• Order protection will end in. What does buyer protection mean on Aliexpress, what is the maximum protection time? Buyer protection on Aliexpress is ending: how to extend the protection period via a computer and mobile application

    Buyer protection is effective tool in the hands of the buyer, which avoids any financial losses associated with low-quality goods, delivery delays and lost parcels. In recent months, there has been a significant increase in cases where Aliexpress seller extends buyer protection period without the buyer's consent.

    Buyer protection period- this is a period of time during which the seller guarantees the buyer to deliver the order or he will return the money, and also in case of non-compliance with the declared qualities of the product in the description, the buyer may demand a partial refund.

    The number of days during which the buyer’s protection will be valid is determined by the seller himself. Most often on product pages you can find a period from 45 to 60 days.
    Please note that when paying for their order, the buyer transfers money to Aliexpress accounts, and not directly to the seller. Economic department trading platform makes a payment cash to the seller only after the buyer confirms receipt of the order and the absence of any claims.

    Some sellers successfully take advantage of the complete lack of knowledge among buyers about the rules of the online store, and therefore create a lot of inconvenience for the latter. Sellers, in pursuit of the opportunity to avoid financial losses, extend the buyer’s protection period when it comes to an end and the buyer opens a dispute for a refund of the order.

    What to do if the seller has extended the buyer protection period?

    Wondering what to do if the Aliexpress seller has extended the buyer protection period It is important to know your rights and the rules of the trading platform regarding such situations.
    The seller is obliged to coordinate each extension of the buyer's protection period with the buyer and vice versa. If one of the parties does not agree, the extension is invalid.
    Many buyers open a dispute over an order as a sign of protest and disagreement with the actions of the seller and demand a refund due to unfulfilled promises. However, often in the text of the complaint they miss the mention that the seller arbitrarily extended the buyer’s protection, and therefore AliExpress support, when the dispute escalates, in most cases invalidates the buyer’s claims.
    Be sure to indicate in the text of the dispute information that the seller extended the protection period without your consent.
    If you are unable to open a dispute due to Aliexpress restrictions, contact the online store’s support service and demand that action be taken regarding the seller’s actions.

    After winning the dispute, the process of returning funds to the buyer’s account from which the payment was made occurs within 7-14 business days.

    To avoid falling into the clutches of scammers, Aliexpress has developed a special buyer protection system. Let's find out how it works.

    The main advantage of working with the Aliexpress platform, in addition to low prices and sales, is the availability of buyer protection. How it works this system and why is it even needed? Let's find out.

    What is buyer protection on Aliexpress, what does the buyer protection period mean?

    To ensure that buyers have protection from dishonest sellers, the administration has developed a function that allows them not to be afraid for their money. Of course, when buying just a couple of dollars is not so scary, but what if it’s worth $200? Therefore, all funds are first transferred to the Aliexpress account. And only after you receive your product and make sure that everything is in order with it, the money will be credited to the seller.

    If you don't like the item you received, you can open a dispute. If you are proven right, the money will be returned to you.

    Thanks to this system, purchases are not much different from ordinary shopping, where consumer protection laws apply.

    What is the maximum buyer protection time on Aliexpress?

    On average, buyer protection is valid for 60 days, but the final date will be determined depending on the delivery time set by the seller. For example, if the delivery period is 35 days, then protection is set within 40-50 days. If delivery takes longer, it can reach 70-80 days.

    It is important to always keep track of how much time is left on the timer in your personal account, since once it expires you will not be able to extend it.

    What does it mean to extend buyer protection on Aliexpress and why extend?

    Sometimes transport companies let sellers down and delay delivery. It’s not the store’s fault at all, so don’t write bad reviews right away. If you notice that the timer will end in 5 days, but the item has not arrived, then be sure to write to the seller and simply extend the period.

    Tell him that there is still no parcel. Any store is interested in making the buyer happy, so in the order details, select “Request for extension of protection period” so that the seller increases the counter.

    If the seller tries in every possible way to refuse to extend the protection period, then immediately open a dispute, as you may have encountered a scammer.

    Opening a dispute on Aliexpress

    Read more about how to open and conduct a dispute.

    What happens if the buyer protection period on Aliexpress has expired?

    If you forgot about the timer and it expired, you can always write a complaint to the seller.

    • Find the tab at the top of the site "Help"

    • Next select "Submit a complaint"

    • You are given two options to choose from: on the left you are asked to open a dispute, and on the right you are asked to write a complaint
    • We choose the second option
    • Next, you need to fill out the complaint form and submit it for consideration.

    Read more about how to file a complaint against a seller.

    Where can I see the buyer protection period on Aliexpress?

    If you want to see how much time is left before the order protection period ends:

    • Open "My Aliexpress"

    My Aliexpress

    • Next go to "My orders"
    • Next to the order you need, click

    • A window will open with detailed order details, where the protection period is indicated.

    Video: AliexpressProtection buyer

    If you are running out of order protection on Aliexpress, don’t panic, but don’t leave things to chance. In order not to bite your elbows later, take a few simple steps with which you can extend the protection of your order.

    Why is the parcel delayed?

    Protection is the only way to defend your rights and the opportunity to return the money spent if there is something wrong with the order. If it expires, you must take action to extend it.

    The parcel may be delayed for several reasons:

    • the seller indicated fast speed delivery (intentional or unintentional);
    • The delivery time coincided with holidays and weekends (the post office was closed).

    The seller may indicate a short delivery time due to inexperience or intentionally. Many scammers do this. It is necessary to monitor the protection period so as not to lose money.

    Contact the seller

    Use the track number to track the location of your order. If you have any doubts that the package will arrive on time, act. If order protection on Aliexpress is running out, and you don’t know what to do, then write to the seller. Contact him and ask for an extension of delivery time. If the delay in the parcel is due to the work of the post office, the seller will extend the deadline without any problems.

    To write to the seller, you need to go to your account and open “My Orders”. Select the package for which protection expires and write a message to the seller. You can also use special form. The advantage of this form is that it automatically transforms the message into English.

    Actions must be taken to extend protection no later than 5-7 days in advance. Otherwise, you risk being left without money.

    Opening a dispute

    If the seller does not get in touch or the matter does not move forward, you must open a dispute. In most cases, after this action, sellers announce themselves and extend delivery. But there are other situations when the other side in a dispute persuades you to close it in exchange for some promises.

    You should not do this, because this could leave you without goods and without money. If the party selling the product does not take any action, turn the dispute into a claim, demand a parcel or a refund, and assert your rights.

    In most cases, when a dispute is opened, the defense time is frozen, that is, stopped until all issues are resolved. Escalate the dispute if there is very little time left before the protection expires and the order has not been delivered. Be sure to pay attention to the amount of compensation.

    What can't you do?

    If your order protection on Aliexpress is running out, you should know what you can do and what you can’t do. If the parcel is delayed, the order cannot be accepted. Otherwise, the chances of getting your money back if the goods are unavailable will be zero.

    If a dispute is open, you should not buy into the seller’s promises and abandon the dispute. Keep it open until you receive the goods. Otherwise, you may be left with nothing. Please note that the delivery time for orders for Russia is no more than 90 days.

    Close the dispute in the following situations:

    • you received the parcel, checked the goods and you were satisfied with everything;
    • you have reached an agreement with the seller to extend order protection;
    • your funds have been returned.

    Remember that the expiration of protection may occur due to the fault of the post office or the seller. You can protect your rights if you ask for its extension or. If such a situation arises, do not leave it to chance.

    P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, if you save, you earn it!

    With this I want to say goodbye to you, happy shopping everyone!

    Protection of an order on Aliexpress is the ability to open a dispute and demand a refund of all or part of the money paid. This feature has a time limit. That is, you can open a dispute only for some time after you place and pay for your order. We didn’t have time to open a dispute, the protection period has expired and that’s it - the dispute can no longer be opened and the money cannot be returned. Fortunately The order protection period can be extended.

    Since 2016, most products have the opportunity to open a dispute within 15 days after order completion. Even if the order was completed due to the expiration of the protection period. Take advantage of this.

    Typically, the protection period is equal to the guaranteed delivery period specified in the lot. However, sometimes sellers underestimate the guaranteed delivery time in the lot in order to attract the buyer, and during shipment they set a maximum protection period in order to keep the buyer from opening a dispute soon.

    But it also happens the other way around. When the seller sets a minimum guaranteed delivery period, and then sets a short protection period. This is often a sign of a scammer. The expectation here is that you will miss the expiration of the protection period due to its short duration.

    Why extend order protection on Aliexpress?

    It would seem that the goods did not arrive on time - I opened a dispute and received my money back. After all, Aliexpress "". In fact, this guarantee comes with several caveats. In particular, if the delay in delivery of the goods was not due to the fault of the seller or Aliexpress, then no one will rush to return your money.

    Especially if the order track is tracked and is heading your way, albeit slowly, in violation of deadlines. One can argue how honest it is on the part of Aliexpress (first to promise, and then not to fulfill promises), but in objective reality it is often better to extend order protection than to mess up in a dispute.

    If, after opening a dispute, the seller suddenly extends the protection, then you can cancel the dispute and continue to wait. Typically, after opening a dispute, sellers are more active than when requesting an extension.

    Is it possible to extend protection after it has expired?

    No, you can't.

    It happens that you open a dispute after completing the order (during those same 15 days), when the protection has expired and then the seller comes and says cancel the dispute, and I will extend the protection. Do not agree under any circumstances. This is deception. The seller cannot extend protection that has already expired.

    In conclusion

    Order protection is your only way to save your money if... will be sent by parcel something is wrong. Don’t be lazy to check the protection period at least once a week. Do not forget that the protection period may be automatically reduced in some cases. Better to be safe, as they say.

    When shopping online, trust in the online store is, of course, important. Many users are concerned about questions such as security Aliexpress And buyer protection. We can immediately make a reservation - at the mentioned store these aspects have been worked out thoroughly. top level. But first things first.

    Despite all the authority of Aliexpress, the safety of purchases on this site still depends on the “human factor”. What do you mean? And the fact is that there are thousands of sellers on this Internet site, and some of them may not be as honest and responsible as we would like. Therefore, in order to increase Aliexpress security in terms of purchases made, a system was introduced seller ratings.

    Seller rating on Aliexpress

    You can find out about the seller directly in the product card:

    To learn more about the Seller’s rating, you can click on the number next to the “medals” or on the number about the percentage of reviews: A page will open - the Seller’s card, on which you can find out how other users rated it (read comments), how many buyers added it to “Favorites” when the seller started working on Aliexpress.

    It is clear that sometimes a low-rated seller can have much more favorable prices(for example, if he has just started working on the Aliexpress site and works “for reputation” and attracting customers), but, nevertheless, you should think about whether the risk of non-delivery or receiving a low-quality product is worth it.

    It makes sense to check the “responsiveness” of the seller before purchasing the product you like. To do this, you can use the “Send message” link directly in the product card, for example, to clarify some details about a potential order. The speed (and availability) of receiving a response will be a good indicator that the seller will be available when situations arise related to buyer protection on Aliexpress.

    Security Aliexpress: basic guarantees

    You should know that the security of Aliexpress is ensured by the basic guarantees of the online store: timely delivery And return guarantee.

    The maximum possible delivery time to a buyer in Russia from the moment of dispatch to receipt in hand is 90 days. Violation of this deadline guarantees a refund of 100% of the order price. But there are a number of nuances in which the delivery guarantee is canceled - you need to know and keep them in mind:

    1. Non-delivery of goods due to the incorrectness of the address specified by the Buyer removes responsibility from the Seller;
    2. Force majeure has arisen: a delay by customs (the goods did not pass control), a disaster has occurred - a refund of the full cost is cancelled.
    3. If somehow the Buyer manages to pay the Seller directly (bypassing the Aliexpress payment system). In this case, there is simply no “arbiter” capable of intervening in the situation.

    The Seller will receive money sent by the Buyer only if there is confirmation of delivery by the Buyer, or after the delivery period specified in the order has expired (without confirmation by the Buyer), so in most cases he himself is interested in ensuring that the goods are delivered.

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    Returns, extension of buyer protection on Aliexpress and opening a dispute

    You can, for example, agree to extend the delivery period, discuss what the return conditions will be. Often, sellers, trying to maintain customer loyalty, take into account the buyer’s requests. In return, they may ask, for example, to give a good rating and write a review :)

    Buyer Protection Period on Aliexpress can be increased: this is done using an extension request. You just need to click on the link of the same name in the order tracking menu. This works, of course, provided that the current “Protection” has not yet come to an end.

    If the correspondence does not lead to the desired results, the extension of “Buyer Protection” is inappropriate in the situation that has arisen, or the buyer simply does not want to “bother” with communicating with the seller, he can use the Aliexpress tool called “dispute”. Those. To request a refund, the buyer opens a dispute in which he conducts a discussion with the seller. This is a more formal procedure that the Seller simply cannot ignore (unlike messages), and to which the Aliexpress dispute resolution team can be involved at a certain stage.

    Let us once again voice the “reasons” for opening a dispute on Aliexpress:

    1. The delivery did not arrive within the specified period (the maximum time interval from the moment of confirmation of dispatch is 120 days);
    2. The received product is inappropriate/unsatisfactory;

    In the website interface, this Aliexpress buyer protection tool is located in the “My Orders” menu. To the right of each order item there will be an “Open dispute” option.

    In the form that opens, you will need to indicate the reasons for opening a dispute, options for resolving it acceptable to the Buyer (full/partial refund of payment, whether the goods will be returned or remain with the recipient), and write a more or less detailed comment on the situation that has arisen.

    There are specific time frames for opening a dispute in Aliexpress: it can be opened no earlier than 5 days from the moment the Seller confirms the shipment and no later than 15 days from the date the order is closed (expiration of the delivery period). The last rule is especially important to consider. Those. You can’t just pay for the order and “fill in”: anyway, from time to time the process and delivery time need to be monitored so that in case of an undesirable scenario, you won’t be left with nothing.

    Time tracking is carried out in the “Order Data”, stage “Delivery”:

    Because "Dispute" is an official security mechanism on Aliexpress, there are strict conditions for it:

    • The seller must “respond” to an open dispute within five days;
    • the absence of a “reaction” from the Seller is clearly regarded in favor of the Buyer, and the latter is returned the requested amount;
    • If the measures proposed by the Seller do not suit the Buyer, then the dispute may be transferred to the level of resolution by its Aliexpress team.
    • automatic escalation of the dispute to the level of involving “arbitrators” from Aliexpress occurs if the correspondence with the Seller lasted for 15 days and the parties did not come to an agreement that suits both, and also if it was indicated that the delivery period has expired, and the order is still “in hand” and didn't turn out to be.

    When a dispute is raised, the buyer needs to be “in touch”: check his email, his Aliexpress account: requests may be received additional information(for example, they will be asked to attach a photo of a low-quality product), as well as notifications about the results of the dispute.

    Thus, Aliexpress security is built on a combination of two components:

    • a well-thought-out system for providing basic guarantees: Aliexpress buyer protection, a tool called “dispute”, engaging a dispute resolution team;
    • competent and attentive actions of the buyer: analysis of the Seller’s rating, guarantees provided by him, order tracking, readiness to communicate with the seller (both simply in “Messages” and in the process of opening a dispute on Aliexpress), willingness to present evidence of his innocence (in cases of receiving improper product) and defend it.
    1. — an overview of the most pressing issues that a buyer may encounter when paying for an order;
    2. - really useful article about alternative bank card payment methods that you may not have known about.

    If the article was useful to you, or, on the contrary, you found it not comprehensive enough, or maybe you just have “something to say,” or you need answers to other questions related to Aliexpress, do not hesitate to voice them in the comments! We will know what interests you, and you, accordingly, will receive the necessary information.

    Dear readers, have a nice and trouble-free online shopping! 🙂

    Article Buyer protection on Aliexpress: how to prevent to the cunning Chinese deceive yourself was modified: July 4th, 2018 by Netobserver