• What programs are designed to process numerical text and graphic information. Text processing tools


    Revolution in office automation in the 80s. XX century became really possible in connection with the creation and widespread distribution of personal computers. Personal computers first of all, typewriters, which form the basis, were forced out of circulation technical means preparation of printed documents. The advantages of a computer equipped with a special text information processing program over a typewriter were obvious and consisted in the fact that it provided a significant increase in convenience, productivity of work and, most importantly, an increase in the quality of the resulting documents.
    The separation in time of the stages of document preparation, such as input, editing, design, preparation for printing and the actual printing itself, made the process of creating a document simpler and more technologically advanced.

    There are two types of text processing programs:text editors And word processors . Main difference text editors from word processors is that word processors include much more features for processing text information.

    Text editor- a computer program designed to create and modify text files, as well as view them on the screen, print them, search for text fragments, etc.

    Word processor- a type of computer application program designed for the production (including typing, editing, formatting, and sometimes printing) of any type of printed information. Sometimes a word processor is called a text editor of the second kind.

    Word processors in the 1970s - 1980s. called machines intended for typing and printing texts for individual and office use, consisting of a keyboard, a built-in computer for simple text editing, as well as an electrical printing device. Later the name “word processor” began to be used for computer programs, intended for similar use.

    Modern text information processing programs provide the user with ample opportunities for preparing documents. These are editing functions that allow the possibility of any change, insertion, replacement, copying and moving fragments within one document and between different documents, contextual search, functions for formatting characters, paragraphs, pages, sections of a document, layout, checking grammar and spelling, use along with with simple text elements of lists, tables, pictures, graphs and charts.

    A significant reduction in document preparation time is provided by such typing automation tools as AutoText and AutoCorrect, the use of forms, templates and standard document wizards.

    Availability external memory The computer provides convenient long-term storage of previously prepared documents and quick access to them at any time.

    Scanners and voice devices. Existing systems recognition of texts received from the scanner include the function of exporting the document to other applications.

    A wide range of printing devices, combined with document preparation and preview functions, ensures high-quality black-and-white and color copies on paper and transparent film.

    Modern trends in improving these systems are aimed at improving the communication capabilities of text information processing programs. When working in local and global computer networks, the user has the opportunity to exchange documents with remote users, send documents via email directly from the environment of a text information processing program, prepare data in Web page format.

    Thus, modern programs provide many functions that allow you to prepare the text part of a document at the typographic level. In addition, modern programs allow you to include graphic objects in the text: drawings, diagrams, photographs. Thanks to these capabilities, a file that is a text document can contain, in addition to alphanumeric characters, an extensive binary information about formatting text, as well as graphic objects.

    When choosing a program for work, you need to take into account many factors: the complexity of the documents, the scale (volume) of the texts, the requirements for the quality of the document on paper, and the nature of the materials (for example, simple “fiction” or tables, formulas, equations, etc. ).

    Most famous programs devices intended for text processing can be divided “by specialization” into three groups:

    Processors general purpose(“Lexicon”, “Microsoft Word”, “Word Perfect”, etc.);

    Editors of scientific documents (“ChiWriter”, “TeX”, etc.);

    Program source editors (“Multi-Edit” and built-in system editors BASIC programming, Pascal, etc.).

    » [Informatics Exam][Ticket No. 18]

    Software tools and technologies for processing text information (text editor, word processor, editorial and publishing systems).

    Text editors

    To process text information on a computer, general-purpose applications are used - text editors.

    Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, others - objects(tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.).

    Simple text editors (for example, Notepad) allow you to edit text and carry out simple font formatting.

    More advanced text editors that have a whole range of capabilities for creating documents (for example, searching and replacing characters, spell checkers, inserting tables, etc.) are sometimes called word processors. An example of such a program is Word from office suite Microsoft Office, or Writer from the StarOffice package.

    Powerful word processing programs - desktop publishing systems - are designed to prepare documents for publication. An example of such a system is Adobe PageMaker.

    To prepare web pages for publication on the Internet, specialized applications are used (for example, Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver).

    Editing and formatting

    Editing is a transformation that adds, deletes, moves or corrects the content of a document.

    Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text.
    The object-oriented approach makes it possible to implement a mechanism for embedding and embedding objects (OLE - Object Linking Embedding). This mechanism allows you to copy and paste objects from one application to another. For example, when working with a document in the Word text editor, you can embed images, animation, sound and even video clips into it and thus get a multimedia document from a regular text document.

    Formatting is a transformation that changes the presentation form of a document.

    Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on a document it is necessary to set the page parameters: format, orientation, margins, etc. The standard page format is A4 (21x29.7 cm). There are two possible page orientations - portrait and landscape. More often used for regular texts portrait orientation, and for tables with a large number columns - landscape.

    Formatting paragraphs.

    From a literary point of view, a paragraph is a part of the text that is a fragment of a work complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

    In computer documents, a paragraph is any text that ends with an end-of-paragraph control character. Entering the end of a paragraph is achieved by pressing the ENTER key.

    Formatting paragraphs allows you to prepare a correctly and beautifully formatted document.

    In the process of formatting a paragraph, parameters are set for its alignment (alignment reflects the position of the text relative to the boundaries of the page margins), indents (the entire paragraph can have indents on the left and right) and spacing (the distance between the lines of the paragraph), indentation of the red line, etc.

    Font (character) formatting.

    Symbols are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, special characters. Characters can be formatted (changed appearance). Among the main properties of characters are the following: font, size, style and color.

    A font is a complete set of characters of a certain style. Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The font unit is the point (1 pt = 0.367 mm). Font sizes can be changed within wide limits. In addition to the normal (regular) style of characters, bold, italic, and bold italic are usually used.

    Depending on the way they are presented on a computer, there are differences between raster and vector fonts. Methods are used to represent raster fonts raster graphics, font characters are groups of pixels. Bitmap fonts can only be scaled by certain factors.
    In vector fonts, characters are described by mathematical formulas and can be scaled arbitrarily. Among vector fonts, TrueType fonts are the most widely used.

    You can also install additional options character formatting: underlining characters with different types of lines, changing the appearance of characters (superscript, subscript, strikethrough), changing the distances between characters.

    If you plan to print a document in color, you can specify different colors for different groups of characters.

    Spelling and syntax checking

    To check spelling and syntax, special software modules are used, which are usually included in word processors and publishing systems. Such systems contain dictionaries and grammar rules for several languages, which makes it possible to correct errors in multilingual documents.

    File Format

    The file format determines how text is stored in the file. Simplest format text file(TXT) contains only characters (numeric character codes), while other formats (DOC, RTF) contain additional control numeric codes that provide text formatting.

    Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, the most popular are still programs designed to work with text. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used:

    — input operations allow you to transfer the source text from its external form V electronic view, that is, to a file stored on a computer. Input can be carried out not only by typing using a keyboard, but also by scanning a paper original and then converting the document from a graphic format to a text one (recognition);

    — editing (editing) operations allow you to change an already existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files, splitting a single document into several smaller ones, etc. Input and editing when working on text are often performed in parallel. When entering and editing, the content of a text document is formed;

    – document design is determined by formatting operations. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will appear on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.

    Programs designed to process text information are called text editors.

    A text editor is a text processing program that is used to create new documents (letters, reports, newsletters) or change existing ones. Modern text editors (including the Word editor) are sometimes called word processors because they contain a very large number of text processing functions.

    The entire variety of modern text editors can be divided into three main groups:

    1. The first includes the simplest text editors, which have a minimum of capabilities and are capable of working with documents in the usual text format.txt, which, as you know, with all its simplicity and universal support, does not allow more or less decent text formatting. This group of editors can be classified as included in the OS package Windows family WordPad editors and the very little-functional NotePad, and many similar products from other manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit, etc.).

    2. The intermediate class of text editors includes quite broad capabilities in terms of document design. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs include Microsoft Works and Lexicon.

    3. The third group includes powerful word processors, such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work.

    The main functions of text editors and processors are:

    — entering and editing text characters;

    — the ability to use different character fonts;

    - copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

    — contextual search and replacement of parts of text;

    — setting arbitrary parameters for paragraphs and fonts;

    - automatic word wrapping new line;

    — automatic page numbering;

    — processing and numbering of footnotes;

    — creating tables and drawing diagrams;

    — checking the spelling of words and selecting synonyms;

    — construction of tables of contents and subject indexes;

    — printing the prepared text on a printer, etc.

    Also, almost all word processors have the following functions:

    - support various formats documents;

    — multi-window, i.e. the ability to work with several documents simultaneously;

    — inserting and editing formulas;

    — automatic saving of the edited document;

    — working with multi-column text;

    — ability to work with different formatting styles;

    — creation of document templates;

    — analysis of statistical information.

    Today, almost all powerful text editors are part of integrated software packages designed for the needs of the modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular office software Microsoft package Office.

    Similar MS Office programs are OpenOffice.org Writer, StarOffice Writer, Corel WordPerfect, Apple Pages.

    The powerful word processor Microsoft Word for Windows makes it easy to prepare a wide variety of documents. The text you enter is displayed on the screen exactly as it will be printed. Powerful text editing tools bring desktop publishing capabilities closer to desktop publishing while maintaining ease of use.

    The user has access to a variety of editing tools: changing the font type and style, aligning paragraphs, setting line spacing, highlighting with frames, multi-column text, highlighting paragraphs, hanging indents, auto numbering and much, much more. You can insert tables into the text, the cells of which can contain both text and numbers. The built-in charting tool makes it easy to choose from a variety of available chart types. Moreover, you can insert formulas into cells that automatically recalculate the result when parameters change.

    The text can be accompanied by graphics, which can be inserted from existing files in various formats or created using the built-in graphics editor. If the document has large size, then for the convenience of working with it, you can automatically create a table of contents or an alphabetical index.

    Much attention in Word for Windows is paid to working with letters. For any letter, you can automatically create an envelope, the address for which will be selected from a database of virtually any format. If you need to send one letter to several addresses, you just need to enter the corresponding addresses in the database, and they will be automatically printed on envelopes.

    Word for Windows allows you to write without errors. It has a built-in error correction program. Dynamic spell checking mode is supported. Every word you write will be checked immediately, and if it contains an error, you will immediately notice this by a special marking that marks the word spelled incorrectly. In order to correct an incorrectly spelled word, just right-click on it and you will be offered a list of possible replacements.

    In Microsoft Word, you can use a new spell checking mechanism. Users will also appreciate the ability to automatically format text.

    Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text and correctly place it on the page. With this program, you can insert graphics, tables, and charts into your document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. The Word text editor also has many other features that make creating and editing documents much easier. Most frequently used functions:

      when entering text you hit the end of a line, Word automatically moves to the next line;

      If you make a typo while entering text, the auto-correct feature automatically corrects it. A function automatic check the spelling tool highlights misspelled words with a red wavy line to make them easier to see and correct;

      if you use hyphens to highlight list items, use fractions, sign trademark or other special characters, the auto-formatting function will correct them itself;

      To present text in table form, you can, of course, use a tabulator, but Microsoft Word offers much more effective means. And if the table contains digital data, then it is easy to turn it into a chart;

      Preview mode allows you to see the document in the form in which it will be printed. In addition, it allows you to display all pages at once, which is convenient for making changes before printing.

      The program also offers a number of functions that save time and effort. Among them:

      AutoText – for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

      styles – for storing and specifying entire sets of formats at once;

      merging – for creating serial letters, printing envelopes and labels;

      macros – for executing a sequence of frequently used commands;

      “masters” – for creating professionally designed documents.

      Graph, Equation, WordArt - thanks to this group of programs it is possible to insert various diagrams (Graph) into a document, mathematical formulas(Equation – formula editor) and text effects(WordArt). These programs are installed in the MSAPPS subdirectory in WINDOWS directory, i.e. to the disk on which it is installed Windows environment. This is especially important when the main part Word package installed on another drive. There should be enough on both disks free space.

      Proofing Tools – These programs are designed to check spelling, correct typos and select synonyms.

      Envelopes, filters and ODBC (Converters, Filters and Data Access) - documents created in other text editors have file formats that differ from the format used by the Word editor. In order for Word to work with such files, special format conversion programs, or converters, are needed.

      Wizards, Templates and Letters – Wizards and templates allow you to save time when preparing standard documents. By using Word templates it is possible to quickly create letters, faxes, inscriptions on envelopes, etc.

      Tools - this group includes the installation program, which allows you to change the configuration of MS Word, the Dialog Editor program, the MS Info program, designed to obtain information about the current system Windows configuration, and the Dialog Editor program, which is used to create macros (macros).

      Graphics (Clip Art) – the graphics library contains more than 50 drawings that can be used to design documents.

      The Word text editor for Windows is a powerful tool for professionally preparing documents by effectively using the full variety of its functions. Word editor allows you to create a huge number of special effects.

      Formatting is a change in the appearance of text without changing its content. For example, a word can be depicted in different fonts.

      Word distinguishes between formatting individual characters and formatting entire paragraphs. If formatting characters comes down to choosing a font, character size and style, then formatting paragraphs consists of setting indents between adjacent paragraphs, as well as from the edges of a sheet of paper, creating a red line and choosing text alignment: centered, left edged, right edged, along the left and right edges together (widthwise), etc. For this purpose, there are corresponding buttons in the toolbar.

      Word provides two fundamentally different ways to format text—direct (or immediate) formatting and formatting using styles. With direct formatting, the selected fragment is assigned the necessary design parameters one by one. The advantage of style formatting is that the selected object (usually a paragraph) is assigned a whole set of formatting parameters (formatting style), which is generated in advance and has a unique name. A formatting style can include font, paragraph, tab, border and fill, frame, numbering, and the language used for hyphenation and spell checking. Formatting styles can be assigned to selected paragraphs or the paragraph within which the cursor is located.

      To make the text readable, they usually use no more than three fonts and change the font style or size for text highlights, signatures, and headings. The format of the document must correspond to its content. The text is perceived better if there is a little free space on the page, margins along the edges of the page, free space between columns of text and before headings. The readability of the text is also greatly influenced by right choice typeface, font style and size, spacing between lines of text, padding, paragraph indentations etc.

      Among special-purpose word processors, it should be noted such as Unv Editor (before version 4.0 this processor was called ChiWriter) and Rt-chk, suitable for preparing scientific texts containing mathematical, physical or chemical formulas, allowing the use of up to 20 different fonts simultaneously (for one document). In addition, they allow you to prepare documents using upper and lower indices, Gothic, Greek, Latin and Russian letters and special characters, such as, for example, or Rt-chk has a built-in transcoder that works with 4 code tables (Main, Alternative , KOI-8 and Bulgarian). Specialized document correction programs can improve the efficiency and capabilities of a word processor.

      Specialized text information processing programs are software tools that have a narrow specialization. Among such programs, we should note spell checking and synonym selection programs, text generation, transcoders, group text recording programs, and dictionary programs. Many word processors contain some of these programs as features. However, as a rule, the capabilities of built-in programs are limited compared to specialized ones. As an example, consider the possibility of spelling text control (sometimes such programs are called spellers - from the English word speller).

      The Lexicon word processor implements a spelling control function. However, the latest non-commercial version 6.67 of the dictionary contains about 15 thousand words.

      Most Popular specialized program for checking the spelling of Russian texts is the ORFO program. The dictionary of this program (V3.0) contains 220 thousand lexemes (about 3.5 million word forms). The program has a unique dictionary of synonyms of 30 thousand words and expressions. ORFO implements such functions as searching for errors in word agreement in a sentence by gender, number and case; looking for violations of punctuation rules and incorrect use of capital and lowercase letters; support for the operation of the mouse manipulator. The program is resident and compatible with many word processors (including Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Multi-Edit, Lexicon).

      Text generation programs help to compose (set) the general appearance of the document. In addition, many of them can compress or expand all or part of the text, also making the document more readable; if necessary, dynamically copy headers (when one of them is compressed or expanded, all the others change accordingly). Some text generation programs contain sample text forms; glossary; speller; support sorting of headings and collecting notes under one heading. Programs can be loaded onto a computer resident, stand-alone, or in conjunction with a word processor, database, or spreadsheet. Among the most common: Grand Viwe (Symantek), Max-89, PC-Outline (Broun Bag Software).

      The problem of word processor compatibility in some cases can be solved using so-called text transcoders or file conversion programs. Among the most common is the CONV transcoder, which makes it possible to achieve compatibility of texts written in systems using three various types code tables (Main, Alternative and Bulgarian).

      Another transcoder with the same name works with the Alternative code table and the old version of KOI-8. Thus, it ensures compatibility of word processors of IBM PC and Yamaha computers, the latter of which is used in some higher pedagogical educational institutions and schools (more about transcoders in the following lessons). In addition there are

      programs that provide conversion of files prepared on the same volume

      same type of technology, but using various processors texts. So, for example, software program Bridge (V.3.11) provides file format conversion between 19 word processors (including Word Perfect, Microsoft Word). This program allows you to change footnotes and fonts. And the Word Transformer program (V.4.01) converts files into ASCII format and supports 18 of the most common word processors (including Microsoft Word, Xy Write, Word Perfect).

      Group text writing programs can provide great assistance in preparing a document on which several authors are working simultaneously. They allow you to make amendments and comments to a document without destroying the original.

      Some of this group of programs allow you to compare two texts and highlight different parts in them, for example with color. Others use different fonts to make changes to the text. One of the most popular programs group recording of texts is the ForComment program developed by Braderbund. Up to 15 co-authors can work on a document. Changes made are marked with the name of the co-author and dated. However, only the editor can make amendments to the original.

      The program allows you to store up to 26 versions of a document and up to 15 notes or comments for each line.

      Dictionary programs are aimed at use by specialists in various fields of knowledge and contain definitions of words and phrases. Many of them may: contain cross-references; find synonyms; give multiple definitions for words that have more than one meaning; check the spelling of words. An example is the Stedmans Medical Dictionary program, which is a medical dictionary with 68 thousand terms. The Chace Wards program allows you to define 80 thousand words (including from “ Brief dictionary on electronics publishing Webster") and 40 thousand synonyms. All of these programs allow you to edit various documents in the most professional manner.

      However, for the preparation of printed materials such as books, magazines, advertising brochures, publishing systems are more suitable. Most often, they allow you to work in WYSIWYG mode (What You See Is What You Get - what you see is what you get). Having lower typing performance compared to many word processors, they have unique capabilities in their layout. Among the most typical options are the following: upload text or graphic file; make basic text corrections; highlight sections of text in a different font; implement multi-column typing; use graphic primitives (line, rectangle, circle, circle, filled rectangle, etc.); overlay objects on top of each other; create a style file or a new font; set printing parameters for each paragraph and much more. In addition, publishing systems are focused on the use of laser printers or phototypesetting machines. By general opinion, the most common are three layout programs - Quark XPress, Adobe InDesign and Adobe PageMaker.

      When publishing in one of the listed packages, you are dealing with several types of objects. These are frames - containers for text and graphics imported from outside, and graphic objects created in the layout program itself.

      In addition, PageMaker allows you to use one more element - “simple” text blocks. In PageMaker you can resize and position text and image frames, but you cannot nest one frame within another, and in QuarkXPress you can only nest image frames within text frames. In this regard, InDesign is incomparably more convenient: it allows you to create very complex layouts using many frames nested within each other. An undeniable advantage InDesign - multiple undo and redo actions during layout, in contrast to single undos (and even then not always possible) in XPress and PageMaker.

      One of the fundamental features of layout programs is the use of template elements for the “end-to-end” design of publications. Master pages are used for this, on which repeating template objects are located.

      The most stable (especially when working with large publications) and productive package is Quark XPress, and this is one of the reasons for its long-term leadership in the publishing software market. It is also the most undemanding of computer resources: you can work with XPress 4.1 using an old “four” (not a Pentium 4, of course, but an i486) with 12 MB of memory. PageMaker is a solid middling performer in this regard, but InDesign is surprisingly slow and requires a fair amount of computing resources.

      Task 2

      Completing this task involves solving examples of converting numbers from one number system to another with the presentation of complete mathematical calculations (the accuracy of the representation of numbers is up to the fifth decimal place) and the representation of numbers in floating and fixed point form.

      In the first example, you need to convert numbers from the decimal number system to binary, octal and hexadecimal.

      In the second example, you need to convert numbers from binary system numbers in decimal, octal and hexadecimal.

      In the third example, numbers given in floating point form must be represented in fixed point form.

      Options for tasks are determined according to the table:









      394.683 = 18A.AED91 (16) = 612.53554 (8) = 110001010.10101 (2)

      394 |16

      384 24 |16

      10 16 1

      0.683*16 =10.928

      0.928*16 =14.848

      0.848*16 =13.568


      0.088*16 =1.408

      394 |8

      392 49 |8

      2 48 6


      0.683*8 = 5.464

      0.464*8 =3.712


      0.696*8 =5.568

      0.568*8 =4.544

      394 |2

      394 197 |2

      0 196 98 |2

      1 98 49 |2

      0 48 24 |2

      1 24 12 |2

      0 12 6 |2

      0 6 3 |2

      0 2 1


      0.683*2 =1.366

      0.366*2 =0.732



      0.928*2 = 1.856

      10011001.10111 (2) =153.71875 (10) =231.56 (8) = 99.B8 (16)

      10100011.10011 (2) = 163.59375 (10) =243.46 (8) = A3.98 (16)

      8.642E+02= 864.2




      Task 3

      The purpose of this assignment is to test the student’s ability to work with file system. The task consists of two parts. In the first part, you need to write a template that combines the specified files into a group. In the second part of the task, you need to record routes (access paths) to specified files if the hierarchical tree of disk folders looks like this:

      Record the route to the following files:

      Setup.exe from the Setup folder

      Photo.tif from the Work folder



      All files *.*

      All files without extension


      Task 4

      To complete the task by this issue It is necessary to develop an advertising sheet on a given topic in the Microsoft Word word processor. The document must contain:


      curly text;



      Topics for document development are presented in the table:

      Apartments from 10,000 rubles and this is the Truth!!!*

      Good times are back

      Mortgage possible

      Registration of property within 30 days

      Type of housing

      Total area

      Living area

      Number of rooms



      Apartment in a new building on the street. Tyulyaeva


      Glazed, metal-plastic

      Apartment in a new building on the street. Lenin


      Glazed, metal-plastic

      Apartment in a new building on the street. Chekists


      Glazed, metal-plastic

      * Apartments are pre-finished, without plumbing, electric stoves and interior decoration

      Task 5

      1. Statement of the problem.

      The program should calculate labor productivity in trade (trade turnover per employee) using the formula:

      where n is the number of items of goods;

      P i - retail price of product i - that name;

      M i is the number of goods sold of the i type;

      T i - labor costs per ruble of turnover of product i - of that type.

      2. Description of variables

      N – number of items of goods, integer;

      i – intermediate variable for organizing the loop, integer;

      P – price of the i-th product, real number(real)

      M – number of goods sold of the i-th type, integer

      T – labor costs per ruble of turnover of goods of the i-th type, real number (real);

      S1 – sum of Pi*Mi values, real number (real);

      S2 – sum of Pi*Mi*Ti values, real number (real);

      K – labor productivity, real number (real).

    Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, the most popular are still programs designed to work with text. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used:

    1. Input operations allow you to transfer the source text from its external form to electronic form, that is, to a file stored on a computer. Input can be carried out not only by typing using the keyboard, but also by scanning a paper original and then converting the document from a graphic format to a text one (recognition).

    2. Editing operations (edits) allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files, splitting a single document into several smaller ones, etc.

    Input and editing when working on text are often performed in parallel. When entering and editing, the content of the text document is formed.

    3. Document preparation specified by formatting operations. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will appear on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.

    Programs designed to process text information are called text editors (processors).

    The entire variety of modern text editors can be divided into three main groups:

    1. The first category includes the simplest text editors, which have a minimum of capabilities and are capable of working with documents in regular text format.txt. This group of editors can be classified as included in the package of the operating system of the family Windows editors WordPad and very little functional NotePad (Notebook) , and many similar products from other manufacturers ( Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit etc.).

    2. The intermediate class of text editors includes quite broad capabilities in terms of document design. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs include MicrosoftWorks, Lexicon running Windows.

    3. The third group includes powerful word processors, such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work.

    The main functions of text editors (processors) are:

    Entering and editing text characters;

    Ability to use different character fonts;

    Copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

    Contextual search and replacement of parts of text;

    Setting arbitrary parameters for paragraphs and fonts;

    Automatic word wrapping;

    Automatic page numbering;

    Processing and numbering of footnotes;

    Creation of tables and diagrams;

    Checking the spelling of words and selecting synonyms;

    Construction of tables of contents and subject indexes;

    Printing the prepared text on a printer, etc.

    Also, almost all word processors have the following functions:

    Support for various document formats;

    Multi-window, i.e. the ability to work with several documents simultaneously;

    Inserting and editing formulas;

    Automatic saving of the edited document;

    Working with multi-column text;

    Ability to work with different formatting styles;

    Creation of document templates;

    Analysis of statistical information.

    Today, almost all powerful text editors are part of integrated software packages designed for the needs of the modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular office suite Microsoft Office.

    Similar MS Office programs - OpenOffice.org Writer, StarOffice Writer, Corel WordPerfect, Apple Pages.

    State educational institution of higher education
    "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University"
    (GOUVPO "ChGPU")
    Vocational Pedagogical Institute

    Test in the discipline "Informatics"

    Text processing software

    2nd year student
    Correspondence department of PPI
    Specialty "Professional"
    training" Podtikhova N.V.
    Checked by: Drapkina E.L.

    Chelyabinsk 2008

    Table of contents

      Command system: 13
      Table data: 15
    2.2. Office software 21
    2.3. Classification of software systems 24


    Information technology has an integrating property in relation to both scientific knowledge in general and all other technologies. It is the most important means of implementing the so-called formal synthesis of knowledge. IN information systems a kind of formal synthesis of heterogeneous knowledge takes place on a computer base. The computer memory in such systems is like an encyclopedia that has absorbed knowledge from various fields. This knowledge is stored and exchanged here due to its formalization.
    Information was originally understood as information transmitted by people orally, in writing or in other ways using conventional signals, technical means, etc. Since the middle of the twentieth century, information has been a general scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton; exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; transfer of characteristics from cell to cell, from organism to organism, etc. Information is spoken of in the sense of the correspondence of statements to reality regarding a certain relationship, events or state of the real world.
    In connection with information, we distinguish between its presentation - external form; its meaning is strictly abstract; its relationship to the real world is the connection of abstract information with reality.
    Information call the abstract content (contains meaning, sense) of any statement, description, instruction, message or news. The external form of information is called presentation .
    For us, information appears in the form of a description of the components and relationships of the real world, made in one or another sign system. In this sense, the concept of information in its generality coincides with the real world (the set of messages) and represents a certain symbolic (semantic) image of reality in all its completeness and generality. At the same time, information is a very unique component of reality. It manifests itself only if there is an appropriate receiver that allows it to be distinguished from the surrounding world and identified according to one or another criterion. In the modern world it is no longer possible to imagine human activity without the help of a computer.
    Nowadays, our lives are fast and mobile, and the computer helps people speed up the tasks assigned to them. One of these tasks is working with text information. A computer with a set of specific programs can easily cope with this.
    My job is to figure out what these programs are and what they can do.


    1.1 Tools for processing text information

    Application programs are designed to ensure the use of computer technology in various fields of human activity. Therefore, this class of programs is of greatest interest to the mass computer user.
    Figure 1 shows the software diagram

    Rice. 1. Software diagram

    Due to the huge variety of application software, there are many options for classifying it. Let's consider the most general classification of application programs. Let's divide this software into 2 large classes:
    1. General purpose PS. These include programs that perform the most frequently used, universal tasks (text editors, table processors, graphic editors, DBMS, etc.).
    2. Professional level PS . Programs of this class are focused on a fairly narrow subject area, but penetrate into it quite deeply (publishing systems, CAD - computer-aided design systems, 3D graphics programs, video editing programs, music editors, automated control systems, etc.).
    Each class is divided into numerous subclasses.
    Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, the most popular are still programs designed to work with text. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used:
    - operations input allow you to transfer the source text from its external form to electronic form, that is, to a file stored on a computer. Input can be carried out not only by typing using the keyboard, but also by scanning a paper original, converting a document from a graphic format to a text one.
    - operations editing (edits) allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files, splitting a single document into several smaller ones, etc.
    Input and editing when working on text are often performed in parallel. When entering and editing, the content of the text document is formed.
    The format of a document is specified by operations formatting. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will appear on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.
    Programs designed to process text information are called text editors.
    The entire variety of modern text editors can be divided into three main groups.
    The first includes simple text editors, which have a minimum of capabilities and are capable of working with documents in the regular TXT text format, which, as is known, for all its simplicity and universal support, does not allow more or less decent text formatting. This group of editors includes the editors included with the Windows operating system. WordPad and very little functional NotePad, as well as a whole galaxy of similar products from third-party manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, etc.).
    The intermediate class of text editors includes quite broad capabilities in terms of document design. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs include Microsoft Works, Lexicon.
    The third group includes powerful word processors, such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work, however, the vast majority of their capabilities are practically not used.
    The main functions of text editors and processors are: - editing lines of text;
    - the ability to use different character fonts;
    - copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;
    - contextual search and replacement of parts of text;
    - setting arbitrary line spacing;
    - automatic word wrapping;
    - automatic page numbering;
    - processing and numbering of footnotes;
    - alignment of paragraph edges;
    - creating tables and drawing diagrams;
    - checking the spelling of words and selecting synonyms;
    - construction of tables of contents and subject indexes;
    - printing the prepared text on a printer in the right number copies, etc.
    Figure 2 shows a diagram of working with text.

    Rice. 2. Scheme for working with text

    Also, almost all word processors have the following functions:
    - support for various document formats;
    - insertion into the text of most external objects of various programs;

    - multi-window, i.e. the ability to work with several documents simultaneously;
    - inserting and editing formulas;
    - the ability to create various tags (bookmarks, footnotes, links);
    - automatic saving of the edited document;
    - working with multi-column text;
    - ability to work with different formatting styles;
    - creation of document templates;
    - analysis of statistical information;
    Today, almost all powerful text editors are included in integrated software packages designed for the needs of a modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular office suite Microsoft Office, StarOffice Writer is included in the world famous StarOffice.
    Also, many modern text editors contain the ability to create web pages, and some are even focused on this. Almost all test processors can work with the HTML format, but using them for serious web page creation is quite inconvenient. Here special web page editors .
    Currently, two types of such editors are widely used:
    The editors themselves HTML texts(Allaire HomeSite, HotDog, CoffeeCup HTML Editor, Ken Nesbitt Web Editor and many others). While working, the user sees the internal content of the HTML file and can change it either manually or by calling menu commands to insert specific HTML elements.
    Type editors WYSIWYG(“what you see is what you get”) (Microsoft Front Page, Macromedia Dreamweaver, HotMetal PRO and others). The user does not see the “insides” of the document, he works directly with the final result, i.e. all changes are immediately displayed in the HTML code of the page, which can also be directly worked with in these editors. Basically, when working with WYSIWYG editors, there is practically no need to know HTML language tags - special language commands that control the appearance of the document and its structure. On the other hand, to work effectively, you still need basic understanding of the language and the correspondence of tags to the results on the screen.

    1.2. Tabular information processing tools

    Tabular presentation of data has its own characteristics. Many types of data are much more convenient to store and process in tabular form, especially numbers. Automation of spreadsheet calculations greatly increases the efficiency and quality of work. Computer programs designed for storing and processing data presented in tabular form are called spreadsheets or table processors .

    Applications of spreadsheets

    The appearance historically coincides with the beginning of the spread of personal computers. The first program for working with electronic information, a table processor, was created in 1979, intended for computers like the Apple II and was called Visi Calc. In 1982, the famous spreadsheet processor appeared Lotus 1-2-3, intended for IBM PC. Lotus combined computing capabilities business graphics and functions of a relational DBMS. The popularity of table processors grew very quickly. New ones appeared software products this class: Multiplan, Quattro Pro, Super Calc, etc. One of the most popular spreadsheet processors today is MS Excel, part of the Microsoft Office suite.
    Spreadsheets allow you to solve a whole range of problems.

    Perform calculations. For a long time, many calculations have been carried out in tabular form, especially in the field of office work: numerous payslips, tabulation charts, cost estimates, etc. In addition, the solution by numerical methods of a number of mathematical problems convenient to do in tabular form. Spreadsheets are handy tool to automate such calculations. Solutions to many computing problems on a computer, which previously could only be accomplished through programming, have become possible to implement on spreadsheets.
    Mathematical modeling. The use of mathematical formulas in ET allows one to imagine the relationship between various parameters of some real system. The main property of ET is the instant recalculation of formulas when the values ​​of their operands change. Thanks to this property, the table is a convenient tool for organizing an experiment: selecting parameters, predicting the behavior of a simulated system, analyzing dependencies, planning. Additional convenience for modeling is provided by the possibility of graphical presentation of data.
    Using a spreadsheet as a database. Of course, compared to DBMSs, spreadsheets have less capabilities in this area. However, some data manipulation operations characteristic of relational DBMSs are implemented in them. This is searching for information based on specified conditions and sorting information.

    1.3. Spreadsheet environment

    When working with a table processor, the table's work field and dialog panel are displayed on the screen. The spreadsheet is represented as a matrix consisting of lines And columns. Rows are numbered from top to bottom, starting from 1. Columns are named in Latin letters (one- and two-letter names) in alphabetical order from left to right. The number of rows and columns depends on the specific type of TP.
    At the intersection of rows and columns, cells(cells), each of which has its own designation (name, address), consisting of the column name and line number: A1, C5, AB356, etc. Not the entire spreadsheet (document) is visible on the display screen, but only part of it. The document is stored in its entirety in RAM.
    An important element of a spreadsheet is table cursor- a rectangle highlighted with color or frame. The cell currently occupied by the cursor is called current cell. When you move the cursor across the table, a “window” moves around the document, resulting in various parts of it becoming visible. The part of the table filled with information is called active table. Different spreadsheet processors may have different locations on the screen of the work field and dialog panel.
    Input line (formula bar) is intended to reflect the data entered into the current cell. In this line you can view and edit the formula stored in the cell; In the cell itself, the user sees the result of the calculation using the formula.
    Main operating modes:
    Ready mode. In this mode, the current cell is selected or a block of cells is selected.
    Data input mode . Character-by-character data is entered from the keyboard into the current cell.
    Edit mode . Used when it is necessary to edit the contents of a cell without completely replacing it.
    Team mode . Mode for selecting and executing commands from a hierarchical menu system. After the command is executed, the system returns to the ready mode.
    Table display modes . In cells storing formulas, the results of calculations using formulas or the formulas themselves are displayed. The first mode is called value display mode, second- formula display mode. The working state of the table is the value display mode. The formula display mode is used when creating and debugging a table.
    Compute Control Mode . The table processor performs calculations using formulas, scanning the table in a certain order. This scan always starts from cell A1. The order of calculations can be set by rows or columns. Some TPs allow you to set this order at the user's request. Each time you enter new data into a cell, the entire table is automatically recalculated (automatic calculation mode). In some TPs it is possible to set a manual recalculation mode, i.e. the table is recalculated after a special command is issued.
    Command system:
    TP commands are organized into a hierarchical system, the top level of which is the main menu. In addition, command execution can be initiated through the toolbar, context menu, "hot keys".
    Editing commands tables allow you to manipulate table fragments: delete, copy, move, paste. Insertion and deletion of columns or rows causes other rows or columns in the table to shift. In this case, the relative addressing operating in the table automatically modifies the formulas in accordance with their changed addresses. The copying technique allows you to quickly build large tables containing similar elements.
    Formatting Commands Allows you to change the appearance of the table and its design. Format elements include:
    - directions of data alignment relative to cell boundaries;
    - row height and column width;
    - font type, style and size;
    - number representation format (regular, exponential, bit depth);
    - type of table layout;
    - background color, etc.
    File commands include a standard set of commands that allow you to open and save files and organize printing of the resulting document.
    Commands for working with a table as a database . The ability of a TP to search and select data from a table allows the spreadsheet to be used as a simple database. When working with databases, one deals with records and fields. In spreadsheets, the database is the table itself, the records are the rows of the table, and the fields are the cells of the table. The TP implements search and sort commands. To organize search and retrieval of data, you need to set:
    input block, i.e. the range of cells in which data (records and fields) is stored; important requirement: all lines in this block must be homogeneous;
    criteria block, i.e. a range of cells containing a condition in accordance with which the search and selection of data from the input block is carried out;
    output block, i.e., the range of cells into which data will be extracted from the input block in accordance with the condition contained in the criteria block. These blocks are specified using special commands.
    Table rows are sorted by the values ​​of a specific column. The command specifies the sorting order: - ascending or descending values ​​(in the same sense as the database)
    Graphics Processing Commands make it possible to display numerical information in graphical form, most often in the form of charts. The graphical mode commands can be divided into two groups: commands for describing charts (set the data that will be displayed graphically, set the type of charts, etc.); chart display commands.
    Table data:
    Data for table processors is information contained in table cells, presented in a certain symbolic form. The contents of a spreadsheet cell can be formula or text. A special case of the formula is numeric constant or variable, more general – arithmetic or logical expression.
    Data Types . A word processor must "know" what type of data is stored in a particular table cell in order to correctly interpret its contents. For example, a sign of text data is the symbol “ (double quotes). A data type is determined by the set of values ​​accepted by a value and the set of operations applicable to values ​​of that type. From here it follows, for example, that one cannot use arithmetic operations to table cells in which text information is stored. The main types of data in spreadsheets are numerical, symbolic, logical.
    Data structure . The minimum structural element of data presented in a spreadsheet is a cell. The main work is done with the cells: they are filled, edited, cleared. Cells are combined into data structures - columns and rows.
    The basic structural concept in spreadsheets is the concept range of cells (block). It is used in many table processor commands and in some functions. A range is a set of cells that form a rectangular area (matrix) in a table. The minimum range is a cell, row and column, which is also a block, the maximum range is the entire table. Some spreadsheet processors allow you to specify a name for a range of cells, which makes it possible to work with the block as a single whole.

    Addressing .
    It is worth paying attention to a certain similarity between the structure of the spreadsheet and RAM COMPUTER. In both cases, the principle of addressing is used to store and retrieve information. The difference is that in RAM the smallest addressable unit is a byte, while in a table it is a cell (cell).
    The symbolic names of variables are at the same time their addresses in the table. The table can be set relative addressing mode or absolute addressing mode.

    In relative addressing mode, any changes in the location of the formula by copying a block, moving a block, inserting or deleting rows or columns lead to automatic changes in the addresses of variables in formulas located in offset cells. In other words, the formulas are modified in accordance with their new position. When the relative addressing mode is canceled, the absolute addressing mode is set. In this case, when the cells are displaced, no modification of the formulas occurs.
    Very often, various totals are calculated in numerical tables: sums, averages, highest, lowest values. Receiving such data is called statistical processing of the table. All table processors have corresponding functions for this. Presentation of tabular data in graphical form is used in practice. Graphic processing gives clarity and visibility to the calculation results. Table processors provide the user with a choice of many types of charts (histograms, graphs). Such graphic tools are usually called business graphics.


    2.1. Database classification

    Computer information systems allow you to store large amounts of data and process them. The basis of any information system is a database.
    Figure 3 shows a diagram of computer systems.

    Rice. 3 Diagram of computer systems