• How to conclude an agreement with Russian Post for servicing legal entities. Postal service agreement: details of registration

    For all current lease agreements for a legal address, regardless of what you ordered postal service or not, we as the landlord receive your mail. The entire period of validity of the lease agreement at the address, since receipt of mail is one of the confirmations that your company is at the address and is part of our obligations.

    2. If you have not ordered postal service

    Don’t worry, we will still receive the mail, we will notify you, and you can always buy each piece of mail at a price of 500 rubles, or later enter into an agreement for postal services.

    3. Free receipt of primary funds.

    We receive and issue primary notifications from funds, regardless of whether postal service has been ordered or not. Similarly, documents issued by MIFTS 46 when creating an organization or changing the address, if you did not pick them up on the day of issue, and MIFTS sent them by mail to the legal address.

    3.1 What we don’t get:

    We never and under any circumstances receive: Goods, parcels, money and anything that does not belong to the concept of “correspondence”

    4. Free scanning

    You can request that the contents of correspondence be scanned and sent to electronic form (pdf format) to your email. To do this:

    You must have ordered postal service and the contract must be in effect on the date of the “received” stamp on the letter.

    You have received an email notification of incoming correspondence and in response to it you can request that the contents of the letter be scanned and sent to you.

    5. What types of shipments do we receive at legal addresses:

    a. Simple letters

    b. Registered letters (to receive a power of attorney from you, if there are no powers of attorney, we notify you of the need to provide a power of attorney.) If a power of attorney is not provided, the letter remains in the mail for 30 days, then is returned to the sender.

    c. Legal letters (similar to registered letters, but their shelf life at the post office is 7 days)

    d. Telegrams

    e. Courier delivery (delivery of documents courier services or courier of counterparties). Only at those addresses where either our employees are located or tenants are constantly present (most premises). Attention: upon receipt, we sign as “Representative of the lessor for transfer to LLC “Name”; we do not accept courier delivery on behalf of your organization and do not introduce ourselves as employees of your company.

    6. Notification of mail receipt: Notifications by email.

    a. In any case, we notify you before the end of the contract at the legal address.

    b. The notification indicates from whom, to whom and the type of shipment.

    c. Notification that there is no power of attorney or the powers of attorney have run out

    d. You can always write a letter yourself or call the post office

    7. How to pick up your mail.

    b. Come to the post office (address, telephone, opening hours)

    c. Order a scan (write or call)

    d. Delivery with documents from the sales department (call the sales department and tell them)

    8. In what case can letters be returned to the sender with the organization not listed on the address:

    a. From the moment the workplace lease agreement ends, we have no reason to receive your mail. In this case, we return ordinary ones to the post office, but we do not receive registered or court notices.

    b. No power of attorney. We notify you of the need to provide a power of attorney. We receive simple ones, but we don’t receive registered legal ones, due to the lack of a power of attorney.

    9. How to order postal service.

    b. The period for which you can order software is from 3 months.

    c. Cost 600 rubles/month, excluding addresses where it is included in the price

    d. Set of documents: Postal service agreement, payment documents and power of attorney from you.

    To order software, you must contact the sales department (tel., contacts)

    10. Extension of the contract for postal services.

    Extension only within the validity period of the lease agreement at the legal address.

    11. Mail processing times:

    a. From 1 to 4 days - receipt of all types of items at the post office of the Russian Post

    b. For registered or judicial orders + 1-2 days for receipt by notice and power of attorney

    c. Notifications of new letters are sent on the day they are received

    12. Mail storage periods:

    Lease term + 3 months, then disposal

    13. Receive mail yourself at the post office of the Russian Federation.

    a. We have a well-established process for receiving mail at all of our addresses.

    b. It’s more profitable with us, other options are more expensive.

    c. The lease agreement contains clause 2.3, ALL mail at the legal address for the company is received by the Landlord and your violation of this clause may result in termination of the lease agreement in unilaterally no refund.

    14. How and why we achieved high quality software:

    a. We are a professional owner and have been fine-tuning the process of interaction with all post offices of the Russian Post at our addresses for many years.

    b. Large volume The postal items we receive facilitate the work of such a highly loaded organization as the Russian Post and it is more profitable for them to establish prompt interaction with the owner than, unfortunately, personally with each recipient individually.

    c. Staff

    d. Automation

    Thanks to this, we offer the best price conditions and quality of service.

    Russian Post offers special conditions for corporate clients - they can be both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

    Advantages " corporate client» Russian Post:

    To conclude a contract, you must provide documents.

    For a legal entity:

    • copies of constituent documents (charter, establishment agreement, constituent agreement)
    • a copy of the certificate of entry into the Unified State Register legal entities; certificate of state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity
    • a copy of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issued no earlier than 6 months before the expected date of conclusion of the contract
    • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority
    • a copy of documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body (decision of the founder/shareholder, minutes of the general meeting of shareholders/participants, Order of appointment)
    • a power of attorney (if on the part of the counterparty the contract will be signed by a person who is not the sole executive body), and if the power of attorney is issued in the manner of delegation, the power of attorney of the person who issued the power of attorney in this manner.
    • a copy of the counterparty's license, if the activities carried out under the agreement are subject to licensing.

    The copies provided must be certified by a notary or the authority that issued the document. In the absence of properly certified documents and the need to urgently conclude an agreement, it is permissible to provide copies certified by the signature of the person who is the executive body of the counterparty and the seal of the counterparty, with the exception of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as a power of attorney.

    For an individual entrepreneur:

    • a copy of all pages of the passport or other equivalent document of an individual entrepreneur.
    • a copy of the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP OGRN).
    • a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, issued no earlier than 6 months before the expected date of conclusion of the contract.
    • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority.
    • power of attorney, if the person signing the agreement is acting under a power of attorney.
    • a copy of a certificate of open accounts (to certify a current account opened in a bank, registered for an individual entrepreneur).

    Copies of documents must be certified by a notary or the authority that issued the document. In the absence of properly certified documents and the need to urgently conclude an agreement, you can provide copies certified by the signature and seal of an individual entrepreneur, with the exception of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.


    for the provision of services postal service

    № ____________

    Ekaterinburg "__" ______________ 20

    Hereinafter referred to as the Customer, represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________, on the one hand, and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, Sverdlovsk Region - branch ", ____________________________________________________, acting on behalf and in the interests of " , on the basis of the power of attorney dated No., on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows:

    1. Subject of the agreement

    1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes obligations to provide the Customer with the following postal services:

    Reception, processing, forwarding and delivery (handing over) of all types of domestic mail;

    Additional services ____________________.

    1.2. The customer undertakes to promptly pay for the services provided.

    1.3. The provision of postal services is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services approved by the Government Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 by Resolution No. 000 (hereinafter referred to as POUPS), Postal Rules and “Temporary Procedure for the Reception and Registration of Accompanying Documents and Addresses for Parcel Registered Postal Items” (approved by letter of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 2/2030, put into effect September 1, 2000) (hereinafter referred to as the Interim Order).

    1.4. To provide services under this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to involve third parties (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor's representatives) with mandatory notification of this to the Customer.

    1.5. In the future, the parties may consider the possibility of expanding the services provided by signing additional agreements by authorized representatives of the parties.

    2. Responsibilities of the parties

    2.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Customer undertakes:

    2.1.1. Do not send items prohibited for sending in domestic mail, the list of which is established by Article No. 22 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”.

    2.1.2. Ensure that the packaging and execution of postal items and accompanying documents comply with the requirements of the POUPS, Postal Rules and the Temporary Procedure.

    2.1.3. Deliver postal items using the following documents:

    Simple written correspondence (franked) - according to invoices;

    Simple party written correspondence (not franked) - according to lists f.103-f (Appendix No. 5);

    Batch registered mail items - according to lists f. 103, compiled on paper and electronically in accordance with the Temporary Procedure.

    2.1.4. Deliver postal items to the Contractor's representative at the addresses ____________________ and, before the 27th day of each month, agree with the Contractor's representative by phone ______________, fax _________________ the schedule for delivery of postal items planned for the next month. A sample delivery schedule for postal items is presented in Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement.

    2.1.5. Draw up a schedule for delivery of postal items in two copies and submit it to the Contractor’s representative after agreement for signing.

    2.1.6. Properly issue powers of attorney for receiving and sending postal items.

    2.1.7. If the Customer needs to provide additional services in accordance with this Agreement, the Customer sends it to the Contractor's representative(s) specified in clause 2.1.4. to this Agreement, a written application. A sample application for the provision of additional services is presented in Appendix No. 4 to this Agreement.

    2.1.8. Receive mail returned to the Customer, against signature, according to the invoice f.16, at least three times a month.

    2.1.9. If you do not agree to pay for the Contractor’s services under this Agreement, if the tariffs increase, notify the Contractor by fax or email within 2 calendar days from the date of receipt of information about the tariff change. The Agreement is considered terminated upon receipt from the Customer of a written refusal to pay for services at the new tariffs. If the Customer does not receive a written refusal to pay for services at the new tariffs within the prescribed period, the tariffs are considered agreed upon with the Customer.

    2.1.10. Sign and submit to the Contractor the acceptance certificate for the services provided, hereinafter referred to as the Certificate (Appendix No. 2), or a reasoned refusal in writing, by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. If the Customer does not sign the Act and does not submit written objections to it, the Act is considered approved by the Customer.

    2.2. In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes:

    2.2.1.Accept from the Customer simple written correspondence (franked) according to invoices, simple batch written correspondence (not franked) according to lists f.103-f (Appendix No. 5), batch registered mail according to lists f.103 compiled on paper media and in electronic form. At the same time, affix a calendar postmark in the copy of the list f.103 (f.103-f), returned to the Customer and indicating acceptance of ordinary and registered mail from the Customer.

    2.2.2. Process, forward and deliver (hand over) the Customer's postal items to their destination.

    2.2.3. Carry out pre-postal preparation of shipments, including:

    Packaging of postal items;

    Preparation of accompanying documentation;

    Compilation of lists f.103 (f.103-f);

    Line drawing mail ID on address labels or the envelope of postal items and on lists f.103.

    In this case, the period for providing pre-postal preparation should not be more than 6 days (excluding weekends and holidays) from the date of delivery from the Customer of the data necessary for carrying out pre-postal preparation, compiled in printed and/or electronic form, a complete set of attachments and packaging materials .

    2.2.4. Notify the Customer by fax or email (address email determined routinely) about postal items returned to the Customer. Issue to the Customer returned postal items in his name against signature in the delivery note f.16.

    2.2.5. To store registered postal items, as well as postal items returned to the Customer’s name, within 5 working days from the date of notification of this to the Customer - free of charge, and starting from the 6th day - at the rates specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, being an integral part of it.

    2.2.6. Inform the Customer about changes in tariffs for receiving, processing and forwarding postal items, as well as tariffs for additional services, which are not regulated by the authorized federal executive body, no later than 2 days before the expected date of tariff introduction. Inform the Customer about changes in tariffs for postal services, the state regulation of which is carried out by the authorized federal executive body within 2 days after the official notification.

    2.2.7. Promptly inform the Customer about restrictions on the delivery of postal items.

    2.2.8. Monthly as of last date current month draw up a certificate of delivery and acceptance of services provided (in two copies) and send it to the Customer for signing by the 5th day of the month following the reporting month.

    2.2.9. UFPS Sverdlovsk region assigns responsibilities for the provision of services to ____________________ post office.

    3. Payment procedure

    3.1. The Customer makes an advance payment to the Contractor's bank account no later than the 1st day of the current month in the amount of 100% of the cost of services planned by the Customer for the current month according to the volumes specified in the postal delivery schedule (clause 2.1.4.), in force at the time delivery of postal items, tariffs.

    3.2. The customer makes an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost for the service of receiving, processing and delivering written correspondence when entering the amount into the franking machine.

    3.3. The Contractor, on the basis of the acceptance certificate for services provided (Appendix No. 2), approved by the Customer, sends the Customer an invoice for payment based on the results of the parties’ work in the past month within 5 (five) days from the date of signing the Certificate. The invoice is sent by the Customer within the time limits established by current legislation.

    3.4. The Customer makes payment for services rendered on the basis of an approved acceptance certificate for services rendered and an invoice issued by the Contractor by the 20th day of the month following the reporting month, taking into account the prepayment made (clause 3.1 of the Agreement).

    3.5. Services for receiving, processing and forwarding internal written correspondence are charged in accordance with the tariffs for postal services in force at the time of provision of services, state regulation of which is carried out by the authorized federal executive body.

    3.6. Services for receiving, processing and forwarding postal items and additional services, the tariffs for which are not regulated by the authorized federal executive body, are charged in accordance with the tariffs established by the Contractor.

    3.7. The postal item is returned to the return address in accordance with Article 36 of the POUPS.

    3.8. The date of payment is the date when funds are credited to the Contractor's bank account.

    3.9. Payment for services for forwarding notifications of delivery of domestic registered mail is made in cash and stamps. The application of franking machine imprints to notification forms is not permitted.

    3.10. “Customer” in the field of the payment order submitted under this agreement “payment purpose” indicates:

    - No. and date of the agreement under which payment is made;

    Purpose of payment ______________________ (indicate the type of service provided);

    Name of the Contractor in accordance with clause 3.11 of this agreement.

    3.11. “The Customer indicates _____________________ post office as the contractor under this agreement in payment orders.”

    4. Procedure for issuing invoices

    4.1. Invoices are issued and sent by the Contractor to the Customer within the time limits provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.2. The parties agreed on the following procedure for issuing invoices:

    In the taxpayer column the following is indicated: ";

    The taxpayer's address is indicated in the column: Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 37;

    In the taxpayer's INN/KPP column: / .

    5. Responsibility of the parties

    5.1. The Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in following cases:

    If the Customer does not make an advance payment within the time limits specified in clause 3.1; until the outstanding invoices are fully repaid;

    If the Customer fails to comply or improperly fulfills the requirements specified in clause 2.1. of this Agreement.

    5.2. In case of non-compliance by the Customer with clause 2.1. of this Agreement, as well as if the Customer exceeds the volumes specified in the provided delivery schedule for postal items, the Contractor is not responsible for untimely processing and dispatch of the Customer’s postal items.

    5.3. The Contractor shall compensate the Customer for damages for loss, shortage or damage to attachments that occurred through the fault of the Contractor, in accordance with Chapter VII “Responsibility of postal operators and users” of the POUPS.

    5.4. In case of violation of the terms of this Agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with current Russian legislation.

    6. Force majeure

    6.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if they prove that it was the result of force majeure circumstances (force majeure), namely: natural disasters, war or hostilities, changes in legislation or others beyond the control of the parties , extraordinary and inevitable circumstances that occurred against their will, and provided that these circumstances directly affected the execution of this Agreement.

    6.2. The party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement must immediately give written notice to the other party of the occurrence or termination of force majeure circumstances.

    6.3. The deadlines for fulfilling obligations, in the event of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, are postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances apply. If these circumstances last for more than 3 (three) consecutive months, one of the parties may refuse to fulfill this Agreement by sending a notice to the other party, while neither party has the right to demand compensation for losses from the other party.

    6.4. At the request of one of the parties, the presence of force majeure circumstances is confirmed by the competent government authorities.

    7 . Procedure for consideration of disputes

    7.1. All disputes under this Agreement are resolved by the Parties by presenting claims and negotiations; in case of failure to reach an agreement, the Parties will refer the dispute to the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region.

    8 . Duration of the contract

    8.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid for an indefinite period.

    8.2. During the validity of the Agreement, the parties have the right, by agreement, to make necessary changes and additions to it.

    8.3. Each of the parties has the right, unilaterally, to fully or partially refuse to fulfill this Agreement by notifying the other party in writing 30 calendar days before the date of termination of the Agreement.

    8.4. Refusal to perform this Agreement does not relieve the parties from their obligations to fulfill their debts under this Agreement that arose before the refusal to perform the Agreement.

    8.5. In the event of a change in legal and banking details, organizational and legal status, each party to the Agreement is obliged to notify the other party in writing within two days and provide all necessary information which may affect the relationship between the parties.

    8.6. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies, each having equal legal force, one copy for each side.

    9. Legal addresses and bank details


    to Agreement No. _____________

    from "__" ______________ 20__

    Ekaterinburg "__"__________ 20__

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, - the branch "Efimova Marina Yuryevna acting on behalf and in the interests of ", on the basis of a power of attorney dated No., on the one hand, and _________________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Customer , represented by _____________________________________________________, acting on the basis of _____________________________, collectively referred to as the Parties, have agreed to apply the following contract prices:

    Tariffs for postal services

    Article nos.

    Types of shipments and services

    Payment amount

    Postcard forwarding


    Forwarding letters and parcels

    Simple letter weighing up to 20 g

    Registered letter weighing up to 20 g

    Letters of declared value

    weighing up to 20 g

    Simple parcel weighing 100 g

    Custom parcels weighing 100 g

    less than 20 g of simple weight (oops),

    registered letter, parcel post

    For each subsequent full or

    less than 20 g of letter weight

    declared value

    Declared value fee

    for every full or incomplete 1 ruble

    estimated value

    Taking utility meter readings

    Sale of CHIP cards for city, intercity and international telephone calls

    Home delivery(at the client's request)

    Letters and parcels with declared value (domestic and international), small packages over 500 grams.

    Parcels (domestic and international)

    under a separate agreement


    21.71 + 1 kop. for each full or incomplete 1 rub.

    NOTE: For all services provided to organizations, tariffs include VAT at a rate of 18%, except for Article 1.2.7., in which the tariff does not include VAT, VAT is charged above the established tariff at a rate of 18%.

    Tariffs for reception services

    written correspondence with travel to the sender


    to Agreement No. _____________

    from "____" __________ 20__

    Ekaterinburg "____"_____________20___

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, - a branch of Marina Yuryevna Efimova, acting on behalf and in the interests of ", on the basis of a power of attorney dated No., on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as " The Customer, represented by __________________________________________ ____________________________________, acting on the basis of ____________________, on the other hand, agreed to use the following form of the Certificate of Acceptance of Services Rendered:

    Certificate of acceptance of completed work SAMPLE

    To Agreement No.________ dated “___”_________ 20__

    Ekaterinburg "___"___________ 20_

    Executor: UFPS Sverdlovsk Region – Branch »

    Customer: _____________________________________________________________________

    Reporting period: from _______ to _______ 20_

    Name of services provided

    Quantity (pcs.)

    Cost of service including VAT


    (rub. kop.)

    (rub. kop.)


    The act is drawn up in two copies, one for each Party. All work was carried out with proper

    quality, the Parties have no claims against each other.





    __________________ _______________

    _____________________ ________________


    This appendix comes into force on “____” ______________ 20__ and is an integral part of Agreement No. __________________ dated “____” _____________ 20__.


    to Agreement No. __________

    from "____"_____________20_g.


    Postal delivery schedule

    for ____________________20____

    (full name, position) (signature)


    Head of the responsible unit of the representative of the Federal PS of Ukraine - branch "responsible under the Agreement _______________________________________

    (full name, position) (signature)

    This appendix comes into force on “____”____________20_ and is an integral part of Agreement No. __________ dated “____”____________20_.


    to Agreement No. _________

    from "____"___________20_


    for the provision of additional services

    Hereinafter referred to as the Customer, acting in accordance with clause 2.1.7. Agreement No. _______ dated “____” ______________ 20__, hereby informs about the need for the UFPS SO - branch to provide him with additional services according to the following list at the tariffs agreed upon in Appendix No. 1 to Agreement No. ______ dated “____” ____________ __________.

    From ________________________________ _________

    (full name, position) (signature)


    Head of the responsible unit of the representative of the Federal PS of Ukraine - branch "responsible under the Agreement ____________________________________

    (full name, position) (signature)

    This appendix comes into force on “____”_____________ 20___ and is an integral part of Agreement No. _______dated “____”_______________20___.


    to Agreement No.________

    from "____"____________ 20__


    LIST No. ______________

    ordinary mail

    from __________________


    Sender ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name of the postal service facility (indicating postal code) reception places _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Total quantity _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Total shipping fee including VAT_________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    VAT ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Accepted ________________________________________________

    (signature of the sender) (position, signature)


    to Agreement No. _________

    from "____" _________ 20__


    LIST No. ______________

    domestic mail

    from __________________



    Name and index of the reception place: ____________________________________________________________

    Total RPO:______________________Total sheets:_________________________page. No.

    (full name/name, postal address)

    (bar postal identifier)

    Amount of declared value (RUB)

    Cash on delivery amount (RUB)

    Shipping fee excluding VAT (RUB)

    Shipping fee amount, including VAT


    Total quantity: _________________ (pieces)

    Total declared value: ________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Total shipping fee: ________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    VAT (including incl./top)*_________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Total amount of payment for declared value (including VAT)___________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Including VAT ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Total for shipping, including VAT: ________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Additional services: ________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    The total amount of the fee for sending simple/registered* notification of receipt with VAT _____________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Including VAT ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Total payable: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)

    Including VAT ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (amount in numbers and words)


    (job title)




    Imprint of KPSh OPS

    reception places

    · - cross out what is unnecessary

    This appendix comes into force on "_____"_______________20__. and is an integral part of Agreement No. _________ dated “_____”______________20__.

    Make monthly payments for postal invoices issued by the Expedition. Payment is made to the account. 2.2.4. Make timely payments for the services of Expedition employees in accordance with clause 3 of this agreement. 3. CALCULATIONS OF THE PARTIES 3.1. The Customer makes a monthly payment for the work of the Expedition employees in the amount of rubles per month on the basis of an employment agreement concluded with the employees (employees) of the Expedition, which is an integral annex to this agreement. 3.2. Payment for the month worked must be made no later than the next month. 3.3. The amount of payment due to inflationary processes may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. 4. CHANGE AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 4.1. This agreement may be amended, supplemented and extended by mutual additional agreement of the parties. 4.2.

    Russian Post: services for business

    Full name (charter, power of attorney) of the other party, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the Agreement 1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes obligations to provide the Customer with the following postal services: - acceptance, processing, forwarding and delivery (delivery) of all types of domestic mail; — additional services (storage and issuance of returned mail, applying a franking machine imprint to the relevant types and categories of written correspondence, preparation of accompanying documentation (cash on delivery forms, address label forms, shipping address forms and lists) when entering information from machine-readable media for cash on delivery , taping); — intracity courier delivery.

    Accounting and legal services


    If a written refusal to pay for services at new tariffs is not received from the Customer within the established period, the tariffs are considered agreed upon with the Customer. 2.1.9. Sign and submit to the Contractor the Certificate of Services Rendered (Appendix N to this Agreement) (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) or a reasoned refusal in writing, by the date of the month following the reporting month.


    If the Customer does not sign the Act and does not submit written objections to it, the Act is considered approved by the Customer. 2.2. In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes: 2.2.1.

    Accept from the Customer simple written correspondence (franked) according to invoices, simple batch written correspondence (not franked) according to lists, batch registered mail. 2.2.2. Process, forward and deliver (hand over) the Customer's postal items to their destination.

    Postal service agreement

    Parcels (domestic and international) under a separate agreement 221.30 40.3 Transfers 21.71 + 1 kop. for each full or incomplete 1 rub. NOTE: For all services provided to organizations, tariffs include VAT at a rate of 18%, except for Article 1.2.7., in which the tariff does not include VAT, VAT is charged above the established tariff at a rate of 18%.

    Get full text Tariffs for the service of receiving written correspondence with a visit to the sender No. Type of service Frequency of service Amount including VAT, rub. 1. Reception of written correspondence with a visit to the sender for 1 visit 437.00 No. Type of service Service frequency Amount including VAT, rub.

    2. Acceptance of written correspondence with a visit to the sender per month 1740.50 - This appendix comes into force from " " 20 and is an integral part of Agreement No. dated " " 20. Contractor Customer UFPS of the Sverdlovsk region - Branch " " 20 .

    Postal Services Agreement

    Appendix Get the full text to Agreement No. dated " " 20. Protocol for agreeing on contract prices in Yekaterinburg " " 20.

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, - a branch of Marina Yuryevna Efimova, acting on behalf and in the interests of ", on the basis of a power of attorney dated No., on the one hand, and, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, in the person acting on the basis, collectively referred to as the Parties, agreed to apply the following contractual prices: Tariffs for postal services Article No. Types of items and services Amount of payment rub. cop. 1 2 3 4 1. Postal card forwarding 1.1 Simple 8 50 1.2 Registered 20 10 2.

    Agreement for the provision of postal services


    The customer's data necessary for pre-postal preparation, compiled in printed and/or electronic form, a complete set of attachments and packaging materials. 2.2.4. Notify the Customer by fax or email (the email address is determined routinely) about postal items returned to the Customer.

    Issue to the Customer returned postal items in his name against signature in the delivery note f.16. 2.2.5. To store registered postal items, as well as postal items returned to the Customer’s name, within 5 working days from the date of notification of this to the Customer - free of charge, and starting from the 6th day - at the rates specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, being an integral part of it.

    Postal Services Agreement

    Appendix to the Agreement No. dated " " 20 Yekaterinburg " " 20 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (), hereinafter referred to as the Contractor - branch ", Efimova Marina Yuryevna, acting on behalf and in the interests of " , on the basis of a power of attorney from the year No., on the one hand, and, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”, in the person acting on the basis, on the other hand, agreed to use the following form of the Certificate of delivery and acceptance of services provided: Certificate of acceptance of completed work SAMPLE To Agreement No. dated " " 20

    Ekaterinburg " " 20_ Performer: Department of Federal PS of the Sverdlovsk Region - Branch " Customer: Reporting period: from to 20_ Name of services provided Quantity (pcs.) Cost of service including VAT Including VAT 18% (rub. kopecks) (rub. kop.) TOTAL: The act is drawn up in two copies, one for each Party.

    Agreement on paid provision of postal services

    The Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in the following cases: - if the Customer fails to make an advance payment within the terms specified in clause 3.1 of this Agreement; — until the outstanding invoices are fully repaid; — in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Customer of the requirements specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. 5.2. If the Customer fails to comply with clause 2.1 of this Agreement, as well as if the Customer exceeds the volumes specified in the provided delivery schedule for postal items, the Contractor is not responsible for the untimely processing and dispatch of the Customer's postal items. 5.3. The Contractor shall compensate the Customer for damages for loss, shortage or damage to investments that occurred through the fault of the Contractor, in accordance with current legislation. 5.4.

    Agreement with Russian Post for the provision of services

    Payment for shipping and forwarding periodicals is carried out under separate agreements with publishing houses - - 4 Return or sending to a new address of postal items ( money transfers) 4.1 For an application with an order - for each order (the application is valid for no more than 2 months) 31.80 31.80 4.1 For the cancellation of a subscription to a newspaper and magazine circulation at the initiative of the subscriber 20.15 20.15 4.2 For redirecting the subscription to circulation of newspapers and magazines at the initiative of the subscriber 12.65 12.65 4.3 For returning or sending a registered postal card to a new address, the fee is charged at the rate specified in Art. 1 appendix to the order ", approved by order of the FTS Changes: Order " 4.4 For returning or sending to a new address registered letter, registered parcels, letters with declared value, the fee is charged by weight at the rates specified in Art.

    Agreement for the provision of postal services Russian Post

    Inform the Customer about changes in tariffs for receiving, processing and forwarding postal items, as well as tariffs for additional services that are not regulated by the authorized federal executive body, no later than 2 days before the expected date of introduction of tariffs. Inform the Customer about changes in tariffs for postal services, the state regulation of which is carried out by the authorized federal executive body within 2 days after the official notification. 2.2.7.

    Promptly inform the Customer about restrictions on the delivery of postal items. 2.2.8. Every month, as of the last day of the current month, draw up a certificate of delivery and acceptance of services provided (in two copies) and, before the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, send it to the Customer for signing.

    Postal service is a service for collecting and storing correspondence from post office, arriving at the registered legal address of the company.

    Postal services include the receipt and transmission of all mail sent to the company's legal address. If the company has not entered into an agreement for postal services, then the documentation sent to the company may get lost, for example, a claim for collection of a non-existent debt from fraudsters, example.

    Russian Post primarily works with legal entities, although it also serves individual entrepreneurs. The contract is concluded only upon sending an application described in writing. All possible types of contracts can be studied on the official website offered by Russian Post.

    The advantages of working under this agreement are obvious:

    • you have the opportunity to pick up and leave orders for the delivery of letters and other postal parcels to the company’s office or vice versa from the office;
    • stands out certain time and a special place to drop off mail;
    • if necessary, operators select a successful package of services that will be the most profitable for the organization;
    • a legal entity has the right to choose how to pay for services provided by Russian Post - in cash or non-cash forms of payment.

    Postal service agreement

    Moscow, dated 2019

    Limited Liability Company "__________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by General Director _________________ acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the Limited Liability Company “__________”, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by the General Director _________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the other hand, and together referred to as the “Parties” have entered into this postal agreement service about the following:

    1. Subject of the agreement

    1.1 The Contractor undertakes to accept, store and transfer to the Customer postal correspondence addressed to the Customer at the address: ________________ within 12 (twelve) months from the date of signing this agreement.

    2. Responsibilities of the parties

    2.1 Obligations of the Contractor:

    2.1.1 Accept and store (no longer than within 1 (one) calendar month from the date of receipt) all correspondence received by mail to the Customer. If the Customer does not pick up his correspondence from the Contractor within the specified period, it will be destroyed without refunding the postal service fee.

    2.1.2 Only the owner of the premises (Contractor) has the right to collect all correspondence addressed to the above organization at this postal address. No other persons, including those with powers of attorney, have the right to pick up correspondence arriving at the above address. If the Customer attempts to pick up his correspondence at the post office on his own, this agreement is considered terminated.

    2.2 Responsibilities of the Customer:

    2.2.1. Provide the Contractor with contact details for communication with the customer.

    2.2.2. The Customer is obliged to provide the Contractor with powers of attorney in an amount of at least 3 pieces. to receive registered and valuable letters.

    2.2.3 In case of changes in the method of communication, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor about such changes within 5 working days (full name, telephone number, e-mail,). Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided lies with the customer.

    3. Amount and payment procedure

    3.1. The cost of the services provided by the Contractor is ___________ (___________) rubles per month (including VAT/VAT exempt).

    3.2 Payment is made by the Customer upon conclusion of this agreement in the amount of 100% of the cost of the Contractor’s services for the entire period of validity of the Agreement.

    3.3 Cash Paid for postal and secretarial services and storage of documents are not refundable.

    4. Responsibility of the parties

    4.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill their obligations under this agreement in accordance with current legislation.

    4.2 The Contractor is not responsible for correspondence not delivered to the Customer due to the action/inaction of the Customer himself or other third parties (post offices, other government and/or private organizations and bodies).

    5. Conditions for entry into force and termination of the contract

    5.1 This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties.

    5.2 The agreement may be extended on the same or different terms upon expiration of its validity period by mutual agreement of the parties by signing a new agreement.

    5.3 The Contractor has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally if the Customer violates its obligations under the Contract or is unable to contact the Customer’s management or contact person.

    5.4 If in this agreement the column “ Contact information for communication with the Customer”, such an agreement is considered not concluded. IN in this case the amount paid under this agreement is not refundable, and claims against the Contractor for non-delivery of correspondence will not be accepted.

    5.5 If the Tenant, two weeks after the end of the contract, does not return the signed certificate of completion of the work and does not submit a written claim to the lessor, then the work is considered completed and accepted by both parties.

    5.6 This agreement is drawn up in two copies, each of which has equal legal force, one copy for each party.

    6. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties

    Executor Customer

    Contact information for communication with the Customer:__________________________________________