• Table processor. Abstract: Table processors

    Introduction........................................................ ................................................... 3

    Chapter 1. The concept of spreadsheets and table processors.... 4

    1.1 Basic elements of a spreadsheet.................................... 4

    1.2 Types of data used in spreadsheets.................................. 7

    1.3 Types of functions used.................................................... ...... 10

    1.4 Areas of application of table processors.................................... 13

    Chapter 2. Review of the most popular table processors...... 15

    2.1 Microsoft Excel........................................................................... 15

    2.2 OpenOffice Calc.................................................... ........................... 22

    Conclusions and proposals................................................................... ........................ 31

    List of used literature........................................................ ... 32


    In everyday life, a person constantly uses tables: a diary at school, train schedules, class schedules, etc. Personal computer expands the possibilities of using tables due to the fact that it allows not only to present data in electronic form, but also process them. Class software,used for this purpose are called spreadsheets or spreadsheets. The main purpose of spreadsheet processors is to process tabularly organized information, carry out calculations based on it and provide a visual representation of stored data and the results of their processing in the form of graphs and diagrams. A spreadsheet or spreadsheet is an interactive data processing system based on a two-dimensional table. Table cells can contain numbers, strings, or formulas that specify the cell's dependency on other cells. The user can view, set and change the value of cells. Changing the value of a cell immediately changes the values ​​of the cells that depend on it. Table processors also provide setting the image format, searching, and sorting. The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to obtain results without manual calculations. Calculation using specified formulas is performed automatically. Changing the contents of any cell leads to recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are related to it by formula relations. Spreadsheets are used in all areas of human activity, but are especially widely used for economic and accounting calculations. Currently, the most popular and effective packages of this class are Excel, Calc, Quatro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3.

    Chapter 1. The concept of spreadsheets and table processors

    1.1 Basic elements of a spreadsheet

    A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a regular table in which data is recorded in cells (cells) various types: texts, dates, formulas, numbers.

    The result of calculating a formula in a cell is an image of that cell. Numeric data and dates can be thought of as special case formulas To manage a spreadsheet, a special set of programs is used - table processor.

    The main advantage of a spreadsheet is the ability to instantly recalculate all data related by formula dependencies when the value of any operand changes.

    Rows, columns, cells and their addresses

    The workspace of a spreadsheet consists of rows and columns that have their own names. Row names are their numbers. Line numbering starts from 1 and ends with the maximum number set for this program. The column names are letters of the Latin alphabet, first from A to Z, then from AA to AZ, BA to BZ, etc.

    The maximum number of rows and columns is determined by the features of the program used and the amount of computer memory, Modern programs make it possible to create spreadsheets containing more than 1 million cells, although for practical purposes this is not required in most cases.

    The intersection of a row and a column forms a table cell that has its own unique address. To specify cell addresses in formulas, references are used (for example, A2 or C4).

    6. Computer science: textbook. Kurnosov A.P., Kulev S.A., Ulezko A.V., Kamalyan A.K., Chernigin A.S., Lomakin S.V.: ed. A.P. Kurnosova Voronezh, VSAU, 1997. –238 p.

    7. Computer Science: Textbook. /Ed. N.V. Makarova – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. –768 p.

    8. Packages application programs: Textbook. manual for environments, prof. education / E. V. Fufaev, L. I. Fufaeva. -M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2004. –352 p.

    Lecture No. 11

    Main questions of the lecture:

    1. Quattro Pro table processor.

    2. ThinkFree Calc spreadsheet processor.

    3. SuperCalc spreadsheet processor.

    4. Excel spreadsheet processor.

    5. Table processor abs.

    Table processor is a set of interrelated programs designed for processing spreadsheets.

    Spreadsheet- this is the computer equivalent of a regular table, consisting of rows and graphs, at the intersection of which there are cells containing numerical information, formulas or text.

    The table processor provides work with large tables of numbers. When working with a table processor, the screen displays rectangular table, the cells of which may contain numbers, explanatory texts and formulas for calculating the values ​​in the cell according to the available data. That is software for designing spreadsheets are called table processors. They allow you not only to create tables, but also to automate the processing of tabular data.

    Using spreadsheets, you can perform various economic, accounting and engineering calculations, as well as build various kinds of diagrams, conduct complex economic analysis, simulate and optimize solutions to various business situations, etc.

    The functions of table processors are very diverse:

    ·creation and editing of spreadsheets;

    ·creation of multi-table documents;

    ·design and printing of spreadsheets;

    ·construction of diagrams, their modification and solution of economic problems using graphical methods;

    ·creation of multi-table documents combined with formulas;

    ·working with spreadsheets as with databases: sorting tables,

    ·data sampling based on requests;

    ·creation of final and pivot tables;

    ·using information from external databases when constructing tables;

    ·creation of slide shows;

    ·solving optimization problems;

    ·solving economic problems of the “what-if” type by selecting parameters;

    ·development of macro commands, setting up the environment to suit the user’s needs, etc.

    The most popular spreadsheets for personal computers are Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro and SuperCalc. And if, after its appearance in 1982, Lotus 1-2-3 was actually the standard for spreadsheet developers, now it has lost its leading position. The test results demonstrated a clear advantage of Excel in many respects. The only advantage of Lotus 1-2-3 is its speed, but again, the excess is small. Promising directions in the development of spreadsheets are defined differently by the main development companies. Microsoft pays special attention to improving the set of functional Excel tools, and in this its package is clearly the leader among all spreadsheets. Lotus concentrated its main efforts on developing tools group work. The Quattro Pro package received fairly high marks as a result of testing, but none of the package's features attracted increased attention. The most attractive were only the data sorting capabilities. The current situation in the spreadsheet market is currently characterized by the clear leading position of Microsoft - 80% of all spreadsheet users prefer Excel. In second place in terms of sales is Lotus 1-2-3, then Quattro Pro. The share of other spreadsheets, such as SuperCalc, is completely insignificant.

    Table processor Quattro Pro

    Among the spreadsheets available on the market for DOS program Quattro Pro is the best. The Quattro Pro package is designed for almost any computer system– from machines with an 8088 processor and a memory capacity of 512 KB to an IBM PC 486 with large RAM.

    In the new version, at the top of the screen there is a programmable “quick menu”, one of the items of which allows you to switch between graphic and text modes. The Quattro Pro table processor has a number of advantages:

    · convenient user interface, which makes it possible to provide data in the most non-standard form; multi-window operating mode;

    · access to any unlimited size external databases created on the basis of the most popular DBMS;

    · good quality printing input documents; ease of creating a program for processing information in tables, convenient means of debugging and editing created programs, etc.

    One of distinctive features processor Quattro Pro are analytical graphs that allow you to apply aggregation to the original data, calculate a moving average and conduct regression analysis; the results of these actions are reflected in the graphs. The range of built-in features in the Quattro Pro package includes all standard features. New to this version is support for additional @-function libraries developed by independent vendors. This package includes linear and nonlinear programming programs. The optimization model can be written down on a worksheet and worked with.
    In addition to the usual commands for working with databases, Quattro Pro can read external Databases in the Paradox, dBase and Reflex formats, and search for the necessary information in them.

    ThinkFree Calc spreadsheet processor

    Table processor Calc provides the user powerful set tools for working with tabular data. Like most modern spreadsheets, Calc has a workbook format of 255x255x65536, i.e. The main document can contain 255 worksheets measuring 255 columns by 65536 rows.

    Standard formatting operations for table processors are applied to table cells: setting the value type, horizontal/vertical alignment, setting the font/fill, and others. For the convenience of working with tabular data, the program implements dragging and dropping the contents of cells, auto-filling (copying and building a progression), hiding/showing rows and columns, freezing areas, sorting rows by various criteria, etc.

    To carry out complex calculations, the program supports several hundred functions, organized into categories: mathematical, statistical, logical, for working with databases, etc. Functions can be entered using special master, which, however, is significantly inferior to its counterpart from Microsoft Excel.

    Functions and text formatting are all well and good, but what would a spreadsheet processor be without advanced graphics capabilities? ThinkFree Calc lets you visualize complex numerical relationships using dozens of different types of graphs. Basic types of charts- columnar, circular, linear, point, surface and others, well known from other programs. In addition to graphs, you can insert external graphic drawings, including from clipart.

    ThinkFree Calc workbooks are stored in files with the extension CLF, the format is also supported Excel and export to HTML.

    SuperCalc spreadsheet processor

    SuperCalc is one of the application software packages. The main use of SuperCalc is to perform calculations. However, due to its flexibility, it allows you to solve most financial and administrative problems:

    SuperCalc performs arithmetic, statistical, logical, and special functions. It has additional features: searching and sorting in tables. SuperCalc has quite large graphical capabilities, allowing you to build seven types of charts and graphs on the screen, thereby facilitating the user's work. SuperCalc tables can have up to 9999 rows and up to 127 columns. Rows are identified by numbers from 1 to 9999, and columns by letters from A to DW. By default, the computer memory reserves space for 2000 rows and 127 columns. The width of each column is set to 9 print positions by default, but you can set any column width by entering a special command. There is an active cell on the screen that is always highlighted. This highlighting is called a table cursor, which can be moved using the keyboard.

    On the display screen at any time you can see only 20 rows of the table and 8 columns of standard width. Under the twentieth line are the so-called service lines:

    1 – status line (STATUS LINE), where the contents, coordinates of the active cell, etc. are automatically displayed.

    2 – prompt line (PROMPT LINE), where error information is displayed

    3 – input line (ENTRY LINE), where the characters typed on the keyboard are displayed.

    4 – HELP LINE. It shows the purpose of individual keys on a computer keyboard.

    When working in SuperCalc, there are three main operating modes:

    Spreadsheet mode. Here only the table cursor is active. The editing cursor is motionless and is located in the initial position of the input line.

    Input mode. It is installed automatically when you start using the keyboard.

    Team mode installed in several ways. The most common way is to press the command with the “\” symbol before typing the command.

    Excel spreadsheet processor

    MS Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet programs today. Scientists use it business people accountants and journalists, with its help, maintain various tables, lists and catalogues, compile financial and statistical reports, calculate the state of a trading enterprise, process the results of a scientific experiment, keep records, prepare presentation materials. Excel's capabilities are very high.

    Text processing, database management - the program is so powerful that in many cases it is superior to specialized editor programs or database programs. Such a variety of functions may at first confuse you, rather than force you to use it in practice. But as you gain experience, you begin to appreciate the fact that the limits of Excel's capabilities are difficult to reach. Over the long history of tabular calculations using personal computers, user requirements for such programs have changed significantly.

    In the beginning, the main emphasis in a program such as VisiCalc was on counting functions. Today, along with engineering and accounting calculations, the organization and graphical representation of data is becoming increasingly important. In addition, the variety of functions offered by such a calculation and graphics program, should not complicate the user's work. Windows programs provide the ideal prerequisites for this. IN lately many have just switched to using Windows as your user environment. As a result, many software companies began to offer large number programs for Windows.

    Excel provides both ease of handling data and its safety. Excel allows you to quickly complete work that does not require a lot of paper and time, and also involves the involvement of professional accountants and financiers. This program will be able to calculate the amounts in the rows and columns of tables, calculate the arithmetic mean, bank interest or dispersion; here, in general, you can use many standard functions: financial, mathematical, logical, statistical.

    Since Excel is a program that works with tables, it operates with various data. Spreadsheets typically use following types data: text is any sequence of characters; number is a numerical constant; a formula is an expression consisting of numerical quantities and arithmetic operations(Example: =A5/H8*12); functions are programmed formulas that allow you to carry out frequently occurring sequences of calculations (For example, the auto-sum function can be represented as follows: =SUM(A1:A4)).

    The design of tables can be very diverse, the possibilities for formatting data are as good word processor: you can change fonts, styles, highlight rows, columns or individual cells of text with color, frames and rulers, paint over areas with a background or color, build graphs and diagrams based on tabular data, insert a table with pictures, etc.

    The program is quite powerful, its capabilities, especially in latest versions, are very extensive. There are more than 200 mathematical, logical, accounting, and statistical functions that Excel can perform on tabular data alone.

    Excel is a multi-window program, which allows us to simultaneously download as many files as the volume allows RAM computer. The Excel window contains many different elements. Some of them are common to all programs in Windows environment, the rest are only in the Excel window. The entire workspace of the Excel window is occupied by a blank worksheet (or table), divided into separate cells. The columns are headed with letters, the rows with numbers. As with many Windows programs, you can present a worksheet as a separate window with its own title bar - this window is called a workbook window because it can handle multiple worksheets. On one working page there will be 256 columns and 16384 rows. The rows are numbered from 1 to 16384, the columns are named by letters and combinations of letters. After the 26 letters of the alphabet, the columns are followed by combinations of letters AA, AB, etc.

    When Excel is started, it contains five areas: the workbook window, which takes up most of the screen, the menu bar, two or more toolbars, the formula bar, and the status bar (the menu bar, toolbars, formula bar, and status bar appear on the screen even though , if the book is not visible). Collectively, these five areas are called the “Excel Workspace.” After starting Excel, the first still empty workbook is given the name Book 1. If a new workbook is opened during the current work session, Excel will name it Book 2. An Excel workbook can contain five types of sheets: worksheets, chart sheets, Visual Basic modules, dialog sheets and sheets Microsoft macros Excel.

    The workbook window makes up the bulk of the workspace. At the bottom of the workbook window there are buttons for scrolling sheet labels, and at the top there is a title bar. New book originally contains 16 separate sheets. To view the contents of the book, you can use the four buttons located in the lower left corner of the window. The two middle buttons scroll one sheet left or right. The two outermost buttons scroll to the first or last sheet of the workbook.

    The listed scroll buttons do not activate worksheet sheets. To make a sheet active, after scrolling through the labels, click on the sheet. At the right end of the title bar of a workbook window there are three buttons for controlling the size of the windows: Minimize, Maximize, and Close. The cell located at the intersection of a row and a column is the main element of any worksheet. Each cell occupies a unique place on the sheet, can store and display information, and has unambiguous coordinates, which are called the cell address or link. For example, the cell located at the intersection of column A and row 1 has address A1. The cell at the intersection of column Z and row 100 has address Z100. Links, which are cell identifiers, come in three types: absolute, relative and mixed. Absolutes are not changed when cells contain formulas when copied.

    In relative links, the addresses change when you copy the formulas to another location. Mixed links consist of absolute and relative ones. In cases where it is necessary for the coordinates of cells to change, use relative references; if it is necessary for the coordinates not to change, use relative link, in other cases mixed ones are used. In cases where coordinates should be made, the “$” sign is placed in front of them unchanged. The selected cell is called the active or current cell; the address of the active cell is displayed in the name field, which is located at the left end of the formula bar. With 256 columns and 16,384 rows, the worksheet contains over 4 million cells.

    Macro - is a recorded sequence of user commands and actions, stored under a unique name, that Excel can execute.

    The macro code can serve as the basis for further developments and is educational material, because Using the macro code, you can learn how to record a sequence of actions in VBA.

    The macro name can be up to 255 characters long and must begin with a letter. The name can include letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed in macro names.

    If, when working with Microsoft Excel for Windows, you need to perform the same sequence of actions several times, you can record this sequence under a specific name. A sequence of actions recorded under a specific name is called a macro. A recorded macro can be called up for execution from the main menu using a button on the toolbar or on the work area, as well as a key combination. A macro can also be assigned to a graphic object.

    Let us outline the main points of creating a macro.

    1. A macro is a recorded sequence of specific actions.

    2. To record a macro, run the command Tools | Record a macro.

    3. Assigning a shortcut key and menu item to an existing macro is done using the Tools | Macro.

    5. You can edit the macro text directly in the module with the text.

    6. To delete a macro, click on its name. This will make the buttons in the Macro dialog box available, including the Delete button.

    7. Service Team | Assign Macro assigns macros to graphic objects.

    8. Enter the name of the macro to be created in the Macro name input field and record a new macro.

    9. You can make changes directly to the text of the program in which in the Visual language Basic for Applications contains the sequence of macro actions.

    10. The recorded macro can be executed in one of the following ways:

    · from the main menu

    · using the button on the toolbar

    · using the button on the work area

    by pressing a keyboard key combination

    · by clicking the mouse button on a graphic object.

    abs table processor

    The abs table processor began its history as an attempt by the author to make money. Since version 0.4 (currently 0.6) it is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

    Therefore, the source texts are available and the problem of Russification is solvable.

    abs itself is striking in its compactness - the volume of source texts is only 263K, and yet a complete BASIC interpreter fits into them.

    In terms of its capabilities, it is more or less comparable to many modern tables - it is more of a drawing and design tool than a powerful calculation system, which Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro were.

    However, most modern office users do not need matrix algebra, but the basic capabilities of a spreadsheet processor - formulas, summation, simple graphs in abs - are available. There is also a built-in BASIC, on which the system can be tailored for a specific application. Of course, any advanced Linux user will wrinkle his nose in displeasure when he hears about the need to write in BASIC...

    It is somewhat inconvenient to use special commands Copy Right and Copy Down to reproduce formulas instead of just Copy or the Cut&Paste mechanism as in Excel. But, apparently, you can get used to it.

    Now about Russification. The spreadsheet processor itself is very easy to Russify - it already has support for Xkb, and the only stumbling block is the font names -adobe-times, -adobe-courier and -adobe-helvetica stitched into the code. Taking the abs source code and replacing font.c adobe with cronyx in the file, we get the result - abs starts speaking Russian. The seal remains.

    Printing in abs is implemented as follows: a file is written in fig format and passed through transfig to obtain a postscript file. The solution is remarkable in its elegance, but, unfortunately, it returns us to the problem of Russification of transfig (and it would be nice to also have xfig - for preview). However, this is not necessary. You can simply change the font names in the output postscript file.

    Lotus 1-2-3 table processor

    Lotus 1-2-3- professional spreadsheet processor. Wide graphics capabilities and user-friendly interface package allow you to quickly navigate through it. With its help, you can create any financial document, a report for accounting, draw up a budget, and then place all these documents in databases.

    In everyday life, a person constantly uses tables: a diary at school, train schedules, class schedules, etc. A personal computer expands the possibilities of using tables due to the fact that it allows not only to present data in electronic form, but also to process it. The class of software used for this purpose is called spreadsheet processors or spreadsheets. The main purpose of spreadsheet processors is to process tabularly organized information, carry out calculations based on it and provide a visual representation of stored data and the results of their processing in the form of graphs and diagrams.

    A spreadsheet or spreadsheet is an interactive data processing system based on a two-dimensional table. Table cells can contain numbers, strings, or formulas that specify the cell's dependency on other cells. The user can view, set and change the value of cells. Changing the value of a cell immediately changes the values ​​of the cells that depend on it. Table processors also provide setting the image format, searching, and sorting. The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to obtain results without manual calculations. Calculation using specified formulas is performed automatically. Changing the contents of any cell leads to the recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are related to it by formula relations.

    Spreadsheets are used in all areas of human activity, but are especially widely used for economic and accounting calculations. Currently, the most popular and effective packages of this class are Excel, Calc, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3.

    A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a regular table, in the cells (cells) of which data of various types is recorded: texts, dates, formulas, numbers.

    The result of calculating a formula in a cell is an image of that cell. Numerical data and dates can be considered a special case of formulas. To manage a spreadsheet, a special set of programs is used - a table processor.

    The main advantage of a spreadsheet is the ability to instantly recalculate all data related by formula dependencies when the value of any operand changes.

    Rows, columns, cells and their addresses.

    The workspace of a spreadsheet consists of rows and columns that have their own names. Row names are their numbers. Line numbering starts from 1 and ends with the maximum number set for this program. The column names are the letters of the Latin alphabet, first from A to Z, then from AA to AZ, BA to BZ, etc.

    The maximum number of rows and columns is determined by the features of the program used and the amount of computer memory. Modern programs make it possible to create spreadsheets containing more than 1 million cells, although for practical purposes in most cases this is not required.

    The intersection of a row and a column forms a table cell that has its own unique address. To specify cell addresses in formulas, references are used (for example, A2 or C4).

    A cell is the area defined by the intersection of a column and a row of a spreadsheet.

    Cell address - determined by the name (number) of the column and row number.

    Specifying a block of cells

    In a spreadsheet, there is the concept of a block (range) of cells, which also has its own unique address. A block of cells can be considered a row or part of a row, a column or part of a column, as well as a rectangle consisting of several rows and columns or parts thereof. The address of a block of cells is specified by indicating the links of its first and last cells, between which, for example, a separating character is placed - a colon<:>or two points in a row<..>.

    The main menu line contains the menu names of the main program modes. By selecting one of them, the user gets access to a drop-down menu containing a list of commands included in it. After selecting some drop-down menu commands, additional submenus appear.

    The auxiliary control area includes:

    • * status bar;
    • * toolbars;
    • * vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

    In the status bar (status line) the user will find information about the current operating mode of the program, the file name of the current spreadsheet, the number of the current window, etc. The toolbar (icon menu) contains a certain number of buttons (icons) designed to quickly activate the execution of certain menu commands and program functions. To display on the screen those areas of the table that are in present moment are not displayed, vertical and horizontal scroll bars are used. Scroll bar sliders show the relative position of the active cell in the table and are used to quickly move around it. In some spreadsheet processors, special shortcut zones are formed on the screen. When you click in such a zone, the corresponding function is called. For example, when you click on the coordinate ruler, a dialog for setting page parameters is called up.

    The input line displays the data entered into the cell. In it, the user can view or edit the contents of the current cell. A feature of the input line is the ability to see the formula or function contained in the current cell, and not its result. The input line is convenient to use to view or edit text data.

    The hint line is intended to provide messages to the user regarding his possible actions V at the moment.

    The given interface structure is typical for table processors designed to work in a Windows environment. For spreadsheet processors running in DOS, command buttons on toolbars and scroll bars are most often absent.

    The workspace is a spreadsheet space consisting of cells, column names and rows.

    Control panel - part of the screen that gives the user information about active cell and its contents, menu and operating mode.

    A function is understood as the dependence of one variable (y) on one (x) or several variables (x1, x2,..., xn). Moreover, each set of values ​​of the variables x1, x2,..., xn will correspond to a single value of a certain type of dependent variable y. Functions are entered into the table as part of formulas or separately. The following types of functions can be presented in spreadsheets:

    • - mathematical;
    • - statistical;
    • - text;
    • - logical;
    • - financial;
    • - date and time functions, etc.

    Mathematical functions perform various mathematical operations, for example, calculating logarithms, trigonometric functions, converting radians to degrees, etc.

    Statistical functions perform operations to calculate the parameters of random variables or their distributions represented by a set of numbers, for example, standard deviation, mean, median, etc.

    Text functions perform operations on text strings or a sequence of characters, calculating the length of the string, converting capital letters to lowercase, etc.

    Logical functions are used to construct logical expressions, the result of which depends on the truth of the condition being tested.

    Financial functions are used in complex financial calculations, for example, determining the discount rate, the amount of monthly payments to repay a loan, determining depreciation charges, etc.

    All functions have the same notation and include the function name and a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses.

    Modern spreadsheet processors allow the use of numerous means of automating problem solving, so it has even become possible to write specific applications based on them. In addition, they have extensive graphics capabilities. Spreadsheet processors are especially widely used in analytical activities, as well as for preparing documents of complex form.

    The main purpose of the spreadsheet processor is to automate Calculations in tabular form.

    For example, you can keep a progress log in a spreadsheet processor. Teachers will be able to enter student grades into it, and built-in formulas will allow them to calculate the average score for each student, the overall performance of the group in the subject, etc. Every time a teacher enters a new grade, the spreadsheet processor will automatically recalculate all the results.

    Compared to its paper predecessor, the electronic one provides the user with much more opportunities to work. Table cells can contain: different numbers, dates, texts, logical values, functions, formulas. Formulas allow you to almost instantly recalculate and display a new result in the corresponding cell when the source data changes. This feature allows you to actively use spreadsheets:

    • - to automate calculations;
    • - to present calculation results in the form of diagrams;
    • - for modeling, when the influence of different parameter values ​​is studied.

    The spreadsheet processor has become widespread throughout economic system: in accounting departments of companies and enterprises, in economic departments, in commercial banks and other organizations related to a large number economic transactions and their versatility.

    The table processor is an integral part of the application software of the economist's workstation, which is associated with its functionality.

    The table processor allows you to automate the processing process economic information, carry out complex calculations, analyze them and present them in visual form (graphs, diagrams). At present, when the client is increasingly paying attention to the efficiency and clarity of the information provided, and for economists the processing and storage of large volumes of data is becoming increasingly important, such Excel functions, such as compiling lists, pivot tables, the ability to use formulas, copying data, formatting and design, analyzing and presenting data using charts and pivot tables, retrieving information from external databases, ensuring security.

    A document created in MS Excel is called a workbook. A workbook consists of a set of worksheets. There can be up to 255 sheets in an Excel workbook. Each worksheet has a name, by default Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3.

    A table can contain both master and derived data. The advantage of spreadsheets is that they allow you to organize the automatic calculation of derived data. For this purpose, formulas are used in table cells.

    Excel treats the contents of a cell as a formula if it begins with an equal sign (=). Thus, to start entering a formula into a cell, just press the “=” key. However, it is more convenient to enter formulas if you click on the Edit formula button in the formula bar. In this case, the Formula Palette opens directly below the formula bar, containing the calculated value of the specified formula.

    Electronic Excel tables often used to maintain simple databases. The capabilities of such databases are noticeably less than those of databases developed in the Access program, but many prefer not to waste time on mastering a new system, but to use available tools.

    • 1. A table used as a database usually consists of several columns, which are the fields of the database. Each line represents a separate entry. If the data is presented in this form, Excel program Allows for sorting and filtering.
    • 2. Sorting is the ordering of data in ascending or descending order. The easiest way to sort this is by selecting one of the cells and clicking the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending button.
    • 3. Sorting parameters are set using the Data > Sorting command. This opens the Sort Range dialog box. In it, you can select from one to three sorting fields, and also set the sort order for each field.
    • 4. When filtering the database, only records that have the required properties are displayed. The simplest filtering tool is an autofilter. It is launched by the command Data > Filter > Auto-Filter.
    • 5. When using the AutoFilter command, expanding buttons appear in the cells containing field headers. Clicking this button opens access to a list of filtering options. Records that do not meet the filtering criteria are not displayed.
    • 6. To create a custom filter, select Other from the drop-down list. The Custom AutoFilter dialog box allows you to set a more complex filtering condition for this field.
    • 7. The Data > Filter > Display All command allows you to display all records. To cancel the use of an autofilter, you must re-issue the command Data > Filter > Autofilter.

    Introduction........................................................ ................................................... 3

    Chapter 1. The concept of spreadsheets and table processors.... 4

    1.1 Basic elements of a spreadsheet.................................... 4

    1.2 Types of data used in spreadsheets.................................. 7

    1.3 Types of functions used.................................................... ...... 10

    1.4 Areas of application of table processors.................................... 13

    Chapter 2. Review of the most popular table processors...... 15

    2.1 Microsoft Excel................................................... ............................... 15

    2.2 OpenOffice Calc.................................................... ........................... 22

    Conclusions and proposals................................................................... ........................ 31

    List of used literature........................................................ ... 32


    In everyday life, a person constantly uses tables: a diary at school, train schedules, class schedules, etc. A personal computer expands the possibilities of using tables due to the fact that it allows not only to present data in electronic form, but also to process it. The class of software used for this purpose is called spreadsheet processors or spreadsheets. The main purpose of spreadsheet processors is to process tabularly organized information, carry out calculations based on it and provide a visual representation of stored data and the results of their processing in the form of graphs and diagrams. A spreadsheet or spreadsheet is an interactive data processing system based on a two-dimensional table. Table cells can contain numbers, strings, or formulas that specify the cell's dependency on other cells. The user can view, set and change the value of cells. Changing the value of a cell immediately changes the values ​​of the cells that depend on it. Table processors also provide setting the image format, searching, and sorting. The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to obtain results without manual calculations. Calculation using specified formulas is performed automatically. Changing the contents of any cell leads to the recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are related to it by formula relations. Spreadsheets are used in all areas of human activity, but are especially widely used for economic and accounting calculations. Currently, the most popular and effective packages of this class are Excel, Calc, Quatro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3.

    Chapter 1. Concept of spreadsheets and table processors 1.1 Basic elements of a spreadsheet

    A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a regular table, in the cells (cells) of which data of various types is recorded: texts, dates, formulas, numbers.

    The result of calculating a formula in a cell is an image of that cell. Numerical data and dates can be considered a special case of formulas. To manage a spreadsheet, a special set of programs is used - a spreadsheet processor.

    The main advantage of a spreadsheet is the ability to instantly recalculate all data related by formula dependencies when the value of any operand changes.

    Rows, columns, cells and their addresses

    The workspace of a spreadsheet consists of rows and columns that have their own names. Row names are their numbers. Line numbering starts from 1 and ends with the maximum number set for this program. The column names are letters of the Latin alphabet, first from A to Z, then from AA to AZ, BA to BZ, etc.

    The maximum number of rows and columns is determined by the features of the program used and the amount of computer memory. Modern programs make it possible to create spreadsheets containing more than 1 million cells, although for practical purposes in most cases this is not required.

    The intersection of a row and a column forms a table cell that has its own unique address. To specify cell addresses in formulas, references are used (for example, A2 or C4).

    A cell is the area defined by the intersection of a column and a row in a spreadsheet.

    Cell address – determined by the column name (number) and row number.

    Specifying a block of cells

    In a spreadsheet, there is the concept of a block (range) of cells, which also has its own unique address. A block of cells can be considered a row or part of a row, a column or part of a column, as well as a rectangle consisting of several rows and columns or parts thereof (Fig. 1). The address of a block of cells is specified by indicating the links of its first and last cells, between which, for example, a separating character is placed - a colon<:>or two points in a row<..>.

    Rice. 1. Spreadsheet view on screen

    The address of the cell formed at the intersection of column G and row 3 will be expressed by reference G3.

    The address of the block formed as part of line 1 will be A1..H1.

    The block address formed as column B will be B1..B10.

    The block address, formed in the form of a rectangle, will be D4..F5.

    Each spreadsheet command requires specifying a block (range) of cells on which it should be executed.

    The block of used cells can be specified in two ways: either by directly typing the starting and ending addresses of the cells that form the range from the keyboard, or by selecting the corresponding part of the table using the cursor keys. It is more convenient to set a range by selecting cells.

    Typical default settings for all table cells are 9-bit cell width, left-justified for character data, and right-justified basic format for numeric data.

    A block of cells is a group of consecutive cells. A block of cells can consist of a single cell, a row (or part thereof), a column (or part thereof), or a sequence of rows or columns (or parts thereof).

    Typical structure interface

    As can be seen in Fig. 1, when working with a spreadsheet, the table's work field and control panel are displayed on the screen. The control panel usually includes: Main menu, secondary control area, input line and help line. The location of these areas on the screen can be arbitrary and depends on the characteristics of a particular table processor.

    The main menu line contains the menu names of the main program modes. By selecting one of them, the user gets access to a drop-down menu containing a list of commands included in it. After selecting some drop-down menu commands, additional submenus appear.

    The auxiliary control area includes:

    ∙ status bar;

    ∙ toolbars;

    ∙ vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

    In the status bar (status line) the user will find information about the current operating mode of the program, the file name of the current spreadsheet, the number of the current window, etc. The toolbar (icon menu) contains a certain number of buttons (icons) designed to quickly activate the execution of certain menu commands and program functions. To bring to the screen those areas of the table that are not currently displayed on the screen, use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars. Scroll bar sliders show the relative position of the active cell in the table and are used to quickly move around it. In some spreadsheet processors, special shortcut zones are formed on the screen. When you click in such a zone, the corresponding function is called. For example, when you click on the coordinate ruler, a dialog for setting page parameters is called up.

    The input line displays the data entered into the cell. In it, the user can view or edit the contents of the current cell. A feature of the input line is the ability to see the formula or function contained in the current cell, and not its result. The input line is convenient to use to view or edit text data.

    The hint line is intended to provide messages to the user regarding his possible actions at the moment.

    The given interface structure is typical for table processors designed to work in a Windows environment. For spreadsheet processors running in DOS, command buttons on toolbars and scroll bars are most often absent.

    The workspace is a space in a spreadsheet consisting of cells, column names, and rows.

    The control panel is a part of the screen that gives the user information about the active cell and its contents, menu and operating mode.

    Current cell and screen

    The current (active) cell is the spreadsheet cell in which the cursor is currently located. The address and contents of the current cell are displayed in the spreadsheet input line. Moving the cursor both on the input line and on the screen is done using the cursor keys.

    The monitor screen does not allow you to display the entire spreadsheet. We can view different parts of the spreadsheet by moving around it using the cursor keys. When moving around the table in this way, new rows (columns) automatically appear on the screen to replace those that we are moving away from. The part of the spreadsheet that we see on the monitor screen is called the current (active) screen.

    Window, workbook, sheet

    The main objects of information processing - electronic tables - are placed by the table processor in independent windows, and opening or closing these tables is, in fact, opening or closing the windows in which they are located. The table processor makes it possible to open many windows simultaneously, thereby organizing a “multi-window mode” of work. There are special commands that allow you to change the relative position and size of windows on the screen. The windows that we currently see on the screen are called current (active).

    A workbook is a document containing several sheets, which may include tables, charts, or macros. You can create a workbook to store sheets of interest together in memory and specify how many sheets it should contain. All sheets of the workbook are saved in one file. Note that the term “workbook” is not standard. For example, the Framework table processor uses the concept of Frame instead.

    1.2 Types of data used in spreadsheets

    Input types

    In each cell, the user can enter data of one of the following possible types: symbolic, numeric, formulas and functions, and dates.

    Character (text) data is descriptive in nature. They may include alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. Their first character is often an apostrophe, and sometimes a quotation mark or a space.

    Example 2: Character data:

    Statement for calculating bonuses Group No. 142

    Numeric data cannot contain alphabetic or special characters, since mathematical operations are performed with them. The only exceptions are the decimal point (comma) and the number sign that precedes it.

    Example 3: Numeric data:

    Formulas. The contents of a cell visible on the screen may be the result of calculations made using a formula that is available but not visible in it. A formula can include a number of arithmetic, logical and other operations performed on data from other cells.

    Example 4. Let's assume that the cell contains the formula +B5 + (C5 + 2 * E5) / 4. In the normal mode of displaying the table on the screen, you will not see the formula, but the result of calculations using it on the numbers contained in cells B5, C5 and E5.

    Functions. A function is a program with a unique name, for which the user must specify specific values ​​for the function arguments in parentheses after its name. A function (just like a number) can be considered a special case of a formula. There are statistical, logical, financial and other functions.

    Example 5. The cell contains a function for calculating the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers located in cells B4, B5, B6, B8. in the following form:

    @AVG (B4 .. B6, B8).

    Dates. A special type of input data is dates. This data type provides functions such as adding a number to a date (converting a date forward and backward) or calculating the difference between two dates (the length of a period). Dates have an internal (for example, a date can be expressed as the number of days since the beginning of 1900 or serial number days according to the Julian calendar) and external format. The external format is used to enter and display dates. The most common types are: external formats dates:

    – MMM–DD–YY (Jan–04–95);

    – MMM–YY (Jan–95).

    Attention! The type of input data contained in each cell is determined by the first character, which should not be treated as part of the data, but as a mode switch command:

    if the cell contains numbers, then their first character is either a digit, a decimal point, or a number sign (plus or minus);

    If a cell contains a formula, then its first character must be selected in a certain way in accordance with the specifics of a particular spreadsheet processor. For this, a left parenthesis, a number sign (plus or minus), an equal sign, etc. are often used;

    If a cell contains character data, its first character can be a single (apostrophe) or double quote, or a space.

    Boolean data is used in logical formulas and functions. Data of this type is displayed in the current cell as follows: if any non-zero number (integer or fraction) is entered, then after pressing the key this cell will display "True". A zero is displayed as False in the corresponding cell.

    This representation of data is related to the concept of a logical variable, which is used in the algebra of logic. One serves to describe statements that can take one of two possible values: “true” (logical one) or “false” (logical zero).

    Formatting numeric data in cells

    You can use different formats for representing numerical data within the same spreadsheet. By default, numbers are located in a cell, aligned to the right. Some spreadsheets provide a change to this rule. Let's look at the most common formats for presenting numerical data.

    The Basic format is the default, ensuring that numeric data is recorded in cells exactly as it is entered or calculated.

    A format with a fixed number of decimal places provides the representation of numbers in cells with a specified precision, determined by installed by user the number of decimal places after the decimal point (decimal point). For example, if the formatting mode is set to include two decimal places, then the number 12345 entered into the cell will be written as 12345.00, and the number 0.12345 will be written as .12.

    The percentage format represents the entered data as a percentage with a % sign (according to the specified number of decimal places). For example, if the precision is set to one decimal place, then 12.3% will appear on the screen if you enter 0.123, and 12300.0% will appear if you enter 123.

    The currency format provides a representation of numbers where every three digits are separated by a comma. In this case, the user can set a certain precision of presentation (rounded to a whole number or two decimal places). For example, the entered number 12345 will be written in the cell as 12.345 (rounded to the nearest whole number) and 12.345–00 (to two decimal places).

    The scientific format, used to represent very large or very small numbers, ensures that the input numbers are represented as two components:

    – a mantissa, which has one decimal place to the left of the decimal point, and a certain (defined by the precision specified by the user) number of decimal places to the right of it;

    – order of number.

    Example 6. The entered number 12345 will be written in the cell as 1.2345E+04 (if the established precision is 4 digits) and as 1.23E+04 (if the precision is 2 digits). The number.0000012 in scientific format will be 1.2E–06.

    1.3 Types of functions used

    Calculations in tables are made using formulas. The result of the calculation is placed in the cell in which the formula is located.

    A formula begins with a plus sign or left parenthesis and is a collection of mathematical operators, numbers, references, and functions.

    When calculating using formulas, the order of performing arithmetic operations accepted in mathematics is observed.

    Formulas consist of operators and operands arranged in a specific order. Data as well as references to individual cells or blocks of cells are used as operands. Operators in formulas indicate actions performed on operands. Depending on the operators used, arithmetic (algebraic) and logical formulas are distinguished.

    Arithmetic formulas use the following operators arithmetic operations:


    – subtraction,

    * multiplication,

    / division,

    ^ exponentiation.

    Each formula in a spreadsheet contains several arithmetic operations on its components. The sequence of performing arithmetic operations has been established. First, exponentiation is performed, then multiplication and division are performed, and only after that subtraction and addition are performed. If you are choosing between operations of the same level (for example, between multiplication and division), you should perform them from left to right. The normal order of operations is changed by introducing parentheses. The operations in parentheses are performed first.

    Arithmetic formulas can also contain comparison operators: equal to (=), not equal to (< >), more (>), less (<), не более (<=), не менее (>=). The result of calculating an arithmetic formula is a number.

    Logical formulas can contain the specified comparison operators, as well as special logical operators:

    #NOT# – logical negation “NOT”,

    #AND# – logical “AND”,

    #OR# – logical “OR”.

    Logical formulas determine whether an expression is true or false. True expressions are assigned a numerical value of 1, and false ones are assigned a numerical value of 0. Thus, the calculation of a logical formula ends with a score of “True” (1) or “False” (0).

    Example 7. Here are several examples of calculating arithmetic and logical formulas using the following data:

    A B C
    1 3 5 2
    2 3 12 1
    3 4 7 6
    Formula Result Explanation
    =A1+B1*3 18 The contents of cell B1 are multiplied by 3, and the result is added to the contents of cell A1. (Multiplication is done first).
    =A2–B3+C2 –3 The contents of cell B3 are subtracted from the contents of cell A2, and then the contents of cell C2 are added to the result. (Addition and subtraction as operations of the same level are performed from left to right).
    =B2/(C1*A2) 2 The contents of cell C1 are multiplied by the contents of A2, and then the contents of cell B2 are divided by the result. (Any actions in parentheses are performed first.)
    =B1^C1–B2/A3 22 The contents of cell B1 are raised to the power determined by the contents of cell C1, then the quotient of dividing the contents of cell B2 by the contents of cell A3 is determined. The resulting quotient is subtracted from the first result. (Exponentiation is done first, then division is done, and then subtraction is done.)
    =A1>0#OR#C3>0 1 Because the contents of cells A1 (3>0) and C3 (6>0) are positive numbers, the entire expression is assigned the numerical value 1 ("True").

    By default, the spreadsheet calculates formulas as you enter them, recalculates them whenever the input data changes, and formulas can include functions.

    A function is understood as the dependence of one variable (y) on one (x) or several variables (x1, x2, ..., xn). Moreover, each set of values ​​of the variables x1, x2, ..., xn will correspond to a single value of a certain type of dependent variable y. Functions are entered into the table as part of formulas or separately. The following types of functions can be presented in spreadsheets:






    date and time functions, etc.

    Math functions perform various mathematical operations, such as calculating logarithms, trigonometric functions, converting radians to degrees, etc.

    Statistical functions perform operations to calculate the parameters of random variables or their distributions represented by a set of numbers, for example, standard deviation, mean, median, etc.

    Text functions perform operations on text strings or a sequence of characters, calculating the length of the string, converting uppercase letters to lowercase letters, and so on.

    Logical functions are used to construct logical expressions, the result of which depends on the truth of the condition being tested.

    Financial functions are used in complex financial calculations, for example, determining the discount rate, the amount of monthly payments to repay a loan, determining depreciation charges, etc.

    All functions have the same notation and include the function name and a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses. Here are examples of the most frequently encountered functions.

    Example 8. SUM(List) is a statistical function for determining the sum of all numeric values ​​in the List. The list can consist of cell and block addresses, as well as numeric values.

    SUM(A3..E3, 230)

    AVERAGE(List) is a statistical function for determining the arithmetic average of all values ​​listed in the List.

    AVERAGE(5, 20, 10, 5)

    AVERAGE(B10..B13, B17)

    MAX(List) is a statistical function whose result is the maximum value in the specified List.


    IF(Condition, True, False) is a logical function that checks the truth of a given logical condition. If the condition is true, then the result of the function is the value of the argument “True”. If the condition is not met, then the result of the function becomes the value of the argument “False”.

    IF(B4<100, 100, 200)

    – if cell B4 contains a number less than 100, then the function is assigned the value 100, but if this condition is not met (i.e. the contents of cell B4 is greater than or equal to 100), the function is assigned the value 200.

    1.4 Areas of application of table processors

    Modern spreadsheet processors allow the use of numerous means of automating problem solving, so it has even become possible to write specific applications based on them. In addition, they have extensive graphics capabilities. Spreadsheet processors are especially widely used in analytical activities, as well as for preparing documents of complex form.

    The main purpose of the spreadsheet processor is to automate Calculations in tabular form.

    For example, you can keep a progress log in a spreadsheet processor. Teachers will be able to enter student grades into it, and built-in formulas will allow them to calculate the average score for each student, the overall performance of the group in the subject, etc. Every time a teacher enters a new grade, the spreadsheet processor will automatically recalculate all the results.

    Compared to its paper predecessor, the electronic one provides the user with much more opportunities to work. Various numbers, dates, texts, logical values, functions, and formulas can be written in table cells. Formulas allow you to almost instantly recalculate and display a new result in the corresponding cell when the source data changes. This feature allows you to actively use spreadsheets:

    To automate calculations;

    To present calculation results in the form of diagrams;

    For modeling when the influence of different parameter values ​​is studied.

    The spreadsheet processor has become widespread throughout the entire economic system: in the accounting departments of firms and enterprises, in economic departments, in commercial banks and other organizations, which is associated with the large number of economic transactions and their versatility.

    The table processor is an integral part of the application software of the economist's workstation, which is associated with its functionality.

    The spreadsheet processor allows you to automate the process of processing economic information, carry out complex calculations, analyze them and present them in a visual form (graphs, diagrams). Nowadays, when the client is increasingly paying attention to the efficiency and clarity of the information provided, and for economists the processing and storage of large volumes of data is becoming increasingly important, Excel functions such as compiling lists, pivot tables, the ability to use formulas, copying data play an important role , formatting and design, analyzing and presenting data using charts and pivot tables, retrieving information from external databases, ensuring security.

    Chapter 2. Review of the most popular spreadsheet processors 2.1 Microsoft Excel

    A document created in MS Excel is called a workbook. A workbook consists of a set of worksheets. There can be up to 255 sheets in an Excel workbook. Each worksheet has a name, by default Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. Sheet titles appear at the bottom of the sheet. Using the tabs on which the names of the sheets are written, you can switch between the worksheets included in the workbook. To rename a worksheet, double-click on its tab, or right-click on the tab and select Rename. Sheets can be given arbitrary names up to 31 characters long, excluding the characters * : / \ ? .

    To move a worksheet to another position in the same workbook, you need to drag its tab to the appropriate place with the mouse.

    If the user needs to add a new worksheet, he can do so by running the Insert/Sheet command. To delete a sheet, you must execute the Edit / Delete Sheet command, but you must remember that a deleted sheet cannot be restored.

    The worksheet space consists of rows and columns. By default, each worksheet has 256 columns (each column has a name, headed by a Latin letter) and 65536 rows (numbered from 1 to 65536), so there are 16777216 cells in total on the worksheet.

    Table cells are formed at the intersection of rows and columns. A cell is the minimally addressable element of a worksheet. The cell name (address) consists of a column name and a row number, such as A10 or D23. Cell addressing is used when writing formulas. One of the cells is always active, and input and editing operations are performed in it. A group of cells is called a range. A range of cells is indicated by indicating through a colon the numbers of cells located in opposite corners, for example: A5:C20.

    Different tables may contain completely different information. Some table cells contain text, some contain numeric data. From an Excel perspective, a cell can contain three types of data.

    Text data is a string of text of any length. Excel reproduces such data exactly as it was entered. A cell containing text data cannot be used in calculations. If Excel cannot interpret the data in a cell as a number or a formula, the program assumes it is text data.

    Numeric data is a single number entered into a cell. Excel treats data as a number if the data format allows it. Data that define dates or monetary amounts are considered as numbers. Cells containing numeric data can be used in calculations.

    If a cell contains a formula, then this cell is calculated, that is, the value of the cell can depend on the values ​​of other cells in the table. The contents of a cell are treated as a formula if they begin with an equal sign (=). All formulas give a numerical result.

    Formulas are not displayed in table cells. Instead of the formula, the result obtained from its calculation is reproduced. To see the formula stored in a calculated cell, you need to select that cell and look in the formula bar. Changes to formulas are made by editing this line.

    Data in Excel is always entered into the current cell. Before you begin entering, you must select the appropriate cell. The current cell pointer is moved with the mouse or cursor keys. You can also use keys such as HOME, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN.

    No special command is required to enter data into the current cell. Pressing keys containing letters, numbers, or punctuation marks automatically begins entering data into a cell. The information you enter is simultaneously displayed in the formula bar. You can finish entering by pressing the ENTER key.

    Some operations may involve multiple cells simultaneously. In order to perform such an operation, the required cells must be selected. The selected group of cells is highlighted on the screen: their contents appear in white on a black background, and the entire group of selected cells is surrounded by a thick border.

    1. The easiest way is to select a rectangular area, that is, cells that fall within a certain area of ​​columns and rows. To do this, move the pointer to a cell in one of the corners of the selected area, press the mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the pointer to the opposite corner of the area. After releasing the mouse button, all cells in the rectangle are highlighted in inverted color. The color of the first cell is left uninverted to indicate that it is the current cell. The term range is used to refer to a group of cells.

    Pulling can be done in any direction. For example, if you need to select cells from B3 to D8, then you can drag not only from VZ to D8, but also from D3 to B8, from B8 to D3, or from D8 to VZ. If you now click on any cell, the selection will be deselected.

    Instead of dragging the mouse, you can use the SHIFT key. After you click the first cell in the range, you can press and hold the SHIFT key while you click the last cell. If the last cell is off the screen, you can complete the operation after scrolling. When selecting large ranges, this method is more convenient than pulling.

    Numerous means of automating problem solving, so that it has even become possible to write specific applications based on them. In addition, they have extensive graphics capabilities. Spreadsheet processors are especially widely used in analytical activities, as well as for preparing documents of complex form. The main purpose of the spreadsheet processor is to automate Calculations in a spreadsheet...

    82.53 Republic of Buryatia 8 7.2 8.2 10.7 133.75 Republic of Tyva 3.8 2.7 4.4 3.5 92.1 Tomsk region 15.1 6.8 13.7 12.3 81.46 Tyumen region 18.2 15 .6 20.8 12.7 69.78 2. Excel spreadsheet processor The spreadsheet processor is, in essence, a combination of a text editor and an electronic calculator. It can be used as a large mathematical calculator when you need...

    Fits on pages, even in landscape layout. Excel user interface The Excel user interface is similar to components of other integrated Microsoft office packages. The spreadsheet processor can be controlled using commands from the main menu, commands from the context menu, the toolbar and the keyboard. The table processor is loaded using the main...

    Submenu for processing table data for sorting and grouping. Window - Submenu for changing the appearance of the window and transitions between windows. ? - Help submenu Detailed characteristics of the object elements The Excel spreadsheet processor from Microsoft is designed for entering, storing, calculating and issuing large amounts of data in a form convenient for analysis and perception of information. All data is stored and processed in...

    Many tasks that firms and enterprises have to solve are of an accounting and analytical nature and require a tabular layout of data with summing up for various groups and sections of data, for example, when drawing up a balance sheet, certificates for tax authorities, financial reports, etc. Spreadsheets are used to store and process information presented in tabular form. Spreadsheets (ET) are two-dimensional arrays (commonly called worksheets) consisting of columns and rows. Spreadsheet design software is also called table processors. They allow you not only to create tables, but also to automate the processing of tabular data.

    Using ET, you can perform various economic, accounting, engineering calculations, as well as build various kinds of diagrams, conduct complex economic analysis, simulate and optimize solutions to various business situations, and much more.

    Possibilities table processors:

    Creation, editing, design and printing of electronic information;

    Creation of multi-table documents combined by formulas;

    Complex formulas can be used in table cells, containing built-in functions for various purposes (mathematical, financial, statistical, engineering, etc.);

    Construction of diagrams, their modification and solving economic problems using graphical methods;

    Working with electronic data as with databases (lists): sorting tables, retrieving data based on queries;

    Creation of summary and summary tables;

    Using scripts – named arrays of source data, from which the final total values ​​are formed in the same table;

    Performing an automated search for calculation errors using formulas.

    The use of an autofill mechanism, in which the same value or several different values, prepared in advance in the form of data series, can be quickly entered into several table cells. Each member of the series is entered into one table cell. Sequential data entry into cells can be carried out starting from any member of the series in the forward or reverse direction;

    Solving economic problems of the “what-if” type by selecting parameters;

    Using lookup tables that can contain one or two variables with an arbitrary number of their values. These variable values ​​are used to calculate results using the same formula. The result is displayed as an array of data;

    Solving optimization problems;

    Statistical data processing;

    Creating a slide show;

    Development of macro commands, setting up the environment to suit the user’s needs, etc.

    Table processors differ in the range of functions they perform and the ease of interface. The most popular spreadsheets for personal computers are table processors:

    Excel (Microsoft),

    Lotus 1-2-3 (Lotus Developnet company),

    Quattro Pro (WordPerfekt – Novell Application Group).

    If, after its appearance in 1982, the Lotus 1-2-3 package was practically the standard for spreadsheet developers, now it has lost its leading position, and its place has been taken by the Excel package.

    Promising directions in the development of spreadsheets are defined differently by the main developer companies.

    Microsoft places a high priority on improving Excel's feature set. Excel has many features that are more carefully designed than other spreadsheets. Additionally, the ability to use arrays in Excel provides greater flexibility when working with tables.