• Turning on wifi writes an error. Possible reasons for failure. Fix WiFi Authentication Error

    What is wifi authentication on a phone or tablet, most mobile device users know "firsthand" - after all, with a connection to wireless network"users" face almost daily. However, why go through this “procedure”, and for what reasons the Wi-Fi authentication problem arises, not all owners of modern tablet computers understand.

    So, wifi authentication: what is it?

    Authentication is a security check when connecting a device to Wi-Fi over a secure connection. During the authentication process, the device tells the Wi-Fi equipment secret code entered by the user.

    With the correct password, wifi router connects the device to the network, otherwise the connection is dropped. Thus, only users who are members of the circle of "trusted persons" who know .

    In other words, Wi-Fi authentication on an android device is a message to the router of the cipher to enter the network and its subsequent check for a match with the password specified in the router settings.

    wifi authentication error android: what to do?

    Typically, the authentication process takes a few seconds. But sometimes, when connecting to WiFi (after entering the password), the device shows the “authentication” status for much longer - a Wi-Fi authentication error occurs on the phone, or the device is endlessly authorized on the network.

    Typically, this problem occurs for one of the following reasons:

    1. 1. Incorrectly entered secret code to connect to WiFI

    If you entered the wrong secret code (made a typo, entered it in the wrong layout, or just someone changed the code without your knowledge), then you will not be able to connect, and the "authentication" status will last longer than usual, and will end with an error message.

    Solution: check if the password is entered correctly. If you are connecting to a wireless network outside of your home (for example, at your workplace), check with system administrator or colleagues new password.

    If you establish a connection with, and are sure that the code was entered correctly, then we advise: perhaps they have been changed without your knowledge.

    1. 2. Mismatch between the connection type in the tablet settings and Wi-Fi equipment

    Safety standards are constantly improving and changing, making modern WiFi equipment can work in various modes that are incompatible with each other. And often a Wi-Fi authentication error on a tablet occurs due to a mismatch between the settings of the android device and network equipment.

    Authentication error when connecting to WiFi is one of the most common problems that is associated with a problem connecting the device to the router (router).

    Let's take a closer look at the error itself and what to do if it occurs.

    Why does this problem occur?

    An authentication error occurs when the router and the device (the connected subscriber) cannot identify each other for a number of reasons.

    The main indicator of such a problem is that when connected to the network, it says “Saved, not connected” or simply “Saved”.

    This problem often occurs both on devices running the Android operating system and on ordinary personal computers and laptops.

    Let's take a closer look at everything possible ways troubleshooting.

    Follow the instructions and tips to set up the correct Internet connection.

    Password check

    Often the user cannot connect to the network because the password is incorrect.

    Due to the fact that the default access window hides the entered password characters, the user may make a mistake and enter one of the characters incorrectly.

    Check the "Show password" checkbox to see all the characters you enter.

    On computers running Windows OS, hold down the key located on the right in the text field to see the characters of the entered password for accessing the router.

    If you have forgotten your password, you must use the router settings.

    To do this, follow the instructions below:

    • Log in with your personal computer or laptop in any of the browsers;
    • Enter the router's local address in the address bar. Look at the address at the bottom of the router or in the manual for it. If you can't find the localhost information, use the command line options.
      Enable the Run window. In the text box, type "cmd" (without quotes). Press Enter. In the console dialog box that opens, type in the text "ipconfig" (without quotes) and press Enter.
      Find the “main gateway” item and look at the address in the column opposite - this is the local identifier of the router on the network;

    • Enter the data to enter the router settings (login and access password). If you have forgotten these details, contact your network provider;
    • After logging in, you will be taken to the tab quick settings router. The settings menu differs depending on the router model. In some cases, it may be presented English language;
    • Go to the advanced settings tab and in the WiFi field select the security settings item, as shown in the figure below;

    • In the encryption key text field, you can open access find out which encryption key the router uses;

    • Turn off the settings menu and try to connect to the router by entering the passkey you just viewed.

    Checking the router connection

    If after the introduction correct password still getting an authentication error, the next step is to check if the router is properly connected to the network.

    The figure below shows the basic connection diagram of the router.

    Make sure all wiring is connected as shown. Otherwise, reconnect.

    After that, reboot all devices and try to connect to the router again.

    Also, the problem of an authentication error may occur on the provider's side, so it is appropriate to call the communication provider back.

    Perhaps they can solve the problem on their side or send you competent specialists who will solve the problem.

    Reinstalling the computer's network adapter driver software

    In some cases, an authentication error occurs on computers with outdated drivers network adapter(network chip).

    Follow the instructions to update the driver software:

    • Enable the system's Device Manager window. To do this, right-click on the "Start" button and select "Device Manager";

    • Find the tab with network adapters among all devices and expand it;

    • Find your WiFi adapter in the list of devices. Right-click on it and select driver updates. The driver software installation process will start and finish automatically.
      Restart your router and computer and try connecting to the network again.

    Update router network adapter drivers on user's computer

    Many happy owners tablets actively use Wi-Fi for everyday tasks. But from time to time when trying to connect, a validation error occurs WiFi Authenticity. The reasons why such a problem occurs are usually hidden in inattention when entering data, failure wireless equipment or incorrect work tablet. Let's consider solutions.

    This function allows you to exclude unwanted connections to the wireless network.

    What is authentication

    To begin with, you need to understand that authentication is the control of a security key and how the transmitted information is encoded. This is important so that no outsider is able to connect to the access point in your home. Security options include strong password and the correct encryption standard.

    If you have an authentication error, the reasons may be the following:

    • Wrong network access password.
    • Tablet and router use different types encryption.
    • Inappropriate communication channels.

    The most common error occurs when wrong input password. Enter it as carefully as possible. You can check and change the security key in the router settings, where you can also change the channel and encryption. Change settings network access possible without much effort even for a non-specialist.

    Changing the security password

    We have already written in detail. In short, you need:

    1. Enter the IP address, username and password of the router in the browser. You can view them on the back or bottom of the device or in the user manual. If you can't find it, type Win+R - cmd - ipconfig. The line "Main gateway" displays the address of the router. The default login and password is admin/admin.
    2. Go to tab wifi security. In the "Encryption Key" or "Security Password" line, view the existing or enter a new password.
    3. On your Samsung or other Android tablet, turn on Wi-Fi, go to Settings - Wireless networks - Wi-Fi - hold down the name of the connection with your finger - Change this network. Check the "Show password" checkbox, enter it again, carefully checking with the one entered in the router.

    Changing the Encryption Standard

    If the error persists even after changing the key, then:

    1. In the router interface, go to "Security Settings", select "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK" authentication type and "AES" encryption.
    2. In a tablet wifi settings hold the connection name - Delete network. Then reconnect.

    Change the Wi-Fi channel

    The wireless network uses the 2.4 GHz frequency. To signals different equipment do not overlap, the router is able to work on 11 channels, automatically choosing the most suitable one. But sometimes failures occur, the signal is getting better, which can cause a Wi-Fi authentication error. To change the channel manually:

    1. Enter the router interface - Wireless network settings.
    2. Check that the region is correctly defined - Russia.
    3. In the "Channel" tab, select one of the 11. Test several times until the tablet connects successfully.

    You can check the availability of each channel using Utilities Free Wi-Fi Scanner for Windows either WiFi Analyzer for android. Once launched, they will scan everything available networks indoors and will display the occupancy of each channel. Choose the one that is not loaded at all or is busy at a minimum.

    If nothing helps

    Although the Wi-Fi authentication error should not occur again when you do specified settings, in some cases it will be necessary to act more radically. You can also try:

    • Reboot router. Unplug the power cord, wait half a minute or a minute, turn it back on.

    Quite often, many users of devices running mobile operating systems are faced with an unpleasant situation when the device generates an authentication error when connecting to a wireless network. Equally, such problems can be attributed to stationary systems, but it is in them that failures of this kind are much less common. For them, a method for fixing the problem will be proposed separately, but for now let's focus on Android devices. It is to them that the appearance of this failure is most often attributed. Accordingly, the proposed methods for eliminating such situations are mainly designed for mobile, and not stationary systems although they cannot be discounted. But first things first. And to begin with, a few words about the nature of the failure itself, without understanding which all solutions to correct the situation may turn out to be completely ineffective.

    What is an authentication error in general?

    Let's consider not even the error itself and the nature of its failure, but the authentication process itself. Do not confuse it with initialization and authorization. These are different things.

    Authentication when trying to connect to a WiFi-based wireless network is a check of the key entered for access, or, more simply, the password that is used in the settings of the router or the stationary station that distributes the signal. computer device to prevent unauthorized connection.

    The most banal situation associated with the appearance of a Wi-Fi authentication error is the usual inattention of the user himself, who enters the wrong combination as a password. In this case, go to the network settings, select change settings and check the box next to the password display line, and after entering it, compare it with what is used as the default access key.

    Authentication error when connecting to WiFi: reasons for the failure

    However, in most cases, this is not the main problem. It may very well be that different types of protection or encryption of data are installed on the mobile device and the router, which are transmitted over a secure connection. Sometimes there may be short-term failures. Of particular note are the incorrectly set router settings in terms of choosing the type of connection and the channel used. You can fight all of this elementary methods then the problem will disappear. The following are some of the main methods.

    Checking the current operating mode of the mobile device

    So, we assume that when trying to connect to some network, the device generates an authentication error. What to do?

    First of all, check the operating mode of the device. Each user must understand that when the Airplane mode is activated, absolutely all connections are blocked. It may well be that you tried to install silent mode by lowering the volume of the speaker, but accidentally made a longer press, which activated the corresponding "Airplane" mode. Just turn it off and check the connection.

    The simplest way to fix the error

    Error WiFi authentication on Android, strange as it may sound, may be associated with short-term system failures, especially when you have some kind of optimizer installed that disables all background services to speed up the device.

    Try to simply reboot the device, but do not use the restart for this, but turn off the device completely and turn it on again.

    If we talk about home users for whom the Android system gives an authentication error when connecting to WiFi at home, the problem may be related to the router itself. Complete full reset its settings by complete shutdown power supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, and then turn on the device again. Some experts advise to maintain a longer pause (up to ten minutes), although, I think, the specified initial interval is quite enough.

    The difference in encryption systems

    What is an authentication error, figured out a little. Now a few words about the most common reasons for its appearance. The problem is that the router and the mobile device may use different types of the chosen protection system.

    This problem is very common with mobile devices. model range samsung galaxy. The router defaults to WPA-PSK Personal and the phone uses WEP. This mismatch is what causes the device to throw a WiFi authentication error.

    Router setup questions

    So eliminate this problem You can set the correct parameters on both the router and the mobile device.

    On the router, you can use automatic settings, but as additional funds select mixed connection mode (11b/g or 11b/g/n). These settings are usually found under wireless connection wireless. Yes, there's more. Do not forget to check if distribution is enabled on the router, otherwise the Internet connection indicator may blink, the router at the provider will be determined by external ping, and there will be no connection either.

    Setting the Priority Channel on the Router

    There is another common problem related to the settings of the used channels allocated for connection. In this case, a failure message may also appear. What is an authentication error in this case? Nothing but the inability to connect via an automatically selected communication channel.

    To fix the problem, log into the web interface of the router through any browser installed on a stationary computer system (for example, on Windows), and in the corresponding parameter item, select one of the eleven available channels one by one, saving the settings and checking connectivity.

    Pairing setup

    Finally, one of the global solutions to the problem of interconnection of mobile equipment with routers or distributing stationary devices is to establish interfacing with standard IP protocols of the fourth and sixth versions. You need to set such options on a smartphone or tablet.

    The sixth protocol, apparently, will not have to be used, since there are not so many providers in the post-Soviet space that use DHCP servers of the sixth version. Therefore, you can limit yourself to pairing with IPv4.

    Solutions for Windows

    But so far, everything described has been related to a greater extent to mobile systems. Don't forget about Windows either. This is especially true for situations when a distributing server is installed on a computer or laptop.

    As a rule, IPv4 settings are configured to automatically obtain addresses of all types, but often the problem may be that the system cannot translate standard requests for domain name V digital combination what DNS servers are responsible for.

    To fix the problem, try simply changing the settings of the preferred and alternative DNS servers, setting the parameters in the form of free Google combinations (options with eights and fours).

    Sometimes, if distribution is not carried out, it may be necessary to call the services section (services.msc in the Run menu), find there DNS clients and DHCP, check their status (they should be active with priority set to "Running"). If the services are stopped, you should enter the options editing (double click or RMB menu), by pressing the start button, start them manually and set the start type to automatic. After completing all the steps and saving the settings, the computer system should be rebooted into without fail, and after the restart, check the possibility of connecting via WiFi.

    Another common problem is the blocking of incoming and outgoing connections on the created server by the installed regular antiviruses and Windows firewall. At least, the appearance of such situations is very often associated with the Avast package.

    To fix the problem, turn off the antivirus for ten minutes and check the connection. If it works, get rid of this software. If there is no effect, deactivate Windows Firewall.

    In case of suspected exposure to viruses, use portable scanners such as KVRT or Dr. Web CureIt, but it's best to check the system before starting the boot using disk applications like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. The uniqueness of such utilities lies in the fact that when writing to removable media you can use the built-in loaders, select a graphical interface and scan computer system before Windows boot. For mobile systems, such tools are not provided (unfortunately).

    The maximum that can be used is mobile antiviruses or programs that disable everything unnecessary services like Root Booster. Such applications, however, will require the presence of superuser rights, but the effect of the increase in productivity cannot be compared with anything. In practice, it was this utility that proved to be the best.

    Instead of total

    In general, if we summarize what an authentication error is, it should already be clear. And you should not associate its appearance exclusively with mobile systems. As follows from the material presented above, in the presence of dispensing devices based on virtual server for Windows systems, the appearance of such a failure is also no exception. As for troubleshooting, of course, it’s worth starting with the router settings and mobile device, since the same types of the same protection systems may not match. Otherwise, the proposed solutions can be used in the order in which they are described, although true reason the appearance of a failure in most cases is quite difficult, especially since nothing particularly specific about the description is almost ever indicated in the error message itself. And this is precisely the biggest disadvantage, because of which it is simply impossible to initialize the failure.

    A fairly common occurrence. At the same time, users cannot connect a tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi, despite the use of standard router settings and a correctly entered password, which is very difficult, hinders normal operation mobile gadget. It is not difficult to solve such a problem, having certain knowledge. It is enough to change some settings so that the mobile device can connect to the wireless network. Often, users are faced with a situation where they do not display on a newly purchased tablet available connections or unable to establish a connection. At the same time, Internet access is necessary to set up a mobile gadget, install applications, updates, without which the device will not perform its functions. We recommend that you carefully change all wireless network connection settings so as not to reset correctly installed settings router. Any thoughtless action may lead to the need to flash the router.

    Solving the authentication problem when connecting a tablet or smartphone to a Wi-Fi router

    Authentication when connecting to wireless connection represents the definition of the device and its parameters. It is necessary for security purposes - only in this way strangers will not be able to use your Internet connection. On the other hand, authentication "determines" how compatible the settings that are used for a wireless connection are.

    Security is ensured by the user entering the correct password. At the same time, all router settings must be set in such a way that the tablet or smartphone cannot accept the connection, which will open up the possibility for its owner to use the Internet.

    Authentication errors occur in three cases. The first involves an erroneous password entry. Since it does not require any settings to be changed, we recommend that you make sure that you have entered the combination correctly. If the key is correct, but the connection has not become active, then the reason lies in the incorrect data encryption. It is often sufficient to simply change the type of data encryption so that authentication errors do not occur.

    The third reason is the incorrect operation of the router itself. This problem often occurs in budget models, since the quality of the device, as you know, depends on the price. In addition, the signals a large number budget routers who work for default settings, may overlap. This primarily causes signal interruption not during authentication, but during the use of the connection. Often incorrect operation of the router can occur due to the load on one device, technical malfunctions of the provider, a large amount of downloaded this moment files on high speed. Sometimes power outages can cause authentication issues and an inability to connect to the Internet.

    Error wifi authentication appears very easily. Users of mobile devices based on Android will see the message "Saved, WPA / WPA2 security" or "Authentication failed". It should be noted that most often this problem occurs on smartphones, and not on tablets. In any case, the task of each user is to configure the router in such a way that similar mistakes did not occur. They cause great inconvenience, especially at times when you urgently need to use the Internet.

    What should the user do before making changes to the parameters? First of all, we recommend that you make sure that you are using correct name network and enter the correct password. If everything is correct, but the connection is inactive, try rebooting the router by turning it off and then turning it back on. Many devices have a reset button. We do not recommend using Reset as this will result in the need to completely configure the router.

    Change the subfrequency of the connection

    There are a total of 14 sub-frequency connections. Moreover, the fourteenth subfrequency is used for military purposes. IN Russian Federation, Ukraine is allowed to use 13 sub-frequencies for wide use. Often, routers from the same manufacturer choose a specific channel by default. We recommend that you check this setting and set a new value for it.

    To do this, open a browser and enter the numbers "". After that press Enter. Next, you will need to enter your username and password to access the router's web client. Such information is contained in the instructions for the device. After that, you will be able to see the router settings. You should go to the Wireless tab. On the tab, you will be able to see the Channel parameter. For convenient use of the wireless network on smartphones and tablets, you need to set the Auto setting. It will allow you to automatically select a channel depending on the load on a particular channel. Do not forget to reboot the router after changing the parameter.

    It should be noted that such a change will help solve the authentication problem if mobile devices find many connections to the wireless network. This situation is common in offices and apartment buildings.

    The password and network name are great importance when connected to Wi-Fi on tablets and smartphones. The network name must not contain the following characters: \, |, /, $, &, :, %. We also discourage the use of hyphens and dashes. As for the password, it is desirable that it consists entirely of numbers. Alphabetic characters are allowed in combinations, but many users who have encountered a device authentication problem recommend using numeric combinations.

    To change the network name and password, you will need to access the router's web client again. After that, go to the Wireless tab again, find the SSID1 parameter and change it. The password is also easy to change. You must first activate the Wireless tab, then go to Wireless Security. Password PSK - this is the key that must be entered when connecting to wireless internet. After making the change, you must reboot the router.

    Encryption type

    We recommend doing this setting at the same time as changing the connection name and password. The WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK connection is the best and most reliable today. This setting should be set in the Wireless Security section.

    After that, you need to check the Version parameter. It is desirable that the Auto version of the security standard be installed. This may solve the problem on older devices that simply do not know how to work with the WPA2-PSK standard. Sometimes on new devices, the firmware version operating system does not support WPA2-PSK. The encryption type allows the device to use both WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK2 at the same time. It is supported by all modern mobile gadgets and is a more advanced setting than WPA2-PSK.

    Tablet firmware and root access

    Often an authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi can occur if there are problems with the firmware version of the tablet or smartphone. This is especially true for those whose users have made changes to the . In some cases, users cannot connect to the wireless network if the operating system version is not authentic.

    Any firmware contains drivers that are responsible for the module wireless communication. An inauthentic version of the operating system, accordingly, may use inappropriate drivers that prevent normal connection. In such cases, we recommend to correct the authentication error. Choose only high-quality firmware. Pre-read the reviews of people who have already installed the software on their gadget. But this solution is only suitable for those who are convinced that there are no other options to fix the problem.

    Authentication errors when connecting a tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi are not uncommon. In this case, the solution to the problem consists in changing the settings of the router, checking the correctness of the password entered, or changing the firmware. In any case, if such situations arise, the easiest option is to reboot the router and double-check the combination entered when connecting. Before changing the type of data encryption and other parameters, you need to make sure that this will not cause other malfunctions of the router.