• How can I delete a page in a contact. How to delete a VKontakte page temporarily. Delete a page in a contact forever - the “usual” way

    The social network “VKontakte” today is perhaps the most popular of all. Over 70 thousand people register here every day. But, sooner or later, there comes a time when certain circumstances prompt you to delete your account. There are many reasons, and the most common among them is that evil hackers go to it, change the password and most actively begin to send spam from it to everyone they come across. After such actions, you will no longer be able to access your page, but you will not be saved from complaints about the mailings. Therefore, if you need your account, then do the following: first change the password for your mailbox. After this, when you try to enter the site, indicate that you forgot your password, after which you will be sent the one that the hackers entered. Then simply change it to a new, more complex one, and calmly log in to your page.

    However, there are many people who have decided to overcome their addiction to the Internet and virtual communication, so they need to delete the “VKontakte” page forever. Others, perhaps, are tired of their increased popularity and are tired of annoying fans and ill-wishers who leave a lot of messages and comments of various types on the page, and they would also like to leave this social network. Is it possible to do this? Here are some tips on how to delete a VKontakte page. However, let us immediately clarify that it will not be possible to do this without the possibility of recovery. There are some reasons for this. Let's say you logged into your account not from your home computer, but from an Internet cafe. Before leaving, you forgot to click “Exit”, and now anyone who logs into VKontakte after you can do whatever they want with your page. Even ask the moderators to remove it. And the next time you log on to the network, you won’t find your data there. Since such cases are not uncommon, moderators give a month to restore the account. If during this period you do not click on the link that will be sent to your email, then your page will be completely deleted.

    So, if you nevertheless decide on such a feat as saying goodbye to social networks, then the first method, the “VKontakte” page forever, is this: go to “Privacy” and, wherever possible, put the “Only me” icon. After this, return to the page and delete absolutely all information accumulated during the registration period, including music, videos, photos, friends, etc. After a certain period of time, the entry “User page deleted” will appear. Just in case, also turn off all notifications that come to your email inbox. This can be done in the settings or in a letter that will come to you from the social network. At the very end of the letter, simply click the “Unsubscribe from notifications” link.

    The second way to delete a VKontakte page forever is spam. Start extremely actively sending it out to everyone. You can also go to groups and flood there, leave offensive comments on photos, etc. And to make sure it works, go to the page (active “VKontakte” people know who it is) and start swearing (preferably using obscenities) there. Your page will be blocked in the near future.

    The next way to delete the “VKontakte” page forever is as follows: open a new email account. Next, in your account settings, replace the email specified there with the one you just created, and then delete the new mailbox. On your page, also eliminate absolutely all information and friends, and in privacy, put the “Only me” icon. Change the password to one that you cannot remember, and leave the page by clicking “Exit”. After a month it will be deleted automatically.

    Now you know effective methods on how to delete your VKontakte page forever. Of course, you will have to wait quite a long time, but if you look from the other side, you posted all your ins and outs on the Internet yourself, so there is no point in blaming the moderators for seeing your photos on completely “leftist” sites. Don’t make your private life public, then you won’t have to suffer.

    Deleting a VKontakte page has the advantage that it will disappear forever in a relatively very short time, namely after 5 months. So, if you change your mind, you can always restore the page.

    The method, of course, is a little tricky, but it is perfect for those who do not want to wait six months for their profile to dissolve irrevocably.

    You need to go to “my settings”. Select the sub-item “Privacy”. Now it is necessary to transfer all sections to a mode where the information is visible only to the user - “only me”, “no one”. Then exit VKontakte and do not log in again.

    We switch all items to “Only me” mode

    We transfer all items to the “Nobody” mode

    Option number 2: activate the “delete” option

    Read also: 7 reasons why you can’t log into your VKontakte page

    We go to VKontakte in the “My Settings” section, go down where all the notes end, and find the inscription, which is also a link “you can delete your page.”

    By clicking on it, a window appears where you need to indicate the reason why you are leaving the site.

    If you use the checkbox "tell your friends"- the news will spread around everyone. Now press the button "delete page". Everything is ready.

    You will be redirected to a page where it will be indicated how long it can be restored.

    This method of deleting a VKontakte page has a longer time frame - 7 months. When the time limit expires, your page will look something like this.

    To restore access, you will need to go to the page, enter your username and password and click the “restore” button. But only for a period of up to seven months.

    Option #3: freeze your account

    Read also:

    This method does not literally delete the page, but only makes it so that no one will ever find it.

    Simply delete all existing entries, change your first and last name, and delete your photo. Limit communication with yourself in the “my settings” section. Now you don't exist.

    How to delete a VKontakte page forever

    Read also: 6 Methods: How to download videos from VKontakte (VK) to your phone

    How to delete a VKontakte page forever is a very pressing question. The site administration has come up with many tricks that prohibit you from immediately and irrevocably getting rid of the page.

    What if you regret it and want to restore it? There are so many friends there. But sometimes there really are cases in which you need to delete your account and never use it again.

    To permanently delete a page, you need to unlink the phone number to which VKontakte alerts are sent.

    If someone wants to hack your account and use it for any reason, they will not be able to do so.

    When entering the page, an activation code is requested, and it will be received to the number that was previously linked to Vkontakte. Without a phone, there is no way to restore access.

    How to unlink a phone number:

    Read also: How to quickly and freely increase likes on VKontakte

    2 Go down to the phone number section, and click the “change” button next to the phone number;

    Social networks are a great opportunity to communicate even with those who live thousands of kilometers away. One of the most popular social networks in the post-Soviet space is VKontakte. It has united millions of users, which makes it attractive for communication. However, the need for it does not always exist, and therefore users face a dilemma on VKontakte. Let's consider the main methods that are known: both official and unofficial, which were discovered by its users during the existence of this social network.


    How to delete a VKontakte page: options provided by the service administration

    Regardless of what caused the deletion, developers are required to provide this right. The user agreement stipulates the possibility of deleting an account from this social network. It is quite logical, because we all have the right to manage our private lives. Therefore, let’s immediately consider the options that the developers offer.

    The sequence of suicidal actions in VK is as follows:

    Other ways

    How to delete a page in a contact in other ways? The method described above is the one provided by the developers of the social network. However, the imagination of users is limitless, so there are several more original possibilities for online suicide. True, they no longer provide the possibility of data recovery, so before using these tips, you need to think carefully.

    Method No. 1.

    Method number 2.

    This method of deleting a VKontakte page is for the most advanced. To do this you need:

    This method is the most radical. After some time, the account will be deleted automatically. Some claim that this happens in a month, but it is impossible to say for sure - the user message “VKontakte” modestly keeps silent about such situations.

    Method number 3.

    How to delete a VKontakte page so that they remember you? This method is the most creative. You start actively being rude, swearing, trolling and spamming from your page! Accounts whose owners violate the laws of the Russian Federation are deleted without the right to recovery. This can be done by calling for the overthrow of the government, the destruction of population groups on a national (or any other) basis... However, be careful - the FSB does not sleep!!!

    Pay attention!

    All your comments and “likes” remain under your name on your friends’ pages forever. Therefore, if your decision is final, you can change your first and last name to fictitious ones. This option is used by those who do not want their data to remain online.

    Whether this is important to you or not - decide for yourself.


    Now we have looked at all the ways to delete a page in a contact, and you can also delete a page in Odnoklassniki. Regardless of which one you decide to use, remember: no one and nothing will stop you from getting the next one after some time.

    Some users delete their pages in an official way, even when going on vacation. When they return, they restore it. This way, there is a guarantee that no one will hack it and start sending spam on your behalf.

    In parting, some statistics:

    • today the number of VK users is more than 43 million,
    • this CC is popular among users under 50 years old,
    • Every year, a fifth of users try to leave, of which half will later be restored.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. personal and public (public) pages. It goes without saying that some of them are deleted (for example, for spam, swearing, suspicious activity, etc.). But there are times when the user himself wants to remove all traces of his presence from VK, including his personal page.

    This possibility is provided by the Contact functionality, but there are a number of points that are definitely worth paying attention to and which will be mentioned in this article. It is noteworthy that it is possible to delete even a page to which you have long lost access, as well as a public page on VK that you changed your mind about maintaining and decided to close.

    How to delete your page in Contact?

    1. , where all available information about you is located, as well as the wall.
    2. A public (official) page that you can create on VK, for example, to present your business, brand, or simply to maintain a page on a certain topic (humor, fan club, hobby, etc.). Read more about them in the article "".

    Both types of these pages can be deleted, but most often it is necessary to delete “My Page” in VK, where personal information, correspondence, etc. is stored. There may be a lot of reasons, but the essence is the same - it is possible to do this, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Actually, that’s why this question arises so often among many users of this social network and that’s why this article appeared.

    I'll describe it right away official way, which the Contact administration offers to those who wish to delete all traces of their presence on this social network. Actually, you still won’t be able to delete all the tracks (although you can cheat), but more on that below.

    So, the removal instructions suggest that we go from the left menu to the “My Settings” tab, scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on the inscription “ delete your page ».

    A form will open where you will be asked to select one of the reasons that prompted you delete your personal page from VK, or you can write your own version of the explanation. Doesn't matter.

    What’s important is that although the deletion will happen instantly, The contact will keep a copy of the deleted page for about seven months in case you are during this time (in this case, everything will be restored: recordings, video, audio, photos, and personal correspondence stored in your account). Those. In essence, this is not a deletion, but a temporary suspension of access to the page.

    True, if during this time you do not click the “Restore” button (it will appear every time with the login and password from the deleted account), then your data stored on “My Page” will be completely deleted (probably not completely deleted, because once you are exposed, consider that you are hooked, but removed from public access).

    Please note that you only delete posts (and media files) on your own VKontakte page. But all posts, comments, likes and other traces of activity left by you on other VK pages will be saved. And your first and last name will still appear there.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to delete posts from other people’s pages (they will remain there forever). But before deleting your page, you can make a trick with your ears - replace your real name with a fake one (made up). This will be easy to do in “My Page” editing window. And after that, you can begin the official account deletion procedure described above.

    Please also note that , will still remain in the database of this social network. To avoid this, link it to a newly created account (if you still plan to continue hanging out on this social network). In a couple of weeks, he will unlink himself from the old page and it can be submitted for deletion.

    There is also not an official way to delete your page from VKontakte. It is notable for the fact that the process itself does not take seven months, but only about two, but there is no exact guarantee that by following the instructions described below you will achieve the desired result (the internal kitchen of VK is constantly undergoing changes and some cartoons may no longer work).

    To do this, just come in to the VK privacy settings page and close yourself off from the outside world as much as possible, choosing items like “Only me” or “No one” from the list of possible options wherever possible. After this, access to your page will be as limited as possible for everyone except you. And if you don’t log into your account for a couple of months, then there is a high probability that such a page will be taken and automatically deleted (which is what we need).

    How to delete a page in Contact, access to which has been lost

    It is quite possible that a VK page you created a long time ago has become a hindrance that you would like to get rid of. However, often, behind the veil of years, the opportunity to gain access to it is completely lost. Previously, for example, all accounts were linked to email addresses, and not, as now, to a phone number. It is quite possible that you currently no longer have access to the Email that was used during registration, but you still want to delete the page. What to do?

    In principle, the situation is not so rare, so this possibility is provided in the Contact structure. True, in order to avoid people trying to delete other people’s pages in this way (out of malice or malicious intent), the deletion process itself will be possible only if on your page real first and last name were indicated, and yours were also posted real photos.

    In this case, you can delete a page on VK, even without having access to it, by following a number of steps:

    That’s all, after that all you have to do is wait for a response from VK technical support and, if necessary, perform some other actions. But most often your page, when providing the above photographs, will be deleted from the VKontakte social network database without any problems.

    If you mature over time, you will be able to open a new page (with the same full name), but try not to lose your login and password (now to your account, which increases security and simplifies the process of restoring access if necessary).

    How to delete a public page (public) in Contact?

    Everything here is a little trickier, but essentially nothing complicated either - you just need to know the sequence of steps. It is not possible to directly delete a group or public from VK (in the manner of “My Page”), but it will be possible to make a trick with your ears, which is nevertheless offered as a recipe and in the official instructions for using this social network.

    How to delete deleted VKontakte friend pages?

    If you come across many accounts in your friends list where a sad head of a sheep (or dog?) is depicted, and when you go to the page you get a message that it has been deleted, then this is not entirely convenient.

    Actually, you can easily get rid of them, although this may take some time. In other words, we need to delete the deleted (for various reasons) pages of our friends on VKontakte. There can be many reasons for deletion;

    To clear your list of Friends from “dead souls” (they have a sad sheep-dog displayed instead of an avatar), you will need to go to the page to view all your friends and opposite a friend whose page was deleted from Contact for one reason or another, click on the button located to the right "Unfriend":

    Although you can leave temporarily blocked users as Friends, because they “may come to life” over time.

    Well, something like this.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    How to unlink your phone number from your VKontakte page?

    Every day, people spend their free, and sometimes even working, time on social networks. But sometimes there is a need to delete all personal information along with the page. The reasons are different - often accounts are hacked by attackers or the user is simply tired of wasting his life communicating in the virtual world. Where to start if there is a need to delete a page in a contact?

    Official way

    1. Go to your VKontakte social network page.
    2. Select “My Settings” from the menu.
    3. At the bottom of the page, find the inscription “You can delete your page” and follow the link.
    4. Specify the reason for deletion by selecting it from the list (or specifying your own) and checking the box.
    5. Click the "Delete Page" button.

    The interesting thing is that when choosing a reason, a message is generated automatically, and such a message puts the user in a rather stupid position, especially if he does not uncheck the “Tell friends” checkbox. Most likely, this was done to make the user change his mind about deleting the account.

    In order to ensure that the user’s personal data does not appear anywhere else without his knowledge (for example, on dating sites), before deleting a page on VKontakte, it is advisable to clear the deleted page of correspondence, photos, videos and other materials. At the same time, make sure that the changes you make are saved.

    This method of deleting a page was introduced not very long ago. Previously, in order to delete a page, it was necessary to perform a number of tricky manipulations. There was a lot of advice, even recommendations to start vigorous spammer activity in order to provoke the moderator to delete the page without the right to restore it.

    Delete using your phone

    Those who are not attracted to such a simple option may do differently. There is another way to delete a page:

    1. register a new VKontakte account, indicating the same phone number to which the old page is linked;
    2. When asking the service to replace a page, answer in the affirmative.

    Maintaining privacy on the Internet is a challenge, especially since people post everything about themselves on social networks. To control the dissemination of personal information, it is better not to post it on the Internet, then deleting your account will not be necessary.

    Addiction to the virtual world is a serious problem, and the decision to delete the page is only the first attempt to cure it. Whatever the reason that forced you to delete your page from the Internet, it is important to do it correctly and irrevocably.

    If you still do not fully understand the removal process, we recommend watching this video.