• How to find out what's wrong with an MTS phone number. How to find out my MTS number: command, SMS and personal account

    When concluding a new contract, each user is assigned a specific phone number or even several. But unpleasant situations arise when the subscriber suddenly finds out that his passport data also has other contracts attached to it. Often such knowledge comes only after certain troubles and after the appearance of debts. Today we will try to solve this problem and help you find out which numbers cell phones registered in my name with MTS (we already told you earlier).

    How “Left Numbers” Appear

    Almost every service consumer can encounter such troubles. mobile communications. In most cases, scammers act in these ways in search of profit. Check to see if you also have a foreign number. This issue should not be put aside, because in the future collectors or bank employees may call you and demand that you repay the debt. If your phone number is also registered to another user, then he can gain access to all your accounts in social networks and other applications, network wallets, personal data, as well as bank accounts.

    Now let's look at the main reasons why such an unpleasant situation can happen and how to avoid getting hooked:

    1. Treat your passport data carefully and responsibly. Do not provide them to unverified and suspicious persons. Moreover, do not register personal information on various resources on the Internet. Fraudsters can easily take advantage of this to commit illegal actions.
    2. If you have lost your SIM card or it has been stolen, do not forget to block it so that it cannot be used without your knowledge. Even if you purchased a new SIM card, the old one must be disconnected from service. Otherwise she will be removed cash by the provider itself for 180 days.
    3. Buy products only in the official service and sales stores of the provider.
    4. The situation sometimes does not depend on the consumer. There are unscrupulous employees, sellers and company managers who, for personal purposes, enter into several contracts with your phone number in order to exceed the monthly sales quota.
    5. Do not give your card to third parties, relatives or friends.

    The worst thing that can happen is that they will spend all the money on the SIM card issued to you and take out loans. As a result, significant bills will arrive at your address. The situation may escalate to litigation. Therefore, everyone should know ways to check their mobile number details.

    Unfortunately, you will not receive any notice or notice that a new contract has been registered with your personal data. Often they find out about this too late, when they have to pay off the debts.

    Getting information

    No one is protected from such problems and fraud, so you need to know how many other contracts are registered in your name and how to check your data. There are many ways to solve this issue. Have you given the SIM card into the wrong hands or to relatives? Have there been cases of theft or loss? mobile device. If the number registered to you is currently in use by your loved ones, ask them to transfer it to a new user. To do this, just visit any service department together and provide your passports. Write an application in the prescribed form and sign a new agreement. Below we will look at methods that will help you find out your numbers on MTS.

    In MTS showrooms

    On the official MTS website, find communication stores in your locality and select the closest one to you. Now the MTS company has its own showrooms in every city, region and region. To clarify information about your registered number, you will have to visit one of them in person. Ask a consultant or free manager to provide you with a list of contracts concluded in your name. To do this you will need to provide your passport. After that, they will dictate or print out all the phone numbers registered to you. If you find something wrong, specialists will offer you a list of further actions.

    Attention! Consultation is free.

    Through your personal account

    One of the most effective ways- this is to use the Internet assistant. A web space has been implemented for all subscribers of the provider - a personal account. This service is a set of tools for managing the characteristics of an established tariff plan and SIM card. To enter it, you must provide your contact information and confirm that you are a client of the company.

    If you have successfully logged into your personal account, you will be greeted by the main window. All basic information about the contract and the balance of the consumer’s personal account is displayed here, as well as the name and surname to whom the number is registered. Check to see if everything is correct. After initialization, perform the following actions:

    If something goes wrong and the list is not displayed, you can order details for your email. On the same page, enter your details mailbox and click on the send button. But what to do if the initials in your personal account are not yours? Contact the service for advice technical assistance or contact your nearest service department. When purchasing without concluding a contract, it is advisable to purchase a SIM card according to all the rules and assign it to yourself.

    How to get rid of extra numbers

    Once you have determined that the unknown numbers. You should contact the operator's service center in your city for help. Explain the current situation to the manager. Write a statement of refusal from third-party telephone contracts. You, of course, can find a subscriber who uses communication services on your behalf and agree with him on re-registration, but this is practically impossible. If other cards have a certain cash balance, feel free to transfer it to your main SIM on MTS. It doesn’t matter who is currently using it, delete the contracts.

    Attention! You can find the application form on the company’s page and fill it out in advance at home.

    For any problems that arise, you can consult with specialists by calling 0890 at any time of the day, or fill out the form feedback on official page provider.

    Control your SIM cards, do not throw them away after use, and use the tips from the article. To avoid getting into trouble, check your numbers periodically.

    Without knowing your own SIM card number, it is impossible to even top up your account, so subscribers are required to remember these numbers. If they turn out to be unknown, you should find out how to find out your MTS number on your phone; the combination with which you can get the required data should always be at hand. Additionally, you can use the following options:

    • SMS message;
    • personal account;
    • by calling the operator;
    • voice menu;
    • application;
    • visit to the office.

    How to find out the MTS phone number from your personal account?

    The easiest way to clarify your mobile phone number is to study the information in the documents received upon connection. The number must be included in the contract.

    Additionally, you can find out the necessary numbers by contacting the service office. Employees working here will be able to determine the necessary numbers by personal account or passport data of the subscriber who applied.

    How to find out your MTS phone number: command

    The next way to obtain the necessary information is to send a USSD request. To check your phone, you will need to dial *111*0887# and press the call key. The response to the dialed command will be received instantly, and the owner of the SIM card will only have to write down the received numbers so that later he will always be nearby.

    How to find out your phone number on MTS via SMS

    Receiving a mobile phone via SMS is no different. To use this approach, you will need to write and send short message with the short combination 111. In the message recipient field you must enter service number 0887. The SIM card number will be sent via SMS a few moments later.

    By calling the number

    In situations where it is inconvenient to find out my MTS number by command or message, users should use the voice menu. To do this, dial 0887 and follow the system prompts. Calls on this service number in Russia are free, and the main negative side of this approach is the time it takes to respond.

    Using the app

    A great way to watch mobile is to use official application operator.

    To clarify the combination, you will have to enter the “My MTS” application and look at the information offered to users here. The numbers that allow loved ones to contact the owner of the SIM card will appear in the most convenient and visible place where they cannot be missed.

    By calling the operator

    The most difficult and difficult situations should be resolved by calling the support operator. Specialists contact center They will instantly tell the caller their phone number and answer any questions the client may have. You can contact the operator at 88002500890.

    Even if the SIM card in a mobile phone has been installed for a long time and has not been changed, the set of numbers on its memory can be erased from memory due to a banal fact: we never call ourselves. But circumstances have arisen in which you need to give your phone number. You are already saying: “Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, call me...”. And then - stupor.

    Or you need to register on some website, or get a credit/payment card, or... You never know such situations! It seems like it's about to come to mind desired combination, but time may even pass without you remembering it.

    How can you recall your forgotten phone number?

    In such cases, the easiest way to find out your MTS number is using a proven method. Contact a loved one with a request to look at your phone number on his phone and reset it as an SMS. This is the first answer to the question of how to find out your MTS phone number. It's quite simple, but not flawless. A possible interlocutor may simply be busy at this time. What if he doesn’t have money in his account? And how to find out your MTS number if there is no money in your account?

    There are several options for determining your number, even if there is no money on your balance:

    Regarding new mobile communications, modern gadgets, then the question of how to find out your MTS is irrelevant for them: the information is already available in the settings, in the “ Cellular connection", "My phone", etc., even if the card is blocked.

    It's time to draw conclusions. In order not to think in the future about how to find out your number on MTS, how to check yours on the card, add it at least to the general, entire list of contacts. Then you can always look at the number and report it where you need it. Additional check will never be needed again.

    Not every mobile subscriber “keeps in mind” his or her number. mobile phone.

    At the time when I purchased my first mobile phone, I will not describe the model, but for a long time I didn’t even know the number of the SIM card purchased at the communication store. And when friends and relatives asked him to put it in their cell phone, he didn’t know what to answer.

    After some time, I figured out the functions of the phone, various codes remained in my memory for finding out the treasured numbers (phone number), and the number itself was firmly “stuck” in my head.

    Moreover, if one of you recently bought your card, then of course you may not know the numbers from memory. And if you haven’t topped up your account on time, or find yourself in a difficult financial situation, then such a task will seem impossible. It would seem that the first thing that comes to the mind of any phone user is to call someone who is standing next to them, so that the forgotten number will immediately appear on their screen.

    By the way, we also discussed this issue in the previous article, for each of the cellular operators:

    Now, let's talk in more detail about MTS.

    What should you do when you need to find out the MTS number if there is no money in your account or it suddenly runs out?

    First of all, you can use this instruction for each operator (our last one...):

    Instructions on how to find out your number

    At such a moment it seems to you as if this is impossible, a “damn” vicious circle.

    All that remains is to top up your phone account, and how to top it up without knowing the number is another difficult task that can only be solved with the help of one option - a scratch card, the existence of which few people know.

    What is a scratch card and how can it be useful to you?

    A scratch card is a special card made of plastic with a masking stripe on one side. This type of coating helps to hide digital information, PIN code, password, and much more.

    Often such coatings are applied to prepaid cards, and well-known lottery tickets, among them the following can be distinguished:

    • IP telephony cards;
    • bonus cards.
    • cellular cards;
    • Internet cards;

    We will not go into details about the dimensions, parameters, and manufacturing technology, because this is not what you are interested in at all. Although it won’t hurt to have it at all, if you often forget.

    How to find out your MTS number on your phone if you have no money?

    It’s still possible to do this, and it’s not at all difficult. After all, the MTS operator provides such a function. You just need to dial from your own (from forgotten number) phone code 0887 and finally you will find out your “lost” number. After all, it’s easier" steamed turnips! The number you dialed is absolutely free, that is, you will not need to pay anything for such a call, and you can use this function if you have no money in your account.

    Another option is to look in the menu of your phone, it may have such a function. Nowadays phones are oversaturated with all sorts of bells and whistles, some necessary and some not so necessary.

    In short, almost anything is usually on the menu phone book you can find a tab called something like “My Number” or similar. Look, what if you are lucky with a “gadget” and will immediately find what you need.

    If there is none, feel free to dial 0887 and the problem will go away. As you probably noticed, this is not at all a difficult task - without hassle, find out the number of your SIM card connected to the MTS network.

    The next option is to find out your number

    Dial the combination *111*0887# and press call, which will lead to the same result - in response you will receive an SMS with the required information given time, information.

    Keep in mind that for each operator they (the dialed combinations) are individual. Therefore, use the table above.

    One more moment! Find out the number forgotten phone, you can look at the documents from the purchased SIM card, of course, provided that they have been preserved. Usually the phone number is indicated on the plastic card, in which your SIM card was inserted like a “puzzle”, next to all sorts of pins and similar codes, and even in the required agreement, which is always concluded between you and the telecom operator when purchasing a SIM card.

    If the documents are lost, and the SIM card itself is suddenly blocked, do not worry, grab your passport and go to a communication store that is closer to you. Professionals from the MTS office will help you find the information you need about the number in the database they have using passport data.

    Level of development of modern mobile operators, will allow you, without problems and in a short period of time, to remember your phone number and dictate it to the person who would like to know it.

    To help, there are special applications for cell phones based on Android.

    "MTS-Service" - special application created to manage services and tariffs on an existing phone number. Using such an application, you can get the maximum amount of information about your SIM card. The application will even display your account balance, in addition to the phone number assigned to the SIM card. In addition, with the help of this application it is quite possible to change tariff plan(suddenly one of them turned out to be more tempting than the rest), connect or disconnect various services, and generally manage your number at your discretion.

    We will be grateful if you press the social buttons. networks! Thanks in advance...

    You can use the following methods to create your own MTS, some of which are more than simple.

    1. Sending a USSD request *111*0887# from your mobile phone or smartphone, in response to which you will receive a message indicating the MTS number. The service is free and available around the clock, not only in home network, but also outside the region and country.

    2. Call to toll free number 0887. After dialing service team and the call, the autoinformer will dictate the MTS number of the SIM card that is inserted into the phone. This service can only be used within the regional network coverage area.

    3. Call the MTS operator at number 0890, in which case the manager may request some personal data in the form of passport data, code word or home address. If the questions were correct, then the number of the SIM card installed is sent in a message.

    4. Call or send a message to a friend with a request to dictate their phone number or send it via SMS.

    5. Contact the nearest MTS office, for which you must have a passport or other document that confirms your identity. This way you can find out your MTS phone number, but you will not be able to get information about the number registered to another person.

    6. Using the “Internet Assistant” on the official MTS. The phone number can be seen when logging into " Personal account" in the upper right corner.

    If it is not possible to send a request or there is no desire to do this, and the phone number is needed urgently, then you can look it up on the SIM card packaging or in contract documents.

    How to find out the MTS number of your USB modem

    In the control window that opens, click “USSD”, then in the “Select command type” field check “My number”;

    Confirm sending the request and wait for the SMS message, which will indicate the number of the card installed in.

    The second method involves sending an SMS, for which you should follow these simple steps:

    Connect to a computer;

    Launch the Connect Manager utility;

    Send a message to number 111, indicating the combination 0887 in the text part and wait for a response.

    You can send a message to find out your MTS number throughout the country, but in roaming the cost of this service is determined based on the operator’s tariffs.