• Taxpayer program. Latest version taxpayer yul

    ) is a program that is updated quite often. Sometimes, without the latest version of the taxpayer’s legal entity, submitting the report is either impossible or occurs incorrectly. So what should we do? In order to ensure that everything is always fine with your reports, I advise you to download the latest version of Taxpayer Yul from my Yandex disk. I myself constantly download the most current program updates for you and post them in a free and open source so that you can easily and quickly update all your working programs. You can download the taxpayer legal program at the end of the page.

    Why is it still worth updating the taxpayer with the release of a new version?

    The answer is very simple! The fact is that forms and report forms change periodically. We stop submitting some reports altogether, while others appear for the first time. Also, the people who write these useful programs for you and me may make mistakes during the development process. And in order to fix them, they post updates.

    How can I find out which version of taxpayer I have now?

    A very common question. Let's break it down. And so, in order to find out what version of the program you have, you just need to look at the window header.

    I have an old program, which version of np yul should I choose to update?

    The fact is that the taxpayer's versions are laid out in a certain order. First, the main update comes out, it’s big, and then small additions come out. Let's say you have a version like mine, 4.50. And the update is already available 4.51.3. So how to update correctly? First install a large program update, and then a small one. That is, I have version 4.50, put 4.51 on it and only then 4.51.3.

    Latest version Taxpayer legal entity for Windows will help those users who need to automate the preparation and execution of tax and accounting documentation. This software is actively used by legal entities and individuals. It allows you to automatically and manually generate a variety of documents necessary for conducting business and submitting them to regulatory authorities.

    Key Benefits

    Download for free Taxpayer Legal Entity easily and conveniently from our website. The software has become widespread because it allows you to work productively and efficiently in the current conditions. It is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. The developer of the application is the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service). Among the advantages of the solution it is worth highlighting:

    • free and fast;
    • prompt information input;
    • possibility of backup, data transfer;
    • availability of reference books and classifiers that simplify work;
    • There is a convenient and up-to-date “Accountant’s Calendar”.

    Downloading and installing the Russian version of Taxpayer Legal Entity 2016 is not difficult. Setting up the software is also easy. This solution automatically checks the correctness of the entered information and indicates errors and inaccuracies. The user can upload finished documents, print files, and maintain reports for several enterprises.

    System Requirements

    The new version of Taxpayer Legal Entity 2016 is a universal solution that can be installed on a server or personal computer. It will operate smoothly and accurately if the following conditions are met:

    • the presence of one of the Windows solutions (Vista, 2000, XP, 7, 8 (32 bit or 64 bit));
    • processor frequency not lower than 1500;
    • free disk space of at least 600 MB;
    • RAM volume from 512 MB.

    No treatment required. When downloading and installing, you must disable your antivirus program. The application has a built-in update checking system, so it will promptly notify users about the need to obtain a new version.


    The Legal Entity Taxpayer software in Russian supports a variety of forms for creating reports and documentation. Some documentation can be generated semi-automatically. For novice users there are convenient instructions for using the solution. The program contains various forms that will help you run your business. Having created reporting forms, the user can send them for printing or save them to a computer for further processing.

    Taxpayer Legal Software is indispensable for accountants, economists, representatives of the financial sector, individual entrepreneurs, and outsourcing companies. This solution will become a reliable assistant for users who need to submit reports electronically to regulatory authorities. Good luck with your application.

    A software tool for preparing information on the income of individuals in form 2-NDFL for 2018, a certificate of average headcount, declarations of all taxes, and the balance sheet of the enterprise.

    A software tool for automating the process of preparation by a taxpayer of tax and accounting reporting document forms, documents used in accounting for taxpayers, when submitted to the tax authorities.

    The program is often used to create files with information on personal income for 2018 and test them for compliance with Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-04/706@ dated October 13, 2006 “On approval of the form of information on the income of individuals” (registration in Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2006 No. 8507, taking into account the changes introduced by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. MM-3-3/694@ “On amendments to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 13, 2006 No. SAE-3-04 /706@", registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 13101 dated January 19, 2009).

    Version 4.60 of the program for automating the process of taxpayer preparation of tax and accounting reporting document forms, documents used in accounting for taxpayers, when submitted to the tax authorities, is posted on the GNIVTs website. A certificate of the average number of employees, declarations of all taxes, and the balance sheet of the enterprise are being prepared.

    The developers report that the new version includes payer notification forms approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia MMV-7-14/249@ dated June 22, 2015.

    Download for free "Taxpayer" (version 4.60) to fill out 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, all tax DECLARATIONS and balance for 2018 - 2019

    Note: from the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation tax.ru (nalog.ru)

    Download the TAXPAYER LEFT program version 4.60

    The set includes a program for filling out and printing the BALANCE BASIS and FINANCIAL RESULTS REPORT. Important! You need to download all program files, including additional changes! Move the slider down and view all changes, if there are any, download them. To deposit your balance, version no lower than 4.60!

    Download TESTER program version 2.136 checking report files for tax authorities

    The kit includes a program for checking files for compliance with formats for submitting tax returns and financial statements in electronic form (Program “Tester” version 2.136). Before sending the tax reporting file to the tax office, you need to check it with the latest version of the Tester program. If there are errors, then you need to download the latest version of the TAXPAYER LEGAL ENTITY program. Otherwise, the tax office will not accept the file with the declaration or balance.

    ADDITIONAL LINKS on the topic

    1. Deadline for submitting reports for 2018-2019. Table for submitting balance sheets, tax reporting for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. When to submit the declaration 2018-2019, 1st quarter, half year, 9 months.

    2. An example of filling out a 2-NDFL certificate is given. Descriptions of help fields are provided. A link is provided to download the 2nd personal income tax certificate form.

    3. New forms of tax return 2-NDFL are reported. Deadlines for delivery. Where to download for free. Taxpayer program. New format 2-NDFL.
    1. Question: During installation, a Windows restart was required, after which the program does not start

    Answer: Run the installer again.

    2. Question: During installation, the program asks for drive F (can be E, B, H ... Z

    Answer: Apparently the previous version was installed from this disk. Create drive F, it doesn’t matter what will be on it (for example, connect any resource as drive F - my computer / connect a network drive) and run the installation program again.

    3. Question: Is the data I entered in the “Legal Taxpayer” program deleted when installing a new version over the old one or when uninstalling the program?

    Answer: No. If you do not delete the folder where the program was installed, the installation program does not delete any entered data.

    4. Question: After installation, I do not see the previously entered data (reporting forms)

    Answer: Everything is fine. Options:

    1. You installed the program in the wrong folder:

    On the computer where the program was installed, select the menu item in the NP LE program Service/Miscellaneous/Search for folders with the program;

    After the mode has been running for as long as possible, a list of folders will appear where the program was ever installed and you worked with it;

    In the list of found folders, you will see information about where the program was installed, when you last entered it, how many NPs were entered in it;

    Remember the path to the option you need;

    Uninstall the program - Start/Programs/Taxpayer Legal Entity/Uninstall a program;

    Install the program according to the path you remember.

    2. The entered data (reporting form) is in a different period from the current reporting period - this can be resolved by changing the reporting period in the upper right corner of the program window;

    3. Descriptions of reporting forms are not accepted; Check the availability of the required forms in the "Settings - Reporting Forms" mode; if not, download (the "Download" button).

    5. Question: It is not possible to install Taxpayer Legal Entity with the installation program. What to do?

    Answer: You can install the “Legal Taxpayer” program “manually”. To do this:
    1. copy the folder INSTALL445\Taxpayer Legal Entity\ into c:\npul\ from the distribution kit
    2. create a shortcut on the desktop to c:\npul\Inputdoc\inputdoc.exe
    3. run the installation program "c:\npul\Print documents with PDF417(3.1.15).msi"
    4. run the file c:\npul\reg.bat with administrator rights

    6. Question: When installing a version of the message: "Some installation files are damaged. Download a new copy and try the installation again." or "CRC error in.... Unexpected end of archive."

    Answer: the distribution files were damaged either when copied from an electronic medium or received via the Internet or as a result of a virus

    If you downloaded the version via the Internet, check that your computer has a stable connection to the Internet and download the program installation package again

    If the version was written to disk by the Federal Tax Service, try copying it from another computer or write it down again

    7. Question: What should I do if, when installing the Legal Entity Taxpayer software, my computer reports the presence of viruses in the program?

    Answer: The Legal Entity Taxpayer software does not contain viruses, however, some installation files may be incorrectly classified by the anti-virus program as a suspicious object. Since the user's anti-virus program may perceive some installation files as a virus and not allow them to pass through, it is recommended that during installation and the first login to the program after installation, we recommend disabling anti-virus programs. In addition, the check slows down the program many times over and can even block its operation or the creation of a necessary file.

    Solving problems that may arise during startup

    1. Question: After installation, when entering documents, a window appears asking for *.ocx files, click on the “Cancel” button and an error appears:

    "OLE error code 0x80040154: Class not registered. OLE object ignored. Entry number 6"

    "Internal error 2738"

    Answer: Run the reg.bat file (may require running from an administrator) from the program folder (usually c:\Taxpayer Legal Entity\Inputdoc\reg.bat)

    2. Question: when trying to start the program, messages like:
    "Resource file version mismatch"
    "The library MSVCR70.DLL was not found at the specified path..."
    "Visual FoxPro library is missing"
    Visual FoxPro cannot start
    Could not load resources
    Incorrect path or file name
    Resource file version mismatch
    Cannot locate the Microsoft Visual Foxpro support library
    or the Microsoft Visual Foxpro window appears and the prg(fxp) file selection dialog appears
    the program itself does not start


    1. if you launch using a shortcut on the desktop, make sure that the location where the Taxpayer Legal Entity program is installed matches the working folder in the properties of the program shortcut (for example:
    - the program is installed in "C:\Taxpayer Legal Entity\"
    - Object (Target): "C:\Taxpayer Legal Entity\INPUTDOC\inputdoc.exe"
    - Working folder (Start in): "C:\Taxpayer Legal Entity\INPUTDOC\"

    2. make sure that there are files in the working folder:
    gdiplus.dll (1 607K)
    msvcr71.dll (340K)
    vfp9r.dll (4 600K)
    vfp9rrus.dll (1 416K)
    if they are not there, or the size does not match, disable antiviruses and run the version installation program again, select the “fix” option

    3. try disabling the antivirus and running the program without it

    4. perhaps in the windows\system32 folder there are files vfp9r.dll, vfp9rrus.dll, vfp9renu.dll, config.fpw - delete them from there and try to run the program

    5. It is possible that in the PATH environment variable (my computer/properties/advanced/environment variables button), the %SystemRoot%\system32 directory is present more than once - d.b. once

    3. Question: There are hieroglyphs in the program instead of letters, how can I fix it?

    Answer: 1. Set Russian on all tabs of the regional standards settings window (Control Panel/Language and Regional Standards) - pay attention to the language of programs that do not support Unicode on the Advanced tab - add “Russian”;
    2. if this does not help, load the classic scheme in the Windows display settings;
    3. if that doesn’t help, change the system language to English, reboot, then again into Russian and again reboot;
    4.Attention! When changing languages, Windows may display a message stating that some files are already on the disk and suggests using them. Don't agree and select the file from the windows distribution. The point of these actions is to restore language files from the windows distribution.

    1. Control Panel, Regional Standards, On the Formats tab, select the English format, on the Advanced tab (Language of programs that do not support Unicode), click the "Change system language" button, select English

    2. Reboot!

    3. Control panel, Regional standards, On the Formats tab, select the Russian format, on the Advanced tab (Language of programs that do not support Unicode), click the "Change system language" button, select Russian

    4. Reboot!

    5.Attention! sometimes the method helps on the second or third try

    On some windows distributions, changing the language may not help - there may be a problem with the ms sansserif font - download it and install it.

    Windows 98, 2000, XP if that doesn't help:
    Run the registry: "Start" - Run - "regedit"

    Follow the path

    change the value of the string parameter "1252" from "c_1252.nls" to "c_1251.nls"

    4. Question: Error message C0000005 appears... What should I do?
    Answer: In the folder with the program, after such an error, there will be a file VFP9Rerr.log. Send it to [email protected]

    5. Question: Sometimes an error occurs when accessing files located in the Windows temporary folder ( \Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Temp or \Users\...\Local Settings\Temp)
    -in this case, as a rule, it helps to either move the program’s temporary folder from “Documents and Settings” (for example, to c:\IDTMP\) - for this you need to set the environment variable IDWTEMP=c:\IDTMP\

    This may be caused by the antivirus - try disabling it and running it, if the error does not reoccur in the antivirus settings, exclude files like *.dbf, *.fpt, *.cdx, or the c:\IDTMP\ folder from the scan


    To update program called " Taxpayer", you need to connect to the Internet, since all updates occur by contacting the software to the server with a request for new versions. If your Internet is still not activated, open the “Network Neighborhood” tab. Select the connection type and right-click. In the context menu, click the “Connect” button.

    As soon as the Internet is working, you can start updating the program. Launch this software by double-clicking on the shortcut on your computer desktop. The main menu of the utility will launch. Click on "Help". Next, select the “Program Update” tab and right-click. You will have to wait some time until all files are updated in the program. As a rule, the download time depends on the speed of the Internet connection you are connected to.

    There are other ways to update the program. Go to the developer's official website. This can be done through the software menu or using Internet search engines. Find the “Downloads” item on the website. You can download all program entirely without deleting the old version. Always use antivirus software when downloading, as malware can be in almost any file or archive.

    Once the download is complete, run the exe file. The utility will be automatically installed on the hard drive of your personal computer, having previously replaced the old version. You can only install the update patch from the site. This significantly saves Internet traffic. However, it is worth noting that patches are often released unfinished, so it is best to use the update using the program itself.


    • updates for the program taxpayer yul 4

    1C software developers release updates several times a year to bring your software into compliance with the law and eliminate errors that arise from time to time. By purchasing the program, you simultaneously get access to downloading files in the updates section on the website. If Internet access is limited, you can purchase a CD with the updated program at the company office.

    You will need

    • - Internet access;
    • - registered installed software “1C:Taxpayer”;
    • - a valid information technology support agreement (1C:ITS).


    The easiest way to update 1C:Taxpayer is to use the built-in update function. The program will automatically download and install all the necessary files. To do this, launch “1C:Taxpayer” and go to the “Help” section in the main program menu. Select “Software Update” and wait for the download and installation to complete. Restart your computer.

    Program updates can also be downloaded independently from the developer’s technical support website. At the moment when you first registered your software, you received a login and password to enter your personal account. Log in using them. Go to the 1C:Taxpayer updates page and download the missing updates. If the period of access to updates has expired, purchase an update package for the period you need by adding it to your “Cart”. After confirmation of payment, you will be able to download the necessary files. Run the downloaded exe files, wait for the updates to install, and restart your computer.