• How to overclock RAM? Program for overclocking RAM. How to increase RAM using a hard drive

    The page file, also called a swap file, is the computer's virtual memory. In some cases, its use is necessary. For example, you install a game on your computer that requires 4 gigabytes of RAM, and you have 2 gigabytes of RAM installed. It is when the RAM runs out that the operating system turns to the virtual memory, that is, the paging file.

    Experienced users recommend disabling the page file on your computer and installing additional RAM instead. This is due to the fact that reading virtual memory is not as fast as reading RAM, as a result, the computer will work a little slower.

    If you don’t want to go to the store, but there is no RAM at home, then you can increase the RAM using a flash drive. Follow the link and read detailed description how to do it.

    If you have never set parameters for the paging file before, then by default the operating system stores it on the disk where you have the OS installed, and itself determines its optimal size.

    To increase the speed of your computer, it is better to place the swap file on the wrong hard section the disk where you have the operating system installed, and on any other one.

    Swap file size It is recommended to choose based on the installed parameters - set the minimum size equal to the OP, and the maximum should exceed the OP twice. If you have 4 GB of RAM: set the minimum size to 4 GB, the maximum to 8 GB.

    If you want to clear the Windows 7 swap file before shutting down your computer, follow the link and read detailed article about this.

    Now let's look at the question - how to increase the size of the paging file in Windows 7.

    First you need to find out where the page file is located on your computer. To do this, go to “Start” - "Control Panel".

    In the next window, open the “System” section.

    Here on the tab "Additionally" in section "Performance" Click on the "Options" button.

    In the parameters window, go to the tab "Additionally" and in the section « Virtual memory» Click on the “Change” button.

    My swap file is located on the C: drive. To move it to drive D:, I mark it with a marker "No swap file" and click “Set”. An information window will appear, click “Yes”.

    Then I click on the D: drive and mark the item with a marker "Specify size" and set the initial and maximum size swap file. My RAM is set to 2 gigabytes, respectively, original size 2 GB, maximum 4 GB. If you want, then ask maximum value more, but keep in mind that the available amount of memory on the corresponding partition of the hard drive is also reduced by the same value. Click "Set". If all options are set, click OK.

    An information window will appear in which we click “OK”, and for the changes to take effect, we restart the computer.

    That's all. We figured out not only how to enlarge a file Windows swap 7, but also found out where it is and what optimal size It's better to choose for him.

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    Technologies do not stand still: they are developing every day. Let's take the same phones as an example: just a few years ago they had only 512 megabytes of RAM, but now some devices have ten cores and six gigabytes of RAM. Sometimes not every computer or laptop made 3-5 years ago can boast of such power. That is why we decided to talk to you about how to increase RAM on your computer. In fact, the process is simple, you just need to figure out some features so as not to harm your “old man”.

    First, let's think about why increase the amount of RAM at all? The fact is that all programs running in at the moment, are loaded into the RAM. In other words, every program running on your computer consumes a certain amount of RAM: every browser tab, every game, every mini-application and even the operating system is loaded into RAM, which is why to increase system performance it makes sense to increase the amount of RAM.

    Increasing the amount of RAM on computers

    Let's start with the basics - the first thing we need to do is identify the type of memory currently installed. Roughly speaking, there are only four varieties of it - from DDR1 to DDR5. The main differences are maximum frequency, on which it operates and the amount of memory. There are two ways that will help you find out what type of memory is installed on your motherboard Your computer. Let's start with the most interesting:
    1. Unwind system unit, remove the main cover;
    2. Take out the RAM strip from there (don’t forget about the releases at the top and bottom, they need to be moved so as not to break anything);
    3. So, if you have a plank in your hands, look at what type it is - this information should be indicated on one of the sides;
    4. If you have a computer that is 3-5 years old, most likely it has DDR3 RAM with a frequency of 1333 MHz.
    The second method is not so interesting, but extremely simple - programmatic:

    As a matter of fact, we received the information we needed. Time to move on.

    How to find out the number of RAM slots on a PC

    Again, there are two options to determine the number of slots. The first again comes down to disassembling the computer: remove the cover and count the number of free memory slots. The second is software:

    To determine which one has the bar installed and which one does not, you should stop at each - choose one, look at the information on the right side. If it is missing, it means the slot is empty. And vice versa, if there is information, the slot is occupied by a RAM strip.

    Single-channel and dual-channel operating modes

    Based on the simplest logic, you can guess that in dual-channel mode, two sticks of RAM are activated at once, thanks to which it is possible to increase the performance of the computer.

    If you are far from technology, we suggest you consider simplest example: There are two swimming pools. One pipe is connected to one, two pipes are connected to the other. Which one will fill up faster? That’s right, the second one is similar with RAM; the computer with two “pipes” will work faster with the same amount of RAM. The greatest increase in power will be noticeable in heavy applications: games or in the browser if a very large number of tabs are open. As for the difference between two-channel, three- and four-channel, it is not that big - it ranges between five and ten percent.

    Single-channel RAM controllers in processors with minimum performance (good for that example – Intel Atom). Dual-channel - in socket 1155; three-channel - in the 1366th socket; four-channel (the highest performance and, as a result, the most powerful) - in the 2011 socket.

    How to install a new stick of RAM in a computer

    To begin with, a trivial piece of advice - turn off the computer. Under no circumstances should you carry out such procedures with the computer turned on; you risk being left without it altogether. So let's get started:
    1. Open the system unit;
    2. Find memory modules there;
    3. Loosen the fastenings, insert another stick of RAM;
    4. It is important to support the motherboard with reverse side so as not to damage it;
    5. If you are sure that the bar is tightly seated, snap the fasteners into place.
    6. Now start the computer, if it starts normally and does not beep strange sounds(for example, it beeps unusually);
    7. Next, go to CPU-Z program and look at the total amount of memory, if it has increased, you did everything right.
    As you can see, there is really nothing complicated - you just need to unscrew a couple of bolts to remove the side cover and put the bar in the corresponding slot.

    By the way, if you have four slots, then insert RAM into slots with the same color so that they work in dual-channel mode and really increase the performance of your computer.

    In order for a computer to perform its main tasks, it must include, at a minimum, a central computing core - a processor; a certain amount of RAM for storing intermediate calculation results; data input device; a solution that connects all components together - the motherboard and the power supply.

    This minimum required. Today we will talk about how to increase your computer's RAM. This question is of interest to many users, since this component has a significant impact on the performance of the entire system as a whole, while having a relatively low cost. The latter is especially true for DDR3 chips, the price of which is so low that even a schoolchild who saves on lunch in the canteen can purchase a “bar” for a couple of gigabytes. The second component that affects performance is the processor. Although replacing it with a more advanced model can speed up your computer, the prices for these chips are quite high ( budget options, which initially do not have high speed characteristics, we do not consider). We also cannot fail to mention the so-called overclocking of RAM. The meaning of this operation is to force an increase in the frequency at which the microcircuits operate, which allows for a slight increase in performance. However, with the advent of relatively inexpensive high-speed computing systems and the blocking of this feature in certain processors with built-in controllers, this operation has become the lot of enthusiasts seeking to achieve more"parrots" in tests.

    How to increase computer RAM

    There are only three ways to increase the amount of RAM: optimizing applications, connecting additional modules and replacing the used strips with more capacious ones. Each method has its own characteristics, which we will talk about. Let's start with the first one.


    We have already pointed out earlier that RAM is used by all running applications. Some require more, others less. Thus, a situation often arises when large quantities running programs all subsequent ones simply lack the free available volume. Modern operating systems easily solve this problem by using mechanisms for unloading unused sections of code into a paging file on the hard drive. Therefore, it may seem that there is no particular reason to study the question of how to increase computer RAM. However, this is not true. The speed of DDR3 chip cells is significantly higher than the fastest SSD drive Therefore, the more often swapping is used, the lower the system performance.

    Thus, increasing RAM can be achieved by optimizing the system. In Windows you need to press Win+R, then by typing msconfig, remove it from startup unnecessary programs. You should also disable unnecessary services("Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Services"). One should not expect any special miracles from this method, although it may be interesting as an additional measure or if there is a lack of funds.

    Volume expansion

    There are more effective way how to increase computer RAM. Its meaning is that the owner computing system acquires one or more memory modules, which it installs in the slots on the motherboard. As a result, the available volume increases. However, before purchasing, you must make sure that the board has free connectors, and also determine the supported standard (DDR2 or DDR3). If they are all occupied, then the only option is to replace the existing slats with more spacious ones. To find out the characteristics of the strips involved, you can use the AIDA64 program (Motherboard - SPD).

    Very often, users are faced with the need to increase the amount of RAM on their computer or laptop. This need may arise for many reasons:

    1. When purchasing, you save on RAM to buy more powerful processor and invest in the budget;
    2. To work, you had to install new software that requires more memory;
    3. your neighbor brought a game that you liked so much! And the game slows down due to the small amount of RAM :)

    Tip #1 for increasing the amount of RAM on your computer: find out what types of RAM modules are compatible with your motherboard.

    In the picture below I will give an example.

    1. We find out the exact name of the motherboard model, and, just as important, we clarify the hardware revision version. In order to find out accurately and for sure, open the system unit and read the markings on the board itself. Then you definitely can't go wrong. (we have Gigabyte GA-P43T-ES3G revision 1.3)
    2. Go to the website of the motherboard manufacturer (in our case Gigabyte.ru)
    3. Enter the exact name of the board into the search. On most sites you need to go to Support and search Downloading drivers.
    4. If this product was released in the form of several revisions, be sure to select a revision.
    5. On the menu Download download a PDF document with a list of supported modules.

    In the document you will find out:

    • what generation of memory is compatible with system board(DDR2, DDR3, DDR4);
    • what speed modules are supported (for example DDR3?1333, which corresponds to the PC3?10600 marking)
    • what is the maximum supported module volume;
    • which memory manufacturers are recommended by the motherboard vendor (for example, CORSAIR, Kingston, GEIL).

    Tip #2. Install the same strips

    So as not to have problems with system stability in the future highly desirable install on a computer or laptop identical RAM modules. Ideally, all modules should be identical and even from the same batch.

    If you add new modules to already installed ones, they may (and most likely will) have different operating parameters - so-called timings. Timings are very important characteristics, characterizing time memory charge/recharge.

    If you don't want to spend money and change all the strips, take the trouble to rewrite the markings installed memory and look for an identical one.

    Let's say you have 6 GB of RAM installed in the form of three 2 GB sticks and you want to add another 2 GB. You have approximately two options on what to do:

    1. The option is simple and expensive: buy a new set of 4 2 GB sticks or 2 4 GB modules, and sell the old sticks.
    2. The option is complex, but budget-friendly: find exactly the same bar as those installed. The difficulty is that you will have to waste time searching for an identical model. If you have older generations of memory installed, find the desired model It won't be that easy.

    Remember! If your computer has modules installed with different characteristics, chaotic reboots, freezes, and blue screens may occur. All this will interfere with your work and jeopardize the safety of your work. Imagine you spent 2 hours working on a project. Almost everything is ready, and here blue screen, reboot and start over - is it worth it?

    Kits of modules are often sold. This good option: You buy absolutely identical modules from the same batch, and at a discount too.

    Tip #3. Buy modules from trusted manufacturers

    Everything here is relatively simple and clear: you should not buy memory from cheap and little-known manufacturers. We recommend Corsair, Samsung, Transcend, Kingston.

    Tip #4. Don't install too many modules

    If your motherboard supports dual-channel memory mode, it is better to purchase 2 modules of 4 GB each than 4 pieces of 2 GB each. If motherboard supports three-channel memory mode, it is best to purchase 3 modules of 4 GB each than, for example, 6 pieces of 2 GB each. The bottom line is this: the more strips are installed, the theoretically greater the likelihood of replacing all of them due to the failure of one. Here you need to focus on maximum volume strips that the motherboard “understands”.

    Why might you need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer?

    Unfortunately, many developers operating systems And software(programs for work and games), do not think at all about optimization, do not remember that many users do not have the opportunity to constantly buy the most modern hardware, so their creations may “slow down”. To partially solve this problem, you may need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

    How to buy a suitable RAM stick?

    When purchasing a RAM stick, you need to remember that different types RAM is not suitable for every motherboard. To choose the right memory stick, you need to look in the documentation for the exact model name of the installed motherboard. Look at the description of this motherboard model on the manufacturer’s website, which should indicate what type of memory is suitable for the job, as well as the maximum possible amount of memory that this motherboard “sees.” You can also find out from the description the number of slots for installing RAM.

    Determine the amount of RAM available on your computer. To do this, turn on the computer, right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then select “Properties”, in the “General” tab and you can find the total amount of installed RAM.

    From the data received, your task is to calculate the volume of the stick that you will purchase (if at least one slot for RAM on the motherboard is free, then you just need to subtract the amount of installed RAM from the maximum possible amount of RAM, otherwise you will need to pull out one of the smaller sticks volume, and in its place install a new bar, the volume of which is also calculated).

    After purchasing a new memory stick, remove the case cover (depending on the case model, it can be removed entirely or it is possible to remove only the side cover). Look carefully at how the existing memory stick(s) are installed. Place a new strip parallel to them and insert it into the free slot. The memory stick must fit tightly into the connector so that the contacts are not visible, and the latch must be activated, which additionally holds the strip in the connector.

    The diagram below shows an example of changing a DDR2 memory stick, but it is not at all necessary that you will also have this type of memory, however appearance The connectors for RAM and the memory sticks themselves are similar, and you also need to take into account the location of the recesses on the boards.

    If everything is done correctly, the above tab will display more memory than before.