• What is the best sensitivity of headphones? Choosing high-quality sound: which headphones do you need?

    Sounds play a much larger role in our lives than it might seem at first glance. They guide us; with the help of sounds we exchange useful and not so useful information. And sounds collected in harmony can influence our mood. Scientists have repeatedly proven the connection between the health of living beings and the sound background that accompanies them every day. Perhaps it is precisely because of this invisible connection that many strive to surround themselves with pleasant music by purchasing audio equipment - amplifiers, players, acoustics.

    For many, tinnitus is not just a way to kill time in transport, it is also a way to get your own space, which is sometimes so lacking in everyday life. To make this space comfortable and cozy, it is necessary that the headphones fit perfectly - fit well and, of course, have a pleasant sound. Finding your pair of headphones is no easier than, say, finding good clothes for yourself. Store shelves are bursting with hundreds and hundreds of models at a variety of prices - from “a ruble is a bucket” to those whose cost amounts to thousands of dollars.

    How can you not get lost in the variety of forms and characteristics? The answer is simple - you just need to understand for yourself once and for all the classes and varieties of these devices. After this, you should think about which class of headphones is best suited for your purposes, and then navigate your financial capabilities.

    ⇡ Methods for attaching headphones to your head

    Everyone's head shape is different, so the same headphone model may be ideal for one person and completely unacceptable for another. To satisfy all requests, designers and designers have come up with a lot of ways to attach headphones to a music lover’s head.

    The classic option is an arc mount, or “headphones with a headband.” The arc of such headphones goes around the head, pressing the cups with emitters to the ears.

    The second option is a hook. The headphones are two hooks that cling to the ears, holding the capsule with the speaker opposite the ear canal. Since this mount uses the same principle as glasses, this option will not be very convenient for those who constantly wear frames.

    The third option for wearing headphones is the occipital arch. Similar to the previous one, with the difference that the hooks are connected by a light bow running along the back of the head.

    The fourth option is earbuds. These are small, portable headphones that usually come with your smartphone or MP3 player. They are simply inserted into the auricle and seem to lie there. This option has many disadvantages - the headphones do not fit tightly to the ear hole, so the quality of the transmitted sound usually suffers. In addition, this mounting option in the ear is unreliable - they fall out during active movement.

    There are some modifications of in-ear headphones. One of the most successful solutions, in our opinion, is the Twist-to-fit design from the German manufacturer Sennheiser. This mounting option allows the headphones not only to lie in the auricle, but also to be hooked onto it by an additional element. A similar improvement can be seen from other well-known manufacturers of portable headphones, such as BOSE.

    The fifth option is in-ear headphones (they are also sometimes called vacuum headphones). This type of portable headphones delivers sound directly into the ear canal. In-ear headphones have a flexible silicone tip (like those on a doctor's phonendoscope) or special memory foam. These tips are inserted directly into the ear opening, literally plugging it. For a perfect fit, in-ear headphones usually come with three pairs of interchangeable silicone tips of different sizes. The result of this tight fit is an amazingly high degree of isolation from external noise. These headphones can even be used as earplugs.

    However, this design also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the load on the hearing aid increases, and prolonged listening at high volumes with such headphones can quickly damage your hearing. Secondly, the ear hole does not “breathe” and wearing in-ear headphones for a long time can cause unpleasant sensations, such as itchy skin.

    Headphones may differ in one more design feature - the way they fit to the head. For example, models that completely cover a person’s ears are called full-size, or monitor.

    Headphones that simply sit next to the ear are called over-ear headphones.

    Not only in-ear or in-ear headphones can be portable. Models with a headband can also have a folding design, and the most expensive ones are equipped with a convenient cover or even a carrying case.

    ⇡ Differences in cup design. Open and closed headphones

    First of all, we draw your attention to the fact that all headphones are divided into two large classes - open and closed. These words should be taken literally. Closed headphones prevent sound waves from escaping from the ear cups. The body of the right and left cups of such devices does not contain any holes on the side not adjacent to the listener’s head. The walls of the cups of such headphones are usually quite massive, and the material from which they are made often has the ability to dampen sound vibrations. Typically, closed-back headphones have a noticeably higher degree of passive noise reduction.

    In open headphones, somewhere on the body, usually on the back of the earcups, you can see a mesh of holes. These holes are necessary to ensure that sound waves travel in the same way as in the natural environment, which contributes to a more realistic, believable sound of the headphones.

    The nature of the sound in closed and open headphones differs. Since in a closed case the sound wave is repeatedly reflected from the walls, the lower range becomes more assertive, which does not correspond to the nominal sound of the audio material. For musicians, it is preferable to work with open headphones, since this design does not distort the frequency response and sounds more authentic.

    Headphones with a closed design usually have a characteristic strong pressing of the cups to the head, and not everyone likes this. These headphones have much better sound insulation compared to open headphones. This implies another advantage of a closed design - the listener in such headphones cannot hear surrounding sounds, and those around them cannot hear the music directed to the ears of the music lover. In open headphones, sound waves pass outward, so loud music will “buzz” quite clearly for the person standing next to you.

    Sometimes you can find headphones of a semi-open or semi-closed type on sale - these are headphones whose design cannot be classified as either open or closed. This is usually the name for open-back headphones with good passive noise reduction.

    ⇡ Active noise reduction system

    Inexpensive headphones use one method of suppressing external noise - passive. This is usually achieved through the design of ear pads - soft inserts that soften the fit of the headphone cups to the head. However, this method has its limitations. Headphones with the best passive noise reduction have 35-37 dB.

    To enhance the effect of reducing ambient noise, engineers came up with a way to suppress unwanted acoustic vibrations with similar waves with the opposite phase. Headphones that implement this idea are called “headphones with an active noise reduction system.” These headphones are designed with a hidden microphone that picks up background noise. The received signal is processed by the electronic unit of the device, and then a signal with an inverted phase is generated. The emitted sound dampens background acoustic signals and reduces overall noise by 70-90%. The active noise reduction system, even in expensive models, partly spoils the original sound, limiting the dynamic range of the model. However, if you like to listen to music in fairly noisy places, such as the subway, bus, airplane, such a system will come in handy.

    For its operation, batteries are used, which are enough for a maximum of 3-4 days of continuous operation. Active noise cancellation technology does not eliminate all noise; it is only most effective in a certain low-frequency range (for example, from 25 to 500 Hz).

    ⇡ Technical specifications: what to look for

    Headphones also differ in technical characteristics. You shouldn't take the numbers and graphs on the headphone packaging too seriously. The data provided by the headphone manufacturer is designed primarily for those buyers who, when choosing, are guided not by their ears, but by “smart” numbers and colorful diagrams. There is some truth in the parameters indicated by the manufacturer, but you need to understand that frequency characteristics without indicating the harmonic distortion coefficient are worth nothing, and a flat frequency response graph does not at all guarantee high sound detail. However, if you want not a single sales consultant to be able to screw you over and sell off your stale goods, you should understand the basic parameters.

    ⇡ Frequency range

    The first is a private range. The wider its boundaries, the better for sound quality. For some, this statement is not entirely obvious. Moreover, if you start thinking about this parameter, you can come to a completely different conclusion: “Why overpay for too wide a frequency range?”

    Let's remember the biology textbook - a person is able to understand sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This is in the best case; in practice, the audible range for many is much narrower. Many people stop hearing frequencies of 15 kHz and below. However, manufacturers of audio devices often indicate frequencies that are two, three or more times higher in the characteristics of their products. For what?

    When manufacturers of stationary acoustics go beyond the audible limit, this makes a certain sense. The fact is that theoretically a person feels ordinary sound not only with his ears, but with his whole body. Therefore, the biggest audiophiles are convinced that they are able to feel music literally in their bones. In the auricle, as is known from the same biology textbook, fortunately, there are no bones. Therefore, if the headphones indicate a range that is far beyond the audible frequency, even an audiophile with very good hearing and very sensitive ear cartilage will not hear the “extra” hertz.

    Still, if you see numbers on the headphone box that extend beyond the audible range, that’s good. This gives reason to believe that the drivers (the so-called speakers, sound emitters in headphones) do not operate in the boundary mode and therefore have sufficient potential to more accurately, without distortion, convey audible frequencies. Of course, the only way to check this is for sure - by putting on a pair of headphones and listening to them.

    ⇡ Driver size and power

    This parameter doesn't say much. Many manufacturers like to proudly display numbers on the box, say, 50 mm or 40 mm. The diameter of the speaker is its size, and nothing more. This trick is designed to appeal to a common stereotype - most buyers consciously (or subconsciously) believe that the larger the size of the acoustics, the better their sound. It’s as if the manufacturer is trying to say: “See how huge the speakers we used? Can you imagine what a cool sound they have - at such and such a size!”

    Sony MDR-XB1000 headphones have a speaker diameter of 70 mm!

    In fact, this indicator is often meaningless. The power of the device is another matter. This setting determines the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the power, the brighter and richer the sound - more bass, more accurate interpretation. But high power headphones (2000-3000 mW) will drain your portable device's battery faster.

    ⇡ Sensitivity

    There is a certain category of users who use the word “loud” to describe the sound, for example, “these headphones play very loud.” Despite the fact that not a single connoisseur of high-quality sound would use this word when talking about audio, considering it amateurish, there is a certain meaning in this definition. The volume of the sound is determined by the parameter “sensitivity”. The higher it is, the stronger the sound (at the same power). Headphones with a sensitivity of 95-100 dB and above can be considered good.

    ⇡ Resistance

    This is a pretty important parameter. If you are choosing headphones for your player, it would be a good idea to check the headphones impedance it is designed for. Typically, portable audio is designed to work with low-impedance headphones, which have an impedance of 32 ohms. But if you connect headphones with an impedance of 300 ohms to the player, this does not mean that you will not be able to hear the sound - they will just sound quieter. High-impedance headphones are rarely used; their resistance is measured in kilo-ohms.

    ⇡ Frequency response

    One of the most visual ways to present the sound of headphones is using a graph of the device's amplitude-frequency response (AFC). Usually this is a curve that describes the transmission of certain frequencies by headphones. The fewer sharp bends it contains and the further it extends on the graph, the more accurately the headphones reproduce the original audio material. Based on the frequency response, bass lovers can immediately determine whether these headphones are suitable for them or not - there should be a “hump” in the low frequency region. The higher the graph is, the louder the headphones sound.

    Frequency response of Beats by Dr. headphones Dre Studio

    A smooth frequency response does not guarantee high sound quality. This is just a prerequisite to think that the sound is balanced, that is, no frequencies fall or protrude, or hurt the ear.

    ⇡ Harmonic distortion factor

    Harmonic distortion coefficient is perhaps the only parameter that objectively indicates sound quality. If high sound quality is important to you, make sure that the harmonic distortion coefficient of the model you choose is less than 0.5%. Headphones with a harmonic distortion coefficient of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

    If you do not find this characteristic on the packaging or on the official website, this is a reason to think: perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide. You don’t have to go far: the popular Beats by Dr. model among young people. Dre Studio has a THD of 1.5% at 1kHz.

    On the other hand, pay attention to what frequency this characteristic is given for. The harmonic distortion factor is not constant across the entire frequency spectrum. Since the low-frequency region the human ear hears less intelligibly, harmonic distortion of less than 10% is permissible in the low-frequency range, but in the frequency band from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

    ⇡ Cable

    In the description of headphones you can often find the term “one-way/two-way connection”. This means that the design of these headphones is made in such a way that the wire fits either only one of the ear cups, or has a Y-shape and fits both cups.

    One-way headphones

    Two-way headphones

    The terms “balanced” and “unbalanced” cable usually refer to portable in-ear or in-ear headphones. The design of the headphones with a balanced cable means that the wire is Y-shaped. An unbalanced cable allows you to throw the longer cable of one of the headphones behind your neck. These headphones are more comfortable to wear - when they are not in use, they simply hang on your neck.

    The cable may also be listed as “flat” in the headphone description. This means that the headphone wire is shaped like a telephone cable, popularly called a noodle. The advantage of a flat cable is that it does not get tangled.

    The wire on studio headphones can be twisted, that is, twisted into a spiral.

    ⇡ Wire may not be needed

    Headphones do not necessarily have to be connected to the sound source by wire; there are also wireless versions that can work remotely, without any connecting cables. Wireless headphone models (with rare exceptions) have lower sound quality, which is explained by losses during signal transmission over the air, and sometimes by data compression.

    Wireless headphones operate from power sources built into the case, the service life of which usually ranges from several hours to several days. The source of signal transmission is the base. The base can be a stationary docking station connected to any line input, or a portable module connected to any analog audio source or USB port.

    Wireless models use three main methods of signal transmission - via radio, via infrared, and via Bluetooth. When transmitted over radio frequencies, sound is inevitably accompanied by on-air interference. The infrared port option is a thing of the past, an outdated technology that requires the listener to have his receiver sensor on the headphones in the line of sight of the transmitter. Wireless headphones using Bluetooth technology have a relatively short range, about ten to twenty meters, while radio headphones can operate at a distance of up to 100 meters or more. Many portable devices, including smartphones and MP3 players, can work with wireless Bluetooth headphones.

    ⇡ A few words about headsets

    Headphones with a microphone are called a headset. The microphone can be detached, turning the headset into regular headphones, can be rotated to the side when it is not needed, and can be rigidly attached to the connecting cable of the device.

    The computer headset can be connected either directly to the headphone and microphone jacks on the sound card, or using a USB audio adapter, which may be included.

    Many well-known headphone manufacturers have recently begun to release special modifications of their time-tested models, giving them support for Apple devices. Models such as the Sennheiser MM 70i and Koss PRODJ200 have an additional microphone and a remote control for quick access to some smartphone options. However, mobile headsets are a separate class of devices with a wide range of functions, the consideration of which is beyond the scope of this review.

    ⇡ Understanding brands

    Despite the variety of headphone brands on sale, there are certain names that have earned a reputation and are in demand among connoisseurs of good sound. Here are some of the "proven" names: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Philips, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure and others.

    It’s interesting that many companies offer dozens and dozens of headphone models, but all these different headphones are made using similar technology, so their “emphasis” is often very similar. If you're a classic rock fan, you'll probably enjoy most of the KOSS models, which have plenty of bass. AKG models are famous for their very beautiful high-frequency detail, and Sennheizer headphones usually have a relatively flat frequency response.

    If you look at the assortment that is offered to headphone lovers, you can see that every second brand has dozens, or even hundreds of models in stock. To enable users to better navigate their products, many well-known manufacturers use certain product labeling principles. A striking example of “smart” labeling of headphones is from the German company Sennheiser. The names of these models contain a letter prefix, which can say a lot about the design of certain headphones.

    • CX, as well as the IE series - in-ear headphones;
    • MX - in-ear headphones;
    • HD - classic headphones with headband;
    • RS - wireless headphones, base set plus headphones;
    • HDR - additional pair of wireless headphones;
    • OMX - in-ear headphones with a “hook” type mount;
    • OCX - in-ear headphones with a “hook” type mount;
    • PMX - on-ear or in-ear headphones with an occipital arch;
    • PXC - a line of headphones with an active noise reduction system;
    • PC - computer headsets;
    • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

    And if there is an “i” at the end of the model name, it means that it supports work with Apple devices - it includes a four-pin plug, a microphone on the wire and a remote control for controlling some device commands.

    For the most popular headphone models, some manufacturers produce separate sets of ear pads, which you can purchase and replace yourself if over time the original inserts lose their appearance - they crack or wear off.

    ⇡ How to find the perfect headphones?

    In fact, even if you are surrounded by oscilloscopes and other measuring instruments, it is difficult to find an objective evaluation criterion for headphones. How to compare different models?

    By price, guided by the principle “the more expensive, the better”? But there are also inexpensive, little-known headphones that sound no worse than branded ones (we wrote about one of the models in the article “Superlux HD669 (Axelvox HD 272) headphones: an exception to the rule.”

    Focus on power? But this indicator also doesn’t say anything. One of the top Philips headphones - Fidelio L1 - has a power of only 200 mW, but their sound is guaranteed by a control commission of “golden ears”, consisting of people with exceptional hearing.

    The frequency range, which is so popularly written on the boxes of headsets and headphones, also does not give an idea of ​​the quality of the product. As mentioned above, not every person can hear the reference 20 Hz - 20 kHz. And if the boundaries of the range are much wider than this frequency band, the proverb “If a deaf person does not hear, he will lie” begins to be justified. Only human imagination can say how beautifully the speakers reproduce a violin at 30 kHz.

    The frequency range of the microphone in the headset descriptions is not much more informative. Logic dictates that the wider the band, the more “natural” the sound should be. In practice, this turns out to be completely different. It all depends on the design of the microphone, as well as on the protective filter that eliminates sharp aspiration and extraneous noise. Moreover, in the line of, say, Plantronics there are many headsets that are equipped with a DSP electronic sound filtering module. This unit very effectively removes extraneous noise, emphasizing the sound specifically on the voice. At the same time, the microphone frequency band in such models, according to the technical characteristics, looks more than modest, and speech sounds more natural than in expensive “gaming” headsets.

    So how do you form your opinion about headphones? Some audiophiles - those who think they can tell the difference between the sound quality of a regular cable and a cable made of ultra-pure oxygen-free copper - have come to trust not their own ears, but glossy magazines and graphs obtained using a device called an “artificial ear.” . This may be “according to science,” but not everyone will agree with this statement.

    It must be said that those who are looking for the ideal sound formula have a hard time in life - they are constantly forced to swallow sarcastic jokes about “warm tube sound.” Not everyone who sneers about “crystal clear sound” is right, just as not all “audio maniacs” can tell the difference between a $400 amplifier and a $4,000 amplifier.

    At the same time, it is quite difficult to find real opponents in the debate about high-quality sound. It's not a problem to come across the opinion that expensive audio equipment is a waste of money. However, the reasons that give rise to this thought may be different. For example, let me ask you: when did you have your hearing tested? Most likely - a very long time ago, or maybe never at all. You don’t experience discomfort when talking with friends, so why should you go to the doctor? But the fact that a person does not need to scream in his ear does not guarantee his perfect hearing.

    Encyclopedic information that a person hears a range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz is an extremely optimistic statement. In real life, the audible spectrum is much narrower. Yes, you can see this for yourself. Here is a simple, “clumsy” way to test your own hearing. In the foobar2000 player, open the File -> Add Location menu and type tone://20000, where the number is the frequency in hertz.

    Did you get a bad result? Don't be upset. Firstly, the results could be influenced by the technical characteristics of the headphones, sound card or acoustics, and secondly, there are not many people who can boast of absolute pitch. Besides, to enjoy music, you need only one thing - a feeling of beauty. It is not the ear or the liver that is responsible for the latter, but some particularly cunning organ called the “human soul,” the position of which no doctor can show you. In the end, Beethoven did not hear his Ninth Symphony due to deafness, but this did not stop him from receiving such a standing ovation at the premiere that the audience had to be calmed down by force.

    So the answer to the question “How to choose the best headphones for yourself?” sounds incredibly simple: “Put it on and listen!”

    But it wasn't without its drawbacks. Vacuum headphones create unnecessary stress on the hearing aid, since they need to be inserted quite deep into the ear canal. It is believed that if you do it often, you can damage your hearing.

    How to choose good on-ear headphones

    It’s not even worth explaining in detail why they were named. It's simple - the headphones are literally placed on your ears. Their design is also more than standard - a headband with fastening and adjustment, earcups, a wire (optional).

    Let us immediately note their main advantage over the two previous types. Due to the larger size of the membrane, the sound will be better. This type also has improved sound insulation. So, overhead “ears” are also suitable for non-demanding music lovers.

    Just as a note, let's add that there are excellent ones. In terms of price, they will be even cheaper than in-ear ones.

    How to choose good monitor headphones (aka full-size ones)

    In the title, we have already clarified that this type is also called full-size - the design is such that it completely covers the ears. However, we should immediately note that monitor headphones are divided into open and closed models. Closed ones are suitable for those who want complete isolation from the outside world. Open type monitor headphones have holes in the ear pads.

    The closed type of these headphones is mainly chosen by musicians or directors so that they can observe the entire range, avoiding any extraneous noise. The open type is mainly chosen by music lovers, gamers and simply those who value high-quality sound.

    The biggest disadvantage of these headphones is their size. You can't run around with them on a walk, so take this fact into account. You can listen to music only at home, without unnecessary sudden movements. The second drawback, although this is not a drawback, but a feature, is that high-quality headphones from well-known manufacturers (Koss, Sennheiser, AKG, Audio-Technica) will be expensive.

    How to choose good headphones with a microphone

    We decided to talk separately about models that have . And let’s immediately note their varieties: condenser, dynamic and a subtype of condenser – electret. Capacitors do a better job of transmitting sound than others, but they have a requirement - a separate power supply. However, you should not expect the same results as from professional microphones.

    Also remember that you cannot speak unequivocally about the quality of sound recording with a microphone without a specific sample in hand. The type of microphone, of course, affects certain nuances of the recording, but much more influences the quality of the microphone that the manufacturer has built into the headphones. Therefore, you need to read reviews for each specific headphone model to find out how the microphone works in them.

    USB headphones are gaining popularity now. Their main difference from conventional models is that the DAC and ADC are built into the headphones themselves and the sound quality, as well as the quality of sound recording, depends on the headphones themselves, and not on the sound card of your computer. USB headphones often come with special drivers and programs that need to be installed on the computer in order for the headphones to make the most of their capabilities. All this affects the quality of sound and recording.

    Find out the difference between condenser and dynamic microphones in the video.

    It is important to note that microphones can be omnidirectional or unidirectional (main types). A unidirectional one will pick up sound better without much noise, but it is important to install it in the correct position. If you have already decided to buy headphones with a microphone, then ask if there is a built-in noise reduction system.

    Unidirectional microphones are most often used in gaming headphone models. Omnidirectional for musical models. Their main difference is reflected in the name. An omnidirectional microphone picks up sounds from all directions equally. A unidirectional microphone is better at picking up sound from your mouth, but less likely to pick up sound from your surroundings.

    Wireless headphones

    Without fail, we decided to talk separately about headphones with a wireless interface, but there is quite a choice here too:

    • models with Bluetooth support;
    • working via radio channel;
    • working via IR channel.

    Bluetooth headphones

    This is the most common option. Typically, their range is limited to 10-12 meters, but we can talk about a low level of distortion. More expensive models even have support for special technologies for noise reduction and improved sound quality.

    Resistance (impedance)

    This parameter is measured in Ohms. It is imperative to take this into account when choosing headphone models, as this affects the sound quality depending on the source. If you have a pocket player or smartphone, then you should choose headphones with an impedance of 16-50 Ohms. But keep in mind that the higher the impedance, the more powerful the incoming signal must be, otherwise the membrane will be difficult to swing.

    For example, head-mounted monitors often require a powerful sound source. Studio headphones generally have an impedance of about 250-500 Ohms and require a special amplifier. But note that the higher the impedance, the cleaner the sound will be. Inexpensive low-impedance headphones often have noticeable distortion.

    Impedance is the nominal resistance at the headphone input. The term impedance is borrowed from the word impedance, which translates as total resistance. Often used as a synonym for headphone impedance. Impedance is a combination of resistive and reactive components, resulting in the level of resistance depending on frequency. In most cases, low-frequency resonance for dynamic headphones can be observed in the graph.

    You need to choose headphones based on resistance in accordance with the technology with which you are going to use these headphones. For use with portable equipment, you should select headphones with a lower impedance, and for stationary equipment, with a higher one. Portable amplifiers have a strictly limited output voltage level, but as a rule, the current level does not have a strict limitation. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the maximum possible power for portable equipment only with low-impedance headphones. In stationary equipment, as a rule, the voltage limit is not so low and high-impedance headphones can be used to obtain sufficient power. High-impedance headphones are a more favorable load for the amplifier and with them the amplifier operates with less distortion. Low-impedance headphones are considered to be headphones up to 100 ohms. For portable equipment, headphones with an impedance of 16 to 32 ohms, maximum 50 ohms, are recommended. However, if the headphones have high sensitivity, then you can use a higher impedance.


    Usually the permissible power range is indicated on the box - from 1 mW to 5000 mW. If the power goes beyond the upper limit of the range, your headphones will instantly fail.

    When it comes to power, don’t chase watts. Especially when the main source of music is a smartphone or portable player. With high sensitivity, a few milliwatts are enough for the music to play loudly, and the gadget’s amplifier is not overloaded and uses up battery power sparingly. Yes, if you choose headphones with high power, the sound will probably (just maybe) be solid and punchy. But this will not last as long as you would like - the gadget’s battery will begin to discharge rapidly under such a load. Moreover, there are often cases when the built-in amplifier simply cannot cope with powerful headphones. As a result, you won’t hear a good sound (loose, shallow bass) and will get distortion at volumes above average.

    For headphones used at home, high power is no longer a problem, because it is assumed that they will be used with a stationary amplifier. Then high power will contribute to high sound quality.

    Distortion level (non-linear distortion)

    Of course, headphones may create slight distortion when playing sound. This parameter is measured as a percentage. The smaller it is, the higher the sound quality. The norm is now considered to be between 0.5% and 2%.

    Selecting headphones depending on the sound source

    Headphones for player

    Today, almost any conscious purchase of a music player involves a lengthy search for the necessary information on the Internet. Let's say you read hundreds of reviews, consulted with professionals and bought a player from a well-known brand.

    Typically, such players come with headphones, so that the package is “everything at once.” After you have charged the battery and read the instructions (and this is necessary), you connect the headphones and press Play. We think that you will be immediately disappointed, because the player may be of high quality, but it often comes with an inexpensive accessory.

    For such players it is usually choose good in-ear or vacuum headphones– all because of the characteristics of the player itself and its compactness. We talked about the characteristics separately above.

    If we combine everything that we indicated above, we get the following picture:

    • Form factor: in-channel or overhead;
    • Resistance: from 16 to 32 Ohms. Headphones with a higher impedance will work, but you won't get good sound from them;
    • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is sufficient, for over-ear headphones from 300 mW and above.

    Headphones for smartphone

    Headphones for phones are chosen in almost the same way as for pocket MP3 players. There is only one caveat - we often choose not just headphones, but a headset so that we can comfortably talk with the interlocutor. Therefore, pay attention not only to the characteristics and sound quality of compact types of headphones.

    Test the microphone in advance - it's even better to call someone and ask about the sound quality. The best option is earbuds or vacuum with a microphone with a standard 3.5 mm jack.

    Headphones with microphone

    We’ll highlight this option separately, since not only headsets for phones can have a microphone. These headphones are often purchased for communicating on Skype or for playing online games. There are models in which the microphone is rigidly connected to the headphone structure, but there are options with a detachable microphone. This type is suitable for those who do not often talk on Skype.

    As we wrote above, it is very difficult to give advice on choosing a microphone built into headphones. According to the technical data that manufacturers write on the packaging, it is difficult to talk about the quality of the microphone. You will either have to rely on luck or read a review of the headphones with a microphone that you want to buy. There is no other way.

    Headphones for TV

    More often than not, we need headphones for our TV to enjoy watching a movie. Therefore, the choice is limited to on-ear or monitor headphones with good sound insulation and a long cable (but wireless ones are also possible).

    • Form factor: overhead or monitor;
    • Frequency range: the wider the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz;
    • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
    • Resistance: from 16 to 64 Ohms. Headphones with a higher impedance will work, but you won't get good sound from them (when connected via wire). If you buy wireless headphones, you don't need this option, because... the headphones are perfectly matched to the base from which they will receive the signal;
    • Power: from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for just 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even to the point of irreversible damage. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

    For computer

    Choosing headphones for a computer is not difficult, and in general, headphones for a computer are the same as for any other equipment. But there are some nuances. If you are choosing headphones for gaming, then the best result can be achieved if you buy comfortable music headphones with good sound. Believe me, they will sound better in games, and in some cases much better than those headphones that manufacturers proudly call “gaming headphones.” In gaming headphones, the main emphasis is on the low frequencies, quite often they are so strongly emphasized that the mids and highs fade into the background. This may seem impressive, but only for the first 5 minutes. If you play with these headphones for hours, your head and ears will very quickly get tired of such sound.

    Also, gaming headphones are often equipped with a microphone and it also does not shine with quality. Yes, it will work, but you will get better quality speech recording from a lavalier microphone, which can be bought at any computer store for 200-400 rubles. It will not look so pretentious, but they will hear you better. Of course, there will always be an exception, and perhaps there are gaming headphones out there with an excellent microphone, but I haven’t held them in my hands yet.

    • Form factor: in-ear, overhead or monitor;
    • Frequency range: the wider the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz. Please note that on many gaming headphones this range is narrower. This is because the main emphasis in them is on low frequencies, and not only do even those high and mid frequencies that the driver can reproduce fade into the background, but the manufacturer also configures the headphones in such a way that they have no headroom for high frequencies. frequencies for their correct reproduction;
    • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
    • Resistance: from 16 to 32 Ohms. Depending on the sound card used in your computer, you can buy headphones with an impedance of up to 600 ohms. But this is possible if the instructions directly state support for such headphones. If you did not buy a separate sound card or do not know which card is installed in your computer, feel free to buy headphones with an impedance of up to 32 (50) Ohms maximum;
    • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is sufficient, for over-ear headphones from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for just 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even to the point of irreversible damage. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

    Find out which ones we chose as the best.

    Many of us are accustomed to choosing equipment based on its technical characteristics. Is this approach applicable to choosing headphones? Let's figure it out... First of all, let's see what the list of technical characteristics of headphones is all about. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will not consider such parameters as dimensions, weight, form factor, principle of operation and acoustic design - simply because, with the exception of the principle of operation, the meaning of all these parameters is obvious. And the story about the various principles of action would be quite long, and could result in a separate article.

    Text: Ivan MUSINOV

    We will consider only those characteristics that are directly related to headphone emitters. There are only four such characteristics:

    • Frequency range
    • Resistance
    • Sensitivity
    • Maximum input power

    Let's look at each of these parameters in more detail.

    Frequency range: does size matter?

    In ordinary circles, this parameter is often given very great importance - sometimes even from sales consultants you hear that it is the main indicator of the sound quality of headphones. And you can notice the following practice among headphone manufacturers: for their more expensive and high-end models, they usually indicate a wider frequency range than for simpler and budget ones.

    In fact, the range of reproduced frequencies not only has no relation to sound quality, but in general does not carry any semantic meaning. Why? - We'll figure it out now.

    It has not yet been established exactly what range of sound frequencies a person can hear, however, the approximate boundaries of this range have been determined - from 20 Hz to 20 KHz. In fact, it makes no difference to a person whether the headphones are capable of reproducing anything outside this range, but it is important that everything that falls within this range is reproduced with a variation in volume that does not exceed reasonable limits (with a uniform volume level throughout the entire range, no headphones do not play).

    Here it should be said that some manufacturers intentionally increase this spread by “raising” or, conversely, “dampening” certain parts of the frequency range, trying to give the sound of their headphones a certain, “proprietary” character - for example, recently the practice of “raising » a certain section of the high-frequency range in expensive headphones - so that their sound seems more detailed and intelligible. In any case, the range of reproduced frequencies does not give us any information about this variation in volume, rises and falls in different parts of the “frequency”.

    In addition, it is worth noting that very few modern headphones are capable of reproducing high frequencies without “blockages” - for most models, in the region above 14 KHz, an intense decline in the volume level begins. So don’t be alarmed if your headphones have a stated range that does not reach the upper limit of 20 KHz (this often happens with headphones built on the basis of armature drivers).

    By the way, no matter how wide the frequency range of the headphones specified by the manufacturer is, the headphones are capable of reproducing sounds of any frequency that are beyond its limits - only with a very large “blockage” in volume. And what kind of “blockage” should be considered large enough to designate it as the limit of the declared frequency range? 20 decibels, or maybe 30, or even more? In fact, there is no single standard in this regard, and each manufacturer is free to designate the boundaries of the range literally wherever he wishes. In such conditions, there can be no talk not only about the usefulness of such a characteristic as the range of reproduced frequencies of headphones, but also about its correctness or truthfulness.

    Impedance matters for music from tablets and smartphones

    This indicator means nothing more than the amount of electrical resistance of the headphones. It is usually recommended to pay attention to resistance for those who are going to use headphones with “low-power” sound sources - portable players, laptops, tablets, smartphones, as well as computer sound cards.

    It is believed that with a sufficient level of sensitivity of the headphones (we will discuss what sensitivity is considered “sufficient” later), the optimal value of their resistance for portable players, smartphones, and tablets is no more than 50-70 Ohms, and for laptops and computer sound cards - no more than 100 Ohms (numbers, of course, are approximate and averaged). At the same time, it is not recommended to use headphones whose impedance is lower than the output impedance of the source (this applies to any, not just the “low-power” devices described above) - at a minimum, this is fraught with losses in sound quality, and at maximum, damage to the source. The latter, however, is only possible in extremely advanced cases.

    It would seem that everything is simple - we look at the resistance and decide whether the headphones are suitable for our source or not. In reality, things are somewhat more complicated.

    Headphone drivers actually have two similar characteristics: resistance to direct current and impedance (complex resistance), which reflects the resistance of the headphones to alternating current. Since the sound signal coming from the player to the headphones is just alternating current, of these two characteristics we are interested in impedance.

    Isodynamic headphones have linear impedance - their resistance does not depend on the frequency of the alternating current. But for dynamic and reinforced headphones, the impedance depending on the frequency of the current supplied to them (and, accordingly, on the purity of the sound they reproduce) can be different.

    Moreover, while some headphones have an insignificant impedance spread in frequency, for others it reaches serious values ​​- and this can have certain consequences for the sound quality. If in any part of the frequency range the impedance of the headphones is too low (lower than the output impedance of the source), a loss of resolution and an increase in the level of distortion will occur in this area. The situation is similar when a “low-power” source cannot cope with the too high impedance of the headphones.

    A small example - many owners of the popular Koss Porta Pro portable headphones, who use them with players, note among their shortcomings a slow, “indistinct”, although powerful bass. Yes, these headphones are not record holders in terms of speed and bass intelligibility, but probably if their owners tried to connect them to a sufficiently powerful amplifier, they would notice a significant improvement in this parameter. But the thing is that although the stated resistance of the Koss Porta Pro is only 60 Ohms, which is quite normal for portable headphones, in the mid-bass area it increases to 140 Ohms - and most portable players give in.

    Now the question is - why do most headphones have impedance indicated by only one number, and what is the use of this number? Answer: this figure, in most cases, reflects the impedance value at around 1000 Hz - it is believed that it is by this purity that the user determines and sets the volume that is comfortable for himself. The meaning of this figure is as follows: for most headphones, the “spread” of impedance depending on frequency is still not very large, and therefore this figure can serve as some kind of guideline when choosing headphones.

    Headphone manufacturers rarely advertise full impedance graphs, but if you want to know everything about the impedance of a particular headphone model, you can most likely find the necessary information on the Internet.

    Sensitivity reflects sound pressure level

    In other words, the volume that headphones are capable of developing when a signal of a certain level is supplied to them. Talking about the uselessness of the “reproducible frequency range” characteristic, we have already mentioned that the volume of the headphones varies throughout the frequency range they reproduce - the headphones reproduce some parts of it louder, some quieter.

    Based on what part of the frequency range is sensitivity measured? As a rule, this is the 1000 Hz mark - just as in the case of impedance.

    The sensitivity of headphones is indicated either in decibels per milliwatt (dB/mW) or in decibels per volt (dB/V). Sensitivity expressed in dB/V is convenient because it can be used to compare with each other, without paying attention to resistance different models of headphones, and in particular, determine how suitable a particular model is for use with portable devices. The optimal sensitivity level for such headphones is at least 90 dB/V.

    Knowing the resistance value of the headphones, you can convert the sensitivity expressed in dB/mW into sensitivity expressed in dB/V. There is the following formula for this:

    Sensitivity (dB/V) = Sensitivity (dB/mW)+20Lg(1/),

    Where R is the resistance of the headphones.

    Maximum power - this parameter is in theory...

    This parameter, in theory, should reflect the maximum power of the electrical signal that can be supplied to the headphones without the risk of damaging the emitters. As a rule, it is very underestimated and does not carry any practical meaning.

    What headphone parameters indicate how the headphones sound? Alas, none - therefore, after comparing the technical characteristics of various models, it will not be possible to choose the most suitable sounding option.

    We have already said more than once that the surest way to choose headphones is to come to the store and, after listening to several “candidates,” make a choice. If you do not have such an opportunity, we can recommend that you collect as much information as possible - reviews, measurements, reviews - about those models among which you are looking for “your one and only”, and make a decision based on them.

    This article will be devoted to a debriefing of a wide range of headphones and one of the main indicators - their impedance. 16, 32 or 320 Ohm – what resistance to choose and what does it affect??

    You can meet a person with headphones on the street everywhere. Some people are used to compact inserts or headphones plug-in type. For some, the standard of good sound has become stylish invoices headphones. There are also those for whom quality is the determining factor: on the heads of such music lovers you can see monitors. Despite such a variety of models, there are hardly any listeners familiar with such characteristics as: impedance, resistance, output power. And even if the words seem familiar, not many people will be able to connect all these terms together.

    The mystery of numbers

    Let's imagine that you have decided to purchase a new model of headphones. Let’s put the budget question aside, since the thickness of each buyer’s wallet is different. Let's immediately pay attention to the characteristics.

    An attentive buyer probably paid attention to a number of incomprehensible physical characteristics marked on the beautiful box. Below is a photo with cutouts of three different models of headphones from famous brands:

    What to look for when purchasing? So, we have three models with different characteristics:

        Model A characteristics:

      Frequency Response– Frequency range: 10 Hz – 20 kHz;
      Impedance– Resistance: 22 OHM;
      SPL– Volume level: 111 dB (+/- 3 dB);

        Model B Specifications:

      Frequency Response– Frequency range: 5 Hz – 40 kHz;
      Impedance– Resistance: 32 OHM;
      SPL– Volume level: 102 dB (+/- 3 dB);

        Model C specifications:

      Frequency Response– Reproducible frequency range: 5 Hz – 35 kHz;
      Impedance– Resistance: 250 OHM;
      SPL– Volume level: 96 dB (+/- 3 dB);

    Frequency range. All three models have completely different numerical characteristics. Our task is to determine which headphones will feel more comfortable with a portable player or smartphone. Widest range reproduced frequencies Model B: 5 Hz to 40 kHz(despite the fact that the human ear perceives a range of only 16 to 20,000 Hz). Thus, the frequency range of all three models will suit anyone, even the most demanding listener. When choosing mid-price headphones, this parameter is not decisive, but is rather of a marketing nature.

    Resistance. This is where we get to the most interesting part: all three models are radically different from each other. Let's figure out what the indicator affects impedance and what optimal resistance value for use in conjunction with a smartphone?

    All headphones are divided into two categories: low resistance And high resistance, and the gradation of this division directly depends on their type. So, over-ear headphones, with impedance up to 100 Ohm are considered low resistance; above 100 Ohmhigh resistance. Headphones intracanal type (“plugs” or earbuds) with a resistance indicator up to 32 Ohmlow resistance; above 32 ohmhigh resistance.

    In the acoustic world of full-size speakers and loudspeakers, everything is simple: there is a 30-watt speaker with an impedance of 8 ohms. We connect the corresponding 8-ohm amplifier to the left and right channels and enjoy the loud sound. The situation with headphones is much more complicated and confusing. In the example above alone, we encountered three resistances:

    • model A – 22 Ohm;
    • model B – 32 Ohm;
    • model C – 250 Ohm.

    When asked: which headphones are best suited to a smartphone, the average buyer will confidently answer that the best model is the one with minimal resistance. “Low-impedance headphones, when paired with a smartphone, will sound louder, but high-impedance headphones require a separate powerful amplifier,” is a generally accepted statement from a sales assistant at an average electronics store. “Sit down, it’s still a bad grade,” my high school physics teacher would say, and here’s why.

    The moment you increase volume playing music, the output signal changes not the power level, but voltage. And only voltage directly affects power. To do this, from a school physics course, it is enough to recall two simple formulas of Ohm’s law:

    Thus, to determine which headphones will play LOUDER, and which volumes will not be enough when using only a smartphone, you should pay attention not only to the resistance indicator of the headphones themselves, but also to maximum voltage level, which is issued by the minijack port of your smartphone or player. Almost all electronics manufacturers are in no hurry to introduce us to this indicator. As a rule, you can find out the exact voltage at the minijack output only from the device diagrams, which are not easy to find.

    You should compare two different models in terms of volume not by power level, but by level consumed voltage. The sensitivity of headphones with lower impedance is greater than that of a high-impedance model. But how does this affect the battery life of the smartphone?

    Headphones and iPhone

    Model A, with resistance in 22 Ohm will indeed sound louder, but at the same time consume more current. As a consequence, 32 ohm model B allows you to play music on your smartphone longer by at least a quarter. Smartphones on the market have a maximum output voltage of no more than 150 – 200 mV, which is not enough to drive headphones with a resistance of more than 100 Ohms.

    If the volume obtained on high-impedance headphones is quite satisfactory, a pleasant bonus awaits you - a significant reducing battery power consumption.

    Now let’s reveal the faces of the models discussed in this article. Here are the names of all three models:

    The most “correct” headphone option for use in conjunction with an iPhone is a low-impedance model. This is truly the loudest of the models reviewed with a standard audio frequency range.

    Next model Audio-Technica ATH-CKR10 has a good playback range and considerable impedance of 32 Ohms. Considering that the headphones are in the in-ear category, they provide a good level of sound insulation, and the output voltage of the smartphone will be enough to achieve optimal volume.

    Finally, the headphone-monitor model Beyerdynamic DR 990 Pro– the German standard in the field of professional mastering. The sound quality of these headphones will be the envy of any expensive competitor, but the high impedance level of 250 Ohms makes their use with the iPhone impossible. The DR 990 Pro and headphones in this category require a separate amplifier or audio player with a powerful sound card.

    The headphones included with the iPhone boast the following characteristics:

      Resistance: 23 OHMS
      Sensitivity: 109 DB
      Frequency range: 5 Hz to 21 kHz.

    The manufacturer himself gives a clear answer: using high-impedance headphones with an iPhone without additional accessories is impractical.

    Options for getting good portable sound

    If the idea of ​​getting high-quality sound from a smartphone still haunts you, get ready to spend your hard-earned money on purchasing an external one.

    High impedance headphones actually sound better their low-resistance brothers and for this reason. Due to the high level of resistance of the headphones, the amplifier delivers less current (at a higher voltage), and this prevents wave distortion in its stage. Moreover, headphones with high resistance have more uniform amplitude-frequency characteristics (a consequence of the increased number of turns on the magnetic levitation of the speaker), and provided there is low resistance on the amplifier side, the frequency response can remain practically unchanged.

    Another alternative to obtaining high-quality sound is the use of so-called single-driver armature headphones.

    Externally, they are no different from traditional earbuds, but have a raised range average And high frequencies, which provides “clean and transparent” sound.

    Finally, purchasing a player with a high output voltage level can solve the problem of torment before choosing headphones once and for all.

    Unlike smartphones and inexpensive players, Hidisz a powerful preamplifier is installed. The advantage is obvious: 2.2 V against 100-150 mV on the smartphone. The use of such players opens up a wide range of high-impedance headphones with real high-quality sound to the music lover.

    What parameters and what important characteristics should you focus on so that the purchased device meets all your desires? After all, this accessory for listening to music differs in configuration, size, appearance and purpose.

    The list of main requirements for headphones: sound quality and volume, noise insulation, sensitivity, power and design that suits the structure of the ear. In addition, the weight of the device and the presence of additional functions (for example, a built-in microphone) are important to buyers. The most important points are always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging; all you have to do is learn to read them. This article will help you understand in detail the main 7 characteristics of headphones and tell you what parameters and how to choose this accessory.


    Directly related to the volume of music in the accessory. The parameter depends on the size of the magnetic core used in the headphone design and varies between 20 and 130 dB.

    What does headphone sensitivity mean in dB? On the packaging it is defined as “dB/mW” or “dB/V” and shows the proportion between the volume level and power or voltage. Adjusting the sound on a portable device is a way to change its voltage. This suggests that the same headphones will sound differently at different volumes. In addition, the number of decibels determines the energy efficiency of the headphones: the higher the sensitivity, the more economical the device’s battery consumption.

    When deciding which sensitivity is better, you need to vote in favor of a device where its value will be at least 100 dB; with lower values, the sound will be very quiet, especially if you listen to music on the street. It is important to remember that prolonged listening to sounds louder than 80 dB can lead to fatigue and problems with the hearing organs.

    How to choose headphones based on sensitivity? Today there are no strict standards by which manufacturers measure this parameter. Some take measurements at a frequency of 1 kHz, others reduce the indicators to 500 Hz, and still others generally take average results. The main thing that the average buyer should remember is: the higher the sensitivity level, the louder the accessory. This is provided that all other indicators are equal.


    How to choose the right headphones based on resistance (number of ohms)? Taking this criterion into account, all devices are divided into 2 types: low-resistance and high-resistance, while in large and small accessories this gradation is different. For “kids”, all accessories up to 32 Ohms are considered low-impedance, and those with a larger number are considered high-impedance. For large specimens - up to 100 Ohms and more than 100 Ohms, respectively.

    The numbers in this parameter indicate the following:

    • the lower the resistance, the higher the volume of the accessory, and vice versa;
    • the higher the resistance value, the more economically the battery charge is consumed;
    • The lower this parameter, the greater the acoustic potential the headphones have.

    Of course, you shouldn’t rely only on this data, because they are directly related to other device parameters.

    How to choose the resistance of headphones (impedance) when purchasing? If an accessory is purchased for another gadget, you must choose options with low numbers (16-40 Ohms). For or the ideal solution would be indicators in the range of 50-150 Ohms, which guarantees 100% purity of music and speech.

    To clearly demonstrate the choice taking into account resistance and sensitivity, it would be correct to make a comparative table of 3 types of headphones. For example, “budget” devices from the middle price segment and an expensive accessory.

    Sensitivity, dB Resistance, Ohm Frequency range, Hz
    Philips SHE3595BK/00 102 16 10-23500
    SONY MDR-XB450 AP 102 24 5-22000
    ONKYO W800BTB/00 107 16 6-22000

    Frequency range

    On the headphone box, as a rule, the standard frequency is indicated: 20 Hz-20 kHz. These parameters determine whether the user can hear a sound of a certain frequency through the accessory. So what is the value of the property and how to choose headphones based on the frequency range?

    Schematically, the proportion between loudness and frequency is drawn by a graph called amplitude-frequency response (AFC). A perfectly straight line on it means the same sound. By indicating frequency numbers, the manufacturer essentially describes the length of this straight line. But the specific requirements for the characteristics are not specified in any standard.

    What does the buyer need to remember and what frequency should the headphones be? Here are 3 main rules:

    1. You should not choose an accessory based only on frequency parameters. These numbers will only help filter out the most inappropriate options.
    2. When purchasing, you must take into account that the specified range is still within the range of 20 Hz-20000 Hz.
    3. To determine the sound character of headphones, it is better to test their capabilities live.

    You should be especially careful when purchasing copies whose frequency range is very different from the standard one. Many people know that humans cannot hear high notes with a frequency of more than 25 kHz (but dolphins will), which means that this characteristic is most likely just a marketing ploy.

    Frequency response curve

    This is the same amplitude-frequency characteristic that was already mentioned above. It depicts the tonal balance of sounds, breaking them down into different frequencies.

    To understand the issue in more detail, you need to look at the figure on the left. The graph shows the frequencies and meaning of each range. Vertical - volume level. Its value is measured in decibels; doubling the sound is equal to 6 dB on the graph.

    A perfectly clear sound, without hissing or hoarseness, occurs with a line that is as close as possible to a flat line. Manufacturers make such measurements based on the SPL (sound pressure) level, and you can view the measurement results on the official websites of the brand. To navigate the schedule, it is worth considering several examples at once.

    Graph on the left. Shown here are the frequency response curves for large headphones like .

    The lines in the figure mean:

    • Green - subjective frequency response, from whose indicators measurements are based.
    • Yellow is an accessory preferred by lovers of live music. In recordings of such sounds, as a rule, there are no sharp frequency fluctuations.
    • Blue - professional headphones for singers and musicians, in which the emphasis is on the high frequencies. In such a device, vocals can be heard especially clearly.
    • Orange - headphones in which sibilants (vowel whistling sounds) are muffled.

    Next up is the picture on the right. It shows frequency fluctuations for in-ear headphones or “earbuds” (such as). What does it show?

    The green curve has the same purpose as in the previous graph. And then:

    • Orange line - illustrates equipment with high output at lower frequencies. This is a good option for smartphones and other devices.
    • The blue line, on the contrary, shows the headphones where the high frequencies are especially prominent. Such equipment is intended for musicians, since the voice here is heard more clearly than the music.

    To focus on such indicators, you must first decide on the purpose of purchasing headphones. It is also worth considering that the price depends on the quality of the equipment.

    Driver Diaphragm Diameter

    This indicator in headphones directly affects the sound quality. It is logical that the larger the speaker, the louder and clearer the sound, especially the “low bass”.

    If you choose small “droplets” or other headphones of a similar design, then the membrane dimensions will range from 9 to 12 mm, which clearly does not guarantee the reproduction of high-quality lows.

    The “strongest” headphones in this regard are . The diameter of their speakers is often more than 30 mm. It is with this membrane size that you can achieve ideal depth, clarity and richness of sound. And why all? The larger the membrane, the easier it is to improve it. Manufacturers install various “chips”, improved magnets, etc. inside the body of such headphones, which ultimately help develop “deep” sound.

    Headphone power

    The volume of the sound will depend on this indicator, but the choice here is rather based on the technology to which they are connected. When paying attention to this parameter, it is worth considering several points:

    • what this characteristic defines;
    • what is measured and what power is better to choose headphones.

    So, the accessory has two powers: the maximum input power, which indicates that this device can be connected to equipment with the same performance, and the nominal one. It, on the contrary, indicates the size of the signal that the headphones need to reach their peak performance.

    The power that the headphones are designed for varies from 1 mW to 5000 mW. If the main goal is to purchase an accessory for a smartphone or, then you should not focus special attention on power. It is enough to take into account the sensitivity parameters so that the music plays loudly without overloading the battery.

    Harmonic Distortion Factor

    This property tells about the purity and clarity of the sound in the headphones. Measured as a percentage. For a good device, the coefficient does not exceed 0.5%; equipment with the highest indicators is already classified as mediocre.

    While focusing on these parameters, it is also worth considering the frequency range at which the measurements were made. Thus, for low-frequency sounds the distortion rate reaches 10%, for high-frequency sounds (from 100 Hz) - 1% or less. Having read this characteristic on the packaging, you can only roughly judge the sound quality, but to be sure of this parameter, you need to listen to the headphones.

    In addition, poor-quality (dull) sound in the device may occur during operation or due to breakdown. Why do headphones distort the sound? In most cases this happens due to:

    • Bad wire contacts - this problem occurs in the headphone jack, which is the weakest part of the design. Especially if you regularly use the accessory during sports activities and trips, putting the player (or other device) in your pocket. Thus, a large level of load falls on the jack and the wires inside it, causing the wire to fray. The solution to the problem is to replace the jack or buy new headphones.
    • Broken wire inside the device - a “afterlife” voice from the headphones can also appear if the wire is broken, which leads to the speaker. It is difficult to notice this defect, since the headphone cable is thin. Even after feeling its entire length, you may not understand where the gap is. When repairing, it is necessary to replace the entire cable.
    • Water getting into the earphone - when walking with the accessory in the rain or snow, you need to be prepared for moisture getting into the inside of the device. If the headphones are not dried immediately, the water will oxidize the “insides”. You can dry the headphones near the battery (placing them on top is not recommended) or by leaving them in a jar with rice for a couple of hours, which will draw out the moisture.
    • Damage to the jack for connecting equipment - another reason for distortion and poor sound in headphones can be an unsuitable jack or damaged contacts in it. The latter occurs if you often pull the jack back and forth from the socket. In case of such a breakdown, you need to contact a service center for help.

    It is worth correcting these problems if they appeared on headphones that were already in use. When a dull sound, distortion or “trumpet” effect occurs with a new device, it is definitely not worth purchasing such an accessory.