• Methodological manual for the discipline "information technology in professional activities" educational and methodological manual on computer science and ICT on the topic. IT tutorial Applied information technology tutorial


    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


    V.V. Bespalov

    Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House

    UDC 004(075.8) BBK 32.81я73

    Bespalov V.V.

    B 534 Information technologies: textbook / V.V. Bespalov; Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University,

    2012. – 134 p.

    The textbook outlines the course of study of the discipline “Information Technologies” by first-year students. The material is based on the discipline “Informatics”. Particular attention is paid to the study of basic and applied information technologies.

    The manual was prepared at the Department of Nuclear and Thermal Power Plants and is intended for students of educational institutions studying in the direction 140100 “Thermal power engineering and heating engineering”.

    UDC 004(075.8) BBK 32.81я73


    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology and Technology

    V.I. Maksimov

    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of Teplouniversal LLC

    B.V. Lebedev

    FSBEI HPE NI TPU, 2012

    Bespalov V.V., 2012

    Decoration. Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2012

    PREFACE................................................... ........................................................ ............

    1. INFORMATION SOCIETY.................................................... ........................

    1.1. Levels of information in society................................................................... ........................

    1.2. Stages of transition to the information society....................................................

    1.3. Types of e-commerce........................................................ ...........................

    2. INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY....................................

    2.1. Encoding numbers........................................................ ........................................................

    2.2. Text encoding........................................................ ...........................................

    2.3. Image encoding........................................................ ...................................

    2.3.1. Raster graphics................................................... ...........................................

    2.3.2. Vector graphics........................................................ ...........................................

    2.3.3. Advantages of vector graphics................................................................... ................

    2.4. Audio encoding........................................................ ........................................................

    2.5. Video encoding........................................................ ........................................................

    2.5.1. Number of frames per second......................................................... ...........................

    2.5.2. Permission................................................. ........................................................ ...

    2.5.3. Bitrate, or video stream width (for digital video) .............................

    2.5.4. Video formats........................................................ ...................................................

    3. HISTORY OF COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT.................................................... ........................................

    4. TYPES OF MODERN COMPUTERS.................................................. ..........

    5. PC DEVICE.................................................... ........................................................ .....

    5.1. Computer cases........................................................ .........................................

    5.2. Computer Processor (CPU)................................................... ...............................

    5.2.1. Generations of processors................................................... ...................................

    5.2.2. Process................................................ ...............................

    5.2.3. Form factor........................................................ ........................................................ ...

    5.2.4. Number of cores and threads................................................... ........................................

    5.2.5. Clock frequency................................................... ...........................................

    5.2.6. Level 2 (L2) cache size .................................................... ...............................

    5.3. System board........................................................ ........................................................

    5.4. RAM......................................................... ...........................................

    5.5. Storage devices................................................................... ...................

    5.5.1. Floppy disk drives.................................................................... .......

    5.5.2. Hard disk (HDD) .................................................... .........................................

    5.5.3. Optical discs and drives (CD, DVD, BD, HD) ....................................................

    5.5.4. Flash Drive .................................................... ........................................

    5.6. Input devices................................................................ ...........................

    5.6.1. Keyboard................................................. ........................................................ ....

    5.6.2. Mouse manipulator .................................................... ......................................

    5.6.3. Scanner................................................. ........................................................ ..........

    5.6.4. Graphics tablet........................................................ ....................................

    5.6.5. Multimedia information input devices....................................................

    5.7. Output devices................................................................... .......................

    5.7.1. Video adapter........................................................ ........................................................

    5.7.2. Monitor................................................. ........................................................ ........

    5.7.3. Audio system........................................................ ...................................................

    5.7.4. TV-, FM-tuner................................................... ........................................................ ..

    5.7.5. Printers........................................................ ........................................................ ......

    6. COMPUTER NETWORKS.................................................... ........................................

    6.1. Local networks........................................................ ........................................................ ..

    6.1.1. Local network topology................................................................... ............................

    6.1.2. Wireless network (WiFi) .................................................... ........................................

    6.1.3. Composition of the Local Network......................................................... ....................................

    6.2. Geographically distributed networks................................................................. .............

    6.2.1. Features of the Tomsk city network. ........................................................ .......

    6.3. Global computer networks................................................................... .......................

    6.3.1. The largest backbone operators in the Russian segment of the Internet


    6.3.2. Methods of connecting to a provider................................................................... ..............


    7.1. Market classification of software.................................................... ...........................

    7.1.1. Free software................................................................... ..........

    7.1.2. Proprietary software................................................................... ...

    7.1.3. Unwanted software........................................................ ....

    7.2. System software........................................................ ...............

    7.2.1. Operating system (OS)................................................... ...............................

    7.2.2. Additional system software................................................................... ......................

    7.2.3. Variety of OS................................................... ...........................................

    7.2.4. Construction of a computer network................................................................... ....................

    7.2.5. Main server functions......................................................... ............................

    7.3. Application software........................................................ ............

    7.3.1. Office software........................................................ ........................................................ ...

    7.3.2. Graphics software........................................................ ...........................................

    8. BASIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES....................................................

    8.1. Telecommunication technologies................................................................... ..............

    8.2. Technologies for creating and processing text.................................................... ..........

    8.3. Spreadsheet technologies................................................................... ......................

    8.4. Technologies for creating and processing graphics................................................................. ......

    8.4.1. Raster graphics................................................... ...........................................

    8.4.2. Basics of vector graphics using CorelDRAW as an example....................................

    8.5. Multimedia technologies................................................................... ........................................

    8.6. Database management technologies.................................................................... ..........

    8.7. Client-server technology................................................................... ............................

    8.8. Software development technologies................................................................... ................................

    8.9. Geoinformation technologies................................................................ ...................

    8.10. Artificial intelligence technologies................................................................... ......

    8.11. Internet technologies........................................................ .......................................

    8.11.1. Managing IP addresses and names on the global Internet.......

    8.11.2. WWW technologies (World Web Wide) .................................................... ............

    8.11.3. E-mail................................................ ......................................

    8.11.4. Chat........................................................ ........................................................ ..............

    8.11.5. Instant messaging tool....................................................

    8.11.6. Video conferencing................................................... ....................................

    8.12. Intranet technologies........................................................ .......................................

    8.13. Information security technologies................................................................... .............

    9. APPLIED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES....................................

    9.1. IT in the energy sector........................................................ ........................................................

    9.2. Information space of the enterprise...................................................

    REFERENCES................................................................... ...........................................

    LIST OF INTERNET SITES.................................................... ................................


    Let's start studying the discipline "Information Technology"

    from a review of Internet resources of Tomsk Polytechnic University. This will allow you to confidently navigate the information space of the university when studying this and other disciplines:

    http://tpu.ru/ – official presentation website of TPU.

    http://abiturient.tpu.ru/ – the ABITURIENT website contains all the necessary information for applicants to TPU.

    http://alumni.tpu.ru/ – website of the TPU Alumni Association, registration on the website is available.

    http://www.lib.tpu.ru/ – website of the TPU Scientific and Technical Library. Contains electronic catalogs of books; there are links to electronic catalogs of other libraries, including foreign ones. Registered users have access to full-text electronic versions of some publications; it is possible to order books via the Internet. Popular information and legal systems are available for use.

    http://standard.tpu.ru/ – server for regulatory support of educational activities of the university. The server provides systematization and centralized storage of supporting materials for the internal university audit of the educational and methodological equipment of the educational programs provided.

    http://portal.tpu.ru/ – TPU Corporate Portal is the basis of the university’s information structure. User access to portal resources depends on his rights. Without logging into the portal, guest access rights (the public part of the portal) apply. The portal contains:

    o Websites of university departments - the complete structure of the university with lists of teachers and staff of departments.

    o Websites of university teachers. As a rule, the websites contain teaching materials on the disciplines taught.

    o Websites for university events (conferences, competitions, etc.). o Websites of university publications.

    o The “Student” section on the TPU corporate portal has been created

    With the goal is to unite all student organizations in a single information field, as well as provide a platform for posting all student information resources.

    o The “Employee” section contains information resources necessary for employees’ work.

    https://intranet.tpu.ru/ – corporate intranet server is available only to registered users and contains service information.

    Websites for students’ independent work using distance education technology:

    http://e-le.lcg.tpu.ru/ – information and educational environment for distance learning on the WebCT platform.

    http://mdl.lcg.tpu.ru/ is an additional distance learning environment via the Internet on the MOODLE platform.

    http://e-llt.lcg.tpu.ru/ – an environment of software and hardware systems for training based on remote access network laboratory workshops.

    http://portal.tpu.ru/ido – website of the Institute of Distance Education

    http://vc.tpu.ru/ – exhibition center for innovative, scientific

    And educational achievements of TPU.

    http://nru.tpu.ru/ – website for information support for the implementation of the NRU RET program.

    http://endowment.tpu.ru/ – website “TPU Endowment Fund”.


    Information society– theoretical concept of post-industrial society; the historical phase of the possible development of civilization, in which information and knowledge become the main products of production. Distinctive features:

    increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society;

    an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products

    And services in gross domestic product;

    growing informatization of society using television

    phony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional

    And electronic media;

    creation of a global information space that provides:

    o effective information interaction between people; o access to global information resources;

    o meeting the needs of citizens for information products and services.

    The information society is a modern stage in the development of civilization with the dominant role of knowledge and information, the impact of information and communication technologies on all spheres of human activity and society as a whole.

    Several stages can be distinguished in the activities of government authorities in developing and implementing state policy in the field of development of the information society in Russia. The first (1991–1994) laid the foundations in the field of informatization. The second stage (1994–1998) was characterized by a change in priorities from informatization to the development of information policy. The third stage, which continues to this day, is the stage of policy formation in the field of building an information society. In 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the federal target program “Electronic Russia 2002–2010,” which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the information society in Russian regions.

    A special role in teaching computer literacy and mastering the latest information technologies is given to computer science, which since 1985 has been studied in all secondary schools in the country and since 1991 in

    all higher educational institutions of Russia. Since 2007, all secondary schools in Russia have been connected to the global Internet and equipped with basic program packages for mastering computer literacy and the latest information technologies, using proprietary and open source software. Within the framework of the Priority National Project “Education”, open domestic software is being introduced and computer-legal education is being organized in universities and schools.

    1.1. Society Information Levels

    There are three levels of informatization of society:

    Physical – software and hardware of computer technology and communications technology.

    Logical – information technology.

    Application – user application systems.

    1.2. Stages of transition to the information society

    The transition to the information society is carried out in stages.


    Development of the region's information infrastructure.

    Satisfying the basic information needs of the population

    Electronic government (e-government) – method of providing

    collection of information and provision of an already formed set of public services to citizens, businesses, other branches of government and government officials, in which personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized and information technologies are used as much as possible.

    E-commerce(e-commerce) is the sphere of digital eco-

    nomics, which includes all financial and trade transactions carried out using computer networks, and the business processes associated with such transactions. This includes:

    electronic information exchange (Electronis Data Interchange, EDI);

    electronic capital movement (Electronic Funds Transfer, EFS);

    electronic commerce (E-Trade);

    electronic money (E-Cash);

    electronic marketing (E-Marketing);

    electronic banking (E-Banking);

    electronic insurance services (E-Insurance).

    1.3. Types of e-commerce

    B2B, or business-to-business scheme. The principle of such interaction is very simple: an enterprise trades with another enterprise. B2B is one of the most promising and actively developing areas of e-commerce today. Internet platforms make it possible to significantly simplify transactions at all stages and make trade more efficient and transparent. Often in such cases, a representative of the customer side has the ability to interactively control the order fulfillment process by working with the seller’s databases.

    B2C, or business-to-consumer scheme. In this case, the company trades directly with the client (not a legal entity, but an individual). As a rule, we are talking about retail sales of goods. This method of carrying out a commercial transaction allows the client to simplify and speed up the purchase procedure. Examples of this type of trade are traditionalonline stores,aimed at the target group of direct consumers of goods.

    C2C scheme, or consumer-to-consumer. This method is used

    E-commerce involves transactions between two consumers, neither of whom is an entrepreneur in the legal sense of the word. Online platforms for such trading are something between a push market and an advertisement column in a newspaper. As a rule, C2C commerce is carried out on online auction sites, which are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. For clients of such systems, the main convenience lies in the slightly lower price of the product compared to its cost in stores.

    The textbook examines the classification, purpose, components, structure of information technology, technical means of modern information systems, the concepts of local and global computer networks, principles of operation, basic protocols, software and equipment for building networks, the world information network Internet is considered, its characteristics are given, basic services, the basics of information retrieval, as well as the main programming languages ​​for creating web pages. The structure of monetary payments on the Internet and the structure of the market for information resources, as well as information security in computer networks, are described. The textbook is intended for full-time and part-time students of universities of communications and computer science in the field of “Telecommunications” and economic, engineering and technical workers.

    Stages of information technology development.
    Evolutionary development can be represented in five stages: Stage 1 (until the second half of the 19th century) – “manual” information technology, the tools of which were: a pen, an inkwell, a book. Communications were carried out manually by transmitting letters, packages, and dispatches via mail. The main goal of technology is to present information in the required form.

    Stage 2 (from the end of the 19th century) - “mechanical” technology, the tools of which included: a typewriter, a telephone, a voice recorder, and mail equipped with more advanced means of delivery. The main goal of technology is to present information in the required form using more convenient means.

    Stage 3 (40s – 60s of the XX century) – “electrical” technology, the tools of which included: mainframe computers and corresponding software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable voice recorders. The purpose of technology changes. The emphasis in information technology begins to shift from the form of information presentation to the formation of its content.

    Introduction 5
    1 General characteristics of modern information technology and technical means of modern information systems 6
    1.1 General characteristics of modern information technology and technical means of modern information systems 6
    1.1.1 Basic concepts and components of modern information technology 6
    1.1.2 Technical means of modern information systems 12
    2 Local area networks 27
    2.1 Physical foundations of computer networks 27
    2.1.1 Purpose and classification of data networks 27
    2.1.2 Physical medium for data transmission. Methods of access to the physical data transmission medium. Standard computer network architectures 32
    2.1.3 Internetwork hardware 39
    2.2 Principles of operation of computer networks 51
    2.2.1 Basic models of computer networks 51
    2.2.2 Internetworking protocols 57
    2.2.3 Technologies for connecting and transmitting data in computer networks 67
    2.2.4 Technologies for connecting users to global computer networks 72
    2.3 Network software 80
    2.3.1 Functional diagrams of computer networks and operating software 80
    2.3.2 Methods for harmonizing computer network protocols 93
    3 World information network Internet 100
    3.1 Electronic services and basic technologies of the Internet 100
    3.1.1 General characteristics of the Internet 100 network
    3.1.2 Internet servers and services 107
    3.1.3 Information network WWW 113
    3.1.4 Searching for information on the Internet 121
    3.2 Creating Web pages 128
    3.2.1 HTML language 128
    3.2.2 Software tools for creating web pages 135
    3.2.3 XML Language 141
    3.3 Cash payments on the Internet 147
    3.3.1 Characteristics and structure of the information resources market 147
    3.3.2 Conducting cash transactions in the Interrnrt network 154
    3.3.3 Organization of interbank interaction 165
    3.4 Information security of computer networks
    3.4.1 Security threats in computer networks 171
    3.4.2 Principles of constructing protection systems for computer networks 178
    Literature 187

    Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book Modern Information Technologies, Budyldina N.V., 2008 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

    Discipline « Information technologies in professional activities" involves obtaining both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The purpose of studying the discipline is to master the knowledge and skills of independent work and consolidate theoretical knowledge.

    The course of lectures in the discipline “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” is intended to implement State requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates for the training of mid-level specialists and forms the knowledge and skills in the field of information technologies necessary for the future work of graduates.

    The course of lectures is based on the students’ knowledge gained from studying the disciplines: “Fundamentals of Computer Literacy”, “Informatics”, “Computer Engineering”.

    In this lecture notes, the content of the discipline “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” is divided into semantic blocks (sections), which, in turn, are divided into topics. Their consistent study will form a holistic perception of the discipline being studied. This course contains the following main sections:

    1. The place and role of information technology in professional activities;

    2. Hardware and software for information processing;

    3. Organization of professional activities using Microsoft Office tools;

    4. Global computer networks, network information processing technologies.

    After each section there is a list of used literature and questions for self-control.

    To consolidate theoretical knowledge and acquire the necessary practical skills, it is recommended to conduct practical classes, including independent work.

    The theoretical part of the course is learned during lectures and during independent extracurricular work. The need to develop this outline is due to the fact that students do not always have time to write down the text of the lecture from the words of the teacher. In the lecture notes, each topic of the material being studied is disclosed more fully, with appropriate explanations. The lecture notes have been developed taking into account the possibility of studying the course at both a basic and specialized level. The training manual for the discipline “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” is intended to make the work of mastering a new field of knowledge optimally convenient and as understandable as possible. The manual will facilitate work both during training sessions (theoretical and practical) and during self-study. The abstract is adapted to educational programs for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities.

    The methodological manual reflects the entire course in the discipline “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” for students in training programs for mid-level specialists. Therefore, students no longer need to use a large amount of educational literature to master the topic being studied.

    To test students' knowledge at the end of studying sections, midterm control should be carried out. At the end of each lecture there are test questions and materials for independent work in the form of practical assignments, allowing students to self-assess the degree of mastery of theoretical material, etc.

    The manual contains a list of basic and additional literature, as well as links to electronic resources.

    Thus, the use of information technologies even at the training stage is a necessary component of the formation of the information culture of a future specialist.



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    This textbook outlines the fundamental principles of computer science in the field of information technology as components of the formation of the information society. The content, capabilities and areas of application of basic and applied information technologies are revealed. The most important thing for future professionals is that the educational publication contains a tool base with the disclosure of software, hardware and methodological tools of information technology.

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    2. I.A. Konopleva, O.A. Khokhlova, A.V. Denisov

      Information Technology


      2nd edition

      Book information

      UDC 004(075.8)

      BBK 33.81я73+32.97я73


      Director of the Arkhangelsk Territorial Institute of Professional Accountants, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of VZFEI V. A. Skripnichenko;

      Department of Automated Information Processing and Telemedicine, Institute of Information Technologies, SSMU;

      Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor V. D. Kozlov.

      Konopleva I. A., Khokhlova O. A., Denisov A. V.

      The textbook covers a wide range of issues related to the organization and implementation of information technologies at an economic facility. Particular attention is paid to the technological process of information processing, the functioning of network information technologies, information security, platforms, open systems, etc.

      The material is based on domestic and foreign experience. Practical examples are given and the necessary recommendations are given.

      For students majoring in information and economics, computer scientists working in various sectors of the economy, as well as a wide range of readers.

      UDC 004(075.8)

      BBK 33.81я73+32.97я73

      © I. A. Konopleva, O. A. Khokhlova, A. V. Denisov, 2010

      © Prospekt LLC, 2014


      The current stage of development of human society is characterized by the transition to universal informatization, the introduction of computerization and information technology in all areas and sectors of the economy. In this regard, solving the problems of using modern, promising methods and means of information processing in practical activities is of paramount importance. Under the influence of new information technologies (IT), fundamental changes are taking place in production and management processes.

      The scope of application of modern automated information technologies and means of communication is very extensive: from ensuring the implementation of routine operations for generating documents and organizing official correspondence to system analysis, support for management decision-making, automation of the design of complex corporate systems, etc.

      Computer technology, mass media, and communications allow various organizations, enterprises, institutions, and individual specialists to obtain reliable, complete and timely information necessary for developing and making optimal management decisions. At the same time, the dynamic development of information technology puts in the first place the adaptation of specialists in various fields of activity to management processes as the most constructive area of ​​​​application of automated IT.

      In this regard, studying the course “Information Technologies” is a critical component of the training of highly qualified specialists who have knowledge of the implementation and use of modern computer technology, the integration of information into production and management processes.

      The textbook “Information Technologies” is based on research of foreign and domestic scientific experience in the organization and functioning of modern automated IT. To effectively present the material in the textbook, it is systematized in a form that is convenient and acceptable for learning in accordance with the existing curriculum. The course summarizes the well-known basic principles of computer science, information systems, information technology design, etc., provided for by the State educational standard for training specialists in the information and economic profile.

      The methodological features of the textbook are an integrated approach to the study of the problems of organizing and implementing information technologies at an economic facility, the use of local and global network technologies, open systems, information security, distributed information technologies, etc. The textbook uses a large bibliographic apparatus and presents historical references, practical assignments for better perception and consolidation of the basic theoretical concepts of the course.

      The material has a clear structure. The main definitions are highlighted and the classification features of the basic concepts of the course are schematically presented. The chapters of the textbook are illustrated with diagrams and tables in which the main theoretical principles being studied are grouped, which organizes the process of effective perception of the main issues of the subject being studied.

      For each chapter, test tasks or training workshops on the topic of the issue being studied are provided. At the end of each chapter there are questions that need to be learned from the presented material, which allows the student to systematize the material studied and check the overall depth of its assimilation.

      The textbook provides a glossary of basic concepts used in the course, reference to which will contribute to a better understanding of the material. To simplify the search for basic concepts of the course, there is a subject index. In general, the textbook is structured in such a way as to give readers a comprehensive understanding of modern features of the organization of information technology in enterprises, organizations or institutions in various areas of the economy.


      The two greatest inventions in history: printing, which put us in front of books, and television, which took us away from them.

      Georges Elgozy

      The concept of information technologies, their difference from production technologies.

      Basic properties of information technologies.

      The impact of information technology on the development of the economy and society.

      Stages and evolution of information technology development.

      Prospects for the development of information technology.

      Basic classification characteristics and classification of information technologies.

      1.1. The concept of information technology, its properties. The role of information technology in the development of the economy and society

      Information technology – a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon.

      Modern development of society leads to an increase in the volume and complexity of tasks solved in the field of production organization, planning and analysis processes, financial work, relations with suppliers and consumers of products, the operational management of which is impossible without the organization of modern automated information technology

      The term “technology” (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill) in the industrial sense is understood as a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the production process. In a broad sense of interpretation of this concept, the term “technology” implies the production of material goods, which includes the following three components:

      The unity of the concepts “technology” and “information technology” lies, first of all, in the fact that the basis of both lies process, which is understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. Moreover, any technological process must be determined by the strategy chosen by a person and implemented using a combination of various methods and means.

      Using information technology methods are methods of processing and transmitting information.

      Information technology tools - These are technical, software, information and other means by which information technology is implemented at an economic facility.

      A comparison of material production technology and information technology is given in Table. 1.1.

      Table 1.1.

      General comparison of information and production technologies

      The fundamental difference between information technology and the technology of material production is that in the first case the technology cannot be continuous, since it combines work of a routine type (analysis, operational accounting) and creative work, which is not yet amenable to formalization (managerial decision making) . In the second case, the production function is continuous and reflects the strict sequence of all operations for the production of products (technological production process). Technological concepts used in the production sphere (norm, standard, etc.) can currently be extended only to the simplest, routine operations on information.