• How to uninstall an app on Android? Remove unnecessary applications on Android: uninstaller programs

    As a rule, when we bring fruit home, we do one of two things: put everything in a vase on the countertop or throw it in the refrigerator. The chance of making a mistake is not that great, because almost all fruits can be stored in the refrigerator, and almost all fruits can last at least a couple of days at room temperature. But if you want to get the maximum pleasure and benefit from the gifts of nature and save your budget, you should understand this issue a little.

    In this material you will learn the general principles of storing bananas, apples, pears, lemons, tangerines and other fruits, you will find a reminder on the conditions and terms of storage different types fruits and berries, as well as get ideas for organizing the content of "vitamins" at home.

    8 general principles for storing fruit at home

    Principle 1. Do not store fruits and vegetables together. Fruits that emit a large number of ethylene (a ripening agent) can speed up the ripening of nearby vegetables and spoil them.

    Principle 2. Remove moldy fruits immediately. Before storing fruit in the refrigerator, cupboard, or tabletop vase, be sure to remove any spoiled fruit to prevent the spread of mold. Overripe fruits should be eaten first.

    Principle 3. Store unripe fruits at room temperature, preferably in a paper bag. This is especially true for apricots, peaches, pears, plums, persimmons, avocados, kiwis and mangoes. The bag will become a trap for ethylene, a gas that is released by the fruit and acts as a ripening agent. Want to speed up the process even more? Put an apple in the bag. Ripe and, especially, overripe fruits are best stored in the refrigerator.

    Principle 4. Store fruits on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in a special compartment for fruits. The exceptions are fruits that need to be stored at room temperature (whole gourds, bananas, citruses, unripe fruits), as well as apples - it is better to store them on the top shelf of the refrigerator, separately from other fruits.

    What fruits can not be stored in the refrigerator? The answer is easy to remember: bananas and citruses

    Principle 5: Don't store fruit in an overstuffed refrigerator container. Air should circulate freely around the fruit.

    Principle 6. Eat cut fruits as quickly as possible and do not store them for more than two days in the refrigerator. This is especially true of watermelons, melons and pumpkins, as well as persimmons. Cut fruits cannot be stored at room temperature - firstly, they will quickly deteriorate and wrinkle, and secondly, they will attract midges and flies.

    Principle 7. In the refrigerator, store unwashed fruit in its original packaging or loose bag. Fruit stored at room temperature should be taken out of the packaging immediately.

    Principle 8. Always have a bowl of fruit on the table or table top. It is better to choose a place that is always in sight and easily accessible. So you and your household will not forget about these delicious vitamins, and the interior will only be decorated.

    Below are a few photo ideas on how to beautifully, conveniently and correctly organize the storage of fruits at home at room temperature.

    A bowl of fruit is a great dining table centerpiece. In a beautiful vase, bright fruits will seem even more appetizing.

    Homemade fruit holder from boards and metal baskets

    The system of kitchen rails and baskets perfectly adapts to the storage of apples, pears

    Next to the fruit, it is convenient to store a juicer, as well as a stationary blender.

    You can compactly store a large amount of fruit in such a bookcase

    Where and how much to store fruits and berries - a brief reminder

    Fruit storage rules are often confusing, because each fruit has different requirements to terms and conditions. So, for example, some species ripen on a tree, and some ripen already at their owner's house. Some fruits need to be stored at low temperatures, and some, on the contrary, like heat. This memo will help you avoid mistakes. Keep in mind that the recommendations below assume that your foods are ripe and ready to eat.


    To prevent bananas from turning black, they should be stored in a cupboard or on the table, but not in the refrigerator.

    • Shelf life at room temperature: 5 days.
    • Ideal Location: in a vase on a table, in a cupboard or in a cool and dry place.
    • Hint: Ripe bananas can be frozen for baking or natural "ice cream" consumption (the skins will turn black, but the flesh will be good).

    How to store bananas at home? Thanks to his bright color they are simply designed to decorate the interior. Put them in a nice dish/vase or hang them on a special holder or on a hook screwed into the bottom of a wall cabinet


    These are the most convenient fruits for keeping at home, as they can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the cupboard or on the table longer than all other fruits.

    • Shelf life: up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
    • Place: it is best to store apples on the upper shelves, the main thing is separate from other fruits.

    How to store apples at home? Ideally, on the top shelf of the refrigerator. The main rule is that they cannot be stored together with other fruits for a long time.

    Melon, watermelon, pumpkin

    With prolonged storage in the refrigerator, these gourds lose their taste and aroma.

    • Place: in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment or in the cupboard / on the table (except for overripe and damaged fruits).
    • Shelf life: up to 5-7 days as a whole, up to 2-3 days - cut.


    • Location: Unripe apricots should be stored at room temperature, preferably in paper bags.
    • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 5 days.


    Citrus fruits are best stored in a vase on the table, in a cardboard box in a cupboard or other dry and preferably cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is worth buying them only a week in advance, but no more. However, it is also possible to store them in the refrigerator for quite a long time (up to 2-3 weeks), although after a week or ten days the fruits will begin to lose their aroma, juiciness and taste. Lemons and limes will completely absorb foreign odors.

    • Place: in the closet, on the table. If in the refrigerator, then on the bottom shelf or in a special compartment for fruit.
    • Shelf life: on the table - from 3 to 7 days, in the refrigerator - oranges up to 2 weeks, lemons, limes and grapefruits up to 3 weeks, tangerines - up to 1 week).

    A festive table can be decorated with such a fruit composition. Simply place a smaller vase in the center of a large vase and fill it with water and flowers, then stack your citruses in the remaining space


    Do not rush to get upset if the pears on the store counter are only green and hard. The fact is that these fruits are harvested immature, because on the tree they begin to rot even before ripeness. It turns out that buying pears a week ahead is unripe and waiting for them to ripen at home. When buying soft and juicy fruits, try to eat them as quickly as possible.

    • Place: in the closet, on the table. To speed up the ripening of pears, you need to arrange them in paper bags and hold at room temperature. Ripe and overripe pears can be stored in the refrigerator for one or two days (on the bottom shelf or in a special fruit compartment).
    • Deadline: 5 days. Asian pears keep longer - up to 7 days at room temperature and several weeks in the refrigerator.
    • Location: Grapes are best stored in a paper bag (or perforated plastic bag) in the refrigerator.
    • Shelf life: 1 to 2 weeks. But it is better to eat grapes within 3 days, later it will begin to wrinkle.


    • Place: ripe fruits - in the refrigerator, unripe - at room temperature.
    • Shelf life: 4 days on the table, and up to several weeks in the refrigerator.


    • Location: refrigerator.
    • Deadline: 4 days.

    Peaches and nectarines

    • Location: refrigerator.
    • Deadline: 5 days.

    A pineapple

    • Place: as a whole - at room temperature on a table or in a cabinet, cut or cut into slices pineapple is stored in the refrigerator.
    • Terms: 5 days whole at room temperature and 3 days in the refrigerator (cut).


    • Place: refrigerator, unripe plums are stored at room temperature;
    • Deadline: 5 days.


    • Place: unripe fruits are stored at room temperature, waiting for ripening, then eaten as soon as possible.
    • Term: after ripening - 2-3 days.


    • Location: refrigerator.
    • Shelf life: a whole pomegranate can be stored for up to 3 weeks, pomegranate seeds are stored for 3 days.


    • Shelf life: 2 days
    • Location: in the refrigerator.
    • Shelf life: 1 week.


    • Place: in the refrigerator in an open bag or bowl.
    • Deadline: 3 days.


    Cranberries are the healthiest berry that you can safely buy for future use.

    • Location: refrigerator.
    • Term: 1 month.


    • Place: in the refrigerator, laid out in a single layer on a paper towel.
    • Shelf life: 3 days


    • Location: in the refrigerator.
    • Shelf life: 3 days.

    The first step before deleting applications and programs on your Android device is to make a full backup of the entire system, including applications, saves, minor settings, etc. This is necessary so that if you mistakenly delete the wrong application, return your phone to its original state.

    For a proper backup, you will need Titanium Backup and Root rights.

    1. Install the program Titanium Backup and give it superuser rights.

    2. Make sure your device has an external SD card. The entire backup will be installed as an image on it.

    3. Launch the Titanium Backup program and make a backup copy of all programs and system on your device.

    4. After Reserve copy, transfer all information from the folder

    SD card/Titanium Backup

    to your computer.

    How to remove system software from your Android device?

    You may not need many of the system applications. To remove them, do the following:

    1. Install the application RootAppRemover. It will help you with the help of root-rights to completely remove various applications from the device.

    2. Run the RootAppRemover program, in the list of applications we find those that need to be removed.

    3. Click on the application you want to get rid of and click on Delete. If the applications are system ones, then they may not be deleted by pressing this button - then you should use the Recycle button.

    Recycle will first place the app in the Trash and then delete it after you confirm.

    Remember! Don't delete apps you don't know because you won't be able to get them back! It may well be that when you remove a program, you will lose mail, send SMS functions, etc. Then you will need to reset the entire configuration of the phone to the factory.

    System programs are located in a separate system folder and DOES NOT take up space on your memory card.

    Chill the jelly in the refrigerator for at least an hour and a half, or until it is half cooked. Drop your chosen fruit onto the surface of the jelly. Put the bowl back in the refrigerator. When the jelly is completely cool, check what happened to the fruit. Which of them drowned, and which remained at the top? What's happening? All fruits have different densities. Firmer fruits - those that are heavier than a piece of jelly of the same size - will sink. Less dense ones - those that are lighter than a piece of jelly of the same size - will remain afloat. Firm fruits such as grapes or canned in thick syrup are soaked in water or juice. Less dense, like fresh apples, bananas, citrus fruits,...

    It is not easy to pull yourself together when there are 30 varieties of ice cream in front of you, for example. But do not blame the store - it just offers a product, including healthy food. Our task is to fill your cart with the right set of products. Rule 1. Your basket must contain at least five different colors Let's forget that there are poisonous dyes. Imagine that the color of food can only be natural. Under such a concept, little “color = low nutritional value”, to put it simply. Multi-colored vegetables and fruits are the most useful thing that nature offers us, and this should be used. If in your...


    It is also important to know that the amount of carbohydrates decreases throughout the day, i.e. In the morning, eat as many carbohydrates as possible, and in the evening, practically abandon them. At the same time, carbohydrates should be complex and, as it is written here, whole grains: cereals, cereals, and not simple, like sugar. We in the family eat oatmeal for breakfast every day, the benefits of oats are described for example here [link-1] Oatmeal has the most complex carbohydrates, about 60 grams per 100 grams of product. Plus, it helps with digestion.

    09/16/2015 10:33:02 AM, anna-shepeleva

    Food is fuel, so you need to limit the set of products, calculate kbzha for the day and not drag anything into your mouth. "One cookie" is no better than 10

    Summer program "Summer in the Library"!

    The Russian State Children's Library invites children aged 4 - 12 to the events of the summer program "Summer in the Library"! From June to August, every day from Monday to Saturday for you: on Monday - entertaining classes in ecology, on Tuesday - sea voyages with pioneers or pirates and the "Academy of Children's Creativity" (we try ourselves in a variety of creative techniques and techniques), on Wednesday - adventures in the primitive world, meeting with the inhabitants of Moomin Valley or getting to know ...

    Immersed in household chores, do not forget about the children. In the kitchen - between times - you can find a lot of opportunities for activities with the baby. Everything you need is at your fingertips. Think about the benefits not only for the stomach, but also for the mind!


    And we have already tried :) it worked. My daughter is 3 years old) she is generally early for me :) I didn’t give it to kindergarten, I spend all day together - I want to devote a lot of time to my joy. We play, we walk. Just don’t tell me, my friend advised me to give vitamins for children. And then I look at my daughter’s spring fatigue, she is naughty in Lately sleeping for a long time. And they should sort of like raise immunity, add the necessary vitamins to the children's body

    The article is good, but for 1 year 10 months my Nastena does not want to play by the rules, she scatters all this cereal, so then there is enough cleaning for an hour. Such classes are good in circles, where they will always clean up after you. But pouring water over the sink is almost no problem, just wipe the puddles ......

    01/27/2009 04:46:40 PM, Anya mouse

    Fruit chips. . User's blog Mountain lake on 7ya.ru

    Adore! It is these and it is a mixture of different fruits. The chips of different fruits of the same company somehow "did not go" separately. It's not like the oaky banana pieces in regular nut-fruit blends. Everything is crispy, tender and delicious! As I understand it, it's from Thailand. In "Azbuka Vkusa" about 100 rubles a bag. I also met this in the store: I tried apple with strawberries - also very tasty! A bag is half the price, but the portion is also half, incl. benefits compared to Greenday...

    When to introduce complementary foods. Where to start and what fruits to choose for baby food.


    We started complementary foods with vegetable purees. Since they were afraid to cook on their own, there is no confidence in the products used. And in the finished Heinz puree, everything has already been checked. My son liked it, ate without problems and with pleasure. I think in the future we will use ready-made mashed potatoes and cereals in feeding our little son.

    So, every person over 5 years old, in order to stay healthy, should eat at least 5 servings of different vegetables and fruits per day. Fruits and vegetables are considered to be consumed in any form: fresh, cooked, canned, dried and in the form of 100% juice. It is considered ideal to eat vegetables and fruits from different color groups (white, yellow-orange, green, red and purple) in raw and cooked form during the day. It is in this combination that the body receives optimal set vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, complex plant compounds and plant fiber. One serving for each person is the amount of fruits and vegetables that can fit in his handful. A handful of a five-year-old child is much smaller than a handful of a grown man, and...


    I want to say a big thank you to Smirnova Svetlana for the wonderful scenario of the holiday. My son is 4/12/07. turned 3 years old. I used the ideas of the fruit carnival and also made crowns in the form of fruits for both children and parents. I decorated the walls with pictures of fruits, made a beautiful poster (an apple tree with photos of our family and friends of my son, painted large fruits and in each fruit important events that happened to my son during the year). Conducted contests and quizzes on the topic "Fruit".

    11.12.2007 08:48:18, Albina

    Yes, "rectangular square" is PEARL :)))
    Also, for a fairy tale, I would choose animals that eat fruits, and not a dog :)))
    And stumbled on the questions:)))
    "Fruits boiled in water. (Compote.)" - I always believed that compote is not FRUITS, but the water in which the fruits were boiled, then :)))
    I am also not sure that coconut is a fruit and not a nut, but I could be wrong here.
    In general, the idea is cool, but it is not clear what, besides coloring, three-year-olds really do - they don’t read the wall newspaper, they don’t answer questions ...

    What is the soup made from? From meat and vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cabbage. Where can we get meat and vegetables with you? Let's go and see where they come from at home." How many interesting things! The vegetable and fruit department is full of bright colors. A suitable place to repeat the names of colors with your child. Let him point his finger at red, green, yellow vegetables and fruits. If your baby already says, he probably knows the names of the most common vegetables and fruits.And in large supermarkets you can see exotic gifts of nature for us, such as mango or avocado, not in the picture.The bakery department, as a rule, is located in the farthest...
    ...After all, it is in childhood that the habit of taking care of loved ones is laid. And it is also very important to talk with the child about the usefulness of certain foods: "Cottage cheese and kefir strengthen the bones, help you grow big and healthy. You need to eat them every day ..." different fruits lives many, many vitamins. When you eat an apple or a pear, these vitamins settle in your body and do not let it get sick ... "Variations on this topic are actually endless. You yourself will see what will cause the baby the most interest. It is such conversations and your personal example create the foundation for healthy nutrition in the future.

    In that practical guide I will tell you how to delete an application on Android different ways. You can do this without harming the OS. You will also learn how to remove system (standard) and hidden apps. How to uninstall from internal memory or sd cards.

    The best programs for uninstallation

    Video instruction:

    Why delete apps from Android?

    • The phone slows down, slowly responds to user actions. As a result, it is inconvenient to work with the phone, access to important functions slows down.
    • on a mobile device. This happens not always due to the small amount of RAM, but because the phone has unnecessary applications. Because of this, side effects unnecessary features work in the background.
    • By deleting unnecessary applications, you will focus on the most useful (of the remaining ones) and will not be distracted by unnecessary ones.
    • Some developers introduce advertising into their products - a popup screen is displayed on the phone screen or lockscreen (lock screen), which cannot be removed in any way except by uninstalling the “culprit”.

    Reference. Uninstall - uninstall mobile application(or computer program) from operating system and from a storage device.

    How to remove unwanted apps from your phone

    Through the standard Application Manager

    You can find a section with a list of installed programs on Android at: Settings - Applications.

    Standard Dispatcher Toolkit android applications

    In the "Applications" section, you can find out how much space a particular application occupies, where it is installed - in the internal memory or on the SD card. The bottom of the screen shows how much phone memory is free and used. By clicking on the line with the name, you will find out the cache size and data consumption in the OS.

    Applications installed by the user can be stopped (i.e. unloaded from memory), deleted or (which is useful if you need to free up phone memory).

    In the SD memory card tab - a list of applications installed on the phone's sd card.

    Under In Progress - helpful information about how long this or that program works, how much RAM is consumed. Thus, if an application is wasting resources, it can and should be removed.

    It should be noted that the standard Android toolkit is not suitable for mass removal of android applications, although it is useful for a single removal of a particular package.

    Uninstall apps with CCleaner

    CCleaner is simple but efficient utility to uninstall applications on Android. An intuitive interface allows you to remove everything unnecessary in a few clicks: applications and cache (sometimes occupying hundreds of megabytes), apk installers and temporary files, and other “garbage”. Full version The app is free but contains ads.

    The sequence of steps to remove applications from using CCleaner:

    1. and install the utility
    2. Through the main menu, go to the "Application Management" section.
    3. The tabs are distributed installed, system and disabled applications. Select the desired section.
    4. By clicking on the line with the application, information is available: name, size of the program and cache, installation date, version, etc.
    5. Select the items and click on the Recycle Bin icon to remove programs from Android.
    6. Click "Delete" again and confirm the operation.

    Uninstalling apps through CCleaner for Android

    Through CCleaner, you can remove applications in batch mode, and not one by one, as the standard manager suggests.

    CCleaner is suitable for regular android cleaning and uninstall applications from the phone. Delete standard applications Android (such as Google Drive, Gmail) in CCleaner is not possible - neither with nor without root access.

    Clean Master - remove stock and custom applications

    Clean Master- another program for the complex cleaning of the phone from garbage: temporary files, duplicates and leftover data that this or that application is “too lazy” to clean up after itself. Clean Master does not specialize in uninstalling programs, but it does include a module called Application Manager.

    Batch mode for uninstalling applications on the phone is available here. In addition, you can manage apk packages and move applications from a memory card. This will help reallocate space and clean up your phone's internal memory.

    Removing Android system applications in Clean Master is not available, you can only uninstall user programs - installed by yourself.

    Removing system applications through System App Remover Pro

    Removing Android system applications will help speed up the OS. However, it only makes sense to do this if you clearly know what can be deleted. To do this, you will need root rights and System App Remover.

    Remove unwanted apps from your phone

    Through the System Applications section, you can remove what ordinary managers do not allow you to do. However, we advise you to follow the recommendations of the uninstaller and deactivate only applications that are marked “Can be removed”. Otherwise, you can disable the Android OS or provoke system errors.

    For removing system components android:

    1. In the System App Remover menu, go to the "System Applications" section;
    2. In the list, tick the items to be deleted;
    3. Click the "Delete" button.

    By the way, this method will help you remove uninstallable applications hidden in standard dispatcher Android available . As an example, and spyware.

    Advice. If your goal is to free up space in your phone's memory, we strongly advise against deleting system applications. It's better to buy a capacious memory card and install all applications on it.

    System App Remover requires payment for its full-featured work in the pro version (the free edition displays ads at the bottom of the window). Symbolic $ 1.88 gives you access to the following features:

    • Management of system and user applications;
    • Moving any installed application to sd memory card or phone internal memory;
    • Use as ;
    • Allows you to remove Android system applications;
    • Batch Uninstall: Can only be checked necessary applications and delete them in a few taps.
    • Flexible management of standard and custom applications: sorting, filtering by name, package name and path, application search and more.

    What apps can be safely uninstalled on Android

    Note the applications that it makes sense to remove in order to increase performance mobile device.

    1. Delete clients social networks. In particular, Facebook app/ Messenger consumes a lot of memory on Android, and you are constantly distracted by notifications.
    2. Feel free to remove unnecessary user programs - those that you installed yourself through Google Play or by downloading the apk file from an unverified source.
    3. Uninstall antiviruses. It would seem a controversial decision, but if you are confident in the security of a mobile device or you do not have a special need for permanent protection, uninstall your antivirus.
    4. You can remove optimizers and cleaners. Programs like CleanMaster and DU Battery Saver are useful on an occasional basis. Over time, they begin to bother and hang like a dead weight in random access memory Android.
    5. Games are not only the main time-killers: they take up a significant amount of megabytes in the memory of a mobile device.

    Final tip: Install only the apps you need on your phone

    Keep only the apps you need on your phone. Try alternatives, experiment, but always control what is installed.

    If you install any program, be sure to test it and make a conclusion: leave the program or delete it. On the one hand, this approach requires time and patience, on the other hand, you save your nerves. A phone loaded with dozens of apps won't run as fast as it did when you bought it.

    Answers to questions from readers

    I can not update applications on my phone, they write that there is not enough memory. But I deleted some of them, except for the standard ones, and still I can’t download and install anything. There are very few programs on the phone, and it is impossible to do anything. What to do, why applications are not installed on the phone?

    Answer. The first tip is to buy a capacious sd card. This is the most simple and fast way Solve the problem with the missing memory on the phone. No need to delete applications and constantly clear the memory to “carve out” space in the internal storage.

    We also advise you to carefully read the guide on how to uninstall applications on Android. Perhaps you need not only the Android application manager, but something more flexible, like the uninstaller from the developer Jumobile (see above). It will allow you to remove even hidden applications on your phone, as well as Chinese or system ones.

    On the phone ( Sony Xperia M4 Aqua) receive notifications that there is not enough memory on the phone. I decided to transfer some applications to the SD card and leave only in the internal memory. A little time passed and notifications began to come again, there was no more space on the SD card and I decided to clear it out of my mind, forgetting that I once transferred applications there, and now the icons of these applications are on my screen, but I can’t enter them , and the SD card icon is lit on top of these icons. And the most important thing is that I can't download the programs again and I can't delete the application from my phone.

    Answer. All applications transferred to the sd card (or even deleted custom applications) can be easily returned - just go to Google Play and find this or that program for Android through the search, then click on the Install button.

    You can transfer applications to the sd card as follows:

    1. Go to Settings - Applications (Application Manager).
    2. Go to SD Card or USB Drive
    3. Find in the list the application that you want to transfer to the sd card
    4. Confirm action

    By the way, removing unnecessary or transferring Android system applications in this way is impossible, this will require third party programs type Jumobile.

    I installed a memory card on my smartphone, I want to download the application. It does not install, writes: delete applications, there is not enough memory. The phone's memory is full. How to remove unwanted apps from Android?

    Answer. If you wish, you can remove unnecessary applications with CCleaner programs, CleanMaster or app manager from Jumobile. These same utilities, by the way, will allow you to clear free space by deleting the cache, temporary files and other unnecessary data on the phone.

    If system memory clogged with applications - it is better to transfer them to the sd card (I wrote about how to do this above in the text).

    Deleted some program on the phone. On the screen (in the lower left corner) the inscription “Safe Mode” was highlighted. Some applications are no longer visible. I downloaded the Undelete recovery program, I can’t log in, but in Play Store this program is installed. What could be the program that is causing problems after uninstalling it?

    Answer. You may have deleted system application on Android or installed program conflict with the phone. Exit from safe mode restarting the device helps. If after rebooting you still enter this mode, try turning off the phone and turning it on with the power button and volume down held down at the same time.

    Tip: do not delete system or user applications on Android without knowing their purpose. Removal can lead to serious consequences: you will have to, in best case, reflash the phone.

    “Darling, you need to get checked out. I’m embarrassed to say, but I think I picked up a… advertising banner somewhere.”

    Yes, this is how you honestly need to admit to your loved one that a virus has got into your smartphone or tablet. Collective infection occurs not only somewhere on the Internet, but right in your home network. In I have already spoken about the experience of dealing with advertising viruses and banners, and today I will add signs of infection and another sad experience with a good ending. The most difficult option for removing banners and viruses - when a virus enters the system, I described in the third post -

    Part three. Banner on Android. Signs of infection

    Have you seen these banners? How do you know if something is wrong with your favorite smartphone or tablet? Here are some signs that will help you identify if your device is infected. There may be many more signs, but here are the most frequent ones for the present and those that I have met more than twice.

    Part four. How do I block ads?

    So there appeared annoying ads— banners, full-screen pop-ups, page transitions paid subscriptions. Google began to swear at the traffic coming from my network. What I've done? This experience is only mine and is not an instruction for use.

    Note. As a source of infection or as a leaky application, there were also such: Caivs, slowly, Font manager, patriotic, etc.

    This treatment worked on 3 devices. It is noteworthy that Asus and Samsung devices were not affected by me. Surprisingly, even the creepy Fly didn't get sick, but he was already disabled right on the assembly line. Possibly related to this problem to Chinese devices with Android 4.4 kitkat.

    In the following posts I will continue to tell the story of the struggle against intrusive advertising. Stay tuned, ask, comment, share opinions. Good luck!

    (5 ratings, average: 4,40 out of 5)

    http://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/banner-na-androide-1024x512.pnghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/banner-na-androide-150x150.png 2015-10-01T23:07:02+03:00 Anton Tretiak Android and iOS - Darling, you need to get checked. I'm embarrassed to say, but I think I picked up somewhere ... an advertising banner. Yes, that's how you honestly need to admit to your loved one that a virus has got into your smartphone or tablet. Collective infection occurs not only somewhere on the Internet, but right in your home network. In the first part I said...Anton Tretiak Anton Tretiak [email protected] Administrator site - reviews, instructions, life hacks