• Button to add a row to an excel table. Adding Rows and Columns in Microsoft Excel

    When working in Excel, you often have to add new rows to a table. But, unfortunately, some users do not know how to do even such fairly simple things. True, it should be noted that this operation also has some “ pitfalls" Let's figure out how to insert a row into Microsoft application Excel.

    It should be noted that the procedure for inserting a new line into modern versions Excel programs practically no differences from each other.

    So, open the table to which you need to add a row. To insert a line between the lines, right-click on any cell of the line above which we plan to insert new element. In the context menu that opens, click on the “Insert...” item.

    Also, it is possible to insert without calling the context menu. To do this, you just need to press the “Ctrl+” key combination on your keyboard.

    A dialog box opens that prompts us to insert downward shift cells, right shift cells, a column, and a row into the table. Set the switch to the “Line” position and click on the “OK” button.

    As you can see, a new line in the program Microsoft Excel successfully added.

    Inserting a row at the end of a table

    But what if you need to insert a cell not between rows, but add a row at the end of the table? After all, if you apply the method described above, the added row will not be included in the table, but will remain outside its boundaries.

    To move the table down, select last line tables. A cross appears in its lower right corner. We pull it down by as many rows as we need to extend the table.

    But, as we see, all lower cells are formed with filled data from the mother cell. To remove this data, select the newly formed cells and right-click. In the context menu that appears, select “Clear contents”.

    As you can see, the cells are cleared and ready to be filled with data.

    It must be taken into account that this method only suitable if the table does not have a bottom row of totals.

    Creating a Smart Table

    But it is much more convenient to create a so-called “smart table”. You can do this once, and then not worry that some row, when added, will not fit into the table boundaries. This table will be stretchable, and besides, all the data entered into it will not fall out of the formulas used in the table, on the sheet, and in the book as a whole.

    So, in order to create a “smart table”, we select all the cells that should be included in it. In the “Home” tab, click on the “Format as table” button. In the list of available styles that opens, select the style that you consider most preferable. To create " smart table» The choice of a specific style does not matter.

    Once the style is selected, a dialog box opens that shows the range of cells we selected, so there is no need to make any adjustments to it. Just click on the “OK” button.

    The “smart table” is ready.

    Now, to add a line, click on the cell above which the line will be created. In the context menu, select “Insert table rows above.”

    The line is added.

    A line between lines can be added by simply pressing the “Ctrl+” key combination. You won't have to enter anything else this time.

    There are several ways to add a row at the end of a smart table.

    You can stand on the last cell of the last row and press on the keyboard function key tabs (Tab).

    You can also place the cursor on the lower right corner of the last cell and drag it down.

    This time, new cells will be created initially empty and will not need to be cleared of data.

    Or you can simply enter any data under the line below the table, and it will automatically be included in the table.

    As you can see, add cells to the table in Microsoft program Excel is possible in various ways, but to avoid problems with adding, it is best to create a “smart table” using formatting.

    Excel is an office application that is an excellent spreadsheet editor. If you need to create a table and periodically enter statistical data into it, of course, it is rational to use the capabilities of Excel.

    However, at the initial stage, the user may not calculate how many cells he will need. It also happens that in the future the field of queries that are important to take into account expands; accordingly, the need arises to expand the table itself, and at the same time the question arises of how to add a row in an Excel table?

    If there is a ready-made structure into which data is already being entered, there will still come someday a production moment when the last empty one will be filled horizontal line. It is at this moment that the beginner faces a serious, in his opinion, problem associated with adding a specified number of additional cells.

    A beginner also experiences certain difficulties if he is given the task of removing all unfilled horizontal spaces. This task in itself is not difficult, but due to inexperience and ignorance of all the capabilities of Excel, it is difficult for a beginner to figure out how to quickly solve the problem assigned to him new task. It is rational to use either the advice of real gurus or the tips of the office application contained in the Help section.

    Creating Additional Rows

    Adding additional cells is not difficult at all. If the previously created structure does not change, it is enough to select the last line, hover the mouse cursor over the lower right corner of the cell that is on the far right, grab the icon that appears that resembles a plus sign, and pull it down as much as necessary.

    As you can see, adding is easy and very quick, but it is important to take into account one nuance. If the entire structure is already completely filled with data, then using the method described above, tabular form will expand, but all data will also be transferred. In this regard, it is necessary to expand the table space, relying on empty cells. If there are none, then you need to add only one line, clear it, and then stretch it down any number of rows - they will all be empty.

    Also, the Excel editor is capable of expanding the space independently. If the user enters data immediately below the established form, where its boundaries were not previously designated, then it will be automatically generated further.

    If you want to add a row not at the end of the form, but in the middle, then you need to use other recommendations.

    To do this, you need to select a horizontal row, above which you should create a new one, go to the “Insert” menu, go to the “Rows” item, click on it. As a result, the same number of new lines appears as were selected before visiting the “Insert” menu.

    Removing rows

    To delete any horizontal row, you should also first mark it, right-click on it, opening context menu, and in it go to the “Delete” item.

    There are also tasks where it is important for the user to know how to remove blank rows in Excel. If the tablespace is small, then you can, of course, delete all the voids individually using the deletion rules, but if the table is large enough, then this manual removal will take too long.

    To avoid wasting time, you can use other tricks. You should add an AutoFilter to the table, and then set a condition for selecting only empty cells. Now only empty rows with no data will open, so all that remains is to delete them in the usual way.

    Creating Additional Columns

    A tablespace sometimes needs to be expanded horizontally, so it is very important to understand how to add a column to an Excel table.

    Adding and Removing Columns

    The principle of adding and removing vertical columns is identical to the way you add and remove cells and rows.

    To practically understand how to delete a column in Excel, you must first select the column that turned out to be unnecessary in the table space at this stage, then right-click and call up the menu in which to go to the “Delete” item. After this, the entire selected range will be deleted.

    To successfully add a column to a table, you should also select the place where you want to insert a new column, then call the context menu and go to the “Add Cells” item. You can select a column and go to the Insert menu, and then to Columns. The result of such simple manipulations is completely the same, so it is important to understand what easier for the user for practical implementation.

    After this practice, even a beginner will become absolutely clear how to add cells to a table in Excel, so working with the table space will not cause misunderstandings later. Expanding or narrowing table boundaries will become an easy, fairly familiar action that will be performed automatically and without error.

    Add and remove row, column in Excel can be anywhere in the table. You can insert several rows and columns at once in the right place tables.There are several ways.
    TOHow to add a column to an Excel table.
    First way.
    To insert a column in Excel, you need to place the cursor on the column title line, on the column next to which you want to insert the column. The new column appears to the left of the selected column.
    For example. There is a column “A” with numbers 1, there is a column “B” with numbers 2. You need to insert a column between them.
    We move the mouse over the address of the column before which we need to insert a new column. A black arrow will appear on the address letter of this column.
    Click on the right mouse button. In the dialog box that appears, select “insert” in the second section and click left button mice.
    To the left of column "B" (with the numbers 2) a new column has appeared.
    Pay attention!
    Column addresses have changed.Now the new column has become “B”, and the former column “B” (with the numbers 2) has become “C”.
    Second way.
    Insert Column in Excel- this is to call the context menu on any cell of the column to the left of which we will insert a new column. We also select “paste” in the second section of the window that appears. And here we already select – “column” -> “OK”.Read about the context menu .
    Let's take a look at this menu right away. Here you can select what we want to insert: column, row, cells that will appear to the right or below the selected cell.
    If we first select not one, but several cells, columns, rows (as many as we need to insert), then the same number will be inserted.
    Third way.
    You can configure Excel to insert columns automatically. See the article "How to add a column in Excel automatically".
    How to add a row in Excel.
    We need to select the cell above which we will insert new line, and call the context menu. Or move the cursor to the row address and continue in the same way as inserting a column.
    In this way, you can also select several lines at once and then insert the same number.
    For example. We need to insert three lines between lines 3 and 4. New lines will appear above the selected line. Therefore we mark 4,5,6 lines.
    Click “insert”. It turned out like this.
    New lines took the place of old lines, and old ones moved down, changing their address.
    Add blank lines in Excel after one, two lines, etc.
    For example, we need to insert empty rows between the rows throughout the table in a filled table, etc. How to do this, see the article "".
    How to create a table in Excel, see the article “How to create a table in Excel”.
    How to delete a row, column in Excel.
    To delete rows and columns, you need to select them and, in the context menu in the second section, select the “Delete” function.Or highlight rows and columns on the lines of their addresses. Right-click on the address number of the highlighted line and select the “Delete” function.
    For ways to select rows and columns, see the article “How to select in Excel cells, table, etc."
    In a table, you can not delete columns or rows, but hide them. For example, a column with formulas, etc. How to do this, see the article "How to hide columns in Excel".
    When creating a questionnaire, price list, or other documents, you need to create a drop-down list in a cell that appears when you hover the mouse over the cell.How to do this, read the article “

    What if the spreadsheet is already finished, and you need to add additional data to it?

    Let's say we have simple table with data, let's look at how to add rows and columns to it.

    Place the cursor on a cell or select a range of cells above which you want to add cells or a row. Call the context menu by right-clicking on the selected area. From the proposed list, select the item Insert.

    A dialog box will open Addition cells. If we need to add rows to the table, then select cells, shifted down or line, and press Ok.

    New cells will appear above the selected range, to which the format of the entire table will already be applied.

    If you need to add a column, the algorithm of actions will be the same, only in the Add Cells dialog box we select the column item. Please note that columns will be added to the left in an amount corresponding to the number of cells in the selected range. Rows are also added in the number of allocated rows.

    There is also another way to continue a table in Excel. We also select the cell above which we need to add a line or to the left of which we need to add a column. In the tab Home in section Cells select a button Insert. Select from the drop-down list Insert rows into a sheet or Insert Columns per sheet accordingly.

    Excel - Basic office program, which is used by almost all office workers. Excel is used for various accounting and financial calculations, calculations of future value, analysis of statistical data, etc. Based on this, it is extremely important to be able to freely work with this program and perform any actions. This article will show you about this simple action in an Excel table, like adding a row.

    So, to add a row in an Excel table, you need to do the following:

    Open Excel

    In order to open Excel, you need to enter the word “Excel” into the search. The result will appear, clicking on which you will open new document. This is done if you want to create a new table. In the same case, if you need to open an existing one, enter the file name into the search. A list of existing tables will also appear if you simply enter the name of the program into the search.

    Inserting a Row

    Each line has its own serial number. These numbers start from one and go down to an indefinite number. In order to insert a row in Excel tables, you need to right-click on the row number above which you want to insert an additional field.

    Consider this example: lines from 1 to 10 contain numbers from ten to one hundred. For example, we want to insert multiples of five between these numbers as follows: 5, 15, 25, etc. Click on the line with serial number 1 right-click and select the “Insert” tab from the drop-down menu.

    Row inserted. We enter the value we need there and continue these actions until we achieve the result we need.

    As you may have already noticed, the process of adding a row to an Excel table is very simple and straightforward. Learn to use this program correctly, because knowledge of it is required in almost every job.