• What does super amoled mean. Recipes for choosing the right smartphone: which screen is better

    We continue the section on how to choose the right smartphone that will delight the user. We have already talked: what are, what is better, the pros and cons. Today we will talk about choosing a smartphone screen. The topic is quite complex and extensive, since by now there are many technologies for the production of displays, their protection, in addition, they are presented in a variety of diagonals, with different ratios, and so on. It is the screen that often becomes a stumbling block when choosing a smartphone. It is not surprising. The display is exactly the part of the device with which we have to work more. In case not right choice there is a high probability that the screen will cause a lot of inconvenience: poor picture quality, low brightness, poor sensitivity. But do not worry, today we will touch on each of the aspects, telling you about all the intricacies of choosing a smartphone screen.

    Smartphone matrix type

    It is worth starting with the type of matrix. In many ways, the quality will depend on the choice of the type of screen matrix. So, today it is customary to distinguish three varieties:

    1. TN+film
    2. AMOLED

    The first two are based on liquid crystals, the second - on organic light emitting diodes. Each of the types is represented by several subspecies (in the case of IPS, more than 20 different ones), which one way or another are found in the production of panels.

    Some of you are wondering: "Where is the TFT?". Due to ignorance of some resources, this abbreviation is often used as a designation for the type of matrix, which is incorrect. The term TFT refers to thin film transistors used to organize the operation of subpixels. They are applied practically in each of considered types of matrices. Transistors are also available in several varieties, one of which is LTPS (polycrystalline silicon). LTPS is a relatively new subspecies, which stands out for its lower power consumption and more compact transistor sizes, which is also reflected in pixel sizes. As a result: a higher pixel density, a better and clearer picture.


    Back to matrices. Most of the matrices familiar to us, as already noted, are liquid crystal, that is, LCD. The principle is to polarize the light that passes through the filter, turning into the appropriate colors. The first of the varieties of liquid crystal matrices is TN + film. With the spread of "film" was dropped, shortening the name to "TN". The simplest type, which by today is rather outdated and is used only in the cheapest smartphones (and even then, you still have to find it). TN cannot boast good angles review or contrast, has poor color reproduction.

    In general, avoid TN when choosing a smartphone screen - the type is outdated.


    Next comes IPS. This technology is also not young - the age has already exceeded 20 years. Meanwhile, IPS-matrices are the most widespread in the smartphone market. Open any online store, choose the first smartphone that comes across and make sure of my words. This type of matrices is also present in budget segment, and in the flagship. In addition to improved performance, when compared with TN, IPS received a large number of varieties. However, you should not understand everything - two types of dominance are divided in the smartphone market: AH-IPS and PLS. Their creators are the two largest firms in South Korea and the whole world: LG and Samsung, respectively. What is the difference? She is practically non-existent. Matrices of two types are like twin brothers, so you can not be afraid to choose a smartphone with any of them. Identity has even been the subject of litigation between companies.

    IPS boasts wider viewing angles than TN, good color reproduction, and a high pixel density, resulting in a gorgeous picture. But the power consumption is about the same - in any case, LEDs are used for illumination. Since there are quite a few varieties of IPS matrices, they also differ in their characteristics. This difference can be seen even "by eye". Cheaper IPS can be too faded, or vice versa - have an oversaturated color. It complicates the choice of a smartphone screen in that manufacturers are often silent about the type of matrix.

    Definitely, when choosing between a TN and IPS screen, preference is given to the latter.


    Even more modern type, which is common today, as a rule, among smartphones upper class. AMOLEDs are organic light-emitting diodes that do not require external illumination, as is the case with IPS or TN - they glow on their own. Already at this point, their first advantage can be distinguished - smaller sizes. Further - AMOLED is represented by more saturated colors. Black looks especially good, during the display of which the LED simply fades out. AMOLED displays are more contrasty, boast wide viewing angles and lower power consumption (there are nuances). Just a fairy tale, right? But before choosing a smartphone with an AMOLED screen, you should learn about its shortcomings.

    The main disadvantage is considered to be a shorter service life compared to IPS. After a certain period (as a rule, after three years changes in color are observed), on average, after 6-10 years, pixels begin to “burn out”. Moreover, bright colors are especially prone to fading, so users often use dark themes design in order to extend the service life. In addition, power consumption is greatly affected by the brightness of the colors on the screen. If displayed bright picture in bright colors, then AMOLED consumes more power than IPS. Finally, OLED arrays are more expensive to manufacture.

    Be that as it may, this does not negate the manufacturability and quality of AMOLED. Sores in the form of "burn-in pixels" are gradually cured, and subspecies of matrices appear that are getting better. For example, Super AMOLED. This variety appeared seven years ago, bringing a lot of improvements. Power consumption has been reduced, brightness has been increased. In addition, the air gap between the tach and the matrix has disappeared, which increased the sensitivity of the screen, and also eliminated the ingress of dust.

    AMOLED today is considered the most technological matrices that are actively developing. If until recently they were used mainly in Samsung smartphones, today they are chosen by a huge number of smartphone manufacturers (almost every major brand has presented a solution with an AMOLED screen.

    Design features of smartphone screens

    But not only the type of matrix should be taken into account when choosing a smartphone screen. There are still a whole bunch of features that affect the final quality of the picture and the feeling of using it. We will focus on the most important points.

    Air gap

    Until recently, the screens of all smartphones were represented by two components: the touch layer and the matrix itself. Between them there was an air gap, the thickness of which depended directly on the manufacturer. Naturally, the thinner the layer, the better. Companies regularly reduced the air gap, making the picture quality higher and viewing angles wider. Relatively recently, it was possible to completely get rid of the air gap thanks to OGS technology. Now the sensor layer and the matrix are merged together. Despite the significant improvement in quality, there is an obvious drawback. In case of damage to the OGG screen, it will have to be replaced completely, while in displays with an air layer, only the glass takes the blow.

    Be that as it may, more and more manufacturers are choosing OGS screens. Yes, and we advise you to give preference to this technology. Believe me, you don't have to worry about the complicated repair of the feelings that you will experience when using such a display.

    A relatively recent thread that Samsung brought to the market with its Galaxy flagship S6 Edge (was also Galaxy Note, but only one edge is bent there). The South Korean manufacturer will continue to develop the idea in subsequent smartphones, but the rest of the companies did not share the idea too much. The company bends the right and left sides of the devices - the screen seems to float on the ends. This is done not only for the sake of spectacular appearance but also for the convenience of the user. Additional functions are brought here, notifications can also be displayed here. A fascinating feature, but not everyone needs it.

    Samsung managed to implement the curved display most successfully, therefore, if such a design is interesting, we advise you to consider the solutions of the South Korean brand.

    An even more recent trend is bezel-less screens. The progenitor is Sharp, which showed the first frameless smartphone back in 2014, but users were drawn to the bezel-less Mi Mix shown in 2016. By the summer of 2017, a number of companies announced their intention to release such gadgets. Today, the market is rapidly filling up, with the newest models costing less than $100.

    To date, there are several variations of the bezel-less screen: elongated displays that have reduced bezels at the top and bottom; familiar displays, devoid of frames on three sides (except the bottom). The first type is samsung galaxy S8 is a pair of smartphones from LG (G6 and ). To the second -, Doogee Mix, Xiaomi Mi Mix and many others, whose ranks are constantly replenished.

    Frameless smartphones look really cool, and the low cost allows everyone to try out modern technologies.

    Known Apple company iPhone 6S introduced a new technology at the time of release - 3D Touch. With it, the screen began to respond not only to touch, but also to the force of pressing. Technology began to be used, as a rule, to perform any quick actions. Also, 3D Touch made it possible to work with text, draw with great comfort (the brush reacts to the force of pressure), and so on. The function did not become something completely unusual, but it found its user. Later, a similar technology appeared 6, was also announced in .

    Touch screen type

    Not particularly important criterion when choosing a smartphone screen, but, nevertheless, let's dwell on it a little. There are several types touch displays: matrix (very, very rare) resistive and capacitive. Resistive screens were ubiquitous until recently, but today they are only found in very rare and cheap smartphones. This type is different in that it reacts to any touch: with a finger, a pen, or at least control another phone. It supports only one touch, it does not always work accurately. In general, an obsolete type.

    Capacitive screens are vastly superior to their predecessors. They already support more than one simultaneous touch, differ better sensitivity, work much more accurately. However, their production is more expensive.

    Like it or not, the vast majority of companies have abandoned resistive screens in smartphones. And this is for the best. In addition, the cost of capacitives is constantly decreasing, which allows manufacturers to install them in the cheapest smartphones.

    Another important aspect when choosing a smartphone screen is the number of simultaneous touches. This parameter determines what operations you can perform on the display. The first smartphones equipped with resistive screens were limited to one simultaneous touch, which was not always enough. The screens of modern smartphones often support 2, 3, 5 or 10 simultaneous touches. What gives a large number of simultaneous touches:

    • Scaling and zooming. One of the first features that appeared in the iPhone - the first smartphone with support for two simultaneous touches. For example, you can reduce or enlarge images by pinching or spreading your fingers on the screen.
    • Gesture control. Multiple fingers make it possible to use various gestures.
    • Management in games. Majority modern games require the use of several fingers at the same time.

    Do not chase support for 10 simultaneous touches if you do not play on a smartphone. For the vast majority of users, 5 touches are enough, and even less demanding ones will not experience discomfort with 2.

    Significant parameters when choosing a smartphone screen go hand in hand. The diagonal of the display reflects its dimensions in inches.

    An inch corresponds to 2.54 centimeters. For example, the screen diagonal of a 5-inch smartphone in centimeters is 12.7 centimeters. note: Diagonal is measured from corner to corner of the screen, excluding bezels.

    What screen size to choose? You will have to answer this question yourself. The modern smartphone market offers the most different diagonals, starting at about 3.5-4 inches, ending at almost 7 inches. There are also more compact options, but you can ignore them - working with miniature icons is not very convenient. The best way choose a diagonal - personally hold the smartphone in your hands. If you are comfortable using one hand, then the diagonal is “your”.

    Recommend concrete figures it is also impossible because each person has a different hand size, finger length. One and 6-inch is comfortable to use, the other - and 5 inches is a lot. It is also worth considering that smartphones with the same diagonal can be of different sizes in general. A simple example: a 5.5" is comparable to a 5" model with regular bezels. Therefore, when choosing a smartphone screen, it is also desirable to take into account the thickness of the frames.

    Be that as it may, there is a tendency to increase the diagonals of the screen. If in 2011 the vast majority of users were limited to 4 inches, then in 2014 the largest percentage belonged to 5 inches, today the market is captured by solutions with 5.5 inches.

    With permission, the situation is simpler.

    Resolution reflects the number of pixels per unit area. The higher the resolution, the better the picture quality. Again, the same resolution looks different on two different diagonals. Here it is worth mentioning the density of pixels per inch, which is denoted by the abbreviation PPI. Here the same rule as in the case of resolution: the higher the density, the better. True, experts do not agree on the exact figure: a number claims that a comfortable value starts at 350 PPI, others give large numbers, and others give smaller ones. At the same time, it is worth remembering that human vision is very individual: someone will not see a pixel even at 300 PPI, while the other will find something to complain about even at 500 PPI.

    • with a diagonal of up to 4-4.5 inches, most smartphones get a resolution of 840x480 pixels (about 250 PPI);
    • 4.5 to 5 inches good choice is HD-resolution (1280x720 pixels) (density ranges from 326 to 294 PPI)
    • more than 5 inches - you should look towards FullHD (1920x1080 pixels) or even higher resolutions

    The latest Samsung smartphones and a number of models from other companies receive a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels, which provides high pixel density and a clear picture. The recent flagship from Sony was even presented with a 4K screen resolution, which at 5.5 inches guarantees a record 801 PPI.

    Screen coverage

    Until recently, the screens of mobile devices were covered with ordinary plastic, which quickly scratched, distorted the color rendition, and did not feel very tactile. It was replaced by glass, which does not care about the keys lying around in your pocket. Now on the market there is not a single type of glass that differs in strength and, accordingly, in price. 2.5D glass, curved from the edges, has gained particular popularity today. They not only guarantee high reliability, but also give the smartphone a more stylish look.

    In addition, the screens of modern smartphones have a special oil-repellent coating (oleophobic layer), which provides good finger gliding and prevents stains. To determine the presence of an oleophobic layer, it is enough to place a drop of water on the screen. The better the drop retains its shape (does not spread), the better the layer.

    Naturally, the quality of the oleophobic layer and glass affect the cost of the smartphone. You will hardly find a budget model that can boast the same durable glass as the flagship solution. Today the most popular manufacturer protective glasses is Corning, whose line ends with Gorilla Glass 5.

    Additional screen

    If one display is not enough for you, then a number of companies offer smartphones with additional screens. They are usually small, but serve to display notifications. And YotaPhone 2, known to many, offers a second E-link display that occupies the entire back side, which is convenient to read. In the LG lineup there are solutions with a small screen that displays notifications. Recently, a similar smartphone with an additional screen was noted by Meizu with its flagship.

    The second screen is a rather peculiar feature that not everyone needs. Nevertheless, such smartphones find their user, and more than one.


    Well, they seem to have told about all the intricacies of choosing a smartphone screen. The material turned out to be quite extensive, we hope that everyone will find answers to their questions. You should not chase the most expensive screen, but it is also contraindicated to save too much - we are looking for the very golden mean. Although the current market of mobile electronics itself will direct you in the right direction, pointing out what is popular and in demand. Today, the risk of stumbling upon a low-quality display that will be dull when pressed is much lower, manufacturers have significantly raised the quality bar. Even third-tier companies use quite solid matrices in their ultra-budget smartphones. Well, we can only wish you good luck in your choice.

    By the way, the line of articles on the criteria for the right choice does not end there. We have already talked about that, check it out. Materials on the topic of choosing a processor and cameras will appear soon, so subscribe to notifications and the Vkontakte group.

    A fairly well-established product in the IT technology market are flagships with an amoled monitor.

    Why is he interesting ordinary person And is it worth spending your time on it?

    AMOLED display

    Amoled technology is the brainchild of the world-famous Samsung company. The invention won the love of consumers, thanks to which the manufacturer is trying to improve it all the time.

    To begin with, let's figure it out, amoled display, what is it? It's an abbreviation capital letters, which in decryption look like this: Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode.

    A technique that allows you to create monitors for TVs, mobile phones and computers.

    Its basis is the use of organic light-emitting diodes, as parts that emit light, and an active matrix, which consists of thin-film transistors.

    Interesting in technology is the way to create black.

    When it needs to be generated, the LEDs simply stop working, and this makes it possible to get a truly rich, deep black color. With its presence on the monitor, there is a decrease in power consumption by the phone.

    On the screen, all the pictures look much more attractive. Color reproduction is bright and saturated. Therefore, models hold the lead in the market along with IPS.

    Phones with AMOLED display

    Phones with amoled display don't lose their relevance enough long time. They have gained their trust and now even practice installation in a budget model.

    Users of such gadgets are satisfied with the colors provided by the developers and the devices themselves as a whole.

    Before popular models with such a screen include:

    Pros of AMOLED

    Of course, phones with such a display are very high-status. Among their advantages is the width of the screen, in which the corners do not bend and the picture is shown in full. Also, great contrast.

    Monitor matrices are presented in a very saturated color. Black looks perfect.

    When you look at such a display, there is a feeling that the picture is not in it, but on the surface. According to consumer reviews, this increases the pleasure of using the gadget.

    Disadvantages of AMOLED

    To date, the quality of screens made on the basis of amoled technologies has improved so much that consumers simply do not find any negative aspects of the product.

    One bad trend is still visible. The most negative thing is that there are health problems.

    Even with a short viewing of multimedia files, the eyes begin to tire, and over time, vision deteriorates. From overwork of the eyes, the sharpness of vision is lost.

    Color pictures on the screen are very bright. Not every person can adapt to such an eyeball strain. At first, I like the brightness, but it has a detrimental effect on vision.

    From the side of science, it was not possible to confirm such data. After all, you need to collect a certain number of people, conduct research and draw conclusions based on statistical data. We provide information that was shared on the Internet only by some users.

    Many of them wrote that after buying a phone with such a display, their eyes began to get very tired, they had to buy special drops. Or 100% vision a short time worsened greatly.

    Among the disadvantages of this technology, we can also highlight:

    1 You need to be very careful with the phone display. If you damage it somewhere, and there is even the slightest ingress of air inside, the screen will instantly begin to fade. Within one or two days your mobile device will become unusable due to the fact that the monitor will stop showing at all. From the point at which the depressurization occurred, a black spot will appear and in a short time will grow to the entire surface.

    1 The connections under the screen are extremely loose. At the slightest mechanical damage, such as a crack, the monitor becomes unusable. He doesn't show.

    Smartphones with AMOLED display

    Smartphones with amoled display have been present in the IT technology market for a long time. They are known a large number users and managed to win recognition for the brightness of their color reproduction.

    Many manufacturers are increasingly turning to this method when creating smartphones.

    So, phones Meizu Pro 6, Yota YotaPhone 2, Huawei Nexus 6P, Highscreen Bay, Lumia use amoled screens in their models.

    In models Microsoft Lumia The 950 Dual SIM uses a 5.2-inch display created using this design technique. Customer reviews are the most positive.

    Photos and videos can be viewed freely even in the strongest sunlight.

    Highscreen Bay is known for being able to capture even the smallest details in an image thanks to this screen technology. It's connected with excellent quality AMOLED matrices.

    Telephone Meizu Pro 6 is also equipped with a Super AMOLED matrix. His pictures are bright and clear..

    The Yota YotaPhone 2 model is equipped with a 5-inch screen and an AMOLED matrix.

    Super AMOLED

    The technology appeared in 2010. It is much better than its predecessor.

    The benefits are noticeable:

    • Even more brightness. The color gamut has become twenty percent more saturated.
    • The viewing angle has changed. It becomes 180 degrees and the advantage is that the image remains crisp and clear, not only for the person looking at the screen directly in front of them, but for everyone else, at any distance.
    • Energy consumption has been reduced by twenty percent.

    Energy reserve - constant problem for smartphones. It’s good if the phone’s charge lasts until the evening, or even less. So here's a new method. slightly increased the operating time of the device.

    • The phone is now more durable. Newer models are manufactured without built-in air cushion. This makes it possible to make devices much stronger, respectively, and their service life increases.
    • For example, when there is a lot of white color on the phone screen with the display in question, then twice as much energy is spent. This does not happen in IPS phones..

      When working with a black screen, the energy consumption indicators are approximately the same. At normal mode operation of the device, IPS also dominates in the charge of energy.

      It’s more convenient for someone, but when the phone has a built-in amoled display, the brightness goes off scale. It gets in the way a little.

      And with prolonged use, the eyes hurt and dry out. In IPS, with a more sparing color scheme, there are no such problems.

      However, if you examine the response speed of the phone to your manipulations, IPS phones respond much slower.

      Its positive side is that the screen conveys more natural colors. But when photographing on the sunny side, the device clearly lacks brightness.

    Today, in the manufacture of screens for mobile phones, two types of matrices are used: AMOLED and IPS. In this article, we will tell you what is the difference between screens built on these types of matrix and point out their difference.


    Key Benefits of IPS Technology

    First displays on technology IPS appeared in 1996. But, these were rather experimental devices. The mass production of such screens began only a few years ago. During the time from the first screens on such a matrix to modern displays all the shortcomings were taken into account and errors were corrected. Today we can state the fact that IPS screens have firmly entered our lives.

    The main advantages of IPS matrices over competitive technologies are:

    • Best Color Reproduction. Unlike AMOLED screens at IPS colors are not "boosted" artificially. Thanks to such honest color reproduction, IPS displays are loved by everyone who works with photographs. Photographers, photo editors and representatives of related professions. IPS screen gives a bright and saturated picture, if it is such. If the picture is dim, then on the screen built on the matrix IPS it will be dim. Because of what, not everyone appreciates this advantage positively.

    IMPORTANT: AMOLED screens can also render "honest" colors. But, this is achieved through software settings that give pre-embellished pictures a more believable look.

    • real white. AMOLED screens just can't display properly White color. IPS screens, on the other hand, produce true white. No blue or yellow like competitive technology. Pure white affects the entire image. Therefore, applying a tint to it can distort the whole picture.
    • No color distortion when viewing the screen at an angle. One can omit this advantage of IPS. But, imagine that you and your friends are watching some interesting video from your smartphone. There will always be someone to whom the screen of your smartphone will not be fully expanded. And if your screen is not IPS, then it will be immediately visible when it is located at an angle. This effect has long been felt by the owners Sony Xperia Z.

    IMPORTANT: When you unfold the AMOLED screen, the color reproduction shifts to a cold spectrum or the picture will start to “red” or “green”.

    Great maximum brightness. This advantage is especially pronounced when using the smartphone screen in bright sunlight. If you have it built on an AMOLED matrix, then the bright rays of the scorching sun will make you look for a shadow to see what is happening on the screen. The whole point is that IPS The matrix uses an LCD screen with its powerful backlight. At AMOLED screens, each pixel is highlighted. What "physically" does not allow the screen to be bright.

    • Detail and sharpness. There are people among us whose eye structure allows you to see pixelation, even at the best Full HD screen. These people definitely do not need to buy a smartphone with a screen AMOLED. Otherwise, its use will lead to great disappointment. Modern screens AMOLED gradually "cure" this childhood illness. But, it is still present on most budget devices.
    • LED burn-in. At AMOLED screens, OLEDs may burn out. What is reflected in the different brightness of individual parts of the screen. According to the developers of such screens, the service life of the LED is 6-10 years. But, in practice, they can burn out faster. At IPS there is no such problem.

    Cheaper production technology. A banal but important advantage IPS. The cost of a smartphone is made up of various modules and components. The screen is an important and expensive part of a smartphone. The cheaper the screen, the cheaper the smartphone will be.

    Advantages of AMOLED technology

    • High contrast. When comparing IPS With AMOLED the second screen will seem more colorful and saturated. Organic light-emitting diodes allow to make the picture as much as possible contrast. What causes the effect of "embellishment" in color reproduction.

    IMPORTANT: Special tests show that the contrast level AMOLED screens reach the ratio 30000:1 . Whereas at IPS this figure is equal to 1500:1 . The difference is significant.

    • Absolute black. If one of the benefits IPS was a "real" white, then AMOLED the screen allows you to display absolute black. This is achieved due to the fact that AMOLED individual pixels are illuminated on the screen. Whereas at IPS backlighting occurs on the entire screen. Which negatively affects black.
    • Less energy consumption. Everything is simple here. Individually illuminated pixels consume less battery than full-screen backlighting, as in IPS. On paper, this advantage seems to be very important, and for many it is a turning point. But, in practice, this is not entirely true. The resource consumption of your gadget is influenced by many other factors. From the style of using the device, to the energy saving technologies used by the developer.
    • Faster response time. AMOLED the matrix allows you to make screens with a faster response time compared to IPS screens. That allows the picture to change faster. But, this advantage in the speed of changing the picture is so insignificant that in fact it is simply not visible.
    • Smaller thickness. IN AMOLED Screens do not need backlighting. Which saves space. It is thanks to this advantage that ultra-thin smartphones are on the market today. If this indicator is important for you, then choose smartphones with a screen AMOLED.

    Which screen is better for a smartphone: IPS or AMOLED to choose?

    To summarize, both popular screen technologies for smartphones have both their pros and cons. Of course, it may seem that IPS more list of advantages, which means this technology is better. And in some cases it is.

    But, more importantly, how the manufacturer implements these benefits in practice. In most cases, this cannot be done. Although there are now IPS screens that are actually superior to even more advanced matrix Super AMOLED.

    Quality screens for IPS-matrix can boast Asus ZenFone 3 Max, LG G5 SE, Apple iPhone 5s and some other models. But, is it really worth discounting Samsung smartphones with their improved screens? Super AMOLED?

    Video. AMOLED or IPS? Comparison

    Do you want to know what the "wow effect" is? Pick up at least one Samsung smartphone with AMOLED display! And, if this is the most "WOW!" you will not break out, consider that the guys from Samsung did not work out their fees. So bright, so colorful, so attractive! Hands are reaching out to scroll sites, flip through the gallery, climb in applications and settings.

    Is almost Samsung's branded display so good and what about IPS screens? They, of course, do not lead to wild delight at first glance, but the technology is in some better AMOLED will.

    Yes, familiarity with the latest Samsung gadgets leads to frenzy. And if you haven’t turned into a zombie yet, and haven’t gone to the cashier to lay out hard-earned money for a bright and contrasting image of a bunch of balloons on the mainscreen, all is not lost and there is something to talk about with you.

    In fact, the selling brightness and contrast of AMOLED displays is not so perfect: a beautiful wrapper hides a couple of significant annoyances.

    What is AMOLED? AMOLED -Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode, i.e. active matrix organic light emitting diodes. Light emitters in AMOLED displays are organic light emitting diodes, which are controlled by an active matrix of thin-film transistors (TFT).

    Why AMOLED?

    Firstly, AMOLEDs are incredibly contrasting screens, which IPS cannot boast of.

    Secondly, thanks to the image transmission technology different from IPS, the AMOLED display can show a completely black color. Why?

    IPS screens are illuminated, as a rule, from all sides, and the pixels in AMOLED glow independently, so the manufacturer was able to perfect the transmission of black in them: when displaying a picture on such screens, pixels that transmit black color will not glow. In IPS screens, the entire picture is always highlighted, so it is impossible to achieve deep black transmission on them. The contrast of AMOLED displays thus becomes almost infinite.

    The third advantage follows from the second, albeit a very controversial one: AMOLEDs, due to the selective backlighting of pixels, also claim selective efficiency in energy consumption. In other words: on dark scenes, the AMOLED screen wastes nothing! But, on the other hand, when it comes to displaying a bright picture, efficiency AMOLED technology can be called into question.

    Fourth plus (-ik): AMOLED displays have a shorter touch response time than IPS displays. Those. Change of pictures on the screen should happen at lightning speed. In truth, AMOLEDs do work faster in this regard, but the speed difference is hardly perceptible.

    By the way, in the Samsung Galaxy S4 the notorious reaction speed even became a problem: when you change the image (even with a banal transition from menu to menu), “loops” from the previous picture stretch across the screen. The manufacturer prefers not to answer questions about what to do with it and how to live further. You see, it's all about the new super technology AMOLED. Not that it would interfere very much, but it would be wrong to remain silent.

    Fifth advantage: AMOLED is thinner, respectively, devices with such a display are lighter. The difference in the thickness of AMOLED and IPS is explained by the same backlight technology: the pixels in IPS still need to be backlit, and the backlight needs space in the case.

    But, in fact, we are talking about a maximum of a hundred grams, therefore, if you don’t have a fad for the ultra-thinness of the gadget, you shouldn’t consider the fifth point as a significant advantage either.

    The rich color gamut of AMOLED screens can be appreciated at least in the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy S4, as well as in the Galaxy Nexus.

    What is IPS? IPS is a type of LCD monitor matrix, whose name stands for In-Plane Switching. The technology is named so because of the way the crystals are placed in the panel. IPS is distinguished by the fact that the crystals are located in the same plane parallel to the surface of the panel. This made it possible to obtain maximum viewing angles (up to 178 degrees).

    Why IPS?

    Firstly, despite the contrast of AMOLED, IPS screens convey colors much more accurately. If on AMOLED they can be unscrewed to completely unnatural shades, then IPS will give bright colors only when the real picture suggests it.

    You can also set natural colors on AMOLED, but not without difficulty and special access to software settings. But if there are AMOLED software settings, the matrix can compete with any modern technology. Well, almost anyone.

    Secondly, IPS screens give perfect white, which cannot be achieved on AMOLED. This is not a trifle, as it may seem. Take at least the sad stories about the transfer of blue, yellow and pink shades of white by “amoleds”.

    On the one hand, a custom software setting can put everything in its place, but it still won’t give you a good white AMOLED: if the color reproduction can still be adjusted, then whitening the device’s display will cost you a lot of effort.

    Big plus number three: maintaining color reproduction in IPS is possible even with acute angle review. Colors on high-quality IPS almost do not degrade, no matter how you look at the screen.

    Whoever says that all this is nitpicking, try to get together with a company of at least three people to watch a movie or photographs: the picture will be visible to the person sitting in the center without distortion, but the colors to the right and left of him will give off yellow and blue, respectively.

    IPS practically does not give angular distortion, and AMOLED, alas, does not indulge in such characteristics. Recall at least Sony Xperia Z, the screen of which spoiled the impressions of a, in principle, good device: a faded screen with low contrast and meager viewing angles.

    AMOLEDs often sin by giving a natural color shift to the cold side. The non-standard layout of subpixels, moreover, leads to the departure of the image in different colors: depending on the angle at which you look at the screen, the picture may turn red or green.

    Recall that most often one pixel is formed by three subpixels: red, green and blue (the so-called RGB layout).

    AMOLED works on a different principle. These screens use a method of constructing an image in which the sub-pixels are aligned in a special way. For clarity, see the picture below. According to the standard, a pixel is formed by three RGB subpixels, and in AMOLED displays the subpixels may be arranged as RG-BG rather than as conventional RGB-RGB. This technology called PenTile.

    The photo below shows the standard RGB layout and the previous generation PenTile.

    Subpixels of different colors can glow with different strengths, so the picture looks less detailed and clear on AMOLED (these flaws most often appear along the contours of the depicted objects).

    Such looseness in IPS displays No, respectively IPS give the best sharpness and detail. In fact, to notice the pixelation of the picture, you do not need to have superpowers. Unlike IPS, the structure of the AMOLED matrix can be noticed, say, by any short-sighted user who decides to read a detective before going to bed. This is the fourth plus.

    Again, because AMOLED highlights each individual subpixel, there is a possibility of burnout of these organic LEDs (example in the photo, see below). Guarantee period the service life of such a screen is at least 6 years, but even after a year of using the device, a change in brightness and color reproduction can still be noticed.

    IPS screens give a much higher maximum brightness. Hence: the readability of any image, respectively, becomes better. AMOLED screens with a direct hit sun rays begin to "go out": the brightness of such a screen is not enough to highlight the picture in the sun.