• Login confirmation via mobile phone. VKontakte: review of the new function “Login Confirmation”

    « VKontakte always cares about your safety” - from the very first days of its existence, this motto has been an integral part of this social network. networks. And today another very big and significant step has been taken to secure your account!

    Connection additional method checks

    The new login confirmation feature allows you to do even more protect your account from "unwanted" visitors. The feature was added relatively recently and is available to all users. Let's look at the connection steps:

    You can activate our function by going to “ My Settings", open the tab " General", settings subgroup " Security of your page" Opposite the item " Login confirmation "click" connect».

    Now we have protected our page and activated the feature. From now on, entering the correct login & password pair will not be enough to access your page. You will need to enter a special code sent to you via SMS. Please note that you need to tick the appropriate boxes.

    The code sent via SMS message is valid only once, which ensures maximum protection from selection. That is, even if the code is intercepted or “sniffed on the phone,” it will no longer be possible to log in. Please note that the “Application for generating codes” function does not inspire confidence in me personally and is not at all convenient. I advise you to turn it off. Let's move on, dear readers.

    Constant use of proven devices

    VKontakte took care of people’s nerves and decided to save us from endless checking on trusted devices. When you log in, you will have the opportunity remember this device and save yourself from tons of SMS messages.

    I would like to note that at any time you will have the opportunity to " throw off"authorization on all devices and if something happens, when you go to your page, you will need to enter the (new) code again. This will help us protect ourselves to a new level!

    I'll find you by IP!
    Now you will receive an instant notification that someone tried to access your page by entering a login & password pair. The corresponding notification will be displayed in the traditional “VKontakte notification” style

    More information

    The eternal question is how social media is hacked. networks? Asked by everyone who has lost access to their data or pages on the Internet at least once.

    Such an unfortunate situation can affect anyone, and my task in this article is to open the curtain on the information and methods by which scammers hack most of the resources on the Internet. I will tell you all this so that you know where to expect the “blow” and how to prevent data loss.

    How social media is hacked networks?

    So, if you are reading this article, then you have expressed a desire to learn once and for all about hacking methods, you have become interested in how your page on a social network was taken away or why you can no longer log into your mail.

    But in fact, everything is simple, in most cases the user himself allows the hacker to obtain all the necessary data for hacking. But first things first, as before, I will present you with a brief summary, and you either read the section you are interested in or carefully go through all of them. In order, this is of course the most effective solutions. Because it is by being aware of everything that you can maximally protect your data on the Internet from hacking.

    And at the end of the article you can find nice bonus, I will also talk about all hacking methods in a video review. Don’t forget to write your comments and I wish you finally productive reading or pleasant viewing.

    In addition, you need to immediately understand that in these sections I have not written instructions for hacking, but rather the complete opposite, namely instructions that will help you avoid hacking.

    Naivety will destroy even an adult

    In this section I want to talk about human naivety, and as practice shows, the older a person is, the more naive and yes, I myself am a little shocked by this, because the older, the wiser. It should be this way, but apparently the younger generation is simply more literate in information systems.

    Well, okay, stop harping, the problem is that the person himself transfers his data to the hacker in full. Most often I encounter such cases in social networks.

    I describe the situation in detail:

    An ordinary day, you are sitting in your classmates, for example, you receive a message from any friend in which he says hello, asks how are you, how is everything in life, what new is happening? You answer without hesitation and share your stories with your friend. This is your friend, what's wrong with that? Yes, that’s right, friends are needed for communication and support. But this is not our case, in the midst of a conversation, a friend asks you to send your phone number. You send your cell number again without hesitation. And a minute later an interesting message comes to your phone, which contains an incomprehensible code, usually 6 digits.

    Example SMS:
    “123456 is your confirmation code. Don't give it to anyone! OK.RU"

    And even the text in SMS - “Do not give it to anyone” does not stop. You send this code to your friend and after 2-3 minutes you are “thrown out” from your own page.

    Ignoring this, re-enter your login and password, but... That's it... You can't log in anymore, you start clicking on the "forgot password" button, but again you miss - you see something like this:

    And then thoughts come to mind, what nonsense, what nonsense. After about another 10 minutes, you realize that it was in vain to send the number and code to your friend - now you have been hacked. The most interesting thing is that you allowed yourself to be hacked.

    What conclusion should be drawn?

    The essence of the theorem is this: Never give confirmation codes to anyone. This data is needed for personal use only. You're not giving out your PIN code. bank card to all your friends. Here is the situation: you can give your phone number to a friend, but do not give him codes and passwords. This hacking process can be seen clearly in the video at the end of the article.

    Besides this you should know! Anyone who has access to your email, which is specified in the social network settings, can easily change the password and take the page. But more on that in future articles.

    Fake page or you're just blind

    Everything is simple here. We often browse information on the Internet and sometimes get so carried away that we click on all sorts of “sweet links”. Which should lead to useful, interesting or free information.

    Let me give you a few simple examples, you received an interesting letter in the mail in which everything is very beautiful and so believably described. You want to read the continuation, to do this you click the link at the end of the letter and get to the page where it says, to continue reading, log in via social media. net. Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte (it doesn’t matter), you see a window for entering your login and password. You calmly enter your data and finish reading or comment on an interesting article. And you don’t even think about the fact that the moment you entered your username and password on a third-party site, they were used not only for access, but were also sent to attackers. So you have lost your data again and come to the question, how did I get hacked?

    The essence of the problem is this: Never enter your username and password to access third-party sites.
    In addition, sometimes it happens that when you click on links, a full copy social networking site or mail client. Are you looking at a familiar site with full confidence enter your data and you lose access again. To do this, in case of suspicious transitions or suddenly you were thrown out of your page. There are different cases, but the meaning is always the same. Pay attention to address bar to make sure you are on the official website. As in the beginning, I show an example on my classmates’ website, but the rule also applies to any other social network. networks or just an Internet project.

    Click on the picture to understand everything clearly:

    At the top is the original page, and at the bottom is exactly the same site, but a fake. Whenever you follow dubious links, look at the site address, it must be correct; if even one letter is different, it means it’s fake. For a more clear look, watch the video at the end of the article.

    Virus attack or how social media is hacked. networks?

    Such cases can be heard from all sides so that the computer does not fail for inexperienced user- These are viruses. Don’t go straight to a fortune teller, your friend’s computer has broken down, ask him what happened and in most cases you will hear the answer - you caught a virus somewhere.

    But this is not always true, and if you are interested in how to distinguish such cases, write in the comments to this article, but for now I will tell you how you are really exposed to a virus attack, or rather, exactly the type of attack that allows you to hack your page on the Internet.

    And this happens very simply and almost always the same way, anyone you know, and often a stranger at all, writes to you, in the process of communication they send you a link with the comments “here is my photo, go in and download”, men are generally easily deceived by any erotic enticements, such as come in and look at me naked. These methods work almost flawlessly, but when you download a so-called photo, you basically download a virus onto your computer, which can lead to various consequences, but in our case, roughly speaking, it scans your browser data and sends all your logins and passwords to the attacker, thus you hacked again.

    What to do to avoid hacking?

    And it’s very easy to avoid such hacking if you know at least two standard rules. The first thing you need to know is what to prevent virus attacks There are programs, everyone has heard of them - these are antiviruses. (Click on this sentence and I will tell you which antivirus to choose)

    You must have an antivirus on your computer - a must. To always be aware of stable new products or to know where to find them for free good antivirus go to my video channel, watch a lot of video reviews I shot and don’t forget to subscribe to always be aware of the release of new reviews.

    In addition, the second way to avoid problems is to copy the link to any browser that you do not use. You risk much less by opening an unknown link in an empty browser that does not contain your personal data. You will find a practical example in the video.

    Nonsense, but damn, you're still doing it...

    Probably the most common hacking method of yesteryear, but there are people who still use human stupidity as a vulnerability, namely your simple passwords.

    No matter how they say in all corners of the Internet, you should always put good passwords– for us it’s all bullshit. A ride at random... Don't set passwords that can be easily guessed and yes, having your phone number as a password is also a very easy password.

    Attackers use the so-called brute force method - to put it simply, this is a large-scale hacking of passwords. It happens something like this: the hacker finds out your login, usually they take your email and begin to try passwords for your account with great speed through special programs and don’t underestimate them and think that they will never get to your password. Such programs can check thousands of passwords every minute and work automatically; the longer it runs, the more likely it is to guess your password.

    But the point comes down to a simple thing: don’t use easy passwords that can be guessed.
    And here you can read what a strong password is and how to quickly come up with one so that it cannot be guessed, but so that it can be easily remembered.

    Laughter, and that's all...

    This method can hardly be called hacking, but it does exist. Here I want to talk about the fact that often when traveling, we don’t really think twice about logging into our email or pages on social networks, without thinking whether the computer from which we are logging out is infected or not.

    But it’s funny to me because they often ask the question of how I was hacked by people who visited their friends and when logging in clicked save your password and all the data remained with your friends, which led to them joining strange groups, sending several messages on your behalf, or simply change of status.

    Video on how scammers hack social networks?

    If you have additional information or you want to speak out, feel free to write your thoughts or questions in the comments.

    You can write to the VKontakte support service both if you have access to your personal page and if you don’t. I bring to your attention the most full review existing methods:

    How to write a letter in support if you have access to your personal page?

    Login to the site using your username and password. In the upper right corner, point and click on your name. Select the item “ Help».

    The search page for the VKontakte directory opens. Enter “How to ask a support question?” We see the text. The third paragraph says:

    Unfortunately, we were covered with an avalanche of questions, because familiar button“write to us” is temporarily unavailable. If you have questions that cannot be resolved with the help of articles, use the link

    Click on the link and you can enter your question.

    An alternative way to contact VK support

    After you go to Help, a search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We open the first help section we come across.

    Then click on the “This does not solve my problem” button, then click on the “I still have questions” link.

    In the pop-up window, click “Ask a question.”

    A form to contact support appears. Let's fill it out. We send.

    How to contact VKontakte support via email?

    You can also contact VK.com support directly using regular mail. All you need to do is send an email to your inbox [email protected]. Such emails are responded to in approximately 3-4 days, so be patient.

    Advanced form for restoring access to a page

    A letter to VK.com support via the extended access recovery form is a very common way to contact support. Used in cases where it is not possible in the usual way regain access to the social network. Step by step instructions.

    As new ways to contact VK support appear, I will update these instructions. Just in case, I advise you to bookmark this page. If you have questions for me, ask them in the comments.

    Greetings! In this detailed step by step instructions, with photographs, we will show you how to further protect your page from unauthorized access on the VKontakte social network.

    By enabling login confirmation via SMS, in addition to the login and password that you use to access your VKontakte page, you will also need to enter a one-time code that will be sent to the phone linked to your profile.

    In other words, even if someone else finds out your username and password, he will still not be able to log into your VKontakte page because Additionally, you will need a code that will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS message.

    This protection technology, which is referred to as “two-factor authentication,” not only protects against hacking, but even page theft. Cases have become more frequent when fraudsters using fake documents received duplicate SIM cards, which were subsequently used to hack and steal pages.

    Restoring access in this case takes some time, which is quite enough to complete illegal actions: sending spam and viruses, and if the user is also the leader of a large community, then this kind of action can cause serious damage to the reputation and even blocking of a group or public.

    Considering all these circumstances, with activated " two-factor authentication» the ability to recover the password to the VKontakte page via SMS becomes impossible, and if such a need arises, password recovery is used via the one linked to E-mail page. By the way, you can read about how to link an E-Mail to your page in this article.

    It should be noted that even with two-factor authentication enabled, it is possible to create a list of trusted devices, from which additional SMS confirmation will not be required when logging in.

    To do this, during the authorization process, you must tick the Remember browser checkbox.

    While on the VKontakte website, click on the menu in the upper right corner. In the list that appears, select Settings.

    On the page that appears, click on Security. In this block, among other things, login confirmation via SMS is enabled and configured. The service is provided completely free of charge.

    To enable this feature, click the Connect button.

    This will display a window telling you the benefits of verifying your login using your mobile phone. Read through them and click the Proceed to Setup button.

    During the setup process, you will be asked for your current password, and then a confirmation SMS will be sent to the phone linked to your profile.

    When finished, the Security page will display settings that allow you to generate one-time backup codes in case something happens to the mobile phone.

    The Remove confirmation option is responsible for resetting the list of trusted devices for which additional SMS confirmation is not required.

    At this point, setting up login confirmation via SMS can be considered complete.

    If someone uses your username and password when “two-factor authentication” is activated, a pop-up message about this will be displayed on your page.

    If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.


    VKontakte security. VKontakte two-step authentication

    I'll show you how to secure your VKontakte account. Go to the VKontakte settings, then go to the security tab and enable two-step authentication on VKontakte. So that no one can hack your VKontakte page.

    If you are not yet connected two-factor authentication VKontakte, then you will be asked to enable Login Confirmation. Provides reliable protection from hacking: to enter the page you must enter a one-time code received via SMS or other connected method.

    Click Connect.

    Login confirmation provides an additional level of protection for your VKontakte page. You can protect your page using your mobile phone. Attention: when login confirmation is enabled, the password recovery service by phone number becomes unavailable. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you attach a current e-mail to the page, indicate your true first and last name, and upload your real photos as the main ones before continuing with the setup.

    Verification will not tire you: to gain access to your account from a new browser or device, you only need to enter the verification code once.

    Even if an attacker finds out your username, password and the verification code used, he will not be able to access your page from his computer.

    Click Proceed to setup.

    To confirm the action, you need to re-enter the password for your page. You can also change your VKontakte address in the future so that you have a unique page address.

    Enter your VKontakte password and click confirm.

    Action confirmations. To confirm, we will send a free SMS with a code to your mobile phone.

    Click get code.

    After a couple of seconds, an activation code will be sent to your number to which your Vkotnakte page is registered.

    We enter the number that we received in the SMS message and click send code.

    The login confirmation check has been successfully activated. Don't forget to print out your backup codes. They will allow you to confirm login when you don't have access to your phone, such as when traveling.

    Click complete setup.

    At this time, an email will be sent to your email notifying you that the login confirmation function is enabled.

    Application passwords.

    Unfortunately, some applications do not yet work with verification codes. For example, mobile iPhone clients, iPad and Windows Phone.

    For such applications, you need to create special passwords. This password is entered only once for each application; you do not need to remember it.

    Click Close at the top right.

    On the top left of your internet browser, click Refresh to refresh the page.

    Now click Show activity history.

    Activity history shows information about which devices you accessed the site from and at what time. If you suspect that someone has accessed your profile, you can stop this activity at any time.

    This displays all the recent activity of your VKontakte page and all the devices through which you (or not you) logged into your VKontakte account.

    Click on the bottom left of End all sessions to log out of all devices except the Internet browser we are currently in.

    All sessions except the current one have ended.

    Click Close.

    If you use the Vkotakte mobile application on an iPhone, iPad or Windows Phone, then you will need to log into it again. And if you want, you can completely block VKontakte on your computer or block VKontakte on your iPhone.

    Enter your email or phone number to which the VKontakte page is registered and the password for the page and click Go.

    At this time, a notification will appear on your Internet browser page stating that an attempt has been made to log into your account from such and such IP.

    You are logged in from the mobile application.

    The VKontakte mobile application will redirect you to mobile internet browser and will open the security check page.

    To confirm that you really are the owner of the page, please enter the confirmation code from the SMS sent to +7 and here is your number.

    Enter the confirmation code sent to us via SMS and click send code.

    To log into the application, use a special password to log in.

    There is no need to remember this password. Copy it and enter it instead of your main password when logging into the application. You only need to enter it once.

    Copy this one-time password to log in to VKontakte.

    Click Return to application.

    Enter the one-time password into mobile application VKontakte and click Go.

    By logging out of VKontakte and entering your username and password for the page, you will be asked to confirm that you really are the owner of the page. An SMS message will be sent to your number with a code that you will need to enter.

    Other lessons on the site on the topic VKontakte:

    • How to change VKontakte address
    • Security VKontakte


    VKontakte: quick password recovery is not available. Why? What to do?

    How to log into the VKontakte website if you have forgotten your password and login protection is enabled (login confirmation)? You are trying to restore access, but you receive an error message:

    Quick password recovery is not available. Your page has login confirmation enabled by mobile phone.

    Or this:

    Unfortunately, you cannot recover your password using the specified phone number.

    This means that once before you yourself enabled login confirmation by mobile phone, when to enter the page you need to enter not only a password, but also a code sent to your phone.

    Of course, this increases security and protects against hacking, but now you've forgotten your password. What to do? Now there is no way to receive a recovery code on your phone, because login confirmation is when you both know the password and have access to the phone. Both together. This is the only way to ensure security, which you yourself voluntarily turned on. It is no longer possible to restore a page with only a phone number if you do not know the password. The VK website warned you about everything, but you didn’t read when you turned on the protection. Maybe that's why you feel like you weren't warned.

    1. Recover by email

    If you have an additional login confirmation enabled, then instead of quick recovery password via SMS, password recovery via e-mail is applied ( email). Is your page linked to email? If yes, then you can request a link to reset your password (instructions will open in a new window). It may turn out that the page is linked to the mail, but you cannot enter the mail (you don’t have access or you simply don’t remember it) - in this case, it is better to try to first restore access to the mail, otherwise you will have only one way, it is more complex and requires much more more time. Read on:

    2. Restore via support

    When login confirmation is enabled, but you forgot your password and the page is NOT linked to an email (or you don’t have access to your email, or you don’t remember the address), the only way to recover the page is to submit a technical support request. This link will open an access restoration form that must be filled out. It's better to do this from a computer rather than from a phone. Look detailed instructions Here:

    You will have to prove that the page is yours. If your real photos are not there or your real name and surname are not indicated, then it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to restore the page. After all, you were warned about everything when you turned on the login protection. You can see why the application might be rejected. Of course, there is an opportunity to contact VK support and try to prove in some way that the page is yours. If they see that you are a normal person and that the page is really yours, they may meet you halfway. If even then nothing works, register in VK new page. This is a lesson for the future.

    There is no way to restore it anymore!

    There are no other ways to restore access. There is no use looking for them. That is, there is no other way to restore it at all. You just read everything possible ways. Read them again if you don't understand.

    Is it possible to disable login confirmation?

    Of course you can. But to do this you must first go to the page. And if you can’t do this yet, then you can’t disable login confirmation either. Restore access as written above.

    See also on topic


    VKontakte PIN code - second login confirmation

    The largest social network VKontakte has introduced two-step authorization on the site. Now, if the user wishes, in addition to entering a login password, he can protect his account by entering a PIN code. The VKontakte pin code will provide better protection your data from hacking. How to activate and correctly configure the “Login Confirmation” function of VK. You can also find out how to use this function correctly by reading our article.

    What is a PIN code for VKontakte?

    So, let's get you up to speed. The developers have been seriously concerned about the problem of protecting the personal data of their VK users for a long time. At first, hacking the page was a piece of cake, but over time, security methods became more and more complex. And now in the battle of hackers against Contact there has been a serious advantage in favor of the latter.

    After linking the account to a mobile phone number, the developers managed to significantly reduce the wave of page tampering. Soon the same developers optimized everything that had been developed over the years - by entering a PIN code for VK. Now everyone who has a VKontakte account can set up the PIN code function. Thus, the user receives, as it were, double protection your account.

    To authorize, in addition to filling out the login and password fields, you will need to enter a special code that will be sent to you via free sms message. Naturally, this SMS will be tied to your number mobile operator. If you don't want to bother with SMS messages, then you can use special application for a smartphone - a code generator for VKontakte. It is also strongly recommended to copy yourself a list of backup codes that you can use if you don’t have your phone at hand. You should immediately reassure some “lazy” users - the PIN code comes only upon your request and only after you activate this function.

    How to enable PIN code login confirmation?

    In order to enable “Login Confirmation” in Contact, you need to go to the “My Settings” menu on your page. In the “General” tab, find the “Your Page Security” group of settings. Opposite the “Login Confirmation” item, you must click on the “Connect” button.

    Now, when you log into your VK account, you will be prompted to “Enter the code.” Which, in fact, is what you should do.

    Message: “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP address”

    The pin code will only be valid once. One entry - one PIN code. Even if “evil people” manage to get your PIN code and login with your VKontakte password, they will not be able to use them. And you will receive in the form of a pop-up window the message “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP which will contain the IP address of the computer from which they tried to illegally log into your account.

    In this case, you should not panic, because... The contact has already prevented an attempt to hack your page. And you will be able to identify and punish a person caught in trouble by the IP address of his computer.

    “Remember browser” VKontakte or how to disable entering a PIN code

    If you do not want to use the PIN input function because, for example, you are at home and log in from your PC. Then you should use the “Remember Browser” function; to activate it, you just need to check the box that pops up. The function will allow you to remember the place and your native browser from which you log in and you will no longer need to enter a PIN code to of this browser on your PC. At any time you can reset all settings either by current device, or on all verified devices.

    IMPORTANT! Just turn it off this function You will not be able to confirm your login with a PIN code. When you first log in from your browser on a computer, laptop, smartphone or phone, you should enter your PIN code once and be sure to check the “Remember browser” box. After this, you will not need to enter your PIN code every time you log into VK from these devices.

    If your SIM card is lost or fails, and the PIN code confirmation function is activated, you can use the recovery form via email. Introduction two-step authorization will protect your personal data, and your account will always be protected by the VK “security service”.

    The practice of double entry is already successfully used in many large social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google. Many online banks also use a confirmation PIN. And finally, VK.com has also strengthened the protection of our personal data.

    The largest social network VKontakte has introduced two-step authorization on the site. Now, if the user wishes, in addition to entering a login password, he can protect his account by entering a PIN code. The VKontakte PIN code will provide better protection for your data from hacking. How to activate and correctly configure the “Login Confirmation” function of VK. You can also find out how to use this function correctly by reading our article.

    What is a PIN code for VKontakte?

    So, let's get you up to speed. The developers have been seriously concerned about the problem of protecting the personal data of their VK users for a long time. At first, hacking the page was a piece of cake, but over time, security methods became more and more complex. And now in the battle of hackers against Contact there has been a serious advantage in favor of the latter.

    After linking the account to a mobile phone number, the developers managed to significantly reduce the wave of page tampering. Soon the same developers optimized everything they had developed over the years by entering a PIN code for VK. Now everyone who has a VKontakte account can set up the PIN code function. Thus, the user receives double protection for his account.

    To authorize, in addition to filling out the login and password fields, you will need to enter a special code that will be sent to you via a free SMS message. Naturally, this SMS will be linked to the number of your mobile operator. If you don’t want to bother with SMS messages, then you can use a special application for your smartphone - a code generator for VKontakte. It is also strongly recommended to copy yourself a list of backup codes that you can use if you don’t have your phone at hand. You should immediately reassure some “lazy” users - the PIN code comes only upon your request and only after you activate this function.

    How to enable PIN code login confirmation?

    In order to enable “Login Confirmation” in Contact, you need to go to the menu on your page "My Settings". In the tab "General"- find the settings group "Security of your page". Opposite the point "Login Confirmation" you need to press the button "Connect".

    Now, when you log into your VK account, you will be prompted to “Enter the code.” Which, in fact, is what you should do.

    Message: “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP address”

    The pin code will only be valid once. One input - one PIN code. Even if “evil people” manage to get your PIN code and login with your VKontakte password, they will not be able to use them. And you will receive in the form of a pop-up window the message “An attempt was made to log into your account from an IP which will contain the IP address of the computer from which they tried to illegally log into your account.

    In this case, you should not panic, because... The contact has already prevented an attempt to hack your page. And you will be able to identify and punish a person caught in trouble by the IP address of his computer.

    “Remember browser” VKontakte or how to disable entering a PIN code

    If you do not want to use the PIN input function because, for example, you are at home and log in from your PC. Then you should use the “Remember Browser” function; to activate it, you just need to check the box that pops up. The function will allow you to remember the location and your native browser from which you log in and you will no longer need to enter a PIN code for this browser on your PC. At any time, you can reset all settings either on the current device or on all verified devices.

    IMPORTANT! You cannot simply disable this function of confirming entry with a PIN code. When you first log in from your browser on a computer, laptop, smartphone or phone, you should enter your PIN code once and be sure to check the “Remember browser” box. After this, you will not need to enter your PIN code every time you log into VK from these devices.

    If your SIM card is lost or fails, and the PIN code confirmation function is activated, you can use the recovery form via email. The introduction of two-step authorization will protect your personal data, and your account will always be protected by the VK security service.

    The practice of double entry is already successfully used in many large social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google. Many online banks also use a confirmation PIN. And finally, VK.com has also strengthened the protection of our personal data.