• How to order a trust payment on Beeline. Additional services of Beeline. Methods for connecting to the “Promised Payment” service

    Beeline provides customers with a convenient service called “Promised Payment”. It is not uncommon when a client does not calculate the balance possibilities and is left without a penny in his current account.

    What if for some reason you cannot top up your account quickly, but you need to call? For such cases, Beeline offers a convenient service that allows you to receive a certain amount on your balance.

    If there is no money in the account, Beeline subscribers can ask for a loan. If the client's history is positive, the balance will be replenished instantly. The amount provided by the company is determined depending on the subscriber’s average expenditure on communication services made over a certain period.

    A subscriber who wants to ask for a loan of money needs to dial a simple combination: *141*7# and press the call button. Funds are credited to your balance quickly, and the money is stored in the account for three days. During this time, the subscriber may not have time to use all the funds - they expire at the end of the term. The subscriber will be able to use communication services after he pays the previous debt.

    How to use the “Promised payment” service on Beeline

    After recruiting a special command cash will be on the account. Now the subscriber can use them at his discretion for communication services. The service is paid. Upon connection, its payment is automatically included in the cost of the debt and must be paid within three days.

    How to take a trust payment on Beeline

    Dial the command *141*7# on the keyboard of your smartphone and activate it by pressing the call button. The amount will be credited to your account and will remain there for three days. If funds received in the form of a promised payment are not used, they will disappear from the account when the three-day period expires.

    Under what conditions?

    The amount that the operator will send to the client’s account is determined individually. When calculating it, expenses incurred over the last three months of using communications will be taken into account. Minimum upon request you can get 50 rubles. It is provided provided that the subscriber has spent at least 100 rubles per month on communications in the previous 90 days. Largest amount trust payment is 450 rubles. If you spend less than 50 rubles on communication services monthly, the service is not available.

    Is it possible to take the promised payment while roaming?

    The same conditions apply to subscribers located abroad. You can order “Promised Payment” while roaming so as not to lose the opportunity to communicate.

    Available size of Beeline trust payment

    The Beeline operator tries to make the service as convenient as possible for customers to use. You will be able at any time to find out not only the account balance, but also receive other information necessary to control expenses. To find out information about the available trust payment amount, dial *141*7#. Press the call button. Information about the available payment amount will be immediately available for review.

    What could be the amount of the “promised payment”

    The amount that the Beeline operator can lend will be from 50 to 450 rubles, depending on the subscriber’s expenses. The option will not be available if the subscriber does not spend more than 50 rubles on communication services in one month.

    The money will remain in the account for three days. During this period, the subscriber is asked to top up the account, otherwise the funds will be debited at the end of the period and a negative balance will appear on the account. The SIM card is blocked until the money is credited to the account. The replenishment amount must be greater than the outstanding amount.

    You can use this type of service as many times as you want. But next activation it becomes available only after the previous debt has been repaid and a day has passed from that moment.

    How to take the promised payment on Beeline

    To receive funds for making calls or using other services, you can use the USSD command. This is the simplest and effective way. Dial *141# and then press the call button on your phone. In a few seconds, your phone will be topped up with the amount provided by the operator within the framework determined by the service rules.

    You can connect to this service by visiting the official website of your communication provider. Register in the self-service system and get the opportunity to log into your Beeline personal account. In the service management section there is a special tab to open the possibility of receiving a trust payment.

    You can also take advantage of the opportunity to make a call to contact center for Beeline clients. But we must admit that this method is one of the least popular, since such calls take a lot of time. It is much easier to use your personal account or a special team.

    Beeline subscribers are also given the option of connecting automatic promised payments. It is relevant for those subscribers who are forgetful. To stay in touch, even if you forget to top up your personal account on time, you can activate the auto-payment service. In this case, the subscriber has the opportunity to receive a loan for communication services in automatic mode. The service will be activated if there are less than 50 rubles left on the balance. The conditions remain the same as for a regular trust payment.

    Terms of promised payment

    For subscribers who have been using the number for less than two months, the service is not available. This is a mandatory restriction for all subscribers - it is provided in order to get to know them better before granting the right to use borrowed funds.

    Ways to receive funds

    1. It is possible to receive the promised payment on Beeline using the USSD command. To do this, dial the combination *141# on the keyboard and press call. You can first find out the amount possible to be credited to your account by entering the command *141*7#.
    2. Call the contact center. Calling a Beeline operator is a fairly time-consuming method, but if using commands is difficult, you can use this. At the subscriber's request, the operator will top up the personal account.
    3. When you visit your personal account on the Beeline website, on the tab with the “Trust payment” option, you can top up your account with credit funds.

    Those who are connected to a tariff plan called “Welcome” or to one of the tariffs included in the Beeline World package will be provided trust payment in the amount of 60 rubles. You will need to pay an additional 15 rubles for activation. It becomes possible to pay the cost of calls after the main part of the debt is paid.

    As balance approaches personal account to zero, Beeline subscribers can borrow money from the operator; to do this, they just need to activate the “Trust Payment” service. Money transferred instantly to the loan will allow you to always stay in touch even if it is impossible to top up your phone account.

    Description, conditions and limitations of the “Trust payment” service

    The size of the trust payment, the timing of its receipt, as well as other requirements and restrictions vary depending on the payment system used by the subscriber tariff plan and the amount of monthly expenses. Let's look at the main features:

    1) Tariffs with or without daily subscription fee

    You can only take the promised payment for up to 5 days, with only two conditions:

    • The subscriber must use the services for 2 months.
    • Average monthly expenses for mobile communications should exceed 50 rubles.

    The amount of the promised payment is directly dependent on the client’s monthly expenses and can vary from 30 to 500 rubles. The more you spend on communications, the greater the amount you can expect.

    You can receive a trust payment, the amount of which does not exceed 30 rubles, for free, but above that you will be charged up to 20 rubles.

    2) Tariffs that provide for monthly subscription fees

    You can activate the promised payment only in an amount not exceeding the subscription fee. To connect, two prerequisites must also be met:

    • The subscriber must use Beeline communications for 3 months.
    • The total amount of monthly expenses must be 200 rubles or more.

    The cost of the promised payment in this case directly depends on the loan amount. The more a subscriber borrows, the higher the commission will need to be paid.

    They also allow the opportunity to use Beeline trust payment. In this case, it will be equal to the size of the subscription fee increased by 1 ruble.

    Trust payment can be used on modems and when the subscriber is roaming in accordance with the conditions and restrictions specified above.

    How to take a trust payment on Beeline?

    The promised payment can only be taken if the balance is positive, that is, it is impossible to use the service if the number has already been blocked for non-payment. To connect a trust payment, enter the command*141# “call” . The specified USSD request is relevant regardless of the connected tariff. You can also use it to receive a trust payment on a modem or when roaming.

    Upon expiration of the period for providing the trust payment, the subscriber must deposit the amount of funds provided, taking into account the commission, otherwise the number will be blocked.

    To check the amount within which a trust payment can be charged from Beeline you need to send a USSD request *141*7# “call”. The response message will indicate the amount of its maximum size.

    It is impossible to cancel a trust payment provided as a loan; the commission will be written off in any case when it is connected. You can disable replenishment of your balance using the promised payment and prohibit the activation of the service at sales offices or by contacting subscriber service by calling 0611.

    Today, many people using cellular services do not count the minutes, since they have become incredibly cheap. Well, thanks modern tariffs Beeline allows you to communicate unlimitedly throughout Russia. But often, at the most crucial moments, all funds in the account run out, and there are no ATMs or offices for replenishment nearby, so you urgently need to take the promised payment on Beeline.

    Such situations do not happen as rarely as many people think. Therefore, for such cases, special services have been developed that allow you to receive additional funds to your account without cash desks and terminals.

    How to top up your account on Beeline

    To borrow money when using this mobile operator, you need to dial *141# ok. You can use your phone book and save this command in it. This way, the next time you need to borrow money, you won’t have to remember it.

    Important! It must be remembered that, depending on the available amount, from 0 to 50 rubles will be debited from the subscriber’s number for activating this service.

    Therefore, if there is a minus, you cannot order it. But at the same time subscription fee absent. If you want to turn on the service a second time, you must first pay off the debt. According to the conditions, you do not need to give money later than in three days.

    Terms of service

    However, you can set a ban on connecting this service. It's easy to do. Call 0611. This is the Beeline support center number. You can activate and configure the service again by calling the same number. Or just contact the company office.

    Beeline: how to take a Trust payment on the Internet

    Beeline also provides the opportunity to take the promised payment as a trust payment for your home Internet. This service is of a similar type. Thus, with a small balance, you can quickly request a loan of a certain amount so that the Internet does not turn off. This is convenient if at the moment It is inconvenient to top up your internet balance. Therefore, it is not necessary to refuse the company’s services if it is currently impossible to top up your Internet bill.

    However, this service, like any other, is only available if the user meets and adheres to certain conditions.

    1. The user must initially use an unlimited tariff.
    2. The account balance should be too small, namely insufficient for the Internet to work for another month.
    3. There should be no more than seven days left before the shutdown.
    4. If you missed replenishing your account, then no more than a month should pass after the miss.

    Read also "Promised payment" on Motive: terms of service

    The trust payment amount is credited to the account on the day of withdrawal and debited. The client can use the Internet for the agreed time. To use the service from this operator, you need to dial 141#. But such a loan is provided for a fee. Each time you use the service you must pay 15 rubles. Moreover, they are automatically written off before the loan is received. The convenient thing is that the money is transferred in a matter of minutes. But in this case it is impossible to take the promised payment on Beeline with a minus.

    Trust payment can be disabled. After all, there have been cases when this service was activated accidentally. However, there is no USSD command for this. You need to visit one of the salons yourself with your ID. Or call hotline 0611. You can activate it in the same way. So, we have already found out that a service such as trust payment does not require additional connection. Although you can turn it off if you wish. And the subscriber receives access to the service only if he spends at least 50 rubles per month on the operator’s services. But there is one nuance here too. Subscription fees are not included here. So, get a trusted advance on the body

    background can be done in the following ways:

    • Dial and send the command *141#.
    • This can also be done online using the official Beeline website. To do this, you need to go to your personal account, then to the “Service Management” section.
    • Also available special system utility"My Beeline." You can receive money through the “All services” item, which is located in the menu.

    And the easiest way for many is to contact the support service directly.

    Many people forget all the numbers and codes that need to be entered, especially if they find themselves in an emergency situation. Therefore, they enable automatic trust payment. This means that every time zero balance, a certain amount will be automatically credited to the subscriber's account free of charge as the promised payment. When registering for an automatic service, Beeline users in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan will not have to constantly ask the operator to deposit money into their account if the balance is negative.

    Among the operators mobile communications Beeline is one of the leaders. A wide variety of tariffs and services, all kinds of bonus cards, constant expansion of coverage area, uninterrupted reception - all this sounds very tempting to consumers and the number of subscribers is constantly growing.

    Telephone communication should not only be convenient, but also uninterrupted. And this condition is possible only if the user has funds on his balance sheet.

    According to Murphy's Law, the money in your phone account runs out exactly at the moment when you urgently need to make a very important call. It is for such losers that the “Trust Payment” service exists.

    One has only to dial a simple command *141# call, and the subscriber has the opportunity to borrow a certain amount and top up the balance of his number. This amount is not unlimited: an active user who spent on cellular communication 3000 rubles during the quarter, can receive 300 rubles.

    The trust payment is calculated from the total payments for the quarter. To find out your money limit, just send the command *141*7#.

    You need to know that the mobile operator only takes into account the costs of telephone conversations and SMS messages, additional services are not taken into account.

    Loan terms

    The “Trust payment” service does not require additional connection, it is available to all users, but only if several conditions are met:

    • the subscriber's account must have funds in the amount of the permissible limit;
    • within a month it is necessary to spend more than 50 rubles on telephone communications;
    • you must be a Beeline subscriber for more than 2 months;
    • there is a commission that equals 20 rubles for any amount deposited;
    • your debt for the promised payment can be liquidated earlier than the specified period, and a new request becomes possible;
    • The negative balance should not be more than 100 rubles.

    How to take a “Trust Payment” on Beeline, watch this video:

    Is it possible to order a loan in international roaming?

    While abroad, the subscriber can definitely count on a loan of up to 200 rubles, provided that he spent on phone calls and SMS messages from 100 to 400 rubles; if the costs were more than 400 rubles, a loan will be provided in the amount of 500 rubles.

    Beeline offers a service to its clients and how to do this, read the link.

    The table provides some data on the amounts of the “Trust payment” for subscribers who are in international roaming:

    Beeline also provides private services to subscribers in international roaming, which can be viewed by calling 0611, 8-800-700-0611 and +7-495-974-88-88.

    How to activate the service automatically

    To be able to call at any time of the day or night and anywhere, Beeline offers to connect to “Auto-Trust Payment”.

    To activate the service, the user:

    • sends the command *141# from the phone;
    • enters your username and password;
    • opens your personal account, section “Service Management”;
    • through system program“My Beeline” selects the “All services” menu.

    Read the article on how to pay fines online quickly and without problems.

    Connecting to “Autopayment” is free, but the subscription fee is 75 kopecks per day. Despite the visible advantages of Autopayment, the system is not perfect, although these disadvantages are not so significant:

    • paid connection options;
    • the money can only be used within three days;
    • You must have a minimum account balance of 60 rubles.

    Additional benefits of “Trust payment”

    You can pay for the Internet using advance payments, although this service becomes available after 2 months from the date of signing the contract. To activate the option, you must visit “ Personal account", open the section " Home Internet and TV" and then watch the system tips.

    This service has its own nuances, unlike charges to a mobile phone account:

    • funds arrive in the account on the day the billing period ends;
    • Advance is provided only for 7 days;
    • It is permissible to repay the debt in installments.

    How to disable paid services, this video will tell:

    How to cancel or block the “Promised Payment” service

    It is possible that a punctual and attentive person does not need advance services, but there are fears that children or elderly relatives will use the phone and by their actions will introduce you into unforeseen expenses.

    You can find out more about this by clicking on the link.

    This situation can be easily resolved: call the support center at 0611 or contact the Beeline office and set a ban on the “Trust Payment” service; you will only be required to provide your passport information.

    But if the subscriber wants to lift the ban, then a visit to the service office will be necessary; it is impossible to cancel this option over the phone.

    Additional Beeline services

    Beeline provides its customers with a unique opportunity to make calls even with a zero balance. There are often situations when you urgently need to make a call, but there is not a penny in your account, and at the same time there are difficulties with replenishment. To always stay in touch, regardless of your account status, you need to activate the “Promised Payment” service.

    Service "Trust payment"

    Subscribers who have connected to this option, if there are no funds in their account, can borrow from the mobile operator. Moreover, the balance is replenished almost instantly. The amount that can be borrowed depends on average expenses over the last three-month period.

    To borrow money from Beeline *141#

    Features of the service

    The maximum loan amount is 450 rubles. But it is available only to those subscribers who spend on mobile services over 3 thousand rubles. per month. If monthly debits from the account do not exceed 100 rubles, then you can only count on 50 rubles. "Trust payment". And if monthly expenses for communication do not reach 50 rubles, then this option is not available at all.

    After activation, the service is valid for three days. If the funds received on loan were not used within the framework of the “Promised Payment”, then they are lost. In addition, the balance must be replenished within three days, and the replenishment amount must be greater than the amount of the debt. Otherwise, a negative balance will form, and the SIM card will be temporarily blocked and unlocked only after a sufficient amount has been credited to the account.

    Subscribers who use packages from the “Beeline World” or “Welcome” line are provided with a “Promised payment” in the amount of 60 rubles.

    This service can be used an infinite number of times, but each subsequent activation is possible only one day after the debt is repaid.

    Available size of Beeline trust payment

    In order to find out the amount of available trust payment, you need to dial the combination *141*7# and click on the call key. In the table you can see the approximate limits for specific cases.

    For subscribers located within their region

    For subscribers located abroad

    Conditions for providing a trust payment

    This paid option, upon activation of which 15 rubles are withheld each time, there is no charge for subscriber services.

    Money lent can be used for 3 days, after which the amount borrowed from the mobile operator is automatically debited from the balance. Early repayment of the debt is provided, after which you can again use the “Promised payment” service.

    This service available if:

    • The balance of money on the balance sheet does not exceed the established limits;
    • Average expenses for the previous three months are not less than 50 rubles;
    • The subscriber has been a Beeline client for two or more months.

    How to take a trust payment on Beeline?

    To borrow money you need to dial a combination *141# and click on the call key. The answer will come almost immediately.

    To find out the exact amount available when activating the "Trust Payment" service, you need to dial the combination *141*7# and click on the call key.

    If you wish, you can disable connection to this option by calling back short number. If you need to use the “Promised Payment” again, you need to cancel the ban. In this case, you should call the technical support service or contact the mobile operator branch; you need to have your passport with you.