• How to speed up an old computer on Windows 7. Checking the operation of the video card. Cleaning temporary files yourself: instructions

    Windows 7 is a complex set of interactions between many programs, so the speed of the OS is influenced by a huge number of factors. You can't just disable a couple of programs or change one setting to get a significant increase in system performance.

    System optimization is a difficult task that requires care and an integrated approach. This article covers the main possible actions in order to increase the performance of 64-bit Windows 7.

    Using an SSD

    If you do not use it as a system disk regular hard drive (hard drive), A solid state drive, then this event alone will quickly and significantly increase (64 bit). The main advantage of an SSD disk is its many times faster data storage and playback speed (500 MB/s) compared to hard drives.

    Even loading the operating system from this media takes only a few seconds. Currently, all the equipment used in computers is high-speed, only one weak link in the chain of interaction are tough HDDs, which slow down the operation of the entire system.

    Install a new BIOS and check the software is up to date

    It is necessary to perform the following analysis: are the drivers updated, is the PC's BIOS up to date? When installing drivers, you should take into account the bit depth, i.e. For a 64-bit OS, you need to download the appropriate software for your computer hardware. If there are no drivers for specific device for Windows 7 (64), you can download the corresponding software for Vista.

    Increase RAM

    Often the problem of slow operation of a PC with Windows 7 is a banal lack of RAM. Best method The solution to the problem is to increase the RAM. This event always significantly increases the speed of the PC and leads to optimization of the OS. In order to ensure comfortable Windows operation 7 (64-bit) requires at least 4 GB of RAM.

    Optimize the interface

    In “Seven” it is the main “devourer” of system resources. Although it only adds some beauty and personality external design and is absolutely not needed for work. Significant performance degradation due to Aero occurs on a PC with an insufficiently powerful graphics card or if it is built into the motherboard.

    Turning off almost all of them will improve performance. visible to the eye Aero functions. To do this you need to open "Control Panel", then go to the “System” tab and go to "Advanced system settings". Next in the bookmark "Additionally" find and click on “Options”.

    Here you can disable functions such as: showing the contents of windows while moving, sliding effects, menu fading, animation, casting shadows on icons, cursors and windows, etc. Even disabling only some effects will already increase the speed of Windows 7, and in the case of an unpretentious user, it is recommended to click on “Ensure” in the settings best performance».

    Optimize the list of applications in startup

    A significant number of applications are loaded simultaneously with Windows 7. The developers of these programs ensure that they are loaded in the background and the computer owner does not see them. But this is only necessary for utilities that are used constantly.

    Necessary unnecessary applications. The following programs must be loaded with the operating system: hardware drivers, firewall and antivirus utility. To optimize the list of automatically loading applications, you need to hold down the “WIN” key and press .

    Startup programs can be seen in the system tray on the taskbar. However, not everything is displayed there. Designed specifically for Windows application"AutoRuns", which is distributed freely from the Microsoft Corporation resource. "AutoRuns" shows a complete list of downloadable applications. In the window this application You just need to uncheck the boxes next to the unnecessary program.

    Disable unnecessary services

    By disabling the start of some services, you can improve your computer's performance. To do this you need to log in "Control Panel", further in "Administration", where in the “Services” tab select unnecessary service and click “Disabled”.

    Defragment your disks periodically

    With increased data fragmentation, the hard drive is forced to do extra work, and this affects the performance of the PC. It is recommended to run defragmentation manually to organize files in order to optimal functioning Winchester.

    Turn off automatic defragmentation

    The creators of Windows 7 provided background defragmentation, during which the computer's performance is significantly reduced. You must configure the process through the “Start” button. In the “All Programs” tab, select the “Standard” line, then enter “Utilities”, where you can find "Defragmentation". To increase the speed of Windows 7 prerequisite is to regularly perform defragmentation manually.

    Get rid of old, unnecessary or outdated applications

    Some PC manufacturers release their devices with already installed applications that the user does not need. They slow down Windows 7 by using memory and disk space.

    It is advisable to rid your computer of all unused applications. This list should be supplemented with programs that the user himself installed, but which have lost their relevance over time. The simple act of removing these programs will improve system performance.

    Remove unused gadgets

    In Windows 7, gadgets increase the comfort of using a PC, but they all need system resources during startup and operation. By using only the gadgets that are necessary for regular use, system performance will increase.

    There can hardly be any doubt that the most better performance Windows 7 is available immediately after installation. The system disk is practically newborn, there is nothing superfluous in it, so the system “flies”. Yes, Windows 7 manufacturers have tried to impress their future users, especially those who are replacing their previous system on Windows 7. At first everything goes fine. The Seven starts up, shows decent performance, which pleases the user, but then it begins to upset him with its “slowness.”

    Unfortunately, Windows developers 7, probably working on super-fast PCs, thought little about the many settings that are responsible for the system’s performance, counting on the fact that the majority of users will be housewives with their own laptops and tablets. And not every more educated user, especially if he has problems with English, has access to the information on setting up system parameters to increase its performance, which is posted on the Microsoft website. The article makes an attempt to tell users what optimization of Windows 7 is possible, to introduce them to its techniques for increasing the speed of the operating system and the computer as a whole.

    It is unlikely that any user will like it if he has to wait several minutes for the operating system to load. Although the Windows 7 computer boots previous versions OS, many users are not averse to speeding it up with some tricks.

    Using multi-core

    To enable support multi-core processors during loading should be entered in search bar word msconfig. Then you need to follow the path “Boot” tab - “Advanced parameters” - “Number of processors”, mark it, set the value equal to the number of cores in the installed processor, and finish everything by clicking “OK”.

    Then you need to restart the computer and make sure that the OS loading speed increases.

    Disabling applications from startup

    The OS loading speed also depends on the number of applications that are loaded simultaneously with Windows loading. Their list can be seen using the same msconfig command, but on the “startup” tab:

    Often, this list includes (unbeknownst to the user) applications that do not require downloading at all, but they increase the download time. To optimize Windows, you should exclude such applications by unchecking them and clicking “OK”. After this you should reboot.

    Speeding up PC shutdown

    You can also speed up the shutdown of your computer by reducing the time interval allotted for shutdown. active programs. If they do not have time to complete on their own, Windows will forcefully stop them. To reduce the computer shutdown time, you need to edit the registry. Without going into details of this process, it should be said that you need to find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter in the registry and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

    Speed ​​up launching applications from the Start menu

    If you do not use the classic view of this menu, then you can optimize it, that is, increase its speed as follows:

    • Right-click on the taskbar or Start button.
    • From context menu select the “Properties” sub-item.
    • In properties, open the “Start Menu” tab.
    • On the tab, click “Customize”.
    • Remove the checkbox from the “Highlight recently installed programs” item.

    Graphics acceleration

    In the event that the PC does not have enough power graphics adapter(has a cheap or integrated motherboard video adapter), the AERO interface can cause a significant decrease in system speed. Optimize in this regard graphics system possible by disabling some AERO functions, but without losing the main advantages of this mode. Which AERO functions can I turn it off, which ones should I leave, and how can I do this? And this is done like this:

    1. In the Control Panel (CP) we find the “System” section and click on the line “Advanced system settings”.
    2. Open “Advanced” and click on “Options”.
    3. Open the visual effects tab.
    4. Uncheck all parameters except those shown in the following figure and click “OK”.

    Increasing file copy speed

    The seven has a new function - the so-called “remote differential compression”. It is used when copying and moving files and consists of calculating the differences in the source and destination files. This is done to reduce the amount of data being rewritten, but requires additional time to calculate their differences. This feature can be disabled as follows:

    1. Select the “Programs and Features” section in the PU.
    2. Click on the line “Turn Windows components on or off.”
    3. In the constructed list of system components, uncheck the “Remote differential compression” element.

    Enabling ReadyBoost

    The optimizations planned by the developers for Windows 7 have been expanded new feature– ReadyBoost. The purpose of this function is to virtual expansion Computer RAM, due to connected external USB drives and Flash cards. The OS will use them as cache memory, thereby speeding up read/write operations and increasing the speed of the entire system. You just need to enable it, and for this you need:

    Registry optimization

    The registry files of a computer with Windows 7 are a kind of database about the configuration and settings of the OS itself and installed applications. This database, unfortunately, tends to become cluttered and fragmented over time. And since it is accessed very often, this can cause a significant drop in the speed of the computer. Therefore, the registry should be periodically cleaned and defragmented.

    Built in Windows tools defragmentation programs are not designed to work with the registry, so optimizing it is usually done using some kind of third party utility. An example is the CCleaner program, known to many users. After launching it, you need to select the “Registry” item in the menu. In the window that opens, click the “Search for problems” button and wait for the results of the analysis of the registry status. If any problems are found, then you need to click the “Fix” button.

    Defragmentation of hard drives

    Severe fragmentation hard drives can also cause a decrease in computer speed. This especially applies to system disk, since it is used almost constantly during system operation. To defragment it, you can use the built-in Windows tool– Defrag utility. To launch it you should:

    1. Click "Start".
    2. Click on “Computer”.
    3. In the window that opens, right-click on the system disk and select “Properties” from the context menu.
    4. In the properties window, open the “Tools” tab and click the “defragment” button. A window will appear that looks like:

    As you can see from it, defragmentation can be performed in two modes - scheduled and manual. When manually defragmenting, you should first determine its need by running a disk analysis. If after this it turns out that the disk is heavily fragmented, then you need to start defragmenting it by pressing the appropriate button.

    Disabling UAC

    The UAC (User Account Control) feature is one of the most important system security features. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons of turning it off. And yet, many users turn it off, relying entirely on high-quality antivirus protection. Function or reduce the level of protection. In any case, this requires administrator rights. Changing the protection level is done as follows:

    1. In PU open the section “ Accounts users."
    2. In the window that appears, click on the line with changing user account control settings.
    3. In the window shown in the following figure, set the slider to one of the 4 protection level positions. In the lower position, UAC is completely disabled.

    Disable unused services

    It's no secret that the system has services that are rarely used or not used at all. It is clear that such services can be disabled without harm to the functioning of Windows 7. Moreover, disabling them will free up RAM, make swapping less frequent, that is, speed up the computer. This tool requires extreme caution and precision, so before you run it, you should be on the safe side by creating a restore point. This will help you roll back to previous state in case possible problems as a result of their shutdown. This operation should not be performed in group mode, it is better to do this step by step, each time making sure normal functioning operating system.

    Services such as:

    • Remote registry.
    • Support IP Service.
    • Service entry Tablet PC.

    When disabling other services, you need to have complete confidence in what result this will lead to.

    To disable a service, go to the “Administration” section of the control panel and select the “Services” category on the right side of the window that appears. As a result, a list of all system services will appear. You need to find the required service in this list and double-click on it. A window will open with the parameters of this service, for example:

    If the service is running, it must first be stopped using the corresponding button. Then set the “Startup Type” to “Disabled” and click “Apply” and “OK”.


    Of course, there was no full list techniques for optimizing and configuring a computer with Windows 7. In conclusion, here is a table of the best third party programs For Windows optimization 7. They all have different functionality, which is also indicated in the table.

    Good afternoon, dear readers of the site, in this article we will learn how to increase performance in Windows 7 .
    If your computer slows down and freezes, don’t think it’s time for you to buy new computer orreinstalloperating system. All problems can be due toincorrect settings.

    So let's start speeding up your computer.

    Step 1. First of all you need configure autoload. Programs that are in startup slow down the system when launched.You need . This is one way to improve the performance of your system.

    Click Start choose Control Panel. Click on the link System. Then on the right side of the window select Advanced System Settings. In the Additional tab in the block Performance press the button Options...

    In the window that opens Performance Options in the tab Visual effects put the radio button in the field Provide the best performance. This option disables everything visual effects on your computer. But if you cannot do without any component, then you can include it, but not more than two. After adjusting your performance settings, click OK. And then again OK.

    Step 3. It is also important for the speed of your computer to have good antivirus , which is capable of finding various types of threats and viruses. And also do not overload the system. I use antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2012. It has an option that allows you to avoid conflicts with other programs and slow down your computer.
    To enable this function in the main window Kaspersky antivirus Internet Security 2012 click on the link Settings then go to the tab Additional options(fourth in a row) and select Compatibility.
    In the window Compatibility Options check the box Give up resources to other programs.

    Step 4. Another way increase performance This . The program copes with this action perfectly CCleaner. In the main window of the program you can analyze the system and the program will advise you what needs to be removed for more efficient work your computer.

    Step 5. Shutdown unused services. In order to disable services you need to click Start and select Control Panel. Next, select Administration and in the window that opens, double-click on the word Services.

    In the window that opens, you can disable the following services:

    - Automatic update.
    - Windows firewall.
    - Print spooler (if there is no printer).
    - Infrared communication monitor.
    - Time service.
    - Help and support.
    - Security Center

    In order to disable the service double click on it. In the window that appears, in the tab General in the field Startup type put Disabled and press OK. After this, we reboot the system.

    That's all. I think these tips will be enough for you to increase performance in Windows 7.

    Even if you buy it yourself powerful computer Many people find that after a while it starts to slow down. This is directly related to the number of installed software, as well as the content hard drive. That's why everyone more people are faced with the need Windows acceleration 7. To do this, there is no need to purchase additional equipment; just a few clicks of the mouse and the computer will be able to work much faster.

    How to optimize the operating system?

    • First of all, it is necessary to eliminate possible problems with performance. This will help in automatic mode identify and eliminate existing problems. A check will be carried out for parameters that can slow down operation. Found parameters will be deleted automatically. To do this, just go to “START”, then go to “Control Panel”, where you need to type “problems” in the search line. Then click on the “Troubleshoot” button. In the System and Security tab, you need to find “Search for performance issues.”

    Then you need to click “Next”. Most software is installed by default so that it starts automatically every time booting Windows 7. Here you can clean up automatic start some programs.

    Just uncheck the box next to each program that does not need to start automatically, then click “OK”. To speed up Windows 7, it is better to disable the SNMP protocol, Telnet server, Telnet clients and TFTP, Ras Connection Manager Administration Pack, service Windows activation and indexing, IIS and NFS services.

    You can configure the delayed launch of programs that are necessary for operation, after starting the main software and antivirus program. To do this, just install free utility AnVir Task Manager. It can stop the launch of any program, which will only be carried out after your permission.

    This program will help significantly speed up Windows 7.

    Setting Sleep Mode

    Every computer supports the ability to go into Sleep mode. If you actively use your PC during the day, you need to configure it so that you do not have to constantly turn the computer off and on. Now, if you are going to be away for a couple of hours, it is enough to put the laptop into “Sleep” mode, when it consumes a minimum amount of energy, but all processes are stored in its memory. As a result, when you go back to your PC, just open the lid and Windows 7 will be able to boot within a couple of seconds. Excellent acceleration of the operating system!

    Just go to “START”, then go to the “Control Panel” section, then to “System and Security”.

    There you need to find the “Power Options” section. Here you need to configure the actions “When the lid is closed”, when power will be supplied both from the battery and from the mains.

    Search from bottlenecks

    You need to go to “START”, where you type “RESMON” and press the Enter key. This will allow you to launch the resource monitor, after which you need to click to view information about the operation of the processor, memory and disk status.
    IN result Windows 7 will be able to show the processes that take the most large number OS resources.

    • Speeding up the OS can be done by setting up a quick access sheet. Just right-click on the taskbar icon and the “Jumplist” menu will appear. It will allow quick access to any files you have worked with recently. To delete a document, you must press the pin.
    • To improve the performance of Windows 7, you need to set the location and size of the paging file. Just go to “START”, then go to the “Control Panel” section, then to “System and Security” and to “System”.

    In the “Advanced system settings” tab, you need to go to “Advanced”.

    In the “Performance Options” tab that appears, you must again select the “Advanced” section.

    It is important to remember that the page file should not be located in Windows volume 7, its size should be twice the size of the RAM. The screenshot shows that the paging file is located on drive E, and the OS is on drive C, its size is twice the size of RAM.

    Fragmentation this file capable of influencing Windows startup 7.

    • You can speed up the OS by periodically uninstalling extra files from Windows 7. Just go to “START” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “System Tools” and then to the “Disk Cleanup” section.

    It will have to be launched as an administrator.

    Important: cleaners must be used with caution, otherwise you can disrupt the operation of the OS.

    • After this procedure you need to carry out Defragmentation of hard disk, which must be carried out regularly. This will affect the speed of the OS. It is enough to go back to utilities, where the “Disk Defragmentation” section is located.

    Speeding up Windows 7 can be considered the cherished desire of every user. However, when used quite simple tips everyone can improve the performance of their PC.

    Hello, my dear readers, site guests and gadget lovers.

    Not long ago, I noticed that my laptop was not only slowing down, but was completely bogged down in bugs. It was virtually impossible to work on it. After surfing the net, I found a lot useful tips. Today I will tell you what tuning the performance of Windows 7 does, how to do it and what it will give.

    Why do you need setup?

    New versions of operating systems were originally created for modern computers. However, not everyone has top-end PCs; some still have two gigs of RAM.

    Therefore, it is important to carry out your own fine tuning, so that the system is more productive and does not slow down when working or playing any demanding game.

    Of course, you can use different boosters, that is, programs originally created to increase the performance of the operating system, but they are ineffective. All manipulations must be carried out manually to ensure that everything is done correctly, with administrator rights.

    At the same time, you must not forget about backups of the system itself, that is, about creating restore points. This is especially true for those machines that are used for games.

    Cleaning startup

    Programs that start with Windows are in a special list. The problem is that many of them are rarely used, but they constantly take up resources. Therefore, this list must be cleaned manually from time to time, through the registry.

    To open the startup list, open the execute line and write the command msconfig.

    and in the list below we turn off everything we don’t need.

    That is, for example, the same torrent client. Why do we need it when starting Windows? That's right, we can turn it on later. Turn it off and press OK.

    And then, when a sign pops up asking you to reboot your PC, just press the button that I indicated below.

    That's it.

    Disabling unnecessary services in Windows

    IN operating system There are a lot of different utilities built in, which are not always needed by everyone. Disabling them will have a positive effect on games.

    Let's go to start, then we move to control Panel. There we select a section system and security and go to the tab administration and then click on the section services

    Here we disable the following sections: remote registry, computer browser, program compatibility assistant services (for experienced users). They are not often used, so disabling them will not negatively affect the operation of the system. But productivity will increase.

    Performance Configuration

    Let's go to start, then in control Panel, then into system and security. Here we point at the system and then climb into additional options and here we choose performance parameters. A window like this should open.

    We need the visual effects tab. And here we turn off everything that we don’t really need.