• System programs for the computer. The role and purpose of system programs

    Many users modern computers very often they encounter system programs, although in some cases they do not even suspect that they are dealing with them. Some people try not to get into the weeds at all, so as not to disrupt the operation of the operating system. It’s probably worth understanding what system programs are, what types system programs known today. Along the way, the question of what they represent in terms of functionality will be considered. But first things first.

    - what is this?

    So, now we will not go into much detail about the intricacies of how system applications work. The average user doesn't need this. Let's consider the main issues related to understanding what system programs are found in general. In addition, it will be possible to learn a little about their classification.

    If we talk in simple language, system programs are designed to communicate between the installed operating system, the hardware components of the computer terminal, applications and the user himself. What does the user have to do with it? Yes, it’s just that the connection between the same operating system and the user is carried out through GUI, with the help of which he can gain access to certain functions embedded in the system itself.

    System program classes

    Today there are quite a lot of classifications of system software. However, basically they can be divided into several classes or groups. First of all, these are system management programs, data processing tools, basic minimum sets for operating the OS and service utilities.

    It goes without saying that each class can be divided further and further. For example, operating system programs are essentially the most common operating systems, of which there are dozens today. The same is observed, say, in service software, where a huge number of various utilities are presented for a variety of purposes (working with hard drives, editing the registry, removing computer “garbage”, uninstalling applications, etc.)


    One of the most important components in any computer system are drivers, which are also system programs. These are small special applications, responsible for the correct functioning of any “hardware” device. Who hasn’t come across the concept of a video card or sound card driver?

    It is the drivers, so to speak, that help the system correctly configure the operation of any component. As a rule, even when purchasing a computer or laptop, the kit always comes with special disk with drivers. This is due to the fact that, depending on the manufacturer, the same Windows operating systems do not always correctly recognize any device, despite the extensive catalog present in their distributions.

    In some Windows cases may install the most appropriate driver, but the device does not work. This is where the installation of original “native” drivers provided by the hardware manufacturer itself comes to the rescue.

    Standard Windows OS programs

    As expected, Windows OS has its own system programs. These are, as a rule, utilities that are available to the user in the main Start menu under All Programs / Administrative Tools, Maintenance and Accessories, and some in the Control Panel. IN standard programs except system utilities there is also minimum set applications required for operation.

    Unfortunately, in terms of system programs, the Windows OS is not particularly different. Most processes are hidden from the user's eyes. This is understandable, because terminating a process or deleting a system service can have catastrophic consequences for the entire system as a whole.

    Some inquisitive users often wonder how to remove a system program. The answer is simple: no way! Built-in system utilities in Windows OS are not removed. Of course, you can delete entries and keys in the registry, but the system will still restore the default values ​​when you reboot. In addition, after removal, it is possible that the OS will not work at all, so it is better not to risk it.


    Optimizers are designed to speed up the operation of the operating system by removing unnecessary computer “garbage”, etc. Windows, of course, has its own tools in the form of the same defragmenter to speed up access to data and launch applications or the system

    However, as practice shows, they are inferior to specialized utilities such as Advanced System Care, CCleaner, Glary Utillities, Windows 7 Manager and many others.


    Working with archives is an integral part of any system. Windows has a built-in WinZIP archiver. It must be said that this is not Microsoft's own development. It was created specifically based on the good old ZIP archive.

    WinRAR, WinZIP, 7-Zip and many others are recognized as the best in this area. Each utility has its own specifics, but in general they work on almost the same principle.

    Additional funds

    There are many more additional categories that include system programs. This includes elements ActiveX controls. The most striking example is Adobe Flash Player is a program for playing streaming video on the Internet. As is already clear, there is nothing like this in the Windows OS itself.

    No less an important component You can name all kinds of sets of codecs and decoders, without which it will be impossible to watch video or play audio. Here the leading position belongs to the set K-Lite Codec Pack.

    Tools for working with documents are in great demand. PDF format or Internet resources containing such data. This is where programs like Adobe Reader. Moreover, such utilities can even be integrated into the system itself and into Internet browsers during the installation process.

    This includes many system programs responsible for accessing the Internet or creating local networks, without which modern world impossible to imagine.


    In principle, we only considered general concepts system programs. In fact, if you dig deeper, you can list them endlessly. It is clear that development computer equipment does not stand still. That is why new classes of system programs arise, which are responsible for completely different areas of work. So we can only guess what they will be like system applications with the emergence of quantum computers...

    The system does not solve specific practical problems, but only ensures the operation of other programs, providing them service functions, abstracting hardware and firmware implementation details computing system, manages the hardware resources of the computing system.

    System programming- creation of a system software.

    System programmer- programmer specializing in system programming.

    Classifying a particular software as a system software is conditional and depends on the conventions used in a specific context. Typically, system software includes operating systems, utilities, programming systems, database management systems, and a wide class of middleware.

    Encyclopedic YouTube

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      ✪ REMOVE PROGRAMS from PC with complete CLEANING ♻️ REVIEW Uninstall Tool


    Operating systems

    Basic Ideas of Operating Systems

    The predecessors of operating systems should be considered utility programs (bootloaders and monitors), as well as libraries of frequently used routines, which began to be developed with the advent of 1st generation universal computers (late 1940s). Utilities minimized the operator’s physical manipulations with the equipment, and the libraries made it possible to avoid repeated programming of the same actions (implementation of input-output operations, calculations mathematical functions etc.).

    Built-in programs

    Built-in programs or firmware are programs “hardwired” into digital electronic devices. In some cases (for example, the BIOS of IBM-PC compatible computers) are essentially part of operating system, stored in permanent memory. Enough simple devices the entire operating system can be embedded. Many modern computer devices have their own firmware that controls these devices and simplifies interaction with them.


    Utilities (eng. utility or tool) - programs designed to solve a narrow range of auxiliary tasks. Sometimes utilities are classified as service software.

    Utilities are used to monitor sensor performance and hardware performance (for example, monitoring CPU or video adapter temperatures), managing hardware parameters (limiting maximum speed rotation of the CD drive; changing the fan rotation speed), monitoring indicators (checking referential integrity; correctness of data recording), expanding capabilities (formatting or repartitioning the disk while saving data, deleting without the possibility of recovery).

    Types of utilities

    • Disk Utilities
      • Disk scanning - searching for files and disk areas that were incorrectly recorded or damaged in various ways and their subsequent removal for efficient use of disk space.
      • Disk Cleanup - deleting temporary files, unnecessary files, cleaning the “basket”.
      • Disk partitioning - dividing the disk into logical drives, which may have different file systems and are perceived by the operating system as several different disks.
      • Backup - creation backup copies entire disks and individual files, as well as recovery from these copies.
      • Disk compression - compression of information on disks to increase the capacity of hard drives.
    • Registry utilities
    • Equipment monitoring utilities
    • Equipment tests

    Programming systems

    • assemblers - computer programs, converting a program in the form of source text in assembly language into machine instructions in the form of object code;
    • translators - programs or technical means, broadcasting the program;
      • compilers - Programs that translate program text into a language high level, into an equivalent machine language program.
      • interpreters - Programs (sometimes hardware) that analyze commands or program statements and immediately execute them;
    • linkers (link editors) - programs that perform linking - take one or more object modules as input and assemble an executable module from them;
    • Source preprocessors are computer programs that accept input data and output data intended for input by another program, such as a compiler;
    • debuggers (eng. debugger) - development environment modules or individual programs, designed to find errors in programs;
    • text editors are computer programs designed to create and change text files, as well as viewing them on the screen, printing them, searching for text fragments, etc.;


    discipline: "Informatics"

    System programs


    1.System software. Concept and functions………………………4

    2. Operating system. Composition and purpose…………………………………...5

    3. Programming systems……………………………………………………..7

    4. Service programs……………………………………………………………8




    Computers are universal devices for information processing. Unlike a telephone, tape recorder or TV, which perform only the functions pre-installed in them, personal computers can perform any information processing actions. To do this, it is necessary to compose an exact and detailed sequence of instructions for the computer in a language it understands, i.e. program on how to process information. The computer itself does not have knowledge in any field of its application; all this knowledge is concentrated in the programs executed on the computer. Therefore, the often used expression “computer made” means exactly that a program was executed on the computer that allowed the corresponding actions to be performed.

    By changing computer programs, you can turn it into workplace almost any specialist, play some game. During their execution, programs can use various devices for input and output of data.

    Thus, to effectively use a computer, you need to know the purpose and properties of the programs required when working with it. The purpose of this test work is the study of system programs.



    Programs running on a computer can be divided into several categories:

    Application programs that directly support the work required by users: editing texts, drawing pictures, processing information arrays;

    Instrumental systems (programming systems that ensure the creation of new programs on a computer);

    System programs that perform various auxiliary functions, for example, creating copies of used information, issuing reference information about the computer, checking the performance of computer devices.

    Thus, software is a set of programs and rules with all related documentation that allows you to use computer to solve various problems. System software – this is a complex software modules, many of which come with your computer.

    According to the functional purpose of system software, three components can be distinguished: operating systems (OS), programming systems and service programs.

    operating system – a set of programs that provide computer management, planning the effective use of its resources and solving problems as specified by users. This system can be considered as a software continuation and expansion of personal computer hardware.

    Programming system – a set of software tools that provide automation of program development and debugging.


    To run any program on a computer, you need at least two resources: RAM(OP) for storing commands and data and a microprocessor (MP) for executing program commands. The specified resources can be provided to the program by the programmer if he manually places commands and data in the OP and enters information into the machine to start the MP. However, this method is not acceptable for large programs, because is very labor-intensive and slow. The computer operating system is designed to free the programmer from painstaking work associated with the distribution of computer resources, managing its equipment and organizing the execution of programs. It can ensure the operation (functioning) of the computer in one of three modes:

    1. Single program mode. In this mode, all computer resources are represented by only one program that processes the data.

    2. Multi-program mode . When a computer operates in multiprogram mode, several programs independent of each other process data simultaneously. In this case, programs share resources among themselves. The basis of the multiprogram mode is the time combination of MP operation and manipulation of peripheral devices. The advantage of the multi-program mode compared to the single-program mode is more efficient use of resources. There are several programs in the computer's RAM at the same time, but at any given time the MP is executing only one.

    3. Multitasking mode. In some cases, it is necessary that the implementation of several programs be coordinated and subordinate to the achievement of one common goal. To do this, the OS must have tools that allow tasks to interact with each other. The operating system in which these tools are implemented ensures functioning in multitasking mode.

    Purpose of the operating system. The main purpose of the OS that ensures the computer operates in any of the described modes is the dynamic distribution of resources and their management in accordance with the requirements of computing processes. A resource is any object that can be distributed by the operating system between computing processes on a computer. There are hardware and software resources. Hardware includes the microprocessor, RAM and peripheral devices; to software resources – available to the user software for managing computing processes and data. The operating system is an intermediary between the computer and the user, analyzes user requests and ensures their implementation.


    A programming system is a set of tools that automate the development and debugging of programs, and includes programming languages, translators from these languages, and libraries of subroutines. Each computer has its own programming language - a machine program language - and can directly execute programs written only in this language. Being a language of numbers, machine language is of little use for programming, because requires a lot of time from the programmer. For this reason, programming languages ​​that do not coincide with machine languages ​​have become widespread. High-level languages ​​include Pascal, C, BASIC, etc. A special role belongs to Assembly languages. As a rule, system programmers use Assembly language.

    A program written in a programming language other than machine must be converted into a form suitable for execution by a computer. This transformation is called translation. A program that converts a source module into an objective program in machine language is called a translator. In addition, translators carry out parsing program that is being broadcast. They can also debug and optimize programs, issue program documentation, and perform a number of other service functions.


    Utility programs expand the capabilities of the OS. They are usually called utilities. Utilities (utilities) - provide the user with auxiliary computer maintenance tools. They perform the necessary software and hardware checks and issue collected information in a convenient visual form. There are individual utilities used to solve one maintenance function, and multifunctional utility kits. Currently, Norton Utilities (Semantec) is often used in DOS and Windows environments.

    Drivers (drivers) are programs that complement operating systems by providing services peripheral devices. Drivers are loaded into the computer's memory when the operating system boots or are installed by controllers. For example, the ru.com keyboard driver switches from the Latin alphabet to the Russian alphabet and back.

    Antiviruses designed to protect data from destruction computer viruses and eliminating the consequences of infection. Among the anti-virus programs, the most popular are AIDSTEST, Dr.Web and Adinf included in the kit of Dialog-Science JSC (I. Danilov), AVP - Anti Viral Toolkit PRO (E. Kaspersky) and Norton AntiVirus (Semantec). Anti-virus programs work on different sets of viruses, and duplication of scanning does not occur, so for reliability they are used together.

    Archivers are used to create a smaller copy of files and combine copies of multiple files into one archive file. By using special information compression methods, they create archive files. Among the large number of well-known archiver programs, ARJ (Robert Jung), WinRar (Eugene Roshal), LH (Haruyasi Yoshizaki), etc. are currently the most commonly used. They differ from each other in the degree of information compression, operating speed and packaging methods.


    Thus, system software is a set of software and language tools. System software is designed to control the operation of a computer, distribute its resources, support dialogue with users, assist them in maintaining the computer, and also to partially automate the development of new programs.


    discipline: "Informatics"

    System programs


    1.System software. Concept and functions………………………4

    2. Operating system. Composition and purpose…………………………………...5

    3. Programming systems……………………………………………………..7

    4. Service programs……………………………………………………………8




    Computers are universal devices for processing information. Unlike a telephone, tape recorder or television, which perform only the functions pre-installed in them, personal computers can perform any information processing actions. To do this, it is necessary to compose an exact and detailed sequence of instructions for the computer in a language it understands, i.e. program on how to process information. The computer itself does not have knowledge in any field of its application; all this knowledge is concentrated in the programs executed on the computer. Therefore, the often used expression “computer made” means exactly that a program was executed on the computer that allowed the corresponding actions to be performed.

    By changing programs for your computer, you can turn it into a workplace for almost any specialist, or play some kind of game. During execution, programs can use various devices for input and output of data.

    Thus, to effectively use a computer, you need to know the purpose and properties of the programs required when working with it. The purpose of this test is to study system programs.



    Programs running on a computer can be divided into several categories:

    Application programs that directly support the work required by users: editing texts, drawing pictures, processing information arrays;

    Instrumental systems (programming systems that ensure the creation of new programs on a computer);

    System programs that perform various auxiliary functions, for example, creating copies of used information, providing help information about the computer, checking the functionality of computer devices.

    Thus, software is a set of programs and rules with all related documentation that allows you to use a computer to solve various problems. System software is a set of software modules, many of which are supplied simultaneously with the computer.

    Based on their functional purpose, system software can be divided into three components: operating systems (OS), programming systems, and service programs.

    operating system – a set of programs that provide computer management, planning the effective use of its resources and solving problems as specified by users. This system can be considered as a software continuation and expansion of personal computer hardware.

    Programming system – a set of software tools that provide automation of program development and debugging.


    To execute any program on a computer, at least two resources are needed: random access memory (RAM) for storing commands and data and a microprocessor (MP) for executing program commands. The specified resources can be provided to the program by the programmer if he manually places commands and data in the OP and enters information into the machine to start the MP. However, this method is not acceptable for large programs, because is very labor-intensive and slow. The computer operating system is designed to free the programmer from painstaking work associated with the distribution of computer resources, managing its equipment and organizing the execution of programs. It can ensure the operation (functioning) of the computer in one of three modes:

    1. Single program mode. In this mode, all computer resources are represented by only one program that processes the data.

    2. Multi-program mode . When a computer operates in multiprogram mode, several programs independent of each other process data simultaneously. In this case, programs share resources among themselves. The basis of the multiprogram mode is the time combination of MP operation and manipulation of peripheral devices. The advantage of the multi-program mode compared to the single-program mode is more efficient use of resources. There are several programs in the computer's RAM at the same time, but at any given time the MP is executing only one.

    3. Multitasking mode. In some cases, it is necessary that the implementation of several programs be coordinated and subordinate to the achievement of one common goal. To do this, the OS must have tools that allow tasks to interact with each other. The operating system in which these tools are implemented ensures functioning in multitasking mode.

    Purpose of the operating system. The main purpose of the OS that ensures the computer operates in any of the described modes is the dynamic distribution of resources and their management in accordance with the requirements of computing processes. A resource is any object that can be distributed by the operating system between computing processes on a computer. There are hardware and software resources. Hardware includes the microprocessor, RAM and peripheral devices; to software resources – software tools available to the user for managing computing processes and data. The operating system is an intermediary between the computer and the user, analyzes user requests and ensures their implementation.


    A programming system is a set of tools that automate the development and debugging of programs, and includes programming languages, translators from these languages, and libraries of subroutines. Each computer has its own programming language - a machine program language - and can directly execute programs written only in this language. Being a language of numbers, machine language is of little use for programming, because requires a lot of time from the programmer. For this reason, programming languages ​​that do not coincide with machine languages ​​have become widespread. High-level languages ​​include Pascal, C, BASIC, etc. A special role belongs to Assembly languages. As a rule, system programmers use Assembly language.

    A program written in a programming language other than machine must be converted into a form suitable for execution by a computer. This transformation is called translation. A program that converts a source module into an objective program in machine language is called a translator. Translators also parse the program that is being translated. They can also debug and optimize programs, issue program documentation, and perform a number of other service functions.


    Utility programs expand the capabilities of the OS. They are usually called utilities. Utilities (utilities) - provide the user with auxiliary computer maintenance tools. They perform the necessary checks on software and hardware and display the collected information in a convenient, visual form. There are individual utilities used to solve one maintenance function, and multifunctional utility kits. Currently, Norton Utilities (Semantec) is often used in DOS and Windows environments.

    Drivers (drivers) are programs that complement operating systems by providing services to peripheral devices. Drivers are loaded into the computer's memory when the operating system boots or are installed by controllers. For example, the ru.com keyboard driver switches from the Latin alphabet to the Russian alphabet and back.

    Antiviruses designed to protect data from the destruction of computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of infection. Among the anti-virus programs, the most popular are AIDSTEST, Dr.Web and Adinf included in the kit of Dialog-Science JSC (I. Danilov), AVP - Anti Viral Toolkit PRO (E. Kaspersky) and Norton AntiVirus (Semantec). Anti-virus programs work on different sets of viruses, and duplication of scanning does not occur, so for reliability they are used together.

    Archivers are used to create a smaller copy of files and combine copies of multiple files into one archive file. They create archive files through the use of special information compression methods. Among the large number of well-known archiver programs, ARJ (Robert Jung), WinRar (Eugene Roshal), LH (Haruyasi Yoshizaki), etc. are currently the most commonly used. They differ from each other in the degree of information compression, operating speed and packaging methods.


    Thus, system software is a set of software and language tools. System software is designed to control the operation of a computer, distribute its resources, support dialogue with users, assist them in maintaining the computer, and also to partially automate the development of new programs.

    Based on their functional purpose, system software can be divided into an operating system, a programming system, and service programs (utilities).

    Very often, novice computer users wonder what system programs are. If you know the principles of their operation and correct application, you can get a lot. The minimum that can be done is to eliminate system errors or speed up the operation of the OS.

    General concepts

    As the name suggests, such applications are special utilities and means for monitoring the computer system. With their help, you can diagnose all elements of the system and computer, configure maximum level PC capabilities and more. Such utilities act as a layer between the operating system, installed software and computer elements.

    An example of such programs are driver packages. To fully understand what these programs are, you need to know their types and what functions they perform.

    Classes of system utilities and their functions

    All system applications are divided into several main categories. Among them are: management, processing, basic and service. With a superficial examination of system utilities, it can be noted that managers are designed to apply operating system information and are responsible for correct operation active processes.

    Processing software is designed to ensure the exchange of information between the OS and installed components. Basic utilities are an important software package for normal operation operating systems. Service applications are tools for diagnosing and increasing the productivity of modern operating systems.

    Windows System Utilities

    If we consider operating systems Microsoft Windows, it is worth noting that they have a minimal software package that is loaded onto the computer when installing the operating system. For example, in Windows 7, system utilities can be found in the Start menu if you select Programs, then Accessories, and then System Tools. In addition, there are a couple of directories: “Maintenance” and “Administration”.

    These folders contain all system programs that scan, optimize, protect, resuscitate, create backups, and more. Not many users work with these programs, preferring third-party developments. And this is partly justified.

    It is impossible to remove operating system programs. Such manipulations as in Android operating systems, where if you have root rights you can uninstall any system utility, are not performed here. You can only remove programs that the user himself installed. And this is correct, because after eliminating some system utility, the entire operating system may stop working.

    Third party software

    Today, Windows is the most popular operating system among computer users. However, it is ahead of everyone in the number of flaws, the presence of vulnerabilities, the minimum package of functions and the lack of necessary tools. Most likely, this reason forces many system software manufacturers to create many programs and application packages designed for this operating system. It is worth noting that Windows has absolutely no applications for system administration.

    Well, everything is quite complicated here. The bottom line is that quite often the message “The program cannot start” appears. This depends on the fact that not all utilities are able to load into the OS due to inappropriate requirements, different structure of the operating system and installed software, lack necessary drivers etc. However, there are many more third-party system utilities than Microsoft. It is necessary that each user's computer has a certain set of programs.


    It is important that after installation or reinstallation the operating system is initially loaded antivirus program, which could provide multi-level computer protection. It involves monitoring external threats, blocking viruses from entering the PC’s RAM, checking the network and browsing the Internet, and more.

    Each user independently chooses their own antivirus. Today there is no shortage of them. The most popular are Kaspersky Lab programs developed by Eset company, Dr.Web, Norton Antivirus and others.

    Each antivirus has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, some programs are distributed free of charge and are not limited in time of use. Others are paid and very expensive. In general, everyone must decide for themselves.


    This is another mandatory component that should be present on every computer. Often, such applications are embedded into the operating system shell by default. The best archivers, according to users, WinRAR, WinZIP, 7-Zip are considered. Why are they needed? It's very simple. Today, archives are used almost everywhere. Downloading files large sizes from the network is executed in the form of an archive.

    Utilities for testing the system and its components

    In this case, you can use standard means operating systems, however, they do not always provide detailed data about the state of the system and its elements. For example, by going to “My Computer” - “Properties”, you can see only the basic characteristics of the computer and operating system.

    The same is true with DirectX. However, in this case the data is a little more detailed. But even it does not reflect everything that utilities from other manufacturers are capable of. The only advantage of DirectX is the ability to perform testing various gadgets Plug&Play.

    You can find out about the operating system load or get acquainted with detailed data by going to the “System Configuration” section, which is called by the msconfig command. You can also visit the “System Information” section through the “Control Panel”. In addition, you can open the "Task Manager" using Ctrl buttons+ Alt + Del.

    It is much easier to work with programs like Everest, which can display detailed characteristics installed elements and monitor parameter settings online.

    In addition, you can use system administration applications that can perform status checks. local network, its correct operation, prevent threats or unauthorized access to servers and computers.


    These kinds of programs are also very important. Every user must understand this. After a certain time, the system begins to slow down, as this is affected by accumulated garbage and various rubbish. In addition, this can happen due to the presence of a lot of fragmented data. In this case, you can use standard operating system tools for cleaning and defragmentation, but from practice, it can be noted that they are less functional than third-party applications.

    The situation with the registry is even worse. Windows OS does not have tools to clean it. And eliminate or change incorrect or old keys and entries in manual mode very difficult, and there is a risk of depriving the operating system of its functionality.

    Basically, all programs of this type are universal sets that have a fairly wide range of tools for performing any operation. This may include a utility for correcting system errors, a hard drive defragmenter, a disk cleaner or RAM cleaner, which are constantly active processes or services.

    You can also note the presence of an optimizer and defragmenter of the system registry, which make it possible to painlessly remove unnecessary data and structure it for quick access. In addition, such software includes an uninstaller for eliminating existing software without leaving any traces behind it, and much more.

    No one can deny the versatility and ease of use of this kind of application. The most popular programs of this segment are CCleaner, Advanced System Care, Ashampoo WinOptimizer, etc. In addition, it is worth noting that absolutely all of these utilities have an advanced one-click troubleshooting mode.

    Utilities for creating copies and backups

    System software for backup information on the hard drive, drivers and operating system image is as important as the rest of the software. Using such applications, you can return the operating system to a working state in a few minutes. In addition, when saving images of a hard drive, its logical sections or portable drives, you do not need to worry about the safety of the data even in the event of a complete breakdown hard drive, USB drive and portable HDD.

    Such capabilities are also available in the Windows operating system. Standard tools allow you to make a special recovery disk or use the “System Restore” menu in the “Control Panel”. However, they may malfunction. In some cases, the presence of an error on the hard drive in the area that is considered control point, does not allow resuscitation. In this case, even scanning a disk from automatic deletion errors may not bring the desired result.

    In this case they can help special programs type Acronis True Image, which represents the most advanced utility in terms of the use of capabilities in the manipulations performed and fine-tuning. In addition, image processing utilities can come to the rescue.

    Additional options

    In addition, among additional tools for convenient work you need to install packages of codecs and decoders that allow you to watch videos and listen to music. The most common such package is the K-Lite Codec Pack.

    In addition, you must have Adobe Flash Player, which allows you to play various types streaming video on the network. You also need applications such as Adobe Reader, designed to process documents with the PDF extension, which today is one of the most popular in its field. Latest program is not a system one, however, it is simply necessary on a computer. After all, most technical documentation and the instruction manuals come with exactly this extension.


    The above system programs are basic, i.e. those required for proper operation operating system and optimization of its functioning. Available large number various system software that allow you to solve specific problems. It’s simply impossible to describe everything, so if any problems arise, you need to find the desired program and install it on your computer.