workrave is a program that allows you to take breaks from continuous computer work.

    Modern life It's hard to imagine without a computer. Sometimes a person has to work at a monitor for several hours a day, which negatively affects his vision. To prevent this from happening, there are computer programs to improve vision, which can be downloaded for free and used during the working day.

    In addition, there are special programs for patients (including children) for use in diseases such as progressive myopia, etc.

    The effect of computer programs for vision correction

    Due to painstaking excessive work, the eye muscles have to strain unnecessarily. It is extremely important to give them the opportunity to relax. This can be done using computer programs. Gymnastics for the eyes is necessary not only for people with reduced vision. All people need it. Preventive exercises prevent a decrease in the quality of vision. They are based on special exercises that relax the eye muscles.

    Programs can be installed on any operating system. They can be configured to automatic start with a certain time interval. This is extremely important, since it is not always possible to keep track of time and take breaks necessary for eye relaxation.

    There are different programs based on various exercises. For example, some are more suitable for patients suffering from myopia and amblyopia, while others are more suitable for patients with strabismus. It is important to follow existing recommendations. The training should be done daily. It can be completed if there is a significant improvement in the quality of vision.

    The best computer programs for vision correction

    We present to your attention several computer programs that can be used to improve visual acuity:

    • "Flower"- training program of a gaming nature. With its help, you can correct mild and moderate amblyopia, as well. The first stage of the program is recommended for use with a high degree of myopia. Its essence is as follows: it is necessary to find one specific image among several objects that are depicted on the petals of a flower. Same type visual exercises There are four difficulty levels. They should be performed 1-2 times a day. The duration of classes depends on the age of the patient.
    • "Spider"- a computer program designed to correct amblyopia. The patient needs to align the centers of the two grids. One of them is in the center of the monitor, and the other is in a random location. It is moved with the mouse.
    • "Cross" - this program also intended for the correction of amblyopia. The patient needs to use the mouse to catch the crosses that appear on different fields of the chessboard. Depending on the level of the program there may be different size and number of cells. During the exercise, you must install the computer monitor at a distance of 60 cm to 1 m from the eyeball. The exercise for each eye should be performed for no more than 30 minutes.
    • "Eye-corrector"- preventive program. It prevents the deterioration of visual acuity, as well as the development of such anomalies as hypermetropia and myopia. It combines two types of gymnastic exercises: stereo pictures and gymnastics according to Norbekov’s method. This program is recommended to be used 2 times a day.
    • "Eyeleo"- a program for relieving visual strain. It can be configured in such a way that the user will receive a timely reminder that it is necessary to take a 10-minute break from work and perform visual exercises.
    • "Relax"- a program that allows your eyes to rest when working at a computer monitor. This program simply turns off the monitor and blocks it during a break. At this moment, the monitor displays the time remaining until the end of the break and the active cancel button. In the case when the user is a child, it can be made inactive.

    Gadgets not only negatively affect the eyes, but can also heal them

    Perhaps everyone will agree with the statement that it is very easy to lose, but recovery can take months and years. We would like to make your process of improving your eye performance easier by introducing you to a few simple computer programs that can bring real benefits.

    On almost every corner we can hear the saying that modern gadgets spoil your eyesight, and for this reason you need to minimize eye contact.

    Of course, there is truth in this, because the rays, the sharp contrast, small font and increased concentration, negatively influence on and stimulate the development of many diseases.

    Despite this, there is also some untruth: there are special computer programs, images and videos, the main task of which is to restore vision.

    Today we Let's look at 3 applications, which can have a beneficial effect on your visual sight and increase your acuity.

    You can relax your eyes and switch from work to relaxation thanks to the following simulator. Try:

    The computer is an assistant in restoring eye sharpness

    Let's start with the fact that there are programs for online mode, and those that are recommended to be downloaded to a PC/tablet, etc. I would like to note that not all utilities can be found in free access , because installation file With useful information has received a number of relevant licenses and certificates, which means a return on investment is required.

    Corrector Light

    Looking at special pictures for a few minutes can improve the tone of your eye muscles.

    This program for implies SIRDS block- pictures that need to be looked at for several minutes.

    The usefulness of the utility is based on 2 key points:

    • changing the usual focus helps to “revive” the eye muscles, resulting in improvement;
    • blood circulation, the conductivity of nerve fibers is activated;
    • since the eye is subject to a special type of stress, it subconsciously performs eye exercises, which are aimed not only at preserving vision, but also at relieving current discomfort (tension, fatigue, swelling, “red-eye effect”, etc.).

    Safe Eyes

    Vision restoration programs will help you look at the world in a new way!

    A set of pictures is also displayed here, but they have a different direction. The main emphasis is on contrast of color, shapes and area dissemination of information.

    Sharp contrast is useful not only for eye training for their adaptation to external processes, changes in light, resistance to the influence of the monitor, but also develops a certain protection against sensitivity: reduces increased tearing, redness, etc.

    Video length up to 20 minutes and it is recommended to watch it daily. If you cannot stand watching the entire mini-movie, then you can divide it into 2-3 parts.

    The main thing is to avoid discomfort, because then there will be no benefit, and it is quite possible to harm the eye apparatus.


    The Flower program is intended for children and teenagers, but adults can also use it

    The utility has been developed domestic ophthalmologists more than 10 years ago, but even now it is very popular in therapy rooms, where vision restoration programs are intended for children and adolescents.

    The essence of the programs is to concentrate the child’s attention on a specific colorful moment, and the patient must quickly find an analogue of the object, but presented in a different color.

    Mostly, the patient is wearing special glasses and eye drops, but in principle, a set of exercises can be done at home, one by one closing your eyes.

    The utility helps to combat, because many special effects bring the image closer or further, stimulate light rays to hit the correct concentration point, etc.

    There are several levels of difficulty of tasks, which are completed gradually with the process of improving visual performance.

    A short overview of one of the programs for vision restoration is presented in this video:

    Hello, dear friends! The organs of vision are very vulnerable these days. We receive a lot of information from electronic sources, we work for a long time and quite intensely at the computer, sometimes staying late at night, and the load from watching TV shows is significant. You can read about whether a computer affects vision in my article.

    How can one preserve vision, or even improve it, in such an unfavorable environment? Is this real?

    There are such technologies, and today we will talk about one of them in detail. These are computer programs for vision training. What varieties exist and how will they really help? This is what today's article is about.

    There are many ways to improve your eyesight. Regular glasses or contact lenses; medicines, herbs, berries; massage and exercises, so-called palming; sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

    Each of them has its own merits, each is good in its own way. The choice is always ours. Of course, you really don’t want to go to the last resort (surgery), so we try to use the available “therapeutic” possibilities.

    One of them is vision training on a computer. It's easier than practicing palming on your own. But simplicity of execution does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the method. It is quite effective, and besides, the methods are varied, you can always choose what suits you best.

    Why is training needed?

    Then, why also for other muscle groups. They get tired just as much and suffer from lack of training. Excessive tension is harmful to the eye muscles; they need to be taught to relax and rest. But it is also necessary to train in the literal sense of the word, that is, to increase the margin of safety. There are highly specialized programs, for example, used for farsightedness or amblyopia.

    But conditionally, all main programs can be divided into three groups:

    • Used for color correction;
    • For rest and relaxation of the eyes;
    • For recovery and training, improving vision.

    Some of them can be used for both children and adults, others are designed taking into account the characteristics of a specific age. They are not difficult to master, since they are created with the expectation of a poorly trained user with a minimum of PC skills.

    Related articles:

    Color correction will help you see all the colors of the world

    When color perception is impaired, a person feels a certain inferiority complex. Life in a dim world is really depressing and depressing. Therefore, the task of returning the brightness of colors is both purely practical and psychological. The programs are configured in such a way that they automatically change the “degree” of colors on the monitor. The load, especially in the evening and at night, is significantly reduced.

    One of the most common and useful online products of this series - f.lux - this is exactly how it works. During the day, cool tones are selected: 6500K; and in the dark - warm: 2700K. The eyes get tired less and this has been proven experimentally.

    Another subtlety: scientists have found that falling asleep accelerates when the eyes do not perceive blue. It’s the smart software that “transfers” it to daytime.

    Teaching your eyes to rest

    There are many carefully designed computer “trainers” for relaxation. For example, Eyes Relax, Workrave, ChronoControl, EyeLeo and a number of others with similar functionality.

    How do they work?

    The algorithm is similar. It’s not difficult to understand; for example, a few words about how Workrave functions. The free program will teach us to take regular breaks and take our eyes off the monitor. This is extremely important to keep your eyes healthy. Its ease of use also lies in the fact that the entire interface is configured in Russian. First gently, and then more persistently, Workwave suggests taking a break. For the most “naughty” workaholics, the keyboard and mouse are locked; you can set the time yourself in the settings, so, as they say in popular films: “Nothing personal!”

    When you finally look up from the keyboard, the persistent Workwave offers a number of simple but useful exercises for resting the eyes and relaxing the muscles. And then - work for your health with renewed vigor!

    We train, restore, improve vision

    The most large group electronic “tutors” were created directly for eye training and to improve vision. Their list is impressive, let’s name at least some of the most frequently encountered ones:

    • "Flower";
    • Eyes Relaxing and Focusing;
    • Eye-Corrector;
    • Safe Eyes;
    • Board;
    • Vision corrector Light;
    • Crosses;
    • Super sirds etc.

    Not only computer scientists, but also doctors and scientists worked on the creation of these online products, so they are carefully thought out, tested, and there is experimental evidence of their high effectiveness.


    An interactive program with a playful nature, suitable for both adults and children. There are various objects on the petals of a flower, among them you need to find the one proposed. The tasks gradually become more difficult; there are four levels of difficulty. At the same time, we train attentiveness, reaction speed, and memory. Finally, it's just a fun activity that helps you unplug. everyday problems, calm down, relieve stress.

    This is how, just playfully, you can seriously improve your visual acuity, overcome myopia, and, to some extent, treat amblyopia.

    Eyes Relaxing and Focusing

    A free computer product for correcting the vision of any person, and especially protecting the eyes of those who long time spends behind the monitor. Eyes Relaxing and Focusing works in Russian, allowing simple training of the eye muscles by observing original images.

    A serious advantage of the program is its wide range of settings, which allows you to set the duration of exercises, adjust the time of their appearance and “order” a series additional options. There is also a special module “script maker”, with which you can create individual eye exercises that are convenient for you.

    Vision correctorLight

    Helps the eyes relax, relieve fatigue, and also helps restore visual acuity and even improve it. The functionality is based on the use of SIRDS pictures. Their positive effect on the quality of vision is a scientifically proven fact. By looking at such images, we trigger an intensive process of blood circulation in the organs of vision, and at the same time we train the muscles. The body is reconfigured to control the functioning of the eyes, toning not only the corresponding muscles, but also improving the conductivity of nerve fibers.

    It’s not for nothing that such stereo images were given the semi-serious name “sport for the eyes.” What's the trick? The fact is that, looking at them, we automatically change the standard focus point. They are designed in a special way so that, by shifting the “accents,” we preserve our vision and help develop it.

    Moreover, in addition to passive contemplation, the program includes a set of exercises and gymnastics according to Norbekov’s method, which is very effective for strengthening the eye muscles.


    A universal set of trainings for the prevention of eye diseases, restoration of vision, muscle relaxation. Functional is a selection of exercises that help with myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, and color vision disorders. There is also a special option for checking the quality of vision. The Vision Corrector can work on both Windows and Android platforms.


    Experts recommend activating this program every 4 hours of intensive work at the monitor. To relax and then strengthen the eye muscles, you need to fix your gaze on the motionless middle of the screen for about 30 seconds, and then move your eyes to objects located at a considerable distance. For example, choose a tree far outside the window, a cloud, an antenna on a distant house, a flock of birds, etc. Then return to contemplating the miraculous board. 3-5 such cycles will be quite enough.

    And this is just the beginning of the list of electronic “manuals”. There are many dozens of them, each has some features, but they all solve one important problem:

    preservation of vision, and ideally, improvement of this most important function body.

    Article on the topic:

    I would also like to draw your attention, dear readers, to one very interesting book. This is a bestseller by M. Norbekov “ The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses. Health for life».

    You can order the book here Here . Try the famous alternative technique for yourself. Or maybe you already know her? Write your opinion in the comments.

    I really hope that this information will help you, dear readers, to keep your eyes sharp.

    Read the site to receive new posts, discuss articles and do not forget to share information with friends.

    Let's all look together the best means that will help us be healthy and successful!

    Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

    Computers can be good for your eyes

    To avoid surgical intervention to get rid of the disease, a hardware course of treatment is used. Computer programs for the treatment of amblyopia will come to the rescue: flower, crosses, spider, circuit, eYe (Ay).

    After reading this article, you will find out what programs there are and what their advantages are. We'll tell you what it is flower, crosses And spider.

    What programs are there?

    Computer programs allow you to painlessly and game form cure ophthalmological ailments such as, and.

    Read more about childhood amblyopia, its types, stages and symptoms.

    Today, many children have ophthalmological pathologies

    Depending on the type of vision deviation, they are prescribed different types exercises.

    Program treatment is aimed at:

    • development of perception visual image;
    • coordinated work eye;
    • development of muscle structures eye.

    Computer therapy is effective for adults and children

    Many people are interested in what programs treat amblyopia at the medical center. Such interactive games:

    • Flower;
    • Spider;
    • Crosses;
    • Circuit;
    • eYe (Ay).

    "Flower" program for eye treatment

    The program is designed in the form of an interactive game, so it is interesting for children.

    Children must exercise under adult supervision

    The game consists of 3 levels. Depending on the level, the image sizes change.

    A flower is drawn on the screen. There are figures in the center and on the petals. It is suggested to find a pair for the picture, which is located in the center.

    Need to find a mate for the giraffe

    Fact: This training program is used to treat mild to moderate amblyopia. The first level of the game may be suitable for a high degree.

    During the lesson, you need to look for the required image only with your “lazy” eye.

    The healthy organ of vision is covered with an occluder. The eye should be completely covered, but not too dark.

    Classes should be held in a good mood

    Important: Before starting, the healthy eye is tested so that you know what to aim for during the exercises.

    Benefits of the program "Flower":

    • color scheme that reduces fatigue;
    • absence of complex motor tasks, there is no need to combine images;
    • interactivity;
    • little need for medical personnel.

    The video below shows how to practice the “Flower” program:

    Crosses for better vision

    This game will arouse genuine interest among children. The developers propose to organize a real hunt for the cross!

    The monitor shows chessboard variation. Depending on the difficulty and level, the size and number of cells change.

    The game is built on contrasts

    The mouse cursor is represented as a circle. When you hover the circle cursor over a cell, the part that is in the circle will change color.

    Purpose of the game "Cross"- catch the cross that appears in different places chessboard.

    This workout is suitable for adults and children

    Benefits of the program "Cross":

    • effect on neurons, which are responsible for movement, orientation and contrast;
    • color sensitivity training due to changing colors;
    • impact on receptive fields due to changes in cell size.

    "Spider" for eye treatment

    Game "Spider" for the treatment of amblyopia consists of bringing together two webs.

    There are 2 webs on the screen, one of which has a radial lattice, the other has a spiral lattice.

    This is what the game looks like running on a computer

    The center of one grid is located in the middle of the screen, and the second will appear in different places.

    You can control movement using the mouse. To train the eye, you need to combine both centers.

    The web can be green or blue

    Exercise "Spider" has a beneficial effect on:

    • convergence and accommodation eyes;
    • receptive fields retina;
    • neurons which are responsible for light and contrast;
    • parts of the brain that responsible for orientation and motion perception.

    The “Contour” program in the fight against the lazy eye

    Amblyopia treatment program "Circuit" suggests approaching treatment creatively.

    Important: Exercises must be performed in red-blue glasses.

    This is what “Contour” looks like running on a computer.

    The screen will show an image for one eye, and the other eye will need to complete the drawing along the contour.

    Collaboration is important in such a session.

    There are a total of 38 drawings in the game, which vary in complexity.

    Computer program “eYe (Ay)”

    "eYe (Ay)" is a whole set of exercises that are aimed at diagnosing and treating strabismus and amblyopia, as well as restoring binocular vision.

    One type of exercise: a circle needs to be placed in a square

    All tasks vary in difficulty. Using the settings, you can select the necessary parameters.

    Fact: This also includes the “Shooting Range” exercise, which will help develop fixation and localization.

    In conclusion

    Use software methods therapy is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Otherwise they may cause harm.


    When working continuously on a computer for a long time, fatigue occurs, which is not at all as harmless as it may seem at first glance. Constant fatigue can lead not only to decreased ability to work, but also to the development of a number of “computer” diseases that are notorious throughout the world. Among them are not only the so-called dry eye syndrome and monitor disease, but also the more terrible and less studied chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Fatigue can be prevented by taking a timely break and doing exercises to relieve fatigue. If you listen to pleasant classical music at the same time, relaxation will be more effective.

    There are a number of applications that can make forced breaks in the computer. Some of them are quite loyal to the user and simply remind you that it would be worth taking a break and resting. Others are more categorical and categorically notify the user that the computer will be suspended in the near future. When choosing an application of this class, pay attention to this nuance.

    The fact is that programs for forced organization of breaks, according to the law of meanness, tend to block the computer at the most inopportune moment, so adjusting the level of “strictness” of the program is one of its most important functions.

    Break Time

    Support: Win9x, WinMe, Win2000, WinXP
    Russian interface: Yes
    Program website
    Distribution size: 1.1 MB
    Terms of distribution: shareware

    The Break Time program is designed to force the computer user to be interrupted while he is working. The program analyzes the duration of work and the degree of activity of the keyboard and mouse. Based on this, it draws conclusions about user fatigue.

    After installation, the program is placed in the system tray and records the user's working time. After the time specified in the settings, the computer will be blocked. And so that the user can see how much time he has left until hour “x”, that is, before the forced break, it is necessary to display the program window. It shows the calculated level of fatigue, continuous work time and work time for the entire day. It is noteworthy that the program actually records the time of continuous operation. For example, if you walked away from the computer and did not do anything on it for some time, the screensaver on the computer first worked, and then the computer went into sleep mode, then this time will not be included in total time continuous operation.

    In the program settings you can set the duration of one work session, the maximum number of work sessions per day and the duration of the break. Here you can also select a form of reminder about a forced break - this can be the appearance of the main program window, an informer, or a lock screen. You can also set the ability to skip forced pauses in the settings.

    In order not to miss the approaching break, you can set the sound accompaniment of the Break Time. In this case, the program allows you to specify sound signals, which will accompany both the beginning and the end of the break. You can also play music during a break.

    The program is controlled using a button located in the system tray. At any time, you can reset the time and start counting it from the beginning, as well as set a forced pause.

    The program allows you to set individual settings programs for each user, which is especially important if children use the computer. For them, setting the timing parameters should be more strict.

    Another remarkable feature of the program is the function of locking the computer during a break. A complete blocking or password blocking can be carried out. In the first case, until the time allotted for the break has expired, you will not be able to work on the computer. In the second, you can resume work immediately after entering the password.

    We offer you a set of eye exercises:

    1. Place your fingertips on your temples. Flash quickly and lightly 10 times maximum speed(don't close your eyes; you shouldn't feel any movement under your fingertips). After blinking intensely and lightly, close your eyes and take 2-3 deep breaths. Repeat 3 times.

    2. Look at the tip of your nose (count 1-4), then into the distance (at the most distant object) (count 5-8). Repeat 5 times.

    3. Using three fingers, press 3 times under the eyebrows along the upper edge of the eye socket, trying to keep the nails away from the skin and directing the movement upward. Do the same along the lower edge of the eye socket, directing the movements downward.

    Computer and Vision

    Support: WinXP, Vista
    Russian interface: Yes
    Program website
    Distribution size: 0.7 MB
    Terms of distribution: shareware

    This program will also take care of your health and remind you of the need to take a timely break from work.

    The program is controlled using a button located in the system tray. This is one of the few computer locking programs that allows you to set your own operating time and the duration of forced pauses.

    By default, you can choose one of the proposed options - 30 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest, or 60 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest. The maximum length of time during which you can work is 120 minutes.

    The program's operating modes allow you to set the use of both pauses and micro-pauses. Pauses are complete breaks in work, for example, every 5 minutes after an hour of work. Micropauses are short breaks at short intervals (for example, after every five minutes of work, a micropause for 15 seconds is activated for rest).

    Three minutes and a minute before the break, Computer and Vision will warn you that a break is imminent.

    As soon as the moment comes to take a break, the program goes into pause mode: the screen is locked and the Computer and Vision program window is displayed. During a break, the program window displays the time remaining until the end of the pause.

    Depending on the security level, the user can interrupt the pause by simply pressing a key or after entering a password. The program allows you to set additional work time - this time can be allocated as additional to the main one.

    Computer and Vision can operate using several levels of program protection. The most stringent level of protection is hard. In this case, pauses cannot be skipped, nor can additional time be specified.

    If you select the medium level of protection, you will not be able to interrupt the pause early, and the remaining functions will be available.

    With a soft level of protection, all commands are available in the program menu, and the pause that occurs can be interrupted ahead of schedule.

    There is also a custom level of protection. Here all parameters are set manually by the user. The program even allows you to set such a strict restriction as turning off the Internet during pauses. The user can set a password for forced shutdown break. In addition, there is another password - a permission password, which allows you to restrict access to changing program settings.

    There is a special level of protection here " Children's hour", which is designed specifically for children. It will allow you to limit your child’s work on the computer to a certain period of time, for example, 1 hour a day. This level protection allows operation only once a day.

    During breaks, you can also perform a small set of exercises for your hands.

    1. Slowly clench your hands into fists, slowly unclench them five to six times for 1-2 minutes.

    2. Press your palms onto the inner surface of the table top. Bend your fingers back.

    3. Stretch your arms in front of you, raise and lower them several times. Draw several circles with your fingertips.

    4. Perform rotational movements of the hand in one direction and the other for 1-2 minutes, then straighten your arms in front of you and move your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Clench your hands into fists and rotate them around your axis.

    5. Shake your hands.

    6. Methodically apply pressure with one hand to the fingers of the other hand 10 times in a row.


    Support: Win9x, WinMe, Win2000, WinXP, Vista
    Russian interface: No
    Program website
    Distribution size: 20 MB
    Terms of distribution: shareware

    WorkPace performs several functions at once. It not only interrupts the computer at certain intervals, reminding you to rest. During breaks, the program offers you to perform a special set of exercises, designed specifically for those who constantly work at the computer.

    The only drawback of the program is its English-language interface.

    Immediately after starting the program, you need to configure the program settings.

    In the settings, the program will ask you what tasks you most often perform, and will ask you to evaluate your typing speed, the amount of time the user spends at the computer daily and weekly.

    As a result of the wizard’s work, information will be provided about the future mode of operation of the program - about the daily and weekly limits for computer use, how strictly the program will operate in relation to users, how many times sets of exercises will be offered for completion, whether it is allowed to ignore pauses and micro-pauses and much more.

    After launch, three icons for Workpace will be displayed in the system tray. They show the intensity of your work on the computer (a number from 0 to 10), allow you to access the main program window, and also display the amount of time before a pause.

    In addition, the program allows you to display an additional window in which all time intervals used by the program are indicated - total operating time, operating time before the micro-pause, operating time before the pause.

    Small breaks, or micro-breaks as they are called in the program, are scheduled every five minutes.

    Moreover, if some actions begin to be performed on the computer, for example, when you press keys or click the mouse, the micropause will be started from the very beginning. A micropause simply displays an additional window on the screen indicating a break.

    When you start a pause (once per hour), the program will offer to perform several exercises. IN additional window The programs show how to perform them, the exercises are described, and there is also a scale showing the remaining time to complete the exercise. Here you can cancel the exercise altogether and return to normal mode work or pause it using the Pause button.

    Using the program menu, you can start forced exercises. A forced pause is available using the Take a Work Break item.

    The program also differs in that it leads detailed statistics computer use. In a special section you can view daily statistics, data on past periods, as well as general data. Here you can find out your typing speed, see the ratio of mouse and keyboard usage, see overall intensity work. The program also provides a report on missed breaks and pauses. You can also see a list of running applications here.

    In the main program window, you can also customize WorkPace: select a theme that is pleasing to the eye; sounds that will be played when performing certain actions; set a daily computer usage limit.

    In the program settings window, you can set the use and duration of various breaks - micropauses and pauses, as well as the possibility of blocking them. For the last value, there are three choices - from Low (which means cancellation is possible) to High (micro-pause and pause are required and cancellation is not possible).

    In addition, you can set the number of reminders that will appear before each pause.

    The program allows you to set daily and weekly computer usage limits. For each working day, you can set a schedule for the program (the Schelude section is intended for this). You can set break times here, for example for lunch and dinner

    The Exercises section indicates the number of exercises that can be selected for execution, and here you can also select exercises from a large list that will be offered in the program.


    Of the programs presented in the review, the most flexible and easy to use is WorkPace. The program not only allows you to take pauses and micro-breaks, during breaks users are asked to perform a number of relaxation exercises. Moreover, using different exercises will make the break as effective as possible. Computer and Vision is suitable if a child is working at the computer - the special “Children's Hour” protection level will allow you to limit his working time. Break Time is different in that it allows you to record not only the time spent on the Internet, but also analyze the intensity of the user’s work.