• Does more RAM mean better performance? How to increase the amount of RAM on your computer

    In which we looked at ways to increase computer performance, we have already briefly touched on the issue of increasing random access memory (RAM).

    The purpose of this article is to describe in as much detail as possible how to select and replace RAM.

    RAM selection criteria

    So, you have decided that you need to increase RAM. What criteria should you use to select RAM modules?

    Before you go to the store and place an order, we recommend that you carefully read the material below, which will save not only your time, but also money.

    Manufacturer. The first place you need to start choosing is by choosing a RAM manufacturer.

    Many here are guided by the principle that the more time a manufacturer spends on the market for the production of memory modules, the better the quality of its products.

    From personal experience Let's say that the products of Corsair, Hynix, Kingston are of good quality.

    Form factor. Size desktop computers and laptops are different, the sizes of RAM modules and connectors for them also differ.

    Modules for desktop PCs are called DIMMs, for laptops SO-DIMMs.

    Memory capacity. One of the parameters responsible for the performance of the module.

    When choosing the amount of memory, keep in mind that at the moment Most office tasks require 2 GB of RAM.

    Memory frequency. Performance also depends on this parameter; the higher the frequency, the better.

    If you plan to purchase and install a module next to existing ones, then, as in the previous paragraph, you need to study which modules are already installed and select new module with the same frequency.

    If you decide to completely replace the RAM, you need to find out which maximum frequencies Supports laptop or computer motherboard.

    Frequency characteristics for DDR2 modules are 667, 800 and 1066 MHz, and for DDR3 - 1333, 1600, 1866, 2000, 2133, 2400, 2666, 2800 MHz.

    For most modern tasks RAM frequency of 1333 or 1600 MHz is optimal.

    To install a RAM module, you need to turn off the computer, install the module in the slot and, pressing it, wait for the side latches to click.

    Increasing RAM using a flash drive

    If you have a limited budget, there is a way to increase RAM using flash memory and using ReadyBoost technology.

    Software technology ReadyBoost is implemented in Windows 7 and higher, allowing the use free memory any external Flash drive (SSD drive, USB flash drive, SD card) as additional virtual RAM.

    The principle of operation is to create a special cache file on an external Flash drive, into which files that are most often accessed by the user or system are cached (written).

    The speed of accessing such files is slightly higher than the speed of reading them from the hard drive and, according to some estimates, can increase system performance by a third.

    In order to take advantage of ReadyBoost technology, the Flash drive must have a memory capacity of 1 to 32 GB, and the operating speed must be higher than 3 MB/s.

    If the drive you are connecting is larger than 4 GB, you must format it to file system NTFS.

    The optimal amount of Flash storage when using ReadyBoost technology should be equal to double or triple the amount of RAM on the computer.

    To enable ReadyBoost technology, you must install a Flash drive in your computer. In the autorun window, select “Speed ​​up the system.”

    If autorun is disabled, you must select the flash drive in the Computer menu with the right mouse button and select “Properties”.

    Why might you need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer?

    Unfortunately, many developers operating systems And software(programs for work and games), do not think at all about optimization, do not remember that many users do not have the opportunity to constantly buy the most modern hardware, so their creations may “slow down”. To partially solve this problem, you may need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

    How to buy a suitable RAM stick?

    When purchasing a RAM stick, you need to remember that different types RAM is not suitable for every motherboard. To choose the right memory stick, you need to look in the documentation for the exact model name of the installed motherboard. Look at the description of this motherboard model on the manufacturer’s website, which should indicate what type of memory is suitable for the job, as well as the maximum possible amount of memory that this motherboard “sees.” You can also find out from the description the number of slots for installing RAM.

    Determine the amount of RAM available on your computer. To do this, turn on the computer, right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then select “Properties”, in the “General” tab and you can find the total amount of installed RAM.

    From the data received, your task is to calculate the volume of the stick that you will purchase (if at least one slot for RAM is motherboard is free, then you just need to subtract the volume of installed RAM from the maximum possible amount of RAM, otherwise you will need to remove one of the sticks with a smaller volume, and in its place install a new stick, the volume of which is also calculated).

    After purchasing a new memory stick, remove the case cover (depending on the case model, it can be removed entirely or it is possible to remove only the side cover). Look carefully at how the existing memory stick(s) are installed. Place a new strip parallel to them and insert it into the free slot. The memory stick must fit tightly into the connector so that the contacts are not visible, and the latch must be activated, which additionally holds the strip in the connector.

    The diagram below shows an example of changing a DDR2 memory stick, but it is not at all necessary that you will also have this type of memory, however appearance The connectors for RAM and the memory sticks themselves are similar, and you also need to take into account the location of the recesses on the boards.

    If everything is done correctly, the above tab will display more memory than before.

    As statistics show for many computer users, sooner or later the question begins to arise: how to increase computer RAM. It’s important to first decide what kind of memory is installed in your computer if it’s an old computer, or what kind of memory will fit a new motherboard if you’re going to buy a new PC. This resource cannot ignore this problem and will do everything possible so that readers understand the choice of RAM

    On next page press the button Download now!

    After installation file cpu-z_1.61-setup-en.exe downloaded, you need to install the utility.

    In the section General field Type shows us type of installed RAM. IN in this exampleDDR3.

    Field Size shows the size of installed RAM - 4 GB.

    Field Channels shows in what mode the memory operates. IN in this case Single— one channel operating mode. More on operating modes later.

    In the section Timings we are interested in the field DRAM Frequency. Shows the memory bus frequency - 666 MHz. The effective frequency is 2 times higher - 1333 MHz. You can read how to check your RAM for errors in the article RAM Test.

    2. Decide on the number of free slots for RAM

    Why is this needed? Before answering the question about increasing computer RAM we need to know whether there are any free slots at all and how many memory modules can be purchased.

    There are two options:

    • Visually (open and look)
    • Through the program

    Let's use the installed CPU-Z.

    Afterwards, we go to the motherboard manufacturer’s website, find our model and look at its characteristics. We are interested in the field RAM .

    The figure shows that the maximum number of purely memory slots is 4. The maximum amount of supported memory is 32 Gb. Supported memory type: DDR3. Frequency 1333 and 1066 MHz. Dual-channel memory mode is supported.

    You can read more about choosing a motherboard in the article Choosing a motherboard.

    3. Understand the concept of dual-channel RAM operating mode

    The concept of operating mode refers to the memory controller. Now there are one, two, three and four-channel memory controllers. AMD is the first company to start integrating memory controllers into its processors. Now Intel does it too.

    The hourglass icon is perhaps the most hated of all the symbols that appear on a computer monitor. Increasing the amount of RAM reduces waits and improves computer performance, but this is not true in all cases. Let's see in what situations it is advisable to increase the amount of RAM to improve computer performance.

    Multitasking mode
    If you run several resource-intensive programs at the same time, you will probably notice how the overall performance of the computer will decrease, and it is possible that the computer will even begin to slow down. Increasing the amount of RAM successfully solves this problem. In this case, increasing additional RAM capacity is the right decision.

    Video editing and other resource-intensive tasks
    Increasing RAM is also justified when you use a computer for video editing. Video files eat up quite a lot of memory. Good processor and a sufficient amount of RAM, the key to fast launch photoshop and other resource-intensive programs. Creating multimedia presentations will be a much more enjoyable experience with enough RAM. Almost all programs that work with graphics and multimedia are demanding on the amount of RAM.
    If you have a printer connected to your computer, then the lack of memory will negatively affect the speed of its operation, or more precisely, the speed at which the printer software performs tasks. A sufficient amount of RAM will allow graphics or documents to load quickly. Otherwise, you will have to languish in anticipation of a long loading into the buffer, and if there is insufficient RAM, you will also have to wait until the system dumps part of the data into the swap file.

    Can there be too much RAM?
    From an advanced user's point of view, yes, it can. If you are well versed in computers and programs, you can roughly imagine how much memory you need.

    • A large amount of RAM increases the overall performance of the computer. A user running programs that use a small amount of memory may not need a large amount of RAM. For example, you run a program that uses 200 MB, this figure may seem insignificant, but let's say that you launched several programs of a similar size and, alas, the amount of RAM runs out. The processor begins to transfer part of the data to the hard drive in virtual memory. As a result, the computer begins to slow down.
    • If you are not a gamer, for whom 8 GB is not the limit, then use the following recipe. When the main programs you use are running on your computer, launch the “Task Manager” by pressing the key combination CTRL+Shift+Esc. Please note how much memory is in present moment uses your computer and how much space is free. This will give you an idea of ​​whether the time has come to increase the RAM in your system.
    • Will increasing the amount of RAM help with stuttering in computer games? This situation is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. Unfortunately, the amount of RAM does not determine system performance in all cases. In the case of computer games, the video card plays a big role. Some modern games place very high demands on the video card's performance. Therefore, first of all, study the specification of the specific computer game And technical parameters video card installed on your system.
    • You can install 8 GB of RAM and then it turns out that your software didn’t even detect it. The reason for this is that the 32-bit versions of some programs cannot use more than 4 GB of RAM. So, if you think it's worth using 8GB of memory, then make sure you have the 64-bit version of the software.

    When purchasing a particular RAM module, do not forget to check the compatibility of the standard of the memory module and the motherboard.


    To provide quick exchange information between the central processing unit and RAM, it is necessary to correctly configure the operation of these devices. To check the status of your RAM, install the MemTest program. It will allow you not to restart your computer to perform performance analysis of memory cards.

    Turn on your PC and open BIOS menu. This usually requires pressing the Delete key. Go to the menu responsible for configuring the operation of the central processor and RAM. Increase the bus frequency by 40-70 MHz. Save your changes by pressing F10. After the computer restarts, run the MemTest utility and check the performance of the RAM.

    Repeat this cycle until the program detects RAM failures. Cancel latest changes to eliminate the possibility of errors. Open the BIOS menu again and find the RAM timings. Decrease one of the indicators by one point. Usually there are only four. Save the settings and restart your computer.

    Run MemTest again. Reduce the RAM timings one by one, checking the stability of this device each time. Don't change just one indicator. This may damage the equipment. Please note that even rare errors that occur during the operation of memory cards significantly reduce the performance of the computer and operating system.

    Remember that RAM boards are quite cheap elements personal computer. Sometimes it makes sense to purchase one or more new boards and connect them to the motherboard. This approach will significantly increase the performance of these devices and the entire computer as a whole.


    • how to increase computer RAM at home

    RAM is a constantly updated computer memory, in which, unlike permanent memory (hard drive) stores instructions and data necessary for the processor to perform current operations. The RAM of a PC or laptop is called a random access memory (RAM) and is a module or chip that is inserted into a special slot on the motherboard.

    You will need

    • To increase RAM virtually You will need the ability to work with a computer, physically - new RAM modules from a computer store.


    Physical way increasing RAM consists of installing one or more RAM modules, or replacing a module from a weak one to a more powerful and voluminous one. Having opened the case system unit, you can see four RAM slots on the motherboard. Typically these are DDR, DDR II, DDR III, DDR 333, SDRAM, SRAM, PC3200 and others. Through BIOS system you can find out the RAM and frequency (for example, 1066 MHz). To find out this data, you need to open the BIOS while holding down the DEL key. Once you have identified the module, you can safely purchase a new module of the same volume in your computer and insert it into a free slot, or a larger module, replacing the old RAM with it.
    It will be more difficult for owners - if you are not a specialist, it is better to seek help in increasing RAM from a service center.

    Please note

    At the moment, the most powerful modules are RAM with 2 gigabytes of memory.

    Useful advice

    Before you buy additional RAM, make sure that the frequency and memory capacity of the new and old RAM module match.


    • increase RAM memory

    Blue screen of death in the operating room Windows system, as well as critical errors BSODs often occur due to problems with the computer's RAM - its operational memory. What indicates a faulty RAM stick and how to test RAM for errors?

    You will need

    • - Memtest program.


    Checking RAM for errors carried out by specialized autoloading programs, that is, these programs do not need Windows startup, so you don’t have to worry - another RAM failure will not occur during the test and the program will work until final completion.

    The Memtest program can be downloaded from the official website - www.memtest86.com. The program is packaged in an ISO image, which must be installed on a blank CD, after which, after restarting the computer, you need to set the disk drive as the first boot component in the BIOS. After this, the program will load and you can begin diagnosing the RAM. At the end of the diagnostics (and its time depends on the amount of RAM), the program will issue a report on .

    Also in the latest operating Microsoft systems such as Windows Vista and Windows 7, there is a built-in and quite powerful tool for checking RAM for errors. It's called Windows Memory Diagnostic. When starting, press the “F8” key and you will see the so-called menu “ Additional options downloads". Select Troubleshoot Windows problems", and on the new screen - in the "Tools" section, press the "Enter" key and select "Memory diagnostics".

    No matter how fast your computer or laptop is, over time its power ceases to be enough and it can no longer cope with the tasks you need. Then the thought arises about overclocking its components. A relatively decent increase in performance can be achieved by overclocking the computer's RAM. Just remember that overclocking leads to a decrease in the stability of the computer, so it must be done with caution and only when absolutely necessary.

    You will need

    • - Computer with Windows OS;
    • - CPU program Stability Test.


    So, in order to increase frequency operational memory, go to BIOS. After that, go to the advanced settings (they may be called Advanced Chipset Settings or something else similar). To change timings, find the field responsible for this (Current Latency or similar) and set the minimum value. For example, if it costs 3, put 2.

    Now try to increase frequency memory. To do this, find here the item responsible for the system bus speed. It may be called FSB Speed ​​or something similar. Put frequency tires are 1 step larger than the one you have now. It's better to change frequency to a minimum value, no more than 5 MHz.

    After changing the bus frequency, save in BIOS settings, load the operating system and run the program to test the stability of the processor and memory. In this regard, the CPU Stability Test program has proven itself well.

    If testing with the utility does not reveal any problems, you can safely return to the BIOS and increase frequency system bus (and with them the processor and RAM memory) one more step. After that, save the settings again, boot the operating system and test stability. The cycle must be repeated until the utility shows that the current configuration is unstable. In this case, it is recommended to return to the BIOS and roll back the frequency 2 steps back.

    Useful advice

    Typically, overclocking RAM comes down to increasing the system bus frequency or reducing timings to a minimum. Timings determine the response speed in clock cycles of your RAM. Not all motherboards allow you to change the system bus frequency in small increments (1-5 MHz); if this is the case, it is better not to overclock. As the system bus frequency increases, the processor frequency simultaneously increases. If this happens suddenly without proper testing, then there is a high risk of damaging one or both of these computer components.

    Changing the parameters of the central processor is a very important step in speeding up the computer. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to malfunction of some devices, but also to their damage.

    You will need

    • - CPU-Z;
    • - Clock Gen.


    Before you begin setting up the CPU, install the CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about the current state of the CPU. Run this application and make sure that the processor is stable.

    Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Press the F1 and Ctrl keys simultaneously to open the Advanced Setup menu. Typically, this is where the settings for the central processor and RAM are located. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hz. Now be sure to raise the voltage supplied to CPU. It is recommended to increase it no more than 0.1 Volt at a time.

    Press F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading. Check the stability of the CPU CPU-Z utility. If the program does not detect errors, then repeat the procedure of increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum level, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, increase the voltage at the same time.

    If you are unable to change the CPU parameters through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for a specific version of the motherboard. Run installed application.

    Now increase the bus voltage and frequency by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected parameters, click the Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Constantly monitor the temperature sensor readings. If the temperature exceeds permissible norm Even in passive mode, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise you risk ruining the CPU.

    Video on the topic

    When setting up RAM operating parameters, you need to take into account quite a few parameters. Incorrectly changing certain items may damage some RAM sticks.

    You will need

    • - MemTest.


    Stability of RAM sticks to ensure that the device is currently running smoothly. Use the MemTest program or standard means Windows checks. Open the "Administration" menu. In Window Seven, it is located in the System and Security menu in Control Panel.

    Launch the "Check" program Windows memory" In the window that opens, select the “Reboot now and check” option. Wait a while until the computer restarts and the analysis of the status of the RAM strips is completed. Reboot your PC again and open the BIOS menu. Typically, this requires holding down the Delete key as the computer starts up.

    Go to the Advanced Chipset Configuration menu. Some models motherboards This menu may be called differently. Find items that display RAM timing values. Select the very last item and decrease its value by one. Now find RAM item Voltage. Increase the voltage supplied to the RAM sticks. Initially, it is better to increase the voltage by 0.1-0.2 Volts.

    Save your settings. Typically this requires pressing the F10 key or selecting Save & Exit. After restarting the computer, run the program to check the status of RAM and evaluate its performance again. The MemTest utility will allow you to avoid unnecessary reboots, because... she works in Windows environment.

    Follow the described algorithm until you achieve best performance RAM. Change the timings one by one. Don't get hung up on just one point. As practice shows, this will quickly lead to malfunctions of the RAM, with virtually no increase in its performance.

    Video on the topic

    RAM modern computer characterized by several parameters. The most famous are volume and frequency, but also important indicator is memory latency, otherwise called timing.

    Computer random access memory (RAM) is a volatile memory that contains OS components and running programs. Memory capacity affects how much information it can contain simultaneously, and, accordingly, the amount running applications. Frequency characterizes the speed of memory operation, that is, the number of operations (cycles) per second.

    Progenitor computer memory was created in 1834 by Charles Babbage. This mechanical device, called the “Store,” stored the intermediate results of the Analytical Engine’s calculations.

    Latency, or timings, shows the number of clock cycles spent on internal operations; in other words, timings characterize idle memory.

    Memory access principle

    To understand certain timings, it’s worth taking a closer look at memory access. In a simplified way, a memory chip can be represented as a table, where each cell corresponds to a memory element storing one bit.

    When a specific cell is selected, the column and row number are transmitted via the address bus. The first is the row access strobe pulse - RAS (Row Access Strobe), then the column access pulse - CAS (Column Access Strobe).

    After selecting a cell, various control pulses are sent to it - checking write access, writing, reading or recharging. Moreover, there are delays between these operations, which are called timings.

    Types of timings

    There are four different timings specified by memory module manufacturers.

    CL (CAS-latency) – CAS-latency is the wait between the CAS pulse and the start of reading. In other words, the number of clock cycles required to read a cell if the required row is already open.

    T RCD (Row Address to Column Address Delay) – delay between RAS and CAS pulses. Timing shows the time between the opening of a row and the opening of a column.

    T RP (Row Precharge Time). This timing is the delay between the impulse to close the active line and the RAS impulse to open the next one.

    Sometimes you can come across an entry like 6-6-6-18-24. Here the fifth number represents timing Command rate- delay between the impulse to select the microcircuit in the memory module and the activation of the line.

    The sum of these timings characterizes the delay between reading a specific memory cell if another row is open. Manufacturers most often indicate these three parameters, but sometimes you can see a fourth - T RAS.

    T RAS (Row Active Time) – the number of clock cycles between the RAS pulse and the pulse closing the row (Precharge), that is, the row update time. As a rule, T RAS is equal to three previous timings.

    For convenience, timings are given without hyphens, for example, 2-2-2 or 2-2-2-6.

    Tip 8: How to increase the amount of RAM on your computer

    Increase the amount of RAM by desktop computer will be able to regular user, though if he remembers some subtleties.

    Why might you need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer?

    Unfortunately, many developers of operating systems and software (programs for work and games) do not think at all about optimization, do not remember that many users do not have the opportunity to constantly buy the most modern hardware, so their creations can “slow down” . To partially solve this problem, you may need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

    How to buy a suitable RAM stick?

    When purchasing a RAM stick, you need to remember that different types of RAM are not suitable for every motherboard. To choose the right memory stick, you need to look in the documentation for the exact model name of the installed motherboard. Look at the description of this motherboard model on the manufacturer’s website, which should indicate what type of memory is suitable for the job, as well as the maximum possible amount of memory that this motherboard “sees.” You can also find out from the description the number of slots for installing RAM.

    Determine the amount of RAM available on your computer. To do this, turn on the computer, right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then select “Properties”, in the “General” tab and you can find the total amount of installed RAM.

    From the data received, your task is to calculate the volume of the stick that you will purchase (if at least one slot for RAM on the motherboard is free, then you just need to subtract the amount of installed RAM from the maximum possible amount of RAM, otherwise you will need to pull out one of the smaller sticks volume, and in its place install a new bar, the volume of which is also calculated).

    After purchasing a new memory stick, remove the case cover (depending on the case model, it can be removed entirely or it is possible to remove only the side cover). Look carefully at how the existing memory stick(s) are installed. Place a new strip parallel to them and insert it into the free slot. The memory stick must fit tightly into the connector so that the contacts are not visible, and the latch must be activated, which additionally holds the strip in the connector.

    The diagram below shows an example of changing a DDR2 memory stick, but it is not at all necessary that you will also have this type of memory, however, the appearance of the RAM connectors and the memory sticks themselves are similar and you also need to take into account the location of the recesses on the boards.

    If everything is done correctly, the above tab will display more memory than before.