• How to reduce line spacing. How to reduce line spacing in Word

    CSS is very necessary for styling text. Any specialist always uses them if he creates a beautiful website. Thanks to these attributes, you can perform any operations with text.

    As a rule, most layout designers do not like the default text formatting in html. CSS line spacing allows you to customize just about anything you can imagine. And if you go deeper, you can do something that never even occurred to you.

    How to add line spacing to text in CSS

    It is important to understand that you can set line sizes, indents, etc. to all elements that contain text. For example, all of these attributes are great for:

    • paragraph;
    • lists;
    • ;
    • tables;
    • headers;
    • and everything else where you place text.

    When considering CSS line spacing, the first things to look for are the following attributes.

    In Photoshop there is a concept called Leading. There is no such attribute in CSS, but thanks to it you can clarify the point. Leading is in fact the distance between lines.

    In CSS, line size is specified by the line-height and font-size parameters. As you can see, the figure clearly indicates that font-size is the font size. Not a single letter ever goes beyond these limits.

    Line-height is the distance from the middle of the upper Leading to the middle of the lower Leading. All this is indicated by arrows in the figure.

    Please note that if you specify a line height less than the font size, the lines will overlap each other. Be sure to keep an eye on this so that such a situation does not happen.

    Some people think why the font-size is stretched lower than the line with the letters. It's simple. After all, there are letters that are lower than the main level of the line. Below in the figure is a clear example where symbols are used that are stretched up and down.

    As you can see, the letters occupy the entire font-size range. And the line height is greater, and equal space is added on both sides.

    The value of the line-height attribute can be anything:

    • pixels;
    • inches;
    • points;
    • interest;
    • and others that are used in CSS.

    You cannot specify a negative value. For example, if you specify a multiplier of one and a half, then you will get standard one and a half spacing in the text.

    If you specify as a percentage, then keep in mind that 100% in line-height is equivalent to the font-size value.

    In addition, you can specify the value normal or inherit. If you specify normal, the distance between lines will be calculated automatically by the browser at its discretion. The meaning may vary depending on the browser. It is recommended to put specific number, so that all users have the same experience.

    Inherit means that the value will be exactly the same as the parent element.

    More detailed design

    CSS line spacing is actually not limited to just the above attributes. The distance can also be adjusted using the margin and padding attributes. If you specify the attribute exactly as margin="5px", then a distance of 5 pixels will be added on all sides of the line (paragraph).

    If you need to specify only above the paragraph, then you can specify margin-top. The translation is very simple. This way you can set indents on each side.

    Please note that there is also a padding attribute. It works exactly the same as margin. You can set both a general indentation and a specific direction (left, right, up, down).

    Look closely at the picture above. Margin is the margin outside the object, and padding is inside.

    These attributes are global. They can be applied to anything - pictures, tables, text, links, and so on.

    Remember this once and for all. This is very important point when designing objects. For example, thanks to margin, you can specify the indents between the text and the images inside it. If these indentations are not present, then the text will be placed close to the image.

    If you have text in a table, then use padding to prevent the text from sticking to the edges of the table, as this looks ugly. And if you set an indent of at least 5 pixels, it will look much better. In addition to height, a line has a width attribute.

    Sometimes this is a very necessary property. The figure below shows an example of different text widths.

    Design example

    When creating a website design, you should always make sure that the text is as readable as possible. If the text is difficult for the user to read (it is too small or too large), then he will simply close your site.

    Try comparing the two paragraphs shown in the image below. Which text is more convenient for you to read?

    CSS line spacing is designed to make text easier to read. Also don't forget that different fonts may differ in their original height.

    For clarity, you can check it in any editor. Let's compare several fonts.

    Please note that all fonts are written at 24 pixels. As you can see, they all differ in the height and width of the letters. If you compare larger sizes, the difference will be more obvious.

    CSS: List line spacing

    The interval setting also applies to lists. In addition, list styles are characterized by the margin and padding described above. Thanks to this, the lists become more beautiful than standard ones. Using all these attributes, you can set:

    • The height of the list items.
    • Indentation for text on the left.
    • Indents for lines at the top and bottom.
    • The maximum width of each item.


    Having such a set of attributes, you can play with the design of not only the lines, but also anything you want. These are global parameters to which absolutely all elements are subject (the exception is font-size, since it is only for text).

    When you start typing text in Word, you may encounter a problem when the space between the lines is quite large. This nuance can greatly spoil the document, making it unaesthetic. This can often be observed by downloading a document from the Internet. In both cases, the problem is incorrect formatting. In this article we will talk about in Word: how to reduce or, conversely, increase it. We'll tell you everything in detail and give three of the most simple ways, so there's something for everyone.

    First method: for all versions of Word

    As mentioned above, there will be three ways to do line spacing in Word it is less or more. They are not very different from each other, but they are not suitable for all versions of the program. Therefore, the first method presented will be universal; it will be suitable for both Word 2003 and the 2016 version.

    Now we will set the default line spacing parameters. This is done in order to create new document, you didn't change these values ​​every time.

    You need to create a new document in Word. After this, on the “Home” tab, you need to find a column called “Styles” in the toolbar (it is located in the very right corner). In this column, you need to click on the arrow icon, which is also located in the lower right corner. As soon as you do this, a small panel will appear with the ability to change the document style, but we don’t need this. In this panel, at the very bottom, there are three buttons - click the right one.

    In the window that opens, you need to go to the "Default" tab. There is a column "Interval". It is there that the line spacing can be both reduced and increased. In general, use the presets in the dropdown list, enter values ​​manually, increase, decrease until you find the value that suits you. Click OK after checking the box next to "In new documents that use this template."

    Second method: only for new versions of Word

    We continue to talk about interline We have already figured out how to reduce or increase it, but this is just the only way. Now let's move on to the second. It is intended only for programs 2007 and higher. It will not work in Word 2003.

    You also need to open a blank Word document, only this time pay attention not to the “Styles” column, but to the “Paragraph”. Click the same icon as last time and a settings window will open. In it you will see the same column - “Interval”, with the same parameters. All you need to do is specify the line spacing in Word (you already know how to reduce or increase it).

    After that, click the button located at the very bottom - “Default”. In the window that opens, select "All documents based on the Normal template." Click "OK" and get started.

    Third way: one click

    Now we will look at how to change line spacing in Word in one click. This method only works if you need to change the values ​​in a separate piece of text.

    So, in the "Home" tab, in the "Paragraph" section, find a button called "Spacing". By clicking it, you will see a list of all available intervals. Select the spacing you like, and it will change in the pre-selected text area. Also in the list, you can click “Other line spacing options” and the familiar “Paragraph” window will open.

    When writing documents for office work, as well as scientific publications and work, strict design criteria are given, including regarding line spacing.

    Understanding the term “line spacing” gives you an idea of ​​how to minimize the distance between lines without compromising the readability of the text.

    In cases where this value is not specified in the design criteria, no attention is paid to it, although this value helps to save space when printing.

    What is line spacing

    The spacing value depends on the font used, since the standard line width for this point size is taken to be 1. Accordingly, the distance between the lines will be approximately equal to the size of most letters.

    The interval itself is calculated from the middle of the line vertically, which must be taken into account when changing the interval downward. If you take the value too small, the lines will overlap each other: upper part Most beeches will be “eaten up” by the top line.

    The concept of line spacing also includes indentation between paragraphs. In order to highlight the next paragraph, the line spacing between them can be increased compared to the rest of the text. This can be done for all paragraphs by default or only for individual paragraphs in the settings.

    Why reduce the space between lines?

    Reducing the spacing value can be useful when texts are printed for personal use. Reducing this value saves space on paper when printing, and you can also use this trick to highlight certain quotes or inserts to make them more compact than the rest of the text, thereby highlighting that fragment.

    Default in Microsoft Word costs a value of 1 or 1.5, so this knowledge of this will help you adhere to design criteria that do not always coincide with standard settings on your computer.

    You can change the distance between lines at any time when writing text. If the spacing changes for an already written fragment, it must be highlighted, since the text editor itself, by default, changes the settings only for the current paragraph, as well as for subsequent text.

    Accordingly, you can set the interval settings in advance, and then get to work. Changing the distance between lines in this case will remain unchanged even after closing the document and when opening a new file for work.

    To change the distance between lines for versions of Word 2007 and earlier, you need to select the “Spacing” icon on the main tab, which is located in the “Paragraph” subsection and looks like two arrows pointing up and down.

    You can make the interval less than 1 only in the “Other interval options” section. When you select this field, the following window appears where you need to change the multiplier values.

    In the Sample window, you can immediately see how the text will look after the change. Any multiplier values ​​can be specified. They can either be entered manually or selected using the up and down arrows next to the “Value” cell.

    But in the second case, it is not possible to select values ​​less than 1. Please note that you need to select exactly “ Factor" This category means that the initial width of the space between lines (for example, 11 pt) will be multiplied by the specified value.

    When multiplied by a value less than 1, general parameter decreases, shortening the distance. The minimum value that can be entered in the column is 0.01. It is worth noting that even with an interval of 0.2-0.3 the text cannot be read.

    In addition to the “Multiplier” line, you can use “Minimum”. The trick of this column is that instead of the standard size measured in pt (points), you can set the value for the interval in centimeters and millimeters.

    In this case, the distance between the lines will be the same even when changing the font. In order to change an item to centimeters or millimeters, you need to remove “pt” in the value line and write the abbreviation cm or mm through a space after the number.

    The lines “Single”, “Double” and “One and a half” will set the spacing to 1, 2 and 1.5, respectively. The “Exactly” line will indicate the font size, which will be equal to the value 1 for line spacing.

    In this line you can also change this value, but only in points. You can manually calculate this distance. 1 point is approximately equal to 0.35-0.37mm depending on the country. The US does not use a unified metric system, so points are equivalent to 1/72 of an inch.

    A similar menu can be opened not only from command line, located in the header of the open text editor. There are also more quick way when using the context menu.

    To do this, just click the right mouse button once and select the “Paragraph” section from the drop-down window, confirming your choice by clicking the left mouse button, as in all other cases with selecting a specific item from the drop-down list.

    How to change spacing in older versions of Word

    In the Word 2003 version, the program interface is slightly different, which may make it difficult to find the required section. However, the corresponding values ​​are still located in the “Paragraph” subsection. You can find this subsection:

    • Through context menu, which remains roughly the same across all versions, so just right-click and select “Paragraph.”
    • Through the header of an open text editor, when selecting the “Format” tab. A list will automatically drop out of it, among the names of which will also be “Paragraph”, which is necessary to change the distance between lines.

    Microsoft's office suite is widely used, and its DOC format has practically become the standard for the design of text documents. Unfortunately, most users end up with this word processor learning how to change the font typeface and mastering its alignment on the page.

    Meanwhile, many organizations have rules for working with text documents, which prescribe certain parameters their design. They usually define the type font, used by default and the required line spacing in the document.

    Change intercharacter distance, also called kerning, is required mainly to give the formatted text a more harmonious and aesthetically complete look. Its main area of ​​application is typography, or artistic layout.

    How to change and adjust line spacing

    There are several ways to change line spacing in Word. ways:

    The last item is called up by clicking right mouse button and allows you to manually adjust line spacing in a wide range of values.

    Line spacing values

    Line spacing is distance between hypothetical lines passing through the middle of letters in lines and is equal to the default font size. Standard sizes , available in Word, are 1, 1.15, 1.5, 2 and 3 values ​​of this distance.

    Drop-down list, in the item " Paragraph", allows you to use line spacing options in the text that differ from those indicated. In addition to the standard set of single, one and a half and double, you can also find the following here:

    Changing the letter spacing

    Each character, in any font, is allocated a certain space, but, depending on the style, the letters can fill it in different ways. To accurately adjust the space they occupy, they use kerning. In Word, it can be specified in three different options. In addition to standard, available sparse And compacted.

    Adjustment is carried out in increments of 0.1 points. This parameter can be accessed in two ways:

    To give the text an aesthetically complete look, sometimes it is necessary to apply visual separation between paragraphs. Keystroke Enter, which is normally used for this operation, does not have this effect, since it simply moves the cursor to the next line. Login edit menu can be done in two ways:

    • Using the context menu " Paragraph» called by pressing the right mouse button;
    • Using the command group " Paragraph" on the " tab Home» Word.

    In both cases it opens additional window, in which using the sector " Interval» you can set the indentation before And after paragraph. The adjustment, regardless of the selected font typeface, is performed in a fixed increment of 6 points.

    If you have recently started working with text editor"Word", then you may well not know how the formatting of all aspects changes in it. In this article we will talk about only one of them - we will tell you how to reduce the distance between lines in Word. Agree, everyone wants the document they wrote to look beautiful when printed, and such artifacts only destroy this beauty. Therefore, read the article to the end to know how to deal with them.

    Extra paragraphs

    Before reducing the distance between lines in Word, it is recommended to first understand paragraphs. In the sense that sometimes the user can put several paragraphs instead of one. It is these actions that lead to the fact that there is a large empty space between the lines.

    To reduce the time spent searching for these nuances, you can use visualization. This function is activated by clicking on the icon located on the toolbar. It is located in the "Home" tab and is indicated by the "¶" icon. By clicking it, you can see all the paragraphs. In this case, the paragraph is also displayed with the “¶” symbol.

    Now all you have to do is find the extra paragraphs and delete them. This was the first method, but not the last, so let's move on to the second.

    Spacing problem

    The next way to reduce is to change the style to the “No Spaces” style. However this method It is recommended to use only if the gap is very large and pronounced. The fact is that this method can radically change the entire formatting of your document, thereby ruining your work.

    So, in order to remove large spaces between lines, you need to go to the “Home” tab and there find the section called “Styles”. In it you need to select the “No intervals” style. If it is not on the panel, expand the section with the corresponding button.

    If you have latest version"Word", then these manipulations must be done in the "Design" tab, in the "Document Formatting" section. The tool is called Paragraph Spacing.

    We carry out full setup: open “Paragraph”

    Previously, we considered methods that did not provide complete action; they could only short time change some formatting. But if you want to remove the space between the lines without harming the entire document, then it is best to use the full setting. Right now we’ll talk about how to reduce the space between lines in Word by resorting to flexible formatting settings.

    First, you need to select the area of ​​text that you are going to change. After that, go to the “Home” tab, and in it, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the icon with the arrow pointing to the lower right corner. The icon itself is located in the lower right corner of the section.

    We carry out full setup: set the value

    As soon as you do this, the Paragraph settings window will appear in front of you. In it, immediately pay attention to the “Interval” section. It is in it that all the settings we need are carried out. You can change the spacing between paragraphs and between the lines of the paragraph itself. To do the former, use the counter next to the words "Before:" and "After:".

    In the case when you want to completely remove the interval, put "0". If you want to remove the space between the lines themselves, then use the drop-down list on the right. You can use the presets (single, 1.5 lines, double, minimum, exact and multiplier) or enter the value manually in the "value:" field.

    So you have completed, so to speak, training in Word on the topic of how to reduce the spacing between lines.